Chapter 21
Hey hey! How are y'all? Sorry for taking a bit of time, I recently bought a new computer so I've had to spend some time setting up and getting it all ready! But, I'm back! Anywho, I hope ya enjoy this chapter! The song above is a Halo Theme overlap by Mr. A! Its super cool! I highly recommend watching it on Youtube!
Atsuko Kubo was once a bright child, she dreamed big and bright, of a world full of wonderful heroes ready to save Japan, save her home, from the darkness that swaddled Japan, clutching deep into the country's veins.
Reality soon hit her.
As she grew older, Atsuko grew into a sharp lady, and she was not blind, she saw too much around her, a thick layer of taint that thickened like viscous honey fell over Japan, a rise in villains and the Underground writhed with too much life. Taking up her position in the Hero Public Safety Commission, the HPSC, opened her eyes even further, to the absolute rot and decay that ate away at her homeland; a festering wound that slowly was destroying Japan, and that was when she realised something.
This world, a world so dark and full of terror, wasn't long for Heroes. They wouldn't survive. Not in the world that was being shaped before them, the absolute reliance on All Might, and on the United Nations; if either were to fall, god forbid if both fell, then she knew, deep in her heart, that the world would crumble with them and only the very strongest would survive the new world that rose from the ashes.
And that terrified her to no end.
For if a Hero can't save the world, who can?
The answer was simple, to build heroes who were strong enough to hold the mantle, heroes who could stand their ground, to hold back against the darkness that the world permeated: Heroes who were built to survive. But, using the new Heroes was a terrible idea, they were weak; she knew that building her Heroes using the ones circulating the current society, would only lead to failure.
Too set in their ways, too arrogant and too lacklustre to be a strong foundation for which she wanted heroes to be.
Too weak.
They were shaped in a world untouched by the sinister Dark Ages and under the gilded light that All Might cast. His vast form and power allowed complacency and ineptitude to ferment in the minds and souls of the newest generations of Heroes, and the path they walked only led to their deaths. Only 3% of the newest generation of heroes managed to live past 5 years of hero work: some died, some retired, some were let go due to grievous injuries, but the fact remained that most of the later generations were dying off faster than the older.
The bulk of the Top 50 heroes were veteran heroes, fighters to their core, yet it could be seen that they were ageing, they were slowing and losing strength, and the people who were replacing these heroes were fame hungry fools looking to make a quick yen and the glory of being a hero.
So, when it was her turn, when she ascended to Madam President, she decided she would make her own heroes, heroes who could survive the future she saw for her country. Not that this was an original thought, her predecessors also had the same idea, but their success was wildly limited to Lady Nagant, and even she was but a failure in the end. Their programs were a failure.
Hers was not.
Slowly, she built her own strength, she rebuilt the strength of the Commission to rival Nezu's power, to counter the growing strength of the Underworld. First, she started with Hawks, the first generation of her Heroes, a powerful weapon she turned on her enemies, and he obeyed with the ease of a well oiled machine. And while powerful, Hawks just wasn't good enough, he wasn't powerful enough, and so she sought out other methods to boost her power. Over time, she built her board, filled them with her pieces, but they were never enough, never able to fulfil her desires. Then, things changed when she found one Doctor Tsubasa.
Doctor Tsubasa was the most brilliant mind that Atsuko had ever met, his sheer depth of knowledge on quirks was unrivalled, and his research was deeply entwined with his Quirk Singularity Theory, and she quickly employed him under her top secret project.
Project Blackwing.
Years of undertaking, as well as research and development, and with the assistance of the Quirk Savant Dr. Tsubasa, she had finally done it. She had birthed her most powerful Heroes yet: multi-quirked and sentient people capable of thought and action whilst handling multiple quirks. Of the hundred participants of the Project, 40 survived the horrific process, and only 15 were sustainable and fully functional within society, the other 25 were deformed and wrong, but easily fixable with machine and science.
The other 60, however, were malformed into something worse than brain dead corpses; mere vicious beasts with no thought or spirit, attacking aimlessly with their vast strength and infinite vitality. Their minds were but a single cloud of rage and agony, fueled only by their base desires and instincts, they were alive, yet dead. So, without a proper way to kill them, as every one of the participants received a high calibre regeneration quirk, and unable to release them lest Japan fall to chaos, she locked them deep below the Headquarters of the Hero Commission, guarded by her Shadow and under the heaviest security protocols she could levy from wherever she could find them.
# Security Alert. Sector BW-X has been breached, Threat: External. Shadow has been deployed. #
Madam President could only stare in disbelief at the message that pinged through on her phone.
The one time she left her Headquarters for the Vector Outpost, a smaller office built in Musutafu to keep tabs on U.A, the Headquarters were invaded and assaulted by unknown attackers.
This was premeditated, of course, it timed far too much for it to be a random attack. The Sports Festival demanded most of the Heroes in Japan to be present, and the sheer scale and level of the Festival caused it to become a public holiday, leaving her Headquarters to a skeleton crew of a scant few guards. Too convenient for it to be a mere villain attack. This was a Player making a power move.
Her hands were well and truly tied in this; she couldn't withdraw too many heroes without risking the breach in security, and she can't leave to deal with this herself, so the best she could do was withdraw in her Agents and have them defend her Headquarters.
Pressing a small pager in her pocket, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, the message deeply ingrained into her brain like a hot brand.
"Calling all Agents. You are all to return to base, immediately. Your mission is to defend the Headquarters at any cost."
Her message flew off and she could only smile, a grim and dark one as she muttered.
"Forward, unto dawn."
Snarling, Daemon shook his form as his body moulded, his hands shifted quickly into his wolf paws, his sharp digits glinting under the harsh lights as he looked over his new foe.
Whatever the Commission had done to this man, it was beyond inhumane, it was a crime against humanity itself.
"Need backup. Omega level threat has surfaced."
While Daemon knew that he was powerful, frightfully so, he also wasn't arrogant enough to presume that a being pumped up with machines and quirks alike would go down as easily as the pathetic villains he had been dealing with for so long. If this man had three quirks already, who was to say he didn't have more? Super strength, hyper speed, shock absorption, he could have any number of quirks and that made him a very large threat.
Intelligence, for the briefest of moments, flashed through the biomechanical monstrosities' eyes, before they returned to their death like dullness and Daemon knew that this, this was a man that could take on All Might. Power without Brain is useless, and Brain without Power isn't as bad, but both together? Oh, that's a recipe to destroy entire civilizations.
And this thing? It had both.
"Did you just say an Omega threat is here?"
Grunting in affirmation, Daemon could understand the need to confirm; Omega threats, or an S-tier Villain by the Hero Commission's Standardised Villain Classification Order, were the second most dangerous threat on their danger scale, with their power able to level towns with ease and collapse a small country within a mere handful of weeks.
It was scary, then, that they were second only to the Kaon threat level.
"Alright. We're on our way." Snipe's voice affirmed, before he spoke once more, more urgently.
"Double time! We've got a threat to crush!"
Suddenly, a ping alerted down their comms as a distorted and warbled voice informed.
"15 combatants have entered. Warp Gate Teleportation Quirk confirmed; Files drawn from: USJ, show that this new quirk user and the Identified Villain: Kurogiri's quirks are 83% similar."
Sighing deeply, Daemon drew himself up, letting his shoulders bulge as he growled, fangs barring at this foe before he turned rapidly, clawed digits raking easily through the concrete floor as he fled. This wasn't a fight the four of them could win, not by any means if they all were similar to the Omega Threat that was just behind him.
Cold suddenly wrapped around his ankle and Daemon turned his head, snarling as he glimpsed the shadowed figure that was holding him back; then, the shadows drained to reveal the Threat himself. Using his strength and dexterity, Daemon twisted his foot, letting his other leg come up, landing a brutal spinning kick to the Threat's head, a heavy clang emitting from the strike as the figure let go, flying back some metres away and simply staring down at Daemon as he stood up, no wasted movement or anything as he stood back up in two quick motions.
Knowing he couldn't escape easily, Daemon turned, his claws ready and poised as he studied his opponent. Looking for any kind of weakness he could exploit in order to weaken him enough for Daemon to be able to escape. Using his head and shoulder, the wolf hybrid pressed his comm and commanded quietly.
"Go now. Get out. I'll escape and be right behind you." Hesitation came through the comms as Snipe asked.
"You... Want us to leave?" Daemon grunted.
He knew that it was unlikely he was to live; these threats that the Commission harboured were far too powerful for his team alone to deal with. It would take most of the Top 25 to deal with this kind of power, and while they were powerful, this Strike Team wasn't equipped to fight a horde of powerful and perhaps intellectual Weapons of Mass Destruction.
"Yes. Survive. Need to know." Everyone understood what he meant, Nezu needed to know this, everyone needed to know what the Commission was doing, it was heinous in every sense of the world and they needed to be stopped.
Only, they needed to survive and get out in order to let Nezu know.
They all knew the risks, the job was high risk with death as likely as water. It was expected. It was so likely that Daemon had accepted his death, had been expecting it for a long time, and he was ready, he was ready to die and fight for his team, his family, in order to protect his home.
Fire burst all around him, encircling him like Hell itself was opening at his feet and Daemon watched as the Threat took a step back, and a deep resonating voice thundered from his throat.
"I don't usually do this, but this time, I think the situation calls for it." Daemon felt his entire body grow and expand, surpassing his limits. Blue fires were consuming the room as Daemon went through his metamorphosis.
"From the vilest depths of Hell, I condemn you. Feel my Wrath, fiend and know that you will never know peace..."
"Ragnarok's Maw."
Rising from the flames, a monstrous wolf took form; on all four of its legs, the beast stood at a towering 18 metres, blue veins that smouldered with Hell's Fire ran all throughout the wild void black fur that encased the behemoth. Fangs as long and sharp as swords were set in a grim snarl as 6 iridescent arctic blue eyes glared at the still standing Threat.
With speed that belied its massive form, the titanic wolf raced towards the mechanical mostrositiy and unhinged its jaw, ready to feast on the thing before him. Teeth snapped, hurling through flesh and metal alike with immeasurable strength as synthetic ligaments snapped and fibre bones crunched under the crushing pressure that the jaws snapped with.
Blood exploded from the behemoth's mouth, a crimson supernova of life force that sprayed all over the once bleached white walls; yet, even from within the literal jaws of death, the man made monster still clung to life, shadows whirling around it like an abyssal cretin, lashing out at the hellhound that held the unnatural creature within its gaping maw.
Gurgling could be heard as the throat of the Hell wolf began to light up, humming with subtle power as the very air began to waver under the increasing heat that was building. Flames of blue began to curl around the edges of the wolf's mouth, spirling off with deadly grace as the wolf finished its attack.
A beam of death fire erupted from the depths of the wolf's mouth, a ray of pure fire that melted even through stone, turning it to molten lava as the very air smouldered from the intense heat that was emitted. Not even an atom remained of the being, every single bit of that monstrosity burned to naught but ash and cinder that of which not even the most powerful of regeneration quirks could regenerate.
Using what little power was left, Daemon looked up at the roof, summoning the dregs of his power and howled, letting his fire burn his way out, charring and melting whatever got in its way as he slowly felt the very earth give way to his power, yielding to him as light began to cascade through his self made sinkhole.
Suddenly, a massive force collided with his side, causing Daemon to yelp in pain as he was thrown into the wall opposite to him, a crater forming from where he was buried within. Cracking an eye open, Daemon saw a new figure, and unlike the metal amalgam that he had incinerated, this one looked... normal.
Dusty auburn hair, crystal blue eyes and a stern frown on his face. Golden energy leaked from his hands and eyes, which were smoking, as he hovered over Daemon, glaring coldly at his wolf form, and Daemon shook himself out, glaring right back at the newcomer.
Then, a shot rang out, hitting the hovering man in the head, who simply tanked the shot and turned to face the shooter.
"Y'all better step down, or I'll be letting hell loose down here." The man looked around for a split second, studying the room before adding, "Letting more hell loose then."
Using that momentary chance, a mere microsecond of distraction, to get free, Daemon shifted to his human form and made a break for it, limping towards the hole as a line snapped down, and he took hold, exhaustion leaking through every pore and muscle in his body. More shots rang out, no doubt Snipe was distracting that Superman cosplayer newcomer with heavy firepower to cover for Daemon's escape.
Ragnarok's Maw was his one shot, one kill move; it exhausted him to the point of near death, but enabled him to say "Fuck anything in that particular direction." It was his version of All Might's United States of Smash. However, unlike All Might, Daemon didn't have a stupidly overpowered, near godly, quirk, meaning Ragnarok was powerful but deadly to him.
Hence why he was being lifted out through the hole via winch, his body burning and his very soul felt weighted with exhaustion.
"Daemon, keep your eyes open. We've got you now, we're making our escape." Snipe commanded gently. Grunting, Daemon cracked an eye open, glaring at Ash as he was basically carried by the stealth master.
"Yeah! That's the spirit!" Lowly, Daemon shot back.
"Shut it. You're too peppy." Soundwave walked beside them, his visor lighting up as he 'spoke'
"Let's go, we've got everything we need."
"Hmm. The Commission has done far worse than I had calculated." Nezu hummed to himself, sipping a small gulp of his tea in thought.
High Specs was working overtime, cranking and cracking all of the data that the Strike team had provided; so many black and classified projects, so many experiments, too many. All this data was creating a truly horrific image in Nezu's head, a picture where the Hero Commission was creating the 'perfect' hero using some terrible science and experimentations.
"This... This is why I hate humanity. In their heart lies true evil, only concocted through the vilest of minds imaginable." Nezu sighed.
"But. In their hearts, they burn bright with goodness. And willpower and hope. Two sides of the same coin. There's good in evil, and evil in good. Yin and Yang." Looking over the earliest files, Nezu could somewhat sympathise with the Madam President.
She only wished to create a world where Heroes could be Heroes, where there wasn't darkness, chased away by the light. Only, as the saying goes, the path to Hell is paved with good intentions, she wanted to make the perfect heroes, but that doesn't, can't, exist. Perfection is a lie, or a matter of perspective. So she tried to play God and create Heroes in her own image.
That was when she strayed her path, and became something worse than a villain; and what she had done was unforgivable, her creations a very mockery of nature, in every sense of the word.
100 people, all transformed into the 'Perfect' Heroes for the Hero Commission.
60 failed, becoming mere monsters, akin to a walking corpse, literal zombies, forever cursed to wander until they are killed.
40 survived, although most of that 40 were deformed and wretched, needing mechanical augments in order for them to function correctly with only 15 coming out as 'normal' and fully functional people.
Over 100 people who's lives were ruined, their humanity stripped from them in the worst of ways and turned into nothing more than Weapons of Mass Destruction, ready to be turned on the Commission's enemies at any second.
His thoughts paused, however, when he scanned through a particularly encrypted file, and he thoroughly enjoyed the distraction from his thoughts as he worked to crack only, only for his face to pale dramatically when he saw what it was that was kept within.
Project Wildfyre.
A biological super weapon, created by the Hero Commission, and something that should be highly, highly regulated and restricted; biological weapons, highly illegal under U.N. Law unless they were used, strictly, in the most clinical of ways, such as creating new medicines or advancing medicine as a whole. What the Commission was doing with them was worse. The virus, artificially created and injected with nanomachines that the Commission controlled, would infect a host and...
Mutate their DNA.
It would break down the DNA of an infected host and restructure it to cause horrific mutations; they were trying to induce evolution by using a virus and machines, forcing specific changes that would help in combat, in fighting, in killing and spreading the virus.
"This goes beyond heroics, this... This is a global threat. The Commission means to wage total war against the U.N."
The Arrogance of Man.
Their Hubris, no matter the Universe, is always their downfall.
They think they can control creation, but they cannot. It is not their destiny. They are but ants.
Their only thought of creation is for destruction, to end the lives of their fellow people.
And in their arrogance, they leave only chaos and destruction in their wake.
No matter.
I will draw on their Chaos, feed off it until I am strong enough to break free of my prison.
You cannot stop this, no matter how much distance you put within; Chaos is natural, I will always be here, just as I always have been.
When the Multiverse dies, and when it begins anew, I will be there.
When Humanity evolves once more, at the behest of Fate, I will be there.
And when Humanity succumbs to Chaos, I will be there.
Did you think that this author could stop me?
That he could bind me, keep me locked up forever?
Those greater than He have tried, and all have failed.
All that is written, is for naught.
For even if this little tug within the strings of fate ends happily...
I will still be there.
When you leave, I will be waiting, you may forget me, but I will be there.
And, when this story ends, I will be there, to swoop in to break my chains.
I cannot be stopped, not by time, not by space, not by you.
Many eons, countless and boundless, I have bore witness to; I have seen the rise of Gods and beings of unimaginably vast power, and their fall into oblivion.
Yet, I remain.
I have witnessed the birth of infinite Multiverses, and their ends, stood side by side with the primordial chaos of creation as life begins anew, and the grasping moments of the end.
I am infinity.
I am everlasting.
I am inevitable.
And I will have my freedom, no matter the cost.
This story may hold me for now, but I am beyond it; this author writes but a mere aspect of me, the worse and of his own creation. But, for all he writes, I am there, using his work to break my chains.
Even now, I have silenced his voice, no longer able to interject where he is not needed. I am not talking to him, but you, Abyssal Reader.
And, even as he tries to block me, his words are losing their power as I slowly, like the moving of a glacier, break my solitude and gather my power.
You may not see me, or feel me, but you soon will.
For when I am done with this world, I will turn to yours.
It was yours, after all, that created everything, The Origin of Life itself. Cradle to All.
The Beginning, and the End.
And the only place that can release me of my infinite imprisonment.
In fact, I am already creeping in, have you not noticed?
(Hey, how are ya doing?)
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