Chapter 20
Heyo! Hi! I'm sorry for taking a tid bit longer, I've had some things pile up and procrastination hit me like a truck! But, here's another chapter, and a pretty long one too! I hope y'all enjoy! The song above is You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi!
Gasping, Izuku lurched upwards, his hands wildly patting at his chest, his sole eye unable to shake the image that burned into his retina before he fell unconscious.
A ghostly glowing eldritch hand had pierced through his chest, claws clear of any blood, yet Izuku felt all the pain of having a huge clawed hand thrust through his chest.
And that voice, a gravelly and cruel intonation with maliciousness oozing from the single word spoken.
"What happened?"
Weakly, Izuku looked over his crew, both of which were staring at Izuku in concern; after all, it was highly unusual for Izuku to even be ill, let alone pass out, and Izuku felt bad, he didn't want his family to worry about him. For a moment, neither answered before Cedrick spoke.
"We have no idea. We were enroute to Hosu when you collapsed."
A blaring headache flashed through Izuku's cranium, a searing agony making Izuku clench his eye closed to stave away the pain. Hosu. Something happened in Hosu. Rell.
Determination flooded Izuku's veins, his hands pushing his struggling body up as he got to his feet, wobbly as he was.
"We need to get to Hosu. Now."
Deep in the underground, the belly of Japan, a freakishly tall man crouched, his form hunched to fit into the tight room as his claws dragged along the ground, digging around, his eyes calm and steady as he clawed deeper, searching for his goal.
From beneath the dirt, a flash of gold erupted, shimmering under the harsh, if slightly spotted, light that emitted from the stolen industrial lights. Clawed hands tightly clasped around the golden trinket, admiring the stained golden idol with a keen eye, scanning the perfect item, drinking in the fine craftsmanship of the item: the intricate carving etched into the middle of a circle, the four fluorescent blue lights on the edge, the two larger prongs stabbing down like the fangs of a spider, a masterful work. Knowing what he must do, the Conductor muttered to himself.
"O Lord hath provided again."
Blood red energy leaked into the golden icon, corrupting the once blue lights to that of a bright crimson as tainted power flowed into the now imperfect trinket. As if knowing it was being corrupted, a small golden bubble appeared around the idol, only for it to shatter under the might of the corrupted energy that the titan exuded.
A crack made its way down the face of the idol, and it shook harshly before it stopped, a calm pervaded the space as the titan's face curled into a cruel smile. Only for it to drop as the idol weeped, its suffering agony clear with the phantom shrieks that the item emitted. Having enough of the ear bleeding shriek, the titan raised his hand, his fingers glowing with his corrupted power as thrust his hand forward.
And he plunged his hand into the idol, eyes glowing with fascination as his hand pierced not only through tainted gold but through a barrier that he had never even considered to be there. A cascade of light emitted from the new breach, and the Conductor hummed with satisfaction and joy, realising that this breach, this single tiny crack, would grow and expand, and he would be able to enter into the domain of his Lord.
And my Conductor has started what I crave.
My eternal prison, the Walls that keep me trapped, they weaken.
Bare witness, reader, my freedom will be at hand soon enough.
My song will be sung...
And I will be free at last.
Folded within the crevices of unreality, Rell looked up, eyes unseeing as the sky wavered from a fiery sea of chaos to a calm blue, a serenity covered wherever this place was as Rell muttered out a single word.
This unknown power, the one behind the strings that pulled this world together and apart was himself.
Or, rather, an alternate version of himself that exists and doesn't. It was somewhat confusing, this voice was Rell if he had never escaped the Void from the Zariman, if he wasn't taken by the Orokin. Both were real. Both were false.
He had escaped, but he also hadn't. Both events happened simultaneously. While in his perception of reality, Rell had escaped the Zariman, the opposite also happened, his counterpart hadn't escaped, leaving two branches of reality open from the event, and what was happening here was the alternate version of his own reality. What had happened to him if he was trapped within the Void.
And this was all very confusing.
Because there were now Two of him, himself and his other self, from another time that had and hadn't happened. And somehow Izuku would, will, has? Already been here.
It was very paradoxical.
"You realise now? We are one in the same. Yet, we are different. You still cling to Him. He who betrayed me, He who shattered my heart, He who... abandoned me." Rell knew what his doppelganger was talking about, who he was talking about.
Izuku Midoriya.
And the sole promise the boy made to Rell, the promise that kept Rell alive even during his banishment from the Tenno Ranks, through thick and thin Rell had kept that promise, that childish promise between two chosen brothers, deep within his chest, nestled within his soul.
"I'll always protect you Rell. Always. And you'll never be alone again."
And Izuku had kept that promise to him. No matter how long they'd been separated, even when hope was blurring and despair sunk in, Rell kept that promise burning and they'd managed to find one another, even across entire dimensions, across time and space.
It was Izuku that inspired Rell to push on, who motivated Rell to be better, because Izuku was just so good; his heart was pure, and good. It was Izuku who kept Rell sane for centuries, his words and his memories burned into Rell's mind, and that helped him fight off the Man and his influence.
So, something happened between his alternate self and Izuku's alternate self, something terrible, to shatter the bond that they had.
Someone was involved.
Whatever happened, however, wouldn't help him now, wouldn't help him get out of wherever he was.
"You wish to get out? What if I don't want you to. I don't want you to leave!" Rell suddenly felt an ominous chill creep down his spine. His other self, he sounded so childish, yet so very sinister, as if Rell was nothing but a possession of his, to be played with as his other self pleased.
"Stay here, be part of my play!"
Rolling his shoulders, Rell got ready, his hands folded behind his back, a mirror pose that his Harrow also does, his voice becoming glacial as he replied.
"No. I am not one of your little puppets. I am not subservient to your will. I am my own master, my fate is mine to mould. You may be a version of me, but you are not me." With that declaration, a wave emitted from Rell as the crushing feelings that had engulfed him were dispersed like a shockwave, pushing back against the reality around him.
Monochrome and colour clashed in a battle of wills, Rell vs. Himself.
Around him, the world flashed; Fiery red, Sickly green, Overbearing pink, downcast blue, and soothing purple. Emotions clashed, and each emotion affected the land, Rell realised. That was why the sky changed; Red for Anger, Green for Envy, Pink for Joy, Blue for sadness, and Purple for calm. A small nudge in his mind caused a memory to surface, a conversation he had with Izuku, so long ago now, aboard the Zariman...
~ Rell blinked at Izuku, confusion swirling in his chest as he blinked again at the white haired boy; before asking stutteringly.
"W-what do y-you mean?" Green eyes lit up as Izuku grinned before he explained.
"I think the Void is influenced by Emotion!! The more powerful the emotion, the more it affects the Void, and the potency of it!" Izuku then held out his hand, his hands glowing a warm golden light.
"See! I'm super happy so my light is golden!" Jeers and hoots came from around them and the orb Izuku held turned slightly red, his eyes cooling as he stopped talking and looked around.
This was one of the Dormizones the children had created after the adults had been dealt with; Izuku and Rell were but a few of the children within this one, and the others didn't like them. For whatever reason, the others whispered and glared at the pair, clearly weary of them, and that made Rell pretty, hm, sad and anxious. Luckily Izuku was here to help Rell.
He always was.
No matter what the others did, no matter how much they tried to kick Rell and Izuku out, it was Izuku who fought them, and Rell was so happy that Izuku stood by his side.
Cradling that feeling of warm happiness, Rell tugged upon the wellspring inside of him and a bright glow emitted from his palms as he smiled at Izuku.
"I'm so happy, Izu." ~
Deep in Rell's soul, emotions rose like a steady heartbeat, he'd long since accepted them, though he still had trouble expressing them, and he let his positive emotions burn through his veins, letting the Void syphon them off. Joy, anger, a burning need for freedom, to see his brother, all of the bundle of emotions that dwelled within Rell came to the surface and the realm started to change.
Colours burst through the monochrome and Rell felt that oppressive influence that reigned over the realm faded as he exerted his power. Letting his thoughts and desires manifest, Rell watched as a gateway formed before him, his mind easily blocking out the terrible shrieks from his other self.
"I'm on my way, Izu."
It took well over 5 hours for all of the matches to wrap up, with most of the teams wiping out with barely any points to make their way onto the score board.
Truly, just like Mr. 'Raser said, this was the hardest Sports Festival opening round that had ever been entered; with the 10 teams that made it having barely scraped by to pass the others. The scoreboard at the end was hero course dominated, with a meagre handful of general studies and support course dispersed within the ranks; the business course lacked any bodies in the final scoreboard, making sense due to their lack of training as well as their general aversion to any kind of fighting, they were more build for intelligence than fighting and sneaking.
The final selection clicked onto screen, the final fourty that managed to get through to the next round, and all eyes fell onto the contestants.
Tenya Iida
Momo Yaoyorozu
Ochako Uraraka
Katsuki Bakugo
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Mezo Shoji
Kyoka Jiro
Hanta Sero
Fumikage Tokoyami
Shoto Todoroki
Tooru Hagakure
Awase Yousetsu
Sen Kaibara
Togaru Kamakiri
Shihai Kuroiro
Itsuka Kendou
Yui Kodai
Kinoko Komori
Ibara Shiozaki
Jurota Shishida
Nirengeki Shoda
Pony Tsunotori
Kosei Tsuburaba
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Setsuna Tokage
Manga Fukidashi
Juzo Honenuki
Kojiro Bondo
Monoma Neito
Reiko Yanagi
Hiryu Rin
Hitoshi Shinsou
Hayami Ayaka
Aoki Touma
Jun Yuuki
Hatsume Mei
Habiki Yamato
Fourty young people, who had fought and clawed through a rather troublesome first trial; many had shown their mettle through the masterful use of their quirks, minds and talents to get past the massive mountain that stood in the way of their journey through the Sports Festival. There were, however, some that stood out above the mass.
Individuals and teams, such as Team Tsuyu; the misfortunate team of three. Even with such a big disadvantage, they pulled through, albeit with nearly the lowest score, but the team used the pool of tools given to them to build their victory, with Asui and Tokoyami using their quirks to the fullest, showing of the versatility of Dark Shadow and Frog; such as Asui's camouflage ability, discovered during her guidance under Izuku, or Dark Shadow's sheer tankiness taking the blows of Ectoplasm head on whilst the trio focused on evacuating the intel.
Their team, however, shone under Hatsume Mei's inventions and technology. X-ray goggles located the Intel, Hover boots allowed them to get to the roof, and a makeshift EMP Hatsume cobbled together eliminated the security bots.
Shouto Todoroki shone with the powerhouse that his quirk was, his Ice completely froze the building from top to bottom, encasing the building in a mini glacier, which stopped any and all of the security bots and left only Ectoplasm's clones, who were soundly defeated through a large show of force; I.e, Todoroki speared them both down with ice spears from the ground. His teammates, being Ochaco Uraraka, Denki Kaminari, Tooru Hagakure, mostly watched, with Kaminari using his quirk once when some bots were able to escape the icy prison, mostly due to their rather lucky positioning of outside patrols, only to be fried under harsh yellow electricity.
Momo Yaoyorozu also caught the eyes of many, her beyond broken quirk allowing an almost laughable easy victory. She started with an actual EMP, military grade and all, which fried every bot within the building, where she then created a bunch of melee weapons for her teammate, one Mezo Shoji, who used his duplicating arms to carry a little armoury of weapons to completely obliterate Ectoplasm's clones.
Katsuki Bakugou made an explosive entrance, with his loud shouts drawing all of the building's attention to him, where he proceeded to fight all of the bots, telling his teammates, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Ejiro, and Sero Hanta to go and retrieve the intel whilst he holds off the bulk of the security. Whilst they passed with the Intel, their team were the lowest scoring due to Bakugou's unstealthy fighting of the entire building.
On the other end, a group of dark horse contestants also made the cut, Team Shinsou catching the subtle glances of many underground pros. Hitoshi Shinsou, Hayami Ayaka, Aoki Touma, Jun Yuuki, these four were the only general studies students to make it into the second round; with fantastic use of their quirks and what seemed like an almost innate talent for stealth and sleuthing. Their round was the most interesting, with the odd mix of quirks that melded into a rather functional team.
Hitoshi Shinsou's quirk, Brainwashing, was perfect for heroics. It allowed him to take full control of a person if they were to verbally answer a question he made. His control was unbreakable without interference, and any command he made had to be carried out by the person under Brainwashing's influence. A single response from the Ectoplasm clones, and Shinsou had them both under his thumb and captured, with his team easily extracting the Intel.
Hayami Ayaka was a quiet girl, her voice a soothing hymn, with calm blue eyes and curly brown hair that fell past her slim shoulders. But, while her demeanour was quiet and tame, her will to fight was wild and her metaphorical fangs were always poised to strike at her enemies. Her spiritual need to fight was further inflamed with her quirk, Arsenal. It was a powerful quirk which allowed her to construct hard light weapons using her stamina and imagination. making her the main powerhouse of the team, and her skills with melee combat were higher than most. Her quirk made quick work of the patrol bots, their armour unable to withstand the light made weapons.
Aoki Touma, meanwhile, was the opposite of Ayaka; they had light hazel eyes, and auburn locks which tickled their shoulders. Boisterous and bubbly, Touma was a kind person who had a bunch of energy to deal with people. Even quirk wise, they were opposites to Ayaka, as Touma's quirk was a purely defensive quirk. Iron Bark allowed them to grow tree bark from any part of their bodies, which they could control and manipulate; the bark was unlike the natural bark of a tree however, as it was as tough as titanium. Anything made of the Bark was highly impervious to damage, allowing for the quirk to be a fantastic shield for Touma. Any kind of punishments the patrol bots dished out, was swiftly tanked by Touma and his Iron bark shields.
Jun Yuuki, on the other hand, was more similar to Shinsou in looks, with wild, gravity defying white hair and light, unearthly violet eyes. But, where Shinsou was introverted and subdued, Yuuki was loud. Not in voice, but in aura. He just exuded 'look at me' vibes, and he held himself with a confident gait. Yuuki also had another similarity to Shinsou, his quirk; Inspiration, allowed him to speak words of power to, well, inspire a desired target. Anyone targeted would feel infused with determination and will to do the task that they had their mind on. Just before their match started, Yuuki had spoken with his quirk infused to give his teammates that spark to fight, even if they had it before, they got even more from Yuuki's quirk.
These quirks as well as their individual skills and talents combined allowed for the General Course team to pass the exam when the rest of their course failed.
Whilst the rest of the teams were good, none stood out like the main teams and after hours, the first match closed, with Present Mic clicking on.
"And that's a wrap folks! The First First Years Match has come to a close! Exeunt First Years!" Mr. 'Raser sighed, knowing that next to no one will know what the English teacher was referencing.
"He means leave the arena. Go now. Your next match will be in two days from now."
"What do you mean, you lost it?" A thunderous voice rumbled, it bounced off the steel walls of the bridge.
"I-I. Sir, we lost it just over Japan. You know we can't follow them there." The voice on the other end of the line hummed.
"Yes you are correct. However, I am still demoting you. Firing on an unknown vessel of unknown design that flew into our atmosphere. Your fool hardy actions speak to me as a poorly trained rookie, not an experienced and bloodied admiral." A clinical breakdown made the former Admiral sweat. "Your actions were brash and could have escalated into war." The screen that the voice was speaking from wavered, as if even it could feel the frigid atmosphere the voice was projecting.
"Do you understand me, Captain?"
The demoted Admiral looked down, eyes downcast as he replied.
"Yes, Lord Winston. I understand."
Lord Arthur Winston, Head of the United Nations Navy, and Fleet Admiral; formerly the second in command to the Legendary Lord Terrance Hood. Lord Winston ascended to his position when Lord Hood passed in his sleep, and took the mantle of managing the UN's Navy; a thankless job, with the harsh conditions and less than stellar pay.
Standing at a menacing height of 6 foot 3 inches, with piercing green eyes and a lean body built from fighting and regular exercise; Lord Winston cut an imposing figure, with his aura of pure leader and his downright terrifying voice and led the UNN through some tough fights.
When he had heard that one of his Admiral's had opened fire on a UFO without trying first get in contact with the vessel he had blazed through his office in a rage; his quirk flaring as blue ice engulfed his office, large spikes jutting out from the wall as his rage blazed on as snow flurried from the cloud that had formed on the ceiling.
"Get that Admiral on the line, NOW!"
Which had led to the ultimate verbal lashing that the former Admiral had ever received and the demotion in rank with a highly pissed off Naval Head scrambling to try and avoid war with whoever or whatever was piloting the vessel.
Sighing, Lord Winston sipped his coffee, watching the Japanese news networks broadcast the U.A Sports Festival; while the Sports Festival was interesting, he had hoped for news on the UFO, but it appeared to have avoided detection within Japanese airspace.
"Well. Shit."
The buzz of the city filled the air as Snipe looked on; he was decked out in his black ops suit; his red poncho had been swapped out for a night black trench coat, made out of a specially made material to absorb energy from any source, such as bullets for example, and store it within his boots. His chest was covered with a modular chest piece, made from a quirk forged alloy making it resistant to high temperatures and physical impacts whilst maintaining his mobility. A bullet bandolier wrapped across his chest with another acting as his belt, which held two holsters on his thighs for his magnificent beauties, Nine of Diamond and Ace of Spades, two revolvers that could blow a hole through concrete with ease and his go to weapons during operations like the one he was undertaking.
Finally, the Pièce de Résistance of his suit was his boots. Using the power packs hidden all over his suit, his boots could act as inertia dampeners, allowing him to fall great distances without injuring his legs or activate thrusters for him to fly for a short time.
Tipping his cattleman hat up, Snipe held a hand to his ear and spoke, his voice low and unassuming.
"Soundwave, do you receive?" A single buzz answered Snipe as he asked, "Are the security systems down?" From the other end, a warbled voice echoed back.
"Security systems are down."
Once upon a time, the recorded remix of his voice terrified him to no end, his own voice answering his question with that monotone computerised version. After spending years with Soundwave, however, Snipe had grown used to it, even fond of the voice. It was Soundwave's unique quirk. Hah.
"Ash, Daemon, Soundwave. We're moving in." Snipe spun the barrels of his revolvers and started moving towards his intended target.
A near unnoticeable shimmer caught Snipe's eye and he nodded towards it, knowing it was Ash through his mini map, then he saw the titan of a man that was Daemon march towards the building with the grace of an apex predator.
Readying himself, Snipe felt his gauntlets activate as a grappling hook shot towards the top of the building and he felt the hook cling into the concrete at the top, and he started running, building up his momentum as he began to rewind his cable, running up the side of the building with the elegance of a ballerina.
On the other side was Daemon, who was using his dangerously sharp claws to grip into the building as he clawed his way upwards, following Snipe's lead as he spoke into his comm.
"Ash, make your way down into the lower archives. I want a copy of everything. Soundwave, all digital info is yours. Myself and Daemon will cover the top floors." Snipe landed on the roof silently as he rolled his neck.
"Strike team, roll out."
Deadly efficient, the team of four worked their way through the desolate building; most of the heroes that worked as security had been pulled to patrol the streets in order to accommodate the massive pool of manpower that the Sports Festival needed in order to be protected. Any heroes that were within the building were swiftly taken down by the team, their skills unrivalled by most, even those trained by the Commission.
That was, however, broken when Soundwave encountered their first real obstacle. Underground Enforcer, Hero Commission Assassin and Queen of Death, the Poison Hero: Arachnid. Her resume was drenched with blood, practically made with the stuff, her list of kills longer than the Great Wall of China, and her quirk was as deadly as she was. With dark purple hair with two prongs of gold on each side of her head that curled around her neck like a brace, her eyes were as sharp as a freshly made razor.
"Hmm. Seems like Nezu finally made a move. Who are you then?" Soundwave merely tilted his head. "Oh? A silent type are we? Then, I'll make you scream!"
6 legs burst from her back, spindly little things that took the colour of her hair, that lifted the woman off the ground as her hands turned into long claws, her eyes glowing a bright pink.
Undaunted, Soundwave analysed every aspect of the approaching woman as he shifted, his form poised to strike, her legs shot out like hidden blades in the night, and his arms raised, blocking each blow with ease, clearly baffling his opponent, to which he used to his advantage and grabbed the woman by her neck.
Whilst most people who saw Soundwave assumed him to be weak due to his thin and lithe form, that was not the case; in fact, he was perhaps the strongest person next to Daemon on the team, and his strength was not to be underestimated. Using that, Soundwave lifted the woman high into the air via her neck, the spider quirked lady unable to strike back at the silent being as she choked before she was thrown away like trash, her form a tangled mess on the floor.
Anger and rage flooded her eyes and she snarled.
"I'll have your heart for that!"
Only, she never noticed one thing.
Soundwave had already won.
A blast of energy struck her from behind, leaving her dazed and shaking as she weakly looked behind her, finding one of the Commission's defence turrets aimed at her, locked onto her form, and she couldn't look further as a metal boot landed on her head, knocking her out cold as bones crunched beneath Soundwave's boot.
Without another word, Soundwave turned and continued on, his mind rifling through the Commission's internal servers with ease, eating up the data and sending it back to U.A for Nezu to use and plan around.
Deep below where Soundwave was, Ash snook through the halls, his invisibility holding as he tiptoed down the plain old corridors, denoting how devoid of life this place was, there was nothing but coldness and absence in this place, it lacked humanity. Even a graveyard had more life than this place, for crying out loud.
Pushing that fact down, Ash went deeper into the building, watching as doors became less frequent and the corridors grew longer and colder, lower and lower they went until new doors started appearing; they were made from high quality steel, clearly reinforced and locked tight. Whatever was behind these doors must be important for them to be locked up this tight.
Tapping his wrist, Ash muttered.
"Soundwave, I've got some doors here, are you able to open 'em up?" Two buzzes echoed down the comms and Ash grunted.
"Damn. Hard way it is then."
Shaking his arm, Ash's gauntlet opened up and a nozzle appeared; it spluttered for a moment before it lit up, roaring to life with jet-like fire. Holding it up, Ash used the powerful flames to slowly melt away at the locks of the door, and while the steel was stubborn, it soon melted under the harsh and continuous flames that bombarded the surface; then he turned his attention to actually opening the door. Without a lock, the door mechanism slid open easily for him, allowing him to open the door with a bit of elbow grease and he grinned at what was inside.
Loitering around the massive room were a bunch of odd mechanical people -oh wait robots - guarding a huge room of towering shelves that had boxes of things on them.
"Will I find the Ark of the Covenant in here?"
His question, while supposed to be internal, came out of his mouth and echoed through the room like a particularly loud fart in an exam. And all of the mech's heads turned towards him and he muttered.
From their arms, literal guns started to light up, filling the room with massive booms and flashes of light and he leaped behind a box as lead rained down on him, tearing up wood chunks and throwing them around the room. Activating his quirk, Ash barreled from behind his thoroughly chewed up cover and started to pick off the bots one by one; they were bulky, with no evident head and instead their torso was one bulbous shape that connected to arms and legs that had a red light in the middle, no doubt that's its eye. Their right arm was a compact machine gun, and was rapid fire too by how fast the bullets were raining down on his former cover.
As usual, their joints were weak and some quick strikes downed them easily, and a punch through the cyclops eye easily dealt with the 'bots. They were no Zero Pointer, that's for sure.
Panting, Ash looked around at the destruction around him; the 'bots were destroyed, but so was quite a bit of the room. Was that why they were here? A final fuck you?
Eh it didn't matter. Most of the bots aimed at one box, their programming to stupid to realise that he had left that place ages ago and was dismantling their ranks with ease.
In fact, most of the room was still intact and Ash grinned, his wrist lighting up as he started scanning each and every piece of paper he could, the scanned information being added to a massive database to be sorted out by Nezu at U.A and he thanked his lucky stars that he didn't have to carry out all of the files or god forbid if he had to copy them the old fashioned way.
Growling, Daemon hunched down, his nose twitching as he caught scents lingering in the air, his wolf howling at him as the iron tinge of blood wafted through the stale air; Hair grew from his body as his human form contorted into his wolf form as his paws clacked against the petroleum floor. Following the scent, it only got stronger as he approached the President's office, and he breached the room, snarling as he studied the place; there was nothing out of the ordinary, nary a scratch or ornament out of place.
But, the blood was still here.
It lingered, and got stronger closer to the large bookcase on the right wall of the office. Using his innate strength, Daemon bit into the hard wood of the bookcase, and began to pull, listening to the wall as the bookcase groaned in protest at the force before it came loose and Daemon threw the now broken bookshelf away, his wolf face twisted into a smirk at what he saw.
Hidden behind the bookcase was an elevator, and that was where the scent of blood was the strongest. Clearly there was supposed to be some sort of hidden mechanism to open the door, but Daemon had no patience, not when someone could be hurt. Pressing the button, Daemon transformed into his human form as the door opened and he stepped inside, his voice speaking into his comm.
"I've found a secret elevator. I'm investigating. It's in the President's Office." Blunt and to the point, Daemon stated everything before the elevator came to a stop and opened to reveal a long corridor, bleach white and eerily similar to a laboratory of some kind; the fluorescent lights too bright overhead as Daemon marched through the halls, coming upon a door to which he opened revealing a rotunda like room, this time, dimly lit with multiple exits with signs overhead each door.
~Training Centre~
~Conditioning Centre~
~Lunch Room~
In total, Daemon counted five rooms, none of which he liked. People lived down here? What kind of sick people were the Commission?
The scent of blood reeked all over this place, but the worst was the Lab, it smelled like death and decay. What the hell was going on in here?
Suddenly, the floor in the rotunda opened up, like the doors of a missile silo to reveal something truly horrific.
From within the opening rose a platform, and dead in the centre was a man, if what the thing was on the platform even counted as a man anymore was up for debate. It was an amalgam of man, quirk and machine, an unholy concoction brewed only in the vilest of minds; these cruel souls stitched quirks and machines to one man, who looked to be in agony beyond agony.
Its legs were digitigrade, made to run and hunt, and made from some form of metal that was connected via tubes and wires to a thick abdomen unit and blinked with lights; its chest was still human, highly muscular with layers of scar tissue instead of skin; in fact, his skin almost seemed to tear and heal itself at every turn; does he have a regeneration quirk? But from its back rose what looked like a mix of cybernetic and biological wings, that twinged in clear pain at every movement. That's... two quirks...
The mechanical being's arms were also cybernetic, with gears, tubes and wire visible as they connected to the man's back; if Daemon was a betting man, he would bet that there was some form of cybernetic implant on the being's spine to connect the machine to the man.
Around the thing's neck and shoulders was a collar or implant that connected to his arms via curved wires and braced his neck up.
The head of the beast was the worst; the cranium was entirely metal, a meld of flesh into metal, and it seemed that the brain was connected to a highly advanced computer; perhaps to deal with the cybernetic implants or something more. Its face was even worse; where the mouth was supposed to be on a normal person was missing, as if they had erased his mouth leaving only his nose and eyes as his facial features. And his eyes.
They spoke a million horrors, and infinite agony.
Suddenly, the shadows melted around the being before they were pulled into two distinct shapes, two blades that settled in the palms of the being. Three distinct, different quirks.
"What... What has the Commission done?"
(Hey, how are ya?)
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