Chapter 18
Hey hey hey! How are y'all? Sorry for taking a bit, i've been having some difficulties over on my end! Anyways, I gift you a long chapter as an apology! Sports Festival! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! There's some big things going on! The song above is High, High Hopes, a cover by Jared Halley!
It was here.
The big day, the very start of the Sport's Festival.
Eyes from all around the world were glued to their screens, watching the main stadium of U.A, knowing of what was to come, watching as the ground, a pristine and clean cut of green grass split apart like a whirlpool, and out rose a mighty chalice, clad in ornate silver and engraved with the many flags of the world all on the surface, creating a beautiful work of masterful art.
The U.A Torch.
From the box, a familiar voice boomed, high energy and hyping the crowd up as they spoke.
"Welcome listeners, one and all!! To! The! U.A SPORTS FESTIVAL!!!!"
Cheers followed the announcement, hype growing as the voice continued.
"That's right! We're here at U.A! Hello to the crowd! My name's Present Mic! I'll be your commentator and host for this event! And today, I've even got a co-host! Say hi buddy!" Another voice sounded, tired and as dry as a desert.
An awkward pause followed before Present Mic continued as if nothing ever happened; the unenthused response, however, did nothing to quell the excitement or the spirit of the crowd as they cheered and hollered.
"YEAAHHHH! That's the spirit folks! This time around, we're beginning with a brilliant performance from our 3-C General Studies in tandem with our 2-F support course!!"
Following on from Present Mic's announcement, a diverse group marched onto the pitch, smiling and laughing as they moved in harmony with each other; they all wore a similar outfit, a plain if fancy white shirt, looking rather dishevelled and a neatly tied black tie. The group of sixteen quickly fell silent before microphones burst to life before them.
"High, high hopes~"
The group sang, filling the stadium with hope and joy as they sang a wonderfully composed acapella, their singing and music so in sync and harmony that it brought tears to the eyes of some. It was such a lovely performance.
After the end of the song drawled out, Present Mic clapped enthusiastically, his grin audible in his voice as he spoke.
"That was perfect, 'lil Listeners!" There was a slight pause.
"It was acceptable. Move on."
"Eh?! Come on Mr. 'Raser! It was better than acceptable! Isn't that right, my adoring crowd!"
A resounding 'YES' reverberated the stadium and Present Mic cheered down into the microphone.
"You know it! Let's get to the main part!"
Suddenly, dozens of doors opened from the middle ring of the stadium and the classes of U.A walked out, grinning and smiling as they waved to the crowd, carrying themselves with pride as they surrounded the torch, watching with anticipation.
Everyone knew that each year, the Torch was lit differently, such as last year, Nezu dropped something that caused a rather worrying detonation to explode from the top of the chalice, creating a small mushroom cloud from the force of the explosion. The year before that, Endeavor had arrived, his face almost resembling a smile as he lit his fist on fire and chanted his most powerful move out loud.
This year, it would be no different.
All around the stadium, boomed the mighty voice of All Might, his form jetting downwards towards the stadium, his cape flowing majestically in the wind as he descended into the stadium, his form massive as he carried a huge torch, clad in rose gold as the tip burned an impressively bright spectrum of rainbow colours.
"Have no fear! Why? Because I AM HERE!"
Crashing to the ground, All Might smiled brightly at his assembled students, winking cheekily at them before he shot back up, spinning around in the air with the masterful grace of an eagle, his hand clenched tightly around the torch he held in his hand.
"Now! From one generation to another, we pass the torch! Say it with me, people!" All Might reared his armed arm back, the torch light gaining a bright yellow sheen for but a moment before All Might bellowed.
"LET'S GO BEYOND!!! PLUS!!! ULTRA!!!!!!!!!!!"
Wind collapsed around the number one as he threw his torch like a professional javelin thrower into the U.A Torch, his eyes glowing that bright blue as he watched the two meet, a rather loud gong resounding from the impact before the torch ignited.
A blaze of cerulean fire burst from the U.A Torch, and All Might landed before it, his form wreathed in the flames, his shadow standing as tall as a mountain as his right fist raised.
"What a show! Bravo! BRAVO!! And with that, the opening is out of the way, and it's time... to let the games... BEGIN!!!" Present Mic boomed, barely managing to overpower the absolute frenzy that the crowd had kicked up over All Might.
"To start, our itty bitty First Years will be completing the... THE... THE...! GAUNTLET~!" A dry voice interjected.
"I'll explain. 3 tasks will be randomly selected in succession, and those remaining after the third and final task will face each other in a combat tournament to determine the Winner." Eraserhead, or his alias, Mr. 'Raser stopped his explanation when Present Mic took over.
"Ya dig?! Go go go now Second and Third years! Your times are later this month!! And First years? Get ready for the fight of your tiny lives!"
Most of the gathered crowd around the torch dispersed, their excitement palpable in the air, as two figures huddled together in the corner of the stadium, whispering urgently to one another.
"Where's Giichi? He said he'd be here." Tsuyu pointed out, rather bluntly, as Tokoyami held his beak in thought.
"Perhaps he caught an illness. Or perhaps he is rather tired, he did work hard alongside us."
~ Inside a rather large hall, three members of Class 1-A worked tirelessly; Izuku was truly working his friends to the bone, he was breaking them down and rebuilding them stronger and better than before; just like Teshin had once done for the Tenno.
"Move it. You cannot defeat villains if you cannot master yourself. Feel it in your bones, feel your own power. Let it run through you, let it bind to your soul." Izuku clapped his hands behind his back, his eye glowing as he oversaw Tsuyu and Tokoyami run over his training course.
They were doing... mediocre. They were no Tenno or Dax, that was for sure, but to Izuku, that was for the best, he would mould them to be better than either, they would be the best of this world, Izuku would make it so.
"Do it again."
Groans followed Izuku's declaration. But Izuku merely raised one of his eyebrows, all but daring them to even go against his order. The teens got up and started to redo his course as he pondered.
While he may not want to intimidate his friends, right now, he was more than a friend, he was their trainer, he had to be harsh in order to break them, yet in his heart, he knew he had to be better than those before him; a warm and kind hand to build them up better. That is what the Orokin failed to do, they inspired fear and hatred and did nothing to quell the rising wave of negativity and abhorrent darkness within the Tenno until it all boiled over and the Orokin Empire imploded from their very halls.
"You have done well. Your skills have improved leaps and bounds, I am proud." Izuku smiled lightly, as light as a feather as he said.
"You are ready for the Sport's Festival; and some advice: prove to yourself that you can be heroes, and nothing will stop you once you realise you can be a hero, no matter what."
They both smiled, so bright and pure that Izuku reeled back in a sort of static shock, his thoughts picturing the loss of that innocence in this world and Izuku's smile turned sad. They were innocent, too pure for this world; and he knew what he had to do, what he had to be in that moment.
He would be the shadow of night that protects the light of day; the sword hidden in the dark, striking at the darkness to keep it forever at bay.
His blade was stained forever, an unending font of blood running into the gaping maw of death, but he hoped, so very deeply, to turn that blade into a weapon of justice, and righteousness.~
"Well. Let's hope we find him soon."
Within The Shadow of the Void, Izuku took a quick swing of Ostron Whiskey, and slapped down one of his black pieces, grinning as he watched 7 of his opponents white pieces vanish. Komi was a game he had worked hard to master, while not the most complex game invented, that went to Codex Chess, it was still a fun game to get the mind thinking quickly whilst growing a strategic mind.
"I win this round." A calm Izuku declared.
Sargent Luna growled, her eyes burning with faux anger as she muttered.
"You always win, Captain! It's unfair! Only Rex and Aegis can match your strategies!" Izuku shook his head and looked at the lady.
Luna was a beauty; her skin was a tanned bronze and was as soft as silk but don't let the surface look fool you, she was as dangerous as the knife in her boot. Around her shoulders pooled her wild hair, a mismatch of black and white that framed her sharp face well, her face held a number of scars, such as one that ran across her cheek, or a tiny knick in her eyebrow. However, her eyes were what caught most off guard, her iris' were a light red, which made for a particularly piercing glare if caught by it.
Her form was lithe, packed with slim and well maintained muscles, ready for action at any point. Like at that moment, as she readied herself to throw her fists at Izuku.
"I win because you never learn, my dear Luna. Your strategies do not move like water, but a stone. Once set, you do not change." Izuku tilted his head.
"It's one of the reasons why I picked you for my crew. You are far too stubborn to give up, an immovable will of steel. A strong soul." Izuku smiled.
"I've missed this."
It was true. Izuku had missed this kind of close companionship, his tight knit bond with his found family; Luna, the wild and untamable younger sister he never had and Cedrick, the eldest brother, a stone and pillar with a soul as soft as a pillow. They were family, they had followed him through the darkest of days, from the waning hours of the Orokin Empire to the Millennia of Blood that followed.
"We've missed you too, Captain." Cedrick hummed back. The man's deep sapphire blue eyes lit up with happiness as he rumbled.
Cedrick was a handsome man, his age was a mystery to everyone, including Izuku, but he assumed that the man was in his late forties by his appearance and gentlemanly nature; his hair was a lovely chestnut, with a solid streak of white running through his left side, neatly braided into a bun that sat ever so steadily on the back of his head. His face was rugged, a trimmed beard highlighting his strong jaw, and his scars stood out on his olive skin.
His body wasn't muscular like most men want it, but packed with strength, and while he may look chunky, with a bit of a belly, it belied his true strength and speed.
"May I have the next turn, Captain?" Izuku grinned.
"You don't need to ask, Ced. Come on."
One after another, pieces filled the board, the two players glaring intensely at the board as the pieces connected as plans and strategies came and went, flowing like the soft tides on a beach. There was silence, until Cedrick broke it as he placed his white piece down.
"Izuku, I heard that your school is having a Festival, a rather large one too, why aren't you there?" Sighing, Izuku's shoulders dropped, his hand running through his white hair as if in thought.
"Because it's too public. Too open. It... it reminds me of the days during the Old War. Of the Propaganda and the celebrities that were made out of us." Cedrick closed his eyes, clearly remembering what Izuku was talking about.
During the early days of the Old War, there was heavy losses to the Orokin's side, they had lost entire armies of their Dax Warriors to the Sentient onslaught and the moral of the Orokin Empire was at an all time low; no longer were they invincible, or infallible and they were being systematically dominated by the Sentients.
And then, it was found that the Tenno could fight and more importantly win against the Sentients using their Void Powers; With the Void being something that the Sentients couldn't adapt to, couldn't change to overcome, the Tenno became the newest sword in the Orokin arsenal. However, the drawback was that next to none of the Tenno could control their powers, they had power yes, but it was wild and untamable like the storms that battered Earth.
Then came the Warframes, and the Warframes changed the Old War in the favour of the Orokin, easily battling the Sentients on any field of war; from the ground, to the air to space itself.
The Tenno became the face of the Orokin military, their sword and their shield and the average people of the Origin System adored them as saviours, and hailed them as the defenders of the system.
Praise and songs were sung in every corner of the System, The Tenno this or the Tenno that, and the Tenno had every eye in the System on them at all times; on missions, on duty or even off duty. They couldn't escape the light that was shining on them at all times, stuck to be known by all, knowing everything about them. Anytime a Tenno appeared in the System, they were harassed by the masses until they fled or hid away in the shadows.
It was a terrible time for the Tenno.
"And, I have a shady corrupt government sect interested in me, they need not know more about me than they already do."
"Ah yes, a normal Tuesday for you then." Izuku chuckled at Cedrick's dry remark, letting his final piece fall, watching as the white pieces fade as he won once again.
"Well done Izuku. You've won again." With a shake of his head, Izuku replied.
"You did well, Ced." Standing, the trio looked at one another; they had no idea what to do.
"Do you want to watch the Festival?"
It took some time for the next stage of the festival to be readied, allowing for the first years to mingle and talk, not that many did, they were all tense and jumpy, preparing for the action that was to come.
"All~ right!" A sensual voice called out and from the ground rose a wooden plank stage with a huge multicoloured wheel on and stood beside was the owner of the voice;
"Look up, look down! It's the one and only Midnight!!! Give her a cheer y'all! She's here to be our referee on the ground, along with her teammate, the illustrious Cementoss!!"
Midnight waved her head, letting her majestic purple hair wave as she grinned, her whip snapping in the air as she all but purred out.
"Well well well... Little first years! I've got a question. Is this your first...?" Many in the crowd blushed, some even got ready to shout, but stopped as Midnight levelled them a look, "Sports Festival! What did you think I was asking for?" Midnight laughed at her own taunt before she continued, "To start, I'm going to spin this wheel, and the first option it lands on will be the first task for you cuties!"
Her hand raised as she grabbed the wheel before she tugged it, letting the wheel spin rapidly as the words blurred before it started to tick down slowly, the momentum coming to a stop as the wheel announced the fate of the first years.
"Oh my~ Your first event is... IS!"
"Seek 'n Sneak"
Everyone paused, including Midnight, as if waiting for something, maybe...
"OH! Oh. Yeah! Seek 'n Sneak!! Eh eh ~" Present Mic stuttered, missing his cue as Eraserhead sighed and took over.
"Seek 'n Sneak is our newest task; personally made, approved and slotted in by Principle Nezu, Seek 'n Sneak is a rather simple task. Teams of 4 will be formed," A glare could be felt from the box,
"You'll select the teams yourselves. Each team is given 30 minutes to scout out, plan and infiltrate a building, where the objective becomes obtaining a number of folders." Eraser's dry voice stopped for a moment, to let the information sink in before he followed up.
"You earn more points by saving the information, as well as avoiding detection by the patrolling 'Villains'. Getting caught will result in the 'Villains' destroying the Information you need to save. Be careful." Finally, Present Mic spoke up.
"That's that folks! Only 10 teams, meaning 40 individuals, can make it to the next round! That's not many places!! So fight for your place!"
From the grounds behind the stadium, a massive building appeared, made fully of plain grey concrete courtesy of Cementoss, and if one was to look closely, very closely, they would notice one thing.
It was an exact replica of the Hero Commission's Headquarters.
"What is that rat up to?" The President muttered, glaring at the replica of her building.
Paranoia built within her chest, was this a move on the board? Was Nezu starting to finally move from his immobile state and start playing the game again?
That was dangerous, especially with the unpredictable nature that was Nezu and the precedent that the event was set up to be.
'Obtaining' information.
If this wasn't a set up, the President would eat her left shoe; that sneaky rat was scheming to take the Commission down. Not that she would let him, no, she had spent too much, lost too much to let her empire burn under the heel of titans like Nezu or those godforsaken bumpkins that run the United Nations.
"I'll have your skin as my rug, Nezu. Mark my words."
"Oh my. How very gruesome of you, Madam President." Nezu grimaced.
"Unluckily for you, my dear, I am four steps ahead of you." From his screen, Nezu watched as his virus slowly implanted into the Commission's servers, knowing he would find nothing incriminating on there.
It wouldn't matter, all he needed was complete control of their security, so he could prepare the second stage of his plan.
Using the virus that was within his own system as a base, Nezu crafted another virus, using the Commission's own coding against them, they would never notice it was his own with how closely entwined the code was with theirs, they would merely assume its one of their own, working away on whatever heinous crime they had it committing.
Nezu's Frankenstein Virus was made for one thing. To completely and utterly take a system, infecting every single digital device that connects to the infected system, and allowing Nezu to gain complete control over whatever system he wanted, and any system it connected with, such as phones, computers and laptops. Like a spider building its web, Nezu too was building his network, a hub of massive data through the Commission and even beyond them, using their own systems against them as he gathers each and every dirty little secret they hold in their grubby hands.
It was what the Commission was doing to his school, so he was merely returning the favour tenfold.
With a dark grin, Nezu rubs his hands together and starts to chuckle, before he lets out his maniacal laugh.
Those within, and even outside of U.A, shivered, a slither of dread trembling down their spine.
"Ahem. Snipe, how's your strike team?" Nezu asked into his computer, his tone rather chipper as a weary voice replied.
"Sir, we've assembled close to the objective; not much security as you predicted. My team is ready."
Honestly, Nezu was rather proud of this team; they were his A team, his keen blade in the dark. The four were a formidable team, picked by himself to hone their innate talent for underground work. Oh, he never asked them to go against their morals, or anything illegal, just some under the table missions and espionage tasks he needed such as the task he had them on right now.
Snipe, the Strike Leader, was the only person Nezu trusted to lead this kind of team. Aizawa would have been ideal, if not for his rigid mindset and his deeply rooted aversion to teamwork, but Snipe was just as good as Aizawa. His tactical mind and combat knowhow was unmatched and his incredible ability to make quick change strategies was unmatched. It made him the ideal leader of the team. Snipe's quirk was an interesting case; Nezu had made an adjustment to it in order to get the Hero Commission off his back.
Legally, Snipe's quirk was Lock On. and did what it said on the tin: it could 'lock on' to any target and hit it dead on. It was much more complex than that.
On the low, Snipe had a full on HUD quirk, Gunslinger's Display, a quirk that was similar to a video game's HUD. While most people who manifested a HUD quirk had a health bar or a stamina bar, Snipe got more. He got both the health and stamina, but also a 300 metre radar as well as the ability to lock onto anything within his radar's range, and to add more onto an already potent quirk, Snipe's Quirk gave him a small inventory. It could only carry 3 items, but that was three items of any weight. It was a powerful and highly sought after quirk.
After Snipe, there was Ash, The Rookie, and he was Nezu's gamble player. He was a newcomer, but his skills at combat and fighting were on par with Endeavour, but his inexperience and lack of... maturity, was a rather large setback on the boy's part.
One could tell by the boy's looks, he stood out like a grossly misshapen thumb, with glaring silver-white hair that stood up as if statically charged, and piercing electric blue eyes; his hero suit wasn't much better, with a clean white jacket made of hardened leather, with a deep blue line running down the centre and his pants were the same, if made out of fabric instead of leather, for more comfort, but they maintained the same style as his jacket. His boots were knee high, cutting off just before his knee caps, they had built in cushion padding and dampeners to muffle movement and shock absorb from hard landings. Luckily, Ash's skills with stealth and his quirk offset his highly unstealthy suit.
Still, under Snipe Nezu hoped that Ash would even out and carve out his own place in the team. Ash's quirk was a rather simple, but a very effective one, Invisibility. While it may sound useless, it was the versatility the quirk offered Ash that made it powerful; unlike most Invisibility quirks, Ash's could be turned on and off and could 'coat' whatever object or person he wanted.
With the extreme training that U.A had ground into Ash, his Invisibility was pushed beyond its limits time and time again to the point of evolution.
Instead of just sight Invisibility, Ash's Invisibility could hide from any kind of detection; scent, sight, hearing, infrared, ultra violet, sonar, radar. None could pierce through Ash's Shroud. Along with the complete invisibility to detection, it could be held up to an hour with 10 people within the bubble. The less people, the more time.
Ash made a perfect fit onto Snipe's team.
Soundwave, The Spy, was Nezu's personal protege. A transfer from France who had an intellect to rival Nezu, Soundwave was a key component of the Strike Team. Their skills at hacking, information gathering and communication were unparalleled, and their surprising combat skills, being able to soundly take down Endeavour, put them as the most skilled combatist within the Strike Team.
Only Nezu knew of Soundwave's quirk, and what a quirk it was.
Soundwave could manipulate and control any technology he had within a 10 metre radius of him, or in direct contact with.
It was why he was beyond gifted at hacking, and why he was so intelligent. His mind was a server basically, a massive supercomputer beyond the normal human brain able to manipulate Technology at any level. Nothing could stop him once he was inside a system, slow him down, yes, but stopping someone who could manipulate the system he was playing in was a no go.
To complement his skills, Soundwave's hero suit was a work of art; his entire face was covered by a sleek black mask, a dark panel that doubled as a computer for Soundwave to use to communicate with. His quirk allowed him to project whatever he wanted onto the screen, such as recordings or pictures, and use it to record whatever he needed. It was the single most expensive piece of equipment on the Strike team, and Soundwave was very protective of it.
The faceplate wasn't the only fascinating piece of his suit however, his suit was a set of rogue-like armour, with sleek panels all over his vital areas such as his arms, legs, chest and back, whilst also allowing him to maintain a higher degree of movement. His chest piece could eject two long cables that could stretch over 60 metres that he could control via his quirk to allow for his quirk to be used at longer distances.
And finally, Daemon, the Hunter, was the infiltrator and the muscle. A man Nezu saved from an underground and highly illegal quirk breeding ring, Daemon earned his name through the masterful art of war he waged on his captors when was realised. Trained to fight within the pits of the underworld, Daemon was well, a demon with any weapon he could get his claws on. Sword, staff, fists. You name it, Daemon had mastered its use.
With the 'perfected' quirk bred into him, Daemon was a mutant-transformer-emitter-sentient quirk, the first of its kind, able to transform into a wolf, a wolf larger than average with wicked looking void black fur, with a towering height that was taller than a horse, with six glowing crimson eyes, three on both sides of his head, when he had transformed into his wolf form.
Daemon's wolf form, however, was its own separate entity, Azrael; the name of his wolf. Two minds, two souls, one body. Neither fought like other sentient quirks because they were in agreement, they understood their circumstances and actually communicated their issues with one another. It was a mutually beneficial agreement between the two that helped them both survive within their environment.
One benefit was that Daemon, whilst in his human form, maintained many traits of his wolf, with mutations such as canine ears instead of human ones on the top of his head, a higher degree of smell and sight and retractable claws. His hair was as wild as he was, and as black as his wolf's fur, with his eyes taking on a lighter red than his wolf form.
The other was the shared emitter part that both Daemon and Azrael could use. It was a type of fire quirk, a powerful fire quirk, Hell's Gate, that had merged with a Wolf quirk to create his mismatched quirk: Hell Hound. It allowed for Daemon and/or Azrael, whoever had control of the body, to manifest and manipulate fire to a truly terrifying degree. The flames were beyond hot, able to reduce ash into atoms and were as blue as the open sky.
"Good, Snipe, Good. Kill her. Kill her now." From the screen, Nezu could feel Snipe incredulous glare.
"Ya want to repeat that sir?"
"Do it."
Nezu couldn't help, he hadn't had this much fun since he fooled the American Government into thinking that their 'membership' into the UN had expired and they would need to 'renew' it with a small loan of a million dollars.
"Ah 'ight. Ya were messin' with me." Nezu chuckled.
"Yes, yes I was. A bit of lightheartedness before the storm." Leaning forward, Nezu's smile fell.
"Let's begin."
Nobody knew what to do.
Truly, no one knew what quirks were on the playing field and they were supposed to try and make teams? Only U.A would throw them into the fire like this.
Tsuyu croaked before turning to Tokoyami.
"Who do we pick up?" The bird headed boy tilted his head.
"We need stealth for this, luckily the Master of Shadows has trained us for this, we just need two teammates." A pink blur suddenly slammed into Tokoyami's back.
"Did I hear you need a teammate?!?!" The girl leaped off of Tokoyami and began fiddling with some sort of device as Tsuyu replied.
"Yes, do you want to join us?" The pinkette didn't respond and instead focused more on her device and both of the mutants had a feeling why no one else had taken her on. Tsuyu sighed before her eyes roamed around the stadium, looking for anyone free to join.
There wasn't anyone, there was an odd number.
"We're a team of three then. This may be hard."
119 students, 30 teams, one odd team.
Lady Luck wasn't on their side, it seemed.
It was a pretty hard task to have on the first round, and Tsuyu had a bad feeling that anyone who made it would be scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of points. Most people, hero course included, hadn't had any kind of classes involving stealth so this was quite literally a trial by fire.
"Now that y'all are all sorted, we'll be raffling the teams! To see the order we're going to go in!!" Tsuyu nodded thoughtfully.
"That makes sense. And it's fair enough."
"Be warned, this is the hardest first task you could have gotten. Go Plus Ultra, but don't be deterred if you are disqualified. That's life."
That... that was almost uplifting.
How surprising that it came from Aizawa of all people.
"Now get ready people!!! The first match is going to be...!"
Bones cracked and shattered as muffled groans could be heard, agony clear in those moans, those dry rasps of air, desperate for the life that it clinged to.
Whatever agony the being suffered, their will must be stronger, to endure that pain and still be alive.
Broken beyond life, shattered to dust; and ready to be reborn, ready to do their master's bidding, ready to heed the summons of Chaos.
From the bile and the black ink that surrounded the dying being, arose a featureless blob, the anthropomorphic blob that was shifting and growing into a lumbering titan, the black ooze that coated the figure soon dried and flaked off as bluish tinted skin grew in its place; a sickly blue, like there were no blood running through this creature's body.
Its limbs were bony and slim, gaunt and slender, and from its shoulders sprouted feathers, as if it were a raven growing wings.
From its crouched position, its height grew upwards, capping at a menacingly tall height of 2.5 metres, its face bubbled and twitched in a grotesque manner, as large growths grew on the left side of its face, the odd gem like growths were black as night and the surface was evermoving and hypnotic to watch at such a paradox. Its hands, no, its claws, scratched at the ground, scarring the stone as the nails cleaved through as if it were made of paper.
A whisper commanded, and the being's eyes slammed open, revealing terrible eyes; the sclera were onyx black and the iris was a deep, blood red.
The Conductor was here...
And he's here to play my orchestra.
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