Chapter 16
Hey hey! I hope y'all enjoy the chapter! Pieces are moving! World is building! I played Elden Ring so there might be a tiny bit of influence in this chapter! Anways, the song above is My Will Be Done by Powerwolf! Enjoy!
High in the heavens of space, there was nothing, an abyss, nothingness. Until, that is, a neon blue rift split the once seamless ink of reality, crackling like silent lightning as something pierced the veiled rift.
A sharp tip, a black needle that opened the rift like a thumb through paper, ripping apart time and space as something entered reality.
From the beyond, a sleek ship flew through, black as night with deep galactic purples engraved in the metal hull. A blood red lotus flower stood out on the side, and just below the sigil was a glowing name, pulsating with power.
The Shadow of the Void
Aboard the vessel, the helmsman stood, his arms folded neatly behind his back as he gazed out of the open screen of the bridge, overlooking the vast expanse of space, heterochromatic eyes drinking in this new view.
Earth, untouched by Grinner. Untouched by the Orokin. It was beautiful.
"Commander Wilson! We've reached our destination!" A perky voice called out.
"Sargent Luna, please. Inside voice." The helmsman, Commander Corvin Wilson, rumbled back, and he turned to his subordinate.
"Get on the guns, we don't know the situation and we're down two members. We're low on manpower and cannot fight at full capacity. Be prepared." The Sargent, Evelyn Luna, gave a mock salute.
"Sir yes Sir!"
With a quiet rumble, the Shadow cruised towards Earth, its engines firing off a flash of blue plasma as the interceptor blitzed towards its intended target. Japan.
Home to their Captain.
"Commander, we're entering Earth's atmosphere; prepare for reentry."
Fire blazed up against the shields of the Shadow, the very air trying to tear apart the mighty vessel as its hull pierced the skies, before the flames were snuffed out and the Shadow began its course to Japan.
"We're here, Captain. We are here."
Sirens sounded in a cluttered room, people rapidly tapping their digits against their keyboards as one of them announced.
"We've got a large Unidentified Flying Object on radar! Coming in fast, its decent path suggests its heading towards Japan!" Everyone in the room tensed, before a cool voice ground out.
"Prepare our interceptor jets, we've gone to DEFCON 3."
Down in the Pacific ocean, a flotilla crashed through the waves, headed by the aircraft carrier UNS Dominion, where the admiral in charge was barking out orders; readying themselves for a military strike against a UFO.
"I want jets scrambled, and the fleet on high alert. Prep our guns, and have them ready to fire on command!"
Once, before the Advent of Quirks, the United Nations was but a peacekeeping organisation. Made up of member states, they had no standing army, or navy, with a small airforce of relief craft to enable them to give further aid.
After Quirks appeared however, the UN became the global power; the world had changed overnight, and many nations collapsed or were on the brink of it, and it reached the point that the UN were forced to evolve.
All of the nations of the world were inducted into the UN, who gladly accepted the help; It was a stable force in the absolute chaos that was the Rise of Quirks. Countries that once were hesitant or outright refused to join suddenly found themselves begging to be inducted. They knew that without the help of the UN, they would collapse and shatter.
During the first decade of the Quirk Advent, the United Nations built up their own military force to police the world during the dark ages of quirks, when governments around the world were torn apart, and their military in shambles.
They took the mantle of Protectors, of heroes.
Then, when the world settled, the United Nations adapted; they upheld their military, and dedicated it policing in only the most desperate of situations; such as the fall of a government or the rising of a criminal empire.
Under the United Nations, the nations kept their individuality, their own military and government, but were led by the leaders elected under the United Nations Assembly. The UN were minimally involved with domestic affairs, only getting involved if a situation goes global, and/or has the potential to cause mass destruction across the world.
Of course, it wasn't so simple, there was politics, there was blood and war, but it had led to the unification of the people of Earth for the first time in humanities history.
"Sir! Fighter jets have spotted the target, they're sending a live feed through now."
What came through was something they had never expected.
A massive vessel rocketed through the sky, black as night and as sleek as a sea washed stone. It had cannons on either side, and the vessel looked dangerous, with numerous scars that lined the hull that spoke of harsh battles and the way it effortlessly gilded through the air was like a bird of prey, hunting for its next meal.
This wasn't something that was from this world.
Not even Quirks could create something like this.
This was something new.
"Shoot it down!"
And so death rained down upon the Shadow.
Or, that was what was expected to happen.
Instead, when the fired missiles hit the hulking flying mass, a neon purple barrier flared brightly where the missiles struck with massive force. Yet, the weapons did nothing to the vessel, and the turrets on the sides span before they opened up, returning fire at the aggressors.
Like shooting stars that burn through the sky, the cannons on the UFO opened fire, and its bullets sheared away the three fighters that had attacked it, rending them from stable and functional fighters to tiny fragments of scrap falling into the Pacific ocean, lost forever in the waves of Earth.
It took barely a second.
Destroyed couldn't cover the state of the fighters, eviscerated, that was what the fighters were; nothing but small fragments.
Everyone who had witnessed the massacre blinked in absolute shock: nothing, nothing, on Earth could do that kind of destruction, no weapon that man had made could other than Weapons of Mass Destruction, and even looking at Quirks, only a mere handful of Quirks that could cause such destruction like those weapons did, and those quirks were tracked quite thoroughly.
This was new, and dangerous.
Before the fleet could open fire on the vessel, it shimmered a bright wave of colours as it slowly drained of all colour until it vanished into thin air, completely invisible to the naked eye.
"Sir! We're getting no thermal readings or Sonar pings! Radar isn't picking anything up either! It's gone!"
Panic and mayhem ensued.
A massive ship of unknown design flew into Earth's atmosphere, was fired upon unsuccessfully, before it retaliated by obliterating his interceptor jets, top of the line and ace pilots and all, before dropping off the grid completely.
"Get me a line to the Assembly! NOW!"
This goes beyond him, this was a global threat.
"God help us all..."
Within the bridge of the Shadow, the Helmsmen grunted in satisfaction, releasing his controls and his voice rang out.
"Rex, could you take control? I need to talk to the Sargent." A monotone voice answered from above the man.
"Of course Sir, I will maintain a safe float above Japan."
Cedrick rolled his neck, letting his wavy inky black hair wash over his shoulders and sighed as his hands gathered the straying strands into a tight bun on the top of his head, a long practised action. Golden eyes blinked, drinking in the rich sight before him.
It was majestic.
Nature, serene and peaceful, not like his version, who's wrath was made from the sins of the Orokin; a world untouched by ruin and death. Unburdened and free.
This was a home he dreamed of, to live free of oppression and fear.
"Sargent Luna, where are you?" Cedrick asked, his right hand pressed lightly against his forehead.
"In the lower decks, got some minor damage from the Void travel that I'm fixing!" The man sighed.
'Always on the move that one. From one task to the next in an instant.'
But, for all of her exuberant energy, exhausting as it was, Cedrick wouldn't trade her for the world; he would dare call her a dear friend, a sister almost, for their bond was forged in blood and war and not so easily broken.
"Alright. I'm making my way down there now."
Katsuki Bakugou was many things; Angry, furious, rage filled. Any words to describe the swirling mass of feelings were lost to him, leaving only anger in its wake. An ugly creeping anger that burned brighter than the sun itself.
'Izuku Midoriya'
That was a name that Katsuki never thought he'd hear again, not once. Not since...
Not since the boy was stabbed through the stomach on live TV.
Honestly, Katsuki barely remembered that day; it felt like a fog engulfed it, covering it, hiding it, and Katsuki could never fully recall what had happened.
But the feelings he felt remained, oh how they burned, how they seared onto his very soul. Fear, shame, defeat, and sadness.
Ever since they were children, Izuku had followed Katsuki, and he enjoyed the green haired boy's presence, a bright warm sun, with a smile that could light the darkest of days. Even when Izuku was declared Quirkless, Katsuki was confused more than angry.
"Now Katsuki, you can't stay around... Izuku... here anymore."
"Remember Katsuki, protect Izu-kun with all your heart! Be a hero!"
"Katsuki's quirk is so powerful! He'll be a super powerful hero! Better than All Might! Izuku won't though!"
His mother told him to protect Izuku, to cherish and keep the boy safe, but everyone else? They wanted Izuku to hurt, for him to suffer; it was them that called him worthless, that said he would amount to nothing, he was absolutely useless.
Weak and useless.
And Katsuki wasn't like that. Katsuki was strong and the best at everything he did!
(Except for being a friend, a hero.)
Two sides warred within him, the side his mother wanted, the kind protector, and the cruel and angry bully that the school wanted him to be, what society wanted him to be.
In the end, Society had won, when Katsuki's wrath and anger boiled over at this now ingrained feeling; of superiority over the weak.
Four boys were out, jollily hopping through a thick forest, chipper as can be, with a blonde boy leading the march.
"Here we go! Members of the Agency Ba-ku-go!"
One miss step was all it took, for fate to change.
A loose rock caught Katsuki's boot, his uneven and tiny body unable to balance out in time as he plunged into the cavernous waters below.
Luckily, the water was deep enough to break Katsuki's fall, leaving the explosive boy unharmed, other than a burning shame in his guts.
"Kacchan! Are you alright?"
Rage, like never before, erupted from Katsuki, his crimson eyes ablaze with anger, and shame.
"I didn't need your help, you worthless Deku!"
How dare this weak, pathetic loser try to help him? He didn't need his help, Katsuki was strong all on his own!
For all of his anger, Katsuki only felt it for himself, at his own failures and dips, his flaws and imperfections. Yet, he was taught to take it out on others, because...
"That's right Katsuki! Heroes never show fear, never show sadness! They're our protectors! They need to be strong!"
Emotions were a weakness, one that needed to be purged by releasing them.
And yet, it never helped him.
Beneath the surface of anger, of rage, Katsuki was just a confused tangle of emotions, a boy who had no idea on how to express them in any other way other than physically, like through his quirk or actions.
Shame was his most prevalent emotion, a sickening burn that blazed through his gut, for his actions; he knew they were wrong, instinctively, that what he was doing to Deku, to others, was wrong on so many levels, but he still did it, leaving only a flood of shame and anger at himself.
Regret was another.
Katsuki regretted his past, his sins, his actions that harmed his best friend. Deku had never deserved what Katsuki had inflicted on him, the green haired boy was pure innocence and goodness in human form, and someone who Katsuki secretly admired.
Good for the sake of good, and that unbreakable spirit.
Deep down, Katsuki knew that Izuku would be a hero like no other, better than All Might if he had the chance; that is, if he had the Quirk to back it up. An idea that was beaten into his mind, Might is Right.
Strength is what makes the world turn, the Strong rule and the weak are servants to their will.
Izuku Midoriya, however, much to Katsuki's confusion, was an outlier.
The viridian haired boy, quirkless and all, still tried, still strived to be a hero, to be the next All Might, with that bright smile on his face, even with all the abuse that was piled on him. Where was the weakness the teachers droned on about? It takes pure strength and determination to live like Deku had for years, to smile like he did with everything wrong in the world.
When he had heard Deku had... died... he mourned. A deep sadness had filled Katsuki, and anger too; He would never be able to truly apologise to him, to make up for all his misdeeds, to make amends. All he could do was talk to an empty grave and mutter empty apologies, his anger came from the shame of never being able to redeem himself or his sins. To tell Deku that he could be a hero, to walk that path with him and to see him rise as a great hero.
In the USJ, Katsuki heard an impossibility. The white haired mystery, the boy with one eye, was supposedly Izuku Midoriya; and Katsuki truly looked at the boy for the first time, a deep look at the white haired teen as he was taken out of the USJ, and it was like seeing a ghost risen from the dead.
It may have been close to 13 years of close to no real contact, but Katsuki could recognise Deku's face anywhere.
And that left Katsuki reeling.
Now would be the perfect time for Katsuki to apologise, but for the life of him, the crimson eyed boy couldn't muster up the courage to face his once tormented victim. That single cold forest green eye had frozen Katsuki for a moment when he first saw it; an unfathomable darkness lay deep within them, and Katsuki had no desire to dive into said darkness.
How would he be a hero, when he can't work up the courage to speak to Deku?
(Does he deserve to be one?)
High over the skylines of Tokyo city, a monumental tower stood, unwavering against the forces of nature around it, unswayed by the wind and unweathered by the rain. The Hero Commission Headquarters.
Watery blue eyes peered out over the city below, looking down on the people there with disdain clear on their face, until a voice called to the figure.
"Madam President, Hawks has returned."
The President folded her hands behind her hands, a smug smile on her face.
After the USJ fiasco and the subsequent report to the Commission, she became almost enthralled by the one known as Keisuke Giichi; the boy was a power in his own league, the kind that the Commission could use to become the supreme power, to finally break free of the United Nations and become an independent nation once again.
It had become clear to her that if the Commission was to be the central power in Japan, they would have to break from the United Nations for their ascension to be assured. The collective would never allow the Japanese Government to be overthrown by the Commission.
Unluckily for them, they lacked the power, political and military, to push away the UN for all that hurt their pride.
With Giichi under their control, however, that became a very real possibility.
There was an obstacle however, the child was under the protection of U.A, and more specifically Nezu, and that rodent was aware of their plans, with their link discovered and routed from U.A allowing for Nezu to know what was going on.
But, the USJ also brought another player onto the stage, one with the same powers as Giichi, and unlike Giichi, the newcomer had no strings attached to him; no connection to U.A other than Giichi himself.
"Hawks. Report." The President demanded curtly.
Stepping inside, the Number Three hero glanced around in faux nonchalance, gold eyes gleamed cold and rough as he spoke, almost carefree.
"Well, I found the kid. It was hard. The boy's a ghost. Never existed and vanished right after I got there." Hawks stroked his chin.
"Mind you, he does have the same powers as Giichi. And he was at the USJ, that isn't a coincidence. The two know each other. I saw the inquiry after the USJ; Tsuyu Asui's testimony tells it all. Get one, get both."
A well of greed swelled in the President's belly, two? Two beyond powerful, moldable pieces to be made into their perfect little toys to make Japan their own.
All she needed was a chance to get them under their banner, under their thumb, to finally grow their power to rival the UN and become an independent nation once more, under the Commission's guidance.
It was time for them to begin their plans.
Deep in the covert undergrounds, a man grinned madly as he slashed his left hand, the deep wound bled blood as black as night as his eyes began to a maddened bluish glow.
Black blood seeped downwards, slick like oil as it dripped onto the floor, and into a blood drawn pentagram, which had also begun to glow with power. Long, horrific tentacles reached out, sliding against the man as they wiggled with life, they looked as if they were made of metal, yet the surface flowed as if it were the sea under a stormy sky.
"Oh Lord of Chaos! I have heard your sweet hymns! I am your voice! I am your prophet!" Phantoms surrounded the man, all taking a twisted visage of his face as they twirled around him as he finished his prayer.
"I give my all to you! Oh~"
Blue fire consumed the man's eyes as he clutched them; laughing with the pain, his throat too burned with those blue flames.
"Sing for me. Sing my song for all of this world to hear. Spread my word."
From the frenzied flames, the man let out a low, guttural moan as his voice hissed out.
"Let chaos take the world, to be reborn by the hands of He, He who is Chaos!"
Within decadent halls of marble and ancient art, a choir sang, their hymns heavenly bouncing off the cold walls of the Vatican; stood at the Altar, was the Pope himself, his clothes a peaceful white as he held his hands together, his prayers echoing through the halls.
"Heavenly father, thou art in heaven... Hallowed be thy nam-"
Before the man could finish his prayer, the building shook; a film of power flooded into the marble, a power beyond them and the men of faith lifted their hands, praying for it to be a sign.
It filled them not with fear, or hate, but with joy, their souls singing in jubilation, as if it recognised this power, and for those within the marble halls, they saw it as a sign.
A sign of God himself, finally returning to the Earth.
"Be not afraid. I am your true saviour. I am returning, and I bring salvation. Soon I will be born once more."
The men of faith all bowed to their knees, praising the voice, hailing it as God itself, muttering about their salvation coming at last.
At long last, from time immemorial, they had sung, they had prayed and died for their Lord, they lived and died by the word of the Lord and now, they have at last been seen, and judged worthy of knowing of the Lord's return.
Unlike before the godly announcement, the Pope came to life, and in all of his elderly years, leaped up, his eyes sparkling as he laid his hands bare up against the Altar.
"Rejoice Brothers! For at last, Our Lord has returned! Spread the word far and wide! Our Lord has returned!"
If one was to look closer, they would realise that often the devil disguises himself in the light of an angel...
And above it all, a being watched; his indifference melting as his plans moved, slowly yet inevitable, like the incoming wave of tsunami, a grotesquely sweet grin stretching on an ever shifting visage.
(How are you doing today?)
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