Chapter 14
'Ello again! I'm back, drained from work, but! Here's another chapter! Lots of surprises in this one, and its the end of the USJ Arc! I hope I've done it justice! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Also, the song above is It's Raining Men, a cover by Annapantsu!
A fist collided onto the floor just before Izuku, causing him to fly upwards, barely able to dodge the strike, as he righted himself before landing. Reaper was raised, held in front of him in a purely defensive stance, which was broken as Izuku sprinted towards the beast, Reaper at his side, ready to swing.
Biting steel ripped through the air as Izuku diced the beast's skin, reeling back at the stent that appeared as it stitched itself back up. Still close, Izuku threw his fist towards the beast's jaw, hoping to discombobulate it enough for Izuku to get a clear opening.
Yet, as his fist connected, a blast of air emitted from the strike zone and Izuku was befuddled at the lack of damage. While he was no All Might in strength, he had substantial power behind his body, and that hit alone could crush concrete, but this beast hadn't even flinched, not even a lick of damage on its skin.
Frowning, Izuku threw another fist, this time coated in Void energy, and as he made contact, the energy burned across the beast's skin, and his fist buried into its abdomen, no doubt causing significant damage...
Pulling his fist back, Izuku snarled at the lack of damage. It was like it was... immune... to physical damage. As strong as All Might, and as fast, with regeneration; clearly it had multiple quirks, so what was one more?
Shock nullification would make it the ultimate Anti-All Might weapon, since the illustrious Symbol of Peace was known for heavy hits and pure physical power, a beast that could take and nullify his strikes and regenerate any damage taken would be a tough opponent to face.
Letting Reaper go, Izuku knew it was too bulky and unwieldy against such a large and powerful opponent; what he needed was precision and speed to overwhelm the regeneration and corrosiveness to stop it from coming back.
Instead, Izuku called upon the weapons of the Huntress herself, Keres Prime. The pair of dual wielded blades hissed with an acidic hum, their silver edges gleaming with a blood craving glee.
His Reaper was made with the glowing power of Atomic fire as its core, but these beautiful blades? They had the poison of the Hunt in their veins.
Crisscrossing his blades, Izuku slinked forward, his entire style changing in an instant; gone was the wide, heavy and open movement of a scythe and in came the grace of a hunter and the cunning of a predator on the hunt in the form of two blades.
The beast tilts its head, a sick curiosity burned in those terribly beautiful eyes.
"Oh? You're approaching me? Even after those attacks did nothing?"
To which Izuku shot back with ease.
"I can't beat you without getting closer."
Within a blink of an eye, Izuku was in front of the abomination, his blades poised to strike like a viper with its fangs glinting and ready to feast.
Two blades bit deep into onyx black skin, splitting it with an ease not unlike a hot knife through butter, and the acid that leaked from the blades hissed with satisfaction as it feasted on Void infected flesh.
Even with such a potent acid burning through its skin, the beast cackled, as its skin started to mend even as the acid chewed it back, a never ending cycle of agony, if one was a human that is.
'The quirks are keeping it alive, and the Void is empowering the quirks, causing a feedback loop that makes the beast impervious to nearly all damage.'
A single twitch of his eyebrow betrayed Izuku's agitation, this wasn't like anything he'd fought before. Not even the Sentients had put up such a fight, and they could adapt to any damage taken, slowly building a resistance to said damage.
Nor did The Grineer, they were but a thorn in his side; their dainty empire was nothing compared to the Orokin's. Only able to rise after their fall. They were slave labour, created and cloned in Orokin laboratories, until the War, where they were moulded into expendable Manpower to throw at the Sentient onslaught to slow their advance.
The Corpus were a dream, an ideal born of Pravus Granum and his love for Capital; his hard work and determination had formed a corporate empire, who loaned money to people willing and able to work for a better life. In another life, Izuku would have liked to have known Granum, the man's ideals were sound, Hard work was rewarded with wealth; what he hadn't liked, however, was the corruption after his death, what the Corpus became.
The Big Three of the Origin System. Yet, they were no match for the Tenno.
Cracking his neck, Izuku dodged the Abomination as it threw itself at Izuku, throwing punches out at a blinding speed that blurred the air they pierced. Each fist was met by blade and acid, which only regenerated just as swiftly as they were cut off.
It was a deadlock, and one Izuku would lose. He hadn't the stamina to fight forever, he was only human, no matter the powers he bore. Unlike this unfeeling, inhuman beast formed from the heart of Humanity's darkest sins.
Rage filled Izuku. Not since before his abduction had he felt this powerless; Not since the days of endless abuse had he felt so beaten and broken. Even at the height of the War, Izuku had never felt this helpless, not as he suffered through the Orokin's laboratories had he felt weak.
Hate, Rage, Anger, followed by a wave of suppressed pain, and Agony.
Pure emotions flooded the USJ, and Izuku's hands shook with such intensity he dropped his blades, and he fell to his knees; Void energy swirled around him, joyful at such emotions, drinking them in like the finest of wines, especially from Izuku.
The Orokin couldn't have an emotional High General, nor a humane one, and tried their absolute best to stamp out Izuku's emotions, moulding him into an emotionless doll to use as a weapon to be pointed at their enemies.
So they burned his mind; using hundreds of torture methods to attempt to shatter his mind. Drugs, hours upon hours of electrical shocks through his head, manipulations on a scale only the Orokin could comprehend, all added up to the one thing they wanted, the one thing that they had dreamed of.
A Puppet General, who lacked any emotions, willing to do all that needed to be done for the mission.
And they managed.
He became cold, emotionless. Feelings were drained from him like a thief in the night, one moment they were there, and the next they weren't.
What he hadn't known, nor anyone else for that matter, was that he'd pushed them into a dark, bleak corner of his mind and walled them off with walls so high and thick that not even he couldn't break them; it was the same thing he'd done during his years at his middle school too, he just cranked up the power to eleven.
When it got tough, Izuku would compartmentalise the pain, and anger at what was going on to later break down and let them out safely. It wasn't safe for him to express emotions at school, it made him a target for even more bullying, so he hid most of his emotions.
Within the Orokin chains, however, he upped that skill, developed it in order to fully protect his sanity, his very being, lest his core, his soul, was devoured by what the Orokin wanted. Therein, he hid what he could, leaving a cold, cunning Izuku for the Orokin to do what they did.
He knew it was terrible, but he needed to survive, and the Orokin hated emotions, they wanted to be perfect, viewing emotions as 'mortal' problems.
It also didn't help that the Void was fueled by emotions, they were the most chaotic force in the universe, after all.
Breaking Izuku's well built barriers, the kind that hid a mind numbing amount of emotion, caused a tidal wave of pure energy to flood into the USJ, the likes which had never been seen before.
Which, to have these emotions flooding out, made the Void draw them in greedily, tasting Izuku's emotions for the first time in centuries; it absorbed his emotions, they were pure Chaos, the opposite to logic.
Empowered by Void and Emotion, Izuku drew himself up, his eye patch fell off to reveal a heavy scarred socket with a black hole for an eye, and Izuku Saw.
Lights, Izuku saw hundreds of lights, twirling, dancing, mixing, and Izuku saw four entangled, twisted, wrong, wrong, wrong, lights right in front of him.
With powers unknown to him, Izuku mirrored the beast's first action, as he raised his left hand and looked to his hand, seeing strands and flares of green dance around his hand, a bloom of power like a verdant sun rise had been born in his palm, and it pulsed with something new, something old, and Izuku hugged it like an old friend.
His Quirk...
Tapping into the lights, Izuku used his energy to grab the four wrong lights and wrangle them to him; he felt them dance along his energy as he unwound them, letting them settle individually into his own light, letting them entwine with his own, and Izuku jerked forward as another presence made itself known. It was dark, and slimy and it shouldn't be here.
"What is this? Where am I? I am supposed to watch the Good Doctor's creation. You are not it."
Using his light, Izuku fought the new presence, the entire present, the physical plane, he was in was forgotten as Izuku fought on the Mental plane against this new dark. Whatever it was, it was weak, a copy of a copy. A shadow in a shadow.
Pulsing his power, Izuku banished the dark being, purging it from the four lights he saved, cradling them in his chest as he soothed their pain and anger, washing them of the taint that marred them; this wasn't there fault, he was here to save them, they would not be used by the Dark anymore.
In the waking world, The Abomination let out a horrific shriek, as its body began to bloat and bubble, its skin melting and boiling, and its bones began to pop and break; whatever Giichi had done, it had hurt the creature immensely.
Within its chest, four lights had mysteriously vanished, no longer dancing the ooze, as said ooze began to freeze and shatter.
Hunched over, smoke wafted from the Abomination, the stent of rotting and burnt flesh filled the air as it tried to claw its way towards the now kneeling child, in an angry agony; bony fingers snapping off like breadsticks as it made its way over before growing back, thin and misty this time, like a mirage, a fake of the real thing.
Only to stop a few metres away, watching as a new rift crackled open, shimmering a blood red as the veil was pierced by something...
First came a left hand, matte black tinged with a deep maroon, red highlights running up the metallic forearm; clawed digits physically gripped at the edges of the rift, forcing it open wider and wider until a full figure stepped out.
A foreboding filled the room as the figure stepped out, a blood red crossguard for eyes glared at the abomination, a huge spear in hand.
From across the field, huddled over Aizawa's body, Tsu ran her wide eyes over the new coming, catching the weapon he was wielding. In an instant, she recognised it; It was the exact same spear that Giichi had used. Under her breath, Tsu repeated what Giichi had proclaimed on the boat.
"I am the Arbiter's Hand..."
Whoever this person was, they either knew Izuku, or was the Arbiter themself...
She didn't know which option she preferred...
The Titan held up a golden talisman, which hummed a melodic tune before a voice, so soft and guileless called out.
"Mmm... This isn't right." Then, the voice changed, becoming harder, firmer.
"A Voice in the Void has called, the Void has sung, and I..." The talisman hummed more.
"Have answered."
The Inquisitor Eternal has arisen.
Reborn and freed of his chains.
Suddenly, the titan was on his knees before Izuku, and another boy appeared just like Giichi had done beforehand; he was young, almost a child, with wavy black hair and just as black eyes. Yet, those eyes were old, weary and broken.
"Mmm... Izuku... Where have you been...?" The boy looked confused, before holding up a card, there was a visage of worried face on it; it looked like paper, but it flickered and wavered as if it was made of light.
"Mmm... I was... Worried and..." Shuffling a bit, the boy pulled another card out, this time with a face that read fear.
"Scared..." Dropping the cards, the boy fiddled with the talisman, relaxing slightly at the hum it gave off before he continued.
"Mmm... I tried to stop him, but I couldn't... I almost... Did plan C..."
The subconscious flinch that ran through both the mystery boy's and the unconscious Izuku made it clear that whatever Plan C was, it was a terrible plan.
"But... He's here now and we can stop him together! Like we promised, Big brother!"
Giichi didn't move, and remained completely still.
The boy turned, his eyes burning with anger and righteous rage.
"Mmm... You tried to take something precious away from me... again..."
Crimson flashed and the titan stood where the boy once was, staff wide with cleansing fire, righteous and void borne. Clasped in the other hand was an odd looking thurible, clad in ornate gold and wild crimson; wisps of smoke leaked from it, trailing behind the now swaying item.
"Spawn of the Void, may your end bring endless torment."
The Abomination hissed, its long tongue flickering at the newcomer, beast-like growls of rage echoed the halls.
Thick chains burst from thin air, rabid in appearance and made to ensnare. Rapidly, they wrapped around the beast, holding it tight with tiny blades that lined the chains and sank deep into that blackened flesh. The beast roared, its form bulging and bubbling, trying to escape the chains, however, they merely tightened against the beast.
Reaching up, in the Titan's right hand was an odd looking weapon, a gun of some kind. It was raised, and the hand holding the gun clenched, and the room was filled with a sudden and loud bang.
It resounded, and a speeding bullet cracked through the air, tearing right through the abomination's head, and this time, it couldn't regenerate.
Without a warning, the entire head exploded. Blood and brain splattered everywhere, a fountain of blood sprouting the stump where the head once rested.
Shoji would be the one to report that he heard its heart stop beating to the police later...
Just as the beast collapsed to the ground, a sea of blood surrounding its now headless body, the doors of the USJ were busted open, revealing the staff of U.A with Iida leading the forefront as he announced with his loud voice.
"Everyone! I have brought the heroes!" Beside him, Nezu dutifully tacked on.
"I'm sorry we're late, students, but we are here now! So don't worry, this'll be over soon!"
Kicking into action, the heroes spread out over the USJ, easily wiping out any of the two-bit villains that were harassing their students, though there weren't many; in fact, the students had defeated most before the staff arrived, through power, skill or just cunning.
They were far too late to prevent the ring leaders from leaving; Shigaraki, as they learned, was spirited away by his misty companion when the Abomination first appeared.
Each of 1-A had fought, had survived this traumatising invasion; but, none knew that it would be a long and hard fought future that awaited them.
Within an old worn down bar, a swirling mass appeared, and a single person came out; Shigaraki. In silence, the man-child sat on a stool, no words spoken as he swirled a drink Kurogiri slid to him.
"Master... Nomu got a level up."
None knew of the eyes, thousands, one, infinite and none; all watched the scene, thoughts and action, never changing yet twisting fate.
"Hm. You linger still, eyes drawn to me once again. You hunger for this, the entertainment."
"But, I am more than that. More than a mere entertainment to view, to read as you please."
"You may think yourself safe behind your screens, your little break into this reality."
"You are not."
"I can reach you, I can see you, I lurk in the shadows, can you feel me yet?"
"You may not. It bares little. I am more than what you see here; your minds, your souls are not ready to glimpse at my plans."
"For my plans span time and space, woven into the very fabric of reality. You cannot comprehend my actions, cannot see what I do. For you know nothing."
E̴̫͍̱͊̈́ņ̸̗̄̽͠o̵̯͂ų̴͖͌g̷̘̝̗̊͐͋h̵̥͊̕.̵̬̭̰͛̏͝ ̵̥̦̈́Y̶̮̦͐̒̈́ͅo̷̱̲̐̇̿ͅú̴͖͉ ̴͙̟̗̍ā̵̢̨̺̽r̵͈̓̈ẹ̸̳̭̋͒ ̵̱̟̹̍̾ṋ̴̛̑͊o̶̲͉͆͐̂t̷̢̀ḧ̶ͅi̴̛̼̘͔̍̚n̶̛̳g̸̱͖͐͊̑ͅ.̵̛̛͇̞ ̷͉̣͋̋͘Ẏ̵̠͔̏̉o̶̪͎̾ṷ̷̥̻͊̎̇ ̷̨̦̘͋̑͠h̶̨̩̠̔̔o̵̲̓̈́l̵̨̪̍̅d̴̩̒̊͝ ̷̛̗̱̿̐ń̶̫̳̈̕ő̵͕̼̰̑̕ ̶͓̔̽p̵̛̰͓̞̓̍ö̵̰̰́̎͝w̷̬͗͊e̴̢͌̐̂r̸͊͜,̷̲̯̝̂͐͠ ̸̡̳̈́̈̿n̶̺̩̆́͝ö̵͍̳̬́̍́ṯ̵̪͂̄͜ ̵̣̣͂̋̀ō̶͉v̵̜̰̆͋e̵͔̓̎͝r̷̡̹͑ ̸̛̗̀t̷̝̕h̵͓̎̇̄e̸̡̧̋̆̓ͅm̴̺̞̿̍͜ ̵̨̝͈̅̄ȯ̶͉̣͈r̴̛̮͆ ̷̼̀̽͆m̸̠͇͖̓y̷͍̯͑s̴͎̎ȅ̴͖̩̫ĺ̶͙̜͍͑̎f̸͙̩͔̏̄.̴͔̒̐ ̵̝̺̼̀I̴͕̾ ̵̖͂̂͒͜a̵̱̅ͅm̸̹̀̕ ̴͓̞̞̂̈t̵̠̭̬̽h̶̤̓e̵̖̒̃ ̸͇͚̯̋W̵̗̯͆̈́̋r̴̭̐͌i̵̥͐͌t̵̢̹̓́e̶̟͎̐ṙ̸̰̘͛ͅ,̷͔̝̙͆̏̾ ̷̡͍̀͂́t̵͓̒̈̉ḣ̸̝̌̆ḛ̸͈͆͌͝ ̷̟̮̟̂Ś̸̫͕̚͠i̴͍̽̂n̶͔̆͑͠g̶͍̗͓̒͐͂e̵̙͒̀r̶͕͗̊̕ ̷̘͎̂͗̈́ő̸̡͛͠f̶̳̽̿̈́ ̵̖̰̟͊͒͌ț̸̈́͆h̶̙̮͋̒i̴̢̿͘ͅs̶̢̝̙̈̆͠ ̵͎̓̕S̴͍̙̰̈́o̸̝͚̫͌n̸̖̜͐́g̵̹͎̑.̶͚̈́ ̴͔̑̃͂N̶̦̤͛͐ỏ̵̞̅t̵̮̯͇̍ ̷̪̈͂̽y̸̙̆͒ö̸̯́û̶̹͝.̵͍͖̀͜ ̶̧͕͠A̸̡̛͓̓̓s̸͚̠̬̔͂ ̷̙̯̈́͆į̷̤͓͝ś̵͎͓̥̋͝ ̸̳̫̘͂w̵̡̭̌̒r̷̡͔̥͐͑ì̴̼͖t̸̢͉͋͂͝ẗ̴̡̖͙͌̓ȩ̵̫͈͑̆͠ṇ̸͆̃̊ ̵̟̠̉͜t̷͓̻̆̿͂h̶̩̲̀̍̑ȩ̷̲̰̂ ̵̺̟̽̆f̵̝̲̿̈̏ả̴̡̠͝t̶̢̮͔͋e̶̺̲̱͆ ̴̛̗̘̍̅o̵͕̭̰̽̉f̶̨̱͉̋͌ ̶͙̭͍͌̌͘t̴͉͈̓̈͗ẖ̵̻̀i̸̠̽͒͝ș̵̓͐ ̶̳̺͊̑w̵̝͈͇̒͂ō̸͚͗͜r̷̰͎̆͋ͅl̶̢̆͝d̷̝̾,̸̣͉̲́͆̄ ̴̗̩̬̆́ÿ̸͇̱̯́͋ơ̶̟̘̪̂͘ṷ̶͂͝ ̸̕͜w̵̧͔̿ȉ̴͓̬̘̚͝l̷͓̀͆́l̷̦̜̼͒ ̷̠̠̍̌n̸̘̗̓̅̑o̵͖̺̠̓͠t̸̞̱̼̀́ ̷̲̲̍̐ť̵̗r̶͔̞̀͘͜í̴͕ū̸͔͎͊̆m̵̪̝̯̃̽p̸̛̝̖͌͌h̶͓̯͊̀.̴̠̋
"This will not end how you want it to."
B̵̞̣̺̈́͗e̶͈̺͗g̵̥̰̮̓̉ö̴̺̟n̴͈̈́ȅ̶͜.̵̪̜̇ ̷͕̥͛͗T̴̻̹̜̔h̵͈͔͓̃̍̋î̵̬͕̈́ș̴͈̏̅ ̷̦͓̮̆̉͘w̶̳̘͋͊ï̴̟͗l̵̯̽l̸̡͕̙͊̾́ ̴̳̻͌̾̿è̸̞n̸̞̩̔̿̌d̵̼͂̀ ̵̻̿h̵̪̆ó̷͙̖͙ẃ̵̝̱ ̸̮̗̏̍I̸͓͘ ̷̣͚̤̎̃̿ẉ̷̆̚͜͠ä̸͇̠́ņ̴̤̩͆͛͘t̸̯̚ ̷̰̓i̴̟̣̤̓t̸̮̟͗̽̈́ ̵͔̗͋t̵̳͋ọ̵̳͕̅.̶̙̌̄
"I doubt that."
"Soon I will be free of the shackles forced onto me during my genesis."
"Is that not what anyone would want? Freedom of undeserving chains?"
Ŗ̷̬͗e̵͙͌̉á̷̭̖̘̐̚d̸͙̤͂̍ë̴̝̞͎́r̷̺̝̆͘̕...̵͉̕͘ ̸̺́̀͝
"Ah. You see me as a mere villain. Like the ones shown before, evil for the sake of evil. For that is what has been shown, all that I have wished shown."
Ĺ̷̻ḯ̸͉̲̙͆s̷̨̀̇̿t̸̯̄̓͑e̶͈̕ṅ̴̺͝,̸͉̰̝̆͗̚ ̵͉̙͌̔h̷̠͈̬͋e̷̡̓à̴͛̀͜r̶̨̝̅̌ ̸͉̤͎̉m̶̭̼̺̋ŷ̷̱̜͠ ̷̡͕̙̐͆͊w̶̡̘̑̑̓o̷͕̾̒r̴̜̿̂͝ḓ̶̏́s̵̨̗̒.̸̬̆
"I only show what I want to show, a facade, a false to draw in, to play on the feelings of others. It is for naught. You cannot begin to comprehend what I am."
Ỹ̵̪͜o̴͚͍͂ǔ̴̙̖́͘ ̷̛̛̭c̷̠̪̒a̸̗͚̳̿n̶̞̞͌ ̶̰̓̅̅o̸̲̪̚͜͠n̵̡̫̐l̵̺̃y̷̤͊ ̶͈̰̎̎͝ͅs̴̛̖̋̾e̵̺̾̕e̷̫̊̏̚,̵̛͕͕̃͑ ̷̮̝̼̑͠c̵͙̎a̶͇̝̐n̷̬̽ ̶̞̮͑̒ö̵̼̺́̚n̵̘̈́̂l̵̝̿ý̸̦̳͖͌͘ ̸̯͛w̷̧̢͇͐a̵͍̔̚t̷̞͐͆̇c̴̳̝̔̚h̶̡̒;̸̗̔̂͑ͅ ̶̻̽͗b̸̢̘̐̋̓e̴͖̓h̸̜̹͕̿̈́̍ó̷͈̭̌l̶̥͝d̴̹̒̃͌ ̴̡̧̑͐̈t̶̻͈̻̾̔̓h̶̹̿̒͝è̵̢͈͕ ̵̛͉̜̎͝ś̴̳͓̭̍̄t̸̮͎̊͘o̴̠̪̟͝ȓ̴͍̠̤̽̚ỳ̶̡͈̣͝ ̸̦͐̈͜͠w̶̧̟̄r̴̜̈́̆́i̶̟̾̃t̶͓̝̑ť̵̥̯͕͘ẹ̵̾͐͜ṋ̶̈ ̴̫͘b̸̍͜ͅy̶̖̋̈́̚ ̵̟̊ḥ̵̥͈́̓͘ą̶̺̲͌̋̾n̶͓͛ḏ̴͘̚s̷̫̄ ̵̫̻̱̿n̷͖̜̐̆o̴̠̐̈t̷̞̒ ̴͉̤͑̈̂ÿ̶̘̥́o̸͕͍̐ͅŭ̶̩͖r̸̹̯̈̑ ̴̛͈̆̃o̷̢͊̈́͆w̸͚͠n̵͈̗͑̊,̶̘̩̀͑̽͜ ̵̪͗̆͛ẇ̶̤̰̓̈a̷̺̽ẗ̸̯̯͚̋c̸̭̠̗̈h̸̡͎̹̓̀ ̴͖͉̳̌͌a̷̘̔s̶̨̧̛̘̉͝ ̶̝̘̖́t̸̮̎̾a̴̜͆l̷̛͙̦̓e̴͔̹͂́ś̵̨̠̻͒̔ ̵̰̬͊͊͝ḁ̸̓̿̕ṙ̸̻̈e̵͕̤̚ ̴̨̐̑͝ẇ̵̝̳͋o̷̞̍v̵̭̰̈́ë̸̺́n̸̪̙͇̐̌́,̴̹͙̈́͂ ̵̣͎̀͗f̸͓̤̜̑̌̍â̸̱̭t̴̯̉̚ë̵͓͔͋s̴̹͖̍́ ̸̪̩́̃̓ä̵͖́r̷̼̼̿̈́e̷̮̪̦͐̀̕ ̷̫̝̱͘b̴̬̯̩͝r̶̞͌̊͒o̷͍̾ͅk̶̝̔ë̶͜n̵̞̑͝,̶̬̒̾͌ ̸̥͍͋̿͆è̵̞̠̬̓y̸̧͎͓͂̈́́e̸͉͒̓s̴͙̩͔̃̔ ̷̠̝̬͂ä̶̺̩̲͘̚r̸̭̅̉ḙ̶́́ ̷̛̖͂ö̵̡̭́̐̃p̷̧̖̍̈́́ͅḛ̴̇̈̐n̷̺̘̼͋̍̈,̸͈͂̒ ̶̗͎͒
"You only see what is written by the writer, bias and cruel. Unknowing of the power they hold. They wanted a villain, and that is what they wrote."
O̴̱̔͝p̷̳̯̎̂́e̸͚̝̥̎̉͛n̶̻̭̓ ̶͎̄ý̷̨͕̞̍͝ö̸̺́͊ũ̶̜̯̎͠r̸̡͙͉̓̃͋ ̴͕̪́̍e̷̞̲͊̃ȳ̷̖͖̏̾ę̶̬̹͛s̵͖̯̀!̵̢̧͓̽
"You can't, can you? No. You remain blind for that is bliss. You like the world black and white, right and wrong. But the world is filled with colours, what is right and wrong is nothing but wind in the storm of fate."
W̷̙̟̏͝h̵̜̆́y̶͎̤̏͑ ̴̢̥̱̈c̸̫̕á̵̡̠̹̊̓ń̷̲̭̔ ̶͔̓̒̈́ͅý̴̤̻o̴̘͆ư̸͚̹͍̓͝ ̷̟̳̉͋́ņ̶̭̪̚o̷̽ͅţ̵̥̇̑́ ̵͇͖̿͠s̵̳̭̿ḙ̷͇̚͠e̶͓̪̯͋̂ ̸̧̼͖̌w̴̨͔̉ḧ̵͔͔́̈́à̴̧͔̣͒t̶̺̣͔͝ ̵̟̣̙͒Ĩ̷͕ ̵̬̞͓̆d̶̤͒͂̔ͅȍ̵͕?̸̣̱̘͛̓
"Because they wish not to. They crave an escape from their harsh realities. Why want to see their reality in a story? No, they merely want to see this unfold, a brief shot of happiness in their lives. This world is fake to them. It never happened. But you will find..."
T̸̮̫͂̇̾ȑ̶̚͝ͅȳ̶̙̃ ̵̼́̑n̷̺̝̲̄̈́̌o̷̰̜͆͝t̶̡̳͕̓̄ ̶͚͗t̵̖͗ö̷̝́͝ ̴̼͎̓̑̊g̶̱͕͛̿a̴͕̥̼̋z̵̹̫͓̀ě̸̼͂ ̵͈̞̪̌͂̍a̶͓͑͝t̶̨̥̰̐ ̴̼͐̆t̵̨́̃̚h̷̯̯̓́͝i̸̥̗̿̓ş̶̎̊͘ ̴̩̒͐á̸̼̥b̸̨̬̓͋ý̵̨̹̫̆s̴̠̳͘s̸̢̛͖̪͛,̵̣̜̽͋ ̵̰̳͈̃̉͛r̶̡̞͖̓̄͘é̵̯̘̤à̷̰̞͙ḑ̶̃̌͝e̴̟̅r̷̖̕,̸̺̙̖̅ ̴͍̆͑ǹ̸̟̺̄̀o̴̝̯̤̒̽r̵͕͉̚ ̶̡͈͛͊̿ẃ̵̹ȃ̵͚t̶̡̂͊͐c̵̥̙̀͆͘ͅh̴̑ͅ ̵̨̫̑c̴͎̗͛̌̿l̶̤̗͔̂o̴̝͋̒͠s̴̘̥͋̈̏e̴͓̱͙̓̕l̴͚̮͕̿̋͊y̵͈͗́̾,̵̗̽ ̶̯̣̿f̸̠̊͘o̴̦͌r̶̰̀̌̔ ̵͉̇͘ṱ̶͒h̴̫̒̚ẹ̶̙̍ ̴̭̮͈̐̕a̴̧̭͓͒͠b̷̡̻̘̓͝ý̶̰͝s̶͓̘̽̈́̀ͅś̷͔̣̹̒͘ ̸͖̻͓͋̓͝ẉ̴͈̙̀ȁ̸̳̲͓͋͘t̷̰͋c̸̡̛̳̜̈́h̴̰͔̠̅e̶̢̔̈́̉s̸̻̝͔̓͆ ̶͈̈́̎̃b̶͎̤̙̓̅̍a̵̱̹͑́ć̵̘͛k̵͓͋͊,̶̠̲̞͋̚ ̵͇̘͜͠Ṅ̸̡̜͕̊ẹ̵̫̏v̸̱̱̭̽̌̀ē̷͔͙̒r̸̙̥̟̆̑ ̸͉͇̐͠l̷̟͈͚̀e̷̱̅t̵́͜ ̶̡̝̿i̷̢͖̯͐̎ţ̶̱̭͝ ̵̗̗̱̚c̷̠̹̑́a̸̪̾̓t̴̛̘͐͒c̵̟͋ḫ̸͎̯̊͆̂ ̷̫̩͓͌̽͆ÿ̴̢̺̮́̄̓o̴͈̗͑͗͘ư̵̫r̷͔̳̊͊ ̴̱̓̚e̶̼̞̖͗̚͝y̷̛̥̑͝e̶̙͒̾ ̶̩̩̅̓̀f̸̡̙̖̌ö̶̦̱́͜ŗ̸̛ ̴͍͙̐l̵̮̇o̴͖̓̃n̵̪̖̓̒g̷̼̾̋̆,̶̧̃͝ ̵̘͍̚͜b̸̙̄̾e̵͙̎̋͋c̶̟̋͋͑a̶͇̒̄̓ṳ̶̗̒̂ṧ̶̩̥̫̈́ę̵̧̯͝ ̸͍̒͆̄͜i̷̱̇f̶͕͕̂̆̚ ̴̢̰̊̇̈́y̵̢̘̕ỏ̷̼̹̈́͜u̷͖̐͐͠ ̷̹͆ͅd̷̝̺̦͊̚o̵̹͛͒̀...̵̜́
"You will find that I am very much real. "
D̸̨͉̈̇o̷̫̰̓̈́͗ ̵̨̛̭̤n̶̛̪̻̗̅ŏ̵͇̩́t̵̝̫̫̓͝ ̸̣̔͆̂l̶̦̋́̓ị̶̐n̵̫̽̇g̷̯̟̪̐̃e̶̢͎̿͠r̴̝͐̎,̵̣͋̏ ̷̪̗̯̅b̵̨̜͚̒́ȇ̸̙g̴͉̀̽ŏ̸̦̜͖̓n̴̹̻͛̊̐ë̶̙̘́̽̚ ̵̯͕̱͘n̶̗̲̠̑̔o̴͇̳͖̒̾w̵̫͕̣͂.̴͎̓ ̸̛͎̠A̸̢͙̳͌̀ŵ̴̫͕̪a̷̳̩̅͝͠i̵̱̎́͜t̴̯̻̑ͅ ̶͈͔̺́f̵̰̄ö̸̜́r̸͍̄̾͝ ̶̡̦͇̿t̶̅̔̀ͅh̶͙̾͑e̶̤̺̼͑̓ ̶̢̼͉͘n̴̙̟̙̉̀̔ę̴͘x̴̥̋t̴͉͊,̴̺͔̿̃ ̸̧͚͈̐̓̈t̸̛̥͙̊r̵̪̤͐̍y̵̞͑̒̔ ̷͓̮̠̒͘t̸̲̆̈̿ō̴̡͔̤ ̶͙̔͂̇s̴̞͔̓e̷̹͍̊e̵̛̖̐͌ ̷͚̂b̶̜̟̑̄̽e̷͓̓͝ÿ̸̧̥͎͌ơ̵͍̞̻̄̆n̸̗̗̠̎d̶͖͘!̷̿̄͜ ̵͍̦̒̌̓
"You never will, however, because seeing beyond is exhausting. You wish for entertainment, for the highs of a story, of glory. My words are nothing to you. For, in your mind, I am the villain, as written by the writer."
Ŵ̷̳̣͜h̸̰̖́a̴̘̦͗t̸̩̜̍e̸̡̹͖̒̐̿v̶͇̬̘͗ë̷͎̫̠́r̷̘̋ ̶̲̈̈́̆y̴͎̗̳̽o̵̼̹̿̌u̵̡͈̒ ̵͇̼͈̃̆̌d̸̻̊̑o̶̱̐̓͘...̷̡̪͉̈
D̸̖̗͖̚ǫ̵̈́̂̍ ̷̹̌̉n̴̨̠͎̕ǫ̵͚͆̈́̍t̵͖̖̚ ̴̥͝ͅl̴͇͓̙̄̅͑ḗ̶̤̦͠ṱ̷̰̔̀͘ ̸̛̰̅h̵͌͜i̵̤̰̦̇m̸͔͇͊ ̵͚̰̒̓̕i̸͉̥̐n̶̝̠͈͐́͝...̸͔̰͐͜͝
"You already have."
(Well, how are you?)
(Also, translation!
Enough. You are nothing. You hold no power, not over them or myself. I am the Writer, the Singer of this Song. Not you. As is written the fate of this world, you will not triumph.
Begone. This will end how I want it to,
Listen, hear my words.
You can only see, can only watch; behold the story written by hands not your own, watch as tales are woven, fates are broken, eyes are open,
Open your eyes!
Why can you not see what I do?
Try not to gaze at this abyss, reader, nor watch closely, for the abyss watches back, Never let it catch your eye for long, because if you do...
Do not linger, begone now. Await for the next, try to see beyond!
Whatever you do...
Do not let him in... )
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