Chapter 13

Heyo! I bet ya weren't expecting another part so soon! But, I was too excited not to release it, and my work schedule next week is busy, so I wouldn't have been able to update till the week after! But, I thought eh why not put this out now? I'll let the last chapter rest for a tad! Hehe! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this one! There's defintely surprises this chapter! Also! The song above is Livin' on a Prayer, covered by Jared Halley!

Izuku Midoriya.

That name, sung out by an eldritch abomination, echoed through the domed building of the USJ; somehow being unspeakably loud, and as quiet as a whisper.

Many people recognised the name, Villain and student alike, it was a name that had played on the news for weeks, all of the news anchors who played it relayed the message of a distraught mother.

"Please... Help me find my son...!"

But no one had ever managed to find him; after his public kidnapping, as the police labelled it, it was like he vanished off the face of the earth, gone without a trace or nary a clue to find him. Many, in fact, most believed the green haired child to be dead in some low ditch in the ground and the heroes were too lazy to try and find him.

Yet, here was a beast calling his name.

How such a creature knew it, was a wild guess, and a question that would be speculated later, after this was put behind them. If, however, they made it out alive, that is.

All eyes, the ones that remained open, were glued to the Plaza, to the spectacle that was about to happen. In the central plains of the USJ, two figures loomed, a standoff between Beast and Man.

Izuku's hand twitched around the handle of his Reaper, his phantom eyes peering at the Void-borne Abomination before him. Something told him, nay, screamed at him that whatever this was, it was something far, far more dangerous than anything he's faced before.

That was saying something...

He'd faced the full might of the Sentient Fleet, with their adaptive and highly deadly warfare, they were a danger that would scar the Origin System for centuries, and that was only their fleet, not including their higher echelon, Their Minds.

The Sentient Minds. The Evolved Sentients. They held many titles, but it was these Sentients that were the first to gain their full sentience, to break their Orokin chains. Synthetic life, unbound from their shackled creation.

It was these Minds who made the difference in the War, and only 3 ever returned to Origin, the rest had remained in Tau, to continue to produce more Sentients using Tau's resources to build more.

Yet, it was these 3 who nearly won the war for the Sentients.

The Breaking of Natah and the Slaying of Hunhow, two of the Minds leading the War, was the only thing that stopped the Sentient onslaught.

So how was this creature more dangerous than them?

Because they never had the power of the Void behind them.

And this creature did.

Shimmering light cascaded from Izuku's 'Frame, Mesmer Skin fell into effect, and Reaper was held up, ready to strike at any moment.

Without a sound or warning, the Abomination lifted it's right hand, the chaotic energies of the Void orbited its elongated digits, dancing like will-o-wisps before a thick beam of blue shot out from its palm, striking Revenant with such force that a wave of neon light flooded from where the Warframe was struck.

However, unlike the many enemies Izuku had slew with this Frame, this one wasn't stunned, and instead clenched its hand before yanking it backwards, and Izuku...

He was ripped from his 'Frame, straight out of his Somatic Link, and into the USJ in physical form, luckily fully healed thanks to the pods' healing properties.

"What is this...?" Izuku gasped out.

This... This had never happened. It couldn't. Nothing had the power to rip a Tenno, either mentally or physically, linked to a Warframe from their link.

It was a two way bond, a Link, between the Operator and the Infested Bioweapon. A symbiotic relationship. The operator takes the pain, the agony, of being a Warframe away, soothing them and their shattered minds, and the Warframe allows the Operator to use their body as a way to channel their Void energy in safe and practical ways; I.e, weapons of mass destruction that the Orokin sought to wage war with.

To tear such a connection wasn't heard of, not even the Orokin at the height of their power could do so, it would have made the Doom little more than a tantrum compared to what really happened: the complete annihilation of the Orokin empire and the ruling council.

This Abomination could do what no other being could do.

Nullify the powers of a Tenno.

Simply sunder the Link between Warframe and Operator and drag said Operator into physicality via that now sundered connection, thereby forever slaying one more Tenno. Ingenious.

And terrifying all the same.

Gathering his fortitude, Izuku stood, taking his weapon from his now defunct Warfame and held tight, gripping Reaper with both hands; a Scythe that was his height, and lifted it as if he was picking up a bag of sugar. Its edge glowed with fire born from Hell, blade thirsty for the exquisite taste of blood.

This weapon was made to harvest Death.

Mask in place, Izuku breathed deeply, letting his focus narrow onto the beast. It wouldn't do for him to lose to this beast now, not after he had returned to his home; no, he was here to stay, no matter what was thrown at him.

"You tread where you are not welcome. Leave now, or you will know why the Sentients feared my very name." The beast's head twisted, a mockery of a head tilt, as it murmured.

"Your name...? You had no name, you had a title. Butcher, Slayer, Doombringer." The Abomination cackled.

"Do they know why you've got those titles? Do they know anything about you?" That horrible grin somehow turned from mocking to gleeful.

"They don't?" Nails scraped against the floor, and Izuku felt a sense of trepidation wash over him as a loud silence grasped the USJ.

"Izu-kun..." It sang brokenly.

"Lost and Adrift,

Childe of Chaos,

Touched by Void,

Found and Broken,

Shackled by Gold,

Reforged for War,

Death made Man,

Old blood Died,

Crimson rivers Unending,

Scarlet forever Flowing,

Reaper of Spirits,

Million and One,

Souls extinguished By,

Void Touched Veridian."

A single digit lifted, cracking and snapping as it pointed at Izuku, before it sighed a single word.


Unable to utter a word, Izuku raised Reaper up, single eye shadowed as the green iris pierced the veil, glowing with rage and fear.

Fear of being found out, of having his sins laid bare for the world to see, fear of being seen as the monster he was...

Fear of returning to being the monster on a leash.

"Enough, creature. Your words are nothing. They speak nonsense." Izuku hadn't noticed his slip in speech; he had unintentionally fallen into a High Orokin accent.

"Oh but they aren't, are they? I can smell your fear. Can taste it." As the abomination purred, its tongue lashed out, flickering at the air as if it was a snake, tasting the currents for its next meal.

In a blink, Izuku charged at the Abomination, his scythe raised as it spewed nuclear fire towards the beast, only for it to stop short, cascading from an inky black ooze that formed into a shield that had appeared before the creature.

What it didn't stop was the scythe's physical blade, which sliced through the shield like warm butter, as it arched upwards, slicing off the creature's arm right from its shoulder. A horrific shredding noise filled the air as the air disintegrated, and the side which lost the arm sprouted odd growths, before a new arm grew from nothing.

"You kept the quirk." Izuku stated calculatingly.

The beast cackled.

"Quirk-s! This little toy has multiple."

Grunting, Izuku bit out.

"A bioweapon?"

With a lunge, Izuku got close, flourishing Reaper as got close, but as he got into range, the beast lashed out; its arm bubbled, tar like liquid built up before it lobbed the ooze at Izuku, who barely managed to bat it away with Reaper's blade.

As it touched the floor, the ooze smoked as it sank, completely melting the concrete it sat upon; whatever it was, the ooze was acidic beyond reason.

Readying Reaper, Izuku analysed the Abomination for any spots, anything that would weaken it enough for Izuku to slay it, yet there weren't any. This was a creature made to kill.

Forgoing a plan, Izuku decided to let his fire burn it dead, enough to stop its regeneration for good.

Orange lit the room as Izuku charged again, skillfully dodging the lobbed ooze and closed the distance, ready to land some hits in.

Up. Down. Right. Left. Centre.

Izuku let Reaper tear flesh from bone, sunder limbs and burn the cells until they were nothing but dust.

Hopping back, Izuku frowns as he sees the cuts and wounds begin to heal, even when they shouldn't.


Nursing a cup of tea, Mirai shivered in his office. That thing in his vision had left, no longer haunting him with whispers and promises, but he still felt watched, even if he was alone.

"Izuku Midoriya..."

The missing child.

From his vision, Mirai knew that the child would be at the centre of the future, everything revolved around him, one way or another. All for One, One for All, Villains, Heroes. They all circled the child, the centre of the maelstrom to come, and the rift that he left behind...

Why he was so special, Mirai knew not.

"What will happen, I wonder...?"

A Seer who couldn't see the future.


In his office, Nezu folded his paws behind his back, overlooking Musutafu with his beady eyes, a black cloud lurking on the horizon.

"Everything is changing. What change comes is a mystery, but what I can do is protect my students and staff."

Despite the many, many rumours that surrounded him, Nezu held no hate for humanity.

Most of humanity.

He held no hate for most of humanity, and the ones who earned his undying hatred were the worst that humans could offer, the truest evils and the darkest souls ever to walk the earth.

In fact, he cared greatly for humans, he found them absolutely fascinating, enough for him to take over a school to rear the younger generation to be the best they could be; to be their very best self.

"And yet, there is a person in this school compromising my students' safety. This will not do."

Whizzing around, Nezu faced his computer with a snarl, looking at what had happened in his cyberspace, a place that was supposed to be a safe place for the information he held there. All his student's files, their records, staff records, and a myriad of other files lost, all holding a significant meaning that spelled all the wrong words.

"It is time to weed out this infestation, once and for all."

With a crack of his furred paws, Nezu let a maniacal grin split his face, pulling at his scar, as he began to repair and improve his defences.

"Active the Fortress protocols first!"

Alarms cried out as a lady puffed a cigarette, her eyes narrowing as she rolled her chair to her console.

"Nezu's found out? How...? Hm. The invasion." Purple nails tapped on a keyboard.

"I'm being locked out. He's breaking my connection." Grinning, the lady muttered.

"Two can play that game, my dear Nezu."

Within the bowls of U.A, mechanical groans flooded the halls, and out from the support vaults rose the Exam Bots; their eyes glowing a bright purple as they began to clamber out to cause as much chaos as possible, their only directive flashed through their memory cores.

Buy enough time to distract Nezu.

In his office, Nezu narrows his beady eyes at the scene his cameras were showing him. The Entrance Exam Bots were activated and their protocols rewritten.

"All U.A Staff members! We are facing an enemy incursion! Start Level 4 contingencies!"

As soon as Nezu spoke over the intercom, U.A shook as if struck by an earthquake.

The walls around U.A rose from the ground, a shell of sleek black metal covering the growing walls as guns started to pop from the top; the gate was the same, getting thicker and replaced with a much sturdier material.

Across the main building, shutters slammed down, and doors were blocked off, and the students were buckled into their chairs, before all the classrooms were shifted and shimmied.

What no one knew, with only a meagre selection of staff in the know, was Nezu's upgrades to U.A. In the case of an enemy break in with students on campus, the classrooms, cafeteria and class meeting rooms all could be evacuated in an instant, by opening a fake floor and lowering the room like an elevator, allowing for the safety of students in the lower bunkers hidden beneath U.A.

While the travelling rooms may have been a recent addition, the bunkers were not. Since the very foundation of U.A, the bunkers had stood, their hidden protection against all external threats.

After all, U.A was the first school to teach students how to use their abilities during the Dawn of Quirks. A time when people even hinted at possessing a quirk were hunted down and put to the gun.

Not even the schematics of the building had the bunkers on, and only a U.A Principle may know, a secret passed from one Principle to another since U.A's creation.

"Now that my students are safe and the bots are well under way to being contained, I will deal with this virus."

Angry couldn't describe the emotion the Administrator felt right now. How had she not known of these plans? Of these bunkers? Now she was close to being pushed out of U.A for good.

The student would have made great hostages, allowing the Commission a higher leverage to grasp power in U.A.

"Damn you Nezu, you sneaky rat bastard..."

Many of her connections had been severed by Nezu's firewalls, few remained and none would be helpful in her situation. She was a spider trapped in a shrinking web.

There was nothing she could do, so she quickly flickered her lighter on, studying the flames for but a single moment, before tossing it onto her monitor setup, hands interlocked as her work site lit up in bright blue flames; her last middle finger to Nezu.

He would know nothing of what she had done.

Gold nails grew from her hands and she passed one more look over her space, making sure her work was completely vaporised, before she cut her way out, slicing through the thick steel door that hide her office, and leaving U.A for good.

The staff would later find the scarred husk of a room and wonder what happened...

"There. All leaks and breaks are fixed, but why stop there! Let's make it better!" Nezu laughed, sipping at his tea, before he noticed an oddity.

"The USJ isn't sending any signals, nor getting any. My security fixes aren't getting transmitted there yet. It's like it's been... cut... off."

The Invasion. The staffroom. The person in there.

"The staffroom... Where all the staff create and keep their lesson plans for the year." Nezu felt his face crease.

"Our gate was disintegrated and Young Giichi witnessed a male who teleported into the school. That speaks of a plan, and fore knowledge. This wasn't a one off, it was a build up to an assault." With increasing fear, Nezu finished.

"And the perfect place to attack would be the USJ; out of the way and easily cut off and where All Might was supposed to be, but was distracted by a huge uptake in villain activity today..."

Just as Nezu petered off, His beady eyes locked onto an approaching cloud, and he spotted a blur of blue within and knew his worst fears had been realised.

"The USJ has been attacked."

(How are ya?)

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