Chapter 12

USJ Part 2! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Tis pretty graphic in some parts, so be warned, If you don't want to read, I'll mark it with bold asterisk so you can skip! Blood is ahead! Anyways! The song above is Blood upon the Snow by Hozier and Bear McCreary!

Frog was a powerful quirk, and it showed as Tsuyu grabbed Izuku with her arm around his waist before she leaped up, carrying Izuku along.

Sadly, they had to grab the pervert, less about wanting to save him but more out of duty to do so, but Izuku whispered to Tsuyu before they had taken off.

"Don't keep him close, grab him with your tongue and keep him tied up."

So she did.

With a heave, Tsuyu had lugged Mineta along, his wails muffled beneath thick muscle and before long, they plopped into the now villain free water. Izuku felt no guilt in what he did to the villains, but he did feel bad for his classmate, so he turned to his frog companion and apologised.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Tsuyu poked at her cheek.

"It's scary you did that, but it did save us. Try not to do it again, Giichi." Izuku nodded at her blunt words and felt the sloshing of water as it came up to his chest.

They'd landed close to the Main Plaza, and they had to slink through the water towards high ground, their eyes alert for any remaining villains lurking.

What they saw as they peaked over the edge was surprising.

Eraserhead had defeated most, if not all, of the weaker villains that made up the bulk of the crowd.

All that remained was the hand villain and that bulky beaked monstrosity.

Izuku took stock of the situation before he turned to his compatriots, filling them in.

"Right now, the Plaza is clear, we could sneak past, and get up the stairs, and away from this place." Tsuyu nodded her head thoughtfully, replying.

"That sounds good to me."

Nothing could have prepared them for what happened next.

In a speed beyond that which the normal eye could see, Aizawa was on the ground, a crater below him, encompassing his broken body as that horrific beast stood atop the hero, dead eyes staring ever forward.

Blood pooled around the hero, expanding by the second as the hand man laughed.

"Hah. You can erase quirks, but against my Nomu, you are nothing more than quirkless."

Izuku bit his finger in thought and muttered lowly.

"If Eraserhead erased the monster's quirk, but still managed to do that, it means that the beast is naturally that strong. Possibly as strong as All Might..."

Suddenly, a black mist appeared beside the hand man and yellow eyes blinked into existence before a cultured voice informed the man.

"Tomura Shigaraki. One of the children has escaped. Thirteen has been incapacitated however." The man - Tomura Shigaraki - scratched at his neck, drawing blood as he snarled.

"Kurogiri. If you weren't my getaway, I'd disintegrate you where you stand." Shigaraki sighed, almost sadly, "Times up. Time to get out of here before the heroes get here."

"But not before I crack a few golden eggs!"

At a superhuman speed, Shigaraki burst forward towards them, his hand stretched and they knew what that limb could cause and it was heading right towards Tsuyu's face. Reacting violently, Izuku met Shigaraki with a Void-powered upper cut.

The fist struck true, and Izuku felt something snap beneath his fist, no doubt that Izuku had done some damage to the villain's face. But, the villain's hand had managed to touch Izuku, and his suit vanished into dust as his skin started to vanish before the man was launched away by Izuku's punch.

"Stay away from her. Or else." Izuku growled, his voice deep and gravelly.

The villain glared at Izuku from the cold floor he had been thrown on, crimson eyes filled with malice pierced his skin as realisation set into them.

"You... You were the one in the staffroom... You stopped me from completing my raid with three stars." Shigaraki got up, hand on his jaw, not broken then, and angrily stated.

"For that, I'll kill you, then your friends and then your teacher!" Like a tantruming toddler, Shigaraki raged, stomping and throwing his hands in the air before he commanded his monster.

"Nomu! Crush him! Make him suffer!"

Time ground to a halt as the beast leaped at Izuku with speeds that none save a few could see beyond a black blur. A massive fist flew towards Izuku's chest, no doubt to crush him like its master commanded it to do.

And for all of Izuku's power, skill and determination, he couldn't dodge the fist; if he did, he would be leaving Tsu and Mineta open for the beast to attack.

So he accepted.

After all, why fear Death, when the Void held horrors beyond comprehension?

Thrown up hands crossed over his chest before the fist hit Izuku's chest right on.


Bones shattered and skin torn like wet paper, and Izuku gargled blood like mouthwash before it shot out from his mouth; scarlet life was suspended in the air for a mere moment before it flooded the floor. The punch shot Izuku backwards, his body felt weightless as he collided with a wall, and all feeling beyond his legs stopped working.

Slouching down, Izuku writhed in agony; his arms felt as if they were made from osmium, they were barely functional, and his legs weren't listening to his commands; his chest was concave, and blood leaked from his mouth and the many wounds across his chest.

Wretchedly disfigured, Izuku knew he looked like some kind of hellish creature; with twisted limbs, an indented chest and blood shrouding him.


Then he vanished in a blitz of radiant blue, a bloodied grin on his face.

And what came after was Retribution and Wrath in the form of metal and flesh.

Rising from the ground, bathed in eldritch fire, a ghost of the past, Revenant Prime, a phantom of past battles arisen with powers conflicting and at ever war.

Gracefully silent, the new presence raised its right hand, swirling in that bright fire like energy; its horned head tilted to reveal blazing eyes before it waved its hand at the beast.


Izuku had enthralled the beast, snatching away Shigaraki's command easily, as if he was merely given a fraction of its will. The rest, not that Izuku knew, fell under the control of something far darker than this insane man-child.

Yet, as soon as Izuku puppeted the beast, blinding gold erupted from its skin, a mesmerising display for everyone who hadn't a clue as to what was going on.

Deceptively bright light, heavenly Tsuyu would describe it later, shone from the beast, before said light twisted into a black so dark it almost drew light in, it was a void, absolute nothingness. The beast was obscured from sight, but they could hear something coming from the tear in reality.

Bones creaking and twisting filled the air once more, the disgusting sound of flesh as it boiled and stitched back together, the sounds of a gushing liquid, like that of a waterfall. Hissing could be heard too, like skin sizzling under an intense heat, and loud pops burst too.

Then, the bubble of darkness burst open, revealing something truly horrific, a sight that cursed the eyes that beheld its hideous form.


Gone was the bulky mass of muscle and scarred skin, instead was an abomination that could look down at All Might himself, its form lithe, all its muscles shrunken and deformed; It was skeletal almost, with barely any muscle at all anymore.

Its chest was nothing more than a rib-cage showcasing a beating heart, and tar like lungs, all trapped within a viscous void ooze that danced with 4 distinct lights that floated within.

Decaying yet living skin covered the walking abomination, said skin was as dark as the cocoon that encased the beast, and its scars that marked the creature were no longer old pink ones, but glowing, neon blue ones instead, scars that hissed and snarled with an angry sentience that they shouldn't have.

From its back lurked a dozen of waving tentacles, snapping with an unholy intelligence. They waved like long hair in an ocean's wild current, scarring the ground with the force at which they struck, tearing lashes and throwing debris all around.

Once human hands were no longer human, instead they were elongated, fingers stretching too far, tipped like claws and almost bony in nature, which connected to disfigured arms which were elongated enough for the clawed hands to scrape the ground.

What was worse, however, was the abomination's face. Where the brain was once on display, was instead a full skull made from that same viscous ooze that filled its chest. From the oozy cranium protruded hair like spikes, too many to count, but two horns protruded much further than the rest, appearing devil-like in appearance. Its once dull beady black eyes now held an intelligent gleam, along with an unfathomable lust for chaos and blood.


Even more unsettling than the head was what the beaked mouth had become. Its entire lower jaw dropped, a gaping mouth with rows dagger-like teeth snapping against each other, but what was even more unsettling was the way the gaping mouth had been twisted.

It was a smile.

Then, came the dry, humourless chuckled that rasped wetly from the abomination's mouth.





The entire room fell silent, no one knowing what was going on other than Izuku. The Abomination, there was no other word to describe it, stopped laughing as a far too long, decaying tongue licked its decrepit smiling lips, before a voice whispered from that cavernous mouth.

"Have fear... Why...? Because I...



Immeasurable pressure flooded the building, it pressed down on everyone's mind, body and soul in unseen ways; a misery and depression like no other enveloped everyone as their bodies felt as if they'd been stuffed in a tiny closet with ants crawling in their skin.

Many simply fell into the alluring embrace of unconsciousness, unknowing of the horrors that would follow them even there, and others could only watch, frozen, and locked as they gazed with terror at the beast.


A metallic footstep broke the silence, the titan was clearly unmoved by the beast. There was no fear, no emotion that the titan felt, and its head was held high even in the face of this abomination.

No words were spoken as the titan raised his right hand, and clenched its hand, and blue light lit up before it formed into a sleek scythe. Forged from Chaos and with Death made steel.

Reaper Prime.

Lurching forward, the Abomination's mouth twitched, its fingers cracking as they dragged against the ground, shrieking like fingernails on a black board, then stopped before tapping thrice as the mouth rasped.




Howling laughter echoed from the chest cavity, a thousand and one voices; Everything, yet nothing. A taunt. Then, the beast hunched its shoulders, arms widening as it crooned darkly.


                                                                  "I~zu~ku Mi~do~ri~ya"

(How are ya doing?)

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