Chapter 11

Heyo! Welcome back! Its time for the USJ! And a bit of a question, I've split the USJ Scene up into four chapters, should I release them all at once, or spread out the uploads to allow for you to all give me pointers?

Ah, sorry, anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! I know I did when I was writing it! Oh! And the song above is Its Raining Men by Annapantsu!

"Those are Villains."

Clutching his heart, Izuku blocked Aizawa out, his mind reverberating with that single line; "Did you miss me, Izu-kun?"

The Man in the Wall was meddling again.

And, it wasn't with a renegade quirk anymore, but with actual villains willing to drench their hands with the blood of his class without mercy, or perhaps, a fate worse than death for some if there are some seriously sick people within that mob.

This wasn't just training anymore, it was a fight for survival.

"Master of Shadows, that voice... It was everywhere, but nowhere. Yet, only you and I... What sorcery is this?" Izuku had no answer.

This was different. Tokoyami wasn't a Tenno, he wasn't aboard the Zariman, nor infected with the Void, so why can he hear the Man?

Unless it was Izuku's fault, had he unleashed the Void on Tokoyami?

"Eraserhead, give me permission to fight." The hero in question glanced at Izuku, looking him up and down, before telling the class.

"Under my authority as Pro Hero Eraserhead, you all have permission to defend yourselves. Be careful." Everyone glanced at the mob as they watched in horror, words filtering into those ears sensitive enough to hear.

"I wonder... All Might was supposed to be here, the schedule said so... But he's not. But, maybe we can lure him here with the corpses of his little golden eggs."

Floating up, Eraserhead readied his capture gear as he told Thirteen.

"Evacuate the students! I'll hold them off!"

Gracefully, Eraserhead leapt down the stairs, clearing all of them quickly and landing with little to no damage; his stance was ready, and Izuku watched with his one eye muttering.

"Eraserhead... That was beyond foolish."

Turning to his class, Izuku shook his head as a portal appeared before them.

"He should have stayed here, blocking the Warp villain's quirk to allow us to leave... But now he's left us vulnerable."

Izuku clenched his hand as a form appeared, a cloud with glowing yellow eyes, and a cultured voice came from the formless mist. He'd managed to hide the summoning of his weapon, but he'd only get one shot with it, he would be teleported as soon as the weapon was fired.

"Greetings, U.A students, and Thirteen. My name is unimportant, but it is my job to separate you all, and send you..." The mist wavered.

"To your demise."

Before Izuku could act, Bakugou and Kirishima shot forward, blocking both his shot, and Thirteen's, as they struck the mist with no effect.

"Get out of the way!" Thirteen yelled, yet it was to no avail as the villain chuckled.

"Well, that was fortunate, a little higher and I would have been in trouble. No matter. Prepare to face death, golden eggs."

*Krrzzzzz- Ba- Ba- BOOM!*

In an instant, the portal vanished nearly all of the class, including Izuku, and Izuku was plunged deep into the murky depths of the flood zone.

All across the zones, Class 1-A were scattered like dust, and surrounded by villains; sharks who were circling their prey, ready to devour without guilt.

Grunting, Izuku kicked a villain into unconsciousness as he swam towards the boat, fending for himself easily until he reached the boat, where a familiar tongue grasped his waist and yanked him out and onto the boat.

"Thank you, Tsu." The frog girl nodded and replied easily.

"You're welcome, Giichi." Izuku glanced at the third addition, the simple minded pervert; who was clutching at Tsu, his hand clearly unwanted on her breast. So, when Tsu slammed him into the wall, Izuku turned away as he thought out loud.

"Hm. They don't know our quirks. They sent you, Tsu, to the Flood Zone, where if they wanted to weaken you, they should have sent you to the Conflagration Zone." Izuku overlooked the Zone, keeping a keen eye on the villains in the water.

"That also means the villains will be extra cautious. They don't know if we have quirks which can combat theirs."

Izuku thought for a second, before he licked his lips, tasting the remnants of water that trickled down his face; salty. The water was salty, meaning it more than likely was sea water, or something similar. That meant electricity would work best, after all, salt water was great at conducting electricity.

"Rell, may our salvation come from your sacrifice..."

In his hand a blue light appeared, forming a long spear like shape until in a burst, appeared a weapon of power gifted to him by Rell himself.

Scourge Prime. Stormbringer. The Bane of the Unrighteous.

Pointing at the water, Izuku charged his weapon as he announced.

"I am the Arbiter's Hand, the one that shall send your tormented souls to the Void's vile embrace."

At the tip crackled green lightning, and Izuku bowed his head as he fired the shot.

He wished he didn't have to hear the screams that followed.

Unable to look his classmates in the eye, Izuku told them.

"Let's get to land."

In the Mountain Zone, Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Kaminari looked around in barely contained fear, their eyes taking in the crowd that circled them.

Yaoyorozu took charge of the situation and created two steel poles to protect herself and Jiro, and muttered Kaminari;

"Kaminari, I'm going to create an insulation blanket; after Jiro and I get under, discharge your quirk."

From her back, a mass of purple and white light emanated off and she felt sweat run down her forehead as her body started to shrink slightly, her fat stores burning rapidly, until she shouted out.


In the Ruin Zone, Bakugou and Kirishima readied themselves, their quirks ready for battle.

"Whoa Baku-bro! Calm down!"

The explosive boy ignored Kirishima, his palms crackling dangerously, as he slammed another villain into the ground, causing cracks to form.

Fueled by anger alone, the blonde haired teen soon leaped in action around the room, darting around like a missile with deadly explosive grace, obliterating the villains before he turned to the red haired boy, muttering darkly.

"That Misty fuck... I'll crush him!"

In the Landslide zone, Todoroki landed gracefully, and as soon as his right foot touched the ground, he unleashed his quirk; his anger at being unable to establish his power and station poured power into his ice and without hesitation let it loose. Within a split second, the entire zone was crackling in frigid ice, and villains frozen solid, fear evident as one stuttered.

"As soon as he appeared...! He froze everything!" Todoroki, as calm as a cucumber, marched up to the closest villain, hand misty with his quirk ready to be used.

"Right now, I can leave you in my ice, and within 5 minutes your cells will atrophy and die. Tell me everything you know. Or you will start losing body parts."

Rain poured down in the Downpour Zone as Tokoyami released Dark Shadow, the shadow quirk enlarged by the lack of light, and the bird headed boy glanced around with a sharp eye before he muttered to himself.

"We must return to the plaza. People are in danger. The Master of Shadows needs us." The bird headed boy glanced around again, feeling something was watching him.

"There is something amiss here."

Shouta panted. He'd been fighting for a solid few minutes now, and his eyes burned like lava. His quirk wasn't supposed to be used in a wide-scale battle such as this one, it was supposed to be one on one where he could level the playing field.

While heroes may not be one trick ponies, he didn't have the skillset for full battles like this. He didn't have the pure physical power to back it up, and he knew as he started to lag slightly, his kicks a bit slowly, more sluggish.

He was getting more and more exhausted.

And yet...

He needed to keep going, he was protecting the kids. They shouldn't have to fight villains so early in their careers, they may be strong, but even the strongest can break and shatter under the right circumstances.

Shouta wasn't a teacher to let children die under his watch.

"23..." Shouta slammed a trio of villains, as another ran up, clearly a metamorphic quirk user.

"Bet you can't erase Mutant quirks, can you?!" Shouta regarded the man coolly, and replied.

"No, but I've taken measures in order to supplement that flaw." His capture gear floated, snapping like an angry snake as it wrapped tightly around the villain and Shouta drew him in like a fisherman does to a fish.

And with a swift kick to the abdomen, the villain was out.


A cluster of villains came, and Shouta fought them off still, eyes burning even worse, tears in his eyes as he released his quirk.


At last, Shouta made it to the ringleader, those horrific hands adorning his body made Shouta suppress a shiver; what kind of man wears the hands of the dead?

"You're the final boss I'm guessing, so I'll take you out now and end this." The silver haired man tilted his head.

"I may be the Final Boss, but to get to me, you're going to have to defeat my ultimate first."

At the top of the stairs, the remaining group watched the misty villain wearily; it had vanished their classmates and could do the same to the rest of them.

"The alarms still haven't gone off. That probably means we're cut off from the main campus. Iida! You've got an engine quirk, correct?" Thirteen asked.

"Yes sir! Madam?" Thirteen waved their hand dismissively.

"Then you need to escape and warn U.A, we have no backup at the moment and nobody outside knows what's going on."

Rushing forward, Eraserhead let his quirk fire up, eyes locked onto the silver haired man, which was running towards him at a similar pace. Instantly his capture gear flew forward, the hand man grabbing it and holding on as Eraserhead got closer, until he was in range for close combat.

Swiftly, the Erasure hero struck, throwing his elbow forward for maximum damage, only for it to be stopped by a hand.

"Your speed was good, made it hard to see, but I found your little secret: It's your hair. When it falls, your quirk has been deactivated, and between each use, the time has gotten shorter. You... have to blink more."

Black hair fell and the hand man grinned as grey spread across Eraserhead's elbow, breaking the fabric of his suit before reaching his skin, which cracked like dry porcelain and flaked away revealing angry red muscles beneath.

Any blood that came from the wound was immediately rendered to dust...

"Don't overwork yourself, Eraserhead."

Darting his other arm forward, Eraserhead hit the main villain and leapt back, his mind racing as he panted tiredly.

'My elbow! It's been completely destroyed...'

Down an arm, Eraserhead dodged and weaved around the remaining two-bit villains, his pants obvious now.

"Your quirk isn't supposed to be used for long fights with a large group is it? No, you're a Stealth Build, a Rogue. This is a job for a Warrior, not your usual forte is it?"

With a flurry of kicks and capture gear, the rest of the villains were defeated, leaving only the main villain and Eraserhead in the main plaza.

"Oh, by the way Hero, you haven't seen my Ultimate yet."

Without time to blink, Eraserhead felt a presence behind him, and a quick glance revealed the muscled monstrosity of a man behind him suddenly, too fast for his eyes to detect, eyes dead as it looked forever forward. It's hand reached for Eraserhead...



On the staircase, Thirteen pointed her finger at the misty man and the cap flipped off, and matter started to draw into the hole, and nothing escaped, not even the mist could escape as chunks of it ripped off and into the hero's suit.

"Thirteen. You may be a Hero, but you're merely a rescue hero, not well versed in combat."

Suddenly, a portal ripped open behind the hero, and Blackhole turned on its user, completely evaporating the back of Thirteen's containment suit and she fell forward, defeated.

The students listened to Thirteen as she muttered.

"Get... Out of here Iida... We need you..."

The blue haired boy froze, then his face twisted with determination as he robotically hollered.

"Of course! I will return to U.A to bring reinforcements!" The mist interjected.

"You shouldn't discuss your plans where I can hear them."

Rumbling, Iida shot past the villain at blitz speeds, his engines humming as he got closer to the door.

"I can't allow you to leave, Child."

In front of Iida opened a portal and Iida's foot twisted, trying to stop as he thought.

'I was entrusted with a task to go get help. I will keep my classmates safe!'

Shoji leaped, his eight arms wrapping around the portal as he dragged it out of Iida's path, urgently shouting.

"Go Iida! Hurry!"

The portal man stretched his body after Iida, telling him.

"You cannot stop the inevitable, do not resist."

However, before he could reach the boy, his body was halted as it started to float and yellow eyes locked onto brown as Uraraka grit out, her accent funky.

"I have no idea what your quirk is, but your wearin' armour like this; you must have a body in 'ere somewhere!"

Then, as the mist floated, Sero flung his tape at the area Uraraka touched and let Sato grab the tape; the sugar buffed hero started to spin like a beyblade with the villain on the end of the tape, before throwing him like a shot put.

With a bit of elbow grease, Iida managed to claw open the door and sliver out, his quirk taking him along the road towards U.A, a single goal in mind.

"Get the teachers!"

(So, how are you doing?)

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