Chapter 10

Heyo! How've you all been? I hope ya enjoy this chapter, USJ! Its beginning! Feel free to drop a comment! They're greatly appriciated! Anyway, the song above is God of War Ragnarok by Bear McCreary!


That's all Izuku could sense as he entered U.A. It wasn't an immediate danger, one he could see or hear, but a looming danger, one that was too far to know, but close enough to feel that it was coming, and it was something big.

After the whole press fiasco yesterday, Izuku found out from Iida that the press had invaded, he felt more on edge, especially after the school ended and Izuku got a glimpse of the state the Barrier was in.

It was completely disintegrated.

It wasn't melted, or corroded, but turned to dust, just fine dust.

That was dangerous, deadly even, and with Izuku in the know about a villain breaking in made this even worse as several pieces fell into place on the jigsaw.

Black hoodie man had a disintegration quirk, and destroyed the gates, and using an accomplice, teleported into U.A to get to the staff room. This wasn't a random one of, this was a fully planned out invasion.

The gate was a declaration of war.

A thick miasma of anxiety, fear and danger lurked around U.A, It was a fog that hung drearily over Izuku, over everyone within U.A, a dread that wouldn't leave their bones; The Dread had it stuck its terrible claws into his shattered mind and wouldn't let go.

Whatever was going to happen, Izuku needed to be ready; he couldn't be caught off guard, or it could mean life or death.

Making his way to the classroom, Izuku opened up, and looked over the class, most were already here, so Izuku took to the podium quickly to make his announcement.

"I'm stepping down as Class President. I nominate Yaoyorozu to be my replacement. She can pick her Vice."

Sweet and to the point, Izuku saw no need to mince his words, he wasn't fit to be Class President, and with his piece said, Izuku sat down in his chair, ignoring the looks of his stunned classmates and waited.

Being the Class President made him a noticeable feature, he needed to be the shadows, the hidden protector and it would also eat up what little time he had already. So, it was a logical move to step down from the position.

Yaoyorozu was smart and had a keen eye, as well as a cool head, she was a shoe in for a leadership position.

Moving on, Izuku paid no heed to the rest of the day as he meditated quietly, his instincts going haywire for some reason, and it wasn't the Void this time.

His dread grew as the day went on.

The looming threat was getting closer, Izuku felt it like a coming storm, his hairs stood on their ends, and his skin broke out with goosebumps.

How he wished for his Shawzin...

"You know, Operator, you could just ask me to send it to you!" Izuku blinks and then smiles.

"That would be lovely, Aegis, thank you." The cephalon was grinning, Izuku could tell, even if he could see the smile.

"Anything for you, Operator!"

At lunch, Izuku forwent the hassle of fake eating, and chose to sit on the roof, alone, to play his Shawzin to calm him down.

Knelt down, Izuku felt the heavy instrument appear, a flash of blue temporarily blinding him, until he smiled slightly at his instrument. A midnight purple base, with soft edges and a light trim of gold, a beautiful Shawzin that played songs magnificently.

Now, Izuku had no talent for singing, his voice was like nails on a blackboard, his talent fell more into the playing; he could make a Shawzin sing so wonderfully that it made up for a lack of lyrics.

And, with a thrum of his fingers, a song spun in the air, twirling around as Izuku let his feelings go, letting them sink away under the tides of music and wonder.

Calm washed over him, his breath steady as the music took his anxiety and dread away with a soft melody of peace and tranquillity.

(The song is Unravel! An acoustic cover, here's it is!)

With a final stroke, Izuku let his Shawzin go, feeling the content he had built start to dry up as the dread grew once more, but it wasn't as bad as before; he could handle it now, and not let himself be consumed by the darkness willing to swallow him whole.

Standing up, Izuku took in a deep breath of the fresh air, and held it in his lungs before exhaling it slowly, pressing down his feelings for now; he'd unpack and release them later. For now, he needed calm and serenity.

A siren sounded, and Izuku turned sharply; lunch was at an end, and it was time for Heroics and his mind lurched at the thought of what they would be doing; Hopefully, there would be no interference.

Sitting back in his seat, Izuku couldn't help but notice that his class were sending not so subtle glances at him and it made him slightly apprehensive; he's never been good at the whole being social thing, so his apprehension to spend time with his class was understandable. To him.

To the rest of his class, however? They had no idea why he was avoiding them.

He was more mysterious than the Ice King Todoroki.

Aizawa slouched in, looking more tired than ever before, and pulled himself to the podium as he rifled through his pocket for a second;

"Today for Heroics, we'll be doing..." The class held their breath in anticipation, and Aizawa cut it as he pulled out a card with one word written on it.

"Rescue Training."

Uproar started, and Izuku nodded thoughtfully.

He was trained in war, forged in combat, he knew a battlefield, knew the aftermath, but not how to help others afterwards other than basic first aid, so this training would benefit him to no end in his path to heroics.

He could fight, he could wage war untold, but he needed to learn how to help and heal as he progressed,as he grew to become a hero.

"You can wear your costumes if you want to or whatever. Get going."

Nobody spoke as they left, slightly afraid to ask, but none of them knew where the bus was...

It took asking some random third year with strikingly blonde hair where to learn where to go when they got changed.

It took them 10 minutes, much to Aizawa's annoyance.

Lined up outside of the bus, Yaoyorozu read off her created clipboard, doing a roll call, before Iida, the new Vice, chopped his hands.

"Now that we are all here, please board in pairs of two please! In an orderly fashion!"

The layout of the bus was more open than rows of two like a normal commercial bus, and Iida deflated as Yaoyorozu whispered to him.

"That doesn't fit the layout of the bus... Alright everybody, please sit down and remain seated. We will be setting off soon."

As soon as the last person sat down, the bus started up, spluttering before it started to chug along and the class devolved into mindless chitter chatter.

Or it did, until Tsu spoke up.

"Hey Giichi, I tend to speak what's on my mind. You knew what happened to Tokoyami and only you could do anything; was that something to do with your quirk?" Izuku tilted his head in acknowledgement of Tsu and spoke quietly.

"Hmm. Well yes but actually no, my quirk is energy manipulation, what happened to Tokoyami was his quirk absorbing the energy that I absorb; nobody is supposed to absorb it other than me, as you saw. It has pretty bad effects on most people."

That sparked a debate amongst the class as they chatted about quirks and Kaminari interjected.

"Yeah! Giichi's quirk is flashy, but not like Bakugou's or Todoroki's! Man they're powerhouses!" Kirishima nodded enthusiastically.

"I know right?! It's so manly! Not like my quirk! It's just a hardening quirk! Kind of weak for hero work!" Izuku rubbed his temple, slightly annoyed.

"Just because your quirk isn't 'flashy' doesn't mean it's weak or useless, Kirishima. In fact, quirks don't matter for heroics, all you need is the strength to back up your resolve, and the will to save people." Everyone looked at Izuku, and he stood firm.

It was the most he'd ever spoken to his class, and it was something inspiring, not like his usual deadpan deliveries.

"Wow Giichi-bro! Thanks! That was really inspirational!" Tsu twisted to face Bakugou.

"You know, Bakugou may be powerful, but he won't be popular. I mean, we've known him for barely a week, and we've all seen his personality." Bakugou snarled at Tsu, his palms burning an acrid caramel as he grinds out.

"What did you say, Frog Face?!"

Defending Tsu's point, Kaminari tacked on.

"She's right Bakugou! Your personality is like a tiny angry pomeranian!"

Before the situation could devolve into a full on brawl, Aizawa sat up, his yellow eye bleeding sleeping bag unzipping as he grunted.

"We're here. Get out."

It took Izuku a moment, but he came around as he stood, realising that the bus had arrived at their destination and the rest of the class soon got up too, following Aizawa out and in front of a huge domed building.

Plastered on the side of the building was a golden sign, USJ, and the class screamed out in shock.

"Universal Studios Japan?!" Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and deadpanned.


A perky voice came from behind the eternally tired man.

"This is the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! The USJ for short!"

Izuku felt like they pulled that name out of a hat so they had a reason to use the acronym.

I mean, Joint? What kind of official school building designated for rescuing and saving is called a Joint?

This one, apparently.

"Oh my god! It's The Space Hero: Thirteen!" Uraraka called out. Her voice was so full of excitement and one copied by Thirteen herself.

"Yes indeed! I am Thirteen, a rescue heroine! Today I, along with Eraserhead and..." An awkward pause occurred, and the teachers muttered to themselves; Thirteen held up three of her fingers and Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose. Thirteen carried on.

"Just us! Between us, we'll be handling your rescue training! Let's go right in!"

Within the dome sat a huge expanse of areas, clearly different all connected to a main plaza; Thirteen held her arms out as she spoke.

"This is an area I had created for rescue training, it has a shipwreck, landslides, a fire and a rainstorm, among other scenarios that you may encounter! You'll all be running simulations in the zones to get a feel for disasters! However!" The bubbly hero held up her hand, fingers adding as she said.

"I have one... two... maybe three... no four... five! I have multiple things to talk about before we start!" She held her hand up, revealing her capped fingers as she started.

"To begin, I'm sure most of you know of my quirk: for those that don't, my quirk is called Black Hole. It allows me to absorb matter through the holes at the tip of my fingers before completely destroying it." Izuku knew the power that Black Hole held. It was a very dangerous and powerful quirk that must have needed extensive training just to control.

In a daze of fan madness, Uraraka bounced as she said.

"Yeah, you've used it in tons of rescues! Saved lots of people!" Thirteen deflated a bit as she added on from Uraraka's statement.

"Yes, that is true, but my quirk can kill just as easily. Just like a lot of your quirks, yes?" Thirteen held her hand out. "In this society, one of superpowers and abilities, using quirks has been certified and highly regulated, so we overlook just how dangerous our quirks can be." Thirteen took on a power stance, pointing to the sky as she finished her monologue.

"Do not forget, if you lose focus, if you lose your cool, quirks and your abilities can be deadly. You quite literally can kill with a flick of your wrist." Thirteen added on.

"From Aizawa's induction test, you were made well aware of your potential, and All Might's combat test shows just how deadly quirks can be; This class is going to hone those lessons into one thing: Learning how to save people with those powers!"

"Your quirks aren't meant to cause harm, but to save people! Remember that, children, as you go forward on your journey!" The space hero bowed fluidly, even in her bulky suit and finished.

"That's all I have to say, thank you all for listening!"

From his slouched position, Aizawa stood, stretching as he walked up to the class.

"Right then. Now that that is over its - "




Izuku collapsed to one knee as the lights around the USJ flickered ominously.

Those feelings he'd kept under lock and key, buried them so deep he couldn't feel them, erupted to the surface like an angry volcano, spewing magmatic rocks across the world, its ash carrying a thick miasma of misery and death...

A chiming noise sounded in front of the failing fountain at the crosspaths and Izuku watched as a familiar black and purple mist appeared, spiralling like a black hole as it expanded drastically.

And, from the centre of that black abyss, a pale hand emerged, ripping open space as a bloodshot eye glared, but the rest of the figure's face was obscured by a dead, disembodied hand.

Eraserhead glared back, and threw a hand in front of his students demanding them.

"Stay together and don't move!" His eyes never left the fountain as he commanded. "Thirteen, protect the students!"

The class looked as the portal expanded even more as the man stepped out, disembodied hands all over his body, some attached together with red bands; Izuku spotted something, the man's right side was bandaged, the white just barely visible beneath the black shirt.

Beside the man was a lumbering beast; it had no intelligence in those beady dead eyes, its mouth was nothing more than a beak home to razor sharp teeth and a brain exposed through its cranium. Whatever this scarred beast was, it was definitely not human, not anymore...

"What's going on? Is this a part of training?" Izuku was just about to step forward before Aizawa barked, his hand lifting a pair of golden goggles to his eyes.

"Stay back!"

At that moment, as soon as the hand man stepped out, dozens of figures flooded from his flanks, the man motionless as those figures just kept coming out like a tap.


"Are villains."

"Did you miss me, Izu-kun?"

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