
Lesson Format 

Word, Part of Speech, Word Forms 


Word Definition 

Sample Sentence 

Adorn, verb (adorns, adorning, adorned) 

embellish, garnish, ornament, trim 

For example, if someone adorns a place, he puts decorations on it. 

His watercolor designs adorn a wide range of books.

Magnificent, adjective (magnificently, magnificence) 

extraordinary, glorious, grand, splendid, superb, wonderful 

For example, if you say that something or someone is magnificent, you mean that you 

think it is extremely good. 

It is a magnificent country house in wooded grounds. 

Impressive, adjective (impressively, impress, impression) 

awe-inspiring, grand, moving, thrilling; something that is impressive impresses you. 

For example, it is great in size or in degree or is done with a great deal of skill. 

It is an impressive achievement. 

Impress, verb (impresses, impressed, impressing) 

affect, influence, persuade, sway 

For example, if something impresses you, you feel great admiration for it. 

What impressed him most was their speed.

Deal, noun (dealer, dealings, dealt, dealing) 

agreement, arrangement, bargain, contract, understanding 

For example, if you say that you need or have a great deal of or a good deal of a particular 

thing, you are emphasizing that you need or have a lot of it. 

I'm in a position to save you a good deal of time. Throughout, preposition 

For example, if you say that something happens throughout a particular time, you mean 

that it happens during the whole of that period. 

The national tragedy of rival groups killing each other continued throughout 1990. 

Tragedy, noun (tragic, tragically) 

calamity, catastrophe, disaster, misadventure 

For example, a tragedy is an extremely sad event or situation. 

They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy. 

Involve, verb (involved, involves, involving, involvement) 

comprise, consist of, contain, entail, include 

For example, if a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part or 

consequence of it. 

Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed. 

Run, verb (runs, ran, running) 

function, operate, administer, control, govern, and manage 

For example, if you run something such as a business or an activity, you are in charge of it 

or you organize it. 

His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business. 

Discipline, noun (disciplines, disciplining, disciplined) 

chastisement, correction, punishment, control, moderation, restraint 

Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing 


Consequence, noun (consequences, consequently) 

aftermath, effect, price, repercussion, result 

For example, the consequences of something are the results or effects of it. 

Her lawyer said she understood the consequence of her actions and was prepared to go 

to jail. 

Step-father, noun 

Someone's step-father is the man who has married a child's mother after the death or 

divorce of his father. 

Her step-father has been married to her mother for five years. Enormous, adj (enormously) 

big, giant, huge, immense, jumbo, tremendous 

For example, something that is enormous is extremely large in size or amount. 

The main bedroom is enormous. 

Rival, noun, verb (rivals, rivaling, rivaled) 

challenger, competitor, contender, adversary, enemy 

For example, your rival is a person, business, or organization against whom you are 

competing or fighting in the same area or for the same things. 

He eliminated his rival in brutal struggle for power. 

Compete, verb (competes, competing, competed, competition, competitive, 


contend, contest, rival, vie, combat, fight, strive, oppose; 

For example, when one firm or country competes with another, it tries to get people to buy 

its own goods in preference to those of the other firms or countries. You can also say that 

two firms or countries compete. 

The banks have long competed with American Express's charge cards and various store 


For example, if you compete with someone for something, you try to get it for yourself and 

stop the other person from getting it. You can also say that two people compete for 


Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water. 

Preference, noun (preferences prefer, preferred, preferably) 

choice, desire, favorite, option, selection 

For example, if you have a preference for something, you would like to have or do that 

thing rather than something else. 

Many or these products were bought because customers had a preference for them. 

In preference to, noun phrase 

If you choose one thing in preference to another, you choose it instead because it is better. 

Many people choose the train in preference to driving. Engrave, verb (engraves, engraving, engraved) 

For example, if you engrave something with a design of words, or if you engrave a design 

or words on it, you cut the design or words onto its surface. 

Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost. 

Inscription, noun (inscriptions, inscribe) 

carving, engraving, epitaph, etching 

For example, an inscription is writing carved into something made of stone or metal, for 

example a gravestone or metal. 

Above its doors was a Latin inscription 

Brutal, adj (brutalize, brutality, brutally) 

vicious, savage, cruel, fierce, harsh, inhuman, ruthless, unmerciful, unforgiving 

For example, a brutal act or person is cruel and violent. 

He was the victim of a very brutal murder. 

Struggle, verb (struggles, struggling, struggled) 

attempt, endeavor, offer, seek, strive, undertake 

For example, if you struggle to do something, you try hard to do it, even though other 

people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed. 

They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity. 

For example, if two people struggle with each other, they fight. 

She screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground. 

(noun) He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming 


Adversity, noun (adversities, adversary, adversely) 

misfortune, mischance, mishap, tragedy 

For example, adversity is a very difficult or unfavorable situation. 

He showed courage in adversity. 

Awkward, adjective (awkwardness, awkwardly) 

bumbling, clumsy, halting, heavy-handed, inept, lumbering, uncomfortable 

For example, a situation in which you feel so embarrassed that you are not sure what to do 

or say. 

The more she tried to get out of the situation, the more awkward it became. Make things awkward, verb phrase 

For example, to cause trouble and make a situation very difficult 

She could make things very awkward if she wanted to.

Prison, noun (prisons, imprison, imprisoned) 

can, cooler, lockup, pen, penitentiary, reformatory, stockade 

For example, a prison is a building where criminals are kept as punishment or where 

people accused of crime are kept before their trial. 

After being convicted of bank robbery, she was sent to prison.

Favorable, adjective (favors, favorably, favorite) 

agreeable, good, grateful, gratifying, nice, pleasing, pleasurable, welcome 

For example, if your opinion or your reaction is favorable to something, you agree with it 

and approve of it. If something makes a favorable impression on you or is a favorable to 

you, you like it and approve of it. 

His ability to talk while eating fast made a favorable impression on his dining 


Accuse, verb (accuses, accusing, accused, accusation) 

arraign, charge, criminalize, impeach, incriminate, inculpate, indict 

For example, if you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell 

them that you believe that they did. 

My mom was really upset because he was accusing her of having an affair with another 


Approve, verb (approves, approving, approved, approval) 

accept favor, go for, accredit, certify, endorse, OK (or okay), sanction 

For example, if you approve of an action, event, or suggestion, you like it or are pleased. 

Not everyone approved of the festival. 

Upset, adj (upsets, upsetting, and upset) 

agitate, bother, discombobulate, disquiet, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge 

For example, if you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed because something 

unpleasant has happened to you. 

After she died, I felt very, very upset. 

For example, if something upsets you, it makes you feel worried or unhappy. 

The whole incident had upset me and my fiancée terribly. Incident, noun (incidents, incidentally) 

occurrence, circumstance, episode, event, happening, occasion, things 

For example, an incident is something that happens, especially something that is unusual. 

These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between two nations. 

Dispute, noun (disputes, disputing, disputed) 

argue, bicker, hassle, quibble, squabble, wrangle 

For example, a dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups. 

They have won previous pay disputes with the government. 

(verb) If you dispute a fact, statement, or theory, you say that it is incorrect or untrue. 

He disputed the allegations. 

Allegation, noun (allegations allege, alleged, allegedly) 

For example, an allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong. 

The company denied the allegation. 

Affair, noun (affairs) 

business, concern, matter, shooting match, thing 

For example, if an event or series of events has been mentioned and you want to talk about 

it again, you can refer to it as the affair. 

The government has mishandled the whole affair. 

Mishandle, verb (mishandles, mishandling, mishandled) 

abuse, misapply, disapprove, misuse, pervert, prostitute 

For example, if you say that someone has mishandled something, you are critical of them 

because you think the have dealt with it badly. 

She completely mishandled an important project purely through lack of attention. 

Critical, adjective (criticism, criticize, critique) 

acute, climacteric, crucial, desperate, dire 

For example, a critical time, factor, or situation is extremely important. 

The incident happened at a critical point in the campaign. 

For example, a critical situation is very serious and dangerous. 

The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical. He is 

in critical condition after the auto accident. 

For example, to be critical of someone or something means to criticize them. His report is highly critical of the trial judge. 

Campaign, noun (campaign, campaigning, campaigned) 

For example, a campaign is a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of 

time in order to achieve something such as social or political change. 

During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet. 

(verb) If someone campaigns for something, they carry out a planned set of activities over a 

period of time in order to achieve their aim. 

We are campaigning to improve the legal status of woman. 

Carry out administer, administrate, execute, govern, render 

For example, if you carry out a threat, task, or instruction, you do it or act according to it. 

Police say that they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists. Commitments 

have been made with little intention of carrying them out. 

Election, noun (elections, elect, electioneer, elective) 

choice, alternative, option, preference, selection 

For example, an election is a process in which people vote to choose a person or group of 

people to hold an official position. 

The final election results will be announced on Friday. 

Legal, adjective (legalize, legality, legally) 

lawful, innocent, legitimate, licit 

For example, legal is used to describe things that relate to the law. 

He vowed to take legal action. I sought legal advice on this. 

Threat, noun (threaten, threatened, threatening) 

danger, menace, liability 

For example, a threat to a person or things is a danger that something unpleasant might 

happen to them. A threat is also the cause of this danger. 

Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships. Secure, verb (secures, securing, secured) 

cover, fend, guard, protect, safeguard, screen, shield 

For example, if you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot 

of effort. Secure is used in a formal context. 

Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire. 

Obtain, verb (obtains, obtaining, obtained) 

acquire, annex, chalk up, gain, have, pick up, procure, secure, win 

For example, to obtain something means to get it or achieve it. 

The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain. 

Cease-fire, noun (cease-fires) 

truce, armistice 

For example, a cease-fire is an agreement in which countries or groups of people that are 

fighting each other agree to stop fighting. 

They have agreed to a cease-fire after three years of conflict. 

Investigate, noun (investigates, investigating, investigated, investigation) 

explore, delve (into), dig (into), go (into), inquire (into), look (into), probe, prospect, sift 

For example, if someone, especially an official, investigates an event, situation, or claim, he 

tries to find out what happened or what the truth is. 

Police are still investigating how the accident happened. 

Dispatch, verb (dispatches, dispatching, dispatched) 

address, consign, forward, remit, route, ship, transmit 

For example, if you dispatch someone to a place, you send him there for a particular 


The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 soldiers to search the 


Replacement, noun (replace, replaced) 

alternate, backup, fill-in, pinch hitter, stand-in, sub, surrogate 

For example, if you refer to the replacement of one thing by another, you mean that second 

thing takes the place of the first. Let's investigate the problem before we dispatch replacements....the replacement of 

damaged or lost books. 

Substitute, verb (substitutes, substituting, substituted) 

exchange, change, swap, switch, trade 

For example, if you substitute one thing for another, or if one thing substitutes for another, 

it takes the place or performs the function of the other thing. 

They were substituting violence for dialog. 

Vague, adjective (vaguer, vaguest) 

ambiguous, equivocal, opaque, uncertain, unclear, inexplicit, unintelligible 

For example, if something written or spoken is vague, it does not explain or express things 


A lot of talk was apparently vague and general. 

Apparently, adverb (apparent) 

ostensibly, evidently, officially, outwardly, professedly, seemingly 

For example, you use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is 

something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. 

Apparently, the girls are not amused by the whole business. 

Amuse, verb (amuses, amusing, amused) 

divert, entertain, recreate 

For example, if something amuses you, it makes you want to laugh and smile. 

The thought seemed to amuse him. 

Municipal, adjective (municipality) 

urban, city 

For example, municipal means associated with or belonging to a city or town. 

A new mayor will be elected in the upcoming municipal election. 

Upcoming, adjective 

approaching, coming, nearing, oncoming, forthcoming 

For example, upcoming events will happen in the near future. 

We'll face a tough fight in the upcoming election. Vintage, adjective (vintages) 

old fashioned, antiquated, antique, archaic, dated, old, outdated, outmoded 

For example, you can use vintage to describe something which is the best and most typical 

of its kind. 

Are you interested in vintage automobiles? 

Veritable, adjective 

authentic, bona fide, genuine, indubitable, real, sure-enough, true, undoubted 

For example, you can use veritable to emphasize the size, amount, or nature of something. 

There was a veritable army of security guards. 

Anthropology, noun (anthropological) 

For example, anthropology is the scientific study of people, society, and culture. 

My major is Anthropology. 

Fascinate, verb (fascinates, fascinating, fascinated, fascination) 

grip, hold, mesmerize, spellbind, enthrall 

For example, if something fascinates you, it interests and delights you so much that your 

thoughts tend to concentrate on it. 

Politics fascinated Franklin's father. 

Belongings, noun 

effects, goods, movables, things, possessions 

For example, your belongings are the things that you own, especially things that are small 

enough to be carried. 

I collected my belongings and left. 

Lease, noun (leases, leasing, leased) 

hire, charter, let, rent 

For example, a lease is a legal agreement by which the owner of a building, a piece of land, 

or a car allows someone else to use it for a period of time in return for money. 

We've taken out a lease on an office building. (take out a lease = sign a lease so that 

you can rent something) Eviction, noun (evictions) 

kicks out 

For example, eviction is the act or process of officially forcing someone to leave a house or 

piece of land. 

He was facing eviction, along with his wife and family. 

Along with, preposition 

For example, you use along with to mention someone or something else that is also 

involved in an action or situation. 

He was facing eviction, along with his wife and family. 

Vacate, verb (vacates, vacating, vacated) 

abandon, give up, part (with or from), relinquish, leave, quit 

For example, if you vacate a place or a job, you leave it or give it up, making it available for 

another person. 

He vacated the apartment and went to stay with an uncle. 

Analyze, verb (analyzes, analyzing, analyzed) 

divide, part, separate, assort, classify, pigeonhole, examine, inspect, investigate, scrutinize 

For example, if you analyze something, you consider it carefully or use statistical methods 

in order to fully understand it. 

This book teaches you how to analyze what is causing the stress in your life. 

Term (in terms of), prepositional phrase 

If you explain or judge something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are only 

interested in its connection with that fact or event. 

US foreign policy tended to see everything in terms of the Vietnam War. 

Challenging, adjective 

arduous, effortful, labored, laborious, strenuous, toilsome, uphill 

For example, a challenging task or job requires great effort and determination. 

Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer. 

Unrestrained, adjective 

excessive, immoderate, inordinate, intemperate, overindulgent 

For example, if you describe someone's behavior as unrestrained, you mean that it is 

extreme or intense because he/she is expressing his/her feelings strongly or loudly. There was unrestrained joy on the faces of people. 

Intense, adjective 

concentrated, desperate, exquisite, fierce, furious, terrible, vehement, vicious, and violent 

For example, intense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength 

or degree. 

Suddenly, the room filled with intense light. 

Hypertension, noun 

For example, hypertension is a medical condition in which a person has high blood 


He suffered from hypertension and accompanying heart problems. 

Accompany, verb (accompanies, accompanying, accompanied, accompaniment) 

attend, bear, bring, carry, chaperon, companion, company, conduct, convoy, escort 

For example, if one thing accompanies another, it happens or exists at the same time, or as 

a result of it. (Formal) 

The proposal was instantly voted through with two to one in favor, accompanied by 

enthusiastic applause. 

Proposal, noun (proposals) 

invitation, proffer, proposition, suggestion 

For example, a proposal is a plan or an idea, often a formal or written one, which is 

suggested for people to think about and decide upon. 

A proposal outlining how the new voting district would be drawn up was submitted to 

the City Council. 

In favor, prepositional phrase 

For example, if someone or something is in favor, people like or support it. If they are out 

of favor, people no longer like or support them. 

She's very much in favor with the management at the moment. 

Applause, noun (applaud, applauded) 

cheers, hand, ovation, round, cheering, clapping, rooting 

For example, applause is the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands to show 


They greeted him with thunderous applause. Constitution, noun (constitutions) 

The constitution of a country or organization is the system of laws which formally states 

the people's rights and duties. 

The Constitution of the United States was written in 1776. 

Cope, verb (copes, coping, coped) 

deal with, overcome 

For example, if you cope with a problem or a task, you deal with it successfully. 

It was amazing how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than three 

hundred dollars a week. 

Deal with, verb phrase 

treat, handle, play, serve, take, use 

For example, when you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give 

your attention to it, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning it. 

The president said the agreement would allow other vital problems to be dealt with.

Vital, adjective (vitally, vitality, vitalize, vitalized) 

essential, cardinal, constitutive, fundamental 

For example, if you say that something is vital, you mean that it is necessary or important. 

The port is vital to supply relief to millions of droughts victims. 

Pupil, noun (pupils) 


For example, the pupils of a school are the children who go to it. 

I teach private pupils on Wednesday. 

Standardize, verb (standard, standardizes, standardizing, standardized) 

For example, to standardize things means to change them so that they all are the same. 

He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below or 

above overage. Concrete, adjective 

For example, you use concrete to indicate that something is definite and specific. 

There were no concrete proposals on the table.

Incentive, noun (incentives) 

stimulus, catalyst, goad, impetus, impulse, incitation, incitement, motivation, stimulant 

For example, if something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it. 

There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures. 

Definite, adjective (definitely, definiteness, definitive) 

circumscribed, determinate, fixed, limited, narrow, precise, restricted 

Definite evidence or information is true, rather than being someone's opinion or guesses. 

We didn't have any definite proof. 

Assumption, noun (assume, assumed, assumptions) 

presumption, presupposition 

If you make an assumption that something is true, or will happen, you accept that it is true 

or will happen, often without any real proof. 

Dr. Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is 


Mediate, verb (mediates, mediating, mediated, mediator) 

interpose, intercede, interfere, intermediate, intervene, step in 

For example, if someone mediates between two groups of people, he tries to settle an 

agreement by talking to both groups to find out which things they can both agree. 

United Nations officials have mediated a serious of peace meetings between the two sides. 

Settle, verb (settles, settling, settled, settlement) 

calm, allay, becalm, compose, lull, quiet, quieted, soothe, still, tranquilize 

If people settle an argument or problem, or if someone settles it, they solve it, for example 

by making a decision about who is right or about what to do. 

They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation. 

Dispute, noun (disputes) 

argue, bicker, hassle, quibble, squabble, wrangle 

A dispute is an agreement or disagreement between people or groups. 

For example, negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States. 

Capital, adjective (capitalize, capitalism) 

chief, dominant, main, major, number one, outstanding, predominant, principal 

For example, a capital offense is one that is so serious that the person can be put to death. 

His assassinating the Senator of New York was a capital crime, which, if found guilty, 

will qualify him for the death penalty. 

Offense, noun (offenses) 

attack, aggression, assailment, assault, offensive, downfall, onset, onslaught 

For example, an offense is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a punishment. 

A criminal offense is an act committed by someone which is in direct violation of the laws 

of a particular country. 

Instill, verb (instills, instilling, instilled) 

implant, inculcate, infix, inseminate 

For example, if you instill an idea or feeling into someone, especially over a period of 

time, you make them think it or feel it. 

They hope that their work will instill a sense of responsibility in children. 

Execute, verb (executes, executing, executed, execution, executively) 

assassinate, bump off, cool, do in, dust off, finish, knock off, liquidate, put away 

For example, to execute someone means to kill him/her as a punishment for a serious 


This boy's father had been executed for conspiring against the throne. 

Conspire, verb (conspires, conspiring, conspired) 

plot, cogitate, collogue, collude, connive, contrive, devise, intrigue, machinate, scheme 

For example, if two or more people or groups conspire to do something illegal of harmful, 

they make a secret agreement to do it. 

They'd conspired to overthrow the government. 

Pilot, verb (plots, plotting, plotted) 

collude, connive, conspire, contrive, devise, intrigue, machinate, scheme 

For example, if people plot to do something or plot something illegal or wrong, they 

plan secretly to do it. 

Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government. Throne, noun (thrones) 

The throne: the position and power of being a king or queen. 

In 1913 when George V was on the throne, his country's people suffered from poverty. 

Overthrow, verb (overthrows, overthrowing, overthrew, overthrown) 

overturn, knock over, overset, tip (over), topple, turn over, upset 

For example, when a government or leader is overthrown, he/she is removed by force. 

That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago. 

Coup, noun (coups) 

overthrow, revolution, insurrection, revolt 

For example, when there is a coup, a group of people seizes power in a country. 

Bolivia has experienced several military coups over the last few decades. 

Prosecutor, noun (prosecutors) 

For example, in some countries, a prosecutor is a lawyer or official who brings charges 

against someone or tries to prove in a trial that he/she is guilty. 

Due to a preponderance of evidence presented by the prosecutor, the man was found 

guilty of murder. 

Allege, verb (alleges, alleging, alleged) 

adduce, advance, cite, lay, offer, present 

For example, if you allege that something bad is true, you say it but do not prove it. 

It was alleged that policeman had accepted bribes. 

Defendant, noun (defendants) 

For example, a defendant is a person who has been accused of breaking the law and is 

being tried in court. 

We find the defendant not guilty of the charges brought against him by the prosecutor. 

Seize, verb (seizes, seizing, seized) 

appropriate, annex, arrogate, commandeer, confiscate, expropriate, preempt, sequester 

For example, when a group or people seize a place or seize control of it, they take control 

of it quickly and suddenly, using force. 

Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power. Charge, noun 

For example, an official statement made by the police saying that someone is guilty of a 


The charge against her was arson. 

Arson, noun 

For example, arson is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building or vehicle. 

They vented their anger by carrying out arson attacks. 

Bribe, noun (bribes, bribing, bribed) 

buy, buy off, fix, have 

For example, a bribe is a sum of money or something valuable that one person offers or 

gives to another in order to persuade him or her to do something. 

He was being investigated for receiving bribes. 

Prescription, noun (prescriptions) 

For example, a prescription is a medicine which a doctor has told you to take. 

Can I discontinue taking my prescription? I feel fine now. 

Relapse, verb (relapses, relapsing, relapsed) 

lapse, backslide, recidivate 

For example, if a sick person relapses, his health suddenly gets worse after it had been 


In 90 percent of cases, the patient will relapse within six months. 

Surgery, noun (surgeries) 

For example, surgery is medical treatment in which someone's body is cut open so that a 

doctor can repair, remove, or replace a diseased or damaged part. 

The doctor performed surgery on the heart-diseased patient. 

Medical, adjective (medically, medicals) 

physician, doc, doctor, medico 

For example, medical means relating to illness and injuries and to their treatment or 


Several police officers received medical treatment for cuts and bruises. Treatment, noun (treatments) 

For example, treatment is medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal. 

Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need. 

Bruise, noun (bruises, bruising, bruised) 

boo-boo, abrasion, scrape, scratch 

For example, a bruise is an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, 

although the skin is not broken. 

How did you get that bruise on your cheek? 

Symptom, noun (symptoms) 

indication, evidence, index, indicia, mark, sign, significant, token. 

For example, a symptom of an illness is something wrong with your body or mind that is 

a sign of the illness. 

I thought I ought to let you know my symptoms have already been relieved. 

Specify, noun (specifies, specifying, specified, specific, specifically) 

cite, instance, name 

For example, if you specify something, you give information about what is required or 

should happen in a certain situation. 

He has not specified what action he would like them to take. 

Estate, noun (estates) 

acres, land, manor 

For example, someone's estate is all the money and property that he/she leaves behind 

them when he/she dies. 

Mrs. Green's specified that her estate be auctioned off for her charity.

Executor, noun (executors) 

For example, an executor is someone whose name you write in your will when you want 

him to be responsible for dealing with your affairs after your death. 

Who is the executor? 

Committee, noun (committees) 

For example, a committee is a group of people who meet to make decisions or plans for 

a large group or organization that they represent. 

Has the acquisition committee decided which precision cutting machines to buy? Acquisition, noun (acquisitions) 

acquirement, accomplishment, achievement, attainment, finish 

For example, if a company or business person makes an acquisition, he/she buys 

another company or part of that company. 

What will turn around our business is the acquisition of a profitable paper 

recycling company. 

Precision, noun (preciseness, precise) 

accuracy, correctness, definiteness, definitiveness, definitude, exactitude, exactness, 


For example, if you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done. 

The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of. 

Adjective: made or done in a very exact way 

The wheat is milled with precision grinding. 

Profitable, adjective 

advantageous, gainful, good, lucrative, moneymaking, paying, remunerative, well-paying, 


For example, a profitable organization or practice makes a profit. 

Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America. 

Interior, noun (interiors) 

inner, inner more, inside, internal, intestine, inward 

For example, the interior of a country or continent is the central area or it. 

The Yangzi River would give access to much of China's interior. 

Grind, verb (grinds, grinding, and ground) 

drudge, grub, muck, plod, slave, slog, toil 

For example, if you grind a substance such as corn, you crush it between two hard 

surfaces or with a machine until it becomes a fine powder. 

Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it. 

Clarify, verb (clarifies, clarifying, clarified) 

clear, clear up, elucidate, explain, illuminate, illustrate, explain 

For example, to clarify something means to make it easier to understand, usually by 

explaining it in more detail. (Formal) 

Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position. Specification, noun (specifications) 

requirement, guideline 

For example, a specification is a requirement which is clearly stated, for example about the 

necessary features in the design of something. 

I'd like to buy some land and have a house built to my specification. 

Contender, noun (contenders) 


For example, a contender is someone who takes part in a competition. 

Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place in Britain's 

Olympic squad.

Retard, verb (retards, retarding, retarded) 

delay, decelerate, detain, hang up, mire, set back, slacken, slow (up or down) 

For example, if something retards a process, or the development of something, it makes it 

happen more slowly. (Formal) 

Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future. 

Extinction, noun 

For example, the extinction of a species of animal or plant is the death of all its remaining 

living members. 

An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction. 

Encroach, verb (encroaches, encroaching, encroached) 

trespass, entrench, infringe, invade 

For example, if one thing encroaches on another, the first thing spreads or becomes 

stronger, and slowly begins to restrict the power, range, or effectiveness of the second. 

Any attempt to encroach upon presidential prerogatives in this domain was quickly and 

firmly resisted. 

Spread, verb (spreads, spreading, spread) 

circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, propagate, radiate, strew 

For example, if something spreads or is spread by people, it gradually reaches or affects a 

larger and larger area or more and more people. 

News of the large earthquake quickly spread across the nation. Restrict, verb (restricts, restricting, restricted) 

limit, bar, circumscribe, confine, delimit, delimitate 

For example, if you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to prevent it from 

becoming too great. 

The French, I believe, restrict Japanese imports to a maximum of three percent or their 


Presidential, adjective 

For example, Presidential activities or things relate or belong to a president. 

There are several presidential candidates. 

Domain, noun (domains) 

field, dominion, province, sphere, terrain, territory, walk 

For example, a domain is a particular field of thought, activity, or interest, especially one 

over which someone has control, influence, or rights. (Formal) 

This information should be in the public domain. 

Resist, verb (resists, resisting, resisted) 

buck, combat, contest, dispute, duel, fight, oppose, repel, traverse, withstand; if you resist 

something such as a change, you refuse to accept it and try to prevent it. 

They resisted our attempt to modernize the distribution of books. 

Candidate, noun (candidates) 

applicant, aspirant, hopeful, seeker 

For example, a candidate is someone who is being considered for a position, for example 

someone who is running in an election or applying for a job. 

He is a candidate for the office of Governor. 

Deliberate, adjective (deliberates, deliberating, deliberated) 

planned, projected, schemed, calculated, careful, meticulous, scrupulous, foresighted, 

forethoughtful, provident, prudent 

For example, if you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it 

beforehand, and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance. 

Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained. 

Straighten up, straighten (straightens, straightening, straightened) 

order, arrange, array, dispose, marshal, methodize, systemize 

For example, if you straighten something, you make it tidy or put it in its proper position. 

She sipped her coffee and straightened a picture on the wall. 

Sip, verb (sips, sipping, sipped) 

drink, imbibe, quaff, sup (off or up), swallow, toss 

For example, if you sip a drink or sip at it, you drink by taking just a small amount at a 


He sipped at the glass and then put it down. 

Branch, noun (branches, branching, branched) limb, bough 

For example, the branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have 

leaves, flowers, or fruit, growing on them. 

They're cutting a branch off the tree. 

Trunk, noun (trunks) 

For example, the trunk of a tree is the large main stem from which the branches grow. 

The house was built beside the gnarled trunk of a birch tree. 

Stem, noun (stems, stemming, stemmed) 

For example, the stem of a plant is the thin, upright part on which the flowers and leaves 


He stepped down, cut the stem for her with his knife, and handed her the flower. 

Gnarled, adjective 

For example, a gnarled tree is twisted and strangely shaped because it is old. 

There is a large and beautiful garden full of ancient gnarled trees. 

Ancient, adjective 

aged, age-old, antediluvian, antique, hoary, old, timeworn, venerable, obsolete 

For example, ancient means very old or something which has existed for a long time. 

They have practiced ancient Jewish traditions all of their lives. Ladder, noun (ladders) 

For example, a ladder is a piece of equipment used for climbing up something or down 

from something. It consists of two long pieces of wood, metal, or rope with steps fixed 

between them. 

He is doing some work on a ladder. 

Put out, verb 

extinguish, douse, out, quench, squelch 

For example, if you put out a fire, candle, or cigarette, you make it stop burning. 

Fireman tried to free the injured and put out the blaze. 

Blaze, noun (blazes, blazing, blazed) 

blare, flame, flare, glare, glow 

For example, a blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of 


Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower clock last night. 

Sweep, verb (sweeps, sweeping, swept) 

circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute 

For example, if events, ideas, or beliefs sweep through a place, they spread quickly. 

A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow. 

Polish, noun (polishes, polishing, polished) 

luster, glaze, glint, gloss, sheen, shine 

For example, polish is a substance that you put on the surface of an object in order to clean 

it and make it shine. 

She used furniture polish to restore her dance shoes back to their original color. 

Rub, verb (rubs, rubbing, rubbed) 

buff, burnish, furbish, glance, glaze, gloss, shine 

For example, if you rub an object or a surface, you move a cloth backward and forward 

over it in order to clean or dry it. 

She took off her glasses and rubbed them hard.

Participant, noun (participants) 

actor, partaker, participator, party, sharer 

For example, the participants in an activity are the people who take part in it. The speaker gave all participants an opportunity to voice their opinions. 

Instrument, noun (instruments) 

implement, tool, utensil 

For example, a musical instrument is an object such as a piano, guitar, or flute, which you 

play in order to produce music. 

Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music. 

Make a point, verb phrase 

For example, to make a point is to give a fact, idea, or opinion. 

One person is making a point to the others. 

Row, noun (rows) 

line, file, queue, rank, string, tier 

For example, a row of things or people is a number of them arranged in a line. 

The men are arranging school desks and chairs into neat rows. 

Neat, adjective (neater, neatest) 

orderly, prim, shipshape, snug, spick-and-span, tidy, trim, uncluttered, well-groomed 

For example, a neat object, part of the body, or shape is quite small and has a smooth 


He folded his clothes in a neat pile on the chair. 

Overpass, noun (overpasses) 

For example, an overpass is a structure which carries one road over the top of another one. 

The highway ends at the overpass. 

Pull over, verb 

For example, when a vehicle or driver pulls over, the vehicle moves closer to the side of the 

road and stops there. 

Some cars have pulled over to the side of the road. 

Pile, noun (piles, piling, piled) 

drift, heap, hill, mass, mound, mountain, mow, pyramid 

For example, a pile of thing is a quantity of things that have been put neatly somewhere so 

that each thing is on top of the one below. 

There is a pile of boxes in the garage. (verb) If you pile things somewhere, you put them there so that they form a pile. 

He was piling clothes into the case. 

Lean, verb (leans, leaning, leaned, leant) 

For example, if you lean on or against someone or something, you rest against it so that it 

partly supports your weight. If you lean an object on or against something, you place the 

object so that it is partly supported by that thing. 

She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him. 

(adjective) Lean can also mean to become thin or to lose weight. 

After three weeks of long distance running and weight-lifting, she became very lean. 

Mow, verb (mows, mowing, mowed, mown) 

clip, crop, cut 

For example, if you mow an area of grass, you cut it using a machine called lawn mower. 

He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores. 

Lawn, noun (lawns) 

For example, a lawn is an area of grass that is kept cut short and is usually part of 

someone's garden or backyard, or part of a pack. 

They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree. 

Routine, noun (routines) 

ordinary, everyday, plain, plain Jane, quotidian, unremarkable, usual, workaday 

For example, you use routine to describe activities that are done as a normal part of a job 

or process. 

The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine. 

Chore, noun (chores) 

task, assignment, duty, job 

For example, chores are tasks such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that have to be done 

regularly at home. 

My husband and I both go out to work, so we share the household chores. Due, adjective (dues) 

unpaid, mature, outstanding, overdue, owing, payable, unsettled 

For example, if something is due at a particular time, it is expected to happen, be done, or 

arrive at the time. 

The rent is due at the end of the month. 

Unlikely, adjective (unlikeliest) 

improbable, doubtful, dubious, questionable 

For example, if you say that something is unlikely to happen or unlikely to be true, you 

believe that it will not happen or that it is not true, although you are not completely sure. 

Would Ms. Wines be free to attend this meeting? It's unlikely. 

Tablet, noun (tablets) 

For example, a tablet is a small round mass of medicine which you swallow. 

It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly for this kind of wakefulness. 

Swallow, verb (swallows, swallowing, swallowed) 

down, take 

For example, if you swallow something, you cause it go from your mouth down into your 


You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B. 

Pharmacy, noun (pharmacies) 

For example, a pharmacy is a department where medicines are sold or given. 

Make sure you understand exactly how to take your medicines before you leave the 


Prospect, noun (prospects, prospecting, prospected) 

vista, lookout, outlook, perspective 

For example, if there is some prospect of something happening, there is a possibility that it 

will happen. 

What are my promotion prospects in this job? 

In charge, prepositional phrase 

For example, if you are in charge in a particular situation, you are the most senior person 

and have control over something or someone. 

Who's in charge here? Anniversary, noun (anniversaries) 

For example, an anniversary is a date which is remembered or celebrated because a special 

event happened on that date in a previous year. 

Vietnam is celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ho Chi Minh. 

Lower, verb (lowers, lowering, lowered) 

abate, bate, close, diminish, drain (away), dwindle, lessen, peak (out), peter (out), rebate, 

recede, reduce, taper, taper off 

For example, if you lower something, you make it less in amount, degree, value, or quality. 

The central Bank has lowered interest rates by two percent. 

Unanimous, adjective (unanimously) 

agreed, agreeing, concordant, concurrent, harmonious 

For example, when a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something or all 

vote for the same thing. 

The people were unanimous in their condemnation of the proposals. 

Editor, noun (editors) 

For example, an editor is the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine and who 

decides what will be published in each edition of it. 

The Los Angeles Times newspaper will hire a new editor next month. 

Condemnation, noun (condemnations) 

For example, condemnation is the act of saying that something or someone is bad and 


There was widespread condemnation of Saturday's killings.

Be on one's own, verb phrase 

For example, when you are on your own, you are alone. 

Speaker A: "Who's going to the overseas branch with you?" 

Speaker B: "I'll be on my own." 

Shipping, noun 

direct, freight, export 

For example, shipping is the transporting of cargo as a business, especially on ships. 

The international shipping industry performs seventy-five percent of the world's exports 

and imports. Valid, adjective 

cogent, convincing, satisfactory, satisfying, solid, sound, telling 

For example, if a ticket or other document is valid, it can be used and will be accepted by 

people in authority. 

How long is the warranty valid? 

Basement, noun (basements) 

base, bed, bottom, footing, foundation, ground, groundwork, substructure, understructure 

For example, the basement of a building is a floor built partly or completely below ground 


They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement. 

Invoice, noun (invoices, invoicing, invoiced) 

bill, account, reckoning, score, statement, tab 

For example, an invoice is a document that lists goods that have been supplied or services 

that have been done and says how much money you owe for them. 

We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees. 

Budget, noun (budgets, budgeting, budgeted) 

aggregate, amount, bulk, quantity, quantum, total 

For example, your budget is the amount of money that you have available to spend. 

This year's budget for AIDS prevention probably won't be much higher.

Initiative, noun (initiatives) 

enterprise, ambition, drive, get-up-and-go, push 

For example, an initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a 


The Government initiative to help young people has been inadequate. 

Revision, noun (revisions) 

recession, redraft, review, revisal, revise 

For example, to make a revision of something that is written or something that has been 

decided means to make changes to it in order to improve it, make it more modern, or make 

it more suitable for a particular purpose. 

The government will also make a number of revisions to reflect better data since the 

original figures were released. Inadequate, adjective (inadequately) 

defective, incomplete, insufficient, lacking, incomplete, wanting 

For example, if something is inadequate, there is not enough of it or it is not good enough. 

Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate. 

Reflect, verb (reflects, reflecting, reflected) 

think, cerebrate, cogitate, deliberate, reason, speculate 

For example, if something reflects an attitude or situation, it shows that the attitude or 

situation exists or it shows what it is like. 

The low value of the dollar reflects growing concern about the U.S. 

Ensure, verb (ensures, ensuring, ensured) 

assure, cinch, insure, secure, make sure 

For example, to ensure something, or to ensure that something happens, means to make 

certain that it happens. 

Ensure that it is written into your contract.

Reserve, noun (reserves) 

backlog, hoard, inventory, nest egg, reservoir, stock, stockpile, store 

For example, a reserve is a supply of something that is available for use when it is needed. 

A friend can be a reserve of help in times of trouble. 

Subcontractor, noun (subcontractors) 

For example, a subcontractor is a person or firm that has a contract to do part of job which 

another firm is responsible for. 

The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the airplane. 

Subject, verb (subjects, subjecting, subjected) 

expose, lay (open), uncover 

For example, if you subject someone to something unpleasant, you make him/her 

experience it. 

The budget proposal you wrote contains some excellent initiatives, but we made a few 

revisions that would ensure we are not subjecting ourselves to unrealistic price 

expectations from the subcontractors. Contract, noun (contracts, contracting, contracted) 

agreement, bargain, bond, compact, convention, covenant, pact, transaction 

For example, a contract is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between 

an employer and employee which involves doing work for a stated sum of money. 

The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building. 

Prestigious, adjective (prestige, prestigiously) 

famous, celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famed, illustrious, notable, prominent, 


For example, a prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people. 

It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country. 

Equip, verb (equips, equipping, equipped) 

furnish, accouter, appoint, arm, fit out, gear, outfit, rig, turn out 

For example, if you equip a person or things with something, you give him/her the tools or 

equipment that are needed. 

Thanks to some endowments from some private companies, this laboratory is a 

well- equipped research building.

Beating, noun (beatings) 

defeat, debacle, licking, overthrow, rout, thrashing 

For example, if someone is given a beating, he/she is hit hard many times, especially with 

something such as a stick. 

The team secured pictures of prisoners showing signs of severe beatings. 

Abuse, noun (abuses, abusing, abused) 

contumely, invective, obloquy, scurrility, vituperation 

For example, abuse of something is cruel and violent treatment of it. 

The police conducted an investigation of alleged child abuse. 

Figure, noun (figures, figuring, figures) 

chuffer, cipher, digit, integer, numeral, whole number 

For example, a figure is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic. 

It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country are 

unemployed. Submit, verb (submits, submitting, submitted) 

bring, deliver, present, offer, proffer, tender, send in, provide 

For example, if you submit a proposal, report, or request to someone, you formally send it 

to him/her so that he/she can consider it or decide about it. 

They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday. 

Draft, noun (drafts, drafting, drafted) 

draw up, formulate, frame, make, prepare 

For example, a draft is an early version of a letter, book, or speech. 

If you recalculate some of the figures and submit another draft by tomorrow, you will 

still be able to turn in the report by the deadline. 

Allocation, noun (allocate, allocated, allocations) 

For example, an allocation is an amount of something, especially money that is given to a 

particular person or used for a particular purpose. 

We need to reconsider allocations for expenditures. 

Expenditure, noun (expend, expenditures) 

expense, cost, disbursement, outlay 

For example, expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is 

spent on something. 

Polices of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditures. 

Procedure, noun (procedures) 


For example, a procedure is a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way. 

Police insist that Chia-Chin Yu did not follow the correct procedures in applying for a 


Manage, verb (manages, managing, managed) 

conduct, carry on, direct, keep, operate, ordain, run 

For example, if you manage to do something, especially something difficult, you succeed in 

doing it. 

Somehow, he'd managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him. Revise, verb (revises, revising, revised) 

redraft, redraw, restyle, revamp, rework, rewrite, work over 

For example, when you revise an article, a book, a law, or a piece of music, you change it in 

order to improve it, make it modern, or make it more suitable for a particular purpose. 

The staff should work together to improve or revise the syllabus or school curriculum. 

Retain, verb (retains, retaining, retained) 

have, enjoy, hold, own, possess 

For example, to retain something means to continue to have that thing. (Formal) 

Other countries retained their traditional and habitual ways of doing things. 

Conference, noun (conferences) 

colloquium, colloquy, palaver, rap session, seminar 

For example, a conference is a meeting, often lasting a few days, which is organized on a 

particular subject or to bring together people who have a common interest. 

Henry, I am sorry to have kept you waiting. I just got back from the conference. 

Beforehand, adjective 

before, ahead, ante, antecedently, fore, forward, in advance, precedent, previous 

For example, if you do something beforehand, you do it earlier than a particular event. 

That sounds fine to me. I'll bring chairs over from my office beforehand. 

Attorney, noun (attorneys) 

lawyer, attorney-at-law 

For example, in the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer. 

All the company attorneys are in a meeting now. But a contracted lawyer is around. 

Itinerary, noun (itineraries) 

For example, an itinerary is a plan or journey, including the route and places that you will 


Do you need a copy of his itinerary? 

1500 Words of Advanced TOEFL iBT Vocabulary

Lesson Format 

Word, Part of Speech, 

Word Definition 

Sample Sentence 

Absorb (verb) 

to occupy the full attention of, for example, to take in moisture or liquid 

Therapists who believe in the reality of Multiple Personality Disorder generally believe it 

to be caused by very severe abuse during childhood violence so extreme that the child 

cannot absorb the trauma in its entirety. 

Abandon (verb) 

to give up without intending to return or claim again 

Vinland was the first European Settlement in the New World but now was abandoned. 

Abdomen (noun) 

the part of the body containing the digestive and reproductive organs 

In the middle of the abdomen lies a 20 foot long small intestine. 

Abduct (verb) 

to seize or detain a person unlawfully 

Child molesters often abduct children within 200 feet of their home. 

Abundant (adjective) 

something that is large in number. 

Discovered in the 1820s, aluminum is the most abundant metal on earth. 

Accommodation (noun) 

a place where one can sleep such as a hotel or campground. 

In Death Valley, we find the national park headquarters and overnight 

accommodations in this area, including Furnace Creek Ranch and Furnace Creek Inn.Accompany (verb) 

to be added to another for completion or to be with or goes with another. 

Landslides, mud flows and debris avalanches frequently accompany other natural 

disasters such as floods and earthquakes. 

Accomplice (noun) 

one associated with another especially in wrongdoing 

Besides the genetic testing, the investigation will examine whether an accomplice 

provided Kid with the pistol he used to kill two deputy sheriffs during the escape. 

Accumulation (noun) 

the result of something increases 

A landslide occurs when steep slopes are destabilized by excess water accumulation in 

the soil, the addition of excess weight to the top of a slope, the removal of support from 

the bottom of a slope, or a combination of the above. 

Accuse (noun) 

to make a charge against someone who one believes has done a misdeed 

John Adams' innate conservatism made him determined in 1770 that the British soldiers 

accused of the Boston Massacre received a fair hearing. 

Ache (noun) 

a sensation of physical discomfort occurring as the result of disease or injury 

The athlete experienced aches in his right shoulder after pitching nine innings in 

yesterday's baseball game. 

Acoustic (adjective) 

relating to the sound or the sense of hearing 

The acoustics of this auditorium are so remarkable that when one drops a pin on the 

stage, an audience member can hear it hit the floor while sitting in the back. 

Acquisition (noun) 

the act of successfully coming into possession of something 

In considering the biology of language acquisition, consider that human language is 

made possible by special adaptations of the human mind and body that occurred in the 

course of human evolution, and which are put to use by children in acquiring their 

mother tongue.Acronym (noun) 

NATO, radar, or snafu, formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the 

successive parts or major parts of a compound term 

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known by the Spanish acronym FARC, 

was seeking a $3 million ransom for the couple, who had three children, they said. 

Activation (noun) 

to make active or more active 

The learning theory is based on the assumption that although human aggression may be 

influenced by physiological characteristics, the activation of those characteristics 

depends on learning and is subject to the person's control. 

Activism (noun) 

a policy of vigorous action in a cause, especially in politics 

College president Benjamin Mays and other proponents of Christian social activism 

influenced Martin Luther King's decision after his junior year at Morehouse to become a 

minister and thereby serve society. 

Actualize (verb) 

to make real or to put into effect 

From another perspective, we can also conclude that the village with the most resources 

is able to better actualize the cultural ideal of choosing marriage partners within the 

same tribe. 

Adaptability (noun) 

to act of becoming suitable to particular situation or use 

The knowledge of key social factors and a firm grasp on research design and methods, all 

of which are learned upon completion of a B.A. in a sociology program, provides breadth 

and the potential for adaptability in the workplace. 

Adjacent (adjective) 

sharing a common boundary 

When a customer attempts to book hotel accommodations on the Internet, it is sometimes 

hard to find two adjacent rooms at a discounted rate.Adolescent (noun) 

the period between childhood and adulthood 

Because girls strongly relate their self worth to their attractiveness, many adolescents 

are unhappy with their weight. 

Adoption (noun) 

the act of choosing a suitable course of action 

Adams helped draft the Declaration of Independence, secured its unanimous Adoption 

in Congress, and wrote his wife on July 3, 1776, that "the most memorable Epoch in the 

History of America has begun." 

Advocate (noun) 

one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal 

Advocates say walk-to-school programs are gaining new momentum from parents and 

teachers concerned about a childhood obesity epidemic. 

Adverse (adjective) 

acting against or in opposition; tending to discourage, retard, or make more difficult 

Adverse effects to smoking are lung cancer and an increased risk of heart attacks. 

Advisory (noun) 

a report giving information (as on the weather) and often recommending action to be 


The World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations, lifted its 

advisory against unnecessary travel to Hong Kong because of the outbreak of severe 

acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). 

Aesthetic (noun) 

showing good taste 

The basic aesthetics of television are not that different from those of movies.

Affective (adjective) 

that which affects or excites emotion 

If a learner has anxiety, the affective filters conducive to second language acquisition 

may be closed, thus making the input in the brain incomprehensible.Affinal (adjective) 

A kinsman or ally related by marriage 

Elbasi is the richer location and can draw upon wives from more marginal settlements, 

from families who seek out more favorable domestic conditions for their daughters as 

well as affinal contacts in prominent communities. 

Afford (verb) 

to make available, give forth, or provide naturally or inevitably: give 

If you're willing to spend $300 to $450, consider a 15-inch LCD. It affords the same 

viewable area as a 17-inch CRT and takes up far less space. 

Agent (noun) 

that by which something is accomplished or some end result achieved 

Possible causative agents for brain cancer in firefighters include vinyl chloride, 

acrylonitrile, and formaldehyde. 

Aggregate (adjective) 

formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum, united 

A machine travels through a certain path, resulting from the aggregate combination of 

the parts moving within it. 

Aggression (noun) 

the act of attacking 

The learning theory is based on the assumption that although human aggression may 

be influenced by physiological characteristics, the activation of those characteristics 

depends on learning and is subject to the person's control. 

Aglow (adjective) 

glowing especially with warmth or excitement 

Three years later, Thomas Edison announced his invention of the incandescent light bulb, 

and on New Year's Eve in 1879 drew a crowd of 3,000 visitors to his Menlo Park, New 

Jersey, complex to see the buildings and grounds aglow in the softer light of his creation. 

Alarming (adjective) 

relating to a sudden sharp apprehension and fear resulting from the perception of 

imminent danger Brazil and Indonesia, which contain the world's two largest surviving regions of rain 

forest, are being stripped at an alarming rate by logging, fires, and land-clearing for 

agriculture and cattle-grazing. 

Albeit (conjunction) 

conceding the fact that; even though 

Saliva provides another example, albeit less exotic, of taste modification. 

Alias (noun) 

a false or assumed name 

Similar to past Russian revolutionaries, Joseph Stalin adopted many aliases to evade 


Alien (noun) 

A person coming from another country 

During World War II, restrictions were imposed upon many aliens in the US, especially 

if they were of Japanese origin. 

Alignment (noun) 

the act of adjusting to a line; the state of being so adjusted 

Due to the car accident, his back went out of alignment. 

Allocate (verb) 

to apportion for a specific purpose or to particular persons or things 

The industries affected -- including oil refineries, steel, cement, ceramics, glass and paper 

-- will feel the pinch next March when European Union governments must say how they 

will allocate the 2 allowances firms will need to operate from 2005. 

Alternative (noun) 

the power or right of choosing 

Recently, wind power has become an appealing alternative to fossil based fuels, 

especially in countries with scarce petroleum and ample wind. 

Alter (noun) 

the act of changing some particular aspect of someone (i.e., personality) or 


Various triggers can cause the brains alter to take control of the mental processes of the 

victim for periods of time.Altitude (noun) 

the distance of something from a given level, especially referring to sea level 

The summit of Mount Everest is at an altitude of 29,000 feet. 

Amateur (noun) 

one lacking professional skill 

It is learned that the impact might produce a sudden brightening of the comet visible to 

amateur astronomers with small telescopes. 

Ambitious (adjective) 

full of strong desire to achieve something 

George Washington was well informed, ambitious, and public spirited.

Amid (preposition) 

in or into the middle of 

Fertile lands exist in the Midwest amid the rolling hills and low-lying valleys. 

Amass (verb) 

to collect for oneself; to gather or pile up especially little by little 

Aubrey Huff had two hits and four RBI's, Marlon Anderson hit a three run homer, and 

Travis Lee and Ben Grieve had consecutive homers in a five run fifth for the Devil Rays, 

which amassed 18 hits. Every starter had at least one. 

Amnesia (noun) 

having partial or total loss of memory 

Lance suffered from temporary amnesia after his brain surgery. 

Analogous (adjective) 

possessing the same or almost the same characteristics 

Bats' wings are modifications of the hands of the common mammalian ancestor, whereas 

flying squirrels' wings are modifications of its rib cage, hence making the two structures 

merely analogous: similar in function. 

Anatomical (adjective) 

resembling the bodily structure of animals and plants 

It's clear that these structures are not homologous to the wings of bats because they have 

a fundamentally different anatomical plan, reflecting a different evolutionary history.Ancestor (noun) 

a person from whom one is descended 

The scientific question is whether the chimps' abilities are homologous to human 

language; that is, whether the two systems show the same basic organization owing to 

descent from a single system in their common ancestor. 

Animator (noun) 

one that contributes to the animation of a cartoon 

Disney employed many animators during the production of the movie, The Little 


Anomaly (noun) 

something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified 

Science-fiction writers may claim to have created warped space and light bending 

celestial anomalies, but these are, in fact, actual physical phenomena. 

Antagonize (verb) 

to act in opposition to; to incur or provoke the hostility of 

The summit was further complicated by France and Germany, which had spoken out 

against the U.S.-led attack on Iraq, choosing to concentrate on rebuilding relations with 

Washington rather than antagonizing it further. 

Antic (noun) 

an attention drawing often wildly playful or funny act or action 

The contestants on the African reality-television program may be divided, but their 

antics have united viewers across the continent and in the process created an unlikely 

cultural force. 

Antiquity (noun) 

ancient times, especially before the middle ages 

New York, Tokyo, Paris, and Hong Kong are similar to city states of antiquity (e.g. 

Athens, Rome, Carthage) or medieval times (e.g. the Hanseatic League), except that these 

modern city-states engage in instant electronic communication and capital transfer, and 

are the chief recipients of world population growth.Apartheid (noun) 

racial segregation; specifically: a policy of segregation and political and economic 

discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa 

Mandela, 85 next month, received a Nobel Peace prize for his role in guiding South Africa 

from apartheid to multiracial democracy. 

Apocryphal (adjective) 

of doubtful authenticity 

More than simply a renowned Mississippi writer, the Nobel Prize winning novelist and 

short story writer, William Faulkner, is acclaimed throughout the world as one of the 

greatest writers of the twentieth century, one who transformed his "postage stamp" of 

native soil into an apocryphal setting in which he explored, articulated, and challenged 

the old truths of the heart. 

Appalled at (verb) 

to deprive of courage or the power to act as a result of fear, anxiety, or disgust 

Many voters were appalled at the misconduct of President Richard Nixon even though 

they had voted for him. 

Apparatus (noun) 

something, as a machine, devised for a particular function 

The right exercise apparatuses help an athlete to increase muscular strength and 


Apparent (adjective) 

readily seen, perceived, or understood 

Many inclusions in diamonds are not discernable to the naked eye and require 

magnification to become apparent. 

Apparition (noun) 

a sudden or dramatic appearance of an object or supernatural being 

Mercury, known since at least the time of the Sumerians (3rd millennium BC), was given 

two names by the Greeks: Apollo for its apparition as a morning star and Hermes as 

an evening star.Application (noun) 

a connection to the matter at hand; the condition of being put to use 

A Cognitive Psychology program is especially geared towards the application of formal 

and computational modeling and neuroscience methods to these basic questions. 

Apprenticeship (noun) 

a type of training in which one learns by practical experience under skilled workers in an 

art, trade, or calling 

A young worker bee's apprenticeship includes taking care of the queen and her eggs, 

cleaning out the hive, cooling the hive by fanning its wings, and attacking intruders.

Apt (adjective) 

having or showing a tendency or likelihood 

The thesis is apt to be stated somewhere in the last few paragraphs, in which case the 

preceding paragraphs gradually lead up to it, or else somewhere right after the 

introduction, in which case the balance of the essay justifies the statement and refers back 

to it. 

Aquaculture (noun) 

the cultivation of the natural produce of water such as fish or shellfish 

In response to the environmental risks associated with the aquaculture industry, the 

independent Pew Oceans Commission has called for a moratorium on the expansion of 

finfish aquaculture (including salmon) until national policies and standards are in place. 

Aqueduct (noun) 

artificial channel for carrying water, sometimes in the form of a bridge supported by tall 

columns across a valley 

Some of the water takes a different route, at which point it is carried off by an aqueduct 

before it reaches the canals. 

Archive (noun) 

collection of something, especially public or document documents 

Frozen archives, or ice cores, give scientists unprecedented views of global climate over 

the eons.Aromatic (adjective) 

having a pleasant odor 

Used as both a prevention and treatment to many illnesses, aromatic herbs in China 

were highly valued in ancient times. 

Arrogantly (adverb) 

with a conceited belief in one's superiority to others 

Psychics realize that we arrogantly think of ourselves as unique and as more different 

than similar, when in fact it is just the opposite. 

Artery (noun) 

one of the tubular vessels that carry blood from the heart through the rest of the body 

High blood pressure is caused by a resistance to the flow of blood greater than that 

usually caused by constriction of small arteries throughout the human body. 

Articulate (verb) 

to put into words 

John Adams, in his speeches and writings, articulated the colonial cause and brilliantly 

championed American rights in Congress. 

Artifact (noun) 

manmade objects 

Vinland, the first European Settlement in the New World, was not believed to be true 

until archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts in 1960. 

Artificially (adverb) 

the manner in which something is produced by man; not natural 

Slab and other avalanches can be hard or soft, wet or dry and can be triggered naturally 

or artificially. 

Assail (verb) 

to attack with harsh, often insulting language; to set upon with violent force 

Professor Johnson, accusing the student of blatant plagiarism, assailed the student for 

several minutes.Assassinate (verb) 

the act of killing someone for political or religious reasons 

It was unfortunate that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. 

Assert (verb) 

to state to be true; to put into words positively and with conviction 

King sympathized with the student movement and spoke at the founding meeting of the 

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in April 1960, but he soon became 

the target of criticisms from SNCC activists determined to assert their independence. 

Assessment (noun) 

the act or result of judging the worth or value of something or someone 

The instructor will write comments and suggestions on your final draft, and you may 

choose to keep the grade he gives you or you may revise and resubmit it for 


Associative (adjective) 

resembling someone or something which is united in relationship with another 

An example of associative learning is classical conditioning, a form of learning in 

which two stimuli are associated so that the first evokes the response that normally 

follows the second. 

Assume (verb) 

to take something for granted without direct proof 

Because of this, we can assume that formal instruction has less of an impact on one's 

learning of English as compared with immersion in that culture or society. 

Asteroid (noun) 

any of the small celestial bodies orbiting around the sun, especially between the orbit of 

Mars and Jupiter. 

In the late 1970s, James Arnold of the University of California, San Diego, suggested that 

impacting comets and water rich asteroids could add water to the lunar surface. 

Atheist (noun) 

one who denies the existence of a God 

Suggesting that there is no concrete proof for the existence of a supreme being, some 

people are atheists. Atmospheric (adjective) 

of or relating to air 

Turner and Crook are using a finer scale model built by NCAR scientist Terry Clark to 

look more closely at mountain convection and how it relates to the larger scale 

atmospheric flow. 

Atom (noun) 

smallest particle of a chemical element that can take part in a chemical reaction 

Most of the water was split by sunlight into its constituent atoms of hydrogen and 

oxygen and lost into space, but some migrated by literally hopping along to places where 

it was very cold. 

Atrocity (noun) 

a monstrous offense or evil 

Even though the gorilla has been attributed to many atrocities, it is usually a peaceloving 

creature that would rather retreat than fight its enemy. 

Attribute to (verb) 

to regard as belonging to or resulting from another 

Sulfates, which originate primarily in coal fired power plants, started rising around 

1900, which is partially attributed to increased volcanic activity in the Caribbean 

around the turn of the century. 

Audit (noun) 

to methodically examine and review 

A recent audit by the inspector general at the Justice Department found ''significant 

problems'' with the detentions, including allegations of physical abuse. 

Authentic (adjective) 

worthy of belief because of precision, faithfulness to an original, etc. 

These are not counterfeit dollar bills; rather they are authentic bills printed by the 

United States Treasury. 

Autobiography (noun) 

a written account of one's life 

Mayu Angelou is best known for her autobiographies: All God's Children Need 

Traveling Shoes (1986), The Heart of a Woman (1981), Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas (1976), Gather Together in My Name (1974), and I Know Why the 

Caged Bird Sings (1969), which was nominated for the National Book Award. 

Aviation (noun) 

airplane manufacture, development, and design 

Due to a deep recession and to recent terrorist attacks involving aircraft, the aviation 

industry is on the verge of economic collapse, with many businesses laying off 1/3 of their 


Avalanche (noun) 

mass of snow and ice tumbling down a mountain 

There are many different types of avalanches, but the one that worries us the most is 

the "slab" avalanche, in which a mass of cohesive snow releases as a unit. 

Awkwardness (noun) 

the state of being characterized by embarrassment and discomfort 

The awkwardness of the situation is evident since Alex had to meet with his ex-wife the 

day before he was to be married to a different woman. 

Axis (noun) 

imaginary line about which an object rotates 

The Moon's axis of rotation is nearly perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the 

Sun, so the Sun always appears at or near the horizon in the polar regions of the Moon. 

Azure (adjective) 

deep blue color 

The white sand and the azure sky entice many vacationers to Destin, Florida. 

Babble (verb) 

to talk aimlessly or incoherently 

At approximately the age of six months, a child begins to babble, but many of the sounds 

he/she makes may not yet carry meaning for the child. 

Backed (adjective) 

characterized as promoting the interests or cause of or upholding or defending as valid 

The U.S. House earlier this year passed a Bush administration backed measure that 

would ban both types of cloning. The measure hasn't been acted on in the Senate.Backsplash (noun) 

the act of hurling or scattering a liquid in a reverse motion of its normal path 

At the lower end of the esophagus, a one way valve (the esophageal sphincter) prevents 

the backsplash of stomach contents upward into the esophagus. 

Bald (noun) 

without the usual covering 

Chemotherapy causes patients to become bald although it is usually a temporary 


Ballistic (adjective) 

moving under the force of gravity only 

A method of stretching is ballistic which involves 'bouncing' in your stretch. 

Balmy (adjective) 

not severe, temperate 

It is balmy in Paris and the birds and the bees are busy. 

Banal (adjective) 

without freshness or appeal due to overuse 

At a garage sale, what may seem as banal objects to one person may be valued by 


Bandage (noun) 

a therapeutic material applied to a wound 

To stop the bleeding and to prevent infection, the paramedic put bandages on the 

woman's cut arm. 

Bard (noun) 

someone who writes verse or poetry 

Sir Walter Scott, a Scottish hero and bard, published many works still read in college 

classes today. 

Baron (noun) 

a man of great power or influence in some field of activity Jesse Fish, a native from New York City, moved to St. Augustine where he became 

Florida's first orange baron. 

Baseline (noun) 

a set of critical observations or data used for comparison or a control 

Sales calls made within one state will fall under the new rules, setting a national 

baseline above which states can set tougher guidelines if they wish. 

Basin (noun) 

the region drained by a river system, an area sunk below its surroundings 

Sitting just west of the Nevada boundary, in the basin and range district of the Mojave 

Desert, Death Valley is all but surrounded by mountain ranges, with a few roads 

connecting the valley to the outside world through narrow passes. 

Befriend (verb) 

to favor, to act as a friend to 

Later the Mozart children displayed (1763-66) their talents to audiences in Germany, in 

Paris, at court in Versailles, and in London (where Wolfgang wrote his first symphonies 

and was befriended by Johann Christian Bach, whose musical influence on Wolfgang 

was profound). 

Belabor (verb) 

to hit heavily and repeatedly 

It is not the point of this discussion to belabor the issues of abortion. Rather, we will 

examine why women choose to have one. 

Berserk (adjective) 

in a violent rage, especially to "go" berserk 

After finding out that his wife had cheated on him, the murder suspect allegedly went 

berserk and shot her five times. 

Bestow (verb) 

to convey as a gift -- usually used with on or upon 

According to tradition, Brigit took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in the 

presence of the missionary bishop, Saint Patrick, who bestowed on her the nun's veil. Bewildering (adjective) 

difficult to understand or solve: puzzling 

From components to software to accessories, new PCs offer a bewildering array of 

choices, and for some folks, sifting through the large number of options can be daunting. 

Bicentennial (adjective) 

lasting two hundred years or occurring every two hundred years 

Maya Angelou returned to the United States in 1974 and was appointed by Gerald Ford 

to the Bicentennial Commission and later by Jimmy Carter to the Commission for 

International Woman of the Year. 

Binding (noun) 

the act of making fast or firmly fixed by means of a cord, rope, etc. 

A properly constructed shoe supports and protects the foot without any pressure or 


Bipedal (adjective) 

a two footed animal 

Anatomical details indicate that A. anamnesis, a hominid whose remains were 

discovered by Leakey in 1995 in Kenya, to between 4.07 million and 4.17 million years 

ago, was capable of bipedal walking. 

Birthmark (noun) 

brown or red mark on one's body from birth; a naturally occurring mark on an inanimate 


Almost all diamonds contain very tiny natural birthmarks known as inclusions. 

Bitter (adjective) 

bitingly feeling or showing unfriendliness 

After the government lent the two companies money and gave them large sections of land 

for every mile they built, the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad 

became bitter rivals, with each company laying as much track as possible. 

Bizarre (adjective) 

departing from the customary 

The stars would be moving three times faster across the sky while observers at other 

points on Mercury's surface would see different but equally bizarre motions.Blanketed (verb) 

to extend over the surface 

One could see what the world was like when ice sheets a thousand feet thick blanketed 

Canada and northern Europe, or when the Indonesian volcano Toba blew its top in the 

largest volcanic eruption of the last half million years. 

Blaze (noun) 

the visible signs of combustion (a fire) 

Once any blaze begins to threaten human life or property or there is high danger of 

wildfire, the blaze is to be stopped or controlled. 

Bleak (adjective) 

cold and forbidding; dark and depressing 

One bleak wintery day, a major snowstorm dumped 34 inches on Buffalo, New York. 

Blemish (noun) 

something that mars the appearance 

In addition to internal inclusions in a diamond, surface irregularities are referred to as 


Blend (verb) 

to mingle in a way that is not readily noticeable 

But other poisonous animals blend into their environments, perhaps because they use 

their poisons to attack and disable prey. 

Blight (noun) 

a deteriorated condition 

Think of the inner city and you envision images of physical blight, high crime and moral 

decay. But up against that bad news image, there's a good news reality-- and it's 

emerging in the heart of the inner city. 

Blob (noun) 

a small drop or lump of something viscid or thick ; a daub or spot of color 

A pink blob indicating above normal fire danger colors the map across eastern Oregon 

and southwestern Idaho, and then reaches down the Sierra Nevada through Southern 

California and into western Arizona. Bloodstream (noun) 

the flowing blood in a circulatory system 

When responding to sudden fright, the human brain releases adrenaline, the fight-orflight 

hormone, into the bloodstream. 

Bog down (verb) 

to sink or submerge in mud or mire; idiom: to become overly concerned with something at 

the point of distraction 

Then read the essay over once, quickly, looking for the main idea, for what the essay is 

about in general, and for what the author seems to be saying. Don't get bogged down 

in details. 

Bogus (adjective) 

fraudulently or deceptively imitative 

Although several successful mining ventures were launched, much of the hype was 


Bombard (verb) 

to direct a concentrated outpouring at something such as missiles, words, or blows 

The lunar surface is bombarded with water rich objects such as comets, and scientists 

have suspected that some of the water in these objects could migrate to permanently dark 

areas at the lunar poles, perhaps accumulating to useable quantities. 

Bone (noun) 

any piece of hard tissue making up the skeleton 

Another benefit of exercising is that it increases bone mass. 

Boon (noun) 

something beneficial 

The tax reduction package passed by congress last year was a boon to middle class 

households with annual earnings less than $75,000. 

Boost (verb) 

to push or shove up from below; increase or raise 

Vivendi was also boosted as Moody's Investors Service late Thursday said that it had 

changed the outlook on the Franco-American group to stable from negative. Botch (verb) 

to foul up hopelessly -- often used with up 

The Maryland inmate claims inexperienced lawyers badly botched his trial. 

Brace (verb) 

to get ready as for an attack 

Emergency officials braced for more rain Tuesday following storms that sent torrents of 

mud and water down already saturated hillsides in central Appalachia, forcing dozens of 

people to flee their homes and blocking roads. 

Branch out (verb) 

to extend activities over a wide area; to increase in dimensions, scope, or inclusiveness 

In the early 1800's, factories were most common in Massachusetts although they later 

branched out into the more populous areas of New York, New Jersey, and 


Brand (verb) 

to mark with a brand or name 

By the mid - 90's Patagonian Tooth fish was a highly prized catch, branded 'white gold' 

by industrial long range fishing fleets. 

Breadth (noun) 

the extent of something from side to side 

Regardless of your career path, the breadth of your preparation as a liberal arts major 

is very important. 

Breakage (noun) 

an act, instance, or consequence of making something unusable or inoperative 

Homeowners with hillside homes can recognize the beginnings of slope failure through 

the following indicators: stairs that have pulled away from the building, widening of 

previously patched cracks in driveways, yards creaking and making groaning sounds, 

breakage of underground utility lines, or leakage from swimming pools. 

Breakthrough (noun) 

an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare; an act 

or instance of breaking through an obstruction; a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique <a medical breakthrough>; a person's first notable success 

The possibility of a breakthrough raised hopes for some progress toward peace on the 

1,000th day of the current intifada, the Palestinian uprising against Israel.

Breeding (adjective) 

characterized by producing descendants directly from the same parents or ancestors 

The larval stage of the Rhinoceros Beetle lasts for 2.5 to 7 months after which pupation 

takes place within the breeding site. 

Brew (verb) 

to prepare as beer or ale by steeping, boiling, and fermentation or by infusion and 


People have been brewing and fermenting alcoholic drinks since the dawn of 


Brilliant (adjective) 

having of showing intelligence, often of a high order 

His speeches and writings (especially a newspaper series signed "Novanglus" in 1775) 

articulating the colonial cause and his brilliant championing of American rights in 

Congress caused Thomas Jefferson to call him the "Colossus of Independence." 

Bristle (noun) 

a short stiff coarse hair or filament 

Caterpillars of giant silkworm moths and royal moths often bear stiff bristles on their 


Brooch (noun) 

an ornament that is held by a pin or clasp and is worn at or near the neck 

Even though most people do not believe that birthstone's affect the wearer's life, many 

still choose their birthstones to be set in rings, brooches, and other pieces of jewelry. 

Bubble up (verb) 

to become progressively greater as in size, amount, number, or intensity 

When it comes to home prices, Bergson does not believe values are bubbling up, 

reasoning that prices are being driven higher by income gains as well as a shortage of 


Buffer (adjective) 

something serving to separate two items; something acting as a cushion 

Georgia was valued by the British as a buffer zone to protect the highly valued 

Carolinas against attack from the Spanish in Florida and the French in Louisiana. 

Buggy (noun) 

a light one horse carriage made with four wheels 

Before the invention of the automobile, the horse and buggy was a popular form of 


Built-up (adjective) 

covered with buildings 

Crime tends to occur in heavily built-up areas since they are more opportunities for the 


Bundle (verb) 

to make into a bundle or package: wrap; to include a product or service with a related 


for sale at a single price 

Gateway bundled a wealth of blank media for these tasks, including six DVD-R and one 

DVD-RAM disc, as well as three CD-RW and five CD-R discs. 

Burgeoning (adjective) 

to become greater in number, amount, or intensity 

Before the mid 1800s, there was no "Dante's View," nor was there a "Devil's Corn Field." 

These names were coined by the hustlers and con-men who sought to attract visitors and 

investors to this burgeoning mining area. 

Burrow (noun) 

a hollow place used as an animal's dwelling 

The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake hibernates in the burrows of other small 

animals, but is often seen lying in the sun on rocks and on the side of roads. Burst (noun) 

a concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows 

A sudden burst of recognition came upon Albert Einstein on November 7, 1919, when 

British astronomers announced they had found the first confirmation of Einstein's theory 

of relativity. 

Butchered (adjective) 

relating to slaughtering and dressing for market or killing in a barbarous manner 

The fossils include two adult males and one child and are estimated to be 160,000 years 

old. They were found among stone tools and butchered hippopotamus bones.

Callisthenic (adjective) 

fitness exercises 

After doing some boxing style punch drills and after flicking your wrists, you can also do 

some callisthenic exercises such as sit ups, crunches, and push ups. 

Camouflage (noun) 

to change or modify so as to prevent recognition of the true identity or character of 

The color pattern of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is due to its environment, as 

it helps to camouflage the snake in the sand or rocks. 

Campaign (noun) 

an organized effort to accomplish a purpose 

Miguel Cervantes worked to get Barrack Obama elected in the political campaign. 

Canal (noun) 

man-made waterway for inland navigation or irrigation 

Many slow moving rivers feed many canals that irrigate farmlands. 

Candor (noun) 

unreserved, honest, or sincere expression 

Her look of candor depicts a sense or realness to her characters, which is why she is a 

talented actress. 

Canister (noun) 

an often cylindrical container for holding a usually specified object or substance Mayor Mehmet Ozhaseki said a gas canister had likely exploded in the kitchen, causing 

the building's collapse. 

Canvas (noun) 

a firm closely woven cloth usually of linen, hemp, or cotton used for clothing, sails, etc. 

Before the invention of nylon and other synthetic fabrics, tents were made of canvas. 

Capability (noun) 

physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform 

The evidence seems to overwhelmingly state that there is indeed a critical period by 

which learning must commence in order to afford the learner the chance to achieve 

native-like capabilities. 

Capacity (noun) 

maximum amount of work that can be produced or contained 

There is a natural decline of physical working capacity with age, but regular exercise 

can reduce this rate of decline. 

Catastrophic (adjective) 

a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth 

Deforestation may have catastrophic global effects as well. Trees are natural 

consumers of carbon dioxide--one of the greenhouse gases whose buildup in the 

atmosphere contributes to global warming.

Clutch (noun) 

a nest of eggs or a brood of chicks 

The mother, who has been housed in a tank with a female brown banded bamboo shark 

for the last six years, laid a clutch of eggs in April. 

Comparatively (adverb) 

characterized by the systematic comparison of 

phenomenon and especially of likenesses and dissimilarities 

The number of words in the English language that have been directly borrowed from 

German is comparatively small, most of them having been borrowed in recent years.Cap (noun) 

an upper limit as on expenditures 

The allowances will have a monetary value because companies that reduce their 

emissions will be able to sell excess credits to other firms that can not reach their CO2 


Caption (noun) 

title or brief explanation appended or joined to an illustration 

Before you read, survey the chapter, the title, headings, and subheadings, captions 

under pictures, charts, graphs or maps. 

Captive (adjective) 

person or animal that has been taken prisoner or confined 

On his way back to Spain in 1575, the galley El Sol was attacked by Turkish ships, and 

Cervantes was taken captive to Algeria. 

Carat (noun) 

unit of weight for precious stones 

The weight of a diamond is expressed in carats. 

Caravan (noun) 

a group of vehicles traveling in a single file 

Larger, slower camels are employed in caravans, whereas the faster, lighter camels 

serve as mounts for couriers and soldiers. 

Cabaret (adjective) 

describing a restaurant serving liquor and providing entertainment as by singers or 


Gregg Marx, a direct descendant of the Marx Brothers, performs his cabaret act, "Wet 

Night...Dry Martini," 8:30 p.m. at Feinstein's at the Cine Grill. 

Calamity (noun) 

a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss; an extraordinarily 

grave event marked by great loss and lasting distress and affliction 

British economist Thomas Malthus in 1798 proposed the unsettling theory that 

population growth would outrun the ability to produce food. This, he said, would lead to 

war, famine, disease, and other calamities. Canine (noun) 


From dawn until dusk, there are dozens of things for humans and canines to do 

together: sports, games, lectures, contests, and crafts. 

Carbohydrate (noun) 

energy producing organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen 

There are three main food categories: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. 

Cardiac (adjective) 

of, near, or affecting the heart 

Cardiac rehabilitation professionals find themselves increasingly drawn into 

discussions about healthcare reform, particularly when it relates to cost containment. 

Cardiovascular (adjective) 

of the heart and the blood vessels as a unified body system 

About one of every two Americans dies of cardiovascular disease. 

Cargo (noun) 

something carried physically 

Cargo-carrying ships docking at the Port of Los Angeles are unloaded each day, and the 

goods from those ships contain merchandise which is shipped to businesses all over the 

United States. 

Carnivore (noun) 

any of an order of typically flesh-eating mammals that includes dogs, foxes, bears, 


All spiders are carnivores, so they eat a variety of insects and will inject enzymes into 

their food either before or while they are breaking it up. 

Cascade (noun) 

small waterfall, especially one in a series 

The cascades and rapids on the Kern River are some of the most difficult in California 

for kayakers. Cataclysmic (adjective) 

broadly : an event that brings great changes; a momentous and violent event marked by 

overwhelming upheaval and demolition 

But as such cataclysmic collisions occur on average only once in a million years or so, 

are they really worth worrying about? 

Causative (adjective) 

producing an effect 

Possible causative agents for brain cancer in firefighters include vinyl chloride, 

acrylonitrile and formaldehyde. 

Cavalry (noun) 

combat troops mounted originally on horses but most often in motorized armored vehicles 

If a member of your party is buried by an avalanche, his only real chance of survival is if 

you rescue them; don't go for help unless you're sure they're dead, because they will be by 

the time you get back with the cavalry. 

Cavern (noun) 

a hallow in the side of a cliff, a hill, or beneath the earth's surface 

Sabah, Malaysia is home to the largest cavern in the world. 

Cavity (noun) 

a space in an otherwise solid mass 

Our larynxes are low in our throats, and our vocal tracts have a sharp right angle bend 

that creates two independently modifiable resonant cavities (the mouth and the 

pharynx or throat) that defines a large two dimensional range of vowel sounds. 

Cease (verb) 

to bring or come to a natural or proper conclusion, to come to a termination 

The lake disappears soon after the rains cease in the spring. 

Cease-fire (noun) 

a military order to cease firing; a suspension of active hostilities 

If those assurances are given, Palestinian officials said, the Palestinian Authority will 

accept the cease-fire proposal from the three radical groups and an announcement will 

be made in Cairo where the Egyptian government has been instrumental in getting the 

radical groups to consider halting their attacks. Cell (noun) 

a small compartment, cavity, or bounded space 

In the country's Muslim south, the police arrested three men they said were members of a 

terrorist cell that was planning to attack embassies and entertainment spots. 

Cellulose (noun) 

the chief substance composing the cell walls or fibers of all plant tissue 

Starch and cellulose are complex carbohydrates. 

Cement (verb) 

to join or unite or as with cement 

It began in the early 1970s, when lesbian and gay couples applied for marriage licenses, 

asked courts to allow one partner to adopt the other, and took other steps to legally 

cement their relationship. 

Cemetery (noun) 

a place for the burial of the dead; a graveyard 

Many of the soldiers killed while fighting in Vietnam have been buried in a cemetery in 

Washington D.C. 

Centrist (adjective) 

moderate, not extreme 

The Senate bill was centrist enough for Republican Leader Frist and Democratic Leader 

Tom Daschle to support it. 

Certified (adjective) 

to confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine 

A laboratory certified clarity rating of SI2 represents the point at which inclusions in a 

diamond are technically not apparent to the average naked eye. 

Chameleon (noun) 

any of the various American lizards capable of changing their color 

Usually, the green anole lizard is sold in pet shops as a chameleon, but actually the true 

chameleon and the green anole are different animals.Championing (noun) 

to aid the cause by approving or favoring 

His speeches and writings (especially a newspaper series signed "Novanglus" in 1775) 

articulating the colonial cause and his brilliant championing of American rights in 

Congress caused Thomas Jefferson to call him the "Colossus of Independence." 

Charm (noun) 

the power or quality or attracting 

And whereas a lot of eastern and San Francisco investors lost money, this has become 

one of the enduring charms of Death Valley, adding a human dimension to the natural 


Cherish (verb) 

the recognize the value of; to have the highest regard for 

Americans cherish the freedom of owning a car. 

Chivalry (noun) 

respectful attention, especially toward women 

Cervantes's book was read as a parody of novels of chivalry until the Romantics 

revealed its true importance as a novel. 

Chlorophyll (noun) 

green pigment found in plant cells 

Many types of seaweed and other plants that do not appear to be green also have 

chlorophyll and therefore can convert the sun's energy into food. 

Chronicle (verb) 

a recounting of past events 

The Titanic, though largely a fictional romance movie, is believed to chronicle some 

historical events of the doomed ship. 

Cipher (noun) 

a totally insignificant person 

Dead due to the extreme cold, a cipher's body was found in the snow just outside of 

town. Circle (noun) 

a group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement 

An electronic funds transfer system called E.F.T. in banking circles is replacing the 

paperwork in banking processes. 

Circuit (noun) 

a course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself 

The radio talk show host is going a public speaking circuit for the next months. 

Circulated (adjective) 

something which is passed out 

The New York Times is one of the most widely circulated US newspapers. 

Civilian (noun) 

one not on active duty in a military, police, or fire fighting force; outsider 

Scientists and privacy experts who already have seen the use of face recognition 

technologies at a Super Bowl and monitoring cameras in London are concerned about 

the potential impact of the emerging technologies if they are applied to civilians by 

commercial or government agencies outside the Pentagon. 

Clad (adjective) 

being covered or clothed with 

The park, with its glacier-clad mountains and rich growth of trees and flowers, is often 

called America's "last frontier." 

Clairvoyance (noun) 

the supposed ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen 

Cervantes's work, a keen critique of the literature of his time, presented the clash between 

reality and the ideals which Don Quixote sought to revive, and at the same time 

originated the theme of the clairvoyance of insanity. 

Clarity (noun) 

the condition of being clean and free of contaminants 

The value of a diamond is determined by its exact quality as defined by the 4C's: Cut, 

Color, Clarity and Carat Weight.Clash (verb) 

to fail to be in agreement with 

Larry clashed with his professor over the grade he had received on his research paper. 

Claw (noun) 

pointed horny nail on an animal's foot 

With its razor sharp claws and powerful jaw, the bear is one of the most dangerous 

predators in a forest.

Clearing (noun) 

the act of removing the wood and brush from a tract of land 

Unaware of the dangers of deforestation, early settlers made clearings, after which 

they could plant crops and build settlements. 

Clump (verb) 

to move heavily; to be of an irregular shape or of an indefinite size 

We can imagine a cloud of weakly interacting massive particles clumped around our 

galaxy, with the solar system sweeping through this cloud as we orbit the center of the 

Milky Way. 

Clumsiness (noun) 

the act of lacking skillfulness in the use of the hands and the body and grace in physical 


Despite the slowness and clumsiness of porcupines on the ground, they are good 

climbers because they have long, curving claws on all four paws. 

Cluster (noun) 

a number of entities making up or considered a unit 

Amphibians lay clusters of eggs in bushes in close proximity to ponds. 

Cocoon (noun) 

a shell-like container 

We'd all be a lot kinder and gentler if the driver's seat were lashed to the front bumper 

instead of encased in a padded steel cocoon.Cognition (noun) 

the process of knowing in the broadest sense 

Welcome to today's seminar about the Cognition and Perception Program offered 

through the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan. 

Coherent (adjective) 

logically connected, consistent 

The planning stage of writing requires one to put his ideas into a coherent, purposeful 

order appropriate to his readers. 

Cold-shoulder (verb) 

to give intentionally cold or unsympathetic treatment 

Asked if he would repeat his anti-Bush message in person, Mandela replied: "You assume 

that he is going to meet me. I wouldn't make that assumption. I have said what I wanted 

to say and I don't have to repeat it." It was unclear who would cold-shoulder whom. 

Collaborate (verb) 

to work together toward a common end 

Quincy Jones' first major success as a pop music producer came in the early 1960's when 

he collaborated with Lesley Gore to create a dozen pop hits including It's My Party and 

Judy's Turn to Cry.

Collapse (noun) 

an abrupt, disastrous failure 

The balance of fusion reactions versus gravitational collapse which occurred in this 

little cloud is fondly referred to as a star, and this story is about the birth and life of the 

closest star to Earth, the Sun. 

Collectively (adverb) 

the manner of gathering something into a whole; characteristic of a group acting together 

Collectively, these frozen archives give scientists unprecedented views of global climate 

over the eons. 

Collide (verb) 

to come together or come up against with force 

Particles within the cloud's center (core) became so densely packed that they often 

collided and stuck (fused) together.Colossal (adjective) 

vast, enormous, gigantic, mammoth 

A colossal earthquake registering 8.4 on the Richter scale occurred in Alaska in the 


Colonize (verb) 

to found or establish an area which is subject to rule by an outside power 

Portugal, France, Holland, and England colonizing the continents now called the 

Americas decided to stay and the rest is history. 

Comeback (noun) 

a return to a former position or condition as of success or prosperity 

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has changed the wolf's status from "endangered" to 

"threatened" in the lower 48 states. This lack of federal protection is allowing many 

western states to wage a war on wolves -- just as they were beginning to make a 


Combat (verb) 

to strive in opposition with force 

Once all of the hydrogen is turned into helium, a star will stop fusing hydrogen and will 

lose its ability to combat gravity. 

Commentary (noun) 

critical explanation or analysis 

Hits like "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" introduced a darker edge to the music to complement 

the serious commentary in the lyrics. 

Commemorate (verb) 

to mark by some ceremony or observation 

Jones said Tuesday at a forum commemorating the 40th anniversary of the event that 

Wallace later apologized to her for blocking the doors of Foster Auditorium on June 11, 


Commerce (noun) 

commercial, industrial, or professional activity in general 

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel, and thievery, the Roman 

counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods.Comparable (adjective) 

possessing the same or almost the same characteristics 

Body composition is the comparable amounts of fat and lean body tissue found in the 


Compatible (adjective) 

capable of existing together in harmony 

The scientific community should take on the responsibility to investigate all objects that 

could potentially impact Earth down to the size compatible with available technology 

and with the public perception of acceptable risk. 

Compensate (verb) 

to make up for the defects of 

Saville and Dewey aptly call their formula reading The Barnum Effect, which goes, "You 

have a strong need for other people to like you and for them to admire you. You have a 

tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused energy which you have 

not turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are 

generally able to compensate for them." 

Competence (noun) 

physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform 

The activities and requirements of the cognition and perception program are designed 

primarily to develop the student's competence as a researcher. 

Complement (verb) 

to fill in what is lacking and make perfect 

Hits like "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" introduced a darker edge to the music to 

complement the serious commentary in the lyrics. 

Complex (adjective) 

difficult to understand due to its intricacy 

Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first 

three years of life.Complication (noun) 

something that causes difficulty, trouble, or lack of ease 

If left untreated, an anorexic person could starve to death or die from complications of 


Compose of (verb) 

to be the constituents parts of 

Comets are composed of dust and frozen gases that scientists believe are little changed 

since the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. 

Composite (adjective) 

combining the typical or essential characteristics of individuals making up a group 

Disclosing the list ''would give terrorist organizations a composite picture of the 

government investigation,'' Sentelle wrote. 

Compound (noun) 

consisting of two or more interconnected parts 

A molecule is a compound or group of atoms. 

Compress (verb) 

to reduce in size by or as if by drawing together 

Less than 5 billion years ago, in a distant spiral arm of our galaxy, called the Milky Way, 

a small cloud of gas and dust began to compress under its own weight. 

Comprise of (verb) 

to have as integral parts 

On the east side of the valley is the Armargosa Range, comprised of three separate 


Compulsion (noun) 

an irresistible, repeated, irrational, impulse to perform some act 

People with Multiple Personality Disorder may experience any of the following: 

depression, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, sleep disorders, panic attacks and phobias, 

alcohol and drug abuse, and compulsions. Computational (adjective) 

describing the process of determining a number or amount through calculation and 

through the use of a computer. 

Cognitive Psychology is an empirical science and depends on careful experimental 

procedures and paradigms to test theories about these mental processes. This program is 

especially geared towards the application of formal and computational modeling and 

neuroscience methods to these basic questions. 

Conceivable (adjective) 

capable of being anticipated, considered, or imagined 

The community consists of an enormous number of people of every conceivable age, 

race, religion, lifestyle, income and opinion. 

Concord (noun) 

the state of individuals who are in complete agreement 

Initially, when settlers migrated west to settle on their own farmlands, there was no 

concord with the Native American population. 

Concrete (adjective) 

having actual reality 

There is no concrete proof for the existence of a supreme being, which is why some 

people are atheists. 

Conditioning (noun) 

to make familiar through constant practice or use 

Researchers have continued to use the techniques of classical conditioning for both 

learning and unlearning certain behaviors or fears. 

Condolence (noun) 

sympathy with another in sorrow; an expression of sympathy 

We would like to express to her majesty and the people of the United Kingdom our sincere 

condolences for the loss of the British soldiers. 

Conducive (adjective) 

tending to promote or assist 

Our intense winter storms, high rainfall amounts, and steep terrain area all conductive 

to land sliding. Confluence (noun) 

the act or fact of coming together 

A confluence of researchers brought about the invention of the atomic bomb. 

Conformity (noun) 

an act of willingly carrying out the wishes of others 

The control theory's explanation of criminal behavior focuses on the control mechanisms, 

techniques, and strategies for regulating human behavior, leading to conformity or 

obedience to society's rules. 

Confound (verb) 

to throw a person into confusion or perplexity 

Earlier this week, Fed policy setters elected to trim the fed funds rate to 1.00 percent from 

1.25 percent, confounding some market expectations for a reduction of half a 

percentage point. 

Conical (adjective) 

resembling a cone in shape 

The conical shaped space rocket was launched into space. 

Conjure up (verb) 

imagine or contrive 

A family is the basic unit in society having as its nucleus two or more adults living 

together and cooperating in the care and rearing of their own or adopted children. 

Despite this all-inclusive definition, a lesbian or gay couple with or without children are 

not the image conjured up when most people create a picture of a family. 

Con-man (noun) 

one who tells falsehoods in order to get financial gain 

"Dante's View" and the "Devil's Corn Field" are names coined by the hustlers and conmen 

who sought to attract visitors and investors to this burgeoning mining area. 

Consciousness (noun) 

the condition of being aware 

The Sun Dance was a type of self torture which included a loss of consciousness. Consecutive (adjective) 

following one after another in an orderly pattern 

An anorexic girl weighs at least 15 percent less than her ideal weight, has an extreme fear 

of gaining weight, and has missed at least three consecutive menstrual periods. 

Consequence (noun) 

something brought about by a cause 

Deviance is seen as a consequence of society's decision to apply that term to a person, 

and deviant behavior is behavior that society labels as deviant. 

Conservatism (noun) 

a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established 

institutions and preferring gradual development to abrupt change 

Although he never wavered in his devotion to colonial rights and early committed himself 

to independence as an unwelcome last resort, Adams's innate conservatism made him 

determined in 1770 that the British soldiers accused of the Boston Massacre receive a fair 


Conserve (verb) 

to protect an asset from loss or destruction 

Now that we know what is involved in obtaining water and how quickly it is being used, 

everyone must do his/her part to conserve water. 

Consistently (adverb) 

without variation or change 

Long time Death Valley residents say that daily temperatures at Bad water are 

consistently higher than those at Furnace Creek. 

Consort (noun) 

a husband or wife 

Prince Albert was Queen Elizabeth's consort and her first cousin and the nephew of the 

king of the Belgians, Leopold I. 

Conspire (verb) 

to work out a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end 

Martin's Luther King's house was bombed, and he was convicted along with other 

boycott leaders on charges of conspiring to interfere with the bus company's 


Constituent (adjective) 

one of the individual entities contributing to a whole 

If water rich asteroids added water to the lunar surface, most of the water would be split 

by sunlight into its constituent atoms of hydrogen and oxygen and lost into space, but 

some would migrate by literally hopping along to places where it is very cold. 

Constitute (verb) 

to put in force by legal authority 

The death penalty is constituted by most state judicial courts as a legal force of 

punishment for criminals who have committed premeditated murder. 

Constrain (verb) 

to control, or restrict 

Still others are enjoying a higher level of economic prosperity than the average American 

and don't feel constrained in any way by a lack of marriage rights.

Consul (noun) 

an official appointed by a government to reside in a country to represent the commercial 

interests of citizens of the appointing country 

Bret Harte served as a consul in Germany and Scotland, after which he settled in 

England, where he remained until he died in 1902. 

Consultant (noun) 

one who advises another, especially officially or professionally 

Business consultants often advise their clients to make long term investments. 

Consummate (adjective) 

supremely excellent in quality or nature 

Mozart was commissioned to compose a new opera for Munich, Idomeneo (1781), which 

proved that he was a consummate master of opera series.Containment (noun) 

the state of holding back or within fixed limits; to restrain 

The government is increasingly drawn into discussions about healthcare reform, 

particularly when it relates to cost containment. 

Contemporary (adjective) 

modern, in existence now 

In 1989, the musician came back with "Back On the Block," another grand tour of 

contemporary Rhythm and Blues (R&B) with a guest list that read like a Who's Who of 


Contentious (adjective) 

inclined to act in a hostile way; given to arguing 

A contentious argument erupted during the classroom debate. 

Continental (adjective) 

of the mainland; any of the main large land areas of the earth 

Around the margins of the Pacific Ocean, for example, denser oceanic plates slip under 

continental plates in a process known as seduction. 

Contour (adjective) 

following contour lines or forming furrows or ridges along them 

Contour plowing diminishes water-polluting runoff. 

Contraception (noun) 

deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation 

It is widely known as the "morning-after pill," but new research confirms that emergency 

contraception reliably prevents pregnancy even when taken as long as five days after 

having sex. 

Contract (verb) 

to reduce in size by or as by drawing together 

A partner will stretch your muscle group to a comfortable level. Then you contract as 

tight as you can and hold for about 6 to 10 seconds. You then relax and your partner 

stretches you further, repeating the process.Contrive (verb) 

to form a strategy for 

Chimpanzees require massive regimented teaching sequences contrived by humans to 

acquire quite rudimentary abilities. 

Conversely (adverb) 

the manner of being the opposite of 

Lack of physical activity causes an increase in body fat. Conversely, regular exercise 

leads to a loss of body fat. 

Convert (verb) 

to alter or change the physical or chemical properties of something 

Our gut converts the protein from our dinner lamb chop into smaller amino acids. 

Convey (verb) 

to make known; to put into words 

The best philosophy to be conveyed about how to avoid problems is the principle of the 

three red flags, which states that most accidents or avalanches are not the result of an 

unavoidable "karmic cannonball," but rather are the predictable outcome of a series of 

related events. 

Conveyor (noun) 

a mechanical apparatus which carries packages or bulk material from one place to another 

Muscular contractions cause a ripple like movement that carries the contents down the 

small intestine somewhat like a conveyor belt. 

Convoy (verb) 

to accompany, especially to escort for protection 

So Marin County parents started "walking school buses," where they convoy groups of 

kids to school. It's a concept used in Chicago city schools where gang crime is the biggest 

threat to children. 

Cooing (verb) 

making a low soft cry 

Usually ranging from approximately 0 to six months, cooing is the first stage of 

linguistic development in children.Cooperating (verb) 

to work together toward a common end 

A family is the basic unit in society having as its nucleus two or more adults living 

together and cooperating in the care and rearing of their own or adopted children. 

Coordinator (noun) 

one who brings something into accord; one who combines and adapts in order to attain a 

particular effect. 

Maya Angelou became the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership 


Cordially (adverb) 

manner relating to kindness, warmth, and unaffected courtesy 

In 1762 the Mozart children played at court in Vienna; the Empress Maria Theresa and 

her husband, Emperor Francis I, received them cordially. 

Core (noun) the most central and material part; a point of origin from which ideas, 

influences, etc., emanate 

Earth's density is due in part to gravitational compression; if not for this, Mercury would 

be denser than Earth, indicating that Mercury's dense iron core is relatively larger than 

Earth's, probably comprising the majority of the planet. 

Corporate (adjective) 

being a commercial organization 

Corporate interviewers are looking for applicants who display purpose and 

commitment to their future occupation. 

Corpse (noun) 

the physical frame of a dead person or animal 

Zurbaran attempted to capture the fact that it is a corpse by painting a somewhat 

frightening face. 

Correlate (verb) 

to come or bring together in one's mind or imagination 

One of his students found that scores on these tests did not correlate with class standing 

among undergraduates at Columbia University.Corrode (verb) 

to eat away by degrees as if by gnawing; especially : to wear away gradually usually by 

chemical action; to weaken or destroy gradually : to undermine 

CO2 might corrode concrete plugs meant to seal wells. 

Costume (noun) 

clothes or other personal effects, such as make-up, worn to conceal one's identity 

To celebrate Halloween, children dress up in costumes and go house to house asking for 


Counterpart (noun) 

something possessing the same or almost the same characteristics as something else 

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel, and thievery, the Roman 

counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. 

Countless (adjective) 

too great to be calculated 

Indeed, fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident has turned up in ice cores, as has 

dust from violent desert storms countless millennia ago. 

Coupe (noun) 

a 2-door automobile often seating only two persons; also : one with a tightly spaced rear 


The Corvette Coupe, from the United States, is a popular sports car. 

Covet (verb) 

characterized as having an inordinate desire for what belongs to another 

He is the only art critic to have twice won America's most coveted award for art 

criticism, the Frank Jewett Mather Award, given by the College Art Association. 

Cowhand (noun) 

a cowboy; one who tends cows 

In the 1800's, some worked as cowhands on ranches in Montana, during which they 

experienced devastating snowstorms and temperatures as cold as -40 F.Crack (noun) 

to undergo partial breaking 

A small pebble caused a crack in the windshield. 

Cradle (noun) 

a place in which a thing begins or is nurtured in its infancy 

Ancient Greece, once the cradle of Western culture, is responsible for many of the moral 

and scientific concepts that exist today. 

Cramp (verb) 

to be retrained or confined 

The Scots fought from a better position and the English were too cramped for space to 

use their superior numbers. 

Cranium (noun) skull; the part of the head that encloses the brain 

It was believed in the nineteenth that bumps on a person's cranium revealed his or her 


Cratered (verb) 

to exhibit bowl-shaped depressions caused by the impact of a meteorite 

Mercury is in many ways similar to the Moon: its surface is heavily cratered and very 


Creaking (verb) 

a prolonged grating or squeaking sound 

Yards creaking and making groaning sounds can be early warnings of slope failure. 

Cremate (verb) 

to reduce a dead body to ashes by burning 

His last wish before he died was to be cremated and have his ashes spread over the 

Pacific Ocean. 

Crevice (noun) 

a narrow opening resulting from a split or crack 

Found in waters all over the earth, octopuses like to hide in rocks and crevices and can 

squeeze into tiny holes, as they have no bones. Criterion (noun) 

a standard of comparison 

In order for doctors to know whether or not a baby is normal, there are certain criteria 

or standards of judgment, but individual babies will vary somewhat from these 


Critique (noun) 

evaluative and critical discourse 

William Faulkner was a keen critique of the literature of his time. 

Crucial (adjective) 

so serious as to be at the point of crisis 

The sociological perspective is crucial for working in today's multiethnic and 

multinational business environment. 

Crude (adjective) 

in a natural state and still not prepared for use 

Crude oil needs to be refined before it can be used for automobile consumption. 

Crumple (verb) 

to make irregular folds in, especially by pressing or twisting; to be unable to hold up 

The front and rear ends of an automobile are designed to crumple during a collision. 

Crushing (verb) 

pressing forcefully so as to break up into pulpy mass 

The core thus begins to fuse helium into carbon to make enough energy to maintain its 

balance with the crushing force of gravity. 

Crustal (adjective) 

relating to the outer exterior of the earth consisting of rock 

Tectonic earthquakes are a particular kind of earthquake that are associated with the 

earth's crustal deformation; when these earthquakes occur beneath the sea, the water 

above the deformed area is displaced from its equilibrium position. 

Crystallized (adjective) 

formed with a clear colorless rock 

Diamond is the name given to the crystallized form of the element Carbon.Cull (noun) 

something rejected especially as being inferior or worthless 

Animal activists are angry about the kangaroo cull. 

Cultivate (verb) 

to prepare or prepare and use for something 

The proposal focused on a laboratory procedure designed to create embryos to cultivate 

their stem cells, which are master cells that can potentially grow into any type of human 


Cumulative (adjective) 

increasing, as in force, by successive additions 

Scientific knowledge is not absolute, but cumulative in that new facts are constantly 

being added while old facts are discarded. 

Curio (adjective) 

something such as a decorative object considered novel, rare, or bizarre 

A further one million are fished for the curio trade because seahorses retain their shape 

and color when dried. 

Current (noun) 

occurring in or belonging to the present time 

Although the three currents discussed so far in 20th century painting may also be found 

in sculpture, the parallelism should not be overstressed.

Curve (verb) 

having bends, curves, or angles; deviating from a straight line 

Unstable areas may sometimes be identified by trees or telephone poles tilted at odd 

angles, or by curved tree trunks. 

Cyclical (adjective) 

of, relating to, or being an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring 

succession of events or phenomena is completed 

The one thing we don't know is whether it will be cyclical, whether it will occur 

seasonally. Cylinder (adjective) 

the surface traced by a straight line moving parallel to a fixed straight line and intersecting 

a fixed curve. 

The long cylinders of ancient ice that they retrieve provide a dazzlingly detailed record 

of what was happening in the world over the past several ice ages. 

Dashboard (noun) 

a panel extending across the interior of a vehicle as an automobile below the windshield 

and usually containing dials and controls 

In a demonstration at an imaginary dashboard, Michael greeted the computer ("Good 

morning, Sally"), told it he was catching a flight from John F. Kennedy International 

Airport and received a map and spoken directions, estimated travel time, the state of the 

traffic ahead, the weather, the flight's status, country music on the radio and directions to 

an Italian restaurant en route. 

Database (noun) 

a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval as by a 


Our editors make daily updates to our proprietary database of company information, 

which can be found on our Web site, Hoover's Online. 

Dazzlingly (adverb) 

manner of arousing admiration by an impressive display 

The long cylinders of ancient ice that they retrieve provide a dazzlingly detailed record 

of what was happening in the world over the past several ice ages. 

Deadliest (adjective) 

extremely destructive or harmful 

At least 80 and perhaps hundreds of people were killed in the deadliest historical 

eruption to occur in what is now the United States. 

Deal with (verb) 

to be occupied or concerned 

Politeness strategies are developed for the main purpose of dealing with face 

threatening acts.Dearth (noun) 

an inadequate supply 

The model offers no way to explain the moon's confounding dearth of iron. 

Debris (noun) 

an accumulation of fragments of rock 

Landslides, mud flows and debris avalanches frequently accompany other natural 

disasters such as floods and earthquakes. 

Decay (verb) 

to become or cause to become rotten or unsound; to decompose 

Because of the high humidity, abundant insects, and scavenger-eating animals and birds, 

an animal carcass can decay in Mississippi in just a few days.

Decipher (verb) 

to make understandable 

Few historians today have the capability of deciphering scrolls written in ancient 


Decode (verb) 

to convert a coded message into intelligible form; to discover the underlying meaning of 

It seems that the structure of the language you learn as a child affects how the structure 

of your brain develops to decode speech. Native English speakers, for example, find it 

extraordinarily difficult to learn Mandarin 

Decorated (verb) 

to furnish with emblems of honor worn on one's clothing, or displayed on objects 

Quincy Jones is one of the most decorated musicians of all time. 

Decry (verb) 

to consider or treat as small or unimportant 

There are those who decry marriage as a sexist and patriarchal institution that should 

be avoided at all costs.Deem (verb) 

to have an opinion 

Any human caused blazes are to be suppressed immediately as well as any natural fires 

deemed dangerous. 

Default (noun) 

a failure to pay financial debts 

The trend has been to raise rates because of the increasing number of defaults among 


Deferential (adjective) 

showing or expressing respect and esteem due a superior or an elder 

The Justice Department properly withheld the names and other details about hundreds of 

foreigners detained in the months after the Sept. 11 attacks, a federal appeals court ruled 

Tuesday. The powerful decision was deferential to the Bush administration's 

arguments over continued threats to America from terrorists. 

Definitive (adjective) 

serving the function of deciding or settling with finality 

Two recent books are the definitive books in the area of cold reading: King of the Cold 

Readers (KCR) by Bascom Jones and Red Hot Cold Reading (RHCR) by Thomas Saville, 

Ph.D. and Herb Dewey. 

Deflect (verb) 

to turn aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction 

If the interior is weak, for example, an attempt to deflect it with a nuclear warhead (an 

option under consideration) may simply break up the asteroid into many smaller and 

uncontrolled pieces. 

Defuse (verb) 

to remove the fuse from a mine or bomb; to make less harmful, potent, or tense 

You can tend to your loved one and to yourself by focusing on the rewards of caring for 

someone with Alzheimer's disease and by learning to recognize and defuse stress.Degradation (noun) 

the act or an instance of demoting 

Don Quixote shows how not distinguishing between the two leads to the moral 

degradation of his hero and, consequently, of his public. 

Degraded (adjective) 

reduced far below ordinary standards of civilized life and conduct; characterized by 

degeneration of structure or function 

Protecting existing habitat and restoring degraded habitat can help the grizzly to 


Delectable (adjective) 

highly pleasing, especially to the sense of taste 

The ape inserts a twig into a hole in a termite's nest, after which it pull outs the twig 

covered with delectable insects. 

Delegate (noun) 

one who stands in for another; one who is given authority to represent another 

In 1776, John Adams was a Massachusetts delegate to the Continental Congress in 


Deleterious (adjective) 

harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way 

There is increasing evidence that some beached whales may have been stranded as a 

result of loud sounds made by mid-range navy sonar. This has produced a great deal of 

concern about the possible deleterious effects of noise pollution on marine mammals. 

Delineation (noun) 

a line marking and shaping the outer form of an object 

Bialystok asserts that the delineation begins at the age of twenty, at which point begins 

a decline in the ability to learn a language. 

Delta (noun) 

the alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river 

The delta extends outward fifty miles on both sides of the Mississippi River in the area of 

Mississippi and Louisiana and experiences floods during the spring.Demise (noun) 

a cessation of existence or activity 

Columbia's demise on Feb. 1, 2003, not only cost the lives of seven astronauts, but also 

leaves a gaping hole in the busy shuttle manifest, which is now focused on building and 

supplying the International Space Station. 

Demographic (adjective) 

relating to the dynamic balance of a population 

These demographic peculiarities reveal a pattern of upward marriage or hypergamy 

which is quite different from endogamy and reflects an acknowledged status difference 

between communities. 

Denouncing (verb) 

to find fault with; to make an accusation against 

A pamphlet entitled A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law and town 

instructions denouncing the Stamp Act (1765) marked him as a vigorous, patriotic 

penman, and, holding various local offices, he soon became a leader among 

Massachusetts radicals. 

Densely (adverb) 

with all parts or elements in extremely close proximity 

Particles within the cloud's center (core) became so densely packed that they often 

collided and stuck (fused) together. 

Dependent (noun) 

a person who relies on another for support 

It is one of the more remarkable feats of American literature, how a young man who 

never graduated from high school, never received a college degree, living in a small town 

in the poorest state in the nation, all the while balancing a growing family of 

dependents and impending financial ruin, could during the Great Depression write a 

series of novels all set in the same small Southern county that would one day be 

recognized as among the greatest novels ever written by an American. 

Depict (verb) 

to present a lifelike image of 

St. Francis is depicted wearing a brown habit worn by Franciscan Monks and by the 

stigmata over the heart.Deposit (noun) 

matter that settles on a bottom or collects on a surface by a natural process 

Several tools have been developed to help land users identify unstable slopes. Slope maps, 

geology maps, and landslide deposit maps are available for public inspection at the 

Santa Cruz County Planning Department. 

Derive (verb) 

to obtain from another source 

Like German, English is derived from some common original Germanic or Teutonic 

parent speech, although this original language is no longer in existence. 

Derange (verb) 

to disturb the health or physiological functioning of 

The writer became deranged due to his heavy consumption of alcohol and drugs. 

Derogatory (adjective) 

tending or intending to belittle 

Derogatory language is not permitted in the workplace. 

Descend (verb) 

to become lower in quality, character, or condition 

The absolute finest colorless stone carries a D rating, descending through each letter of 

the alphabet to Z, designating a diamond of light yellow, brown, or gray. 

Desegregate (verb) 

to open to all people regardless of race 

Montgomery buses were desegregated in December, 1956, after the United States 

Supreme Court declared Alabama's segregation laws unconstitutional. 

Designate (verb) 

to make known or identify, as by signs 

The absolute finest colorless stone carries a D rating, descending through each letter of 

the alphabet to Z, designating a diamond of light yellow, brown, or gray.Desolate (adjective) 

devoid of inhabitants and visitors; deserted 

The Sinai Peninsula is a desolate desert region in northeast Egypt. Its terrain includes a 

sandy coastal plain, a high limestone plateau, and mountains. 

Destabilize (verb) 

to take out of balance so as to make it unstable 

A landslide or slope failure occurs when steep slopes are destabilized by excess water 

accumulation in the soil, the addition of excess weight to the top of a slope, the removal of 

support from the bottom of a slope, or a combination of the above. 

Detect (verb) 

to perceive, to discover 

Scientists detected Chernobyl radioactivity in snow at the South Pole, a graphic 

reminder of how small our planet is. 

Detergent (noun) 

a cleansing agent such as soap 

Waste water often containing detergents encourage the growth of algae. 

Deteriorate (verb) 

to become in a less than perfect or whole condition in quality, functioning, or condition 

The heartbreak of watching your loved one slowly deteriorate, coupled with that 

person's growing need for supervision and personal care, often causes caregivers to feel 

overwhelming stress. 

Determinate (adjective) 

having defined limits 

In a sharp contrast to monkeys, human children pick up thousands of words 

spontaneously, combine them in structured sequences in which every word has a 

determinate role, respect the word order of the adult language, and use sentences for a 

variety of purposes such as commenting on interesting objects. 

Detrimental (adjective) 

causing harm or injury 

Continuing to stretch by bouncing one's body is detrimental in the long run as the body 

will start to adapt against it and one may find it difficult to stretch properly at all.Devastate (verb) 

to destroy completely while conquering or occupying 

As the tsunami's speed diminishes as it travels into shallower water, its height grows, 

consequently making its effects devastating to a coastal community. 

Deviance (noun) 

the condition of being abnormal 

The labeling theory explains deviance as a social process by which some people who 

commit deviant acts come to be known as deviants and others do not. 

Devise (verb) 

to form a strategy for; to use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving 

Considerable effort is devoted to devising innovative applications to important 

practical problems, e.g., human computer interaction, decision aiding, and medical 


Devoid (adjective) 

lacking a desirable element; containing nothing 

Studies of lunar samples revealed that the interior of the Moon is essentially devoid of 

water, so no underground supplies could be used by lunar inhabitants. 

Devote (verb) 

to give over by or as if by vow to a higher purpose 

Researchers from all over the world are devoting considerable time and energy into 

finding the answer to this critical question. 

Diagnostic (adjective) 

relating to investigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a condition, situation, or 


For those unfamiliar with the term, cold reading is the description of the personality, 

characteristics, and features, past experiences and sometimes the future of a person 

without the use of standard psychological or other formal diagnostic procedures. Diarrhea (noun) 

abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools 

Bulimia nervosa is when a person consumes large amounts of food, but then induces 

vomiting or diarrhea in an attempt to avoid weight gain. 

Diaspora (noun) 

people settled far from their ancestral homelands 

The African Voices Hall presents the richness and diversity of cultures throughout the 

African continent, as well as traditions sustained and reinterpreted by the African 

diasporas in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. 

Dictate (verb) 

to set forth expressly and authoritatively 

The value of a diamond is determined by its exact quality as defined by the 4C's: Cut, 

Color, Clarity and Carat Weight. The cut of a diamond refers to its proportions. Of the 

4C's, the cut is the aspect most directly influenced by man. The other three are dictated 

by nature. 

Differential (adjective) 

making a distinction among individuals or classes 

The theory is called differential association. It denotes a person's associations that 

differ from those of other persons 

Digestion (noun) 

the process of making food absorbable by breaking it down into smaller, simpler chemical 


Sucrose is hydrolyzed during digestion according to the following equation: 

Sucrose + H2O v Glucose + Fructose 

Dilute (verb) 

lower than its normal strength or concentration due to a mixture 

Gasoline, if diluted with water, will cause an automobile engine to malfunction.Dimensional (adjective) 

relating to the amount of space occupied by something 

Our vocal tracts have a sharp right angle bend that creates two independently modifiable 

resonant cavities (the mouth and the pharynx or throat) that defines a large two 

dimensional range of vowel sounds. 

Disavow (verb) 

to deny responsibility for; disclaim, repudiate 

The Israeli Prime Minister has decided to disavow talks with the Palestinians.

Discard (verb) 

to let go or get rid of as being no longer of use, value, etc. 

Scientific knowledge is not absolute, but cumulative. New facts are constantly being 

added while old facts are discarded.

Discernable (adjective) 

so as to perceive, to recognize as being different 

Many inclusions are not discernable to the naked eye and require magnification to 

become apparent. 

Discharge (verb) 

to release from military duty 

After being discharged from the military, Elvis Presley went back to singing and 

starring in movies. 

Disconnecting (verb) 

to separate one thing from another thing 

Dissociation Identity Disorder is the phenomena of completely disconnecting oneself 

from a memory (or memories) and the emotions around the memory (or memories), 

creating a separate identity to hold memories and emotions. 

Discredit (verb) 

causing disbelief in the accuracy or authority of 

Canup and Asphaug were able to re-test the discredited mid-1980s hypothesis of 

impact by a Mars size object thanks to greater computing power. Discrepancy (noun) 

a marked lack of correspondence or agreement 

The tiny differences between the observed and predicted values were a minor but 

nagging problem for many decades. It was thought that another planet (sometimes 

called Vulcan) might exist in an orbit near Mercury's to account for the discrepancy. 

Disdain (noun) 

the quality of being overly convinced of one's own superiority and importance 

Due to the complete disdain the co-worker showed to others, he was fired. 

Disenchant (verb) 

disappoint; dissatisfy 

Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean sought to redefine and broaden his 

liberal, anti war campaign in formally announcing his candidacy Monday, telling 

disenchanted American voters, ''You have the power!'' to oust President Bush and rid 

Washington of special interests. 

Disintegration (noun) 

severe damage or decay rendering something useless or worthless 

Many founding fathers of the United States spoke out repeatedly against mob violence 

and other signs of social disintegration. 

Dismantle (verb) 

to take to pieces; to destroy the integrity or functioning of 

Bush said the "true test" would be if the Palestinian militant groups would give up their 

arms and their ability to disrupt the peace process, Hamas must be dismantled. 

Dismay (noun) 

to deprive of courage or the power to act as a result of fear, anxiety, or disgust 

In 1782 the now popular Mozart married Constance Weber from Germany, much to his 

father's dismay. 

Disorder (noun) 

a disturbance of the health or physiological functioning of 

A new term, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) was created in 1994 to replace 

Multiple Personality Disorder.Dispense (verb) 

to prepare and distribute as in medication 

But four states now allow pharmacists to dispense emergency contraception pills, and 

the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is considering a request to make Plan B available 

over the counter. 

Disperse (verb) 

to cause to separate and go in various directions 

Diamonds allow light to be reflected and dispersed as a rainbow of color. 

Displace (verb) 

to move something from a position occupied 

Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically 

displaces the overlying water. 

Disposition (noun) 

the combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an 


A crow looks mean and evil and some people say it has a disposition to match its looks. 

Disrepute (noun) 

loss of or damage to one's reputation 

Multiple Personalities disorder was being thrown into disrepute because many people 

were giving phony demonstrations of alter switching during television talk shows.

Disruptive (adjective) 

troubling to the mind or emotions 

Driven by dizzying mutations in medical costs, program directors and staff ponder the 

disruptive dynamism of these new healthcare reforms. 

Disseminate (verb) 

to pass something out; to spread out 

Many plants depend upon the wind to disseminate their pollen.Dissertation (noun) 

a formal, lengthy exposition on a topic 

Graduation requirements include an empirical research project, a general preliminary 

examination, and a dissertation project. 

Dissipate (verb) 

to disappear by or as if by dispersal of particles 

Helping to dissipate heat, the large neck of the giraffe serves as a cooling tower. 

Dissociate (verb) 

to break the ties of connection between; to separate from 

A child may dissociate, and create an alternative personality to handle severe sexual or 

physical abuse. 

Distinctly (adverb) 

so as to be easily perceived and understood 

Language is a form of speech distinctly different from others, adding for good measure 

not, or only partially, intelligible to others without special study. 

Distinguishable (adjective) 

making noticeable or different from something else 

Brown diamond shaped markings are found along the middle of the rattlesnake's back. 

These distinguishable markings stand out against their lighter body color. 

Distort (verb) 

to twist out of a natural, normal, or original shape or condition; to cause to be perceived 


The agency is trying to find a way to modify the machines with an electronic fig leaf 

programming that fuzzes out sensitive body parts or distorts the body so it is 


Divergent (adjective) 

departing from the normal; not like another in nature, quality, amount, or form 

While healthcare strategies abound from diverse viewpoints and divergent professional 

groups, no one strategy has all the answers to reform the medical healthcare enterprise.Diversity (noun) 

the quality of being made of many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals 

Colleges seek an equal diversity in its applicants by looking at background, experience, 

and previous scholastic achievement. 

Diurnal (adjective) 

opening during the day and closing at night 

In rural areas, businesses are mostly diurnal because there is not a large enough 

population base to sustain extended hours operation. 

Division (noun) 

one of the parts into which something is divided 

William Tecupseh Sherman, division commander, was quoted saying to reporters, 

"Take your regiment to Ohio. No enemy is nearer than Corinth." 

Dizzying (adjective) 

vastly exceeding the normal limit, as in cost 

Driven by dizzying mutations in medical costs, program directors and staff ponder the 

disruptive dynamism of these new reforms. 

Doctorate (adjective) 

any degree at the highest level awarded by universities 

A student intending to teach and conduct sociological research will most likely need a 

master's or a doctorate degree. 

Document (verb) 

anything serving as proof 

Although explosive eruptions at Kilauea are infrequent, deposits of ash discovered by 

United States Geological Survey and other scientists document that they actually occur 

about as often as explosive eruptions from volcanoes in the Cascade Range of the Pacific 

Northwest, which includes Mount St. Helens, Washington. 

Doggedly (adverb) 

with firm perseverance; with irrational determination of fixity of purpose 

The attack pushed most Union divisions back to reform elsewhere. Others fought 

doggedly to hold their line.Domesticate (verb) 

to train to live with and be of use to man 

The single-humped Arabian camel has been domesticated for more than 5,000 years. 

Dominant (adjective) 

most important, influential, or significant 

The abuse memories contained within alters are not typically accessible to the 

dominant personality. 

Dormant (adjective) 

in a state of temporary inactivity 

Farther north of Stovepipe Wells is more salt pan and a dormant volcanic area which 

includes Ubehebe Crater. 

Downdraft (noun) 

a downward air current 

The strength of intense downdrafts that emerge from Rocky Mountain storms can stir 

up severe weather downstream. 

Downpour (noun) 

a heavy rain 

The scientists found that one downpour leads to another. In effect, they were able to 

pinpoint the culprit of these torrential rains in the Midwest.

Downsizing (noun) 

the act of reducing in size 

I managed to survive two rounds of corporate downsizing, but the third round was a 

20 percent reduction in the workforce, which included me." 

Down slope (noun) 

moving from place of higher elevation to a place of lower elevation 

In spring, the built up snow melts and runs down slope into brooks. These brooks flow 

down and join a river. 

Downstream (noun) 

in the direction of the flow of water running along the surface of the earth; in the direction 

of the flow of something The strength of intense downdrafts that emerge from the mountain storms can stir up 

severe weather downstream. 

Drainage (noun) 

the act, the process, or method for carrying off waster matter 

Human activities which act to further destabilizing slopes are logging, woodland 

conversion, road building, housing construction, and any activity which alters normal 

drainage patterns. 

Dramatic (adjective) 

filled with action, emotion, or exciting qualities 

Gases trapped in ice cores show the dramatic impact that human activities have had on 

the planet since the Industrial Revolution. 

Drilling (verb) 

to do or perform repeatedly so as to master 

At the Union camp at Shiloh, the Federal troops spent a day drilling and merry making. 

Driven (verb) 

to fix an idea in someone's mind by emphasis and repetition 

Driven by an intense need to characterize the traditions of the South, the writer 

sometimes depicts his characters as vulnerable, ill-informed, and racist. 

Drought (noun) 

a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something, especially water 

A serious Midwestern drought during the 1930's devastated many farmers' crops. 

Drunkenness (noun) 

given to habitual excessive use of alcohol of, relating to, or characterized by intoxication 

The immediate physical effects of drinking alcohol range from mild mood changes to 

complete loss of coordination, vision, balance, and speech any of which can be signals of 

the temporary systemic poisoning known as acute alcohol intoxication, or 


Dusk (noun) 

the period between afternoon and nighttime 

It is recommended that a driver turn his lights on at the first signs of dusk.Dwarf (verb) 

to make extremely small 

Given that is has snowed 35 inches in less than two days, this blizzard dwarfs any other 

storm that we have ever seen in our state. 

Dwellings (noun) 

a building or shelter where one lives 

Many ancient Native American dwellings were built within the cliffs of the Grand 

Canyon in Northern Arizona. 

Dye (noun) 

something that gives color 

Ancient peoples used fermentation to make beer and used plants to produce dyes and 


Dynamism (noun) 

the quality of being energetic, vigorous 

Driven by dizzying mutations in medical costs, program directors and staff ponder the 

disruptive dynamism of these new reforms. 

Dysfunction (noun) 

abnormal, impaired, or incomplete functioning, as of a body organ or part 

Victims may have a predisposition to mood disorders which can be heightened by 

dysfunctions in family life. 

Easternmost (adjective) 

the farthest east of a boundary or territory 

On the easternmost edge of Colorado lies a Native American settlement. 

Eccentricity (noun) 

deviating from the normal or customary; peculiar behavior 

The high eccentricity of Mercury's orbit would produce very strange effects for an 

observer on Mercury's surface. At some longitudes the observer would see the Sun rise 

and then gradually increase in apparent size as it slowly moved toward the zenith.Eclipse (verb) 

to be greater or better than 

Albert Einstein eclipsed his predecessors with his revolutionary breakthroughs in 


Echolocation (noun) 

a process of locating distant or invisible objects by means of sound waves reflected back to 

the emitter (as a bat or a submarine) by the objects 

The biological sonar, or echolocation, of bats and a few other animals is one of nature's 

great inventions. 

Eerie (adjective) 

of a mysteriously strange and usually frightening nature 

Movies also use conditioned stimuli such as darkness or eerie music to arouse the 

conditioned response of fear. 

Efficiency (noun) 

the power or capacity to produce a desired result 

Anyone who can read and write can improve the efficiency of their memory. 

Eject (verb) 

to throw out or off from within; to drive out especially by physical force 

Many scientists have thought for years that the moon was formed during the early days 

of the solar system when another planet collided with Earth, ejecting fragments of 

rocky material that condensed into Earth's only satellite. 

Elaborate (adjective) 

complexly detailed 

Our gut can best be described as a very elaborate food "disassemble" plant. 

Elevate (verb) 

to increase the level of something; to move something to a higher position 

Studies show an elevated (but so far not statistically significant) risk of lymphatic and 

hematopoietic cancers for most firefighters.Elite (adjective) 

relating to a group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much power 

or influence 

Early decision started at most elite colleges in the late 1990s as a way for top students to 

win admission to their first choice of college without having to go through the longer 

admissions process. 

Eloquent (adjective) 

vividly or movingly expressive or revealing; person marked by forceful and fluent 


Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887), the son of Lyman Beecher, was an eloquent, 

dramatic, and witty Protestant preacher. 

Elusive (adjective) 

characterized by or exhibiting evasion 

Since September 11, 2001, American military have been searching for the ever so elusive 

Osama bin Laden. 

Emancipation (noun) 

the state of not being in confinement or servitude 

One underlying cause of the Civil War was for the emancipation of all slaves in the 


Embark (verb) 

to go about the initial step in doing something 

When Mozart was 6, he and his older sister, Maria Anna, embarked on a series of 

concert tours to Europe's courts and major cities. 

Embattle (verb) 

being a site of battle, conflict, or controversy 

The embattled music industry disclosed aggressive plans Wednesday for an 

unprecedented escalation in its fight against Internet piracy, threatening to sue hundreds 

of individual computer users who illegally share music files online. Embellish (verb) 

to endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition 

The success of the cold reading lies in the sitter embellishing selected statements from 

the reading, with details that make the generalizations appear more accurate than they 


Embezzlement (noun) 

to steal money entrusted to one's care 

Dubbed the king of white collar crime, Mark Hansen was twice imprisoned for 


Embrace (verb) 

to encircle, to surround, or to enclose 

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake can be found over varied country, embracing the 

mountains up to altitudes of 8000 ft, the seacoasts levels, inland plains, desert areas. 

Emerge (verb) 

to begin to appear or develop 

To compete in the emerging global economy, city-states must mobilize all their skills to 

protect their center cities and train their workforce to excel in an increasingly 

competitive world marketplace. 

Emission (noun) 

discharged vapor or fumes 

In 1972 a law was passed to control the emission of coal into the atmosphere. 

Emotionalism (noun) 

an appeal to emotion, especially to sway an audience to some belief 

Although, from an early age, Martin Luther King resented religious emotionalism and 

questioned literal interpretations of scripture, he nevertheless greatly admired black 

social gospel proponents such as his father who saw the church as a instrument for 

improving the lives of African Americans. 

Empathetic (adjective) 

characterized by the projection of one's personality into the personality of another in order 

to understand the person better 

Murillo often chose models he felt had empathetic faces for his paintings.Empirical (adjective) 

based solely on experiment and observation rather than theory 

Cognitive Psychology is an empirical science and depends on careful experimental 

procedures and paradigms to test theories about these mental processes. 

Enable (verb) 

to give the means, ability, or opportunity to do something 

Sociological research influences the way we think about work and organizational life and 

enables us to discover new knowledge. 

Enactment (noun) 

the formal product or a legislative or judicial body 

Unlike other countries which have a nationwide policy, in the United States, the 

enactment and enforcement of motor vehicle regulation is done by the states. 

Encase (verb) 

to cover something completely; to enclose something 

Encased in a padded steel cocoon, most drivers are unhurt if they are wearing their 

seatbelts during the time of the collision.

Encroachment (noun) 

the act of trespassing or intruding on the property of another 

From 1863 to 1868, the Sioux fought the army's encroachment. 

Encrypt (verb) 

to convert information from one system of communication into another; especially: to 

convert a message into code 

The function that fills in forms offers an option to store credit card numbers too, but the 

information is encrypted on the hard drive of a user's computer instead of Google's 

computers, for security and privacy reasons. 

Endanger (verb) 

to subject to danger or destruction 

Fires help habitats and are important to endangered species of animals that rely on 

these plants for survival. Endogamy (noun) 

The custom of marrying only within one's group, clan, or tribe 

Data from the two locations of Stirling's ethnography show a uniform preference for 

marriage within the community as well as an interesting contrast in rates of 


Endure (verb) 

to remain in existence or in a certain state for an indefinitely long time 

Some towns and schools are named after Oak trees, reminding Californians of things 

that are free and enduring.

Engage (verb) 

to involve someone in an activity 

His concerts were a great success, and the emperor, Joseph II, encouraged him, later 

(1787) engaging him as court composer. 

Engulf (verb) 

to flow over completely 

At this point in its life, the Sun's envelope will expand to engulf all of the inner solar 

system out to Mars. 

Enhance (verb) 

to endow with beauty and elegance by way of a notable addition 

Students are also expected to enhance the teaching, communication, and administrative 

skills he will need in his professional career. 

Enlarge (verb) 

to express at greater length or in detail; to make or become greater or larger 

City-states' importance were enlarged through the 1990s by the rapid flowering of the 

Internet and the digital revolution. 

Enlist (verb) 

to become a member of 

After World War I and II, American women and children were enlisted to help in the 

war effort by collecting items of rubber and metal for recycling.Enmity (noun) 

positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will 

Laboring to transform the dual Austro-Hungarian Monarchy into a triple monarchy 

including a Slavic kingdom under Croatian leadership, he won the enmity of both the 

Pan-Serbians and the Pan-Germans, and his support of the Christian Socialist campaign 

for universal suffrage brought the hostility of the Hungarian magnates. 

Enormous (adjective) 

of extraordinary size and power 

The community consists of an enormous number of people of every conceivable age, 

race, religion, lifestyle, income, and opinion. 

Enrage (verb) 

full of or marked by extreme anger 

Enraged smaller birds are seen driving away larger birds that are trying to invade the 

smaller birds' nests. 

Enrich (verb) 

to make rich or richer especially by the addition or increase of some desirable quality, 

attribute, or ingredient 

Parts of a gas centrifuge system for enriching uranium were dug up in Baghdad. 

Ensemble (noun) 

a group of musicians engaged in a performance 

An ensemble of violinists played at the wedding. 

Ensue (verb) 

to occur as a consequence 

A large battle ensued, but the Vikings were eventually able to resist the attack. 

Enterprise (noun) 

A commercial organization 

While healthcare strategies abound from diverse viewpoints and divergent professional 

groups, no one strategy has all the answers to reform the medical healthcare 

enterprise.Enthrall (verb) 

catching and holding the full attention 

The journal of Lewis and Clark, which depicts their extraordinary journey of eightthousand 

miles, is enthralling reading today. 

Enthusiast (noun) 

one who is ardently attached to a cause, object, or pursuit; one who tends to become 

ardently absorbed in an interest 

At one time, spotting a cougar in the eastern U.S. ranked alongside an encounter with 

Bigfoot or a UFO. But over the years, the rise in cougar tales has sparked an interest in 

wildlife officials and cougar enthusiasts alike. 

Entirety (noun) 

an amount of quantity from which nothing is left out or held back 

Some mental illnesses are caused by severe abuse during childhood violence so extreme 

that the child cannot absorb the trauma in its entirety. 

Entrap (verb) 

to catch or control by a source of danger not easily foreseen and avoided 

Upon locating its food, the anteater entraps it with its sticky saliva, hence making sure 

that the nest is wiped clean. 

Envision (verb) 

to picture to oneself: think 

But scientists envision nonmilitary uses. 

Envoy (noun) 

a person delegated to represent one government in its dealings with another 

In April 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte negotiated the sale of the Louisiana Territory with 

the envoys of President Thomas Jefferson. 

Eon (noun) 

a long time 

Collectively, these frozen archives give scientists unprecedented views of global climate 

over the eons.Epicenter (noun) 

the part of the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake 

Buildings from as far as 50 miles from the epicenter of the 7.9 earthquake suffered 

extensive damage. 

Episode (noun) 

something significant that happens 

Most people have observed mild dissociative episodes in which they lose touch with 

their surroundings. Examples include daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or losing oneself 

in a movie or book. 

Equation (noun) 

statement that two mathematical expressions are equal 

Sucrose + H2O v Glucose + Fructose: We will need to remember that equation for the 


Equidistant (adjective) 

being the same distance as something else 

In the copper crystal the spheres are packed closely together in such a fashion that each 

atom has twelve equidistant neighbors. 

Equilibrium (noun) 

a stable state characterized by the cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces 

The fusion process released tremendous amounts of heat and light which could then 

combat the compressing force of gravity; eventually, the two forces reached 


Equip (verb) 

to supply what is needed for some activity or purpose 

To further their success, psychics must equip themselves with the fundamental 

knowledge regarding human nature that most of us do not normally appreciate. 

Equivalent (adjective) 

equal in force, amount, or value; also : equal in area or volume but not admitting of 

superposition; corresponding or virtually identical especially in effect or function 

"This is a boon to employers," said Ross Eisenbrey, policy director for the liberal 

Washington based think tank. "They'll be given a green light to exempt people (from overtime) whom Congress never intended to be treated as the equivalent of doctors and 

















Erode (verb) 

to consume gradually, as by chemical reaction, friction, etc. 

Powerful waves caused by a storm off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean eroded more than 

150 miles of coastline. 

Eruption (noun) 

a sudden, violent explosion, as from a volcano 

The Indonesian volcano Toba blew its top in the largest volcanic eruption of the last half 

million years. 

Essentially (adverb) 

as an inborn and basic element 

Studies of lunar samples revealed that the interior of the Moon is essentially devoid of 

water, so no underground supplies could be used by lunar inhabitants. Eternal (adjective) 

existing or occurring without interruption or end 

It was not until the end of World War II that the eternal succession of international 

wars ceased in Europe. 

Enterprise (noun) 

a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, 

or risky; a unit of economic organization or activity 

Over the last 125 years, scientific research and science-based technology have been the 

most profound agents of change in American life, and science has grown into a complex 

enterprise interwoven with all aspects of our culture. 

Ethical (adjective) 

involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval 

The American Medical Association (AMA) on Tuesday endorsed cloning for research 

purposes, saying it is medically ethical but allowing doctors who oppose the practice to 

refuse to perform it. 

Ethnography (noun) 

descriptive anthropology, which is the study of man in relation to distribution, origin, 

classification, and relationship to races, physical character, environmental and social 

relations and culture 

Data from the two locations of Sterling's ethnography show a uniform preference for 

marriage within the community as well as an interesting contrast in rates of endogamy. 

Entropic (verb) 

rich in dissolved nutrients such as phosphates but often hallow and seasonally deficient in 


As a result of pollution, a lake can become entropic, hence making it distasteful and 


Evaporate (verb) 

to pass off as vapor by being heated 

There is a special critical initial strength such that the field cannot decide whether to 

evaporate away or collapse to form a black hole. Excavate (verb) 

to expose to view by or as if by digging away a covering 

Gold jewelry and other precious items recovered from royal tombs excavated at the 

ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud. 

Exceed (verb) 

to go beyond the limits of 

The life span of five Western Diamondbacks at the San Diego Zoo has exceeded 15 yrs. 

Excel (verb) 

to be greater or better than 

Because to compete in the emerging global economy, city-states have no choice: they 

must mobilize all their skills to protect their center cities, grow smarter, protect their air 

and water, achieve more social equity, and train their workforce to excel in an 

increasingly competitive world marketplace. 

Exceptional (adjective) 

far above others in quality or excellence 

As the boycott continued during 1956, King gained national prominence as a result of his 

exceptional oratorical skills and personal courage. 

Excess (adjective) 

being more than is needed, desired, or appropriate 

Of 14 studies on the mortality of firefighters, 11 found excess risk for brain cancer. 

Exclusively (adverb) 

to the exclusion of any other possibility 

Kinesiology is a class exclusively for those majoring in Physical Education 

Exert (verb) 

to bring to bear steadily or forcefully 

Athletes must not over exert themselves too much when stretching but instead they 

should let their flexibility increase over time. 

Exhume (verb) 

to take out of the grave or tomb The investigation calls for exhuming and testing the remains of Billy the Kid's mother 

and Ollie L. "Brushy Bill'' Roberts. Roberts, who died in 1950, swore he was William H. 

Bonney, the name most often given by the Kid as his real one. 

Exhibition (noun) 

an act of showing or displaying 

Many sculptures and paintings are on exhibition at the National Gallery of Art. 

Expenditure (noun) 

something spent to obtain a benefit or desired result 

Total healthcare expenditures can be very expensive. 

Expectant (adjective) 

expecting the birth of a child 

Putting bacteria back into the equation for expectant mothers and infants may help 

reduce the risk of developing eczema (or dermatitis, as it is sometimes called) well into 


Explode (verb) 

to come open or fly apart suddenly and violently, as from internal pressure 

In April 1986, Russia's nuclear power station at Chernobyl exploded, killing 250 people 

and sending radioactive fallout around the world. 

Exploit (noun) 

a great or heroic deed 

Given to reading books of chivalry, the protagonist Alonso Quijano, influenced by the 

exploits of his heroes, loses his mind and decides to become a knight, go out in search of 

adventure and impose justice according to the code of the knights errant. 

Exposure (noun) 

the condition of being laid open to something undesirable or injurious 

General causes for primary brain cancer can include a prior head injury, infections, 

exposure to chemical toxins such as insecticides and fungicides and exposure to 

radiation such as microwave or radio frequencies. 

Express (verb) 

to convey in language or words of a particular formThis led to a professor at Stanford University to multiply this ratio by 100 to express a 

child's performance. He called this the intelligence quotient, or IQ. 

Exquisite (adjective) 

of such tasteful beauty as to elicit admiration 

Although the Neanderthal man was not yet fully human and although he had a brain 

volume larger than that of modern man, he made exquisite tools of stone. 

Extirpate (verb) 

to destroy completely, to wipe out 

The insecticides sprayed around the house have successfully extirpated the termite 


Extol (verb) 

to pay tributes or homage to; to honor (a diety) in religious worship 

Benjamin Franklin extols the virtues of honesty, integrity, high moral standard in some 

of his writings. 

Extraordinary (adjective) 

far beyond what is usual, normal, or customary 

Quincy Jones has won an extraordinary number of Grammy Awards both as musician 

and producer. 

Extraneous (adjective) 

not part of the essential nature of a thing; not relevant or 

pertinent to the subject; not 


An essay with poor development, simplistic organization, and extraneous details will 

score 2.0 or lower on TOEFL iBT writing. 

Eye-catching (adjective) 

of such a character as to overwhelm 

At the performance, the jugglers made such an eye-catching performance that they 

were given a five minute standing ovation. 

Facet (noun) 

the particular angle from which something is considered The album ranged widely across the various facets of contemporary Rhythm and Blues 

including the dance hit Ai No Corrida and making a star out of James Ingram with his 

lead vocals featured on Just Once and One Hundred Ways. 

Facilitation (noun) 

the act of smoothing, aiding, assisting, or helping 

Progressive neuromuscular facilitation is the process of providing force during 

stretching so as to improve the flexibility of an athlete. 

Fall out of favor (verb phrase) 

losing one's popularity 

By 1900 small electric wind systems were developed to generate direct current, but most 

of these units fell out of favor when rural areas became attached to the national 

electricity grid during the 1930s. 

Fallout (noun) 

radioactive nuclear debris 

In April 1986, Russia's nuclear power station at Chernobyl exploded, killing 250 people 

and sending radioactive fallout around the world. 

Farce (noun) 

a false, derisive, or impudent imitation of something 

That there was gold in many parts of the Sacramento River turned out to be a farce. 

Far-flung (adjective) 

widely spread or distributed 

We follow them from the Dodger camp in Santa Domingo to spring training in Florida 

and through their first years in America and professional baseball in places as far-flung 

and overwhelmingly white as Great Falls, Montana. 

Far-reaching (adjective) 

covering a wide scope 

The crash of the Stock Market in 1929 had far-reaching effects on the US economy. 

Fatality (noun) 

a termination of life, usually the result of an accident or a disaster 

Many fatalities have occurred from floods in the Midwest. Fatigue (noun) 

the condition of being extremely tired 

In general, a high measure of cardio respiratory endurance is the ability to perform 

about 60 minutes of vigorous exercise without too much fatigue. 

Fearlessness (noun) 

the quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship 

courageously, with decision, and unwavering firmness 

The Sioux fought against hostile tribes and white intruders. Soon, Sitting Bull became 

known for his fearlessness in battle. 

Feasible (adjective) 

capable of occurring or being done 

The cost analysis of a proper prescribed burn and the cost of battling a blaze in the load 

fuel laden forests need to be considered to see which method is more economically 

feasible given the tight budgetary constraints with which the government has to 


Feat (noun) 

a great or heroic deed; something completed successfully 

Swimming across the English Channel is an athletic feat that few people ever 


Feature (noun) 

a distinctive element 

A cold reading is the description of the personality, characteristics, features, past 

experiences and sometimes the future of a person without the use of standard 

psychological or other formal diagnostic procedures. 

Feedback (noun) 

information about the result of an experiment or action 

Constructive feedback to a child's positive behaviors is essential in conditioning him to 

exhibit good behavior. Feedstock (noun) 

a supply stored or hidden for future use 

Recycled materials, such as aluminum, also provide manufacturers with valuable 

feedstock. For example, recycled aluminum cans are used to make new cans. 

Fermentation (noun) 

breaking down of a substance by microorganisms, such as yeasts and bacteria, usually in 

the absence of oxygen, especially of sugar in making alcohol 

In ancient times, people used fermentation to make beer and used plants to produce 

dyes and medicines. 

Fertility (noun) 

the quality or state of being capable of breeding or reproducing 

Although the impact of age on a woman's fertility has been well-studied, experts say this 

is the first time such a strong association has been found between age and male fertility 

in the time it takes to conceive a child. 

Fetus (noun) 

a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth 

The young mother could feel her child's fetus moving in her womb. 

Fidelity (noun) 

faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause, obligations, or duties 

In order to be considered a good Christian, a person must practice marital fidelity. 

Figure (noun) 

mathematical calculations 

According to the figures compiled by Standard & Poor's DRI division for the US 

Conference of Mayors and National Association of Counties, the US's 314 metro regions 

are clearly the economic drivers, providing 84 percent of new jobs, 95 percent of hightech 

jobs, 88 percent of the country's income. 

Filter (verb) 

clarify, refine, clean 

An electric pump filters out most of the impurities in a swimming pool. Finished (adjective) 

marked by having the highest quality 

Japanese businesses are adept at importing raw materials and exporting finished 

products to countries all over the world.

Finite (adjective) 

limited, having a specific number 

A black hole oscillates increasingly rapidly, performing an infinite number of oscillations 

in a finite time. 

Fizz (noun) 

bubbles, hisses, and foams in a beverage as gas escapes 

Torp rejected Green Peace's suggestion that CO2 injection was illegal, noting that it was 

legally sold and exported-- it is the ingredient that puts fizz in beer or soft drinks. 

Fizzle (verb) 

to fail or end feebly especially after a promising start - often used with the word out 

Three decades after the concept of Pan-Africanism fizzled out; satellite television is 

working where liberation philosophy did not: connecting and modernizing the world's 

poorest continent. 

Flair (adjective) 

an innate or inborn capability; having a natural talent 

Director and film producer, Steven Spielberg, has a flair for captivating his audiences 

with the special effects and superb acting in his movies. 

Flank (noun) 

one of two or more contrasted parts or places identified by its location with respect to a 


The slab avalanche is usually easily recognized by its distinct crown and flanks. Slab 

and other avalanches can be hard or soft, wet or dry and can be triggered 


Flare (noun) 

signal, bright light, or firework used as a signal 

Crew members began to fire flares into the sky when they realized that the ship was 

doomed to sink. Flashback (noun) 

scene in a movie or book set in a time earlier than the main action 

Some movie directors use flashbacks as a way to create a more dramatic story. 

Flaunt (verb) 

to display or obtrude oneself to public notice 

It was a sure sign that Embraer can fly as high as its competitor -- a point driven home 

at the São Paulo show as Embraer opened a new front in the battle, flaunting its first 

executive jet, the attractively priced $20 million Legacy. 

Fleet (noun) 

number of vehicles or aircraft operating under one proprietor 

Americans throw away enough aluminum every three months to rebuild their entire 

commercial air fleet. 

Flexibility (noun) 

the ability to bend easily without damage 

To maintain flexibility stretching must be performed at least every 36 hours. 

Flick (verb) 

sudden movement or jerk, especially of the wrist 

Warm your arms by swinging them around. Loosely do boxing style punch drills. 

Loosely flick your wrists. 

Flippant (adjective) 

lacking proper respect or seriousness 

Much of Mark Twain's writings were flippant, and he used his characters to criticize the 

culture and politics of his era. 

Flock (verb) 

a very large number of things grouped together 

A flock of geese was seen just south of Orlando, Florida. Flourish (verb) 

improving, growing, or succeeding steadily 

J.C. Penny started a flourishing business in which he offered customers retail products at 

wholesale prices. 

Flower (verb) 

to blossom; to reach a peak 

City-states importance were enlarged by the rapid flowering of the Internet and the 

digital revolution. 

Fluffy (adjective) 

downy, soft, light, puffy 

Fluffy down-filled pillows provide much needed to those who suffer from insomnia. 

Fluid (adjective) 

substance, especially a gas or liquid, whose shape is determined by its container 

Hawaii's volcanic eruptions are typically characterized by the relatively quiet outflow of 

very fluid lava and by sometimes spectacular lava fountains. 

Flux (noun) 

something suggestive of running water 

The tsunami's energy flux, which is dependent on both its wave speed and wave height, 

remains nearly constant. 

Foe (noun) 

one who is hostile to or opposes the purpose or interests of another 

In three remarkable careers as a foe of British oppression and champion of Independence 

(1761-77), as an American diplomat in Europe (1778-88), and as the first vice president 

(1789-97) and then the second president (1797-1801) of the United States John Adams was 

a founder of the United States. 

Follow-up (adjective) 

a news story presenting new information on a story published earlier 

In a follow-up report published in the May 31 issue of The Lancet, the same group of 

researchers report that after four years, the children who were exposed to the probiotic 

were 40% less likely to have atopic eczema than the children in the placebo group. Forbid (verb) 

so disagreeably austere as to discourage approach 

Despite the forbidding conditions, scientists have found certain fish and other animals 

to exist in the oceans' deepest regions. 

Forefront (noun) 

something that occupies a front position; in or into a position of prominence 

At the end of the 19th century, a new way of transmitting power came to the forefrontelectricity.

Forecaster (noun) 

one who predicts future events such as the weather 

Computer modeling to track these downdrafts and the cloud level ice crystals that help 

produce them were developed to give forecasters the edge in predicting severe storm 

systems, and possibly flooding, over the plains. 

Former (adjective) 

having been such previously 

The term "Multiple Personality Disorder" or (MPD) has been largely replaced by 

Dissociative Identity Disorder or (DID). As the former name implies, MPD/DID is a 

mental condition in which two more personalities appear to inhabit a single body. 

Formidable (adjective) 

causing or able to cause fear; imposing a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength 

The curved horn protruding from the Rhino's head is a formidable weapon with which 

its competitors will be confronted. 

Foremost (adjective) 

most important, influential, or significant 

Alan Greenspan, one of the foremost economists in the US, has been chairman of the 

Federal Reserve for a number of years. 

Formula (noun) 

chemical symbols showing the parts of a substance 

The formula for glucose is usually written as C6H12O6. Glucose, once manufactured by 

the plant, is used to create many of the more complex carbohydrates. Formulate (verb) 

to use in ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving 

Alternate between your flash cards and notes and test yourself (orally or in writing) on 

the questions you formulated. Make additional flash cards if necessary. 

Fossil (noun) 

natural fuel such as coal or gas 

Atmospheric carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides from coal and oil burning 

power plants, cars, and other fossil fuel burning sources have climbed along with the 

world population, with as yet unknown effects on the climate system. 

Foster (verb) 

to promote and sustain the development of 

Hunters, traders, miners, and cattle ranchers, all of whom moved to the frontier areas of 

the United States in the 1800's, did little to foster the birth of civilization in those areas. 

Fountain (noun) 

jet or jets of water made to spout for ornamental purposes or for drinking 

Water is important for firefighting and for filling fountains and swimming pools. 

Franchise (noun) 

the right to be and exercise the rights of a corporation 

A businessperson may purchase the rights to a franchise such as Taco Bell, which gives 

him/her the rights to a proven system of operation and a trademark, and thus offering 

customer's assurance that the meal will be as expected. 

Frigid (adjective) 

very cold; lacking all friendliness and warmth 

The precise composition and relative proportions of that dust and gas hold clues to the 

materials and physical conditions present in the frigid outer regions of the solar system 

where comets are formed. 

Frontier (noun) 

a region that forms the margin of settled or developed territory 

Many were attracted to the American frontier by cheap land and a hunger for 

adventure. Fructose (noun) 

the simple sugar found in honey and fruits 

While Glucose and Fructose are absorbed directly into the blood stream, Sucrose is 

hydrolyzed during digestion according to the following equation: 

Sucrose + H2O v Glucose + Fructose 

Fuel (noun) 

material burned or used as a source of heat or power 

Fats are necessary for some things such as fuel for our body, so it is important to get 

about 30% of our calories from fats. 

Fugitive (noun) 

one who flees, as from home, confinement, captivity, justice, etc. 

Because Bloodhounds have an innate ability to pick up even the smallest traces of a scent, 

they are most effective in tracking down fugitives. 

Function (noun) 

a large or important social gathering 

When we are surrounded by a group of adults at a formal function which our parents are 

attending, we must say, "Could you please pass me that plate, if you don't mind?" 

Fundamental (adjective) 

a broad and basic rule or truth 

The court described marriage as one of the basic civil rights of man and the most 

important relation in life. The court also noted that the right to marry is part of the 

fundamental right to privacy in the U.S. Constitution. 

Fungicide (noun) 

a substance which destroys any of a group or non-photosynthetic organisms feeding on 

organic matter 

General causes for primary brain cancer can include a prior head injury, infections, 

exposure to chemical toxins such as insecticides and fungicides and exposure to 

radiation such as microwave or radio frequencies. Funnel (verb) 

to move to a focal point or into a conduit or central channel 

There also have been persistent reports that Saudi charities and members of the royal 

family have funneled money to terrorists, including Osama bin Laden. 

Fuse (verb) 

to put together into one mass so that the constituent parts are more or 

less homogeneous 

The core thus begins to fuse helium into carbon to make enough energy to maintain its 

balance with the crushing force of gravity. 

Fuselage (noun) 

the central body portion of an airplane designed to accommodate 

passengers, crew, and cargo 

In designing an aircraft, every square inch of wing and fuselage must be considered in 

relation to the physical characteristics of the metal of which it is made. 

Gadget (noun) 

an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a 


Online search engine Google introduced several new gadgets in its popular toolbar 

for Web browsers, hoping to build even greater brand loyalty amid heightened 


Gage, gauge (verb) 

to judge how people feel about something or what they are likely to do 

Officials hope to gauge the effects alcohol programs. 

Galaxy (noun) 

one of billions of systems, each including stars, nebulae, star clusters, globular clusters, 

and interstellar matter that make up the universe 

Some prominent scientists believe that the evolution of the universe depended on a series 

of explosions and that the shockwaves from these explosions were essential in the 

formation of the galaxy. Gargantuan (adjective) 

of extraordinary size and power 

During the ice age, gargantuan glaciers formed that were so water-depleting that sea 

levels around the world fell by three hundred and fifty feet. 

Garner (verb) 

to collect something bit by bit 

To garner support for the recall of the recently elected governor, the activists will have to 

get 900,000 signatures from registered voters. 

Gaunt (noun) 

having little flesh or fat on the body 

The gaunt, philandering cowboy has become a stock character in Western movies. 

Gaze (verb) 

an act of directing the eyes on an object 

After a long gaze into the student's eyes, the professor decided to discipline the student 

for plagiarism. 

Gelatinous (adjective) 

resembling a glutinous material obtained from animal tissues by boiling; especially: a 

colloidal protein used as a food, in photography, and in medicine 

Scientists named the new species of jellyfish granrojo, Spanish for "big red." It's a 

predator--a gelatinous blood-red cannonball between two and three feet (60 and 90 

centimeters) across that floats through the deep ocean waters quietly devouring prey. 

Gender (noun) 

a grammatical correspondence to a classification of the two sexes 

Employers value graduates who have a keen understanding of the impact of cultural, 

racial, and gender diversity in the workplace, and who comprehend the global nature of 

business and industry. 

Gene (noun) 

a unit of heredity composed of DNA or RNA and forming part of a chromosome that 

determines a particular characteristic of a person 

The genetic basis is believed by researchers to be highly complex, probably involving 

several genes in combination. Generic (adjective) 

relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class; being or having a nonproprietary 

name; having no particularly distinctive quality or application 

Aventis said the FDA cannot make a ruling on the application before February 24, 2004, 

and that it would mount legal challenges to make generic versions of its Love ox drug. 

Genre (noun) 

a kind of style or art 

His career spans nearly all types of popular music from jazz to rock to dance and all 

genres between. 

Gentle (adjective) 

of small intensity 

Jaggar called Kilauea "the safest volcano on Earth" because of its typically gentle 


Gesture (verb) 

to make bodily motions to augment or replace spoken expression 

She gestured her friend to come over to the counter at which point she served him a 


Get-go (noun) 

the very beginning -- used in the phrase from the get-go 

There have been biblical scholars questioning the authenticity of the so-called Jesus box 

from the get-go. Yesterday the Israel Antiquities Authority issued a report calling the 

box a fake. 

Gizzard (noun) 

a muscular organ which is part of a bird's stomach 

A bird can swallow its food hole because it has a gizzard, whose principal function is to 

break up the food into small particles for digestion. 

Glacier (noun) 

a mass of land ice formed by an accumulation of snow on high ground 

Scientists collect ice cores by driving a hollow tube deep into the miles thick ice sheets of 

Antarctica and Greenland (and in glaciers elsewhere). Glucose (noun) 

a simple sugar found in blood, fruit, etc. 

Glucose is a type of carbohydrate. 

Glamorous (adjective) 

full of an exciting and often illusory and romantic attractiveness; especially: alluring or 

fascinating personal attraction 

The public regarded air travel as exciting and glamorous; the airlines worked hard to 

add safety, reliability, and comfort to the public perception. 

Go into effect (verb phrase) 

to put into action or use; to carry out the functions, requirements, or terms of something, 

especially laws or regulations 

Nitrates didn't begin to climb significantly until after 1950, when cars and oil powered 

plants appeared in a big way. Scientists credit the leveling off in sulfates and nitrates in 

the atmosphere after the 1972 U.S. Clean Air Act went into effect. 

Gorge (noun) 

a narrow passage through land; a narrow steep-walled canyon or part of a canyon 

Rich in geological and biological history, the Grand Canyon is a long, narrow gorge in 


Gorgeous (adjective) 

marked by extraordinary elegance, beauty, and splendor 

We went on a hike through the gorgeous mountains of Colorado. 

Govern (verb) 

to exercise the authority or influence over 

With all the fear and oppression of a dictatorship, Hitler governed the people ruthlessly. 

Gradient (noun) 

deviation from a particular direction 

If the neutron star is too large, the gravitational forces overwhelm the pressure 

gradients and collapse cannot be halted. Grading (noun) 

certain degree in rank, degree, quality, proficiency 

This light dispersion, or color flash, has no effect on the technical grading of color.

Gradual (adjective) 

proceeding very slowly by degrees 

It is tempting to think that if language evolved by gradual Darwinian natural selection, 

we must be able to find some precursor of it in our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. 

Grasp the main point (verb phrase) 

to perceive and recognize the meaning of 

When you think you have grasped the main point the whole essay goes to prove, 

underline it and write the thesis in the margin. 

Gravitate toward (verb phrase) 

to have a tendency toward 

Sociology majors who are interested in organizational theory gravitate toward 

organizational planning, development, and training. 

Gravity (noun) 

a force that attracts a body to the center of the earth or some other celestial body 

Whenever a plane is in flight, there are four forces acting on it: gravity, lift, drag, and 


Graze (verb) 

to make light and momentary contact with, as in passing 

While at war, some soldiers experienced close combat in which bullets from enemy fire 

literally grazed by their heads. 

Greatly (adverb) 

to a high degree 

He nevertheless greatly admired black social gospel proponents such as his father who 

saw the church as a instrument for improving the lives of African Americans. Gregariousness (noun) 

the act of associating with others of one's kind 

Meteorology and the gregariousness of the insect are two factors in the development of 

a desert locust plague. 

Grid (noun) 

network of lines, electrical power connections, gas supply lines 

By 1900 small electric wind systems were developed to generate direct current, but most 

of these units fell out of favor when rural areas became attached to the national 

electricity grid during the 1930s. 

Grim (adjective) 

stern or forbidding in action or appearance; gloomy, somber 

The statistics paint a grim picture. According to the World Resources Institute, more 

than 80 percent of the Earth's natural forests already have been destroyed.

Groaning (adjective) 

making a deep sound expressing pain, grief, disappoint 

After the accident, there were groaning sounds, indicating that there was someone 

trapped underneath the vehicle. 

Gross (adjective) 

consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions 

Snow, in prepared comments for Money magazine's Money Summit in New York, said he 

sees annual gross domestic product growth near 3.5 percent by the latter part of 2009. 

Groundbreaking (adjective) 

characterized as being a new idea, method, or device: innovative 

The project's centerpiece is groundbreaking computer software that is capable of 

automatically identifying vehicles by size, color, shape and license tag, or drivers and 

passengers by face. 

Groundwork (noun) 

anything on which something immaterial , such as an argument or charge, rests 

Trying to escape overwhelming fear and pain by imagining you are somewhere else- or 

someone else-seems to lay the groundwork for separating off some parts of your 

identity. Groupie (noun) 

diligent follower of music groups, celebrities, or activities 

Authors Jones and Dewey are respectively touted as prominent west coast and east coast 

psychics. Not being your typical psychic groupie, it should come as no surprise that I 

have never heard of either one. 

Grueling (adjective) 

trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion 

Sophie, then 36, was airlifted to hospital and undertook a grueling two and a half hour 

operation to end the potentially life threatening ectopic pregnancy, where the fetus grew 

outside her womb. 

Gush (verb) 

to emit a sudden enormous flow 

Fuel gushed from a vandalized pipeline and exploded in southeastern Nigeria, killing at 

least 105 villagers as they scavenged gasoline. 

Gut (noun) 

the intestine, stomach organs of the body 

Our gut can best be described as a very elaborate food "disassemble" plant. 

Gutter (noun) 

shallow trough along the eaves of the house; or a channel at the side of a street to drain off 


Used aluminum beverage cans remain the most recycled item in the U.S., but other types 

of aluminum, such as siding, gutters, storm window frames and lawn furniture, can 

also be recycled. 

Haggle (verb) 

to negotiate over the terms of a purchase, agreement, or contract 

Many felt--or were told--that the dealer wouldn't haggle because of special pricing or 

financing on the vehicle. Handicap (verb) 

to have an unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic 

In searching for a cure for the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus, 

researchers have been handicapped because of a lacking of funding by the government.

Habitat (noun) 

the natural environment of an animal or plant 

Fires help habitats and are important to endangered species of animals that rely on 

these plants for survival.

Hail (verb) 

to greet with enthusiastic approval: praise, acclaim 

Economists, however, hailed the report, saying it suggested consumer spending could 

rise at a 3 percent pace in the second quarter. 

Hallucination (noun) 

an erroneous perception of reality 

Certain kinds of illicit drugs are known to cause users to experience hallucinations. 

Halt (verb) 

to prevent the occurrence or continuation or a movement, action, or operation 

If the neutron star is too large, the gravitational forces overwhelm the pressure gradients 

and collapse cannot be halted. 

Hammer (verb) 

to make repeated efforts; especially : to reiterate an opinion or attitude 

The most effective technique is to start with the dealer's cost and bargain slowly up from 

there, rather than starting with the asking price and trying to hammer that 


Hamper by (verb) 

the interfere with the progress of 

Electric car production is hampered by the limited energy supply of their batteries. 

Handicraft (noun) 

an occupation requiring great skill with the hands; the articles fashioned by those engaged 

in handicraft Acting as a sideline to farming and other occupations, traditional handicrafts are 

important to many Native American tribes. 

Hardy (adjective) 

capable of withstanding adverse conditions 

Llamas are used to protect cattle and sheep herds from wolves. Among the oldest 

domestic animals in the world, they are hardy, intelligent, and easy to train. 

Harness (verb) 

to make use of, i.e., natural resources, especially to produce energy 

The challenge of the 21st century is to harness such forces, and civic will, for strategic 

regional planning. 

Hatch (verb) 

to cause to come into existence 

The Goliath and Hercules Beetle lay their eggs in rubbish heap, rotting tree trunks, 

sawdust, and other vegetative matter. These hatch into small larvae in 10 to 18 days. 

Hatchling (noun) 

an animal which has recently emerged from an egg, chrysalis, or pupa 

Being a fraction of the size of sea-feeding adults, the parr are able to sneak up and 

fertilize a female's eggs without being noticed. Up to 40 percent of hatchlings are 

fathered by these parr. 

Hazardous (adjective) 

involving risk, loss, or injury 

It is prohibited to dispose of hazardous waste along the highway. 

Head (verb) 

to point or proceed in a certain direction 

Dr. Eric Topol, cardiology chief at the Cleveland Clinic, said the polypill idea runs 

counter to the way medicine is headed in the future, which is toward personalized 

medication based on an individual's genetic profile. 

Headfirst (adverb) 

with the head foremost Like black bears, porcupines climb down a tree backward because their hind paws 

cannot support them if they go down headfirst. 

Head-on (adjective) 

with the head or front making the initial contact 

Strong neck and shoulder muscles and an extra-thick skull absorb the impact of head-on 


Headwater (noun) 

streams flowing at the sources of a river 

Lake Itasca, located in upstate Minnesota, contains the headwaters to the Mississippi 


Headquarters (noun) 

administrative center of an organization 

Today, we find the national park headquarters and overnight accommodations in this 

area, including Furnace Creek Ranch and Furnace Creek Inn. 

Headway (noun) 

forward movement 

Remarkably, the Salmon fish makes significant headway against the swift currents of a 


Heaps (noun) 

a disordered pile of something 

Many insects are known to lay their eggs in garbage heaps. 

Hearing (noun) 

a chance to be heard; preliminary appearance in a court, a chance 

to state someone's case 

Adams's innate conservatism made him determined in 1770 that the British soldiers 

accused of the Boston Massacre be given a fair hearing. 

Heartland (noun) 

a central geographical region especially of the U.S. in which main stream or traditional 

values predominate 

His story dramatizes the profound changes taking place in America's heartland. Hemisphere (noun) 

half of the earth as divided by the equator 

Badwater is the lowest point in the hemisphere at 282 feet below sea level. 

Herald (verb) 

to make known the presence or arrival of 

With ominous dark clouds quickly approaching from the horizon, the storm heralded 

trouble for the city of Tupelo. 

Heredity (noun) 

the sum of the qualities and potentialities genetically derived 

from one's ancestors 

Heredity may sometimes be a deciding factor in why some people become clinically 


Heresy (noun) 

an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs 

Vigorously opposing this teaching, the First Council of Constantinople reasserted the 

Nicene condemnation of Arianism as heresy in 381, and Arianism soon disappeared 

from the Roman Empire. 

Heretofore (adverb) 

up to this time; hitherto 

Satellites, combined with state-of-the-art imaging techniques, offer ordinary humans 

something heretofore found only among comic-book superheroes: the gift of super 


Heyday (noun) 

the period of one's greatest strength, vigor, or prosperity 

After all, you don't have to be a wizard to realize that overloading on real estate today 

makes about as much sense as overloading on tech funds did during their heyday in the 

late '90s. 

Hiatus (noun) 

an interruption in time or continuity; break After a six-year hiatus in human space flight, NASA debuted the space shuttle Columbia 

with a radical new idea: a reusable spaceship that would take off like a conventional 

rocket and land like a glider. 

Hibernate (verb) 

to spend the winter in a state of temporary inactivity 

Snakes hibernate in the burrows of other small animals, but they are often seen laying 

in the sun on rocks, and on the side of roads. 

Hide (noun) 

the skin of an animal 

The Assiniboine, a tribe of Plains Indians, made their clothing from the hides of their 

dead prey. 

Hieroglyphics (noun) 

written in, or constituting, or belonging to a system of writing in mainly pictorial 


It is agreed by most historians that the English alphabet descended from ancient 

Egyptian hieroglyphics. 

Highlight (verb) 

to draw attention to something, such as marking a text with a yellow pen 

An active reader underlines or highlights important points he has just read. 

Hijack (verb) 

to steal by stopping a vehicle on the highway; to commandeer a flying airplane especially 

by coercing the pilot at gunpoint 

A fourth airplane traveling from Newark to San Francisco was hijacked and, after 

turning east from its westerly course across Pennsylvania and Ohio, crashed in rural 

Somerset County, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. 

Hind (noun) 

forming the part that follows or is behind; rear 

When bats sleep, they hang their head downwards from the long curved claws of their 

hind limbs. Hollow (adjective) 

a space in an otherwise solid mass 

The entire digestive system from the mouth to the anal sphincter is a single, long, hollow 

muscular tube about 30 feet long. 

Home run (noun) 

a hit in baseball that enables the batter to make a complete circuit of the bases and score a 


The controversial supplement used by baseball slugger Mark McGwire during his 1998 

record-breaking home run streak has once again struck out. Researchers found that 

androstenedione, known as "andro" for short, doesn't live up to its marketers' claims.

Homologous (adjective) 

having the same relation, relative position; corresponding 

Though artificial chimp signaling systems have some analogies to human language (e.g., 

use in communication, combinations of more basic signals), it seems unlikely that they 

are homologous. 

Hoodlum (noun) 

gangster, thug, goon 

In some inner cities, there are hoodlums who steal cars and sell drugs. 

Hoof (noun) 

relating to a curved covering of horn that protects the front of or encloses the ends of her 

digits of an ungulate mammal and that corresponds to a nail or claw 

Large hoofed animals such as sheep tend travel in groups called flocks. 

Host (noun) 

a very large number of things grouped together 

At the old school, there are a host of old desks, chairs, and tables which could be 

auctioned off at the outdoor market next week. 

Hostile (adjective) 

having or showing unfriendliness or an eagerness to fight 

The Sioux fought against hostile tribes and white intruders. Hotspot (noun) 

a place in the upper mantle of the earth at which hot magma from the lower mantle up 

wells to melt through the crust usually in the interior of a tectonic plate to form a volcanic 

feature; a place in the crust overlying a hot spot 

Volcanoes located away from the edges of continental plates puzzled scientists for years, 

until most concluded that hotspots of lava rising from deep in the Earth were the cause. 

Household (noun) 

things pertaining to the family living in a house 

Group A and Group B had to remember sixteen household items in a given set of time. 

The group, which was given the items in an organized fashion, remembered the items 

faster and retained the list longer. 

Hue (noun) 

gradation of color; the attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red, yellow, 

green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors 

On our image quality tests, the system's 17-inch FPD1730 LCD monitor displayed crisp 

and legible fonts on a newsletter and vibrant hues on a test photo. 

Humanitarian (noun) 

characterized by kindness and concern for others 

Georgia was established by a group of humanitarians who were determined to create 

a settlement for debtors imprisoned in British jails. 

Hunk (noun) 

an irregularly shaped mass of indefinite size 

Frederic Remington, having some success also as a sculptor, was known to take a hunk 

of clay and in just a few months turn it into a work or of art. 

Hunker (verb) 

to settle in or dig in for a sustained period 

Hunkered down in a windowless conference room, five scholars analyzed a high school 

student's essay with a scrutiny normally reserved for the likes of Hemingway or Dickens. Hurtle (verb) 

to move rapidly or forcefully 

The effect would have been as though a lousy cosmic golfer tore up a giant chunk of turf 

and sent it hurtling into orbit.

Herculean (adjective) 

Greek hero renowned for his great strength and especially for performing 12 labors 

imposed on him by Hera; often not capitalized: of extraordinary power, extent, intensity, 

or difficulty 

But despite the herculean title, there's one thing he hasn't mastered. After hundreds of 

media interviews, roles in three films, and a large fan base that Viesturs calls the 

"Grateful Ed Tour," he still struggles to fully answer this question: Why climb? 

Hurl (verb) 

to send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm 

During 18 days in May 1924, hundreds of steam explosions from Kilauea hurled mud, 

debris, and hot rocks weighing as much as 8 tons (7,000 kg) as far as two thirds of a mile 

(1 km) from the center of Halema'uma'u the current crater within the larger volcanic 

depression (caldera) at Kilauea's summit. 

Hustler (noun) 

one who deceives another for financial gain 

Many hustlers sought to attract visitors and investors to the burgeoning mining areas 

of California during the 1800's. 

Hybrid (adjective) 

offspring of two plants or animals of different species or different varieties; a thing 

composed of diverse elements 

Hybrid cars, designed to run on gasoline and electric power, will be more the rule than 

the exception as US auto manufacturers become more environmentally aware.

Hype (noun) 

extravagant or intensive publicity promotion 

Although several successful mining ventures were launched, much of the hype was 

bogus, a fact which suggests that most miners did not make much money even though 

they were told that they would. Hypersensitive (adjective) 

being extremely sensitive to something; having an acute reaction to external stimuli 

Immunizing patients with bee venom can better prevent serious or even fatal reactions to 

the more than one million Americans who are hypersensitive to bee stings. 

Hypoxia (noun) 

a deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues of the body 

When climbers reach the summit of Mount Everest, few feel as if they're on top of the 

world. The thin air at this extreme altitude offers only a third of the oxygen available at 

sea level. Lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, starts a chain of reactions that can result in 

altitude sickness. 

Hypnosis (noun) 

state like sleep in which one acts only on external suggestion 

Most people have observed mild dissociative episodes in which they lose touch with their 

surroundings. Examples include daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or losing oneself in a 

movie or book. 

Hypothesize (verb) 

a proposition made as basis for reasoning, without the assumption of its truth 

One attempt to solve the dark matter problem hypothesizes the existence of an 

undiscovered particle already existed in the very early universe. 

Icon (noun) 

an object of extreme devotion 

Raccoons are known for their intelligence and ability to get out of any jam. Their cunning 

and survival skills make them one of the icons of the American wilderness. Humans well 

know that it's nearly impossible to outsmart them and keep them out of garbage cans! 

Ideal (noun) 

a fervent hope, wish, or goal 

Cervantes's work, a keen critique of the literature of his time, presented the clash between 

reality and the ideals which Don Quixote sought to revive, and at the same time 

originated the theme of the clairvoyance of insanity. 

Ideology (noun) 

visionary theorizing; the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program 

England was the world's most industrialized country in 1800, and from England the new 

industrial machinery, style of work, and ideology spread to the United States. 

Idiosyncrasy (noun) 

a peculiar behavior 

Known for having many idiosyncrasies, Mark Twain's best work is his novel 

Huckleberry Finn. 

Ignoble (adjective) 

having or proceeding from low moral standards 

Former ignoble President Clinton engaged in an illicit sexual relationship with an intern 

named Monica Lewinsky. 

Illegible (adjective) 

undecipherable; not understandable 

The professor was unable to score the student's essay because of her illegible 


Ill-founded (adjective) 

having no basis or foundation in fact 

It is important to remember that it was after this battle that the Union soldiers realized 

that hopes for an easy victory over the south were ill-founded. 

Illumination (noun) 

something that serves to explain or clarify 

A moment of great illumination for a child is when he develops the ability to conceive of 

things not present to the senses. 

Illusion (noun) 

an erroneous perception of reality 

Starting with the Retablo de maese Pedro, Cervantes demonstrates a mastery of 

theatrical illusion which, absent from part one, becomes another narrative function in 

part two. 

Illustrious (adjective) 

widely known and esteemed Adams revealed himself as a quintessential Puritan, patriarch of an illustrious family, 

tough minded philosopher of the republic, sage, and sometimes a vain, stubborn, and 

vitriolic partisan. 

Immersion (noun) 

the act of someone or something being absorbed or involved 

The learning which occurs in the formal language classroom may be unlike the learning 

which occurs during immersion, such that early instruction does not necessarily have 

the advantage for ultimate performance that is held by early immersion. 

Immortality (noun) 

endless life after death 

Alchemists searched for an elixir that would produce immortality. 

Immune (adjective) 

having a high degree of resistance to a disease 

This "hygiene hypothesis" also holds that a healthy bacterial balance in the intestines is 

especially important in the development of a mature immune system, and the use of 

probiotic supplements like Lactobacillus GG can stimulate the growth of beneficial 

bacteria in baby's stomach. 

Impairment (noun) 

an act, instance, or consequence of breaking 

Multiple Personality Disorder is viewed by some as an extreme level of dissociation, 

which may result in serious impairment or inability to function. 

Impending (adjective) 

about to occur at any moment 

During the 19th century, a few writers who faced impending financial ruin went on to 

write some of the greatest books of all time. 

Imperceptible (adjective) 

so small as to be undiscernible 

Because of this shoaling effect, a tsunami, imperceptible at sea, may grow to be several 

meters or more in height near the coast. Imperfection (noun) 

something that mars the appearance or causes inadequacy of failure 

The fewer the imperfections found, the rarer and more valuable the diamond becomes. 

Impetus (noun) 

stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity 

The growth of systematic archaeology in China resulted in numerous datable materials, 

provided tremendous impetus to the study of Chinese art, with researchers and art 

historians making great strides, discovering, confirming and re-constructing art in 


Implication (noun) 

a subtle quality underlying or felt to underlie a situation or action 

Johnson and Newport's assertions have wide ranging implications for classroom 


Imply (verb) 

to convey and idea by indirect, subtle means 

Cooler stars are redder than hotter, bluer stars, implying that bluer stars must be 

younger than redder stars. 

Impose (verb) 

to force another to accept a burden; to take advantage of unfairly 

A speaker may try not to directly impose by asking for a pen. Instead he would rather it 

be offered once the teacher realizes he needs one, and you are looking to find one. 

Impression (noun) 

an idea or thought derived or prompted by a natural tendency or impulse 

The police officer got the impression to stop the car. Little did he know that he would 

find more than 50 kilograms in marijuana? 

In accordance with (prepositional phrase) 

so as the state of individuals who are in utter agreement 

The governor in accordance with the mayor of Los Angeles has decided to increase 

taxes on its upper class citizens. Inability (noun) 

a lack of physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform 

Due to his inability to read fluently, I recommend that he retake his English Literature 


Inauguration (noun) 

the act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office 

Angelou wrote and delivered a poem, "On The Pulse of the Morning," at the 

inauguration for President Bill Clinton at his request. 

Incarcerate (verb) 

relating to one who is imprisoned 

Because the U.S. prison population is overwhelmingly male, most incarcerated parents 

are fathers. 

Incentive (noun) 

something that causes and encourages a given response 

Aluminum has a high market value and continues to provide an economic incentive to 


Incessantly (adverb) 

continuing or following without interruption 

In spite of how mad it is, even though the global catch of most species is no longer 

growing, the size and number of fishing boats, lines, nets, pots and traps continues to 

expand incessantly. 

Incidentally (adverb) 

by chance 

Incidentally, these 6,000 languages are not just a huge jumbled collection, but most of 

them are related to other languages. 

Incline (verb) 

to move from true vertical or horizontal 

Although the plane of the Moon's orbit about the Earth is inclined about 50, its equator 

is inclined about 6.50, resulting in a 1.50 inclination of the Moon's spin axis to its 

orbital plane around the Sun. Inclusion (noun) 

a solid, liquid, or gaseous body enclosed within a rock 

In addition to internal inclusions, surface irregularities are referred to as blemishes. 

Inclusive (adjective) 

including everything; comprehensive 

A family is the basic unit in society having as its nucleus two or more adults living 

together and cooperating in the care and rearing of their own or adopted children. 

Despite this all-inclusive definition, a lesbian or gay couple- with or without children-is 

not the image conjured up when most people create a picture of a family. 

Inconceivable (adjective) 

not to be believed; difficult to imagine or fathom 

It is inconceivable that Hitler and his regime were responsible for the deaths of more 

than six million Jews. 

In conjunction with (prepositional phrase) 

so as with a combination of events or circumstances 

In Oregon, a private land owner named Ned Livingston burned his acres of forest in 

conjunction with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Klamath Lake 

District of the Oregon Department of Forestry. 

Inconsistent (adjective) 

following no predictable pattern 

The Ontario report found a probable link between firefighting and cancer even though 

the evidence was inconsistent. 

Increasingly (adverb) 

progressively; more and more 

Because to compete in the emerging global economy, city-states have no choice: they 

must mobilize all their skills to protect their center cities, grow smarter, protect their air 

and water, achieve more social equity, and train their workforce to excel in an 

increasingly competitive world marketplace. Incumbent (noun) 

the holder of an office or ecclesiastical benefice 

He lost a race in South Carolina for the only time in his career four years later, when he 

challenged incumbent Sen. Olin Johnston for nomination. 

Induction (noun) 

the act of process of formally admitting a person to membership or office 

The induction of Roger Staubach, a quarterback for Dallas Cowboys football franchise, 

into the Hall of Fame was well-deserved. 

Inedible (adjective) 

not fit to be eaten 

When humans learned to make fire, they had the means to cook plants which had 

previously been inedible. 

Inertia (noun) 

a property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight 

line unless acted upon by some external force 

In the case of the whale, the inertia of its dense ear bone may hold the bone still while 

the whale vibrates around it. 

Inevitable (adjective) 

incapable of being avoided or evaded 

Age took its inevitable toll on Thurmond as he neared retirement, and he was guided 

through the Capitol in a wheelchair. 

Infection (noun) 

contamination of harmful organisms or extremely destructive or harmful matter 

General causes for primary brain cancer can include a prior head injury, infections, 

exposure to chemical toxins such as insecticides and fungicides and exposure to radiation 

such as microwave or radio frequencies. 

Infinite (adjective) 

without beginning or end 

Instead it oscillates increasingly rapidly, performing an infinite number of oscillations 

in a finite time. Inflammatory (adjective) 

tending to cause an instance of irritating, as of a part of the body 

It is amazing that even individuals who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease are 

often unaware of how their digestive system really works. 

Inflict (verb) 

to cause to undergo or bear, as something unwelcome or damaging 

Physical violence inflicted on others is an ever-growing epidemic in the United States. 

Infrared (adjective) 

situated outside the visible spectrum at its red end -- used of radiation having a wavelength 

between about 700 nanometers and 1 millimeter 

The key is the ability of remote-sensing devices to "see" energy in wavelengths not visible 

to the human eye, for example infrared bands. 

Infringe (verb) 

an act in defiance of another person's rights 

In 1761, John Adams began to think and write and act against British measures that he 

believed infringed on colonial liberties and the right of Massachusetts and the other 

colonies to self government. 

Ingenuity (noun) 

skill or cleverness in devising or combining; inventiveness 

Ingenuity can help get children walking safely, but in the end tax dollars are needed to 

build speed bumps, extend curbs or install walk signs that indicate how many seconds 

people have left to cross the street.

Ingredient (noun) 

one of the individual entities contributing to a whole 

Avalanches are formed by a combination of three things that together are known as the 

"Avalanche Triangle." These three ingredients may be present in one location but 

absent 10 feet away. The three legs of the triangle are snowpack, terrain, and weather. 

Inhabitant (noun) 

one who lives in a place for an extended period of time 

Moon is essentially devoid of water, so no underground supplies could be used by lunar 

inhabitants. Inherit (verb) 

to receive property from one who has died; to receive genetic characteristics from a parent 

Another theory is the belief that these disorders can be inherited through family genes. 

Initial (adjective) 

at or near the start of a period, development, or series 

There is a special critical initial strength such that the field cannot decide whether to 

evaporate away or collapse to form a black hole. 

Initiate (verb) 

to go about the initial step in doing something 

He was concerned with the load fuel in his forest and decided to thin it out before 

initiating the burn. 

Inject (verb) 

to force or shoot in, such as a liquid 

The venom of a rattlesnake is injected through fangs which fold back when the mouth is 


Injurious (adjective) 

causing harm or injury 

In some cases, aggressive and/or self- injurious behavior may be present. 

Innate (adjective) 

possessed at birth; of or arising from the most basic structure of an individual. 

It has been documented repeatedly that learners achieve better results depending on the 

age at which they begin to learn a second language. I believe that there is an innate 

age-related factor. 

Innovation (noun) 

a new unusual thing; inventiveness 

Recently, many innovations in the medical field allow doctors to successfully treat 

some diseases which were once terminal. 

Insanity (noun) 

serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacity to function normally 

His all night and drug binging eventually led him to insanity. 

Inscribe (verb) 

to form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instrument 

The words "We will always remember you." was inscribed onto his tombstone. 

Insecticide (noun) 

a chemical agent which kills insects 

Melathion is an insecticide used to exterminate insects such as fruit flies and 


Insight (noun) 

deep, thorough, or mature understanding; the power to discern the true nature or a person 

or situation 

Scientists have gained new insight on a type of low pressure weather center that 

connects one mesoscale convective vortex to the next. 

Insistently (adverb) 

so as to compel immediate action or attention 

Why the short story is the most popular form of literature today may be a reflection of 

the modern way of living that insistently demands that all current fiction be short. 

Insomnia (noun) 

habitual sleeplessness 

People may suffer from insomnia because of extreme stress. 

Inspection (noun) 

a close of systematic study; the act of examining carefully 

According to World Power Technologies' owner manual, monthly maintenance consists 

of visual inspections of the mechanical condition of the turbine, inspecting the tower, 

and testing the brake. Annual maintenance consists of battery inspections and an up 

close inspection of the turbine. Instability (noun) 

the quality or condition of being erratic and undependable 

They are very dangerous life-threatening disorders which usually intensify emotional 


Instant (adjective) 

occurring immediately 

The Brothers Johnson were an instant success releasing such hits as Strawberry Letter 

23 and the celebratory dance hit, Stomp. 

Instigate (verb) 

to stir to action or feeling 

There have been recent efforts of instigating prescribed burning as a means of forest 


Institution (noun) 

the act of founding or establishing 

On the other hand, there are those who decry marriage as a sexist and patriarchal 

institution that should be avoided at all costs. 

Insurgency (noun) 

a condition of revolt against a government that is less than an organized revolution and 

that is not recognized as belligerency 

The search for the missing troops went on amid a rash of confrontations between Iraqis 

and U.S. personnel -- one U.S. military official has called it a "classic phase of 


Instrumental (adjective) 

most important, influential, or significant 

In World War II, penicillin was instrumental in keeping wounds from getting infected 

and in helping speed the recovery of wounds that did not become infected. 

Intact (adjective) 

untouched, especially by anything that harms or diminishes: entire or complete 

The first American steam engine was not made in America at all, but imported intact 

from England. Integral (adjective) 

constituting or forming part of the essence of something 

The years of 1979 and 1980 were integral in defining mainstream R&B dance music of 

the early 1980's. 

Integration (noun) 

the act, process, or result of abolishing racial segregation 

The integration of African Americans into White only schools during the early 1960's 

caused widespread protests among segregationists in the South. 

Intelligible (adjective) 

capable of being readily understood 

Language is a form of speech distinctly different from others (otherwise, we call them 

dialects of each other), adding for good measure not, or only partially, intelligible to 

others without special study. 

Intense (adjective) 

extreme in degree, strength, or effect 

Intense winter storms, high rainfall amounts, and steep terrain areas are all conducive 

to land sliding. 

Intensive (adjective) 

covering all aspects with painstaking accuracy 

At Harvard and in six further years of intensive reading while he taught school and 

studied law in Worcester and Boston, he mastered the technicalities of his profession and 

the literature and learning of his day. 

Iteration (noun) 

the action or a process of iterating or repeating; the repetition of a sequence of computer 

instructions a specified number of times or until a condition is met 

Big Brother Africa is actually the third iteration of the program; the first two featured 

South African contestants only and the winners were both white men. 

Intercept (verb) 

to receive a communication or signal directed elsewhere usually secretly U.S. intelligence analysts believe Saddam Hussein is more likely to be alive than dead, a 

conclusion bolstered in recent weeks by intercepted communications among Saddam 

loyalists, The New York Times reported Friday, citing government officials. 

Interchange (noun) 

the act, process, or an instance of putting each of (two things) in the place of the other 

Although many food plants had traveled halfway around the globe by 1492, not one food 

crop had crossed the Atlantic Ocean. That is why 1492 is such a crucial date in the history 

of the world's food supply: Columbus' voyages initiated the interchange of plants 

between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, which in effect doubled the food crop 

resources available to peoples on both sides of the Atlantic. 

Interdisciplinary (adjective) 

of or between more than one branch of learning 

Cognition and perception graduate students may easily elect to pursue programs of 

study with an interdisciplinary breadth. For example, a student with strong interests 

in aging may participate extensively in the developmental area and the Institute of 

Gerontology; one attracted to problems in social cognition might work with members of 

the social psychology program at the Institute for Social Research; and an individual 

who wished to model problem solving behavior may study with artificial intelligence 

specialists in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. 

Interfere (verb) 

to intervene without good judgment in the affairs of others 

His house was bombed, and he was convicted along with other boycott leaders on 

charges of conspiring to interfere with the bus company's operations. 

Interminably (adverb) 

so as to be endless or tediously long 

While in France, he would sometimes go to the café that James Joyce would frequent, but 

the interminably shy Faulkner never mustered the nerve to speak to him. 

Intermittently (adverb) 

in an irregular and unpredictable manner; at irregular intervals 

To the east of the Armargosa Range is the Armargosa Desert, striated by the wide 

washes of the Armargosa River which intermittently flows south from Beatty, Nevada, through Death Valley Junction, curving to the west and then north to enter Death Valley 

below Jubilee Pass. 

Internal (adjective) 

located farther in, or within something 

Another benefit of exercising is that it increases bone mass. It is important to keep 

healthy and strong bones because they provide movement and protect our internal 


Internship (noun) 

a specific length of time in which a worker (often cases a student) works for a company in 

order to gain experience 

A person should look for an entry level job, gain experience through internships, and 

watch for opportunities of specialized training or advanced education. 

Interpolate (verb) 

to insert words into a book 

Part one of Cervantes's book interpolates peripheral episodes into the main plot. 

Intervention (noun) 

the act or instance of intruding in other people's affairs 

With appropriate intervention, many of the associated behaviors can be positively 

changed, even to the point in some cases, that the child or adult may appear to the 

untrained person to no longer have autism. 

Intricate (adjective) 

complexly detailed; difficult to understand due to intricacy 

The entire small intestine is lined with intricate sets of muscles, which are never at 

complete rest. 

Intrigue (noun) 

a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end 

In 1768 he composed his first opera, La Finta Semplice, for Vienna, but intrigues 

prevented its performance, and it was first presented a year later at Salzburg. 

Intruder (noun) 

a person who goes into a building with a criminal intent The rattle is the most distinguishing feature of the snake and is a horny section at the end 

of the tail, which serves to scare off intruders. 

Inversely (adverb) 

in an inverted order or manner, as when one quantity is greater or less according as 

another is less or greater 

In the Pacific Ocean, where the typical water depth is about 4000 m, a tsunami travels at 

about 200 m/s, or over 700 km/hr. Because the rate at which a wave loses its energy is 

inversely related to its wave length, tsunamis not only propagate at high speeds, they 

can also travel great, transoceanic distances with limited energy losses. 

Invincible (adjective) 

incapable of being conquered, overrun, or subjugated 

Juan Gil obtained Cervantes's freedom in 1580 in exchange for 500 ducats. Once back in 

Spain, he became a tax collector for the Invincible Armada. 

Invoke (verb) 

bring about, cause 

Our giant impact hypothesis had the advantage of invoking a stochastic catastrophic 

event that might happen only to one or two planets out of nine. 

Inwardly (adverb) 

in the mind or heart; privately; secretly 

She inwardly keeps her feelings from the rest of her family.

Irregularity (noun) 

lack of smoothness or regularity 

To determine a diamond's clarity, an expert views it under 10 power magnifications. In 

addition to internal inclusions, surface irregularities are referred to as blemishes. 

Irrigate (verb) 

to cause a stream to flow over land so as to water it 

These slow moving rivers feed many canals that irrigate farmlands. 

Irritate (verb) 

to trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, especially by repeated, needless trouble 

The latter, at first sympathetic to the Mozart's, later became irritated by Wolfgang's 

prolonged absences and stubborn ways. 

Isolation (noun) 

the quality of state of being alone 

A person who engages in criminal behavior can be differentiated by the quality or 

quantity of his learning through associations with those who define criminal activity 

favorable and the relative isolation from lawful social norms. 

Jaw-dropping (adjective) 

characterized as causing amazement or wonder 

He has been admiring the sleek TV displays for years, watching as prices decline from 

jaw-dropping levels. 

Junction (noun) 

a point or position at which two or more things are joined 

Just outside of Barstow, California is the junction of Interstate 15 and 40. 

Keen (adjective) 

possessing or displaying perceptions of great accuracy and sensitivity; mentally quick 

A student who writes and rewrites a writing assignment over several weeks has a keen 

understanding of the processes involved. 

Keynote address (noun) 

an address designed to present the issues of primary interest to an assembly as a political 

convention and often to arouse unity and enthusiasm 

In a keynote address, Robert Kennedy Jr. recalled the confrontation between Wallace 

and his father, U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy. 

Kettle (noun) 

a metallic vessel for boiling liquids 

To purify water for drinking, a camper should put the water in a kettle and boil it for at 

least 30 minutes. Kin (noun) 

a person connected to another person by blood 

There is a clear pattern of lineage endogamy generated by marriages between sons and 

daughters of brothers and other agnatic kin, accounting for approximately a quarter of 

all marriages. 

Laden (adjective) 

to load, to pile on, as burden or freight 

For the next topic of our lecture today, the cost analysis of a proper prescribed burn and 

the cost of battling a blaze in the load fuel laden forests needs to be considered to see 

which method is more economically feasible given the tight budgetary constraints with 

which the government has to operate. 

Lament (noun) 

a crying out in grief; complaint 

In a world where there is a common lament that there are no more heroes, too often 

cynicism and despair are perceived as evidence of the death of moral courage. 

Land (verb) 

gain, secure: land a job 

Mary Blake arrived in San Francisco and landed work as a singer at the Paradise Hotel, 

a gambling hall owned by Blackie Norton. 

Landing (noun) 

to set or put on shore from a ship 

The landings from the world's wild capture fisheries have continued to decline since 

reaching a peak of 112 million metric tons (mmt) in 1995. 

Landslide (noun) 

downward and outward movement of soil and rock 

The big earthquake of 1906 set off dozens of large landslides in the Santa Cruz 

Mountains, some of which claimed human lives. 

Larva (noun) 

the immature, wingless, and often vermiform feeding form that hatches from the egg of 

many insects After mosquito eggs hatch, the larvae hang from the surface film and get air through 

tubes that break the water's surface at the tail ends of their bodies. 

Latchkey (adjective) 

relating to a young child of working parents who must spend part of the day unsupervised 

as at home 

Nearly 10.6 million children were being raised by full time stay at home moms last year, 

up 13 percent in a little less than a decade. Experts credit the economic boom, the cultural 

influence of America's growing Hispanic population and the entry into parenthood of a 

generation of latchkey kids.

Lateral (adjective) 

of, at, toward, or from the side or sides 

If done properly, the taping of the lateral ligament will immobilize the knee structure to 

prevent further injury. 

Latitude (noun) 

freedom of action or choice 

Even though some jobs have defined salary ranges, hiring managers generally have 

some latitude to negotiate within that predetermined range based on a number of 

different factors. 

Latter (adjective) 

after the first 

In two further Italian journeys, he wrote two more operas for Milan, Ascanio in Alba 

(1771) and Lucio Silla (1772). In 1772, Archbishop von Schrattenbach died, to be succeeded 

by Hieronymus von Colloredo. The latter, at first sympathetic to the Mozart, later 

became irritated by Wolfgang's prolonged absences and stubborn ways. 

Launch (verb) 

to go about the initial step of doing something 

Although several successful mining ventures were launched, much of the hype was 

bogus. Laureate (noun) 

the recipient of honor or recognition for achievement in an art or science 

The Inamori Foundation announced the laureates of its 19th Annual Kyoto Prizes, 

international awards presented to people who have contributed significantly to 

mankind's betterment in the categories of Advanced Technology, Basic Science, and Arts 

and Philosophy. 

Laurel (noun) 

honor or distinction 

After his triumphant victory, the military commander recovered his laurels. 

Lava (noun) 

matter flowing from a volcano that solidifies as it cools 

Hawaii's volcanoes are typically characterized by the relatively quiet outflow of very 

fluid lava and by sometimes spectacular lava fountains. 

Leakage (noun) 

action through which matter passes accidentally in or out of something 

Leakage from swimming pools can be a sign of an unstable slope. 

Lean (adjective) 

having little flesh or fat on the body 

Body Composition is the comparable amounts of fat and lean body tissue found in the 


Leathery (adjective) 

resembling or having the appearance of animal skins dressed for use such as for wallets, 

clothes, shoes, etc. 

The wings of pterosaurs, which were somewhat similar to the wings of bats, were made 

of thin, leathery skin stretched across slender bones. 

Legendary (adjective) 

famous, remarkable 

Professor Jones's History exams are legendary for failing students. Legislature (noun) 

governmental body in a country which passes laws 

The Vermont Supreme Court ordered its state legislature to come up with a system 

providing same-sex couples with traditional marriage benefits and protections. 

Legume (noun) 

the fruit or seed of leguminous plants (as peas or beans) used for food 

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, unrefined cereals, olive oil, cheese and yogurt are 

eaten most days, as is fish. 

Lexicographer (noun) 

one who compiles dictionaries 

Here's a definition for the lexicographers - A region consisting of one or more historic 

central cities surrounded by cities and towns which have a shared identification, function 

as a single zone for trade, commerce and communication, and are characterized by 

social, economic and environmental interdependence. 

Liaison (noun) 

a sexual relationship prohibited by law 

He had one daughter, Isabel, from his liaison with Ana de Villafranca.

Libration (noun) 

an oscillation- a single swing as of an oscillating body-from one extreme limit to the other 

In the apparent aspect of a secondary body as a planet or a satellite as seen from the 

primary object around which it revolves libration in longitude enables observers on 

Earth to see one edge or the other of the far side of the moon. 

Lightning (noun) 

flash of bright light produced by an electrical discharge between clouds or between clouds 

and the ground 

Currently the policy in parks such as Yellowstone is to allow natural fires started by 

lightning to continue. 

Likelihood (noun) 

very probable; strong or distinct possibility 

Tucker and Crook used the Pennsylvania State University/NCAR mesoscale model to 

simulate convection (showers and thunderstorms) and to test how different modes of mountain convection affect the likelihood of mesoscale convective systems formation 


Limbo (adjective) 

a place or state of neglect or oblivion; an intermediate or transitional place or state; a state 

of uncertainty 

Finding a community of people who understand what you're going through is an 

essential component of getting through what Case calls limbo land. 

Limnologist (noun) 

a scientist who studies life in fresh water 

Limnologists recognize that the problems of life in running water and still water 


Lineage (adjective) 

a group of people sharing common ancestry 

The advantage of lineage endogamy in Turkey is the imposition of a bride price lower 

than those in contracts involving more distant social bonds. 

Linger on (verb) 

to stop temporarily and remain, as if reluctant to leave 

The effects of a cold can linger on for as long as three weeks. 

Link (verb) 

to unite or be united in a relationship 

There are also mixed results of studies linking bladder cancer and firefighting. 

Literacy (noun) 

ability to read and write; or to have proficiency in something 

During the job search, sociology graduates should stress their work and internship 

experience, analytical skills, oral and written communication skills, computer literacy, 

and knowledge of statistics and research design. 

Literal (adjective) 

taking words in their basic sense without metaphor or allegory 

Dr. Martin Luther King resented religious emotionalism and questioned literal 

interpretations of scripture; he nevertheless greatly admired black social gospel proponents such as his father who saw the church as a instrument for improving the lives 

of African Americans. 

Literary (adjective) 

well-informed about literature 

In January 1925, Faulkner moved to New Orleans and fell in with a literary crowd 

which included Sherwood Anderson (author of Winesburg, Ohio) and centered around 

The Double Dealer, a literary magazine whose credits include the first published works of 

Hart Crane, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson. 

Lofty (adjective) 

extending to a great height 

When feeding in a field, crows usually post a sentinel on a lofty perch to sound a 

warning if any danger should approach. 

Longevity (noun) 

long life 

Recent research has shown that regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can increase 


Longitude (noun) 

angular distance east or west from the prime meridian 

At some longitudes the observer would see the Sun rise and then gradually increase in 

apparent size as it slowly moved toward the zenith. At that point the Sun would stop, 

briefly reverse course, and stop again before resuming its path toward the horizon and 

decreasing in apparent size. 

Longstanding (adjective) 

of long duration 

There has been a longstanding tradition to divide early history into periods according 

to the hard materials such as stone, cooper, bronze, and iron, from which cutting tools 

and weapons were made. 

Loom (verb) 

to be imminent-about to occur at any moment, being or occurring in the time ahead 

At no time has this enormous growth of medical costs loomed larger as a social question 

than now. Loophole (noun) 

a means of escape; especially : an ambiguity or omission in the text through which the 

intent of a statute, contract, or obligation may be evaded 

Consumer advocates have worried that the list would be laden with loopholes without 

the support of the FCC, which oversees the nation's telephone system. 

Looter (noun) 

one who seizes and carries away by force especially in war 

The cases were not found until last week because the basement of the bank was flooded, 

possibly deliberately by bank officials as a way to protect the treasures from looters. 

Lose touch (verb) 

to depart from reality; to not have regular contact with someone or something 

Most people have observed mild dissociative episodes in which they lose touch with 

their surroundings. 

Lumbering (noun) 

lacking dexterity and grace in physical movement 

Tom Keith, although a lumbering sort of character, is quite effective as a steel worker. 

Luminescent (adjective) 

the natural emission of light by an insect or animal 

Most of the squid on which whales prey are luminescent. 

Lure (verb) 

to beguile or draw into a wrong or foolish course of action 

As a way to lure their prey, coyotes will often act playful to small dogs and cats. 

Lynch (verb) 

the act of putting a person to death without a legal trial 

Ironically, the practice of lynching got its name from William Lynch, who was a lawabiding 


Lyricism (noun) 

something likened to verse, as in form or style 

Her gift in lyricism is what has helped her to successfully write pop-music songs. Magnanimity (noun) 

the quality or state of being generous 

Always known for his magnanimity, John Fenson left his family with a sizeable 

inheritance after his death. 

Magnification (noun) 

enlargement; the act of making something bigger 

Many inclusions are not discernable to the naked eye and require magnification to 

become apparent. 

Magnitude (noun) 

the quality of being enormous 

No could have predicted beforehand the magnitude of the earthquake which was to 

occur in Alaska. 

Mainstream (noun) 

the prevailing trend, fashion, etc. 

Following Thriller, Quincy Jones worked on fewer mainstream dance projects outside 

of Michael Jackson's Bad. 

Majestic (adjective) 

large and impressive in size, scope, or extent 

A majestic movie theater built in Hollywood fifty years ago has finally been torn down. 

Makeshift (adjective) 

characterized as an usually crude and temporary substitute for something: resource 

"We want to make people aware that the captive-bred seahorse is a much better buy," 

said production manager Ken Maher, from the makeshift laboratory in Connemara, 

west Ireland. 

Malfunction (noun) 

to work improperly due to mechanical difficulties 

At the lower end of the esophagus, a one way valve (the esophageal sphincter) prevents 

the backsplash of stomach contents upward into the esophagus. A malfunction of this 

valve is the most common cause of heartburn. Malice (noun) 

a desire to harm others or to see others suffer 

The way the argument played out proved that the customer had convincingly showed 

malice toward the worker. 

Malnutrition (noun) 

faulty or inadequate nourishment needed to sustain life 

An anorexic person, with protruding ribs and resembling a skeleton, often has to be 

hospitalized for malnutrition and forced to eat. 

Manageable (adjective) 

capable of being governed 

Because enrollment must be kept to a manageable level, early application at a 

university of your choice is recommended. 

Mandate (verb) 

an authoritative indication to be obeyed 

On December 5, 1955, five days after Montgomery civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused 

to obey the city's rules mandating segregation on buses, black residents launched a bus 

boycott and elected King as president of the newly formed Montgomery Improvement 


Maneuver (noun) 

an action calculated to achieve an end 

Before the invention of the Heimlich maneuver, choking on food was a common cause of 

accidental death in humans, causing 6,000 deaths a year in the United States. 

Mangle (verb) 

to spoil, injure, or make incoherent especially through ineptitude; characterized as being 

injured with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing 

He saw a man's mangled body almost completely inside his car -- head on the 

floorboard, torso in the air and a severed leg on the center console. 

Manifestation (noun) 

an act of showing or displaying 

However, better of the disorder has led to the development of better coping mechanisms 

and strategies for the various manifestations of the disability. Manipulate (verb) 

to control one's own advantage by artful or indirect means 

Chimpanzees have been taught some hand signs based on American Sign Language, to 

manipulate colored switches or tokens, and to understand some spoken commands. 

Manual (noun) 

a book of instructions 

A manual on how to repair a slipping transmission has been sent to auto repair shops 

all over the country. 

Manufacture (noun) 

to create by forming, combining, or altering materials 

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants convert the light energy into stored energy. 

Because green plants can manufacture their own food, plants are called autotrophs or 


Manure (noun) 

material that fertilizes land; especially: refuse of stables and barnyards consisting of 

livestock excreta with or without litter 

Leaving germs behind, the housefly is a common pest and disease carrier that lays eggs 

in garbage and manure. 

Map out (verb) 

to show graphically the direction or location of, as by using coordinates 

At least thirteen acres of a large underground body of water known as the Lost Sea have 

been mapped out, and still divers have found no end to the lake. 

Margin (noun) 

a fairly narrow line or space forming a boundary 

If your method of recitation included note taking in the left hand margins of your 

notebook, write questions for the notes you have taken. 

Marine (adjective) 

of or relating to the seas or oceans 

Seals move more efficiently in a marine environment. Marketplace (noun) 

an open space in a town where goods are offered for sale 

Because to compete in the emerging global economy, city-states have no choice: they 

must mobilize all their skills to protect their center cities, grow smarter, protect their air 

and water, achieve more social equity, and train their workforce to excel in an 

increasingly competitive world marketplace. 

Marsh (noun) 

a usually low-lying area of waterlogged ground and standing water 

Although fires are thought to be destructive and dangerous, many plants, such as scrub, 

marshes and pine flat woods depend on fire in order to survive. 

Massacre (noun) 

the savage killing of many victims 

Adams's innate conservatism made him determined in 1770 that the British soldier 

accused of the Boston Massacre was to receive a fair hearing. 

Masterpiece (noun) 

a work done with extraordinary skill 

For thousands of years, mythology has provided material for much of the world's great 

art. Myths and mythological characters have inspired masterpieces of architecture, 

literature, music, painting, and sculpture. 

Maternity (noun) 

relating to being a mother, or motherhood 

Two months before the birth of her cubs, a mother polar bear instinctively begins to dig a 

maternity den. 

Mate (verb) 

to engage in sexual intercourse; to copulate 

After the black widow mates, she devours her partner. 

Maturity (noun) 

adulthood; ripeness 

In many countries, there is discrepancy as to what age children reach maturity. Measure (noun) 

the formal product of a legislative or judicial body 

In 1761, John Adams began to think and write and act against British measures that he 

believed infringed on colonial liberties and the right of Massachusetts and the other 

colonies to self-government. 

Medial (adjective) 

situated in the middle; at, near, or being the center 

The anterior cruciate ligament, located in the medial part of the knee structure, helps to 

stabilize the knee when a person is in an upright position. 

Median (noun) 

something, as a type, number, quantity, or degree, that represents a midpoint between 

extremes on a scale of valuation 

Stated more precisely, the median is a number that neither exceeds nor is exceeded by 

more than half of the observations. 

Meditation (noun) 

the act or process of thinking 

Don Quixote is an Aristotelian meditation on the nature of literature and the role of the 

writer in society. 

Menace (noun) 

regarded as a danger to someone or something 

Causing many respiratory illnesses, automobile exhaust is a menace to human health. 

Menstrual (adjective) 

process of ovulation and menstruation in female primates 

An anorexic girl weighs at least 15 percent less than her ideal weight, has an extreme fear 

of gaining weight, and has missed at least three consecutive menstrual periods. 

Merely (adverb) 

and nothing else or nothing more 

Bats' wings are modifications of the hands of the common mammalian ancestor; flying 

squirrels' wings are modifications of its rib cage. The two structures are merely 

analogous: similar in function. Merry-making (noun) 

the act of showing happy satisfaction in an event; joyful, exuberant activity 

Meanwhile, at the Union camp at Shiloh, the Federal troops spent a day drilling and 

merry-making. Hundreds went for a swim in Owl Creek. Others rested. 

Metabolize (verb) 

to change a substance, i.e., food, and its chemical nature so that it can be used for another 


When Starch is digested, our body hydrolyzes it to glucose. The glucose is then 

metabolized and used for energy. 

Metallic (adjective) 

consisting or characteristic of metal; having the sheen or luster of metals 

To make the appearance of his automobile more attractive, the owner had his car painted 

a metallic green. 

Meticulous (adjective) 

showing or marked by attentiveness to all aspects or details 

Professor Brown, known for meticulous attention to detail, gives exams consisting of 

more than 250 questions. 

Metropolis (noun) 

a large and important town 

The world's lead city-states are its greatest metropolises - New York, Tokyo, Paris, 

Hong Kong, Los Angeles and their global "command and control" competitors, spread 

from Chicago to Singapore. 

Migrate (verb) 

an object which travels from one place to a new place; to leave one's native land and to 

settle in another 

The lunar surface is bombarded with water rich objects such as comets, and scientists 

have suspected that some of the water in these objects could migrate to permanently 

dark areas at the lunar poles, perhaps accumulating to useable quantities. Mild (adjective) 

free from extremes in temperature; free from severity or violence, as in movement 

Most people have observed mild dissociative episodes in which they lose touch with their 

surroundings. Examples include daydreaming, highway hypnosis, or losing oneself in a 

movie or book. 

Milestone (noun) 

significant event or stage in a person's life 

Since the ability to achieve competency varies to a great degree in adults and less so in 

children (who possess the same high proficiency capabilities), does this not in itself 

suggest an overall pattern of ability set on by age? Perhaps, the onset of a sensitive 

period changes according to the individual just as growth patterns and personal 

milestones are reached at different times in one's life. 

Millennium (noun) 

a period of 1,000 years 

Indeed, fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident has turned up in ice cores, as has 

dust from violent desert storms countless millennia ago. 

Mingle (noun) 

to take part in social activities 

From time to time, a worker should mingle with other co-workers at Halloween, 

Christmas, and New Year's parties. 

Misconception (noun) 

to be mistaken in judgment 

One of the common misconceptions many job seekers have, especially recent 

graduates, is that a degree automatically means more money or a certain amount of it. 

Misnomer (noun) 

a wrong name or designation 

Fixed-rate cards, meanwhile, are something of a misnomer, since their rates aren't 

actually fixed. 

Mnemonic (adjective) 

a technique or system of improving the memory by the use of certain formulas 

Develop mnemonic devices for material which needs to be memorized. Mobilize (verb) 

to assemble, prepare, or put into operation, as for war or a similar emergency 

Although increasingly portrayed as the pre-eminent black spokesperson, King did not 

mobilize mass protest activity during the first five years after the Montgomery boycott 


Moderate (verb) 

to make or become less severe; to become less active or intense 

The union has hired someone to moderate the arguments between the faculty and the 


Moisture (noun) 

water or other liquid causing a slight dampness or wetness 

The child sleeps on a pad that buzzes loudly the moment it detects moisture. 

Molecule (noun) 

the smallest particle of an element or compound 

This process of breaking down large molecules into their smallest parts so our body can 

use them is termed digestion. 

Molest (verb) 

to make annoying sexual advances to; especially: to force physical and sexual contact 

A California man was charged with molesting his daughters almost 50 years ago. 

Momentum (noun) 

a strength or force that keeps growing 

If it impacted the earth with enough momentum and if it was large enough, a meteorite 

could cause the extinction of the human species. 

Monopoly (noun) 

exclusive control or possession 

Even though Thomas Jefferson was against most forms of monopoly, he believed that 

an invention should be protected from attempts to copy it. 

Morale (noun) 

mental attitudes of a person, especially with regards to confidence and discipline 

It is important to have high morale in a company so that productivity remains high. Morpheme (noun) 

the smallest meaningful unit of speech 

A word may contain more than one morpheme, as in antiestablishment, in which there 

are three morphemes. 

Mortality (noun) 

the condition of being mortal; especially the nature of man, as having the nature to die 

Of 14 studies on the mortality of firefighters, 11 found excess risk for brain cancer. 

Mortar (noun) 

a mixture of cement, lime, or gypsum plaster with sand and water that hardens and is used 

in masonry or plastering 

From a physicist's point of view, the fermions are the bricks on which the world is built, 

and the bosons are the mortar that binds them together. 

Mount (verb) 

to set on something that elevates 

Wheels mounted on a frame over a river were the first devices used to harness water 


Movingly (adverb) 

so as a general arousing or stirring of the emotions or feelings 

Talking movingly to her father upon departure, Karen told him that she would return 

in two years. 

Multiethnic (adjective) 

having to do with people in a society or community of many different nationalities 

The sociological perspective is crucial for working in today's multiethnic and 

multinational business environment. 

Municipal (adjective) 

belonging to a city 

Although aluminum is less than one percent of the nation's municipal solid waste stream, 

it remains one of the most valuable recyclable materials. Murkiness (noun) 

a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke; 

the act of being darkly vague or obscure 

But the idea of securing a "critical mass" of underrepresented students, which the court 

endorsed, may create more murkiness about limits of race-based school policies, critics 


Mushroom (verb) 

to well up and spread out laterally from a central source; to become enlarged or extended; 

to spring up suddenly or multiply rapidly 

As the Earth's population continues to mushroom, can ways be found to manage 

natural resources without causing ecological collapse? 

Muster (verb) 

to come together; to assemble, prepare, or put into operation 

While in France, he would sometimes go to the café that James Joyce would frequent, but 

the interminably shy Faulkner never mustered the nerve to speak to him. 

Mutation (noun) 

the process or result of making or becoming different 

Driven by dizzying mutations in medical costs, program directors and staff ponder the 

disruptive dynamism of these new reforms. 

Muzzle (noun) 

a device, as of straps, fastened over the mouth of an animal to prevent its biting or eating 

Dogs should wear muzzles when they are certain to have contact with other dogs and 


Mystical (adjective) 

difficult to explain or understand 

Coconut trees possess the mystical ability to conjure up a tropical paradise atmosphere 

wherever they may be found. 

Mythology (noun) 

a body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject 

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman 

counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. Nag (verb) 

to scold or find fault constantly 

Nagging another person can cause resentment, ultimately resulting in a destroyed 


Naked (adjective) 

not wearing any clothes; without the aid of a microscope or telescope 

If the inclusions are not visible to the naked eye, a higher clarity does not really improve 

the appearance of a diamond but rather the rarity and price. 

Natal (adjective) 

of or connected with one's birth 

Both villages show a similar level of in-marriage among women currently resident 

within the village, 67% for Sakaltutan and 63% for Elbasi, indicating an approximate 

ratio of two women marrying and resident within their natal village for every one who 

marries out. 

Nationwide (noun) 

throughout the whole nation-an organized geopolitical unit 

As we use more and more water, the nationwide supply is rapidly being used up. 

Navigable (adjective) 

capable of being passed, traversed, or crossed 

In the United States, there are few navigable rivers through which ocean-liners can 


Negotiate (verb) 

to come to an agreement about 

In April 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte negotiated the sale of the Louisiana Territory with 

the envoys of President Thomas Jefferson. 

Neolithic (adjective) 

of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone 

implements; belonging to an earlier age and now outmoded 

Once considered a "Neolithic backwater" by archaeologists, Papua New Guinea is 

emerging as one of the handful of places on Earth where agricultural practices developed 

independently from other cultures. Networking (noun) 

the developing of contacts or exchanging of information with others in an informal 


In a short time, the reforms might well be a dynamic instability in the care and 

networking of patients with cardiovascular diseases. 

Neurological (adjective) 

relating to the branch of medicine dealing with the nervous system 

The result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, autism 

and its associated behaviors have been estimated to occur in as many as 1 in 500 


Newfangled (adjective) 

showing marked departure from previous practice 

The economics theories of today are merely a newfangled form of former theories first 

posed in the 1960's. 

Newfound (adjective) 

newly found 

She mentions inner growth, a new sense of self and self-respect, a heightened sense of 

priorities, and a newfound independence as she assumed the bulk of responsibilities and 

decision making. 

Nobility (noun) 

the quality or state of possessing outstanding qualities in character, quality, or rank 

Showing a nobility of character that has worldwide appeal, Lincoln, a Republican, was 

the first member of his party to become president. 

Nocturnal (adjective) 

of or occurring the night 

Many rattlesnakes are nocturnal, but they can also be seen during the daytime. 

Nominate (verb) 

to select someone for an office, a position, or an award 

Among her volumes of poetry are A Brave and Startling Truth (Random House, 1995), 

The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou (1994), Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now (1993), Now Sheba Sings the Song (1987), I Shall Not Be Moved (1990), 

Shaker, Why Don't You Sing? (1983), Oh Pray My Wings Are Gonna Fit Me Well (1975), 

and Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Die (1971), which was nominated for the 

Pulitzer prize. 

Norm (noun) 

an accepted way or behaving in a certain group 

A person who engages in criminal behavior can be differentiated by the quality or 

quantity of his/her learning through associations with those who define criminal activity 

favorable and the relative isolation from lawful social norms. 

Notch (noun) 

a v-shaped indentation of an edge or surface 

It is said that the notorious Billy the Kid made a notch on his pistol grip for each of his 


Notion (noun) 

something believed or accepted as true by a person 

The Battle at Shiloh changed all preconceived notions that the Civil War would be short 


Notwithstanding (preposition) 

[notwithstanding their lack of experience, they were an immediate success] - often used 

after its object [the motion passed, our objection notwithstanding]: despite 

Seahorses are no ordinary sea creatures, notwithstanding their monogamy which is 

highly unusual for the animal kingdom. It is the male who receives eggs from his female 

partner and fertilizes them himself. 

Novelistic (adjective) 

of or pertaining to new and unusual; being the first of its kind 

Los trabajos is the best evidence not only of the survival of Greek novelistic themes but 

also of the survival of forms and ideas of the Spanish novel of the second Renaissance. 

Nucleus (noun) 

a source of further growth and development 

A family is the basic unit in society having as its nucleus two or more adults living 

together and cooperating in the care and rearing of their own or adopted children. Nuptial (adjective) 

of or relating to marriage or the marriage ceremony; characteristic of or occurring in the 

breeding season 

Winged males and female carpenter ants engage in a nuptial flight in late spring and 

early summer. 

Obesity (noun) 

being overweight, very fat 

Obesity is a high percentage of body fat, whereas a physically fit individual has a low 

percentage of body fat. 

Objective (adjective) 

expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal 

feelings, prejudices, or interpretations 

Researcher Lu Wang, of the University of Minnesota, and colleagues say previous studies 

have shown that the fatty acid composition of the blood provides an objective estimate 

of the dietary intake of saturated fat for weeks to months before the sample is taken.

Obligate (verb) 

to impose as a duty or moral obligation 

In different social situations, we are obligated to adjust our use of words to fit the 


Oblong (adjective) 

deviating from a square, circular, or spherical form by elongation in one dimension 

The Earth was distorted into an oblong shape before it gravitationally rebounded

Obnoxious (adjective) 

so objectionable as to bring out a feeling of extreme dislike 

People with obnoxious personalities have difficulty in finding long-lasting friendships 

Obstacle (noun) 

something that impedes or prevents entry or passage 

Concerning the method of natural association, it is learned when someone is faced with a 

memory obstacle that reminds him of something in the past, he can use that image. 

Occurrence (noun) 

something significant that happens 

Landslides are a common occurrence in the Santa Cruz Mountains. 

Offensive (noun) 

the act of attacking 

Realizing that he could not wait for another Federal advance, Johnston began 

concentrating forces at Corinth, Mississippi, where he hoped to take the offensive and 

destroy General Grant's Army of the Tennessee before it could be joined by General Don 

Carlos Buell's Army of the Ohio. 

Omen (noun) 

an occurrence or phenomenon believed to portend a future event 

In the decade before the Spanish arrived in Mexico, Aztec Emperor Montezuma II and his 

people were filled with a sense of foreboding. A series of evil omens had foretold of 

calamities to come. A fiery comet crossed the sky. The temple of Huitzilopochtli, the god of 

war, burst into flames. The Lake of Mexico boiled and rose, flooding into houses. 

Ongoing (adjective) 

actually in process, continuing, progressing 

One should never trust a single information source-stability evaluation is an ongoing 


Onset (noun) 

the initial stage of a developmental process; the act of attacking 

Type II diabetes, which is adult onset diabetes, is reduced by regular exercise because it 

improves the regulation of blood glucose. 

Opt (verb) 

to make a choice; especially : to decide in favor of something 

Home users who want an inexpensive system with decent graphics should opt for one of 

the older-generation NVidia GeForce3 cards. 

Optical (adjective) 

of, relating to, or being objects that emit light in the visible range of frequencies In 1936, Einstein calculated that an observer on Earth, given the correct line of sight, 

might see multiple images of a single, distant object-a cosmic optical illusion, so to 


Optimism (noun) 

a tendency to expect a favorable outcome or to dwell on hopeful aspects 

An atmosphere of optimism and a promise of prosperity among the settlers of 

Chattanooga caused the city to prosper from 2,000 in 1865 to 12,000 in 1877. 

Optional (adjective) 

not imposed on one by authority 

It is learned that the writing process has a minimum of four stages and that there is an 

optional fifth stage of writing. 

Oratorical (adjective) 

of or relating to the art of public speaking 

As the boycott continued during 1956, King gained national prominence as a result of his 

exceptional oratorical skills and personal courage. 

Orbit (adjective) 

of or relating to a course, process, or journey that ends where it began or repeats itself 

19th century astronomers made very careful observations of Mercury's orbital 

parameters but could not adequately explain those using Newtonian mechanics. 

Organism (noun) 

something resembling a living thing in its complexity of 

structure or functions 

Researchers have learned that many different organisms can be conditioned to respond 

to practically any stimuli such as lights, sounds, or tastes. 

Originate (verb) 

to have as one's home, place, or origin 

Sulfates, which originate primarily in coal fired power plants, started rising around 

1900. Ornament (noun) 

the act of furnishing with decorations 

Even department stores in some non-Christian countries are decorated with ornaments 

during the Christmas season. 

Oscillate (verb) 

to move back and forth with a steady rhythm 

There is a special critical initial strength such that the field cannot decide whether to 

evaporate away or collapse to form a black hole. Instead it oscillates increasingly 

rapidly, performing an infinite number of oscillations in a finite time. 

Osmotic (adjective) 

relating to the diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane typically separating a 

solvent and a solution that tends to equalize their concentrations 

Since saltwater fishes have blood with a lower concentration of salts than the 

surrounding seawater, osmotic pressure tends to force water out of the body fluids and 

to raise the internal salt concentration. 

Outcome (noun) 

something brought about by a cause 

This outcome is a reflection of strong sense of solidarity within the corporate peasant 

community, also apparent in the tendency for almost every man to remain within his 

village over his lifetime. 

Outdated (adjective) 

to make or become no longer in use; of a style or method formerly in style 

Several outdated theories about the cause of autism have been proven to be false. 

Outflow (noun) 

the act of being in a state of motion, as air moving away from something 

The strength of the rain cooled outflow from the mountain storms is critical to 

downstream mesoscale convective system development.Outlaw (noun) 

one that is unconventional or rebellious ; a lawless person or a fugitive from the law 

Gov. Bill Richardson scheduled a news conference Tuesday to detail how the state will aid 

an investigation launched by Lincoln County, where the Old West outlaw made a 

dramatic escape from custody 122 years ago. 

Outpost (noun) 

a security detachment thrown out by a main body of troops to protect it from enemy 

surprise; an outlying or frontier settlement 

In addition to its African possessions, Carthage held a number of outposts on the Spanish 


Outreach (adjective) 

reaching out or extending 

The Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS) is the scientific research unit within 

the Collections and Research Department of the National Air and Space Museum, 

Smithsonian Institution. CEPS performs original research and outreach activities on 

topics covering planetary science, terrestrial geophysics, and the remote sensing of 

environmental change. 

Outset (noun) 

beginning, start 

From the outset, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was a missionary 


Outstrip (verb) 

to be greater or better than 

Even though the train is not the preferred method of transportation in the United States, 

in Europe it can compete with the airlines and cars, and in some cases even outstrip 

them, as the most popular way to travel from one country to another. 

Outwardly (adverb) 

toward or on the outside; in regard to external appearance or action 

Some people with mental disorders have a tendency toward self-persecution, self- 

sabotage, and even violence (both self-inflicted and outwardly directed). Outweigh (verb) 

to make up for the defects of 

The evolutionary selective advantages for language must have been very large to 

outweigh such a disadvantage. 

Overgraze (verb) 

to feed on growing herbage, attached algae, or phytoplankton to the point of damaging 

vegetation cover 

The problem is one of environmental degradation; the land is overgrazed and the 

kangaroos themselves suffer pretty badly once all the food is gone for them. 

Overly (verb) 

lying on or over 

Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces 

the overlying water. 

Override (verb) 

occupying a more elevated or superior position; dominating 

The court emphasized that race cannot be the overriding factor, but a majority 

acknowledged a broad social value in encouraging all races to learn and work together. 

Over-the-counter (adjective) 

sold lawfully without prescription 

The names of all medicines you are currently taking, including both over-the-counter 

and prescription medication as well as any dietary supplements. It is important for your 

doctor to know this information in order to prescribe the medicine that will be the most 


Overturn (verb) 

to turn or cause to turn from a vertical or horizontal position 

The Vikings quickly overturned the boats and killed all but one Indian, who was able to 

get away. 

Overwhelmingly (adverb) 

convincingly so as to have little doubt The evidence seems to overwhelmingly state that there is indeed a critical period by 

which learning must commence in order to afford the learner the chance to achieve 

native like capabilities. 

Owe (verb) 

on account of; as a result of, through 

The scientific question is whether the chimps' abilities are homologous to human 

language-that is, whether the two systems show the same basic organization owing to 

descent from a single system in their common ancestor. 

Painstaking (adjective) 

showing or marked by attentiveness to all aspects or details 

Paying painstaking attention to detail, French artist Lucien Rudaux was the first to 

combine his artistic talents with his knowledge of astronomy. 

Pale (adjective) 

of a moderately white color; lacking color 

Due to the intense ultraviolet rays of the sun, the paint on the car oxidized, causing it to 

change to a pale yellow. 

Paleoanthropologist (noun) 

one who studies in a branch of anthropology dealing with fossil hominids-any of a family 

(Hominidae) of erect bipedal primate mammals comprising recent humans together with 

extinct ancestral and related forms 

The announcement was made this week by paleoanthropologist Tim White of the 

University of California at Berkeley. White, who co-led the joint U.S.-Ethiopian research 

team that made the discovery, noted that the skulls, which are between 154,000 and 

160,000 years old, are the oldest known fossils of modern humans, or Homo sapiens. 

Pamphlet (noun) 

a small unbound booklet or leaflet 

A pamphlet entitled A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law and town 

instructions denouncing the Stamp Act (1765) marked him as a vigorous, patriotic 

penman, and, holding various local offices, he soon became a leader among 

Massachusetts radicals. Paradigm (noun) 

example of a pattern or ideas of particular theories about a given subject 

Cognitive Psychology is an empirical science and depends on careful experimental 

procedures and paradigms to test theories about these mental processes. 

Paralyze (verb) 

to render powerless or motionless by inflicting severe injury; to render helpless, as by 


The hiker was paralyzed with fear after seeing the mountain lion face to face. 

Parameter (noun) 

constant element or factor, especially one serving as a limit or boundary 

19th century astronomers made very careful observations of Mercury's orbital 

parameters but could not adequately explain those using Newtonian mechanics. 

Parasite (noun) 

an organism living in, with, or on another organism 

A new theory suggests that human hairlessness evolved as a strategy to shed the ticks, 

lice, fleas and other parasites that nestle deep in fur. 

Pare (verb) 

to diminish or reduce by or as if by trimming off an outside, excess, or irregular part of 


Under new CEO Paul Tellier, a proven cost cutter, Bombardier Inc., the parent company 

of Bombardier Aerospace, is paring down its operations to become nimbler and more 

focused on its core businesses, making trains and planes. 

Parody (noun) 

a false, mocking, or disrespectful imitation of something 

Many writers make a distinction between poetic truth and historical truth and attempt, 

through the use of parody, to set their boundaries. 

Particle (noun) 

a tiny amount 

The introduction of more compression causes the new helium particles inside of the core 

to collide hard enough so that they can stick together and fuse. Partisan (adjective) 

showing an inclination for or against something that inhibits impartial judgment 

Divisive and partisan politics is quite common among governmental offices in many 


Pass (noun) 

a narrow passage through mountains 

Sitting just west of the Nevada boundary in the basin and range district of the Mojave 

Desert, Death Valley is all but surrounded by mountain ranges, with a few roads 

connecting the valley to the outside world through narrow passes. 

Passionate (noun) 

fired with intense feeling 

It is mentioned in many history books that Abigail Adams was a wise, learned, strong 

willed, passionate, and patriotic woman.

Pastorate (noun) 

office in which a priest or minister is in charge of a church or a congregation 

Rejecting offers for academic positions, King decided while completing his Ph. D. 

requirements to return to the South and accepted the pastorate of Dexter Avenue 

Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.

Pasture (noun) 

grassland suitable for grazing 

The settlers to the new world called the New World "Vinland," an Old Norse term for 

grassland or pasture. 

Patriarchal (adjective) 

relating to system of society or government ruled by men 

Some decry marriage as a sexist and patriarchal institution that should be avoided at 

all costs. 

Patron (adjective) 

a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter 

Some authorities believe the Romans named the month for Juno, the patron goddess of 

marriage. Payload (noun) 

the load carried by a vehicle exclusive of what is necessary for its operation; especially: the 

load carried by an aircraft or spacecraft consisting of things such as passengers or 

instruments necessary to the purpose of the flight 

Scientists have worked for years to harness the power that viruses have to invade cells, 

replacing unwanted elements of herpes and other viruses with disease-fighting genes in 

hopes the new genetic payload would correct a targeted illness. 

Peak (noun) 

the highest point of a mountain 

The western side of the valley is defined by the Panamint Range, with Telescope Peak its 

highest spot at an elevation of 11,049 feet. 

Peasant (noun) 

small farmer or agricultural worker 

Sterling observed only a small number of cases in which a man married more than one 

wife in the Turkish peasant villages he studied. 

Pebble (noun) 

a small smooth stone worn by the action of water 

The 3 mile wide comet will not be destroyed or knocked from its orbit. It's like if you 

throw a pebble at a moving car. You're not going to knock the car off course, unless you 

frighten the driver. 

Peculiarity (noun) 

peculiar behavior; a distinctive element 

Demographic peculiarities reveal a pattern of upward marriage or hyper gamy which 

is quite different from endogamy and reflects an acknowledged status difference among 


Peg (verb) 

to establish the identification of 

Today's most sophisticated forecast models cannot peg mountain convection well enough 

to assess how it might trigger storm complexes downstream. 

Pelt (noun) 

the skin of an animal Many hunters and fur traders sought money in beaver and otter pelts, and deer and 

buffalo skins. 

Penance (noun) 

act of self-punishment as reparation for guilt, sins, etc. 

As penance for their sins, some religions require their members to engage in certain 

embarrassing rituals before they can receive forgiveness.

Peninsula (noun) 

a piece of land jutting out into the water and connected with a larger body of land with an 


Jamestown, Virginia, founded during the latter half of the seventeenth century, was built 

on a peninsula. 

Peppered (verb) 

to direct a concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows 

The military outpost was peppered with machine gun fire continuously for three hours. 

Percentage (noun) 

rate or proportion percent 

Binet discovered that the percentage of subnormal children stayed about the same if he 

took the ratio between the child's "mental age" and "chronological age" instead of the 

difference between the two. 

Perception (noun) 

the condition of being aware; that which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental 


The cognition and perception program represents a very diverse group of faculty and 

students with research interests in all areas of cognitive science, including sensation, 

perception, motor performance, attention, memory, learning, and decision making. 

Perch (adjective) 

a resting place or vantage point; a roost for a bird 

When feeding in a field, crows usually post a sentinel on a lofty perch to sound a 

warning if any danger should approach. Peril (noun) 

exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost 

With the falloff in old-style agriculture, the region's remarkably diverse plant 

community, including many rare wildflower species, is also in peril. 

Peripheral (adjective) 

of minor importance; marginal 

Cervantes's book was read as a parody of novels of chivalry until the Romantics revealed 

its true importance as a novel. Part one interpolates peripheral episodes into the main 


Perish (verb) 

to cease living 

At least 80 and perhaps hundreds of people perished in the deadliest historical eruption 

to occur in what is now Hawaii. 

Permeate (verb) 

to diffuse through or penetrate something 

Hot, humid weather permeated the East on Thursday, and many areas of the central 

United States received rain. 

Perpendicular to (adjective) 

at right angles to the horizon or to level ground 

Since lift always occurs perpendicular to the surface of the wing, the lift acts at an 

angle and the plane turns accordingly. 

Persecution (noun) 

very painful punishment 

Some people with mental disorders have a tendency toward self-persecution, selfsabotage, 

and even violence. 

Persistent (adjective) 

insistently continuous; of long duration 

After persistent rumors of a deep underground lake somewhere in a cave in East 

Tennessee, a large body of water now named the Lost Sea was discovered in 1905. Persnickety (adjective) 

fussy about small details: fastidious 

Some common complaints about usage strike me as too persnickety, but I'm just 

discussing mistakes in English that happen to bother me. 

Personalize (verb) 

to make personal, which is characterized by a close and thorough acquaintance 

To personalize a business relationship can be effective in many cultures. 

Perspective (noun) 

that which is or can be seen; mental view of the relative importance of things 

Although few occupations include "sociologist" in their title at the bachelor's level, the 

sociological perspective is excellent preparation for a wide variety of occupations. 

Pervasive (adjective) 

widespread; occurring quite often 

Over one half million people in the U.S. today have autism or some form of pervasive 

developmental disorder. 

Pest (noun) 

something resembling a pest in destructiveness; especially: a plant or animal detrimental 

to humans or human concerns (as agriculture or livestock production) 

"Disgusting," "dirty," and "pest" are just some of the words we associate with the very 

unpopular insect, the cockroach. 

Phenomenal (adjective) 

so remarkable as to elicit disbelief 

Few in the music world were prepared for the phenomenal success in 1983 of Michael 

Jackson's Thriller produced by Quincy Jones. 

Phobia (noun) 

having a fear of something 

People who have a lot of phobias will also be characterized as having unusually high 

stress levels. Phony (adjective) 

unreal, fake, pretend 

Multiple Personality Disorder was being thrown into disrepute by many people giving 

phony demonstrations of alter switching during television talk shows. 

Phrase (noun) 

to convey in language or words of a particular form 

It would seem socially unacceptable utter the following phrase to a co-worker: "You are 


Physiologist (noun) 

one who studies the functions of the living organisms and their living parts 

The first studies done with classical conditioning were performed by Ivan Pavlov, a 

Russian physiologist. 

Pier (noun) 

a structure extending into navigable water for use as a landing place or promenade or to 

protect or form a harbor 

Seaweeds, or algae, some of which attach themselves to stationary objects such as rocks 

or piers by the suction of organs called holdfasts, do not have roots like higher land 


Pigment (noun) 

something that imparts color 

Many types of seaweed and other plants that do not appear to be green also have 

chlorophyll and therefore can convert the sun's energy into food. In these plants, the 

greenness is hidden by other pigments. 

Pilgrimage (noun) 

a journey to a shrine or sacred place 

Dr. Martin Luther King emphasized the goal of black voting rights when he spoke at the 

Lincoln Memorial during the 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom. 

Pinpoint (verb) 

to look for and discover; to establish the identification of 

In cores from Antarctica and Greenland, researchers have pinpointed the beginning of 

atomic bomb testing in the mid 1950s. Pipeline (noun) 

a line of pipe with pumps, valves, and control devices for conveying liquids, gases, or solids 

Diamonds were formed under extreme heat and pressure at our Earth's core. They 

traveled to the surface through volcanic pipelines known as kimberlitic during the 

Earth's formation.

Pivotal (adjective) 

vitally important, crucial 

The difference is that these kids were already playing a pivotal role in the shaping of 

that culture, being the first generation to grow up with a Life on the Internet. 

Placebo (noun) 

an inert or harmless substance used especially in the controlled experiments testing the 

effectiveness of another substance 

The research compared results of the crushed-body treatment with the results of 

immunotherapy that used insect venom and also the results of a placebo. 

Plug (verb) 

to make unsuitable for passage or progress by obstruction 

Acne starts when greasy secretions from the skin's sebaceous glands plug the tiny 

openings for hair follicles. 

Plausible (adjective) 

worthy of being believed 

Believing that he had a plausible alibi the day his wife was murdered, investigators let 

the suspect go home with no charges being filed. 

Playwright (noun) 

a person who writes plays 

William Shakespeare, famous for the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet," was one of the greatest 

playwrights to ever exist. 

Plume (noun) 

an open and mobile column of smoke, exhaust gases, or blowing snow 

Great plumes of smoke were seen in the horizon. Poach (verb) 

to take game or fish by illegal methods 

Chinese folk medicines utilize almost every part of the tiger's body, leading to widespread 

poaching of these animals. 

Pocketbook (noun) 

financial resources: income 

Our recommendations will help you build a system that fits both your needs and your 


Polygamy (noun) 

marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate a the same time 

Polygamy is allowable in Islamic tradition but is prohibited in Turkish law. 

Polyp (noun) 

a projecting mass of swollen and hypertrophied or membrane; a coelenterate that 

has typically a hollow cylindrical body surrounded by tentacles armed with nematocysts 

The ability that humans have to change the earth's surface is rivaled only by colonies of 

tiny coral polyps, which over millions of years form massive coral reefs of limestone. 

Pomp (noun) 

a ceremonial or festival display as a train of followers or a pageant 

The four-day visit, aimed at patching up differences between the two countries over 

issues such as the Iraq war, will be laden with state events and royal pomp such as 

Tuesday evening's state banquet in Putin's honor. 

Pool (noun) 

an aggregation of the interests or property of different persons made to further a joint 

undertaking by subjecting them to the same control and a common liability 

Over one's working life, that may be true, but a bachelor's degree, for example, could be a 

minimum prerequisite that keeps you from being screened out of the applicant pool. 

Ponder (verb) 

to consider carefully and at length 

Program directors and staff ponder the disruptive dynamism of these new heathcare 

reforms. In a short time, the reforms might well be a dynamic instability in the care and 

networking of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Portfolio (noun) 

the securities held by an investor: the commercial paper held by financial house like a bank 

It's a good bet rates will rise if the prime rate increases, since the lender's cost of doing 

business will be higher. Or they may change if the lender sells its portfolio of customers 

to another bank. 

Portion (noun) 

one of the parts into which something is divided 

In 1848, the Virginia portion of land donated as part of the District of Columbia was 

returned to that state. 

Pose (verb) 

to present for attention or consideration; to put or set forth 

As researchers continue to search the skies for objects that pose an impact risk, they are 

also beginning discussions on how to deflect an object on a collision course with Earth. 

Possession (noun) 

those articles which belong to someone 

Junko left most of her possessions with her parents before leaving to the United States. 

Post (noun) 

an office or position to which a person is appointed 

He steadily advanced at the UN, holding posts in budget, personnel, and refugee affairs. 

Postpone (verb) 

to put off until a later time 

The exam was postponed until the next week. 

Posturing (noun) 

the act of representing oneself in a given character or as other than what one is 

Political posturing is quite common in presidential elections. 

Power plant (noun) 

a building or complex in which electricity is produced Atmospheric carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides from coal and oil burning 

power plants, cars, and other fossil fuel burning sources have climbed along with the 

world population, with as yet unknown effects on the climate system. 

Prairie (noun) 

a large area of level or rolling land in the Mississippi River valley that has deep fertile soil, 

a cover of tall coarse grasses, and few trees 

The Midwestern part of the United States is characterized by vast prairies, rich 

agricultural farmland, and intense thunderstorms. 

Precipitate (verb) 

something brought about by a cause 

In 1861_1862, Federal forces pushing southward from St. Louis captured Forts Henry 

and Donelson on the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, which precipitated the Battle 

of Shiloh. 

Precise (adjective) 

clearly, fully, and sometimes emphatically expressed 

To maintain flexibility, stretching must be performed at least everyday (every 36 hours 

to be precise). 

Preconceived (adjective) 

to form an opinion prior to actual knowledge or experience 

The Battle of Shiloh would change all preconceived notions that the Civil War would be 

short lived. 

Precursor (noun) 

a forerunner; one that proceeds and indicates the approach of another 

If language evolved by gradual Darwinian natural selection, we must be able to find 

some precursor of it in our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. 

Predator (noun) 

one that preys, destroys, or devours 

Sea lions, seals, and sharks are natural predators of the salmon. 

Predecessor (noun) 

one that precedes; especially : a person who has previously occupied a position or office to which another has succeeded 

Scientists have unearthed three 160,000_year_old human skulls in Ethiopia that are the 

oldest known and best preserved fossils of modern humans' immediate predecessors. 

Preface (noun) 

a short section of preliminary remarks 

Renaissance books established the convention of the preface that is found in most books 

of today. 

Preliminary (adjective) 

Avian (bird) mortality is being studied currently to determine if industrial wind turbine 

farms contribute to the demise of large birds of prey such as golden and bald eagles. 

Preliminary results indicate that avian mortality is specific to the site (if it's on a 

flyway), not the turbines in general. 

Prescribed (adjective) 

relating to setting forth expressly and authoritatively 

Not only have national parks been thinking about this option, private land owners have 

been debating prescribed burning as well. 

Presumably (adverb) 

according to a tentative assumption 

While a psychologist openly shares psychological principles to promote treatment, 

psychics use psychology as a personal tool to manipulate the client, known as the sitter, 

presumably for the sitter's own good. 

Prevalence (noun) 

the quality or condition of being usual 

Its prevalence rate makes autism one of the most common developmental disabilities. 

Prey (noun) 

one that is made to suffer injury, loss, or death 

Venom is then injected into the prey by an opening near the tip of the fang. 

Primarily (adverb) 

for the greater or larger part; mostly Sulfates, which originate primarily in coal fired power plants, started rising around 


Primate (noun) 

any of an order of mammals comprising man together with the apes, monkeys or related 

Allelomimetic behavior is highly developed among primates, where it has the principal 

function of providing warning against predators. 

Primitive (adjective) 

of or pertaining to early stages in the evolution of human culture 

In primitive times, there were no televisions, radios, or microwaves. 

Principal (adjective) 

most important, influential, or significant 

William Faulkner's principal residence during the next several months was near Paris, 

France, just around the corner from the Luxembourg Gardens, where he spent much of 

his time; his written description of the gardens would later be revised for the closing of 

his novel Sanctuary. 

Principle (noun) 

a broad and basic rule or truth 

The best philosophy I can convey about how to avoid problems is the principle of the 

three red flags, which states that most accidents are not the result of an unavoidable 

"karmic-cannonball," but rather are the predictable outcome of a series of related events. 

Prior to (verb) 

going before; just gone by or elapsed 

No one else had gone to college prior to his entering Harvard. 

Probable (adjective) 

likely to happen or to be true; based on probability or presumption 

The Ontario report found a probable link between firefighting and cancer even though 

the evidence was inconsistent. 

Probe (verb) 

to study in order to acquire information The committee probed more into the allegations of whether or not he had engaged in 

insider trading.

Procedure (noun) 

an official or prescribed course of action; a method used in dealing with something 

For those unfamiliar with the term, cold reading is the description of the personality, 

characteristics, and features, past experiences and sometimes the future of a person 

without the use of standard psychological or other formal diagnostic procedures. 

Proclamation (noun) 

a public statement; the act of announcing 

Dubbed the Emancipation Proclamation, the law decreed that all slaves were free men.

Precocious (adjective) 

exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age 

A recent study in Norway suggests that wild salmon lose out to sexually precocious 

fish-farm invaders when breeding in rivers. 

Procurement (noun) 

the act of getting possession of: obtaining by particular care and effort 

Most organ procurement organizations offer programs that forward letters from 

organ recipients to the families of organ donors. 

Profound (adjective) 

beyond the understanding of the average mind 

It is a complex story within the healthcare scheme of technological modernization that 

has one profound and simple reality: there will not be enough money to pay for the 

healthcare costs of this country. 

Progeny (noun) 

a group consisting of those descended directly from the same parents or ancestors 

John Adams's marriage of 54 years to this wise, learned, strong willed, passionate, and 

patriotic woman began the brilliant phase of Adams family history that produced their 

son John Quincy, his son Charles Francis, his sons Henry and Brooks, and numerous 

other distinguished progeny. Project (verb) 

a rough or tentative calculation 

The costs of advances in modern medical technology and services have been projected 

to be between $1.5 to $2.3 trillion dollars. 

Prolific (adjective) 

characterized by great productivity 

Ebay, an Internet company allowing people to buy and sell products Online, is one of the 

most prolific businesses in recent history. 

Prolonged (adjective) 

of long duration; extending tediously beyond a standard duration 

In 1772, Archbishop von Schrattenbach died, to be succeeded by Hieronymus von 

Colloredo. The latter, at first sympathetic to the Mozart's, later became irritated by 

Wolfgang's prolonged absences and stubborn ways.

Prominent (adjective) 

widely known and esteemed 

Thompson and Allen are respectively touted as prominent west coast and east coast 

movie producers. 

Promisingly (adverb) 

of, or relating to indicative of future success 

Mozart's career in Vienna began promisingly, and he was soon commissioned to write 

The Abduction from the Seraglio (1782). 

Promote (verb) 

to make known the positive features of a product; to provide favorable publicity for 

While a psychologist openly shares psychological principles to promote treatment, 

psychics use psychology as a personal tool to manipulate the client, known as the sitter, 

presumably for the sitter's own good. 

Prone (adjective) 

having or showing a tendency or likelihood 

More areas in the world were prone to drought than those in the past. Propagate (verb) 

to bring into existence and foster the development of; increase 

Because the rate at which a wave loses its energy is inversely related to its wave length, 

tsunamis not only propagate at high speeds, they can also travel great, transoceanic 

distances with limited energy losses. 

Propel (verb) 

to force to move or advance with or as if with blows or pressure 

After a person chews and swallows, the food is propelled down the ten inches of 

esophagus and into the stomach. 

Propeller (noun) 

revolving shaft with blades, especially for propelling a ship or airplane 

As the plane uses jet engines or even a propeller in some cases, to move itself forward, 

air rushes by the wing. 

Propensity (noun) 

an inclination or tendency to something 

Sakaltutan women show a low rate of remaining within their villages (just over 50%) 

and a high propensity to marry men in other locations. 

Proponent (noun) 

one who supports or champions an activity, institution, etc. 

Morehouse College president Benjamin Mays and other proponents of Christian social 

activism influenced King's decision after his junior year at Morehouse to become a 

minister and thereby serve society. 

Proportion (noun) 

satisfying arrangement marked by even distribution of elements, as in a design 

The cut of a diamond refers to its proportions. 

Prospector (noun) 

one who searches for something, especially valuable minerals: gold, silver, and diamonds. 

In the mid 1870s, gold was discovered, and press reports brought a rush of prospectors 

to California. Prosperity (noun) 

steady good fortune or financial security; a state of health, happiness, and prosperity 

Many gay couples are enjoying a higher level of economic prosperity than the average 

American and don't feel constrained in any way by a lack of marriage rights. 

Protagonist (noun) 

the main performer in a theatrical production 

Given to reading books of chivalry, the protagonist Alonso Quijano, influenced by the 

exploits of his heroes, loses his mind and decides to become a knight, go out in search of 

adventure, and impose justice according to the code of the knights errant. 

Protruding (adjective) 

to curve outward past the normal or usual limit 

An anorexic person has protruding ribs and resembles a skeleton, yet usually denies 

being thin. 

Proverb (noun) 

a usually familiar statement expressing an observation or principle generally accepted as 

wise or true 

Many Biblical proverbs are used in Western culture as informative verses by which a 

person can effectively govern his life. 

Provision (verb) 

to provide as of supplies; to be prepared beforehand 

This species nests in the ground and provisions its nest with cicadas. 

Prowess (noun) 

distinguished bravery; especially : military valor and skill; extraordinary ability 

It was in England, at the Crystal Palace-the popular name for the first World's Fair, held 

in London in 1851-that America's industrial and technological prowess was first widely 


Prowl (verb) 

to roam over in a predatory manner; to move about or wander stealthily in or as if in 

search of prey 

At sea, large ships with heavy gear prowl in search of fish. Psychic (noun) 

considered to have powers such as telepathy [paranormal communication of thoughts, 

especially with the deceased] or clairvoyance [being to able to tell the future beyond the 

normal sensory contact] 

In the majority of cases, sitters go to psychics to address a personal problem, whether 

it's travel, health, expectations, sex, career, ambitions, or money. 

Psychoanalysis (noun) 

a method of treating emotional disorders that emphasizes the importance of a patient's 

talking freely about himself while under the treatment and especially about childhood 

experiences and about his dreams 

Dr. Sigmund Freud developed a new mental treatment which he named 


Psychotic (adjective) 

being insane or mad 

Many murderers are psychotic, and they have no remorse about killing their victims. 

Pulse (noun) 

to make rhythmic contractions, sounds, or movements 

In 1993, Angelou wrote and delivered a poem, "On the Pulse of the Morning," at the 

inauguration for President Bill Clinton at his request. 

Pummel (verb) 

to strike repeatedly by heavy blows so as to cause damage 

Gov. Jeb Bush on Tuesday declared a state of emergency for seven southwestern Florida 

counties which were pummeled by torrential rain. 

Pump (verb) 

to remove a liquid by a steady, gradual process 

Some cities are now pumping water which has lain in underground storage for more 

than 25,000 years. 

Pungent (adjective) 

affecting the organs of taste or smell with a strong and often harsh sensation; so sharp as 

to cause mental pain In a pungent diary, vivid letters, learned tracts, and patriotic speeches he revealed 

himself as a quintessential Puritan, patriarch of an illustrious family, tough minded 

philosopher of the republic, sage, and sometimes a vain, stubborn, and vitriolic partisan. 

Pupil (noun) 

one who is being educated, student 

It is fairly certain that Cervantes was a pupil of López de Hoyos in Madrid. 

Push (noun) 

a vigorous effort to attain an end, drive 

Back in the early 1960's when the fishery was really developing quite strongly, there was 

a push from both industry and government to make sure that things were going to be 


Pursue (verb) 

to follow another; to move behind another in the same direction 

His attempts to measure intelligence caught on and were pursued by others. 

Quantitatively (adverb) 

relating to or involving the measurement of quantity or amount 

It is difficult to quantitatively 

Quartet (noun) 

a composition of four performers; any group of four 

The great piano concertos and the string quartets dedicated to his "dear friend" Josef 

Haydn were also composed during this period. 

Quasi- (prefix) 

seemingly; not really; almost 

Chimpanzees require massive regimented teaching sequences contrived by humans to 

acquire quite rudimentary abilities, mostly limited to a small number of signs, strung 

together in repetitive, quasi-random sequences, used with the intent of requesting food 

or tickling. 

Radioactivity (noun) 

the emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration of 

atomic nuclei Each layer of ice in a core corresponds to a single year or sometimes even a single season 

and most everything that fell in the snow that year remains behind, including wind 

blown dust, ash, atmospheric gases, even radioactivity. 

Raid (verb) 

to attack in order to steal, destroy, or conquer 

Crows sometimes raid the nests and eat the eggs and the young of smaller birds. 

Rally (verb) 

with reference to troops bring or come together again so as to continue fighting 

In a last effort to regain control of Shiloh, the confederate troops rallied against the 

union soldiers in a three day raging battle. 

Ramble (verb) 

to move aimlessly from place to place; to explore idly 

NASA launches the first of two golf cart size rovers that will ramble across the rocky, 

red soil of Mars and drill for evidence that the Red Planet once had enough water to 

support life. 

Ramshackle (noun) 

appearing ready to collapse; carelessly or loosely constructed 

Both are lonely in their ramshackle surroundings and, over a series of gin rummy 

games, they become acquainted. 

Range (noun) 

the area of variation between limits on a particular scale: the car's outside my price range 

Flexibility is the ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion. 

Rarity (noun) 

the state or quality of being far beyond what is usual, normal, or customary 

If the inclusions are not visible to the naked eye, a higher clarity does not really improve 

the appearance of a diamond but rather the rarity and price 

Ratchet (verb) 

to cause to move by steps or degrees - usually used with up or down 

Since Sept. 11, Beijing has ratcheted up its bluster against Xinxiang's Uighur 

separatists. Rate-slashing (adjective) 

to reduce sharply 

The Fed started its rate-slashing campaign in 2001, and by January 2002, the average 

interest rate on credit cards had fallen by more than 2 percentage points. But then they 

began a steady creep upward. 

Ratio (noun) 

the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value 

contains or is contained within the other 

Mercury is the only body in the solar system known to have an orbital/rotational 

resonance with a ratio other than 1:1. 

Raw (adjective) 

uncooked; in its natural state, not processed 

The chlorophyll captures the light energy and uses this energy to build carbohydrates 

from simple raw materials (water, carbon dioxide and minerals). 

Ravenous (adjective) 

desiring or craving food 

Ladybugs, those polka-doted little beetles, have a ravenous appetite for aphids and 

other insects, which is why they can be used in place of insecticides in the citrus industry 

of California. 

Reacquaint (verb) 

to re-familiarize oneself with someone or something; to cause to know about or be aware 

of something or someone which was once familiar 

Page through the text and/or your notebook to reacquaint yourself with the important 


Readily (adverb) 

without hesitation, willingly; without difficulty, easily 

The developments in the music of Rhythm and Blues of the mid to late 1980's are readily 

apparent, especially the pervasive influence of hip-hop. 

Reality (noun) 

the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them Cervantes's work, a keen critique of the literature of his time, presented the clash between 

reality and the ideals which Don Quixote sought to revive, and at the same time 

originated the theme of the clairvoyance of insanity. 

Realize (verb) 

become fully aware of as a fact; understand clearly 

Although they loved Vinland, they realized there would always be trouble living with 

the Indians. 

Rear (verb) 

to take care of and educate [a child] 

The life cycle of insects is so short that many generations can be reared each year. 

Recall (verb) 

remember; cause one to remember or think of; officially order to return 

They cannot recall having made withdrawals from their bank account signed for in a 

strange handwriting. 

Recede (verb) 

move back or farther away; gradually diminish 

Fortunately, after three days of Sunshine and no rain, the floods from the American 

River receded back into its banks. 

Receptor (noun) 

a cell or group of cells that receive stimuli; sense organ 

Although the vibration receptor on the spider's leg seems most sensitive to frequencies 

above 1,000 hertz, previous research had indicated that vibrations induced by trapped 

prey never exceeded that frequency. 

Recipient (noun) 

a person who receives something. 

Modern city-states engage in instant electronic communication and capital transfer, and 

are the chief recipients of world population growth. 

Reciprocity (noun) 

the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit 

It is important that a relationship be friendly and express group reciprocity.Recitation (noun) 

musical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative and dialogue parts of opera and 


The program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems. 

Reclaiming (verb) 

retrieve or recover; bring (waste land or land formerly under water) under cultivation 

Until we can discover an inexpensive system for reclaiming sea water, we must all 

work together to make sure there is fresh clean water for the next generations. 

Recombining (verb) 

to put together again into one mass so that the constituent parts are more or less 


By recombining the atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in different combinations, 

the plant creates the different carbohydrates. 

Reconstitute (verb) 

to form or make up again or anew 

U.S. officials emphasized this was not evidence Iraq had a nuclear weapon -- but it was 

evidence the Iraqis concealed plans to reconstitute their nuclear program as soon as 

the world was no longer looking. 

Recovered (verb) 

return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength 

Therapists believe that the appropriate therapy involves the recovery of childhood abuse 

memories, through recovered memory therapy re-integration of alters into the 

dominant personality. 

Rectangular (adjective) 

a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, and with unequal adjacent 


Betsy Johnson lives in a humble three bedroom rectangular shaped house. 

Recycled (adjective) 

into reusable material; use again 

To save paper, one should consider buying books made only with recycled paper. Redact (verb) 

to put in writing; to select or adapt for publication 

Court documents related to the guardian's medical plan for J.D. are redacted and do 

not disclose when and where the young woman will be taken to give birth. 

Redeem (verb) 

to free from a lien by payment of an amount secured thereby; to remove the obligation of 

by payment 

By redeeming this debt early, we continue with our stated policy to further reduce the 

company's total debt position. 

Reflexive (adjective) 

acting or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning 

Because the dogs' salivation is reflexive, Pavlov decided to analyze how the dogs 

learned to associate the bell with being fed. 

Reform (verb) 

make changes in something in order to improve it; cause to abandon an immoral or 

criminal lifestyle 

In a short time, the reforms might well be a dynamic instability in the care and 

networking of patients with cardiovascular diseases. 

Refract (verb) 

to cause to move, especially at an angle; to bend 

Sound waves traveling upward may be refracted by the difference in temperature and 

redirected toward the ground. 

Refrain from (verb) 

stop oneself from doing something 

He refrained from hitting him back. 

Regardless of (adverb) 

despite the prevailing circumstances 

For example, some argue that regardless of any individual's desire to get married, the 

community as a whole should support official recognition of their right to do so. Regenerate (verb) 

re-grow new tissue; bring new and more vigorous life to an area or institution 

But Davis and Trier have found that mesoscale convective vortexes play a key role in 

helping storms regenerate over two or more days. 

Regime (noun) 

a government in power 

He said the European Union would extend its ban on visits by Myanmar officials, 

warning that further pressure would follow "unless the regime moves rapidly to restore 

civilian rule and democracy." 

Regiment (noun) 

a permanent unit of an army, typically divided into several smaller units and often into two 

battalions; a large number of people or things 

William Tecumseh Sherman, division commander, was quoted saying to reporters, "Take 

your regiment to Ohio. No enemy is nearer than Corinth." 

Region (noun) 

an area of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed 

boundaries; an administrative district of a city or country 

Arnold speculated that the Polar Regions might have areas that are permanently 

shadowed, hence permanently cold. 

Regulatory (verb) 

control or maintain the rate or speed of a machine or process; control or supervise by 

means of rules and regulations 

Some alters create new alters as needed. Others perform a system regulatory function; 

they determine which alter will be in charge at a given time. 

Regurgitate (verb) 

to throw or pour back or out from or as if from a cavity 

California condors are scavengers, eating dead animals and carcasses left by hunters. 

Some condors will regurgitate their food if they feel threatened. 

Rehabilitation (verb) 

restore to health or normal life by training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or 

illness Cardiac rehabilitation professionals find themselves increasingly drawn into 

discussions about healthcare reform, particularly when it relates to cost containment. 

Rehearse (verb) 

to do or perform repeatedly so as to master 

The bride and the groom usually rehearse their wedding ceremony before the actual 

day of the wedding. 

Relative (adjective) 

considered in relation or in proportion to something else; existing or possessing a 

characteristic only in comparison to something else 

The precise composition, and relative proportions of that dust and gas, holds clues to 

the materials and physical conditions present in the frigid outer regions of the solar 

system where comets are formed. 

Remarkable (adjective) 

extraordinary or striking. 

Leopold was a successful composer and violinist and assistant concertmaster at the 

Salzburg court, whose archbishop, Sigismund von Schrattenbach, encouraged the 

activities of Leopold and his remarkable children. 

Remedy (noun) 

a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease 

So we wanted to see how it measured in its latest marketing claims as an anti-aging 

remedy for men in their 40s," says Conrad Earnest, PhD, of the Cooper Institute Centers 

for Integrative Health Research in Dallas. 

Reminiscent of (adjective) 

tending to remind one of something; absorbed in memories 

Going fishing by the lake last week was reminiscent of the times when I went fishing as 

a child. 

Remnants (noun) 

a small remaining quantity; a piece of cloth left when the greater part has been used or 

sold; a surviving trace 

Deep into the jungles of Guatemala are the remnants of a civilization which existed 

more than 1,000 years ago. Remote (adjective) 

far away in space or time; situated far from the main centers of population 

Death Valley, one of the remotest areas in California, boasts summertime temperatures 

which are among some of the hottest in the world. 

Renaissance (noun) 

the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th and 16th 

centuries; a revival of or renewed interest in something 

Los trabajos is the best evidence not only of the survival of Greek novelistic themes but 

also of the survival of forms and ideas of the Spanish novel of the second Renaissance. 

Render (verb) 

to present a lifelike image of 

X-rays differentiate between bone and air, hence rendering the liver, the pancreas and 

certain other organs invisible. 

Renowned (noun) 

the state of being famous. 

He quickly became renowned for his religious theme paintings which were popular 

with the art buying public. 

Rent (verb) 

to separate one part of a substance or object from another: tear; often used with apart 

The colossal impact must have nearly rent the young Earth apart. 

Repercussion (noun) 

a remote or indirect consequence of some action 

Another group doesn't want to risk repercussions while perhaps another group just 

doesn't care one way or the other. 

Repetition (noun) 

the action or an instance of repeating or being repeated; a thing that repeats another 

This would be a weight lifter performing multiple repetitions of a light weight. Replete (adjective) 

fully or abundantly provided or filled 

Gateway threw in a near library of primers for mastering the ins and outs of video 

editing. One, replete with colorful illustrations, shows you how to capture, create, and 

share movies. 

Repulsion (noun) 

the force with which bodies, particles, or like forces repel one another 

Einstein added a cosmological constant to his theory and that term represented a 

repulsion (pushing away) of every point in space by the surrounding points, acting 

against gravitational attraction. 

Rescue (verb) 

save from a dangerous or distressing situation 

The easiest way to rescue you is to not get into trouble in the first place. 

Reservoir (noun) 

a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply; a place where fluid 

collects, especially in rock strata or in the body 

The water builds up behind the dam and spreads out to form an artificial lake or 


Residence (noun) 

the fact of residing somewhere; the place where a person resides; a person's home 

His principal residence during the next several months was near Paris, France, just 

around the corner from the Luxembourg Gardens, where he spent much of his time; his 

written description of the gardens would later be revised for the closing of his novel 


Resolve (verb) 

settle or find a solution to; decide firmly on a course of action 

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States resolved to enter War. 

Resonance (noun) 

the quality of being resonant; physics: the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by 

reflection or synchronous vibration It is now known that Mercury rotates three times in two of its years. Mercury is the only 

body in the solar system known to have an orbital/rotational resonance with a ratio 

other than 1:1. 

Respectively (adverb) 

separately or individually and in the order already mentioned 

Authors Jones and Dewey are respectively touted as prominent west coast and east coast 


Respiration (noun) 

the action of breathing; a single breath 

Warm ups prepare your body for the exercise ahead by increasing heart rate and 

respiration, and thus supplying energy (heat, oxygen) to the cells. 

Resume (verb) 

begin again or continue after a pause or interruption 

At that point the Sun would stop, briefly reverse course, and stop again before 

resuming its path toward the horizon and decreasing in apparent size. 

Retain (verb) 

continue to have; keep possession of; absorb and continue to hold 

In-marriage also has the effect of retaining property within family lines, especially 

where women are allowed to inherit. 

Retard (adjective) 

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age 

Binet was commissioned by the government in France to make recommendations about 

how to educate retarded children. 

Retinue (noun) 

a group of advisers or assistants accompanying an important person 

In 1569 he went to Italy as part of Cardenal Acquaviva's retinue and after signing up as 

a soldier in 1570 fought in the battle of Lepanto aboard the galley Marquesa.

Retrieve (verb) 

get or bring back The long cylinders of ancient ice that they retrieve provide a dazzlingly detailed record 

of what was happening in the world over the past several ice ages. 

Revenue (adjective) 

relating to the total income produced by a given source 

Resellers intent on building a steady revenue stream continue to fill backrooms with 

assembly tools, components and test gear to turn out house-branded computer 


Revere (verb) 

respect or admire deeply 

He continued to be revered after his death from a fall while painting in 1682. 

Reverse (verb) 

move backwards; make something the opposite of what it was 

It would seem socially unacceptable if the phrases above were reversed. 

Revise (verb) 

examine and improve or amend text; reconsider and alter an opinion or judgment 

A brief description of the invention, planning and drafting, middle draft peer review, 

final draft, and revised final draft stages will be explained by various students whom I 

have asked to speak today. 

Revitalize (verb) 

to give new life or vigor to 

Natural flooding of rivers revitalizes the habitats of many plants and animals and 

enriches soils for planting. 

Rigid (adjective) 

incapable of changing or being modified 

Intense heat changes the nature of clay so that it becomes stony and rigid. 

Rigorous (adjective) 

not deviating from correctness, accuracy, or completeness 

The standards of validity for experimental research are so rigorous that it may take a 

researcher several years to get his results published in a scholarly journal. Rim (noun) 

the upper or outer edge of something more or less circular 

The bicyclists raced around the southern rim of the Grand Canyon 

Rip (verb) 

to separate or pull apart by force 

To fully exterminate an ant colony, the must be located and treated-and in some cases, 

walls must be ripped open. 

Ripple (noun) 

a small wave or series of waves; a gentle rising and falling sound that spreads through a 

group of people 

Muscular contractions cause a ripple-like movement that carries the contents down the 

small intestine - somewhat like a conveyor belt. 

Risk (noun) 

a situation involving exposure to danger 

Another group doesn't want to risk repercussions while perhaps another group just 

doesn't care one way or the other. 

Ritual (noun) 

a religious or solemn ceremony involving a series of actions performed according to a set 


There are seven sacraments or rituals in the Catholic Church. 

Rivet (noun) 

a headed pin or bolt used for uniting two or more pieces by passing the shank through a 

hole in each piece and then beating or pressing down the other end to make a second head 

Second only to iron and steel, aluminum is used in the construction of lawn chairs, 

baseball bats, air and space vehicles, and even the rivets that hold them together. 

Root (noun) 

a rhizome; a plant on to which another variety is grafted 

Born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King's roots were formed in the 

African-American Baptist church. Rotate (verb) 

move in a circle round an axis 

It is now known that Mercury rotates three times in two of its years. 

Rotation (noun) 

the action or process of rotating 

The Moon's axis of rotation is nearly perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the 

Sun, so the Sun always appears at or near the horizon in the polar regions of the Moon. 

Rough (adjective) 

having an uneven or irregular surface, not smooth or level; approximate 

While these data are at best rough estimates, there is one certainty we spent only a tiny 

percentage of the $800 billion on prevention. 

Route (noun) 

a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination 

Grapevine Canyon is one of the three eastern exit routes from Death Valley, and the 

location of Scotty's Castle. 

Routine (noun) 

a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed unvarying program 

This is important in sports such as track and field and football, as well as routine 

activities such as lifting groceries or moving furniture. 

Rubbish (noun) 

waste material; refuse or litter 

It lays its eggs in rubbish heaps, rotting trees trunks, sawdust, and other vegetative 


Rubble (noun) 

broken fragments, especially of a building 

During the San Francisco earthquake at the beginning of the 20th century, many 

buildings were reduced to nothing more but a pile of rubble. 

Rudimentary (adjective) 

involving or limited to basic principles To show why the chimpanzees signaling system is not homologous to human language, 

Zachary says that chimpanzees require massive regimented teaching sequences 

contrived by humans to acquire quite rudimentary abilities. 

Rule out (verb) 

to keep from being admitted, included, or considered 

Eventually, experimental tests by Army Majors William Gorgas and Walter Reed ruled 

out dirt and poor sanitation conditions as causes of Yellow Fever, and a mosquito was 

the suspected carrier. 

Run (verb) 

to do in a formal manner or according to prescribed ritual: do 

Picking up on Safronov's general ideas, Hartmann and Davis ran calculations of the rate 

of growth of the 2nd-largest, 3rd largest, etc., bodies in the general vicinity of Earth, as 

the Earth itself was growing. 

Runoff (noun) 

the portion of precipitation on land that ultimately reaches streams often with dissolved or 

suspended material 

The ground is completely saturated, so everything is runoff. We could have flash floods 

just about any time. 

Rural (adjective) 

relating to or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town 

Marriage patterns in rural Turkey are noticeably influenced by endogamous 

preferences within both villages and kinship groups. 

Rush (verb) 

move or act with urgent haste; transport or produce with urgent haste 

In the mid-1870s, gold was discovered, and press reports brought a rush of prospectors. 

Rustle (verb) 

to act or move with energy or speed; to forage food 

The big ears of a bat detect the returning echoes, as well as the sounds of prey, such as 

insects rustling in the leaves. Sabotage (noun) 

a deliberate and underhanded effort to defeat or do harm to an endeavor 

To sabotage his friend's grades, John's roommate accused him of cheating on a 

Philosophy exam. 

Sacred (adjective) 

regarded with particular reverence or respect 

In 1772, von Colloredo retained Wolfgang as concertmaster at a token salary. In this 

capacity Mozart composed a large number of sacred and secular works.

Safeguard (verb) 

to make safe, to protect 

Putin's tough stand was seen by analysts as an attempt to protect Russian interests in 

Iraq -- Moscow wants to safeguard its multi-billion dollar debt payments and contracts 

signed with Baghdad in existence before the war.

Sail (verb) 

to move swiftly through the water through the use of boat 

Thorvaldsen Eriksson, son of Erik the Red, sailed from Greenland to the New World 

which he had been told about by his brother Leif. 

Salivate (verb) 

to produce an abnormal flow of saliva-the result of secretion of water in the mouth 

Pavlov noticed that the dogs in his laboratory salivated not only when they ate their 

food, but also before they had taken a bite. 

Sanctioned by (verb) 

adhering to beliefs or practices approved by authority or tradition 

Many same-sex couples participate in their own ceremonies, sanctioned by their 

friends, families and spiritual communities. 

Sanctuary (noun) 

a sacred or holy place; the state of being protected or safeguarded, as from danger or 


William Faulkner's written description of the gardens would later be revised for the 

closing of his novel Sanctuary. Sanitation (noun) 

the act or process of being readily kept in cleanliness 

Nearly three-fifths of the 4.8 billion people in developing countries lack basic 

sanitation, almost a third have no access to clean water, a quarter lack adequate 

housing, and a fifth lack access to modern health services. 

Satire (noun) 

a work, as a novel or play, that exposes folly by the use of humor or irony 

Political satire, found in newspapers across the US, aims at prominent leaders such as 

the president, governors, and leaders of congress. 

Savage (verb) 

so intense as to cause extreme suffering 

During the early 1940's, Germany created many savage labor camps which were not 

liberated by the allies until 1945. 

Scarce (adjective) 

not enough to meet a demand or requirement 

Recently, wind power has become an appealing alternative to fossil based fuels, 

especially in countries with scarce petroleum and ample wind. 

Scarecrow (noun) 

an object usually suggesting a human figure that is set up to scare birds 

Some farmers put up scarecrows to keep crows from invading their cornfields. 

Scatter (verb) 

to cause to separate and go in various directions 

Immigrants who have recently moved into the United States are scattered among the 

50 states. 

Scavenger (noun) 

an organism that feeds habitually on garbage or dead and putrefying flesh 

New research casts T-Rex dinosaurs as little more than a scavenger, hunting out the 

kills of other carnivores and stealing them. 

Scenario (noun) 

a sequence of events especially when imagined; especially: an account or synopsis of a possible course of action or events 

NASA is likely to launch its first space shuttle since the Columbia tragedy in the first three 

months of next year that scenario would mean a one year stand down after the Feb. 1 

Columbia crash, compared to a nearly three year wait following the 1986 Challenger 


Score (musical) 

an arrangement of music for a specific performance medium 

In 1971, she wrote the original screenplay and musical score for the film Georgia, 

Georgia, and was both author and executive producer of a five-part television miniseries 

"Three Way Choice." 

Scrabble (noun) 

a repeated scratching or clawing 

Three fossil skulls recovered from the windswept scrabble of Ethiopia's dry and barren 

Afar rift valley lend archaeological credence to the theory that modern humans evolved 

in Africa before spreading around the world. 

Scribble (verb) 

to write hastily or carelessly without regard to legibility of thought 

Check the meaning of unfamiliar words if they seem to be key words. In that case, if the 

author uses them more than once, scribble a brief definition at the bottom of the page or 

at the end of the essay. 

Scrutiny (noun) 

the act of examining carefully 

Despite this fact, the mission had to pass scrutiny from the National Aeronautics and 

Space Administration for violations of the space agency's "planetary protection" rules. 

Searing (adverb) 

at a manner of having damage by or as if by fire 

As a large group of Keota's warriors traveling with their families passed the crater of 

Kilauea Volcano, there was a sudden explosive eruption of searing hot ash and gas. 

Seaweed (noun) 

a mass of growth of marine plants Many types of seaweed and other plants that do not appear to be green also have 

chlorophyll and therefore can convert the sun's energy into food. 

Secretion (noun) 

a product of secretion, i.e. saliva, from an animal or plant 

It is here that the final process of digestion and nutrient absorption takes place from the 

two gallons of food, liquid and digestive secretions processed each day. 

Secular (adjective) 

not religious in subject matter, form, or use 

Mozart composed a large number of sacred and secular works. 

Secured (verb) 

to render certain 

Adams helped draft the Declaration of Independence, secured its unanimous adoption 

in Congress, and wrote his wife on July 3, 1776, that "the most memorable Epoch in the 

History of America has begun." 

Sediment (noun) 

the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; material deposited by water, wind, or 


The rover, Opportunity, and its sister rover, Spirit, which was launched earlier this 

month, will act as robotic geologists during their three months of exploration. They will 

send back images of sediment and mineral deposits that can help scientists determine 

whether there was ever enough water on Mars to sustain life. 

Seek out (verb) 

to strive toward a goal; to try to find 

As effective as the methods I am about to outline in this lecture are, you are still advised 

to seek out for yourself other or even devise new methods to help your flexibility. 

Segregation (noun) 

the policy or practice of excluding a minority group from full freedom or participation in a 


On December 5, 1955, five days after Montgomery civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused 

to obey the city's rules mandating segregation on buses, black residents launched a bus 

boycott. Selective (adjective) 

able to recognize small differences or draw fine distinctions 

Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, was interested in the measurement of 

intelligence because he wanted to increase it through selective breeding. 

Self-esteem (noun) 

a sense of one's own dignity or worth 

Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and maintaining 

"self-esteem" in public or in private situations. 

Semi aquatic (adjective) 

frequently but not living completely in water 

As penguins adapted to marine life, their wings changed to flippers and their feathers to 

a waterproof covering, hence suiting the birds to a semi aquatic existence. 

Sensation (noun) 

the capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus 

Cognitive Psychology is concerned with mental processes and their effects on human 

behavior and focuses on phenomena such as: sensation, perception, motor control, 

attention, memory, learning, language, reasoning, problem solving, and decision 


Sentinel (noun) 

something or someone that watches over 

When feeding in a field, crows usually post a sentinel on a lofty perch to sound a 

warning if any danger should approach. 

Serendipitous (adjective) 

characterized by the faculty of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for 

Until modern methods of oil prospecting were put into place, most oil strikes were 


Set apart (verb) 

to make noticeable or different 

But every metro area that's set apart geographically - a Houston, a Denver, and a 

Burlington, Vermont qualifies as a city-state too. Settle (verb) 

to take up permanent residence in a certain area 

After this incident, the colonists decided to return to Greenland rather than settle in 


Severely (adjective) 

with a gloomy, harsh manner or appearance 

The hot weather in Palm Springs had severely tired the bicyclists. 

Sexist (adjective) 

having prejudice or discrimination, especially against women, on the grounds of sex 

On the other hand, there are those who decry marriage as a sexist and patriarchal 

institution that should be avoided at all costs. 

Shack (noun) 

a room or similar enclosed structure for a particular person or use 

They're getting people [as contestants] who watch the show already, not someone from a 

shack in Kampala. 

Shadow (verb) 

to shelter, especially from light 

Some scientists have speculated that the polar regions of the moon might have areas that 

are permanently shadowed, hence permanently cold. 

Shaft (noun) 

a vertical or inclined opening of uniform and limited cross section made for finding or 

mining ore, raising water, or ventilating underground workings (as in a cave) 

Josiah Hornblower came over with the engine to assemble and install it at the mine, 

where Schuyler hoped to use it to pump water from the shafts. 

Sharpen (verb) 

to give a sharp edge to; to improve the intellect of someone 

A student who doubles his reading speed sharpens his mind, hence becoming more 

mentally efficient. Sharply (adverb) 

Chimpanzees require massive regimented teaching sequences contrived by humans to 

acquire quite rudimentary abilities. These contrasts sharply with human children, who 

pick up thousands of words spontaneously, combine them in structured sequences where 

every word has a determinate role. 

Shatter (verb) 

to cause the complete ruin or wreckage of; to split into fragments by a blow 

By sailing into the New World, Christopher Columbus shattered the belief that the 

world was flat. 

Shoaling (adjective) 

referring to an area of shallow water 

Consequently, as the tsunami's speed diminishes as it travels into shallower water, its 

height grows. Because of this shoaling effect, a tsunami, imperceptible at sea, may grow 

to be several meters or more in height near the coast. 

Shortchange (verb) 

to give less than the correct amount of change; to deprive of or give less than due 

Emotionally and physically depleted caregivers may shortchange their own needs, 

risking burnout, poor health and depression. 

Short-haul (adjective) 

transporting or carrying someone or something over a relatively short distance 

Due to the popularity of trains in European cities, airlines are halting or reducing shorthaul 

service and focusing more on the longer runs. 

Showcasing (adjective) 

presenting, especially attractively, to the general attention of someone 

Denver, showcasing its snowcapped Rocky Mountains and lush vegetation, is one of the 

most beautiful cities for this time of the year. 

Shrink (verb) 

to reduce in size by or as if by drawing together 

The neutron star continues to shrink until it finally becomes a black hole. Shroud (verb) 

to cut off from view: obscure 

Fog shrouded parts of the California coast between San Francisco and Los Angeles. 

Sideshow (noun) 

an incidental diversion or spectacle 

As irritating as they are, the subsidies, which mostly take the form of government loans, 

are a sideshow to the main contest, as Bombardier and Embracer jockey for position in 

a market that, while stagnant today, is expected to explode with demand. 

Siege (noun) 

a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender 

Rebels pulled out of the city Friday after a four day siege by artillery and rockets, and 

after fighting that left an estimated 500 civilians dead.

Signature (adjective) 

describing a tune, musical number, or sound effect or in television a characteristic used to 

identify a program, entertainer, or orchestra 

The film widely regarded as Wood Allen's best, with Diane Keaton's signature role, 

"Annie Hall," plays at 7:30 p.m. at the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences. 

Sizzling (adjective) 

marked by much heat 

In July, the Sahara Desert is characterized by sizzling days and sultry nights. 

Skepticism (noun) 

a lack of conviction or certainty 

His continued skepticism, however, shaped his subsequent theological studies at Crosier 

Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, and at Boston University, where he 

received a doctorate in systematic theology in 1955. 

Skim (verb) 

to pass quickly and lightly through 

Part of maintaining a pool is to skim the surface daily for leaves, drowned insects, and 

other forms of debris. Skyward (adverb) 

moving toward the sky; going in an upward direction 

After the countdown, the space shuttle explosively launched itself skyward and 

ultimately reached speeds of 25,000 miles per hours while in orbit. 

Slab (noun) 

a relatively long, straight, rigid piece of metal or other solid material 

There are many different types of avalanches, but the one that worries us the most is the 

slab avalanche, in which a mass of cohesive snow releases as a unit. 

Slant (verb) 

to move from true vertical or horizontal 

In the Sierra Nevada mountain range, trees growing at altitudes of at least 9,000 feet 

slant away from the prevailing Northern winds. 

Slender (adjective) 

having little flesh or fat on the body 

Running five miles day helps to create a slender body. 

Slightly (adverb) 

with little significance; moderately 

Temperature variations on Mercury are the most extreme in the solar system ranging 

from 90 K to 700 K. The temperature on Venus is slightly hotter but very stable. 

Slip (verb) 

to shift or be shifted out of place 

Around the margins of the Pacific Ocean, for example, denser oceanic plates slip under 

continental plates in a process known as seduction. 

Slump (noun) 

a period of poor or losing play by a team or individual 

Derek Jeter and Alfonso Soriano continued their slumps at the top of the order, going a 

combined 0 for 8. 

Smack (verb) 

to strike so as to produce a sharp slap or blow At some point in the geological future a large chunk of rock and ice will smack into 

Earth and destroy life as we know it. 

Smashing (verb) 

to deliver a powerful blow suddenly and sharply so as to cause something to split into 


Michael A' Hearn will lead a team that's planning to find out what's inside comet Temple 

1 by smashing into it with a 771 pound copper "hammer" the biggest they could loft into 


Smattering (noun) 

a small scattered number or amount 

Even though only a smattering of digital programming is currently available, digital 

televisions will eventually become the norm, as surely as color replaced black and white. 

Sober (adjective) 

marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor 

It is almost certain that Earth will one day be hit by an asteroid large enough to 

exterminate a large percentage of our planet's life. 

Societal (adjective) 

relating to society 

Over the past 30 years, same-sex couples have sought societal recognition of their 


Sociological (adjective) 

relating to the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective 

behavior of organized groups of human beings 

Sociological research influences the way we think about work and organizational life, 

and enables us to discover new knowledge. 

Sodomy (noun) 

copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal; non-coital and especially 

anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex 

Issues still before the court which could be decided Thursday include a Texas ban on 

sodomy. Solidarity (noun) 

an identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or sympathies among the members of a 


This outcome is a reflection of strong sense of solidarity within the corporate peasant 

community, also apparent in the tendency for almost every man to remain within his 

village over his lifetime. 

Soil (noun) 

the upper layer of earth that may be dug or plowed and in which plants grow 

The volcanic soil in Hawaii is fertile, and the warm climate makes it possible to grow 

crops all year around. 

Solder (verb) 

to become united or repaired by or as if by a metal or metallic alloy used when melted to 

join metallic surfaces; especially: an alloy of lead and tin so used 

Responsible for generating all images on your monitor, the graphics subsystem ships in 

PCs either as a removable expansion board or as a chip soldered permanently to the 


Sooth (verb) 

to bring comfort, solace, or reassurance to 

A rise in lodging and housing costs pushed underlying U.S. inflation up in May at the 

fastest rate in nine months, the government said on Tuesday in a report that soothed 

deflation fears. 

Soothsayer (noun) 

a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means 

An agitated Montezuma demanded that his soothsayers explain the meaning of these 

dire signs and was told that they prophesied the destruction of his kingdom. 

Sophisticated (adjective) 

experienced in the ways of the world; lacking natural simplicity 

Even today's most sophisticated forecast models cannot peg mountain convection well 

enough to assess how it might trigger storm complexes downstream. Soundness (noun) 

the condition of being free from defects or flaws 

To cure means to restore to health, soundness, or normality. 

Span (verb) 

a specific length of time characterized by the occurrence of certain conditions or events 

His career spans nearly all types of popular music from jazz to rock to dance and all 

genres between. 

Spark (noun) 

a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass 

If fires are always suppressed, dense underbrush soon becomes so abundant that a 

simple spark can start a fire within minutes. 

Spawned (verb) 

to give rise to a particular development; to cause to come into existence 

A growing trend toward emphasis on neural aspects of various cognitive processes has 

spawned what is referred to as the Cognitive Neuropsychology track, with students 

studying jointly in cognitive and in clinical neuropsychology. 

Specialized (adjective) 

designed or fitted to one particular purpose or occupation 

One should look for an entry level job, gain experience through internships, and watch 

for opportunities of specialized training or advanced education. 

Specimen (noun) 

one that is representative of a group or class 

The live Western Diamondback rattlesnake on display in this aquarium is a perfect 

specimen for us to examine in today's biology class. 

Speck (noun) 

a small discoloration or spot especially from stain or decay; a very small amount 

The other, a composite of four wide angle images, shows the moon as a speck just as it 

sets below the Martian horizon. Spec (abbreviation) 

short for specification 

From CPUs to RAM to optical storage, we'll break down the jargon--and tell you which 

specs are most important to your purchase. 

Spectacular (adjective) 

an impressive exhibition 

Their eruptions are typically characterized by the relatively quiet outflow of very fluid 

lava and by sometimes spectacular lava fountains. 

Spectrum (noun) 

a continuous range or sequence 

She continues to produce a wide spectrum of music and is truly a musical treasure. 

Speculation (noun) 

the act or process of thinking, reasoning, or theorizing 

Many speculations exist about the origin and composition of dark matter. 

Speedily (adverb) 

at a high rate of speed 

Anxious to finish since it was the last day of class; the students speedily completed the 


Spell (noun) 

a rather short period 

A spell of freezing weather before the onset of winter is usually enough to kill any 

remaining mosquitoes or larvae. 

Spike (noun) 

an usually high and sharply defined maximum 

In cores from Antarctica and Greenland, researchers have pinpointed the beginning of 

atomic bomb testing in the mid 1950s. They have also identified spike representing 

fallout from stepped up atmospheric testing that took place just prior to the 1963 Test 

Ban Treaty, which allowed for underground tests only. Splendid (adjective) 

particularly excellent 

When he returned to Salzburg he was given the position of court organist (1779) and 

produced a splendid series of church works, including the famous Coronation Mass. 

Splotch (noun) 

a blend of the word spot and blotch; a small area visibly different (as in color, finish, or 

material) from the surrounding area 

Prior to joining the Smithsonian, Langley had spent many years documenting the cyclic 

appearance of dark splotches on the sun now referred to as sunspots and had traveled 

across the world to observe total solar eclipses. 

Spontaneously (adverb) 

on impulse without a prior plan 

This contrasts sharply with human children, who pick up thousands of words 


Sprawling (adjective) 

to spread or grow outward 

The rising costs of housing in Los Angeles have caused a sprawling metropolis of 

interconnected cities in the inland areas of Southern California. 

Spread out (verb) 

to extend over a wide area 

The temperature will drop in the envelope as well, as the particles become so spread out 

that they no longer are colliding enough to create tremendous heat. 

Springboard (noun) 

a point of departure; a jumping-off place 

A degree in psychology is an excellent springboard for entering the world of business, 

industry, and organizations. 

Squeeze (verb) 

to extract liquid by applying pressure 

When venom is squeezed out of the gland by muscles, it enters the fang through an 

opening at the upper end. Stability (noun) 

reliability in withstanding pressure, force, or stress 

Some soil and rock types are more prone to land sliding than others, and landowners 

should determine the inherent geologic stability of their property before beginning 

construction activities. 

Stack up (verb) 

to add up; to measure up 

The trick to the principle of the three red flags is to recognize when these events are 

beginning to stack up and work against you. 

Stake (noun) 

at issue : in jeopardy 

Primary and secondary schools have a stake because, to create diverse classrooms, 

some of the nation's 15,000 districts use race in setting attendance policies and school 


Stance (noun) 

intellectual or emotional attitude 

Japan has been one of the few developed countries willing to engage directly with 

Myanmar and the aid warning is being seen as a significant toughening of its stance. 

Stand with (verb) 

to be united with; to bring or come together into a united whole 

Sitting Bull and the Sioux realized they could not defeat the army alone, and they must 

stand with other tribes. 

Standardize (verb) 

to bring into conformity with a standard 

Traditionally diamonds and gemstones were weighed against these seeds until the 

system was standardized, and one carat was fixed at 0.2 grams. 

Starch (noun) 

a white odorless tasteless granular or powdery complex carbohydrate that is the chief 

storage form of carbohydrates in plants is an important foodstuff, and is used also in 

adhesives and sizes, in laundering, and in pharmacy and medicine 

Starch and cellulose are complex carbohydrates is an important foodstuff Startlingly (adverb) 

causing momentary fright, surprise, or astonishment 

The aftermath of the battle, with thousands of dead soldiers spread along the landscape, 

reflected a startlingly realistic picture of the horrors of war. 

Starvation (noun) 

the act of going for an extended period of time without food 

Anorexia nervosa is a pattern of self starvation and is most common among well 

educated girls who experience a lot of pressure to be thin. 

Statesman (noun) 

a person actively involved in the principles or art of government 

In addition to being a great statesman, Thomas Jefferson is also known for his 

scientific works and inventions. 

Static (adjective) 

showing little change 

The political atmosphere of this country is far from being static. 

Statistically (adverb) 

of, or relating to, or employing the principles of statistics 

Possible causative agents for brain cancer in firefighters include vinyl chloride, 

acrylonitrile and formaldehyde. Studies show an elevated (but so far not statistically 

significant) risk of lymphatic and hematopoietic cancers for most firefighters. 

Status (noun) 

the level of credit or respect at which a person or thing is regarded by others 

Someone once remarked "a language is a dialect with an army," meaning that only the 

identity of a modern state can give a form of speech that status. 

Steadier (adjective) 

consistently reliable, especially in the face of external pressures 

There has been a steadier increase in crime in the inner cities this year than that of 

previous years. Steeple (noun) 

a tall structure usually having a small spire at the top and surmounting a church tower 

With at least 2,500 supporters crammed into a brick lined town square, the steeple of a 

Unitarian church behind him, the former Vermont governor pledged to speak ''for a new 

American century and a new generation of Americans.'' 

Steer (verb) 

to control the course of 

What they may not remember is that this was the war that steered the United States to 

center stage as a world power. 

Stem (noun) 

the main body or stalk of a plant 

Like other rodents, the gerbil lives in semiarid regions and prefers to eat the roots and 

stems of a variety of plants. 

Stepchild (noun) 

a child of one's wife or husband by a former marriage 

Remote sensing, a stepchild of the space age, is prying out many of Earth's innermost 


Stepped-up (adjective) 

to become greater in number, amount, or intensity 

Scientists have identified a spike representing fallout from stepped-up atmospheric 

testing that took place just prior to the 1963 Test Ban Treaty, which allowed for 

underground tests only. 

Stifling (adjective) 

oppressive due to a lack of fresh air 

Due to noxious smog, there is a stifling heat in the Inland Empire during the summer. 

Stigmata (noun) 

bodily marks or pains resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ and sometimes 

accompanying religious ecstasy 

St. Francis is depicted wearing a brown habit worn by Franciscan Monks and by the 

stigmata over the heart. Stimulate (verb) 

to arouse to action; to elicit a strong emotional response from 

Studies have proven that using one's vocal cords stimulates natural memory. 

Stipulate (verb) 

to demand an express term in an agreement -- used with for 

The General has stipulated that there will be no weapons after 72 hours," said the 

spokesman for the international force, Colonel Gerard Dubois. "Weapons that remain in 

Bunya will be confiscated," he told reporters in Bunya. 

Stock (noun) 

the original as a person, race, language, or animal from which others derive: source 

The low cost technology pioneered by Seahorse Ireland could be transferred to poorer 

parts of the world where seahorse stocks are fast becoming depleted. 

Strenuous (adjective) 

marked by vigorous physical exertion; requiring great effort 

As an individual gets older, he starts to lose his ability to perform strenuous activities 

such as running or swimming.

Stretching (verb) 

pull an object in different directions 

Increasing body heat also reduces the risk of muscular damage when stretching that 

can happen to 'cold' muscles.

Striated (verb) 

to mark with a line or band of different color or texture 

To the east of the Amargosa Range is the Amargosa Desert, striated by the wide washes 

of the Amargosa River which intermittently flows south from Beatty, Nevada, through 

Death Valley Junction, curving to the west and then north to enter Death Valley. 

Strife (noun) 

a state of disagreement and disharmony 

The late 1780's were years of great strife on the Island of Hawaii. Kamehameha, who 

later became the first king of the Hawaiian Islands, was at war with his rival Keoua. Strike (noun) 

to set upon with violence force 

More important, the records allow researchers to predict the impact of significant events 

from volcanic eruptions to global warming that could strike us today. 

Strip (verb) 

to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from; to deprive of possessions 

But the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) says the new rules would strip overtime from 

millions of other middle-income jobholders. 

Stroke (noun) 

sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion caused by 

rupture or obstruction (as by a clot) of an artery of the brain 

Insufficient angiogenesis can occur following stroke. 

Stumble (verb) 

to make an error 

Too many job seekers stumble through interviews as if the questions are coming out of 

left field.

Subdivisions (noun) 

one of the parts into which something is divided 

Another way of identifying the thesis is to ask, "What is the unifying principle of this 

essay"? Or "What idea does everything in this essay talk about"? Or "Under what single 

main statement could all the subdivisions fit"? 

Subdue (verb) 

to make or become less severe or extreme 

Intent on using the land for raising cattle and growing crops, early pioneers did not 

subdue nature's rawness. 

Subliminal (adjective) 

existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness 

In 1957, a controversy developed in the United States over subliminal stimuli in which a 

movie theater over a period of six weeks flashed messages for 1/3,000 of a second: 

"Hungry? Eat popcorn!" A sixty percent increase in the sale of popcorn was reported. Submerged (adjective) 

being beneath the surface or the bottom of a liquid 

The most distinguished feature of the Atlantic is the mid-ocean ridge, a gigantic 

submerged mountain range larger in area than the Alps and the Himalayas combined.

Subsequent (adjective) 

following something else in time 

His continued skepticism, however, shaped his subsequent theological studies at 

Crosier Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, and at Boston University, where 

he received a doctorate in systematic theology in 1955. 

Subside (verb) 

to become less active or intense 

When large areas of the sea floor elevate or subside, a tsunami can be created. 

Subsidy (noun) 

a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed 

advantageous to the public 

The rivalry involves two of the best-run companies in the hemisphere, yet each side 

protests that the other doesn't play fair because it relies on taxpayer subsidies. 

Subsistent (noun) 

the minimum as of food and shelter necessary to support life 

Subsistent farming, in which a family is completely self-reliant, has decreased rapidly 

since the advent of the industrial revolution. 

Substitute for (verb) 

one that takes the place of another; to give up in return for something else 

Although these maps are valuable for the general location of unstable areas, they can not 

be substituted for a careful on site investigation. 

Subtle (adjective) 

so slight as to be difficult to notice or appreciate 

The subtle differences indicating the onset of a flu or cold may be difficult to distinguish. Sue (verb) 

to institute or subject to legal proceedings 

Even if a murder suspect is found innocent of all charges in a criminal court, he or she 

may be sued in a civil court for a large sum of money. 

Suffocating (adjective) 

so powerful as to stop the breathing of 

In 1912, Garret Morgan invented what is now called a gas mask; the then called "Safety 

Hood and Smoke Protector" contained enough air to allow someone to stay in a room full 

of suffocating gases and smoke from fifteen to twenty minutes. 

Sugary (adjective) 

having or suggesting the taste of sugar 

The digestive system changes the large carbohydrates in mashed potatoes into sugary 


Suicidal (adjective) 

having the tendency to take one's own life voluntarily and intentionally 

People with Multiple Personality Disorder may experience any of the following: 

depression, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, and sleep disorders. 

Sum up (verb) 

to recapitulate the salient facts of 

There are four types of politeness strategies, described by Brown and Levinson, that 

sum up human "politeness" behavior: Bald On Record, Negative Politeness, Positive 

Politeness, and Off-Record-Indirect Strategy. 

Summon (verb) 

to demand to appear, come, or assemble 

Summoned by von Colloredo to Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed after a series of 


Superimpose (verb) 

to place or lay over or above something 

With conventional two-dimensional X-ray pictures, things at different depths are 

superimposed, causing potential confusion to the viewer. Supernatural (adjective) 

of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; especially of 

or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil 

But in spite of their supernatural powers, many gods, goddesses, and heroes of 

mythology have human characteristics. 

Supersonic (adjective) 

of, being, or relating to speeds from one to five times the speed of sound in air 

The idea of a supersonic passenger plane gained momentum in the 1950s, after Chuck 

Yeager's 1947 blast through the sound barrier. 

Superstition (noun) 

irrational fear of the unknown 

Due to events which sometimes cannot be explained, communities have developed 

superstitions which have been passed from one generation to the next. 

Suppress (verb) 

to hold something in check 

If fires are always suppressed, dense underbrush soon becomes so abundant that a 

simple spark can start a fire within minutes. 

Supremacy (noun) 

the condition or fact of being dominant 

After Admiral Nelson won a victory at Trafalgar, Spain in 1805, England established a 

naval supremacy that would last for 100 hundred years. 

Surpass (verb) 

to be greater or better than; to go beyond the limits of 

The Grand Canyon, a long narrow gorge in Arizona, surpasses in its enormity and 

beauty any other geological wonder in the United States. 

Surrender (verb) 

to undergo capture, defeat, or ruin 

As the battles continued, many of Sitting Bull's followers surrendered. Surveillance (noun) 

close watch kept over someone or something as by a detective 

The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers 

and thousands of cameras to track record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a 

foreign city. 

Survey (verb) 

to look over; to view broadly or from a height 

Before a person reads a book, he should survey the chapter, the title, headings, and 

subheadings, captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps. 

Sustaining (adjective) 

to keep in a condition of good repair, efficiency, or use 

An abundant supply of water on the Moon would make establishment of a self 

sustaining lunar colony much more feasible and less expensive than presently thought. 

Sustenance (noun) 

the means to support life 

During the early colonial years in America, many people traveled on horseback and 

relied on corn for sustenance. 

Swallowing (noun) 

the act of causing food to pass from the mouth into the stomach 

Our larynxes are low in our throats, and our vocal tracts have a sharp right angle bend 

that creates two independently modifiable resonant cavities which is physiological design 

to making breathing, swallowing, and chewing less efficient. 

Swamp (noun) 

a usually low-lying area of waterlogged ground and standing water 

All lakes undergo an aging process, in which a crystal clear lake becomes a swamp full 

of plant growth called algae. 

Swell (verb) 

to make or become greater or larger 

The wind generated swell one sees at a California beach, for example, spawned by a 

storm out in the Pacific and rhythmically rolling in, one wave after another, might have a 

period of about 10 seconds and a wave length of 150 m. Sweeping (adjective) 

marked by wholesale and indiscriminate inclusion: extensive 

In a victory for President Bush, both houses of Congress approved sweeping Medicare 

legislation early Friday to give seniors a prescription drug benefit while creating a broad 

new role for private insurance in the government run program. 

Switch (noun) 

device for making and breaking the connection in an electrical circuit 

In several famous and controversial demonstrations, chimpanzees have been taught to 

use some hand signs based on American Sign Language, to manipulate colored 

switches or tokens, and to understand some spoken commands. 

Symbiotic (adjective) 

the intimate living together of two dissimilar organisms in a mutually beneficial 

relationship; a cooperative relationship 

Giraffes have a symbiotic relationship with tickbirds. These small birds ride on the 

giraffe's back, eating pesky insects off of its skin. In return for food, the birds serve as an 

early warning signal, alerting giraffes to any approaching predators with a loud chirp. 

Sympathetic (adjective) 

cognizant of and comprehending the needs, problems, and views of others 

The latter, at first sympathetic to the Mozart's, later became irritated by Wolfgang's 

prolonged absences and stubborn ways. 

Synthesize (verb) 

to combine and adapt in order to attain a particular effect 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., synthesized ideas drawn from many different cultural 

traditions. Born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929, King's roots were in the African 

American Baptist church. 

Tableau (noun) 

a graphic description or representation 

A small introductory gallery shows 18th- and 19th-century electrostatic apparatus, 

including a globe machine probably designed by Benjamin Franklin, several leyden jars for 

storing electric charges, and a twin-plate generator of about 1800 in an active tableau of a 

parlor game called the electric kiss. Tackle (verb) 

to start work on vigorously 

After getting detailed instructions from their professor, the students went to the library to 

tackle their research project. 

Tactile (adjective) 

discernible by touch 

The octopus has two separate areas for storage in its brain: one for visual memories, the 

other for tactile memories. 

Tagger (noun) 

one who makes an inscription or drawing made on some public surface such as a rock or 


In the graffiti wars in Philadelphia, the city is winning. Taggers are turning their 

talents to painting murals -- 1,200 to date -- which not only decorate, but revitalize these 

urban neighborhoods. 

Tailored (adjective) 

made to individual specifications 

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, writing for the majority, rejected the arguments made by 

the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush that affirmative action policies 

should be voided, noting that the U.S. Constitution "does not prohibit the law school's 

narrowly tailored use of race in admissions." 

Tamper (verb) 

to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse--used with "with" 

Jackson and Cleveland pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence and agreed to testify. 

Tangle (noun) 

a complicated situation or problem 

That way we avoid all those political tangles that have nothing to do with degrees of 

difference between languages. Tee totaling (adjective) 

characterized as having complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks 

"We trust state and local officials," Peters said, suggesting it doesn't make sense to 

promote pedestrian safety for South Dakota's wide-open spaces or drunken-driving 

programs in largely tee totaling Utah. 

Temperate (adjective) 

used to describe a climate that has a range of temperatures within moderate limits 

Situated close to the Pacific Ocean, San Diego has a temperate climate with 

temperatures ranging from 60 - 75 degrees F. 

Tempting (adjective) 

causing craving or desire to arise 

It is tempting to think that if language evolved by gradual Darwinian natural selection, 

we must be able to find some precursor of it in our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. 

Tendency (noun) 

a way that somebody or something typically behaves or is likely to react or behave 

Some people with mental disorders have a tendency toward self-persecution, selfsabotage, 

and even violence. 

Tender (noun) 

something offered, as in money 

Gold and silver were declared as legal tender, and as such were used for all payments. 

Tentative (adjective) 

likely to have many later changes before it becomes final and complete 

Today, we believe science is testable, explanatory, and tentative. 

Terrify (verb) 

to make somebody feel very frightened or alarmed 

They represent a terrifying and destructive force that kills more than two out of every 

five Americans. Textbook example (noun phrase) 

one by which others are compared; a standard of comparison 

Hawaii's volcanoes have, therefore, become the textbook example of non-explosive 

volcanism, and the term "Hawaiian type" is used to refer to such eruptions. 

Theatrical (adjective) 

full of exaggerated or false emotion 

Starting with the Retablo de Maese, Pedro Cervantes, demonstrates a mastery of 

theatrical illusion which, absent from part one, becomes another narrative function in 

part two. 

Theocracy (noun) 

government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as 

divinely guided 

The Puritan government of Massachusetts in the 1600's and 1700's has been called a 


Theological (adjective) 

of, or relating to the study of God and his relation to the world 

His continued skepticism, however, shaped his subsequent theological studies at 

Crosier Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, and at Boston University, where 

he received a doctorate in systematic theology in 1955. 

Theoretical (adjective) 

about, involving, or based on a belief used as the basis for action 

The causes of crime can be explained through several theoretical perspectives.

Therapists (adjective) 

somebody trained to treat disease, disorders, or injuries, especially somebody who uses 

methods other than drugs and surgery 

According to therapists who specialize in Multiple Personality Disorder, the host (the 

victim/survivor's basic personality) is not necessarily aware of the existence of these 


Thermal (noun) 

a rising body of warm air When a hang-glider gets caught in a thermal, his aircraft will spiral upward for 

hundreds of feet. 

Thermonuclear (adjective) 

of or relating to the transformations in the nucleus of atoms of low atomic weight as 

hydrogen that require a very high temperature for their inception as in the hydrogen bomb 

or in the sun 

Fusion produces the energy of the sun and other stars and the explosive force of 

thermonuclear weapons. 

Thesis (noun) 

a proposition advanced as an argument 

The thesis of a reading passage determines the structure, so the structure, once a reader 

begins to sense it, can lead him to the thesis. 

Thievery (noun) 

stealing something from a person or place 

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman 

counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. 

Thoroughfare (noun) 

a course affording passage from one place to another 

Situated close to busy thoroughfares, McDonald's make its profits on high volume and 

quick turnover. 

Thrall (noun) 

to make a slave of 

Twenty thousand years ago, the Earth was held in thrall by a relentless ice age.

Threats (noun) 

the expression of a deliberate intention to cause harm or pain 

If such a multi-day sequence could be forecast, valuable lead time might be gained on 

flooding threats. 

Threshold (noun) 

a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it 

is not or will not Supporters and opponents alike agree the income threshold needs to be raised. 

Thrive (verb) 

to fare well; to grow rapidly and luxuriantly 

Many businesses thrived while William Jefferson Clinton was President of the United 


Tide (noun) 

something suggestive of running water 

When it finally reaches the coast, a tsunami may appear as a rapidly rising or falling 

tide, a series of breaking waves, or even a bore. 

Tier (noun) 

a row, rank, or layer of articles; especially: one of two or more rows, levels, or ranks 

arranged one above another; a group of political or geographical divisions that form a row 

across the map 

The middle tier is serious candidates who have yet to catch fire: Joe Lieberman (despite 

high name recognition in the polls), John Edwards (despite financial support from his 

fellow trial lawyers and some creative speeches about specific issues) and Bob Graham. 

Tilt (verb) 

to slant or cause something to slant 

Unstable areas may sometimes be identified by trees or telephone poles tilted at odd 

angles, or by curved tree trunks. 

Tip (verb) 

to move from true vertical or horizontal; to shift the balance of power or influence 

After one of several indecisive battles, probably in 1790, the balance was suddenly 

tipped in favor of Kamehameha when a natural disaster struck. 

Tissue (noun) 

organic body material in animals and plants made up of large numbers of cells that are 

similar in form and function and their related intercellular substances 

They enter the heart of the palms and feed on the tender tissues within. Titter (noun) 

the act of laughing in a nervous, affected, or partly suppressed manner 

The aim of this site is to help you avoid low grades, lost employment opportunities, lost 

business, and titters of amusement at the way you write or speak. 

Token (noun) 

something that represents, expresses, or is a symbol of something else 

In several famous and controversial demonstrations, chimpanzees have been taught 

some hand signs based on American Sign Language, to manipulate colored switches or 

tokens, and to understand some spoken commands. 

Tolerance (noun) 

the acceptance of the differing views of other people, for example, in religious or political 

matters, and fairness toward the people who hold these different views 

The Constitution guarantees religious tolerance, which is why many people decided to 

settle in America. 

Toll (noun) 

a grievous or ruinous price-especially: cost in life or health 

By that time, she said, age and an assassination attempt had taken its toll on the man 

who once proclaimed, ''Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.'' 

Ton (noun) 

unit of weight equivalent to 2,000 pounds 

Some of the wagons, on which the early pioneers depended, were capable of carrying up 

to eight tons of supplies. 

Topography (noun) 

the features on the surface of a particular area of land 

Things such as wind, temperature, relative humidity, topography, and fuel levels all 

need to be taken into account. 

Torch (noun) 

a stick of wood dipped in wax or with one end wrapped in combustible material, set on fire 

and carried, especially in the past, as a source of light 

Forestry officials used drip torches to start the fire, avoiding large logs on the ground 

that was home to small animals. Torrential (adjective) 

relating to large amounts of liquids such as water or lava 

Sometimes a slow moving sequence of mesoscale convective systems will extend over 

several days, causing torrential rains over a large area. 

Torture (noun) 

excruciating punishment; the act of subjecting another to extreme physical cruelty, as in 


The Sun Dance was a type of self torture which included a loss of consciousness. 

Totality (noun) 

the state of being complete or total 

At its worst, it could cause some to disagree with the totality of the comments. 

Tout (verb) 

to praise or recommend somebody or something enthusiastically 

Jones and Dewey are respectively touted as prominent west coast and east coast 


Toxin (noun) 

a poison produced by a living organism, especially bacteria, capable of causing disease and 

also of stimulating the production within the body of antibodies to counter their effects 

General causes for primary brain cancer can include a prior head injury, infections, 

exposure to chemical toxins such as insecticides and fungicides and exposure to 

radiation such as microwave or radio frequencies. 

Tract (noun) 

system of body parts or organs that collectively serve some purpose 

Vomiting and diarrhea are dangerous and can cause damage to the digestive tract. 

Traction (noun) 

a pulling force exerted on something 

The developing world is slower to catch on, but a movement by astronomers and 

geoscientists in South Africa to establish a National Working Group to assess NEO 

impact risk and mitigation is gaining traction. Trait (noun) 

a distinctive element 

A unique trait to the Sperm Whale is that it can dive down deep into the ocean for long 

periods of time. 

Trance (noun) 

a state in which somebody is dazed or stunned or in some other way unaware of the 

environment and unable to respond to stimuli 

Specialists generally believe that people with Multiple Personality Disorder may 

experience any of the following: depression, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, sleep 

disorders, headaches, amnesia, time loss, trances, and 'out of body experiences. 

Transform (verb) 

to change people or things completely, especially improving their appearance or usefulness 

The pupae will require another 1.5 to 2 months before it transforms into an adult and 

becomes a threat to the palms. 

Transplantation (noun) 

the act of moving something from one place into another 

The transplantation of a pig heart into a human body revolutionized modern surgical 


Trap (verb) 

to prevent air, gas, heat, or a fluid from escaping 

Gases trapped in ice cores show the dramatic impact that human activities have had on 

the planet since the Industrial Revolution.

Trauma (noun) 

an extremely distressing experience that causes severe emotional shock and may have 

long lasting psychological effects 

Since the 1970s, therapists who believe in the reality of Multiple Personality Disorder 

generally believe it to be caused by very severe abuse during childhood violence so 

extreme that the child cannot absorb the trauma in its entirety. 

Tread (verb) 

to step or walk on or over West Africa promised a peace force of at least 5,000 troops for Liberia if warring sides 

halt fighting, and France suggested Saturday it was open to contributing troops _ 

stepping in where the United States, has so far declined to tread. 

Treadmill (noun) 

an automatic machine allowing runners to run in place 

Because of the intense cold and snow, Minnesota long distance runners often use 

treadmills during the winter. 

Treaty (noun) 

a formal contract or agreement negotiated between countries or other political entities 

They have also identified spike representing fallout from stepped up atmospheric testing 

that took place just prior to the 1963 Test Ban Treaty, which allowed for underground 

tests only. 

Trek (verb) 

to make one's way arduously 

The students had been missing since Saturday, when they trekked into the woods after 

visiting the telescope. 

Tremendous (adjective) 

extremely large, powerful, or great 

The fusion process released tremendous amounts of heat and light which could then 

combat the compressing force of gravity; eventually, the two forces reached equilibrium. 

Trend (noun) 

a general tendency, movement, or direction 

A growing trend toward emphasis on neural aspects of various cognitive processes has 

spawned what is referred to as the Cognitive Neuropsychology track, with students 

studying jointly in cognitive and in clinical neuropsychology. 

Tribe (noun) 

a group of people sharing a common ancestry 

Sitting Bull and the Sioux realized they could not defeat the army alone, and they must 

stand with other tribes. Tributary (noun) 

channeling material, supplies, into something more inclusive 

Many tributaries flow into the Mississippi River, making it one of the longest rivers in 

the world. 

Trigger (verb) 

to set something off, bring something about, or make something happen 

Slab and other avalanches can be hard or soft, wet or dry and can be triggered 

naturally or artificially. 

Triumph (verb) 

to conquer or win a victory over, as in battle or a competition 

During the Civil War, the Union Army triumphed over the Confederate Army in the 

bloodiest battle ever fought in American History. 

Trough (noun) 

a long shallow often v-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or feed of domestic animals 

In the 17th century, the Conestoga wagon had a trough attached to its rear end, so the 

horses could feed. 

Trounce (verb) 

to render totally ineffective by decisive defeat 

The San Antonio Spurs trounced the Los Angeles Lakers in the playoffs. 

Tsunami (noun) 

a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor 

Tsunamis are unlike wind generated waves, which many of us may have observed on a 

local lake or at a coastal beach, in that they are characterized as shallow water waves, 

with long periods and wave lengths. 

Turmoil (noun) 

a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion 

To escape the escalating turmoil, Church headquarters moved from New York to Ohio, 

then to Missouri, and later to Illinois. Twilight (noun) 

the period between afternoon and nighttime 

It recommended that drivers turn on their headlights at the first sign of twilight. 

Ubiquitous (adjective) 

ever present in all places 

The Coconut Palm, considered to some as the Tree of Life, is a ubiquitous species to the 

Pacific Islands.

Ultra cold (adjective) 

marked by an extremely low temperature 

To reduce the number of other effects that could create similar signals, physicists shield 

the detector and keep it ultra cold. 

Ultrafast (adjective) 

marked by an extremely high rate of speed 

A hydroelectric dam is built in mountainous land, where the water will have a steep drop 

that will build up pressure to keep the turbines turning ultrafast. 

Ultraviolet (adjective) 

situated beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end used of radiation having a wavelength 

shorter than wavelengths of visible light and longer than those of X rays 

Some air pollutants have reduced the capacity of the atmosphere to filter out the sun's 

harmful ultraviolet radiation. 

Unanimous (adjective) 

shared as a view by all of the people concerned, with nobody disagreeing 

Adams helped draft the Declaration of Independence, secured its unanimous adoption 

in Congress, and wrote his wife on July 3, 1776, that "the most memorable Epoch in the 

History of America has begun." 

Underbrush (noun) 

shrubs, small trees, or other vegetation growing beneath the trees in a forest 

If fires are always suppressed, dense underbrush soon becomes so abundant that a 

simple spark can start a fire within minutes. Underclassman (noun) 

a member of the freshman or sophomore class in a school or college 

Juniors, too, may have their math grades substituted for their test scores, though 

underclassmen that did not pass will have to retake the exam. 

Undercut (verb) 

to offer to sell at lower prices than or to work for lower wages than a competitor 

Even computer maker Gateway has joined the fray. It undercut competitors last fall 

with its debut of a $3,000 42-inch plasma TV and promises to have a dozen other 

plasma, LCD and rear-projection models for sale later this year. 

Undergo (verb) 

to participate in or partake of personally 

Some patients suffering from chronic pain undergo hypnosis, a highly concentrated but 

relaxed awareness, in which the perception of pain is altered. 

Underlying (adjective) 

arising from or going to the root of the source 

Contrary to what is popularly believed, the underlying cause of the Civil War was the 

issue of state rights. 

Underpin (verb) 

support, substantiate 

Laws forbidding homosexual sex, once universal, now are rare. Those on the books are 

rarely enforced but underpin other kinds of discrimination, lawyers for two Texas men 

had argued to the court. 

Undertook (verb) 

to begin to do something or to set out on something 

In 1770, Leopold and Wolfgang undertook a tour through Italy. 

Undistinguished (adjective) 

without definite or distinctive characteristics 

Having undistinguished progeny, Abraham Lincoln was born of humble beginnings 

Undulating (adjective) 

having or causing to have a curved or sinuous form or surface Sounds waves like other types of frequencies are often transmitted in an undulating 


Unflattering (adjective) 

not pleasingly suited to the wearer 

Sweaters with stripes are unflattering to the wearer because they can make her look 

fatter than she actually is. 

Unfold (verb) 

to be disclosed gradually 

The details of the double murder unfolded during the three month trial. 

Uniformity (noun) 

a particular style or other feature that identifies somebody or something as a member of a 

certain group 

The tiny seeds of this tree are well known for their uniformity and consistent weight. 

Unprecedented (adjective) 

having no earlier parallel or equivalent 

Collectively, these frozen archives give scientists unprecedented views of global climate 

over the eons. 

Unruly (adjective) 

difficult to control, manage, discipline, or govern 

Children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. 

Unsustainable (adjective) 

not capable of giving support or relief to 

Misuse or depletion of the Earth's treasures to meet those needs, for example 

unsustainable logging, poor farming practices, and overfishing, threatens human life 

and health around the world. 

Unveil (verb) 

to make public 

In celebration of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art's 15th anniversary on 

the National Mall, the museum unveiled a major interior redesign of its entrance 

pavilion on October 3. Upgrade (verb) 

to raise the quality of 

America's Bicentennial gift from the people of West Germany, the Einstein Planetarium 

has been upgraded to include a first-of-its-kind, Sky Vision™ dual digital projection 

system and six-channel digital surround sound. 

Uphold (verb) 

to keep from yielding or failing during stress or difficulty 

The war had overthrown peace-time standards and ideals, and not even President 

Woodrow Wilson could uphold them. 

Upholstered (adjective) 

relating to materials such as fabric, padding, and springs used to make a soft covering 

especially of a seat 

A cross between fast-food and restaurant dining, the family restaurant, characterized by 

its soft lights, upholstered booths, and food prepared to order, is the fastest growing 

phenomenon in the food service industry today.

Uplift (verb) 

to raise the spirits of 

Accentuating the positive uplifts a worker, which can increase the productivity of a 


Upright (adjective) 

standing vertically or straight upward 

According to legend, St Francis was observed standing upright in his tomb after his 

death. Zurbaran attempted to capture the fact that it is a corpse by painting a somewhat 

frightening face. 

Uprising (noun) 

an act or instance of rising up, especially a usually localized act of popular violence in 

defiance usually of an established government: rebellion 

In the office, however, a booming subwoofer may trigger an uprising among your 

coworkers. Upturn (adjective) 

overturned completely; to turn or cause to turn from a vertical or horizontal position 

Due to the massive wind-driven waves, the ship was upturned, hence causing all on 

board the ship to drown. 

Upward (adjective) 

in, to, or toward a higher place, level, or position 

The eyes are staring upward and the lips are parted. 

Urbanity (noun) 

refined, effortless beauty of manner, form, and style 

Mark Twain, known for his urbanity and his artistic integrity, developed a love for 

writing about the South. 

Utilize (verb) 

to put into action or use 

To best utilize a writing center tutor, a student should take a copy of the writing 

assignment and have a rough draft ready for review. 

Vacuous (adjective) 

devoid of serious occupation : idle; marked by lack of ideas or intelligence: stupid 

Even if, in the end, all they collectively learn is that a household of African twenty 

something's can be as self-obsessed, vacuous and obnoxious as reality-television 

contestants in other parts of the world. 

Vaguely (adv) 

in a way that is not detailed or exact 

We find relationships that are vaguely reminiscent of the way biologists can group 

species into families, and these in turn into the larger classes, phyla, and so on. 

Vain (adjective) 

excessively proud, especially of your appearance 

In a pungent diary, vivid letters, learned tracts, and patriotic speeches he revealed 

himself as a quintessential Puritan, patriarch of an illustrious family, tough minded 

philosopher of the republic, sage, and sometimes a vain, stubborn, and vitriolic partisan. 

Valve (noun) 

a device controlling the flow of liquid through a pipe 

"Lefty loosey" and "righty tighty" is a saying which helps one to remember how to turn a 

valve on or off. 

Vaporized (adjective) 

characterized as converting (as by the application of heat or by spraying) into a substance 

in the gaseous state as distinguished from the liquid or solid state 

Treating these states of matter differently in the simulation could explain another 

peculiar aspect of the moon's composition: its dearth of easily vaporized "volatile" 

compounds such as water. 

Varied (adjective) 

showing or characterized by many different forms or kinds 

She said that it can be found over varied country, embracing the mountains up to 

altitudes of 8000 ft, the seacoasts levels, inland plains, desert areas. 

Vast (adjective) 

of extraordinary size and power 

The ocean is believed to be a vast storehouse of natural resources, the exploitation of 

which depends on three factors: knowledge of geology, advances in technology, and the 

legal protection for investments of national governments or private industry. 

Veiled (adjective) 

obscured as if by a veil: disguised 

At the time, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Organization for 

Women opposed a guardian for the fetus, calling such a proposed move a veiled attempt 

by the governor to eliminate the possibility of an abortion. 

Velocity (noun) 

the speed at which something moves, happens, or is done 

As the body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational attraction 

increases hence the escape velocity gets bigger. 

Venerable (adjective) 

calling forth respect through age, character, and attainments; broadly: conveying an impression of aged goodness and benevolence; impressive by reason of age 

Like the steam engine, the internal-combustion engine has a long and venerable 


Venom (noun) 

a poisonous fluid produced by an animal and injected by a bite or sting in order to 

immobilize prey or defend itself. 

The venom of the rattlesnake is injected through fangs which fold back when the mouth 

is closed.

Venture (verb) 

to take a risk in the hope of gaining advantage 

Some businesspersons venture in real estate and the stock market as possible ways of 

getting a lucrative return on their investments. 

Verdant (adjective) 

green with growing plants 

Locusts prefer warm, damp, verdant places in which they settle, feed, and reproduce. 

Verity (noun) 

the quality of being true or real 

More than simply a renowned Mississippi writer, the Nobel Prize winning novelist and 

short story writer is acclaimed throughout the world as one of the greatest writers of the 

twentieth century, one who transformed his "postage stamp" of native soil into an 

apocryphal setting in which he explored, articulated, and challenged "the old verities 

and truths of the heart." 

Vertebrate (noun) 

any of the class of animals having a backbone as a distinguishing anatomical feature 

Rhipidistian fishes eventually gave rise to all land vertebrates. 

Vertically (adverb) 

at a right angle to the horizon or to level ground 

Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically 

displaces the overlying water. Vibrant (adjective) 

full of or characterized by a lively, emphatic, eager quality 

Having a vibrant personality, Gus Sanderson is liked by everyone he knows at work. 

Viewpoint (noun) 

a personal perspective from which somebody considers something 

While healthcare strategies abound from diverse viewpoints and divergent professional 

groups, no one strategy has all the answers to reform the medical healthcare enterprise. 

Vigorous (adjective) 

extremely strong and active, physically and mentally 

A pamphlet entitled A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law and town 

instructions denouncing the Stamp Act (1765) marked him as a vigorous, patriotic 

penman, and, holding various local offices, he soon became a leader among 

Massachusetts radicals. 

Virtually (adv) 

near to in quantity or amount 

Except for dietary fibers (nuts, husks, bran, celery strings and such), our gut 

disassembles virtually everything we eat into smaller components that our body can 


Virtuoso (noun) 

a musician who shows exceptional ability, technique, or artistry 

Both children played the keyboard, but Wolfgang became a violin virtuoso as well. 

Virus (noun) 

anything that is injurious, destructive, or fatal 

Smallpox, influenza, polio, rabies, and measles are diseases caused by viruses. 

Vivid (adjective) 

producing strong and distinct mental images 

In a pungent diary, vivid letters, learned tracts, and patriotic speeches he revealed 

himself as a quintessential Puritan. Volatile (adjective) 

characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected change 

The Consumer Price Index, the most widely used gauge of U.S. inflation, was unchanged 

last month, the Labor Department said. But the so called core CPI, which strips out 

volatile food and energy prices, climbed 0.3 percent after two consecutive flat readings. 

Volume (noun) 

a single book that belongs to a set of books 

Among her volumes of poetry are A Brave and Startling Truth (Random House, 1995), 

The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou (1994), Wouldn't Take Nothing for My 

Journey Now (1993), Now Sheba Sings the Song (1987), I Shall Not Be Moved (1990), and 

Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Die (1971), which was nominated for the 

Pulitzer prize. 

Vomit (verb) 

to expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth as a result of a series of 

involuntary spasms of the stomach muscles 

Bulimia nervosa, on the other hand, is when a person consumes large amounts of food, 

but then induces vomiting or diarrhea in an attempt to avoid weight gain. 

Vortex (noun) 

any whirling motion or mass; a whirlpool or whirlwind 

Scientists Christopher Davis, Stanley Trier, and colleagues have also gained new insight 

on a type of low pressure center that connects one mesoscale convective vortex to the 


Vow (noun) 

a solemn promise or assertion; specifically : one by which a person is bound to an act, 

service, or condition 

A spouse may feel that he or she is fulfilling wedding vows. 

Voyage (noun) 

a course or period of traveling by other than land routes 

Henry sent out more than 50 expeditions but went on none of these voyages himself. Wandering (adjective) 

leading the life of a person or animal without a fixed home; moving from place to place 

To survive the ice ages, man learned to anticipate and to adapt to the habits of animals, 

including their wandering migrations.

Wanton (adjective) 

merciless, inhumane 

There are reports that several hundred innocent civilians have been killed in fighting in 

and around Monrovia and of wanton destruction of property and widespread looting. 

Wares (noun) 

manufactured articles; goods 

Because there was a colonial preference for imported wares and because there were bad 

economic conditions, the glass business of Caspar Wistar failed in 1774. 

Warrant (verb) 

to be proper or sufficient occasion for 

When conditions warranted, gold and silver miners arrived in California. 

Wary (adjective) 

trying attentively to avoid danger, risk, or error 

People wary of aggressive drivers make good defensive drivers who are less likely to 

have an accident. 

Watery (adjective) 

lower than normal in strength or concentration due to a mixture 

Once all the "good stuff" is removed from the small intestine, our gut passes the 

indigestible watery gruel that is left to the colon. 

Waver (verb) 

to become unsure or begin to change from a previous opinion 

Although he never wavered in his devotion to colonial rights and early committed 

himself to independence as an unwelcome last resort, Adams's innate conservatism made 

him determined in 1770 that the British soldiers accused of the Boston Massacre receive a 

fair hearing. 

Webcast (noun) 

a transmission of sound and images (as of an event) via the World Wide Web 

She also answered questions during a live webcast from children around the world. 

White-collar (adjective) 

of, relating to, or constituting the class of salaried employees whose duties do not call for 

the wearing of work clothes or protective clothing 

More white-collar workers would lose eligibility due to new language that redefines 

what qualifies as professional, executive and administrative work. 

Wholesale (adjective) 

without discrimination; having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure 

The wholesale evolutionary restructuring of some reptiles over a period of thousand of 

years equipped the new animals to escape their predators and to find food more easily. 

Widespread (adjective) 

existing or happening in many places, or affecting many people 

Earlier studies of firefighter mortality that did not identify brain cancer as a cause of 

death were done before the widespread introduction of plastics in the 1950s. 

Wield (verb) 

to exert one's authority 

Yet he wielded political power virtually to the end, prevailing upon President Bush to 

appoint his 29 year old son, Strom Jr., as U.S. Attorney in South Carolina in 2001. 

Windmill (noun) 

a building with a set of wind driven revolving sails or blades attached to the site of its roof 

that drive a grinding machine inside 

In more modern times in the United States, windmills were erected as the West was 

developed during the late 19th century. 

Wipe out (verb) 

to destroy completely: annihilate 

On the other hand, the general public in developing countries has a host of other 

problems than the possibility that a large bolides could wipe out mankind Withdrawal (noun) 

the act of taking money from a bank account, or the amount of money taken out 

That a withdrawal of $35,000 was made after his wife's murder is evidence that the 

suspect is a flight risk. 

Wizardry (noun) 

the use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events 

It was once believed that witchcraft and wizardry was practiced among some of the 

citizens of Salem, Massachusetts. 

Wobbly (adjective) 

lacking stability 

Home buying has jumped as borrowing costs plummet, providing support to a wobbly 


Woe (noun) 

a condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief 

An economist at Fannie Mae, the top source of U.S. housing finance, said accounting 

woes at the second largest such financing source, Freddie Mac, had little impact on 

mortgage lending over the last week. 

Wound (verb) 

to cause or inflict an injury to the body (as from violence, accident, or surgery) that 

involves laceration or breaking of a membrane (as the skin) and usually damage to 

underlying tissues 

In a surprise attack, Little Turtle's forces killed or wounded about 900 American 


Wreath (noun) 

something-usually made of some type of plant-intertwined into a circular shape 

The Russian president also visited Westminster Abbey where he laid a wreath on the 

Grave of the Unknown Warrior. 

Wreckage (noun) 

broken and disordered parts or material from something 

One man died in the wreckage of a flattened workshop and seven other people were 

injured in Deshler, about 75 miles southwest of Lincoln near the Kansas line Wretchedness (noun) 

a state of prolonged anguish and privation 

That many poets such as Edgar Allen Poe suffered wretchedness beyond anyone's 

imagination served as inspiration for their verses. 

Wring (verb) 

to squeeze or twist especially so as to make dry or to extract moisture or liquid; to extract 

or obtain by or as if by twisting and compressing 

The rule would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which were the first law 

preventing employers from wringing 60-hour work weeks from their rank-and-file 

without compensation. 

Yield (noun) 

a product; especially: the amount or quantity produced or returned 

The introduction of machinery to farming vastly improved crop yields. 

Zone (noun) 

an area regarded as separate or kept separate, especially one with a particular use or 


It is learned that a city-state is a region consisting of one or more historic central cities 

surrounded by cities and towns which have a shared identification, function as a single 

zone for trade, commerce and communication, and are characterized by social, 

economic and environmental interdependence.  

ABANDON: To give up completely - abandoned the sinking ship.

Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake

ABASH: To lose self-confidence; to confuse, put to shame - abashed before the assembled dignitaries.

Synonyms: fluster, disconcert, discomfit, discompose

Antonym: (adj.) self-possessed

ABDICATE: To give up claim to - abdicated the throne

Synonyms: renounce, abandon, relinquish

ABET: To encourage -or support - treacherously abetted the enemy.

Synonyms: spur, incite

Antonym: deter

ABRIDGE: To shorten - abridged his lengthy speech.

Synonyms: curtail, diminish, retrench

Anthonyms: protract, elongate, amplify

ABROGATE: To abolish or render void - a treaty abrogated by mutual consent.

Synonyms: annul, nullify, rescind, void

ABSTEMIOUS: Moderate in the use of food or drink - abstemious in his habits.

Synonym: temperate

ACADEMIC: Pertaining to school; theoretical academic interests; an academic discussion, with no practical implications.

Synonym: scholastic

ACCEDE: To agree to -accede to a request.

Synonym: assent

Antonym: demur

ACCELERATE: - To quicken, speed tip - took an accelerated course in order to graduate early.

Synonym: expedite (adj. expeditious)

Antonym: retard

ACCOLADE: An award or salute - a tremendous accolade for a returning hero.

Synonyms: tribute, ovation

ACCORD: Agreement or harmony - in full accord with his view.

Synonyms: concord, concurrence

Antonyms:dissension, discord

ACRIMONIOUS: Sharp or harsh in language or temper - stung by the acrimonious remark.

Synonyms:caustic, acerb, pungent, tart, mordant, acrid; (noun) asperity

Antonyms:suave, affable

ACUMEN: Keenness of mind or insight - showing exceptional business acumen.

Synonyms:perspicacity, discernment, perception


ADMONISH (noun: ADMONITION): To warn or find fault gently - admonishing the unruly child.

Synonyms:chide, caution, reprimand, reprehend, reproach

ADVERSARY: (adj.: ADVERSE): An opponent - his adversary in a bitter debate.


Antonyms:cohort, confederate, ally, accomplice

ADVERSITY: Misfortune - calm in the face of adversity.

Synonyms:affliction, mischance, reverses

AESTHETIC: Pertaining to the beautiful - interested in aesthetic values rather than in purely practical affairs.

AFFABLE: Sociable, courteous, and agreeable in manner a much admired, affable gentleman.

Synonyms: civil, complaisant, benign, gracious, genial, urbane, cordial

Antonyms:curt, brusque, rude, boorish, surly

AFFLUENT: Prosperous, flourishing; copious - a large bequest from an affluent grandfather.

Synonyms:opulent, profuse

Antonyms:destitute, impecunious

AGGRESSIVE (noun: AGGRESSION. an unprovoked attack): self-assertive; attacking, offensive - annoyed people by his aggressive attitude;

Synonyms:bumptious, officious, obtrusive

Antonyms:meek, humble, retiring, diffident

ALACRITY: Eagerness; cheerful promptness - responded to the flattering offer with alacrity.

Synonyms:celerity, briskness, energy, animation

Antonyms:apathy, nonchalance, sluggishness, lethargy, phlegmatism

ALIENATE: To estrange - altenated by his gruff manner.

ALLAY: To calm; to lessen in severity - at ease now that his fears have been allayed.

Synonyms:appease, alleviate, pacify, assuage, abate, mitigate, propitiate, mollify, placate

Antonyms:intensify, aggravate

ALLUDE (noun: ALLUSION): To refer to indirectly - alluded quite subtly to his friend's misfortune.

Synonyms:insinuate, intimate, imply

Antonyms:refer, cite

ALLURE: To tempt by flattery or an attractive offer - allured by the prospect of a new job.

Synonyms:lure, decoy, inveigle, entice, seduce, wheedle, beguile, cajole


AMBIGUOUS: Uncertain, vague, capable of being inter- in more than one way - puzzled by the ambiguous statement.

Synonyms:hazy, obscure, equivocal, dubious, nebulous

Antonyms:explicit, unquestionable

AMENABLE: Obedient; willing to submit - amenable to the suggestion.

Synonyms:tractable, docile, responsive

Antonyms:intractable, refractory, recalcitrant

AMIABLE: Good-natured; friendly - attracted friends by his amiable disposition.


ANACHRONISM: A thing placed or occurring out of its normal time - A machine gun at the Battle of Yorktown would be an anachronism.

ANALOGY (adj.: ANALOGOUS): A relation between two things shown in the resemblance not of the things themselves but of their characteristics- He indicated points of analogy between the two situations.

Synonyms:correspondence, affinity

Antonym: anomaly (a deviation from the general rule)

ANARCHY: State of confusion or lawlessness - a country brought to utter anarchy by civil war.

Synonyms: chaos, pandemonium

ANIMUS: A feeling of hatred-felt no animus, even against the enemy.

Synonyms: enmity, rancor, malevolence, animosity

Antonym: amity

ANNALS: Historical records - in the annals of literature.

ANONYMOUS: Of unknown authorship-an anonymous publication.

ANTHOLOGY: A collection of choice literary works - an anthology of modern poetry.

ANTITHESIS (adj.: ANTITHETICAL): Contrast; the direct opposite - His selfish attitude seemed to me the antithesis o patriotism.

APATHY (adj.: APATHETIC): Lack of feeling, emotion, or interest - attributed his failure to apathy, rather than lack of ability.

Synonyms: torpor, lethargy, sluggishness, listlessness, languor, lassitude, dispassion; (verb) languish

Antonyms:zeal, animation

APPREHENSIVE (verb: APPREHEND): Fearful - Being unprepared, John is apprehensive of the examination.

APPRISE: To inform -apprisedhis lieutenants of the new situation.

APPROBATION: Approval; praise -a plan that met with hearty approbation.

Synonyms:sanction, commendation

Synonyms:sanction, commendation



(1) Likely; inclined or disposed - apt to succeed. Synonym: prone

(2) Fit, suitable - an apt remark.

Synonyms: appropriate, felicitous

(3) Skillful, expert - apt at woodcarving.

Synonyms: deft, dextrous, adept. Antonym: inept

ARBITER: A person who has authority to decide matters in dispute - a fair decision rendered by the arbiter.

Synonyms: mediator, arbitrator

ARCHETYPE: An original pattern - copies reproduced from the archetype.

Synonym: prototype

Antonyms: Stereotype, facsimile, replica

ARID: Dry; barren - the arid desert land.

Synonyms. jejune, parched

Antonyms: arable, fertile

ARISTOCRACY: Government by the best people; a privileged class -special privileges enjoyed by the aristocracy.

Synonym: oligarchy

Antonym: democracy

ARMISTICE: A temporary suspension of hostilities. The armistice halted the war.

Synonym: truce

ARTFUL: Sly; crafty - attained his mean objective by artful measures.

Synonyms: cunning, wily, adroit, ingenious, guileful

Antonyms: guileless, ingenuous, artless

ARTICULATE (verb): To speak clearly or distinctly - articulated slowly so that he could not be misunderstood.

(adj.): Capable of speech; distinct, clear - an articulate man, always ready to give his views.

ASCETIC: Rigorously self-denying - pursued the ascetic life of a monk.

Synonyms: austere, abstinent

Antonyms: wanton, self-indulgent

ASKANCE: With distrust - looked askance at the forged signature.

ASSEVERATE: To declare positively; to confirm - asseverated his views with conviction.

Synonyms:assert, avouch, aver, avow, allege

Antonyms:gainsay, controvert, recant, rescind, abjure, disavow

ASSIDUOUS: Industrious - an assiduous worker, toiling long hours.

Synonyms:sedulous, attentive, diligent, indefatigable

Antonyms:indolent, slothful

ASYLUM: A place offering shelter and retreat -found asylum from persecution.

Synonyms:sanctuary, refuge

ATHEIST: One who denies that God exists - The atheist declared, "There is no God."

Synonyms:infidel, agnostic, skeptic

ATTRIBUTE (verb): Assign -attributed his success to bard work.

Synonym: ascribe

(noun): An inherent quality -Generosity was his outstanding attribute.

AUGMENT: To increase or enlarge - an army augmented by numerous enlistments.

Synonyms: enhance, amplify - Antonyms: abate, curtail

AUSPICIOUS: Indicating a happy outcome - The prospect for this project appears auspicious.

Synonyms:propitious, fortunate

Antonyms:ominous, foreboding

AUTHENTIC: Genuine -proved to be an authentic document.

Synonyms:veritable, bona fide

Antonyms;apocryphal, counterfeit, spurious, bogus

AUTOCRATIC: Despotic - feared by the masses as an autocratic ruler.



AVARICE: Excessive greed - a fortune accumulated by avarice and miserliness.

Synonyms:covetousness, cupidity, avidity


AWRY: Unsymmetrical; not straight - the picture, hanging awry on the wall.


BANAL: Lacking in freshness, originality, or vigor-bored by his banal remarks.

Synonyms:commonplace, hackneyed, prosaic, trite, stereotyped, vapid

Antonyms:racy, original, vivid

BANEFUL (noun: BANE: poison; source of harm): Destructive, poisonous - a baneful effect, causing serious injury.

Synonyms: deleterious, pernicious, virulent, noxious, toxic


BANTER: Good-natured teasing or ridicule-The two wits I exchanged banter, to the amusement of the audience.

Synonyms:raillery, chaff

BATON: A stick or staff - The conductor wielded his baton gracefully.

BELIE: To give a false idea of - His gracious manner belled his. evil purpose.


BELLICOSE; Inclined to quarrel; warlike - His bellicose attitude often got John into fights.

Synonyms: pugnacious, contentious, disputatious

Antonyms: pacific, conciliatory

BELLIGERENT: Engaged in war - two belligerent nations warring fiercely.

BENEVOLENT: Kindly; charitable - like a benevolent monarch, bestowing many favors.

Synonyms: benign, benignant, gracious, magnanimous

Antonyms: malevolent, malignant

BEREAVE: To deprive or leave desolate by loss - a widow just bereaved of her husband.

BESMIRCH: To soil or dirty - besmirched his opponent's good name with vile epithets.

Synonyms: stilly, defile, smirch, bespatter

BIASED: Prejudiced - misled by a biased point of view.

Synonyms:bigoted, arbitrary, partial, partisan

Antonyms:disinterested, equitable

BIBLIOPHILE: A lover of books - The bibliophile fingered the old book fondly.

Antonym: bibliophobe

BIZARRE: Queer; unusual in appearance- bizarre clothes, outlandish in the extreme.

Synonyms:odd, fantastic, grotesque, eccentric

BLAND: Gentle; polite; agreeable - a bland diet, without irritating foods.

Synonyms: mild, suave (affable or persuasive in manner), soothing, non-irritating

Antonyms: piquant, tart, racy, caustic, acrid, pungent

BLANDISHMENT: A flattering speech or act - attracted people by his blandishments.

BLEMISH (verb): To scar or spoil - Bad associates blemished his character

(noun): A disfigurement, defect - a character without a blemish.

BLIGHT: To ruin or decay - the rotting wheat-, blighted by incessant rain.

Synonyms:wither, blast

BLITHE: Gay and light-hearted in spirit or mood - spread cheer with her blithe spirit.

Synonyms: jocund, merry, joyous

Antonyms: dejected, forlorn, abject

BOG: A swamp - sank into the spongy bog.

Synonyms: morass, fen, quagmire, mire

BOMBASTIC (noun: BOMBAST): High-sounding; pretentious in language - a bombastic speech, inflated with meaningless high-flown words.

Synonyms: ranting, pompous, fustian

BOORISH: Unrefined in speech or manners - exhibited the boorish manners of a backwoodsman.

Synonyms:churlish, uncouth. uncultured, crass

Antonym: suave

BUCOLIC: Pertaining to the country - a bucolic poem de- the joys of the shepherd.

Synonyms:pastoral, rustic, rural

BUFFOON: A clown - acting like a buffoon, full of ludicrous tricks.

Synonym: harlequin


An embankment used as a fortification - a lofty bulwark for defense. 

Synonym: rampart

A person, idea, or object serving as a protection - acted as a bulwark in the fight against crime. 

BUMPTIOUS: Obnoxiously conceited or self-assertive - a bumptious monitor, puffed up with his own importance,

Synonyms: aggressive, arrogant, contumelious, overbearing

CABAL: A small group of persons engaged in plotting - a cabal of prominent persons united to overthrow the government.

Synonyms: junto, faction

CACOPHONOUS: Unharmonious sounding - a cacophonous blare of trumpets, noisy and discordant.

Synonyms: dissonant, discordant, blatant, strident, raucous Antonyms: mellifluous, euphonious, dulcet

CADAVEROUS: Corpselike; hence, haggard, pale -His face appeared cadaverous from long imprisonment.

Synonyms: ghastly, gaunt, pallid (noun: pallor), wan, ashen

Antonyms: rubicund, florid

CALLOUS: Unfeeling or insensitive - made callous by long suffering.

Synonyms: insensible, obdurate

CALUMNIATE: To accuse falsely or maliciously in order to injure another's reputation; slander - calumniated his political opponent by spreading false rumors.

Synonyms: asperse, vilify, defame, scandalize

CANDID (noun: CANDOR): Frank, outspoken; impartial a candid reply that could hardly be more forthright.

Synonyms: artless, ingenuous, unbiased

Antonyms: guileful, evasive

CANTANKEROUS: Ill-natured; quarrelsome - showed a cantankerous and sullen disposition.

Synonyms:petulant, peevish, contentious, pugnacious, testy, choleric, fretful

Antonyms:amiable, affable, equable

CAPRICIOUS: Inclined, through some whim or fancy change the mind, purpose, or actions suddenly - a capricious person, undependable in mood or temper.

Synonyms:fickle, fitful, changeable, erratic, inconstant, crotchety, whimsical, mercurial

Antonyms:steadfast, constant, even-tempered

CAPTIOUS: Quick to find fault about trifles- a captious critic pouncing on slight laws.

Synonyms:hypercritical, carping, carviling, censorious

CARICATURE: A picture or other description of a person which exaggerates ludicrously one or more of his distinctive features - not a realistic portrait but a malicious caricature.

CASTIGATE: To punish or criticize severely - castigated for using improper language.

Synonyms:reprove, upbraid, reprehend, censure, reprimand, chasten

Antonyms:commend, eulogize, laud

CELESTIAL: Pertaining to the sky; heavenly-a celestial pageant of bright stars.

Synonyms:ethereal; (noun) firmament

CHAUVINIST. An extreme patriot-a chauvinist with most pride in his country.


CHICANERY: Trickery, deception,- practised chicanery all his shady dealings.

Synonyms:duplicity, craft, stratagem, wile, subterfuge

CHRONIC: Continuing a long time; habitual-a. chronic complaint, persisting for years.

Synonyms:persistent, unremitting, inveterate, incessant, constant

Antonyms:intermittent, sporadic, infrequent

CIRCUMSPECT: Cautious - looked about him circumspectly.

Synonyms:prudent, vigilant, discreet, wary

Antonyms:rash, indiscreet, reckless, precipitate, foothardy, temerarious, headstrong

CIRCUMVENT: To gain an advantage by the use of trick to evade by the use of deception; to go around - circumvented the law by evasive practices.

Synonyms:thwart, balk, outwit, delude


Of or having to do with citizens or the state - We I civil duties as well as civil liberties. 

Polite, courteous - answered in a civil fashion. 

Synonyms: respectful, gracious

CLAMOROUS: Loud and noisy - a clamorous outburst the crowd outside.

Synonyms: vociferous, obstreperous, blatant, raucous, strident

Antonyms: muted, quiet

CLANDESTINE: Secret; stealthy - a clandestine meeting known only to a few.

Synonyms: furtive, covert, surreptitious

Antonyms: overt, manifest, above-board

CLEMENT: Merciful; gentle - a clement judge who tempered justice with leniency.

Synonyms: compassionate, forbearing

Antonyms: relentless, ruthless

COALITION (verb: COALESCE): Alliance; merging of various units into one unit - three parties forming a coalition to rule the country.

Synonyms: amalgamation, consolidation, fusion

COERCION: Compelling a person by physical force or other means to do something against his will - rendered his services without the slightest coercion.

Synonyms: constraint, restraint, impelling

COGENT: Having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason - persuaded by cogent arguments.

Synonym: persuasive

COLLUSION: Working together secretly for an evil purpose - acted in collusion to overthrow the government.

Synonyms: collaboration, conspiracy, conniving, machination

COMMODIOUS: Roomy - a commodious apartment.

Synonyms: spacious, capacious, ample

COMPATIBLE: Harmonious; able, to get along together parted company because they were not compatible.

Synonyms: congruous, consistent

Antonyms: incongruous, discordant, incompatible

COMPENDIUM (adj.: COMPENDIOUS): A brief summary of the main ideas of a larger work - a compendium of chemistry in a slim volume.

Synonyms: synopsis, digest, precis, abstract, epitome

COMPENSATION: Payment for services - just compensation for his labor.

Synonyms: stipend, remuneration, recompense, emolument

COMPLACENT: Self-satisfied - looked on his own performance with a complacent smile.

Synonym: smug

COMPUNCTION: Regret for wrongdoing - displayed slight compunction for his misdeed.

Synonyms: contrition, penitence, atonement, remorse, qualm

CONCEDE: To yield; to admit as true; to grant - conceded victory to a superior force.

Synonyms: acquiesce, capitulate

CONDIGN: Well-deserved (applied chiefly to punishment) - received condign punishment for his crime.

CONDOLE (noun: CONDOLENCE): To express sympathy with another in sorrow, pain, or misfortune - condoled with each other in their grief.

Synonyms: commiserate, show compassion, solace

CONDONE: To forgive or overlook (an offense) - condoned the deed, in view of the offender's age.

Synonyms: extenuate, palliate, mitigate, gloss

CONFEDERATE (noun): A person allied with others for a special purpose (frequently a bad one) - joined his confederate in secret enterprise.

Synonyms: collaborator, accomplice

(adj.): United or allied in a conspiracy - two confederate groups hurrying to their rendezvous.


(1) Possessing similar interests and tastes; able to get on well with others - congenial people with similar backgrounds. 

Synonym: compatible

(2) Agreeable - congenial to his taste.

CONJECTURE: To guess - Without facts, we can only conjecture about his guilt.

Synonyms: surmise, presume


(1) To set apart as sacred - consecrate the battlefield with a monument to the dead heroes. Synonyms: hallow, sanctify Antonym: desecrate

(2) To devote or dedicate to some aim - consecrated his life to teaching.

CONSENSUS. General agreement - The consensus of the committee was that no action should be taken.

Synonym: accord 

CONSTERNATION: Amazement; lack of courage caused by fearful prospect - The threat struck deep consternation into John.

Synonyms: dismay, bewilderment 

CONSTRUE (noun: CONSTRUCTION): To interpret, explain the sense of, or analyze - construed the statement to his own advantage.

CONSUMMATE (adj.): Perfect or highly accomplished - achieved with consummate skill.

Antonyms: botched. bungled, inept

(verb): To complete, bring to perfection - consummated the deal without delay.

CONTEMPTUOUS: Expressive of contempt (an emotion involving anger and disgust) - cast a contemptuous look at his subordinate.

Synonyms: supercilious, scornful, disdainful, contumelious 

CONVIVIAL: Festive; gay - a convivial party.

Synonyms: jovial, jocund, mirthful

Antonyms: lugubrious, dolorous, mirthless

COPIOUS: Plentiful - shed copious tears at the bad news.

Synonyms. profuse, bountiful, abundant

Antonyms: meager, scant

CORPULENT: Fat - corpulent due to excessive eating.

Synonyms: obese, portly

Antonyms: gaunt, lank, emaciated, peaked

COSMOPOLITAN (noun): One who is at home in all countries - A cosmopolitan can feel at ease anywhere in the world.

(adj.): Free from local prejudices - a world-wide traveler, cosmopolitan in tastes and attitudes.

Synonyms: Catholic

Antonyms: parochial, provincial

COTERIE: A group of people joined by common interests a coterie of select friend.

Synonym: clique 

COUNTENANCE (noun): A face - His countenance expressed his complete disgust.

Synonym: visage

(verb): To approve - refused to countenance disrespectful conduct.

Synonym: sanction

CRASS: Coarse and stupid - displayed crass ignorance.

Synonym: gross 

CRAVEN (noun): Coward - the deed of a craven, motivated by fear.

Synonym. Poltroon

(adj.): Cowardly - a craven act which shocked the world.

Synonyms: pusillanimous, dastardly.

Antonyms: stalwart, intrepid, valiant, stout-hearted

CREDENCE: Trust or belief - gave little credence to the rumor.

Synonym: conviction

Antonym: skepticism

CREDIBLE: Worthy of belief - a credible story, true to life.

Antonym: incredible 

CREDITABLE: Deserving or reflecting Credit or honor - applauded for his creditable performance.

Synonyms: praiseworthy, meritorious, commendable

Antonyms: discreditable, infamous, opprobrious, ignominious

CREDULOUS: Inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon - a credulous fool whom anyone can dupe.

Synonym: gullible

Antonyms: incredulous, skeptical

CRINGE: To shrink in fear - cringing before superior force.

Synonyms, cower, flinch, fawn, truckle, wince 

CRUCIAL: Decisive or critical; difficult - the crucial event that decided the outcome.

CRYPTIC: Containing hidden meaning - a cryptic message, difficult to decipher.

Synonyms: occult, enigmatic

Antonyms: palpable, manifest

CULPABLE: Deserving blame or censure - removed from office for culpable negligence.

Synonyms: censurable, reprehensible 

CUMBROUS: Burdensome and clumsy - a cumbrous knapsack, impeding his march.

Synonyms: cumbersome, unwieldy, bulk 

CURB: To control, check, or restrain - forcibly curbed the people's protest.

Synonyms: repress, subdue 

CURSORY: Hurried; hence, superficial - Time permitted only a cursory examination.

Antonyms: painstaking, meticulous 

CURT: Rudely abrupt -offended by the curt response.

Synonyms: blunt, brusque, bluff

Antonyms: affable, civil

CYNICAL: Sneeringly distrustful of the good motives or conduct of others - belittled the hero with a cynical remark.

Synonyms: sarcastic, surly 

DEARTH: Scarcity - a dearth of news, brought about by censorship.

Antonyms: plethora, abundance 

DEFERENCE: Submitting to the wishes or judgment of another - yielded out of deference to the old man.

Synonyms: respect, complaisance, veneration

Antonym: recalcitrance

DEITY: A god -The sun was a deity to ancient peoples.

Synonym: divinity 

DELECTABLE: Very pleasing - a delectable meal, tastefully prepared.

DELETE: To erase or cancel, take out or remove - deletedan offensive phrase.

Synonyms: expunge, censor, efface, eradicate 

DELINEATE: To sketch or portray - striking features, delineated by a master artist.

DELINQUENT (noun): An offender - found to be a delinquent by the court.

(adj.): Failing to fulfill an obligation - too many people who are delinquent in meeting their civic duties.

Synonym: derelict

DELUGE: A great flood; downpour - a spring deluge which caused the river to overflow.

DEMAGOGUE: A leader who tries to stir the passions of people for his own purposes - the mob roused by an unprincipled demagogue.

DEMEANOR: Behavior; bearing - carrying himself with a proud demeanor.

Synonyms: deportment, mien 

DEMURE: Affectedly or falsely modest or prim; serious demure as a Victorian maiden.

Synonyms: sedate, staid, decorous, prudish, coy

Antonyms: immodest, frivolous

DENOUNCE (noun: DENUNCIATION): To speak against - denounced by the press as a traitor.

Synonyms: stigmatize, censure, reprehend, castigate

Antonyms: laud, eulogize

DEPLETE: To empty or to use up - depleted the public treasury by vast building programs.

Synonyms: exhaust, drain

Antonyms: replenish; (adj.) replete

DEPLORE: To express sorrow or grief over - a lamentable situation deplored by all parties.

Synonyms: lament, decry, grieve 

DEPRAVED: Of low morals; corrupt - a depraved mind, devising evil.

Synonyms: debased, wicked, vicious, perverted 

DEPRECATE: To plead or argue against a certain course of action - deprecated the proposal severely.

Synonyms: remonstrate, protest, decry, expostulate

Antonym: sanction

DEPRECIATE: To belittle or speak slightingly of - depreciated John's acting ability.

Synonyms: disparage, derogate (adj. derogatory)

Antonyms: enhance, magnify, extol, laud, eulogize

DEVASTATION: Widespread ruin - the city left in utter devastation by war.

Synonyms: destruction, desolation 


(1) Winding; indirect - took a devious, rather than the direct way home. 

Synonym: circuitous

(2) Straying from the right course - used devious means to attain his wicked ends.

Synonyms: crooked, erring

DEVOID: Lacking in; not possessing - a speech devoid of even a trace of ill-will.

Synonym: destitute

Antonyms: abounding, prevalent

DEVOUT: Devoted to religious observances - devout in his regularity of attendance at worship.

Synonyms: pious, religious

Antonym: impious

DICTUM: Art authoritative statement; a saying-an imperial dictum demanding instant compliance.

DIDACTIC: Designed to teach, imparting a lesson - a poem with a didactic purpose.

Synonym: pedagogical

DIFFIDENT: Lacking in self-confidence- too diffident to lead a group.

Synonyms: shy, timid, reserved, reticent, retiring

Antonyms: forward, aggressive

DILEMMA: A situation calling for a choice between two equally difficult alternatives; hence, a difficult or perplexing situation - faced with a dilemma defying solution.

Synonyms:predicament, quandary, plight

DILETTANTE: One who dabbles in the fine arts for amusement only and without concentrated study - a doctor by profession, a dilettante in art.

Synonyms:amateur, connoisseur

DISCONCERT: To confuse; to embarrass - disconcerted by his suspicious stare.

Synonyms:perturb, discomfit, discompose, abash, disquiet, fluster

DISCONSOLATE: Depressed; without hope or possibility of consolation - made disconsolate by abject poverty.

Synonyms:inconsolable, dejected

Antonyms:blithesome, carefree

DISCOURSE: To converse or talk; to discuss - discoursed at length on the rise of political parties.

DISCRETE: Separate - two discrete issues, totally unrelated.

DISCURSIVE: Rambling from one subject to another - a discursive letter, covering many topics.

Synonyms:desultory, digressive

DISPARITY (adj.: DISPARATE): Inequality; difference in image, quantity, character, or rank - great disparity between promise and performance.

DISPASSIONATE: Free from feeling or partiality - coldly dispassionate as the chairman of the meeting

Synonyms:palm, impartial


DISPATCH (verb): To do speedily; to send off - dispatched with remarkable promptness.

Synonym: expedite

(noun): A speedy performance; the sending off of something - done with all possible dispatch.

Synonyms: celerity, alacrity

DISPEL: To drive away; to scatter - dispelled a doubt that had lingered.

Synonyms:dissipate, disperse, diffuse

DISSENT (noun: DISSENSION): To disagree; to differ in opinion - He dissented violently, rejecting compromise.

DISSOLUTE: Living loosely; unrestrained in conduct or morals - his life wasted by dissolute conduct.

Synonyms:debauched, dissipated, profligate

DISTRAUGHT: Mentally distressed; distracted - distraught by trials and tribulations.

Synonym: harassed

DIVERSE: (verb: DIVERSIFY; noun: DIVISIBILITY): Varied; different - two diverse characters; one candid, the other insincere.

Synonym: multifarious

DIVERTING: Entertaining - a diverting one of the most amusing I've ever seen.

DIVULGE: To make public or reveal - refused to divulge his source of information.

Synonyms: disclose, impart

DOGMATIC: Positive in expressing an opinion; asserting an opinion as though it were an undisputed fact - spoken dogmatically, as if the speaker considered himself infallible.

Synonyms: overbearing, opinionated, peremptory, dictatorial

DOLOROUS: Sorrowful; mournful - a dolorous song full of sorrow for past joys.

Synonyms: doleful, lugubrious, grievous

Antonyms: jocund, blithe, mirthful

DYNAMIC: Forceful - possessed dynamic energy, tireless and powerful.

Synonym: energetic

Antonyms: static, inert, dormant, torpid, sluggish, quiescent

ECCLESIASTIC (adj.): Pertaining to the clergy or the church - recognized as an authority in ecclesiastic matters. Antonyms: secular, lay

(noun): A clergyman - an ecclesiastic of liberal views.

EDICT: A public command or proclamation issued by an authority - proclaimed by royal edict.

Synonym: decree

EDIFY: To instruct or uplift, particularly in morals or religion - a story that edifiesthe reader, as well as entertains him

EFFETE: No longer productive; hence, lacking in or, worn out - powerful in ancient days, now an effete civilization.

EGOTISTIC: Conceited - an egotisticperson, flourishing on praise.

Synonyms: egocentric, vain

Antonym: altruistic

EGREGIOUS: Outstandingly bad an egregiousmistake with serious implications.

EJACULATE: To exclaim or utter suddenly - ejaculateda cry of horror.

ELICIT: To draw out - elicitedno response from the audience.

Synonyms: evoke, extract, extort

ELUCIDATE: To make clear; to explain - elucidatedhis theory so that even a schoolboy could understand it.

Synonym: clarify

EMISSARY: A person sent on an errand or mission - delegated his emissary to conclude a pact.

ENGENDER: To cause, produce, or stir up-an act that engenderedgood will.

ENNUI: Boredom; weariness of mind-fell asleep at the meeting from sheer ennui.

ENSUE: To follow or result-Silence ensuedwhen the leader arose to speak.

ENTREAT: To beg earnestly - entreatedthe judge to show mercy.

Synonyms: solicit, supplicate, beseech, implore, importune;

(adj.) importunate, mendicant, suppliant

EPHEMERAL: Very short-lived - an ephemeraljoy, lasting but a day.

Synonyms: fleeting, transitory, transient, evanescent

Antonym: eternal

EPICUREAN (noun): A person devoted to luxurious living and pleasure - an epicurean, seeking to enjoy every meal.

(adj.): Pleasure-loving - His entire existence demonstrated his epicureantastes.

EPIGRAM: A brief pointed saying - a speech full of original epigrams.

Synonyms: maxim proverb, adage

EPITAPH: A tombstone inscription - an epitaphengraved on marble.

EPITHET: A phrase that describes a quality (good or bad) in a person or thing - "Glaring" error is a commonly used epithet.

Synonyms: characterization , appellation

EQUANIMITY (adj.: EQUABLE): Evenness of temper or mind - suffered his cruel fate with equanimity.

Synonyms: serenity, composure, imperturbability, aplomb

ERR (noun: ERRATUM): To be mistaken or go astray - To err is human, to forgive divine.

Synonyms: stray, blunder

ERRATIC: Irresponsible, eccentric; lacking a fixed purpose erratic behavior, reflecting his queer ideas.

ERUDITE: Learned - an erudite person, an editor of many books.

Synonyms: scholarly , knowing

ESOTERIC: Understood by only a select few - an esoteric subject, discussed only by scholars.

Synonyms: abstruse, recondite

EXCEPTIONABLE: Objectionable - exceptionable behavior, universally criticized.

Synonyms: questionable, reprehensible, censurable

Antonym: laudable

EXCULPATE: To free from blame - exculpated by a jury.

Synonyms: vindicate, exonerate, absolve, acquit

Antonyms: arraign, indict, inculpate

EXEMPLARY (noun: EXEMPLAR): Serving as a model; commendable - exemplary conduct approved by all.

Synonyms: illustrative, typical; praiseworthy, laudable

EXODUS: Departure, emigration - the pathetic exodus of refugees from their homeland.

EXOTIC: Strange and foreign - an exotic costume imported from Asia.

EXPATIATE: To speak or write at great length - He expatiated on the subject for two hours.

Synonym: dilate

EXPATRIATE (verb): To banish or exile; to withdraw from one's country - expatriated for treachery to his country.

(noun): An expatriated person - expatriates who left the United States to live in Paris.

EXPEDIENT (adj.): Convenient in helping to attain some purpose - found it expedient to maintain silence at that moment.

Synonyms: opportune, seasonable

(noun): A means to accomplish something - tried all expedients to achieve a quick result.

EXPLOIT (verb): To use for one's selfish purpose - refugees exploited by unscrupulous employers.

(noun): A brilliant deed - lauded for his exploits in science.

Synonym: feat

EXPOUND (noun: EXPOSITION): To set forth in detail; to explain - expounded his theory in a learned article.

EXPURGATE: To purify (usually a piece of writing) of offensive material - expurgate all obscenities before the book could be sold.

Synonyms: purge, delete

EXTEMPORANEOUS: Done or spoken on the spur of the moment or without preparation - an extemporaneous speech.

Synonyms: impromptu, offhand

EXTINCT: No longer existing or active - the extinct dinosaur, alive only in history.

Synonym: defunct

Antonym: extant

EXTIRPATE: To root out, destroy totally - extirpated the cause of trouble.

Synonyms: eradicate, exterminate, efface, obliterate

EXTRANEOUS. Not essential; foreign; irrelevant - excluded material extraneous to the subject.

Synonyms: extrinsic, adventitious

Antonyms: germane, intrinsic, inherent, relevant, pertinent

EXULTATION: Great rejoicing - received the good news with exultation.

Synonym: jubilation

FACADE: Front or face, especially of a building - a facade of marble.

FACETIOUS: Given to joking or inappropriate gaiety; said in fun - brightened the evening with his facetious remarks.

Synonyms: jocose, droll, flippant, frivolous

Antonyms: solemn, grave, saturnine

FALLACIOUS (noun: FALLACY): Unsound; misleading; deceptive - led astray by fallacious reasoning and plans.

FALLIBLE: Liable to make mistakes or be deceived - Being human, Tom was naturally fallible.

Antonyms: infallible, unerring

FATHOM: To penetrate and understand - difficult to fathom his mysterious actions.

FATUOUS: Foolish; silly - a fatuous suggestion that struck us as stupid.

Synonyms: inane, vacuous, puerile

Antonyms: judicious, sagacious, sage

FEALTY: Faithfulness - The soldiers were pledged to fealty to their ruler.

Synonyms: allegiance, constancy, fidelity

Antonyms: disloyalty; infidelity, treachery

FEASIBLE: Workable - a feasible plan, proved practical by - previous experience.

Antonym: impracticable

245 FEIGN (noun: FEINT): To pretend - He feigned to be angry, but we saw through his pretense.

Synonyms: dissemble, sham, dissimulate, affect


(1) A state of happiness - promoted felicity in the nation.

Synonym: bliss

(2) A high ability - lie has a felicity of language, mastery of the well-chosen phrase.

FERVID: Spirited; ardent - a fervid debater, full of emotion.

Synonyms: perfervid, impassioned, zealous, fervent, vehement

FESTOON (noun): A garland of flowers, leaves, etc. hung between two points - the room bright with festoons of Thanksgiving decorations.

(verb): To hang with festoons - a room festooned with spring flowers.


(1) Something that is believed to have magical powers - savages worshipping the fetish in a ceremonial dance.

Synonym: charm, talisman, amulet

(2) An object of unreasoning devotion and worship - Photography, begun as a hobby, became a fetish.

FIASCO: A ludicrous and complete failure - all his glorious plans ending in a fiasco.

Synonym: debacle

FICTITIOUS: Unreal; made-up - used a fictitious name to avoid being recognized.

Synonym: fabricated

FLACCID: Lacking firmness - muscles grown flaccid after the illness.

Synonyms: flabby, limp

FLAGRANT: Outstandingly bad - condemned for his flagrant abuse of power.

Synonyms: glaring, scandalous, notorious, conspicuous, gross

FLAMBOYANT: Elaborately showy - written in a flamboyant, style, full of highly decorative imagery.

Synonyms: florid, ornate, resplendent, embellished, garish, gaudy, gorgeous, rococo

Antonym: somber

FLAUNT: Display or wave boastfully - flaunted the excellent report before his delighted parents.

FLEETING: Passing swiftly -the fleeting hours of happiness

Synonyms: transitory, fugitive

FLUCTUATE: To waver from one course to another; to vary irregularly - his mood fluctuating with every hour.

Synonyms: oscillate, vacillate, undulate, sway

FORBEAR (noun: FORBEARANCE): To exercise self control; to keep from - forbearing to shoot the animal despite temptation.

Synonyms: restrain, abstain

FORENSIC: Pertaining to public discussion or law courts - a lawyer gifted in forensic debate.

Synonyms: rhetorical, oratorical

FORTUITOUS: Accidental - a fortuitous meeting with a friend in need.

Synonyms: casual, incidental, adventitious, random

FRACAS: A disorderly quarrel - A fracas broke up the meeting.

Synonyms: brawl, altercation, fray, wrangle, imbroglio

FRUSTRATE: To prevent (the attainment of an object); to defeat or render ineffectual - His scholastic progress was frustrated by a serious illness.

Synonyms: balk, thwart, foil, baffle, obstruct, discomfit

Antonym: abet

FULSOME: Disgustingly excessive - nauseated by fulsome praise.

GARNISH: To trim or decorate - dishes garnished attractively with greens.

Synonyms: adorn, deck

GENEALOGY: A record of a person's or a family's ancestors or relatives - an interesting genealogy, including saints and sinners.

Synonym: lineage

GENESIS: Origin - chemistry, which had its genesis in alchemy.

Synonym: inception

GESTICULATE: To make gestures, or indicate feelings by. motions - gesticulated wildly to show his distress.

GHASTLY: Horrible, deathlike - a ghastly disaster which shocked the world.

Synonyms: gruesome, grisly, pallid, macabre, grim, lurid

GIBE (variant spelling: JIBE): To laugh at; to utter with scorn - gibed at his enemy mercilessly.

Synonyms: mock, sneer, jeer, scoff, flout, deride (adj.: derisive), rail, taunt

GLIB: Smooth-spoken, fluent - a glib liar, distorting the truth effortlessly.

GLUTTONOUS (noun. GLUTTON; verb: GLUT): Inclined to cat to excess - gulped down his food in gluttonous fashion.

Synonyms:voracious, intemperate

GOSSAMER (noun): A very thin gauzelike fabric or structure - a poem so delicate that it seemed an unreal gossamer.

(adj.): Thin and light - the gossamer wings of a dragon fly.

Synonyms: diaphanous, flimsy, gauzelike Antonyms: substantial, ponderous

GREGARIOUS: Habitually fond of associating in a company or herd - gregarious sheep; that gregarious animal, man.

Antonyms:lone, aloof

GRIMACE: A distortion of the face to express an attitude or feeling - a grimace that was more expressive than words.

HAIL: To greet - The crowd hailed the returning hero.

Synonyms: accost, salute

HARANGUE (verb): To deliver a long. noisy speech- harangued the multitude.

Synonyms: rant, declaim

(noun): A loud, tiresome speech - an empty harangue which bored his audience.

Synonym: tirade

HARBINGER, A forerunner; ail announcer - the robin, harbinger of spring.

Synonyms:precursor, herald

HAUGHTY: Proud; looking down with contempt on others - dismissed the messenger in a haughty manner.

HEEDLESS: Thoughtless; taking little care - rushed into battle, heedless of the danger.

Synonyms: inadvertent, rash, incautious

Antonyms: prudent, circumspect, mindful, wary

HEINOUS: Wicked; hateful - committed a heinous crime.

Synonyms: atrocious, outrageous, monstrous, odious, nefarious, abominable

HERESY: An opinion held in opposition to the traditional view - a view condemned as heresy.

Synonym: heterodoxy

Antonym: orthodoxy

HIATUS: A gap or vacancy; break -left a hiatus on the page where he erased a sentence.


HISTRIONIC: Pertaining to the theater; designed for show - broke into histrionic laughter, hollow and insincere.

Synonyms: dramatic, theatrical

HOAX (noun): A trick or deception; a practical joke - played a hoax upon the credulous public.

Synonym: canard

(verb): To play a trick on; to deceive - He hoaxed the crowd completely with his disguise.

HOMONYM: Two words having the same sound but different meanings - confusing such homonyms as mail add male.

HOVEL: A dirty or wretched dwelling - born in a hovel, died in a mansion.

HYPERBOLE: Extravagant exaggeration for effect - An example of hyperbole: "There are a million objections to the project."

Synonym: overstatement

Antonym: understatement

HYPOTHESIS: An assumption made for the sake of argument - worked from a fantastic hypothesis.

Synonym: supposition

IDIOSYNCRASY: A. personal peculiarity - Wearing white was one of Whistler's idiosyncrasies.

Synonyms: eccentricity, foible, mannerism, crotchet, aberration, quirk, singularity

IGNOMINIOUS (noun: IGNOMINY): Incurring public disgrace - suffered an ignominious descent from political power.

Synonyms: infamous, degrading, opprobrious, odious

Antonyms: illustrious, renowned, preeminent

IMMACULATE: Spotless; pure - an immaculate reputation.

Synonyms: undefiled, unsullied, unblemished, untarnished

Antonyms: defiled, sullied, blemished

IMMINENT: Likely to occur soon - stood in imminent peril.

Synonym: impending

IMMUNE (verb: IMMUNIZE): Exempt from; protected from - immune from taxation.

Synonym : unsusceptible

IMPALE: To pierce through with a pointed instrument - impaled a spider to the wall.


(1) To accuse (a public official) of wrongdoing - impeached the judge for accepting a bribe.

Synonym: arraign

(2) To cast discredit upon - impeached his motives.

Synonyms: call in question, discredit

IMPECCABLE: Faultless - performed with impeccable skill.

Synonyms: consummate, irreproachable, unerring, infallible

Antonyms: culpable, fallible

IMPERVIOUS: Incapable of being penetrated - a mind impervious to new ideas.

Synonyms: impermeable, impenetrable

Antonyms: permeable, pervasive

IMPLACABLE: Incapable of being soothed, made peaceful, or forgiving - implacable resentment.

Synonyms: unrelenting, inexorable, unappeasable

Antonyms: placable, forbearing


(1) Implied but not clearly expressed - an implicit agreement.

(2) Unquestioning - implicit confidence.

Synonyms: tacit, implied

Antonym: explicit

IMPORT (noun): Meaning; significance or importance - a matter of great import.

Synonyms: purport, moment, consequence

IMPOSTOR (noun: IMPOSTURE): One who pretends to be what he is notunmasked as an impostor.

Synonyms: quack, mountebank, charlatan, bogus, fraud

IMPRECATION: A curse - hurled imprecations at those who would not listen to him.

Synonyms: execration, malediction, anathema

Antonyms: benediction, benison

IMPREGNABLE: Unconquerable - an impregnable fortress.

Synonym: invincible

Antonym: vulnerable

IMPROPRIETY: Improper act, manners, or expression - guilty of impropriety in public office.

Synonyms: indecency, indecorum

Antonym: amenity

IMPROVIDENT: Lacking in thrift; not providing for future needs - an improvident spender.

Synonyms: prodigal, shiftless

IMPUGN: To attack or criticize as false; to call in question - impugned his honesty.

INCARCERATE: To imprison - crushed his opponents by incarcerating them.

Synonyms: intern, immure

Antonyms: emancipate, enfranchise

INCISIVE: Cutting, penetrating - incisive criticism.

Synonyms: sarcastic, mordant, trenchant, acute

INCOGNITO. With one's identity concealed - traveled incognito.

INCONTROVERTIBLE: Indisputable - incontrovertible evidence.

Synonyms: irrefutable, -indubitable

INCREMENT: An increase - a salary increment.

Synonym: accrual

INCUMBENT (noun): An officeholder - the incumbent in an election.

(adj.): Obligatory - felt it incumbent to reply.

Synonyms: - mandatory, imperative

INDEFATIGABLE: Untiring - an indefatigable worker.

Synonyms:unflagging, unremitting, persevering

INDIGENOUS: Native - Rice is indigenous to China.

Synonyms:innate, inborn

INDOOMITABLE: Stubborn in determination not to be subdued - indomitable courage.

Synonyms:insuperable, irrepressible, invincible, unyielding

Antonyms:tractable, amenable, docile, submissive

INFERENCE: A conclusion reached by reasoning from data or premises - an inference drawn from his remarks.

Synonyms:deduction, implication

INGENIOUS: Demonstrating originality, skill, or resourcefulness - an ingenious device.

Synonyms:dextrous, inventive, adroit

Antonyms:maladroit, gauche

INGENUOUS: Simple and straightforward; concealing nothing - an ingenuous plan that anyone could see through.

Synonyms: unsophisticated, naive, candid

Antonym: sophisticated

INGRATIATE: To win another's favor or good opinion tried to ingratiate himself with the politician.

INHIBIT: To check or hinder - inhibited his friend from a foolhardy course.

Synonyms:restrain, curb

Antonym: promote

INNOCUOUS: Harmless; inoffensive - an innocuous remark, but it enraged him.

INNUENDO: An indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory) - conveyed his idea by innuendo.

Synonyms: (verb) intimate, insinuate

INORDINATE: Excessive - spoiled by inordinate praise.

Synonyms: immoderate, intemperate, extravagant

INSATIABLE: Unable to be satisfied - insatiable greed

Synonyms. unappeasable, unquenchable, insatiate

INSCRUTABLE: Incapable of interpretation or understanding - the inscrutable smile of the Mona Lisa.

Synonyms: unfathomable, cryptic, enigmatic

INSIDIOUS: Working secretly or slyly - that insidious disease, cancer.

Synonyms: wily, crafty, furtive, treacherous, artful, guileful perfidious

INSTIGATE: To stir tip - instigated discontent among the soldiers.

Synonyms: foment, incite

INTEGRITY: Honesty, moral soundness - a man of proved integrity.

Synonyms: probity, uprightness, incorruptibility

INVEIGH (noun-. INVECTIVE): To speak angrily or bitterly-inveighed against economic discrimination.

Synonyms: rail, denounce, fulminate, vituperate

IRASCIBLE: Easily angered - Even petty things made Peter irascible.

Synonyms: choleric, petulant, testy, peevish, splenetic, touchy

Antonyms: placid, equable

IRE: Anger -aroused his ire.

Synonyms: resentment; (adj.) irate, incensed

IRKSOME: Tedious, monotonous - an irksome chore that no one liked.

ITINERANT: Traveling about; wandering - an itinerant salesman.

Synonym: nomadic

JARGON: Confused, unintelligible, meaningless talk; special vocabulary used only by members of a group or trade - Variety, a newspaper written in theatrical jargon.

Synonyms: gibberish, argot, cant

JAUNTY: Having an air of easy carelessness or liveliness - walked with a jaunty step.

Synonyms: sprightly, airy, gay, nonchalant, debonair

Antonyms: somber, staid

JEOPARDY: Danger - His life was in jeopardy.

Synonyms: hazard, peril

JETTISON: To throw overboard (as cargo); to throw off (as a burden or something in the way )- jettisoned their old candidate as a political liability.

JUDICIOUS: Wise; using or exhibiting good judgment - a well-chosen plan, termed judicious by all.

Synonyms:discreet, politic, discerning

KALEIDOSCOPIC: Constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes - kaleidoscopic views of New York.

KEN: Range of sight or understanding - something beyond our ken.

Synonym: insight

LABYRINTH (adj.: LABYRINTHINE): A structure or intricate passage out of which it is difficult to find one's way (also applied to spiritual and intellectual complexities) - confused by a labyrinth of intellectual discussions.


LACHRYMOSE: Causing or given to shedding tears - a lachrymose tragedy.

LACONIC: Saying much in few words - a laconic reply that spoke volumes.

Synonyms:concise, pithy, terse, succinct, taciturn, reticent

Antonyms:verbose, prolix, redundant, diffuse, tautological, turgid, garrulous, voluble

LARCENY: Theft - indicted for grand larceny.

LATENT: Hidden; present but not fully developed - latent talent that time will reveal.

Synonyms:dormant, quiescent, covert, potential

Antonyms:apparent, patent


(1) Profuse or generous - lavish in praise.

Synonyms: ample, superabundant

(2) Given to extravagance - a lavish spender.

Synonyms: prodigal, munificent, magnanimous.

Antonyms: parsimonious, niggardly, frugal, penurious

LETHAL: Deadly - a lethal weapon.

Synonyms: mortal, fatal

LONGEVITY: Prolonged duration of life - a country remarkable for the longevity of its inhabitants.

LOW: To bellow softly like cattle - the lowing herd in the meadow.

Synonym: moo

LUCID: Clear; transparent; easily understood - a lucid explanation of a difficult text.

Synonyms: pellucid, perspicuous, intelligible, limpid, luminous, translucent

Antonyms: abstruse, obscure

LUDICROUS: Ridiculous; producing laughter - a ludicrous remark that set them all to roaring.

Synonyms: mirthful, droll, comical, absurd

Antonyms: doleful, lugubrious, dismal

LUMINARY: An eminent person; a celestial body - the platform graced by a number of luminaries.

MACHIAVELLIAN: Sacrificing moral principles in order to attain power; politically cunning; crafty - a machiavellian design, wickedly contrived.

Synonym: unscrupulous

MALICIOUS (noun: MALICE): Bearing, or acting with, deliberate ill-will or spite - hurting with malicious intent.

Synonyms:rancorous, malignant, malevolent, virulent, vindictive

Antonym: benign

MASQUERADE (verb): To assume a deceptive appearance or character - a thief masquerading as an honest man.

Synonyms: dissemble, feign

(noun): A disguise; a group of people in disguise or fancy costumes - a masquerade so perfect no one could guess his identity.

MAUDLIN: Sentimental to the point of tears - turned maudlin at the mention of his lost dog.

Synonym : mawkish, lachrymose

MEANDER: To walk about (or talk) aimlessly; to wind about (as a stream) - meandered through the town, looking into shop windows.

Synonym: ramble

MEDIOCRE: Average in quality - a mediocre performance, unworthy of his talents.

MERCENARY: Acting solely from a consideration of reward or profit - actuated by a mercenary motive.

Synonym: venal

MERETRICIOUS: Attracting in a false, cheap, or showy manner- a meretricious beauty that is too flashy to be real.

Synonyms:tawdry, specious

METICULOUS: Fussy about minute details - took meticulous pains with his composition.

Synonyms:fastidious, punctilious, overscrupulous, finical, methodical

Antonyms:desultory, perfunctory, slovenly

METTLE (adj.: METTLESOME: high-spirited ): Disposition; spirit; courage - His mettle was tried in battle.

Idiom: to be on one's mettle (meaning, "ready to do one's best")

Synonyms:temperament, ardor

MICROCOSM: A little world, or a universe in miniature this village, a microcosm of the great outside world.

Antonym:macrocosm (world on a large scale)

MIMIC: To make fun of or copy by imitating - mimicked the comedian's gestures.

MISANTHROPIC (noun: MISANTHROPE): Hating or distrusting mankind - condemned for his misanthropic views.

Antonyms: philanthropic, altruistic

MISNOMER: A name or term that describes wrongly - To call him a brave man is really a misnomer.

MONOLOGUE: A speech by one person - The actor gave his views in a dramatic monologue.


Antonyms:colloquy (adj. colloquial): conversation between two or more persons; dialogue: conversation between two persons

MOROSE: Gloomy; ill-humored - shunned because of his morose temper.

Synonyms: sulky, crabbed, sullen, splenetic, saturnine

Antonyms: blithe, genial

MOTLEY: Of various colors; of mixed ingredients - a motley costume; a motley crowd.

Synonyms: checkered (referring to a varied career), piebald, variegated, diverse, heterogeneous

Antonym: homogeneous

MOTTLED: Spotted or streaked with varied colors - a mottled pony.

Synonyms:blotched, dappled

MUNDANE: Of, or pertaining to, the world, as contrasted with the spirit - mundane affairs.

Synonyms:earthly, terrestrial, secular, temporal

MURKY: Dark; cloudy - a murky cavern.

Synonyms:dismal, tenebrous, fuliginous

Antonyms:resplendent, glowing, lustrous, luminous, fulgent, coruscating

MUTABLE: Given to frequent change in nature, mood, or form - mutable in mood as a spring wind.

Synonyms:vacillating, fickle, inconstant, fitful, mercurial, wavering, capricious

Antonyms:constant, steady

MYRIAD: Innumerable - the myriad stars in the heavens.

NAUTICAL: Pertaining to ships or navigation - a nautical career.

Synonyms: marine, naval, maritime

NETTLE: To irritate or provoke - nettled by his critics.

Synonyms: vex, pique, goad

NOCTURNAL: Pertaining to, or occurring in, the night - awakened by the sounds of a nocturnal prowler.

Antonym: diurnal

NOISOME: Foul-smelling; harmful-the swamp gave off a noisome odor.

Synonyms: malodorous, fetid, disgusting; noxious, deleterious

Antonym: salubrious

NONCHALANT: Unmoved or indifferent; casual - reacted to the news in a nonchalant manner.

Synonym: apathetic

Antonyms: enthusiastic, zealous

NOSTALGIA: Homesickness - felt nostalgia for the old homestead.

NOTORIOUS: Widely known (in a bad sense) - a notorious gambler.

NOVICE: A beginner - conducted himself in politics like a novice.

Synonyms:tyro, neophyte


OBDURATE: Hard-hearted; stubborn - an obdurate, unrepentant criminal.

Synonyms:adamant, unyielding, inflexible

Antonyms:submissive, docile, compliant

OBLIVIOUS (noun: OBLIVION): Forgetful; absent-minded - walking oblivious of his surroundings.

Synonyms:unmindful, heedless, abstracted

OBSESSION: A persistent feeling, idea, activity, etc., which dominates a person; the state of being exclusively preoccupied by a fixed idea - Now that he has learned bowling, it has become his obsession.

Synonyms:mania, infatuation (a foolish passion), monomania

OBSOLETE: No longer in use - an obsolete word, not even included by most dictionaries.

Synonyms:archaic, antiquated

OBTRUSIVE (verb: OBTRUDE): Thrusting oneself or itself into undue prominence - made himself obnoxiously obtrusive.

Synonyms:intrusive, aggressive

OBVIATE: To prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions - an act which obviated all objections.

Synonyms:preclude, forestall

OMNIPOTENT: All-powerful - an omnipotent despot.

ONUS: Burden; duty; obligation - bore the onus of his difficult office creditably.

OSTENSIBLE: Apparent; pretended - his ostensible, though not actual, purpose.

Synonyms:professed, plausible (that is, appearing true, reasonable, or fair), specious

OSTRACIZE: To banish; to exclude from public favor or privileges - a former premier ostracized by popular vote.

Synonym: outlaw

PANACEA: A remedy for all ills - seeking a panacea to cure our social troubles.

Synonym: nostrum

PANEGYRIC: A speech or writing of extravagant praise - delivered a panegyric at his friend's testimonial dinner.

Synonyms:eulogy, adulation, tribute, laudation (adj. laudatory), encomium

Antonyms:censure, disparagement, derogation, castigation, depreciation

PARADOX: A self -contradictory statement; something 'that appears to be absurd and yet may be true -"Life is too important a matter to he taken seriously." - a paradox by Oscar Wilde.

Synonym: anomaly

PARAPHRASE: To restate the meaning of a passage in other words - paraphrased the poem in a few lines of prose.

PARODY (noun): A humorous imitation of an author's style and mannerisms - wrote a parody on Kipling's "Gunga Din."

Synonym: burlesque

(verb): To write a parody - parodied the popular authors of the (lay to his audience's amusement.

Synonym: Mimic

PECCADILLO: A petty fault-possesses one peccadillo among his many virtues.

Synonyms: frailty, foible, flaw, blemish

PECUNIARY: Pertaining to money - involved in pecuniary difficulties.

Synonyms; financial, fiscal, monetary

PEDANT (adj.: PEDANTIC): One who proudly shows off his learning or who overrates his knowledge - like a pedant glorying in his scholarly trifles.

PENSIVE: Sadly thoughtful - softly sang his pensive song.

Synonyms: reflective, meditative, contemplative, musing

PEREMPTORY: Positive in expressing an opinion - gave a peremptory judgment.

Synonyms:decisive, resolute, imperious, positive, dogmatic

Antonyms:indecisive, tentative

PERTINACIOUS: Clinging doggedly to an opinion or purpose - pertinacious in his efforts.

Synonyms:obdurate, tenacious, persistent, persevering, intractable, inflexible

PERUSE: To read carefully - perused the important letter.

PERVERSE: Willfully bent on doing the wrong thing - a perverse lad, always disobeying his parents.

Synonyms:headstrong, froward, refractory, wayward, fractious

PETRIFY: To paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise - petrified by the enemy bombardment.

Synonyms:stupefy, stun, bewilder, amaze

PLAGIARISM. Adopting and reproducing, without acknowledgment, the writings or ideas of another and passing them off as one's own - denied the charge of deliberate plagiarism.

PLATITUDE: A dull and commonplace remark - bored people by his pompous phrases and platitudes.

Synonyms:bromide, truism, axiom

PLEBEIAN: Pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar - plebeian in his tastes and outlook.

Antonyms:patrician, aristocratic

PLEBISCITE. A direct vote by the people - The decision to confederate was ratified by plebiscite.


(1) Gripping and moving the feelings powerfully - a poignant grief.

(2) Piercing, biting, pointed - a poignant cry; poignant wit.

PONDEROUS: Very heavy; clumsy; dull - a ponderous speech, extremely boring.

PRECARIOUS: Uncertain or risky - earning a precarious livelihood, providing no luxuries.


(1) Very steep - a precipitous cliff.

(2) Descending rapidly - a precipitous decline in popularity.

PRECOCIOUS: Remarkable for early mental development a precocious genius.


(1) Inclined to plunder or rob; - predatory bands roaming the countryside.

(2) Preying on, others - predatory animals prowling about.

Synonyms: predacious, looting, pillaging

PREDILECTION: Partiality or preference for; a favorable opinion arrived at beforehand - a predilection for theatricals.

Synonyms: prepossession, proclivity, predisposition, penchant

Antonyms: aversion, antipathy, repugnance

PRELUDE: An introduction, forerunner, or preliminary step - a short prelude to the play.

Synonyms: preface, prologue, preamble.

Antonym: epilogue

PREROGATIVE: A privilege or power attaching to a position - It is a woman's prerogative to refuse to tell her age.

Synonym: license

PRESTIGE: Esteem or influence accorded for recognized achievements or reputation - As Senator he enjoyed great prestige.

Synonym: distinction

415, PRECOCIOUS: Remarkable for early mental development a precocious genius.


(1) Inclined to plunder or rob; - predatory bands roaming the countryside.

(2) Preying on, others - predatory animals prowling about.

Synonyms: predacious, looting, pillaging

PREDILECTION: Partiality or pr eference for; a favorable opinion arrived at beforehand - a predilection for theatricals.

Synonyms: prepossession, proclivity, predisposition, penchant

Antonyms: aversion, antipathy, repugnance

PRELUDE: An introduction, forerunner, or preliminary step - a short prelude to the play.

Synonyms: Preface, prologue. Preamble

Antonym: epilogue

PREROGATIVE: A privilege or power attaching to a position - It is a woman's prerogative to refuse to tell her age.

Synonym: license

PRESTIGE: Esteem or influence accorded for recognized achievements or reputation - As Senator he enjoyed great prestige.

Synonym: distinction


(1) Something taken for granted - acted on a reasonable presumption.

(2) Going beyond proper bounds; impudent boldness - His question was downright presumption.

Synonyms: effrontery, forwardness, arrogance

PREVARICATE: To disguise or conceal the truth to lie - prevaricated in order to avoid detection.

Synonyms: quibble, equivocate; (adj.) mendacious

Antonyms: (noun) veracity, verity; (adj.) forthright

PROCRASTINATE: To postpone or put off to another time - missed his opportunity by procrastinating too long.

Synonyms: defer, delay

PROGNOSTICATE (noun: PROGNOSIS): To forecast - The Weather Bureau prognosticates daily.

Synonyms:presage, portend, augur, forebode

PROLETARIAT: The wage-earning class - a truckman, humble member of the proletariat.

PROMONTORY: A cliff - an imposing promontory along the coast.

Synonyms:headland, precipice

PROMULGATE: To publish or proclaim; to spread abroad The President promulgated a decree.


PROTUBERANT: Bulging or swelling out - a protuberant jaw.

Antonyms:receding, recessive

PROVISIONAL: Temporary; for the time being - a provisional plan until a permanent decision is reached.


PROXIMITY: Nearness-worked in close proximity to his home.

Synonyms :propinquity, vicinity


PSEUDONYM: A false name assumed by a writer - concealed his identity by a pseudonym.

Synonyms:alias, pen name, nom de plume

PUNITIVE: Inflicting, or concerned with, punishment - took punitive measures against deserters.

QUASH: To crush; to render void - quashed a rebellion; quashed an indictment.

Synonyms:suppress, extinguish, quell; annul

QUERULOUS: Given to fault-finding and complaining - Her querulous nature estranged many people.

Synonyms:fretful, whining, captious, carping, peevish, petulant

Antonym: affable

QUIXOTIC: Extravagantly romantic or idealistic; highly impractical - a quixotic scheme that can never materialize.

Synonyms:utopian, visionary, fantastic

RACONTEUR: A skilled storyteller - held spellbound by a superb raconteur.

RADICAL (noun): One who advocates extreme basic changes - The reform movement was led by a radical.

(adj.): Thorough, extreme - radical measures adopted to meet the emergency.

Antonym:(noun and adj.) conservative

RAMIFICATION: A branching; sub-division - studied the subject in all its ramifications.

RAZE: To tear down completely- razed the old building.



RECAPITULATE: To restate in a brief, concise form; to sum up - recapitulated the main ideas.

RECIPROCAL: Mutual; done in return for something received - held each other in reciprocal esteem.

RECUMBENT: Lying down; leaning back or down - resting in a recumbent position.


(1) Fragrant - a room redolent of roses.

Synonym: aromatic

(2) Reminiscent of - redolent of olden times.

REDOUBTABLE: Commanding fear or respect - cringing before a redoubtable enemy.


REFUTE: To prove incorrect or false-refuted his opponent's argument.

Synonyms:rebut, confute

Antonyms: substantiate, confirm, corroborate

REITERATE: Repeat (several times) - reiterated his story once more.

REMUNERATIVE: Profitable - a remunerative job.

Synonyms: lucrative, gainful

RENEGADE: One who forsakes political or party principles or his religious faith - a renegade from his former allegiance.

Synonyms: turncoat, apostate, recreant, traitor

REPRISAL: Injury inflicted in turn for one received - took action in reprisal against his neighbor.

Synonym: retaliation

RESENTMENT: Feeling of displeasure or indignation resulting from mistreatment or abuse - showed resentment at what he considered an unwarranted insult.

Synonyms: umbrage, dudgeon, animosity

RESILIENT: Elastic; light-hearted; possessing power of recovery - a resilient Spirit, refusing to admit defeat.

Synonyms: flexible, pliable, supple, limber


(1) Temporary deferment or cessation of work or pain - a brief respite from labor.

Synonym: surcease

(2) A temporary delay in the execution of -a sentence - granted the doom man a temporary respite.

Synonym: reprieve

RETRIBUTION: The reward or punishment exacted for an injury, wickedness, or other action - suffered just retribution for his folly.

Synonyms: requital, nemesis


(1) To make good -retrieved a mistake.

(2) To recover -retrieved the suitcase left at the station.

(3) To restore - retrieved his lost fortunes.

REVERBERATE: To echo - a shot reverberating through the valley.

Synonym: resound

RUDIMENTARY: In an early stage of development - possessing only a rudimentary, knowledge of physics.

Synonym: incipient

RUE (adj.: RUEFUL): To be sorry for-He will rue the day he left home.

Synonyms: regret, repent

SACROSANCT: Very holy - a shrine. regarded as sacrosanct.

Synonyms: consecrated, inviolable, hallowed

SAGACIOUS (noun: SAGACITY): Wise; shrewd - proved to be sagacious in his judgment.

Synonyms: perspicacious, astute, sapient, discerning, sage

SALLOW: Sick - a sallow complexion.

Synonym: pallid

Antonyms: rubicund, ruddy, florid

SALLY: (verb): To rush forth suddenly - sallied out to meet the enemy.

(noun): A Witty remark - amused the audience with his sallies against his opponent.

Synonyms: quip, banter

SANCTIMONIOUS: Pretending to be religious - showed his hypocrisy in a sanctimonious display of piety.

SANGUINARY: Bloody - a sanguinary battle.

Synonym: gory

SANGUINE: Of a hopeful disposition; blood-red in color - a perennial optimist, sanguine in temperament.

Synonyms: buoyant, ardent

SARTORIAL: Pertaining to a tailor or clothes - a picture of sartorial perfection.


(1) An attentive or flattering follower - a prince surrounded by many satellites.

Synonyms: lackey, toady, disciple, adherent; adj., fawning, obsequious, partisan

(2) A country influenced or controlled by another - Freedom is conspicuously absent ,in the Soviet satellites.

(3) A body (natural or artificial) which revolves around a larger body, generally a planet - The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth, but in recent years it has been joined by many artificial satellites.

SCINTILLA: A trace; a particle - not a scintilla of convincing evidence.

Synonyms: iota; vestige

SCOURGE (verb): To punish severely; to afflict; to whip - a disease that scourged the country.

Synonyms: excoriate, flay

(noun). A whip or other means of punishment; a cause of affliction - The Black Plague was a dreadful scourge of the Middle Ages.

Synonym: tribulation

SCRUTINIZE: To examine carefully -scrutinized the contents of the letter.

SHIBBOLETH: A party slogan - a shibboleth designed to attract votes.

SIMPER (verb): To smile in a silly or affected way simpered as he greeted each guest.

(noun): An affected or silly smile - stood nervously, a simper on his face.

Synonym: (verb and noun) smirk

SINECURE: Employment entailing little or no responsibility or labor - His job was a sinecure.

SINISTER: Threatening or showing evil; dishonest - the sinisterlook of a gangster.

SLEAZY: Flimsy and cheap - sleazy cloth which is used only in cheap garments.

Synonym: unsubstantial

SLOVENLY: Untidy-severely criticized the student's slovenly appearance.

Synonyms: slipshod, slatternly, frowzy

SOPORIFIC: Tending to induce sleep - a poorly written novel, soporific in effect.

SORDID: Mean and base; filthy - Sordid motives breed selfish actions.

Synonyms: degraded, vile, ignoble

SOVEREIGN: Supreme m power and authority; independent of the control of any other government - possessing sovereign powers; a sovereign state.

Synonyms: autonomous, imperial, majestic, paramount

SPORADIC: Occurring singly, at irregular intervals; scattered - sporadic cases of illness.

SPURN: To refuse or reject with contempt - an offer that was spurned instantly.

Synonyms: repel, snub

STOIC: Indifferent, calm in bearing pain or pleasure; practising remarkable self-control over emotions - maintained a stoic attitude despite all his trials.

Synonyms: stolid, impassive

STRINGENT: Strict; compelling, constraining stringent regulations; stringent requirements.

Synonyms: exacting, rigid

Antonym: lax

STUPENDOUS: Amazing by, virtue of its immense size, force, or any quality in exceptional degree - The circus is a stupendous spectacle.

Synonyms: astounding, prodigious, monstrous, marvelous, colossal, awful

SUCCULENT: juicy - a succulent steak.

Antonyms; desiccated, vapid

SULTRY: Close, hot, and moist - sultry tropical weather.


(1) Lying flat on the back - resting in a supine position.

Antonym: erect

(2) Inert, inactive, averse to taking action - a supine, ineffective administrator.

Synonyms: listless, torpid

TANGIBLE: Real; actual - tangible gains which may be seen. and counted.

Synonyms: material, veritable, perceptible, substantial

TANTAMOUNT: Equivalent - an act that is tantamount to treason.

TAUNT (verb). To reproach with contempt - taunted him with the charge of failure to act promptly.

Synonyms: mock, twit, gibe, sneer, deride

(noun): An insulting, jeering, or bitter remark - hurled taunts at his foes.

TEEMING: In abundance, fertile, highly productive - the teeming tropics, rank with vegetation.

Synonyms: swarming, fruitful, fecund, abounding

TEMERITY: Unwise or reckless boldness - leaped into battle with thoughtless temerity.

Synonyms: audacity, presumptuousness, effrontery, rashness;

(adj.) temerarious, foolhardy, venturesome

Antonyms: prudence, circumspection, wariness

TEMPORAL: Worldly, as opposed to spiritual; existing for a time only - a man preoccupied with temporal matters.

Synonyms: mundane, secular, civil

TEMPORIZE: To delay or refuse to commit oneself in order to gain time - temporized while his friends hurried to his aid.

Synonym: equivocate

TENET: A principle of belief held as true - a tenet of religion which be maintained loyally.

Synonyms: creed, doctrine, dogma

TENUOUS: Slender; not substantial; of slight importance - clung desperately to his tenuous hope.

TRANQUIL: Calm; peaceful - a tranquil summer night.

Synonyms: placid, serene

Antonyms: perturbed, ruffled, turbulent

TRANSGRESS: To break a law or command; to violate a moral principle; to overstep a moral bound or limit - transgressed the bounds of decency; transgressed the law.

TREMULOUS: Trembling - tremulous with fright.

Synonym: quivering

TRIVIAL: Of little - importance - a trivial offense.

Synonym: paltry

Antonyms: gross, momentous

TRUCULENT (noun: TRUCULENCE): Cruel, fierce; harsh; threatening or intimidating savagely - a dispute marked by a truculent attitude on both sides.


(1) Swollen, inflated - turgid rivers overflowing their banks.

Synonyms: bloated, distended

(2) Using big or high-sounding words - a turgid prose style.

Synonyms: pompous, bombastic, prolix

UBIQUITOUS: Existing everywhere - The common cold is a ubiquitous complaint.

Synonyms: omnipresent, universal

UNTENABLE: Incapable of being defended or held - withdrew the argument as untenable.

UTILITARIAN (adj.): Materially or practically useful - beautiful, but not utilitarian.

VANQUISH: To subdue or conquer -an army vanquished with heavy losses.

VAUNT: To boast - proudly vaunted his strength.

Synonyms: brag (noun: braggadocio, braggart), proclaim

VENEER: A superficial appearance or show designed to impress one with superiority - pierced beneath his thin veneer of elegance.

Synonym: gloss

VENERABLE: Deserving respect or reverence because of age - a venerable leader.

VERNAL: Pertaining to spring-an array of vernal flowers.

Antonym: hibernal (wintry)

VERSATILE: Able to do many things skillfully - versatile in all the arts.

VICARIOUS: Taking the place of another; felt, received, or done in place of another - took vicarious pleasure in his brother's victory.

VICISSITUDE: A change from one condition to another, often unexpected - suffered many vicissitudes of fortune.

VIRAGO: A scolding or ill-tempered woman - My neighbor's wife is a virago.

Synonyms: shrew, termagant, vixen

VITUPERATE (noun: VITUPERATION; adj.: VITUPERATIVE): To scold or blame loudly, find fault with in abusive language - an angry man, vituperating the world.

Synonyms: berate, revile

WAIVE: To give up (privileges, etc.); to do without - waived his rights to the property.

Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake

WHIM (adj.: WHIMSICAL): A sudden notion or passing fancy -frequently acted on the whim of the moment.

Synonyms: caprice, vagary, crotchet

WRITHE: To twist about (usually with pain) - writhed in agony on the floor.

Synonyms: contort, squirm

ZEALOUS (noun: ZEALOT: fanatic): Full of enthusiasm or eagerness -a zealous student, first in his class.

Antonym: perfunctory

ZENITH: The highest point - the zenith of his career.

Synonyms: acme, apex, culmination, summit

Antonym: nadir

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