"Yoongi?" His voice is quiet but persistent. A noise that is quiet but not quiet enough to be able to be ignored completely. "Are you awake?"
The warmth surrounding him is way too comfortable to want to give it up voluntarily. Taehyung's arms are still around him, he could feel his heartbeat against his back. The calm and relaxing atmosphere around them fell apart with Taehyung's simple questions. Yoongi has almost slipped back into unconsciousness, back into sleep but he knows that Taehyung won't let him off like that.
He and his emphasis on communication. Yoongi almost groans – overall communication is something good but – ugh. Just ugh because Yoongi hates talking about difficult topics and this is going to be one. This is going to be a difficult topic because Taehyung will want to talk about what happened, about the punishment and about the safeword.
Yoongi knows – he knows that he did something wrong and he is also afraid. Right now he is so fucking afraid because he fears that Taehyung might end their relationship. Might end it because Yoongi didn't use the safeword – which his a hard breach of their contract.
Opposite to Taehyung's calm heartbeat, his own seems to be galloping out of his own chest. He wants so much to pretend like he isn't awake like he couldn't hear him. But Yoongi is awake and Taehyung knows he is. Taehyung knows that Yoongi knows and he also knows what he's thinking.
There's no use for him to even try to pretend.
"Can we talk about what happened?" Taehyung continues to ask and he moves. It forces Yoongi to give up his comfortable position. He wants to bury himself deeper against the younger, feel him press completely against his side. He wants to feel Taehyung's sun-kissed skin on his. The skin that always feels warm, as if Taehyung has an actual sun inside of himself that spends warmth to everyone around him.
Yoongi doesn't want to talk about what happened. He never really had to talk about what happened. He isn't good at talking about what's going on inside of him.
The two Doms he visited at clubs never really had anything to discuss something with him. Their relationship wasn't – as serious as the following two. And the Dom he dated... Their relationship was different from the one he and Taehyung have at the moment.
Taehyung is sitting up in bed, leaning against the headboard as he waits for Yoongi to talk. The air around them feels tense, crackling with electricity and Yoongi hates this. He hates this so much.
His gaze is directed at his own hands, clenched around the pastel purple hem of his sweater. With every breath he takes his chest feels a little tighter and it takes him a few seconds to gather the courage to open his mouth.
It's quiet – his voice. Quiet, shy and with a little insecurity bleeding into his words. "I said I'm sorry – It was my fault," He whispers.
"Yes, Yoongi," Taehyung sighs. Ah. A shiver runs down Yoongi's spine. The disappointment in the younger's voice pierces through his soul with a killer like precision. "I know that. But I shouldn't have punished you like this – I knew that something was wrong. I knew that you didn't actually want to be punished and as much as you should have used the safeword – I should have noticed that I reached your limit."
"This isn't something to be taken lightly, Yoongi."
It's not like he doesn't know that. He does. He knows that this is serious but he still couldn't bring himself to look past his own walls and just talk to Taehyung. He bites his bottom lip, eyes stubbornly still staring at his own fidgeting hands as Taehyung continues to talk. To scold him.
"This is serious and if you can't promise me now that you'll follow the contract you signed – especially regarding the safeword situation – then we can't continue this, okay? Do you understand? Trust, Yoongi like this I can't trust you and I don't want to hurt you."
The room feels like it's spinning. The sinking feeling in his stomach makes Yoongi slightly nauseous. Ah – why does he feel like crying so easily whenever he's around Taehyung?
The younger is staring at him. Yoongi knows that he is. He feels his gaze burning on his skin and it only scares him further when he thinks about meeting that gaze. "Either you're going to be completely honest with me from now on or this has to end before it really starts."
The silence that follows Taehyung's words isn't really silent. At least not for Yoongi. Yoongi hears the blood rushing in his ears, could hear every breath he takes and he swears his heart is beating so loud that it could be heard in the entire room.
This is the moment he dreaded so much. The moment where there's no way out for him. This is normally the moment where he gives up trying – the moment where he keeps his walls, keeps them high, high and builds them even higher than before. This is the moment where he normally keeps quiet and that would mean only one thing – Nothing hurts as much as even thinking about being left by Taehyung.
Taehyung who made him feel so special in the last weeks they spent together so closely. Taehyung who made him feel so – loved. A feeling he only knows from his friends. Namjoon and Seokjin make him feel loved – in a friendly way. His parents make him feel loved – in a family kind of way. And Taehyung...
Taehyung just makes him feel loved. Loved – differently.
There's nothing worse than losing Taehyung at the moment. He needs him and if he doesn't want to lose him now... then he will have to open up. At least slightly. He doesn't have to tear a complete wall down for Taehyung, doesn't even have to open a door for him but he could let him look through a window. He could make him look through a window at a tiny part of himself that he keeps locked away. A tiny part that he decided to show him – but nothing more.
Hopefully, it would be enough for Taehyung.
He gulps, takes a deep breath before he even dares to glance in Taehyung's direction. Talking feels so suffocating right now. Anything at the moment is more interesting than Taehyung, anything is distraction enough for him but he knows he'll have to talk sooner or later. Opening up a tiny bit couldn't be too bad, right?
"I am scared of being a disappointment," He whispers. Taehyung moves next to him, leaning slightly closer to understand what he's saying.
Yoongi is a little afraid of oversharing – it's just something he does from time to time. Either he talks without really saying anything and other times he couldn't filter the waterfall of words spilling over his lips. He doesn't want to end up telling Taehyung something the younger is not supposed to know yet – or to ever know. There are just some parts that are better off being kept hidden behind high walls and forced smiles.
Once he starts talking there's no stopping him. His eyes stay glued to his clenched fists as he just continues talking without focusing too much on the presence of Taehyung next to him. "I'm scared of not being a good Sub. I'm scared you'll get tired of me. I'm scared you won't want me anymore because I'm not – because I'm me. Because I'm a closed off person. Because I'm not good enough for you. I'm just – scared. My whole life – people left me. I started distancing myself first, started avoiding people so that I wouldn't get left behind because I was too weird to be around. I'm scared, okay? I'm not too used to sharing my feelings with other's and I would do anything to not disappoint you."
He shifts a bit, trying to not sit directly on the still throbbing skin of his thighs. The back of his legs is still hurting from the punishment. It's not as bad as before, Taehyung's massaging hands and the cooling lotion have done wonders but the pain hasn't disappeared completely. It lingers behind, throbbing at the back of his mind all the time.
"I'm scared because I'm not used to opening up – It's hard – talking about my feelings for me... I hate it but I can't help that I'm scared of it," Yoongi trails off, biting his bottom lip before something else could come out of his mouth. Words that he wouldn't be able to take back. Words that would tell Taehyung things that he's not supposed to know about him.
"Yoongi," Taehyung speaks gently, his voice soothing and low. It washes over him like a calming wave. "I get that you're scared but that is an explanation – not an excuse."
"I know..." He nods. Of course, he knows. But this is the only explanation he could give him without letting Taehyung get too close to him. "I will try my best from now on. I don't want to end this."
He knows that this wouldn't be enough. But Yoongi hoped. He hoped that Taehyung would just accept his apology and continue... Taehyung though – the younger is not like this. He can't just forget things like that without talking about it in depth. But sadly that is exactly what Yoongi doesn't want to do.
"Trying your best is not enough," Taehyung states the obvious and Yoongi wishes this would be easier.
"Okay." Yoongi takes a deep breath and finally turns his head to look right at the younger. "From now on I while completely follow the contract. If anything like this happens again I will completely understand if you end this and it will be my fault."
"Yoongi, I know it's not easy but we will have to trust each other, okay?"
He nods, ignoring the churning feeling in his stomach. Ignoring the guilt starting to settle down there, claws ready to kill him from inside. "I know," He says, his voice a little quieter, a little more unsure than before but not enough to make Taehyung notice the slight change. "I trust you and you can trust me from now on."
"I'm glad then." The smile of the younger is so honest, so bright that it should make Yoongi feel even worse. But he lets the horrible gnawing of guilt be overridden by the tingling in his stomach that suspiciously feels like butterflies because of Taehyung's smile.
"You don't like being punished, right?"
Yoongi drops his head at the question. Biting his bottom lip as he clenches his fists a little tighter. "I'm... Punishments and – degradation can be good but..." He looks up, finding nothing but encouragement in Taehyung's gentle eyes. "But I guess it doesn't only come down to the right mindset but also to... trust. It's not that I don't trust you but I... I have a hard time seeing a difference between scene and reality when I'm in subspace. I tend to think that whatever happens in a scene or during punishment is real. I hate feeling like I'm a disappointment like I disappointed you – It only makes me believe that I won't be good enough."
"We can take degradation out of the contract again," Taehyung softly says and from the corner of his eye, Yoongi could see how his hand is just shy of enclosing his own. He uncurls his fist, signaling Taehyung that it's alright to hold his hand. The warmth helps him focus on what he wants to say. Helps him holding on to reality and not letting nervousness and anxiety swallow him whole.
"No," He says. "I'm okay with it but maybe... maybe we could wait a little longer until we use it again. I like it but I have to be able to trust your true feelings towards me so that I don't think that you actually think I'm worthless or a disappointment."
Taehyung nods, his hair flaps with the movement of his head. It's cute. "I would never think of you like this," He tries to assure him. "Whatever you want. We can do it like this if that's what you want."
Yoongi bites the inside of his cheek, nodding quickly before he glances up at Taehyung again. It's silent between them for what feels like hours. The longer they hold eye contact the more the desire to kiss the younger grows. He's almost certain that Taehyung is starting to lean towards him too but just before Yoongi could close the gap between them Taehyung is speaking.
"Show me your thighs again. I wanna check them."
The taste of disappointment is bitter on his tongue but Yoongi turns around despite that. He wishes Taehyung would kiss him. He wishes Taehyung would touch him, make him feel loved and important. The fabric of the sheet under him feels cool against his skin. It lost the warmth of their bodies so quickly that it's almost scary. Silk. Silk sheets don't save warmth for long.
Yoongi tries to make himself as comfortable as possible as he lays down on his stomach. Embarrassment because of his exposed state isn't a big problem for him anymore. He knows that he gets easily embarrassed but with Taehyung he already feels comfortable. Already feels comfortable showing him the most vulnerable parts of his body without fear and maybe that should scare him. Maybe he shouldn't let someone come close to him this easily but this couldn't be a mistake if it feels so right.
He flinches when there are sudden cold fingers at his thighs. Cold fingertips gently brush over the still throbbing parts of his thighs. He's sure that there are some welts and that the bruises will definitely last longer than a week but that doesn't matter. He likes the pain. He liked the way Taehyung gave him the pain – He just wasn't the biggest fan of being punished.
"I'm sorry," Taehyung whispers somewhere above him and his hands gently massage the flesh of his thighs. His thumbs press right under the swell of his ass, right where his briefs end. Yoongi relaxes into the mattress, letting a sigh fall from his lips when Taehyung continues his gentle ministrations.
It's easy to lose himself under Taehyung's touches. The bed is just so soft and his hands are so careful, so gentle as they squeeze and press in all the right places. He could almost fall back asleep like this but then Taehyung's hands move a little further up. He pushes the edge of the sweater up a little, exposing Yoongi's briefs entirely. A shiver runs up his back when the colder air hits the skin right over the edge of his briefs.
And suddenly what started as an innocent massage slowly turns into something not so innocent. Taehyung's hands ghost over the swell of his ass, first carefully almost gentle but after his innocent approach, he grabs his cheeks more forcefully. Yoongi gasps, head snapping up from the comfortable position it had on his forearms. But Taehyung's hand is immediately there, pressing down on his shoulder and making him lie down again.
Yoongi feels his body growing hotter as the temperature of the room seems to rise as well – but maybe that's only his mind playing tricks on him. His heart is beating so fast and excitement is already filling his body. He thought they were done with playing tonight. He thought Taehyung would still be slightly mad at him for what happened during the punishment but it doesn't seem like it.
Quite the opposite and Yoongi would never be caught complaining about it. His heart soars with excitement when Taehyung shifts over him. He's hovering over the back of his thighs – not sitting down because of the bruises on his skin but Yoongi could feel him barely brushing his skin. It makes goosebumps erupt all over his body.
Taehyung lets his hand wander over the expanse of his back, pushing his sweater up on his way. Pushing and pushing until Yoongi's whole back is exposed. A gasp falls from his lips when Taehyung leans down to leave a kiss right behind his ear. "Are you good?" He asks. His voice rough and deep.
"Please," Yoongi whispers. He's arching his back, trying to get Taehyung to touch him everywhere at once. "I'm good. Very good, sir."
The tagged honorific seems to do the job because one-second Taehyung is cursing above him and in the next second, Yoongi gets roughly turned on his back. Taehyung is now fully sitting on him, straddling his thighs as he pushes the fabric of the purple sweater up until it bunches under Yoongi's chin.
His fingers barely brush over Yoongi's nipples but it's enough to make the elder whimper pathetically. Yoongi's whole body is trembling with anticipation and he couldn't help but push his hips up against Taehyung. It doesn't seem to bother the younger male who is eagerly returning the desperate rutting to gain some kind of friction.
"You're so pretty," Taehyung whispers as he lets his fingers trail over the diamonds of the collar. "My pretty boy. You're the best, right?"
The praises go straight to Yoongi's dick and he almost feels lightheaded from the quick switch to being turned on. The sudden blood flow south makes it hard to focus when he's also already teetering on slipping into subspace. But Taehyung and his deep voice are there to guide him through it.
"Yes, sir," Yoongi gasps, his whole body spasming as Taehyung suddenly cups him through his briefs. "The – best, sir. Just for – only for you."
Taehyung is rubbing his hand slowly over Yoongi's now very obvious bulge. It's teasing, it's torture and Yoongi loves every second of it. His pleas to go faster fall on deaf ears and the more he squirms between the younger's legs, the more Taehyung decides to tease him.
"Oh – please," Yoongi whines and he desperately bucks his hips up when Taehyung takes his hand completely away. He holds it just so high above Yoongi that the elder couldn't buck up high enough to get the other to touch him. It hasn't even been ten minutes yet and Yoongi is already getting lost in pleasure. It always surprises him how quick and easy Taehyung could reduce him to nothing but pleasure, nothing but having the desire to please and be pleasured.
He's already in his headspace and all his senses have been reduced to Taehyung. All he could see is the predatory gaze and the sadistic smirk as he teases him further. All he could hear is the rumble of the other's voice. All he could smell are the sheets of the younger, the scent of strawberries clinging to them and Taehyung. All he could feel are those very sheets rubbing against his sensitive skin and Taehyung's weight on him. And when Taehyung finally leans down to connect their lips he's all Yoongi could taste too.
The younger doesn't taste like anything this time. Maybe like Taehyung. It's his own taste and Yoongi is quickly getting addicted to it. He could feel the way Taehyung's soft lips move against his own with fervor, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. The younger has now changed their position slightly, pushing one of his thighs between Yoongi's legs as he grinds his hips down into the other's.
Yoongi moans against his lips. Hands scrambling to find purchase anywhere on Taehyung. He lets the other dominate the kiss easily, submitting without being asked to. He's hanging on threads, only the solid presence of Taehyung above him is keeping him grounded enough to not just float away in his headspace.
A string of saliva connects their lips when Taehyung pulls away with a loud smack. His lips already look bruised, red and shining with spit. Yoongi doesn't even want to imagine what he might look like. Probably lips in a similar state, face flushed, sweat already starting to form at his hairline and pupils blown wide while he's panting from just a kiss.
Taehyung sits up and almost rips his own shirt as he wrestles it from his body. With the same fervor, he's tugging Yoongi out of his purple sweater. Now the only clothes that are left are Yoongi's briefs and Taehyung's sweats – Yoongi doesn't know if the other is wearing underwear. But that doesn't matter, what matters is that when Taehyung leans down to kiss him this time there are no clothes separating their skins.
It's dirty – the way Taehyung is sinfully moving his hips against Yoongi, snaking his tongue just right in his mouth while he keeps his jaw in a tight grip, angling Yoongi's head the exact way he wants it.
Sparks of electricity run through Yoongi's body and he just wishes that Taehyung would go all the way with him now. Especially after the punishment, he could use some confirmation that he means something to Taehyung, that he's a good Sub. And of course, he finally wants Taehyung inside of him.
Taehyung breaks their kiss with a gasp and sits up, getting off Yoongi's legs. "Strip and lay down on the pillows," He instructs Yoongi and the elder scrambles to obey.
"Yes, sir."
Taking off his briefs and freeing his hard cock makes a gasp of relief fall from his lips. He couldn't contain the excitement inside of him as he watches Taehyung standing next to the bed. The younger just looks so – He's just so perfect. Yoongi is sure that he could never get tired of watching Taehyung and ever time he takes a look at him he finds something else that makes him even more handsome.
Taehyung is dropping his pants and okay – he was not wearing underwear under it. He's hard. Yoongi couldn't help but let his gaze travel over Taehyung again.
Miles and miles of caramel skin are in front of him, looking sweet and inviting. Taehyung has his back turned to him, his broad shoulders on full display and as he moves the muscles flex under his glorious skin. Yoongi couldn't believe that someone like Taehyung is settling for someone like him. No matter from what perspective you look – Taehyung always looks ethereal.
His waist gets smaller and looks even smaller in comparison to his broad shoulders. His ass looks glorious, round and firm. His legs seem to go on for miles and when he turns back around Yoongi couldn't help how his gaze instantly jumps to the other's chest. Every time he sees Taehyung naked it feels like the first time when he saw him. The muscles of his chest are firm, pecs prominent while his stomach is soft. The skin looks flawless, just a hint of abs there. Just at the side of his stomach, they're definitely there but a thin layer of softness is covering them. Yoongi wouldn't want to have it any other way. Taehyung has no sharp edges to him just softness.
His breath gets stuck in his throat when Taehyung lets his gaze fall on him. His eyes are dark, hooded, lips in a straight line as he raises his eyebrows slightly. Yoongi feels like he has to apologize for looking at him – looking at such a perfect human being that should be illegal to exist.
When Taehyung crawls back on the bed he has a bottle of lube from his bedside table in his left hand. "Tell me your color, baby," He drawls lowly, towering over Yoongi who couldn't take his eyes off Taehyung's gaze.
"So fucking green, sir."
The sting in his cheek comes not even a second later. The force of the hit has his head tilting to the side and he could feel a little pre-come leak from his tip.
"Watch your language," Taehyung scolds him before he tugs him down by the hips. Yoongi gasps at the strength the younger possess and his dick twitches in excitement. He wants to have Taehyung's hands on him already but he knows better than to whine impatiently. That would only lead to Taehyung dragging things out longer to tease him.
Taehyung's fingers run over the collar again and it makes Yoongi realize its weight around his neck. Before he hasn't noticed how much it presses down – it's by far not enough to make it hard to breathe or even think about restricting his breathing but normally that is already enough to make panic bloom in his chest.
And for a second it does. For a second Yoongi doesn't feel the collar on his neck but hands, squeezing tight and making it impossible for him to draw in a proper breath. The panic gripping him tightly gets overshadowed by Taehyung's hand that is suddenly between his legs, forcing his thighs apart. His cold finger trails over the burn scar down there once – Yoongi knows it's on purpose. He knows that Taehyung is purposely caressing it a second longer than the rest of the skin his finger touches but he decides to ignore it. Decides to not pay attention to this small detail.
"How long?"
Yoongi looks up in confusion, meeting Taehyung's questioning eyes. "What?" He flinches by the sharp pain of being pinched on the inside of his thigh. "What do you mean – sir?" He adds this time.
"How long since you touched yourself down there? Or someone else touched you?"
He averts his gaze immediately and Yoongi knows, oh he knows that his whole upper body is flushing from embarrassment. He doesn't want Taehyung to think that he's a loser but the last time someone touched him down there has been so long ago and even he – even he doesn't really put something up his ass. Yoongi doesn't know why but he just doesn't find his own fingers as pleasurable as the ones from someone else – especially if they're up his ass.
"Two years, sir..." He mumbles and tries not to blush even deeper at the slight taken aback look on Taehyung's face. Oh god – he thinks Yoongi is a loser that can't get laid and doesn't even play with himself. What if he doesn't want to sleep with him now?
"I'll be careful then."
Yoongi freezes at the gentle tone of Taehyung and he almost feels like crying. Why is the younger perfect no matter what he does? It seems like he always knows exactly what Yoongi is feeling and thinking. It's as if he knows exactly what to do to calm him and his racing nerves down again. Thankfully he doesn't make a big deal out of the fact that Yoongi isn't the most sexually active person.
"You don't have to be too careful," Yoongi mumbles and yes, his blush his deepening. But at the same time, the slight embarrassment is only making his dick harder than before. The slight humiliation of talking about this is making the whole situation a bit hotter. "I like the pain, sir."
"Don't come crying to me later," Taehyung chuckles darkly.
"I won't – ah!" Yoongi gasps when there's suddenly a wet finger pressing at his entrance. Taehyung is really not as careful as he would imagine him to be but it's not like Yoongi minds. The first stretch is always the most painful one, no matter how slow or how careful you move. He's gladder that Taehyung is getting it over with a little faster.
It burns when he pushes his finger inside, going up to the second knuckle before slowly easing it out again. But Yoongi likes the stretch, the burn, the sensation of having someone touch him this intimate again. A high moan falls from his opened lips when Taehyung pushes in the second time, going a little deeper.
"Fuck," He growls. His voice sounds a bit breathless and Yoongi struggles to observe the expression on his face. "You didn't lie. Think you can even take me if you're this tight?"
Taehyung pushes in again and Yoongi cries out. "I'll relax," He gasps. "Don't worry, sir."
It takes just a little bit of Taehyung's coaxing words, feathery kisses around his navel and a lot of patience until Taehyung is able to thrust three fingers easily into Yoongi. By now the elder has been reduced to a whining and moaning mess, hips moving to meet Taehyung's prodding fingers. Desperate for the younger to finally hit his prostate but every time Yoongi feels him getting close the other pulls away with a chuckle.
Still a fucking tease.
At a particular deep push, Yoongi flinches, hands flying down to grab Taehyung by the wrist in a desperate grip. He doesn't guide him, doesn't even hold him in place but it seems to be enough for the younger to stop. Yoongi's hole clenches around nothing when Taehyung retrieves his fingers with a disappointed sigh.
"Since when are you allowed to touch so easily, hm?" He asks. The sweet tone of his voice is the complete opposite of the way he harshly grabs Yoongi's jaw. His fingers dig painfully into his skin as he swipes his thumb over his bottom lip.
"I'm sorry, sir," Yoongi hurries to apologize but it's not enough.
Taehyung reaches out with his other hand to pin both of Yoongi's wrists above his head. His heart starts racing and his mind starts panicking. But only a little. Taehyung's grip isn't as tight as it could be. If Yoongi really wanted to he could free himself. He knows that. He knows he could easily get out of this situation but his heart is still hammering against his ribcage like it wants to break out.
This is not really tying someone up during sex but Taehyung is still restricting his movements. When Yoongi finds his gaze he could see it in the other's eyes. Could see that he is more than aware of the fact that he's pushing Yoongi's boundaries for the second time tonight. First the punishment and now this.
Taehyung waits. He waits and watches. Yoongi knows that the other is waiting for him to safeword, after all, Yoongi made the restriction of his arms during sex a soft limit. He takes those few seconds without any distraction to calm himself down again.
"Green." His voice is nothing more than a whisper but his gaze is convincing enough. Taehyung pushes his wrists a little harder against the pillows and releases his jaw.
"You will keep your arms up there until I tell you otherwise," He orders. "Do you understand? Don't move them until I tell you so."
"I understand, sir."
Taehyung smirks down at him, releasing his wrists and Yoongi doesn't move his arms a single inch. Not even his fingers are twitching. "Good boy."
It's undeniably hot – Yoongi has to admit that and he thinks he likes this better than actually having his wrist tied together. Like this, he doesn't feel as caged and at the same time, it makes him proud that his Dom is trusting him enough to not tie him up. But as hot as it is as hard to stay still it is too. Especially when Taehyung now seems to not be able to miss his prostate.
Every thrust is perfectly aimed and Yoongi is crying out, stumbling over the moans and whines that pour from his mouth like a waterfall. His hands are buried in the pillows above him, clenched around the fabric and tugging at it so that he doesn't move them away from above his head. It's hard to not just reach down when the only thing holding you back from that is a few words. It feels like hours until the torture of prepping is over and Taehyung finally retrieves his fingers. At that time though, Yoongi doesn't get what it means immediately.
"No – " He whines as soon as the fingers leave him. "Please don't stop, sir..."
Taehyung shushes him gently. One hand holding Yoongi's cheek as he brushes his thumb softly over his skin. "Don't worry," He whispers. "Don't you want me to fuck you now?"
"Oh!" Yoongi gasps with excitement, eyes growing wide and he almost forgets about keeping his hands on the pillows. He stops moving in the last second and just opts for spreading his legs even wider than before and pushing his hips up. Hoping it would make Taehyung fuck him faster. "Please do, sir. Please – I want you inside of me already."
"Look at you," Taehyung laughs darkly. He smacks his cheek slightly, not even hard enough to sting a little bit. It's more gentle. "Don't even need me to tell you to beg for it, hm? You beg so prettily just voluntarily. How did I deserve someone as perfect as you?"
The praise almost makes Yoongi lose his mind and it's the first time in his life that he thinks it could be possible to come from a voice alone. Taehyung has been teasing him the whole time – only touching his aching cock at the very beginning through his briefs, after that he didn't pay any attention to it. Now, his voice combined with what he says and the waves of pleasure that still run through him from getting fingered are almost enough to make him explode.
"Want it slow or rough?" Taehyung asks as he presses the tip of his dick against Yoongi's entrance. Pressing but not enough for it to slip in – it's just teetering on the edge and it's driving Yoongi insane.
"Please just do it –" Taehyung slams his hips forward without warning and Yoongi almost screams. Now he's glad for the excessive prepping because otherwise, this would have been the end of their night. But gladly he's stretched enough to accommodate Taehyung. Thankfully the younger doesn't actually start fucking him right away but waits a minute or two until Yoongi starts rocking his hips slightly, signaling him that it's alright to move now.
But when he moves it's different from everything Yoongi ever expected. It's unfair that Taehyung is literally good at everything he does. Right from the start, his hips are angled to hit his prostate spot on and Yoongi is reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess.
He doesn't even feel embarrassed for all the words, whines, whimpers, and cries that fall from his lips. He doesn't even feel conscious enough to comprehend something else than the pleasure Taehyung is giving him. There are just Taehyung and him existing, tangled limbs and pleasure rushing through their bodies.
The only sound in the room is the sound of skin and skin slapping against skin. It's accompanied by Taehyung's low pants, growls of praises right against Yoongi's ear and the other's moans. Yoongi can't even begin to describe the feeling. Either Taehyung really is that good or Yoongi really hasn't had sex in too long. Maybe it's also a combination of those two because Yoongi doesn't remember sex being this good.
Perhaps it's really better with people you genuinely like and possibly love in the future.
Yoongi knows he isn't going to last long. Especially not when Taehyung flips him around, pressing him in the mattress as he hovers over him with his whole body. The different angle and the feeling of being caged between the soft mattress and Taehyung's searing skin are almost enough to push Yoongi over the edge.
"Are you close?" Taehyung growls right against his ear before sucking on the sensitive skin right under it.
Yoongi trembles in his hold, not really sure if he's able to formulate a coherent sentence or if there would be just gibberish coming out of his mouth. "Ye-Yes," He cries, arching his back further which results in his cock getting pushed harder against the silk sheets. The friction is driving him crazy.
"Just wait for a second – "Taehyung pants and Yoongi feels the other tremble above him faltering in his rhythm. He must be close too. That only spurs him on and Yoongi does his best to push his ass up to meet Taehyung's thrusts and clench his hole as tight as possible. "Shit – Come – now. Come, baby."
It's the pet name that does it for him.
Yoongi comes with Taehyung's name on his lips and tears pooling in his eyes. The pleasure runs through his body like a wildfire, exploding like a thousand fireworks and Taehyung only follows a few seconds behind.
Both of them ride out their orgasms slowly. Yoongi's body keeps twitching and it's getting harder to breathe the longer Taehyung is just laying on his back. The younger pants against the back of his neck, leaving a lingering kiss there before rolling off him. Yoongi winces as Taehyung pulls out, the feeling of cum dripping out of him has always been the not so cool part about sex. Thankfully Taehyung is not going to leave him alone with the problem.
Where he is taking all the strength from is a mystery to Yoongi but he doesn't complain when Taehyung lifts him up to walk towards the bathroom. Yoongi is sure that if he would try to walk on his own right now it just wouldn't be possible. He feels his back hurting already. This is going to be a bitch dealing with in the morning.
But for now, he has Taehyung's arms around him and his lips against his forehead.
Those are definitely butterflies in his stomach. But do they already mean what Yoongi thinks they mean?
Yoongi's stomach growls. His gaze wanders towards the small clock Hoseok keeps on his desk. He's late for his lunch break. It took him a little longer to run through the preparations for the next meeting with Hoseok, even though the younger male is exceptionally good at his job and has a quick perceptivity.
With a sigh, Yoongi gets up from the chair he's been sitting in for the last hour and a half. His joints crack and he feels the tiredness seeping a bit deeper into his bones. The back of his thighs still hurt, the bruises still faintly throbbing from over a week ago. As he collects his files from the desk his gaze lands on one of the various picture frames Hoseok keeps there.
The younger male seems to be a very happy and outgoing person, everyone loves him and no matter where he arrives, the mood always lifts whenever he starts smiling. And he's always smiling. At first, Yoongi has been kind of scared of him – No one could be this happy all the time but Hoseok is just endearing. No one could resist his charms and even Yoongi has surrendered to him eventually.
The pictures in the frames show a lot of the other's private life. There's a picture of a dog with a bow. Its eyes are round and huge, Yoongi smiles to himself. It looks a little like the dog is high, especially because of the way the tip of its tongue is just poking out at the side of his mouth. But it looks cute. Yoongi always wanted a dog but he doesn't have enough time, nor enough energy to keep another living being alive apart from himself. He's struggling with his plants already – and they're succulents so they don't die instantly when he forgets to water them regularly and he still manages to kill them sometimes.
There are more pictures of Hoseok with what seems to be his parents and the dog at their feet. Then one with him and a girl that looks almost exactly like him – must be his sister. Yoongi wonders how Hoseok is able to take care of a dog when he almost works as much as Yoongi and the office hours are crazy for them. Dogs are not allowed in the building so he can't just take it to work. The only logical explanation would be that the dog either lives with his parents or his sister. Or maybe there's someone waiting for Hoseok at home every day who is taking care of the dog.
Almost as much as everyone is wondering if Taehyung is single, the office also speculates about Hoseok's love life and whether he's still single or not. Yoongi reaches out to retrieve his pen which rolled to the other side of the desk and just like that, he's able to see the picture in the frame that is completely angled away from whoever is sitting in front of Hoseok. The picture that's really just visible if you're sitting on Hoseok's side of the desk.
This seems to answer the question about his love life. To some extent at least. Yoongi isn't sure if he's supposed to see it but after all, it's standing right there, out in the open. The framed picture is only showing two intertwined hands, matching rings on their pointer fingers. Yoongi can't really tell which hand belongs to Hoseok, they're both big and both look like they would belong to males but he couldn't be sure. And he doesn't want to assume. One of the hands has a speck of bright yellow paint on the thumb and another speck at the wrist.
Yoongi doesn't want to impose further. His stomach growls again, a little more insistently than before – he's so hungry. He quickly pockets the pen and nods at Hoseok as a goodbye. In his mind, he's already imagining the taste of food on his tongue, the satisfaction when he would feel when he finally eats. But just one word holds him back again.
He stops right before he's about to leave the office, his hand had already been laying on the handle. His stomach growls and he wishes he could tell it to shut the fuck up. Thinking about it, his stomach would probably give him some sarcastic comeback to his scolding if it could speak. Similar to Seokjin when he's hungry.
"Yes?" He just wants to go and eat.
"You're close with Kim Taehyung, right?"
Okay, not the question he expected. He thought Hoseok had some last questions about the meeting but it doesn't seem like it. "I guess," He says, turning around again to face Hoseok.
"I mean, he always talks a lot with you when he stops by," Hoseok laughs but this time it doesn't make Yoongi feel better. The opposite actually. What is Hoseok's goal with this conversation? Does he know something that he isn't supposed to know? Does he know something about the relationship between him and Taehyung? "The female staff is already jealous of you," Hoseok jokes further, leaning back against his desk as he stares at Yoongi. He's smiling but his eyes look different. It seems as if he's analyzing every movement of Yoongi, every tiny reaction he has to the youngers words. It's scary.
Yoongi tries to school his expression into something unsuspicious – preferably blank or maybe a mild surprise. Anything to not make Hoseok suspect that there's something between him and Taehyung that is different than two guys who occasionally talk when they meet. "Oh, I didn't think that –"
"Someone would notice how you two interact?" Hoseok interrupts him.
"Yeah..." Yoongi wishes he could read the other's mind. It's killing him not knowing what Hoseok's intentions are and why he's staring at him so hard as if he wants to see through his skin.
"Don't worry," Hoseok chuckles and he finally looks away from him. He walks around his desk to sort the files still strewn over it. "I'm not gonna tell on you."
Yoongi freezes and he's glad that Hoseok is not looking at him right now. He's not going to tell on him? What should he have to tell? He can't possibly know about the relationship they have, could he? No, that's impossible... right?
"You are going to the party too, right?"
The sudden change of topic and atmosphere around them confuses Yoongi even further. He doesn't feel like the former conversation is over but he also doesn't want to ask further. Doesn't want his suspicions confirmed. "Uh, yes," He replies belatedly.
"We'll see each other then!" Hoseok looks up at him again and this time his smile seems completely real, even reaching his eyes which are only filled with warmth now. Not cold and analyzing. "Oh – before I forget it, can you give me Taehyung's number?"
"For what?"
"Oh, I just wanted to talk to him but I can also ask him when we meet each other at the party," Hoseok dismisses his question quickly. Which is somehow suspicious, he just doesn't know why. Yoongi shifts his weight from the right foot to the left one. There's something going on. Something that Hoseok knows and doesn't tell. Yoongi doesn't like it. This confusion makes him realize a little later what other information Hoseok has given him.
"Taehyung is going to the party as well?" He asks a little surprised. He wouldn't have expected that. Over the years that he's been already working here he saw the slow development between Taehyung and his father and how they slowly grew a little closer but are still far, far away from each other. Just now a little closer than before. But the distance between them is still very far.
The party is organized by the company and takes place annually. It's supposed to help them find possible new investors and in the last three years that Yoongi had to attend them, Taehyung never did. It's strange that he does now.
"Yes? His father invited him this time," Hoseok laughs more to himself than to Yoongi. "Maybe a last desperate attempt to somehow attach him to his dream of a family business."
Yoongi involuntarily shakes his head. He knows that Taehyung will never want to have anything to do with the business of his father. He knows about how hard and how long Taehyung has fought for his independence from his father and family – especially financially. "That won't ever happen."
"I know," Hoseok is looking at him again. Another weird expression on his face, in a weird way his eyes seem to almost be filled with pity as he holds Yoongi's gaze. "Taehyung has his own career and life, right? He wants nothing to do with the company."
"Yeah," Yoongi agrees and shifts again. Normally he feels good in Hoseok's presence, the other male always makes him feel a little less anxious about interacting with him but this conversation is making him feel extremely uncomfortable. He just hopes that it's going to be over soon. His stomach growls again. "And we have a few very good candidates for taking over after his father. So that shouldn't be the problem."
"Do you now?"
Yoongi chuckles a bit, rolling his eyes at the obvious way Hoseok is acting. "Don't act like you don't know that you're the top candidate," He says playfully.
"Just wanted to hear you say it," Hoseok laughs. "Anyway, you better get going now. Your stomach has been growling for the past twenty minutes."
A light blush spreads over his cheeks and he quickly ducks his head as he turns around to leave for real this time. Just as he's about to close the door behind him again he sticks his head back in the office. "Should I ask Taehyung if it's alright to give his number to you? So you don't have to wait for the party?"
"Ah, no thanks," Hoseok rejects his offer with a kind smile. "I'd rather speak from face to face with him anyway."
Yoongi nods. "See you at the party."
"See you!"
He leaves with a weird feeling in his stomach. He can't quite place his finger on it but it doesn't feel right. Like something is going to happen, something that he won't like too much. But at least he could now look a little more forward to the party. After all, Taehyung is also going to be there. He hopes he could talk with him at least a little. He knows they can't go together but if they happen to meet each other there and talk a bit that couldn't be wrong, right?
Company parties are always boring, tiring and exhaustion. But above all they make Yoongi's anxiety skyrocket. Even though he's very good at controlling how his exterior looks, inside he's currently feeling like he's going to die soon. The suit he's wearing is getting too hot, the shoes are too tight and with every step he takes he feels how his skin gets a little more irritated by the shoe digging harshly into it.
He has already loosened his tie as much as he could without making it too obvious. But he still feels like dying. The loud chatter of the people around him almost drowns out the music playing. The light is low but not too low. It is low enough to make groups of people appear like a black mass though. A black mass of suits, drunk on expensive champagne, gray hair and more money than they need.
Yoongi hates these kinds of parties because he's forced to talk business with everyone even though it's usually his free time now. He hates it because at some point of the evening he eventually loses Taehyung's father in the crowd of old men and way too young women. He loses him and now he's completely alone, standing in the middle of groups of conversing people, looking like a complete idiot.
He just hopes no one is going to try to talk to him anymore. The evening couldn't pass fast enough.
The glass in his hand is empty already, the taste of bubbly champagne still on his tongue. He's not the biggest fan of champagne. And sadly he still hasn't had the chance to talk to Taehyung. Of course, he caught glimpses of him here and there. Like always Taehyung looks absolutely stunning even though he's playing it a little low with his choice of clothing this time.
A simple black suit with a simple white dress shirt. The only flashy thing on him is his tie. The pink color stands out between all the other dark ties worn by everyone else. Yoongi also likes the earring he wears. He's seen them shortly when he almost brushed right past Taehyung while he was following the younger's father. The earrings are long, dangling, a sparkling flower at the bottom. It's something so Taehyung-esque that just thinking about those flower earrings makes Yoongi's heart beat faster.
The last time he saw someone he knew was maybe an hour ago – maybe a bit less or maybe a bit more. He tends to lose his sense of time during these parties pretty quick. Maybe that's why he feels like he's been standing in the same spot for years now when it's probably been not even twenty minutes.
The last time he caught a glimpse of Taehyung was when the younger has been with Hoseok. The two of them were standing a little away from the crowds of people. A little hidden away in the shadows where the hallway leads to the bathrooms. Yoongi could only look at them shortly because he was in the middle of a conversation but from what he saw the two of them seemed to fight. Or they at least had a very heated discussion.
Yoongi wishes he knew what it has been about. Maybe about what Hoseok has not been telling him back at the office. Maybe it really had to do with the way Hoseok has been asking him weird questions, implying things that Yoongi didn't understand and just looking at him so weirdly.
He shakes his head. Maybe he's interpreting too much into this. Maybe those two haven't been arguing at all. Maybe he just didn't see them good enough to judge the situation between them correctly. That must be it.
He goes back to looking around him, in hopes of finding one of the two familiar faces he could find shelter in. Either Hoseok or Taehyung but he finds none of them. Just a sea of black suits, gray hair, dresses showing too much cleavage for a company party and lips in a bright red. He's about to just give up and maybe move towards the side of the room, where it should be less crowded and less loud when he catches the back of someone who does seem familiar.
Carefully he moves a little closer. He could still only see the guys back, broad shoulders and black hair that looks a little unruly, some strands standing up in directions they don't seem to belong. The guy is also standing alone, he keeps swaying a little, tapping with his foot on the floor as if he's anxious. He probably is. Yoongi knows the signs. He regularly experiences them too.
Still, something seems so incredibly familiar about the guy. The way he stands there, the way he holds himself and when Yoongi is close enough the guy turns to the side. Seeing his face there's no room for doubt but Yoongi is still pretty taken aback at finding him of all people at this party.
The black haired male jumps at the sound of his name, almost spilling a bit of his champagne in the process. His eyes widen comically as he recognizes Yoongi.
"Yoongi-hyung!" He gasps surprised. His whole face flushes red as he tries to act as calm as possible. Yoongi almost starts laughing – if he weren't so curious about the reason why the younger is here. The only thing he knows about him is that Jungkook is a university drop-out and a very fast rising street artist. He usually runs around looking like a typical burnt-out college student so it's especially weird seeing him dressed so fancy. What could he be doing right here? The only plausible explanation for Yoongi would be that he's accompanying Taehyung. But why?
Jungkook seems to have similar questions because he's the first to ask. Albeit a bit nervous – his eyes keep jumping from Yoongi to another random spot in the room. It's almost as if he's searching for something – someone? Or as if he doesn't want to get caught. But why? And by whom?
"What are you doing here – if you don't mind me asking?" Jungkook almost stumbles over his own words as he's talking and Yoongi only grows more curious about the reason for the other's nervousness.
"I work here – for Taehyung's father," Yoongi explains and instead of, seeing the other's face light up with recognition or something, Jungkook looks actually scared for a moment. If he would have been drinking right now, he probably would have spit the liquid all over Yoongi's face with the way he gasps so hard after hearing his answer.
"Wait –" Jungkook vaguely gestures around him, eyes wide and something close to panic written all over his face. "This is the company of Taehyung's father?!"
"Yes?" Now Yoongi feels even more confused. If he's not here with Taehyung why the hell is he here then?! Most definitely not because he wants to be a future investor and you don't just go to these parties with the intentions of having fun. You go here for business. Business that shouldn't concern Jungkook so what is he doing here?
"Why are you here if Taehyung didn't drag you along?"
"Uhm – I'm my – friend," Jungkook stumbles over his words again. They get caught in his throat and he avoids eye contact now, head hanging low as he seemingly starts to think that his shoes are the most interesting thing of the whole party. "My friend – He works here. Jung Hoseok?"
"What a small world," Yoongi laughs. What a small world indeed. What are the odds that Jungkook isn't only connected to him through Taehyung but through Hoseok as well? He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to the last time he spoke with Hoseok. When he saw the pictures on the other's desk. Especially the one where he was holding someone's hand. It's a wild guess but what if –
"Do you mind if I steal him away?" And if that isn't Hoseok interrupting his train of thoughts. Speaking or rather thinking of the devil. Yoongi couldn't help but notice how the second Hoseok layed his hand down on Jungkooks shoulder, the younger seemed to immediately relax. The ring on Hoseok's pointer finger glints in the light.
It seems as if Jungkook's blush has only deepened by now and even though it only increases his suspicion, Yoongi plays along and doesn't ask what's burning on his tongue. "No problem," He says with a smile before sighing, eyes looking through the room again. "I'm looking for Taehyung anyway."
"I've seen him at the bar," Hoseok pipes up, hand still gripping Jungkooks shoulder and the younger seems to gravitate closer to him every second.
But that doesn't matter anymore. It's not Yoongi's business anyway. What those two are or aren't isn't something that should concern him. "Thanks!" He bids them goodbye and makes his way in the direction of the bar.
He weaves his way through the masses of bodies, ducks out of the way of waiters with trays full of empty and filled champagne glasses. But when he reaches the bar no one is there. A sigh leaves his lips and he sets his empty glass down on the counter. This will be a very, very long evening.
"What is someone as handsome as you doing alone here?" The sentence makes him spin around, a snarky remark at the tip of his tongue but as soon as he sees that boxy smile it dies down. His brain just short circuits and for a moment he forgets to breathe. If Taehyung has been handsome from afar he's just breathtaking right in front of him.
His dark hair is swept over his forehead almost effortlessly but oh so prettily. It looks like there's a hint of a pinkish color on his lips, a little smudged eyeshadow on his lids and the lopsided smile on his face makes Yoongi's stomach swoop.
The butterflies in his stomach are running wild and Yoongi doesn't intend to do anything to stop them.
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