Taehyung has always been a bit too empathetical for his own good. It was hard for him to be mad at people because he always imagined himself in their shoes, always thought about how he would feel if someone would hate him and that would lead to him feeling bad for them and forgetting about his anger.

This applies to all emotions other people around him have. He feels happier when the people around him are happy too, he feels angry when other people feel angry, he feels nervous when other people are nervous and he feels sad when other people feel sad. Even though he also got a streak of care in himself, he still can't help but feel with the other people even while he has the immense need of taking care of them. Especially when they're sad or hurt.

And then there's Yoongi.

And Yoongi has a bigger effect on him than anyone ever had. He remembers the first day he walked into the office of his father to see Yoongi for the first time clear as day. The annoyance he felt that day is still vivid in his mind, the light snow falling outside of the windows seem to be right in front of his eyes whenever he remembers this fateful day.

And then there was Yoongi.

And Yoongi has just been sitting at his desk. Taehyung remembers every detail of him as if he's seeing him right before him. Sitting right in front of him at his desk, only that the Yoongi in front of him now is not sitting. He's crouching, slumped in his chair with sobs pouring from his trembling lips and tears cascading down his reddened cheeks.

His mind supplies him with the picture of Yoongi from four years ago. The younger male, only twenty-three years old and already working as the secretary for the CEO. A secretary with a touch of being a little more than a personal assistant too.

Yoongi has been sitting at his desk, a frown on his pinkish lips and his hair had still been naturally brown. It had been soft, styled only a little to make him look a little more professional. He had been wearing thick-rimmed glasses, always sliding down a little his cute button nose while he has been insistently typing on his computer without even bothering to look up when Taehyung announced his presence. He didn't bother to give him his attention until he finished typing and even then he had mustered him skeptically at first.

It had been the first time someone didn't recognize him in the company of his father and the first time that someone didn't check him out on the spot. But he knew from the very first second that Yoongi is something special, someone, who is so unlike anyone he ever met before and that intrigued him from the start.

The Yoongi he met that day has already been confident, feisty and didn't take any shit from anyone. He had to be to have so much responsibility this early in his career, while he was being so young, seemingly unfit for such a high position but he proved everyone who doubted him wrong. Yoongi has always been professional, always collected and never seemed to be unsure, never seemed to be losing control over anything in his life but now Taehyung is not so sure if Yoongi has always been this way on the inside as well.

He got a glimpse of another part of Yoongi that night they met in the club. The fateful night not too long ago. But even back then Yoongi has seemed confident, the way he walked through the crowd of people, the way he carried himself with so much grace and belonging. The way he had not shied away from rejecting Taehyung before even seeing him. But the confidence he knew so well from Yoongi is now in shambles.

Gone is the Yoongi who always has a reply at the tip of his tongue. And all that is left is the broken shell of a man.

Taehyung doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know where to look because the sight in front of him is nothing he ever expected to see in his entire life. And frankly, it scares him a little. It scares him because he has known that there is something, something that made Yoongi the way he is and he has always hoped that his need for control is not built on insecurity but what he sees just proves his assumption.

"Hyung..." He whispers and the elder's head snaps up. It's like a punch to the gut, a sudden blow that pushes all air out of Taehyung's lungs and leaves him breathless, gasping.

Yoongi is crying. And it's not just a little crying, it's not an 'oh I stubbed my toe' kind of crying. It's a 'my whole life is falling apart around me' kind of crying. His eyes are red, swimming in tears which are messily running down his red cheeks. They're so swollen already that he's just squinting at Taehyung and the younger wonders with impending dread for how long Yoongi has been breaking down at his desk already.

The usual tidy desk is messy, covered in stray papers, opened folders and pens scattered around. Nothing looks like it usually does and it only raises Taehyung's suspicion that this is more than just a simple breakdown because of work or something equally minor. Taehyung gulps and even though Yoongi's face still hasn't lost its panicky expression he walks around the desk.

"Why are you still here?" Yoongi refuses to look at him, deliberately turning his attention away from him as he focuses back on the monitor.

"I have to finish these." Taehyung looks down at the folders on the other's desk. Lists of shipments, stock statistics, and pages over pages of reports. He doesn't understand much from what's written there but what he does understand is the fact that Yoongi is in no condition to still work. Not that it is even close to the time someone should still be working but Yoongi also doesn't look like he's able to concentrate on anything at the moment.

He seems to have a different opinion on that matter though because he doesn't stop trying to type. Doesn't stop typing and erasing letters whenever his fingers tremble too hard and hit the wrong key. "I need to – there's still so much I have to do and I don't have time and I – these have to be perfect and they aren't and I –"

"Hyung." Taehyung interrupts him with a stern tone. His voice momentarily cuts through Yoongi's tremble, through his tears as the elder snaps his head up. His eyes are wide, a little afraid but with a hint of something else in them. Taehyung continues to talk in a softer voice once he has his attention on him. "The folders are still going to be there tomorrow. You need to go home now and rest."

It doesn't do the trick. "Taehyung – you don't understand," Yoongi says with a trembling voice. He's insistently avoiding to look back at Taehyung. "I have – I can't – These are important and I need to –"

"Yoongi." This time Yoongi actually freezes, a short gasp pushing past his lips when Taehyung grabs him by the shoulders tightly. He presses him into the seat with his grip, pushing his fingers just enough into the flesh of the elder to make the pain grounding without hurting him too much. Yoongi sits transfixed, it doesn't even look like he's breathing as he stares up at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"You need to learn how to listen," He grits through his teeth, hissing the last word. Yoongi stops trembling, even the sobs stop wracking through his body as tears roll silently down his cheeks. Taehyung doesn't stop staring at him intensely and his voice drops to a deep rasp. "Get up, go home and rest."

A whimper leaves Yoongi's raw bitten lips as his pupils dilate at the demanding and commanding tone of the younger. His shoulders slump and he breaks their eye contact. "My head is going to explode..."

Taehyung stares at him, scrutinizing.

He lets go of the other's shoulders, sinking to the floor in front of him as he presses his thumbs just above Yoongi's knees. The circles he draws there are meant to be reassuring but he's not sure if they actually help. At least Yoongi is not pushing him away yet. That has to mean something good.

"When was the last time you cared for yourself?" He asks softly, trying to catch the other's gaze but Yoongi just buries his face in his hands. A violent sob shakes his whole body as he catches his breath again. Taehyung continues pressing his thumbs into the other's flesh.

"I don't know – I need – " He interrupts himself with his own sob. The panicked sound of his voice scares Taehyung. He's afraid the elder is going to have a full blown panic attack in the next second if he doesn't do something. His breathing is already irregular, his eyes unfocused and he's trembling again.

He presses his fingernails harshly into the other's thighs, eliciting a gasp from Yoongi. But it gives him the other's attention back. "What do you need?" He asks. "Tell me what you need. I'll help you. You just need to say the words and I'll do anything you need me to do."

It's important how much Taehyung stresses the word 'need' instead of saying want. He knows that Yoongi not only needs his help but also wants it. But Yoongi might not be ready to admit that he wants help while he certainly can't deny that he needs it. Needs him.

Hopefully, Yoongi won't deny his help. Hopefully, Yoongi will let him help because if the other doesn't consent, Taehyung can do nothing but watch further as Yoongi continues to fall apart right in front of his eyes.

It takes a few seconds for the elder to catch his breath again. "Help..." He's still wheezing slightly as he takes his hands away from his face. Taehyung's chest tightens at the expression on his face. Pure desperation. Like an animal caught in a trap, knowing it will die if it won't chew off its own leg but being afraid to do so. Yoongi is like an animal caught in the corner without a way out. "Help me please..."

"Are you sure?"

"Please," Yoongi begs.

"I need words."

"Please help me." He leans forward, letting his forehead rest against Taehyung's. His hot breath fans over Taehyung's lips, he could feel the dampness of the other's forehead and almost smell the salty tears on his cheeks. "Please put me where I need to be," Yoongi whispers barely audible.

It's not enough.

Not enough confirmation for Taehyung to know what he's allowed to do and what he's not allowed to do. He shakes his head slightly, grabbing Yoongi's hands which have been tugging at his own skin, leaving behind angry red marks.

Taehyung searches for his gaze before asking, "And where is that Yoongi?"

"My headspace," He gasps, "Please put me in my headspace."

He sucks in a sharp breath, a shiver running through his body. The air around them suddenly seemed to have gotten tenser with the confirmation of what is going to happen. "What do you need me to do?"

The second Yoongi looks up to meet his gaze time seems to stop altogether. "Tie me up," Yoongi says. And it's the first thing tonight that he says with confidence. His voice doesn't waver, he sounds absolutely sure of himself and even the panicked expression leaves his eyes for a second.

Taehyung pauses – searching for any sign of insincerity, any sign of discomfort, any sign that Yoongi is already too far gone in his head to be able to consent to a hundred percent. But there's nothing but conviction on his face, nothing but sincerity.

Their eyes meet again, both going a bit cross-eyed at the close vicinity. Taehyung gulps, pulling away from the elder. "Can you tell me the light system?"

"Red – Red for stop, yellow for slow down and green – green is for good."

"Get up and follow me."

Yoongi stumbles as Taehyung tugs him off the chair. He's started crying again, practically leaning his whole weight on Taehyung as he drags the elder out of the building. The security guard downstairs doesn't bat an eye at them, only smiles a little awkwardly at Taehyung.

The sobs leaving Yoongi's lips are even louder because his mouth is pressed right against Taehyung's neck. Yoongi is walking practically blind next to him, feet dragging over the floor, hands clinging to him tightly while his tears wet the collar of Taehyung's dress shirt.

He ignores the cold biting night air in favor of holding onto Yoongi tightly, who is wailing so loud that they would have drawn a lot of attention by now if it weren't so late already. At least Taehyung hasn't left his car far from the entrance of the building. It takes him a little bit of convincing and a whole lot of time to get Yoongi to release his deathly grip on his jacket. But eventually, he has the elder seated in the passenger seat, fastening the belt around his middle while Yoongi finally looks like he's completely out of his body now.

Taehyung starts the car, the engine roars to life and he knows he should focus on the road but his gaze always slips towards Yoongi. The other is sobbing, breathing irregularly while the tears just won't stop trailing down his cheeks. His gaze is directed towards the front but it doesn't seem like he's able to focus on anything right now. With every passing second, he seems to slip further and further away from reality and Taehyung tries so hard not to rush too much on his way home but it's hard with Yoongi gasping next to him.

They stop at a red light and the sudden jolt startles Yoongi. A gasp leaves his lips and his eyes widen, panic flashing over his face. Taehyung quickly rests his right hand on top of the other's thigh, drawing circles reassuringly in his flesh in hopes of calming him down. It seems like Yoongi is already far on the way of slipping into his headspace and that's not good.

It's not good for him to slip right now because Taehyung can't cater to his needs when he's in the middle of driving.

"Stay with me," He says to the elder. His voice is loud and clear, it takes a few seconds but eventually, Yoongi seems to process his words and nods jerkily.

Taehyung draws in a shuddering breath. Only a few more minutes. A few more minutes and he'll need to be there for Yoongi, completely. It can be dangerous to start a scene without discussing with the other participant about everything beforehand and this is a situation Taehyung has never been confronted with before. But it is also an emergency. This is an emergency and Yoongi needs him right now. He just hopes that he won't do anything wrong.

He knows he's a good Dom, a responsible one but he already broke one of his most important rules by rushing into a scene without knowing the Sub before. But there's nothing he could do about that now. Not in this kind of situation. Yoongi obviously needs someone to ease the pressure. He needs someone to ground him and Taehyung knows what that means. The other told him.

"Tie me up." The words echo in his head. It's not that Taehyung is inexperienced when it comes to Bondage and Shibari. But he also knows that this is a practice that requires a lot of trust from both parties. Trust he would have liked to built with Yoongi before he's going to make him immobile but this is not an option now.

A hiccup from Yoongi pulls him back to reality and he realizes that they've already parked.

It's easier to get Yoongi up into the apartment. He seemed to have calmed down enough to not look like he's going to hyperventilate in the next second or so. When they step out of the elevator and enter his apartment Taehyung closes the door behind him with a loud click. Yoongi stays in the middle of the hallway without moving an inch. He's still crying audibly.

"Take off your shoes, your jacket, your socks, and your tie. Get rid of your belt as well," Taehyung says while taking off his own jacket and slackening his tie. It doesn't take him long to get in his own headspace. He always found it rather easy, being a dominant person in normal life too. "Down the hallway and second door to the left. You kneel facing away from the door and don't move until I'm with you."

"Yes," Yoongi whispers and he doesn't say anything further as he makes his way down the hallway. Taehyung watches him go, a smile curling his lips as the elder closes the door behind himself without even being asked to.

Taehyung first turns the light on, letting it illuminate his spacious living room. His gaze travels over the spotless couch, the coffee table and the neatly stacked shelves. That the left side of the room, right in front of the glass wall, is anything but clean doesn't bother him. Not at the moment.

He glances up at the clock hanging on the wall in his open kitchen. Its ticking is loud in the otherwise completely silent apartment. He's going to take his time. He's going to make Yoongi wait for him even though he wants nothing more than to run to the elder and help him immediately. But he knows the other needs to calm down a little further before he could even think about starting to tie him up. It would be dangerous if Yoongi's breathing doesn't return to normal before he gets his chest restricted by ropes. It could trigger another panic attack and that's the last thing Taehyung wants to happen.

The counter digs uncomfortably in his back as Taehyung leans against it. His eyes have fluttered shut when he took the first sip of cold water from the glass he just got himself. Now he needs to stay calm, stay calm and let his headspace consume him. He needs to be perfect in a few seconds. He needs to be the rock Yoongi has to hold onto to not drown and that will be hard.

But he knows he can do it.

When he opens his eyes again he immediately glances back at the clock. Fifteen minutes. It must have already felt like a century for Yoongi.

Taehyung downs the rest of his water, pushing up the sleeves of his dress shirt while undoing the first few buttons. It makes it easier for him to breathe. As he walks down the hallway he knows that Yoongi could most likely hear his heavy steps on the polished floor. That's why he intentionally walks slow, an agonizingly slow pace.

The closed-door looms in front of him like the entrance to hell. It doesn't make sense that he feels so nervous about this. He's not new to the scene, he's not new to tying people up to help them relax and he's in his headspace already. But...

Yeah, but what?

Yoongi tenses when the door opens. He's kneeling on the floor exactly the way Taehyung requested him to do. His shoulders shake but his breathing doesn't sound as heavy as it did before. There are still a few sniffles, suppressed sobs fighting their way out but he already seems a little calmer than before. The tension in his shoulders though has increased. It looks like he's going to burst any second.

The elder doesn't dare to react to his entry. It makes Taehyung proud. His eyes travel over Yoongi's form to the king-sized bed in the corner. Yoongi's shoes are standing in front of it, his jacket, his socks and his tie lying neatly on top of the covers.

He's always so organized.

"Color?" Taehyung asks as he walks past him. Yoongi doesn't raise his head from where he's still staring at the floor, tears silently rolling down his cheeks.

"G-Green," He replies.

Taehyung nods even though he knows the other can't see it. His fingers graze over the far left door of his wardrobe. The secret part of his wardrobe. Okay, maybe not a secret part – more like kinky one?

The door slides open without much of a sound and Taehyung lets his eyes rake over all of his playthings. Whips, harnesses, toys, and ropes. He already has a specific type of rope in mind that he wants to use but he will ask the elder what he would prefer. First, though, he turns around and sets the big pair of safety scissors down next to the kneeling elder.

"What –" Yoongi splutters and his form starts trembling violently again. His eyes widen in fear as he stares at the scissors with horror in his eyes. As if it would attack him in the next second.

"Don't worry," Taehyung hurries to calm him down again. Great job, the first thing he does is scaring the other. Fucking perfect. He picks the scissors up again, turning it in his hands as he shows it to Yoongi like he would show a foreign object to an animal, a pet maybe. "That's just a precaution. If something goes wrong and you need me to get you out of your restraints as soon as possible it will be easier to just cut the ropes instead of taking minutes to untie everything again."

His explanation calms the other down again and Yoongi drops his gaze back to the floor. It makes something weird stir in the pit of Taehyung's stomach. Somehow, he – maybe he had kind of imagined that Yoongi wouldn't be so experienced in the scene already but it seems like he had someone before who trained him well. It makes...

Is that seriously jealousy Taehyung is feeling right now?

He shakes his head, trying to get rid of the thought as he turns around again and takes the three different type of ropes he owns out of the closet to neatly lay them down in front of Yoongi.

The first one is a basic cotton rope. A natural color, it's thick and not really fit for delicate knots. It's also a little harder for Taehyung to undo the knots again in the end. Furthermore, he also has to be a little careful because the rope creates a lot of friction against the skin and hence creates burns when it's tied too tight.

The second one is thinner. Black, synthetic rope made of polypropylene. It's easier for delicate ties, it's smooth and feels good against the skin. Taehyung likes to use this because it's easy to tie, easy to untie again and he doesn't have to be too cautious about burns on the skin. And it looks pretty. The thin rope creating patterns that resemble webs.

The last rope he puts down is his favorite though. A rope made of hemp. It's somehow a mix between the other two – it's not as rough as the one made of cotton and not as smooth as the synthetic one. The purple color of the rope has been a special request of him. It puts the right kind of pressure on the skin but doesn't cut as deep as the cotton one. But in the end, it's Yoongi who's going to decide what kind of rope he wants to have used on him.

"Choose," He says, pointing at each rope as he tells the elder what it is. "Cotton. Synthetical. Hemp."

Anticipation is in the air, seemingly increasing the room temperature and making the air taste of tension. Excitement. Taehyung smiles slightly when Yoongi raises his hand to point at the purple hemp rope displayed in front of him. He tries to not show his happiness at the choice of the elder too much though.

"Words," He demands of Yoongi. Maybe the elder hasn't been trained that properly after all. It is important for Taehyung to always have a verbal consent of everything that goes on. It's one of his rules. Communication is key in a D/S relationship and Taehyung values verbalism a lot. If something more might happen after this night he would have to teach Yoongi how important it is to always speak. If he doesn't say something then Taehyung won't be able to know to a hundred percent what the other wants him to do or not wants him to do. And it plays a great role in the trust they need to have in this kind of relationship.

Yoongi gulps. He grabs the purple rope, holing it up to Taehyung as he gazes at him from under his wet lashes. "That – I want this one, please. Tie me up with this rope."

A smile curls his lips and Taehyung takes the ropes from his hands. Nodding at him as he pets his head in silent praise. It makes a sigh leave Yoongi's still slightly trembling lips. "Hands behind your back," Taehyung commands him, already picturing the way he will wrap the rope around Yoongi's body when the elder hesitates.

Immediately, Taehyung reels back. He's ready to blow everything off but before he could voice that the elder speaks.

"Can..." He clamps his lips shut again, biting down on his bottom lip as a blush spreads over his cheeks. Taehyung waits, not taking his eyes off him as he waits for Yoongi to say what he wants to tell him. The elder is nervously wringing his hands, pushing his thumb into the palm of his hand as he struggles to find the right words.

"Can I take off my pants too? And my shirt?" He finally asks and the embarrassment is evident on his face. Even the tips of his ears are turning red. "I want to feel the rope on my skin."

"Whatever makes you comfortable," He says with a small smile before turning around to put the other two ropes back into his closet. On his way back he tugs two more of the purple rope out of the closet. He's not completely sure if he needs it though but maybe he will go for a more complicated knot pattern which would take up more of the rope. "But do it quick. And then put your hands behind your back."

Yoongi makes quick work of his clothes. He moves efficiently, folding up his pants and shirt neatly and lies them down next to the rest of his things on the bed. Without wasting any time he returns to his former position on the floor, kneeling and instantly letting his hands rest behind his back, wrists crossed.

Taehyung lets the rope slip through his fingers a few times, feeling its texture on his skin before squatting behind him. With careful touches he takes the other's wrists, wrapping the rope around both of them before letting it run between them. It tightens the rope around his wrists and Taehyung continues to wrap it around both his upper arms, connecting the knots in the middle.

He tugs a little to see how tight the knots connecting Yoongi's wrists and upper arms are. Yoongi's breathing has turned softer, calmer and the tension in his shoulders reduces slowly. When he peers around the elder Taehyung sees the content expression on his face, the gaze of him seems to look through the wall in front of him without really seeing it.

It's obvious how easily this manages to relax Yoongi and Taehyung has never met someone who could be calmed this quick and this easy. He hesitates a little before continuing with tying the other up.

The hesitation stems from the remaining fear of not letting the other breathe properly. Yoongi might have calmed down but it could still be that he might start panicking a little when his chest gets constricted by the rope. Taehyung doesn't want to affect the other's breathing when it's still too fragile.

That's why he asks again the second he lets the rope slightly trail over the other's chest after turning him around. Yoongi's full body shivers as he gasps. He's now lying on his back, staring up at Taehyung with huge eyes.


Yoongi just continues to stare up at him. His cheeks are still wet from the formerly shed tears and even though there's the slightly distant look in his eyes Taehyung is sure that the other understood him.

"Color," He repeats just to make sure though. His voice has gotten a little more sternly but Yoongi is still not answering. Something close to fear starts bubbling up inside of the pit of Taehyung's stomach when the elder's bottom lip starts to wobble. He fears for the worst when Yoongi suddenly starts nodding, an urgent expression on his face.

A thought crosses his mind and he sits back on his heels. A panicked expression takes over Yoongi's face and he quickly shakes his head no. He's even trying to sit up to not let him get away further but Taehyung pushes him back down with a gentle press of his hand against his chest.

"Do – Can you get nonverbal?" Taehyung asks slowly, making sure that Yoongi will understand every single word he's saying to him. The elder releases a deep breath and the tension that came back in the last seconds falls off him again. He nods slowly – yes.

Taehyung nods, letting that information run through his mind. It's not like he has experience with people who get nonverbal but he had been in similar situations before. He has experience with gagging people, preventing them to speak on purpose and having to give them another mean to communicate with him.

He shushes Yoongi as the other gets fidgety again when he gets up. Taehyung hurries towards the closet, opening one of the drawers. This one is filled with different kind of accessories, ball gags, different kinds of collars, cock rings and just the thing he's looking for.

The ball is small, fitting perfectly into the palm of his hand. He sits down next to Yoongi again, squeezing the ball once. It squeaks. He helps Yoongi sit up a little so that he could put it in the elder's hand. "If you want to stop or slow down you squeeze the ball. If you squeeze I will stop immediately and ask if you want to continue – two squeezes mean yes and one squeeze means no. Do you understand that?"

Yoongi nods before remembering what Taehyung just told him. There are two squeaks and the younger smiles down at him.

"Great," Taehyung says and quickly switches back to his more dominant nature. The softness leaves his voice a little and the anticipation filled atmosphere returns around them. "I will tie you up further now."

Two squeaks.

Taehyung starts working again, quick and efficiently. The rope comes to Yoongi's front from both of his sides and he ties it together tightly. His gaze jumps up to Yoongi's face every few seconds to look for any sign of him not being comfortable or feeling a little too much pain. But every time he tugs a little more on the rope, tightens the knots a little more the other sighs, content.

His expression is blissed out, eyes unfocused as he stares at the ceiling with a small smile on his parted lips. Taehyung crosses the rope over the other's chest, creating a diamond pattern over the other's pale skin. With fascination, he watches the way Yoongi's skin quickly turns red even after not being under the pressure of the rope for a long time.

When he gets lower and starts wrapping the rope around Yoongi's legs he forces himself to just focus on professionally tying him up. He doesn't allow himself to glance at the other's crotch, not even when he wraps the rope around his thighs just where his boxers stop. Yoongi lets himself be moved around in any way as if his muscles are nothing more than gummy.

Even though Taehyung has been in situations where Shibari has been used in a sexual context, it's different with Yoongi. He guessed it before but now it's just confirmed. But it seems like Shibari is something that Yoongi only uses for mental relief and not for sexual relief. There can be sexual aspects to Shibari but it doesn't have to be sexual for everyone. And it's obviously not sexual for Yoongi and therefore, it somehow doesn't feel sexual for Taehyung either.

He finally ties the last knot, locking his feet together. Now Taehyung sits back to admire his work.

Yoongi is lying on the floor, on his back, the purple rope leaving red imprints on his milky and soft skin. There's an almost delirious expression on his face. His heart beats a little faster while looking at him. The tear tracks on his cheeks have almost dried by now, his breathing deep and regular and he seems boneless. Just lying there. Taehyung has purposely kept him on away from the bed even though the position might get a little uncomfortable due to the hard floor underneath him but like this, it might feel more grounding. Taehyung doesn't want him to sink into a soft mattress and feel like he's drowning in it. He knows that people sometimes need a little more to ground them and solid pressure is something that seems to work pretty good on Yoongi.

"Close your eyes," Taehyung commands. The elder's eyes widen as his breath hitches a little and Taehyung fears that he went too fast with his request. A few tense seconds pass but there's no squeak of the ball.

"Do you want to continue?" Taehyung asks gently, letting his fingers trail over the elder's cheeks affectionately. Yoongi squeezes the ball twice. "Okay. You will keep your eyes closed until I tell you otherwise." Yoongi nods and his eyes flutter shut. For a split second Taehyung thinks about calling him out because he didn't use the ball to answer but he decides to let it slide for now.

With a tired groan, Taehyung raises from the floor. His knees crack a little from having been in the same position for too long. He leaves the room to retrieve the file he got from his father's office. When he comes back in the room Yoongi hasn't moved an inch, he's still lying there contentedly.

Taehyung really has to force his gaze away from the elder as he sits down at his desk to go through the file as preparation for tomorrow. His mind just can't focus on the words printed on the pages in front of him. His thoughts just keep straying towards the male lying on the floor right behind him.

He forces himself to work for as long as he could manage without getting crazy with thoughts about Yoongi. When he glances at the time displayed at the bottom of his laptop screen he decides that it's been long enough.

Yoongi doesn't react when Taehyung settles down next to him again. He might have even fallen asleep, that's how relaxed he's lying there. Before Taehyung speaks to him he gently trails the tips of his fingers over the elder's cheeks to not startle him. But there's still no reaction and he's not completely sure if Yoongi is even able to properly comprehend his surroundings at the moment. Hopefully, Taehyung will be able to gently ease him out of his headspace.

"Keep your eyes closed," He says, "I will loosen the ropes now and then take them off."

His hands work slowly, very slowly and carefully. He knows how hard it is for some people to let go of the safety of their subspace. After the panic attack Yoongi had earlier he definitely doesn't want the other to experience a subdrop and so he just works as slow as possible.

Despite that, Yoongi starts whimpering as soon as the pressure of the rope reduces on his skin. Every time a part of the rope falls from his skin Taehyung gently rubs his fingers over the red imprints that are left behind. He whispers a shower of praises to the other but it does little to help Yoongi cope with the sudden loss of the pressure.

There are again silent tears running down his cheeks but not as bad as before. Taehyung doubts there could be a lot of them left. The tears are slow, only occasionally dripping from his lashes.

When Taehyung finally loosens the last knot and helps the other sit up, Yoongi releases a shuddering breath. "Yoon, you did so well," Taehyung whispers, hands stroking over his shoulders reassuringly. "Take a deep breath for me, alright?"

Yoongi nods and tries to draw in a deep breath, he's leaning against Taehyung's chest as support.

"Can you stand?" Taehyung asks softly and Yoongi immediately nods. His legs shake a little as he tries to stand up and eventually succeeds with the help of the younger.

Taehyung's eyes are glued to the red imprints of the rope all over the elder's body. "I'm gonna draw you a bath."

"Tae –"

"It's to relax your muscles," He interrupts him quickly. A smile breaking out on his lips at the sound of the voice of the other. "It will help you calm down. I promise." Taehyung slowly pushes him down on the bed, letting him sit there as he opens the door leading to the bathroom which is directly attached to the bedroom. As soon as Yoongi sits down he seems to zone out again, eyes going unfocused as he starts to gently rock back and forth in place.

The elder is sitting on the toilet lid. Taehyung feels Yoongi's gaze on his back. And if it weren't laced with insecurity and self-consciousness Taehyung would describe his gaze as predatory. In any other situation, Yoongi would look like he's stalking his prey. But Yoongi is just a... boy. A small boy, scared of being left alone, scared of being dropped like a toy that lost its worth after being played with.

Yoongi's gaze is prickling, searing hot on the back of his neck. The elder stares so intensely that it seems like he wants to hold Taehyung in place with it alone and the younger almost believes it.

The water has almost filled the tub completely and Taehyung turns the tap off. The last few drops fall. They make the water ripple, creates small waves. Taehyung lets the bath bomb drop into the water and he almost feels how Yoongi's gaze peels away from his skin. It's slow, almost painful. It feels as if someone would rip a band-aid off – but as slowly as possible. The elder's eyes are fixated on the way the baby blue color spreads through the bathtub, coloring the water prettily. But even though Yoongi is eyeing the tub like he wants to step inside and fall asleep in the warm water, he does not move one bit. He's still just staring and yeah, maybe he just doesn't feel comfortable undressing in front of him but Taehyung still has the feeling that there's something more to it.

"I'll leave you to it, now," Taehyung whispers. He's afraid of startling the elder and disturbing the calm and quiet atmosphere around them. The second he stands up to leave there's a hand stopping him. Long, pale fingers with a delicate grip around his wrist.

"Stay, please." Taehyung feels something tug at his heartstrings at the insecure sound of Yoongi's voice. "Don't leave me alone."

Yoongi's eyes are glassy, his bottom lip trembling slightly and even though he holds him lightly, his grip seems desperate. The eyes of the elder still don't seem very focused, his mouth opened slightly to release small pants and there's red dusting over his cheeks. He still seems pretty out of it, a dazed expression on his face the second Taehyung meets his eyes. Yoongi is still not entirely out of his headspace, still lost somewhere behind his glassy brown eyes and Taehyung is consumed by the immense instinct to take care of the elder.

He doesn't know how Yoongi will think about all of this tomorrow or later at night when his head is clear again. He doesn't know and at the moment he doesn't care. Right now, the only important thing is taking care of him.

"Take off your clothes please," Taehyung murmurs as he gently pries Yoongi's fingers from his sleeve. His words may have sounded soft but they cut through Yoongi's daze like a knife, making him obey almost instantly. When he raises his arms to take off his white undershirt Taehyung turns away. He lets his eyes linger on the cabinet filled with his different towels. He waits until there's a small touch at his back, soft fingers just barely brushing against his shoulder blade.

Yoongi doesn't raise his head. He almost seems self-conscious now, nervous, anxious. Whatever it is. Taehyung doesn't comment on it. Instead, he gently guides Yoongi towards the tub. The elder's steps are still uneasy, a little wobbly and Taehyung has to steady him for the few necessary steps. He helps him into the tub and Yoongi sinks under the water and through the foam with a small gasp.

He looks so small in the tub, bubbles all around him and the dazed expression still on his face. There are a few stray tears trailing down his cheeks. Taehyung looks at him for a few minutes, he just really looks at him. His shoulders are above the bubbles and every time he moves Taehyung's gaze gets drawn to the fine red imprints on his arms that the ropes left behind. He feels nervous, so incredibly nervous with Yoongi here. His own headspace is gone, the one that just enhanced his naturally dominant personality and normally he is great at aftercare but this is Yoongi.

This is Yoongi in front of him.

This is Yoongi and this is a situation unlike any he ever experienced before.

The whole room smells like the bath bomb. The flowery scent invading Taehyung's nose easily and clouding his mind a little. He kneels on the floor next to the tub, the tiles uncomfortably hard against his kneecaps. Yoongi has settled against the back of the tub, his long fingers running through the bubbly foam with a childlike wonder.

Taehyung has experience with subs and their different behaviors while coming out of their headspace. He's never had someone like Yoongi though. He met people who would cry a little, some immediately fell asleep from exhaustion and some were desperate for affectionate aftercare.

There is something different about Yoongi's behavior though. In a way, Yoongi is a mix of all of these behaviors he already encountered while simultaneously being completely different. Yoongi isn't clingy, he's not whining for a constant touch or reassurance but at the same time, he looks like he's going to cry when Taehyung even hints at leaving. There are tears on his cheeks but only a few, stray ones glistening on his cheeks. But Yoongi doesn't seem to be crying to release himself and get out of his headspace. And despite looking tired overall, his eyes are more awake than ever even though he still has this unfocused expression on his face and the distant look in his gaze.

Taehyung doesn't really know how to act, so he just does nothing until Yoongi gives him a sign of what he needs him to do. He's leaning against the tub, hands perched upon the rim as he keeps mustering Yoongi. The only sound in the room is the still heavy breathing of the other. It's only interrupted by the occasional sniffles and quiet sobs. But Yoongi doesn't look upset. If all, Taehyung has never seen him this relaxed before. There's no tension in his shoulders anymore, no strained expression on his face and nothing of the panicky fidgeting he usually does.

It makes him happy.

It makes him happy that just the last hour seemed to be able to have such an impact on Yoongi's wellbeing. It must have been very long since Yoongi has let himself relax, let himself release all the tension that built up around him and that he puts on himself daily. Taehyung just wants the elder to realize how much he needs this in his life.

Yoongi is moving in the tub again and a little bit of water splashes over the rim. It doesn't seem to concern him though, Taehyung isn't even sure if the other noticed it. When he looks up Yoongi's gaze is directed to his hands. He's staring at them intensely without even blinking and Taehyung slowly turns his right hand around so that the inside of his palm faces upwards.

When nothing happens for the next few minutes he slowly draws his hands back from the tub but before he could fully do so, Yoongi has already reached out to him. A smile curls Taehyung's lips when the elder tugs on his hand until it dips under the water. He doesn't even care that the edge of his sleeve gets wet. Not when Yoongi looks so adorable while playing with his fingers.

He's like a little kid. The expression on his face morphing from the distant look to a small smile. It makes warmth pool in Taehyung's chest and he makes himself more comfortable as he allows him to play with his fingers.

This goes on for what feels like a century when Taehyung's knees start to hurt a lot. His back aches as well, being in this crouched position for this long isn't that comfortable after all.

"Let me wash your hair," He whispers and straightens up a bit but he leaves his right hand for the elder to play with. Yoongi obediently tilts his head back as Taehyung soothingly runs his fingers through his wet strands, massaging the shampoo in. A sigh leaves Yoongi's lips as he nuzzles into his touch.

A cat.

Yoongi seems so much like a cat. Taehyung smiles and scratches his scalp lightly, another sound that could also be mistaken as some kind of purring tumbles over Yoongi's closed lips. The content expression on his face makes him look so much younger than he is. Almost like a teenager. Okay, maybe not a teenager but definitely not older than twenty-one or twenty-two. Taehyung wishes the other would look this relaxed and content more often.

He tries to focus as much as he can on the other's hair and the sensation of Yoongi's fingers playing with his hand. But he couldn't let his gaze stay away from the imprints of the ropes for long. It's fascinating. Absolutely fascinating and incredibly beautiful. He gulps, trying not to stare too hard.

When Yoongi steps out of the tub again and Taehyung starts drying him off it is harder to avert his eyes now. Yoongi doesn't seem to care though, he moves in every direction Taehyung gently pushes him in. He raises his arms obediently, turns this way and that. Taehyung draws the towel over his chest, faltering slightly as he catches sight of a thin white line. The scar is jagged, going right down his chest, right over his sternum.

Taehyung tries not to stare too much as he wipes the water droplets off the other's chest. With careful fingers he presses against Yoongi's shoulders, guiding him back against the tub. The elder moves pliantly under his touch, not resisting in the slightest as he sits down at the edge of the tub. The humid air around them almost feels suffocating as Taehyung sinks to his knees.

He starts at the other's right ankle, working his way up professionally, efficiently. Yoongi lets his leg obediently rest in Taehyung's grip, goosebumps rising on his skin the closer he draws to the other's inner thighs. He draws in a deep breath. He hopes that Yoongi won't remember this as crossing some line in the morning. What they did was already highly against their usual dynamic, relationship-wise, but this, being naked and Taehyung touching him like this – even though it's not sexual – Taehyung just doesn't want them to be awkward with each other.

Yoongi has started humming low in his throat and when Taehyung glances up at him he sees the lost expression on his face. The elder stares at the wall in front of him as if he could look right through it as if he doesn't even see it at all. It's strange. Taehyung has never been with someone who fell so hard, so deep and for so long into subspace.

But maybe this is only due to the fact that Yoongi has obviously not been in his headspace for a long time. Like some kind of withdrawal which lead to this severe experience of subspace for the elder. Taehyung has been preparing for the other's subdrop the second he got non-verbal right in the middle of the scene. But he never expected the other to be this helpless, this lost in his own head even after the scene has been over for quite some time now. He has never seen Yoongi so insecure and so needy for reassurance but he feels his own heart swell at the thought that Yoongi subconsciously seems to trust him enough to let him help him like this. With the bondage and now with the aftercare.

When he moves up further the other's leg, towards the top of his thigh there are suddenly fingers on the back of his hand. He glances up. Yoongi is still not looking at him but his face seems a little tenser, the legs which have been resting relaxed next to Taehyung are seemingly trying to close around him.

Taehyung waits, waits for Yoongi to say something, to push him away but the elder just continues playing with his fingers. He has stopped humming now and it seems like he's growing more restless and restless. Slowly, Taehyung starts reciprocating, continuing to hum the melody Yoongi started while he waits for the other to relax.

It takes a few seconds. It takes a few seconds which feel like centuries until Yoongi relaxes his legs again and lets go of his hand. Taehyung doesn't stop humming and a smile curls his lips when Yoongi quietly joins him.

Slowly, very slowly Taehyung continues to dry the other's legs. This time Yoongi doesn't push him away as he slowly moves towards his inner thighs with the towel. Until now he has managed to keep his gaze mostly to himself, eyes only sometimes drawn to the red lines all over his fair skin. The light imprints of the ropes have started to darken in a few places now and that commanded all of his attention until he caught sight of the scars.

The white line running down Yoongi's chest looked clean, a little faint already and it's nothing compared to what is on both sides of the elder's inner thighs. Just high enough to be covered by the shortest briefs. The scars look like someone dropped a bit of deep red color on his skin. Splotches of it with jagged rims decorating his otherwise milky skin. They're a stark contrast to the otherwise softness of the elder and Taehyung gets an ugly feeling in his stomach as he carefully dabs the towel over it.

He doesn't ask about them. Not only because he's also not sure whether Yoongi would be even able to answer at the moment or because he doesn't want to take advantage of the elder's headspace at the moment. No matter what it is... he doesn't ask.

Maybe he's also afraid of the answer.

Yoongi lets himself be walked back into the bedroom without hesitation. The humming has stopped by now and it looks like Yoongi is going to fall asleep any second. Taehyung quickly fetches him some clothes from his closet. When he turns around again, a huge white shirt and just some boxer shorts in his hands, the elder already has his eyes closed, swaying slightly from side to side.

"M'tired," He mumbles when Taehyung tugs his arms up to get him into the shirt. But he lets himself be dressed and maneuvered under the covers of the bed.

Taehyung feels a warmth spread through his whole chest as he gazes down at the elder under his covers, in his bed, in his apartment. His heart beats like crazy and he feels the butterflies in his stomach. No matter how cool and collected he always acts in front of Yoongi, the elder has always made him nervous, always made butterflies erupt in his stomach because of how attracted he has always felt towards the small and feisty male. This evening has only further shown him how compatible they really are. He just hopes that Yoongi won't deny this in the morning.

Even if he did – he would have to accept that no matter how much that would hurt him. In the end, it is completely Yoongi's choice what is happening now, how they are going to proceed from here.

"Tired," Yoongi whines again and buries himself under the covers.

"I know," Taehyung whispers and stops himself from doing anything more than run his fingers slowly through the other's hair. "I know. We can go to sleep now. I can take the couch –"

But before he could even take one step away from the bed there's a hand clasped around his wrist. "Don't leave me alone please." Yoongi is staring up at him again, like a déjà vu, his eyes are swimming with unshed tears again. Yoongi might not be as demanding and open about the kind of aftercare he craves but it's obvious that he needs someone by his side, that he's afraid of being left alone after exiting his subspace again.

Taehyung could never refuse him anything. Especially not when the other is looking at him like that. Not when Yoongi is curled under his covers, wearing his clothes and practically begging him to stay.

"Okay..." Taehyung whispers gently and he pries the other's fingers from his wrist. The gaze of Yoongi is burning on his skin, following every movement as Taehyung takes off his shirt and his pants, leaving him in his boxer shorts. He turns off the light before carefully lifting the blanket to slide under it.

The darkness around them is comforting but Taehyung couldn't relax. He's hyperaware of Yoongi's body right next to is, the warmth the other is radiating is insane.

It feels like hours until he finally closes his eyes and slips into the darkness.

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