Viva La Vida.
Disclaimer: I don't own Vivo (2021) Netflix. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.
(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)
(Hope you enjoy.)
Every night there is a chill.
"Vivo?" Gabi called softly, could she feel it in the air to. "Are you okay?"
Vivo wanted to answer he wasn't. Someone is haunting him. Something is attached to his soul and they don't want to let go.
No. I don't know.
Instead, he released a cheerful chirp. He'd learned long before Gabi couldn't understand his words, so sound a gestures were a thing to keep an eye out for if needed.
Gabi's voice quieted and Vivo naturally assumed she fell asleep. It is quite late into the night. He doesn't know how late.
One or two in the morning.
Vivo's thoughts dragged him into his own mind, refusing to leave the moment he opened his mind vulnerable enough.
Too tired from sleepiness, Vivo didn't bother fighting the sensation. He wanted to be be in his mind, away from the real world. Andreas' death is coming soon.
By tomorrow, it'll be the first anniversary.
His eyes made contact with another's. (Not so) disturbingly, it's not Gabriella Hernandez, a person and his new owner. It's other worldly.
It's what human called a shadow.
It's eyes never take it's off his form. In the beginning, Vivo outright screamed when he first saw the thing staring down, thinking it a burglar or animal desiring revenge.
Lord knew how many enemies he's made.
Vivo felt the spirit offended at him thinking of God and the opposite of where it could living in the two worlds colliding.
Hell or heaven?
Andres deserves heaven. A kind soul all his life, there isn't a reason heaven shouldn't commit a man who's never sinned.
At least Vivo knows he hasn't sinned.
Andres never explained his whole past. The basics at beast. His family, friends, former lovers, the works, the basics. You get it.
Vivo knew the Andres after their initial first meeting. Heck, Vivo probably hadn't been born by the fine Andeas approached old age.
His heart panted the second time that day. He missed Andres. Missed his melodies, music, singing. He missed Andres. His friend.
His adoptive fathers. And since Andres couldn't understand a word Vivo uttered, he resorted to showing in actions such as helping or assisting in the melodies both loved.
"I love you, Gabi."
It came out as a chirp sound. Gabi didn't understand Vivo's precise words, but the emotions and expression said it all.
"I love you to, Vivo."
Vivo's too lost in his thoughts for Gabi's words to be registered in time. His gaze is held by the shadow's, eyes gleaming as if all they want is Vivo's attention.
For a moment, it's silhouette morphed into someone Vivo had thought long gone. This thing is clearly torturing the poor kinkajou.
Because in that moment, he saw Andres. His eyes fleeting at Gabi's sleeping self. Emotions swirling in those haunting red, blank spaces that should have been eye sockets.
Jealousy, rage, darkness, love.
The last emotion is directed at Vivo only. Even in death, Andres can't let his friend go. And Vivo just managed the five grief stages.
The last being acceptance. Perhaps that is why Andres is so angry, so possessive, so wanting Vivo's memories to hold on he's resorted to haunt the little creature forevermore.
It began two weeks ago this hanging and there's way in telling if Andres ever intends letting Vivo live his one future.
And for the first time in two weeks, the shadows approached Vivo's paralysed form and bent down on knee observing his widening expression of panic and horrification.
I won't hurt you.
It whispered gently, hands petting Vivo's mini bangs. Are those claws cutting his cheek? There's blood leaking into his eyes, red coloured was his sole vision.
The ghost laughed that it's goal was complete for tonight. The kinkajou cheeks, eyes, nose, and patches in his fur were stained with blood.
Goodnight, friend.
Vivo could tell it's grin remained. The ghost is usually expressionless. A blank, guarded look it never let crack. And to now show any emotion is scary.
Vivo's eyes suddenly dropped as if a spell finally took its hold on his mind. His body was allowed to move and adjusted into a more comfortable position.
Vivo drifted off whilst the shadow watched.
Rosa Hernandez is a mother of two. A little girl and little monkey. Strange? Yes.
To her? It's only natural.
Vivo is Gabi's best friend and possibly saved her daughter from a life of loneliness. Before him, she wouldn't let a single soul in.
Now the person she trusts most is an animal.
It's quite impressive once you looked the last strangeness. How they seemed in tune, to understand in another language friend to her own and humans.
Rosa Hernandez prepared morning breakfast.
"Who wants chocolate waffles?!" She asked excitedly, presenting the plate. "Bet you do! My little Chiquita! And Vivo!"
Gabi raised her hand with the same excitement whilst Vivo put on a small smile at her enthusiasm. It was good seeing Gabi returning to her old self. It just passed her father's death anniversary.
She spent the weekend locked away in her room and Vivo pretty much was bunked one the couch the whole week she processed his death once again. And then Gabi proceeded apologising over how she acted selfish.
Needless to say, Vivo forgave and forgot.
He knew too well what grief did to the mind of a creature. He lost Andres to death a just before meeting Gabriella. She's his best friend and they've know each other for days at best.
Hours at worst if this is a dream.
Vivo chirped softly, panic placing itself subtlety in the sound. Rosa picked with her hearing, though chose not to bring it up.
Vivo's eyes said not to. He maybe an animal, but he's much more intelligent than everyone thinks. He can understand them. If he didn't, Rosa knew their bond wouldn't be as strong.
It's why she approves. Vivo understood Gabi.
Two broken souls destined to fix the other.
Rosa can live with that-
"It's cold." Gabi's voice whined, Rosa seeing Gabriella hug her arms close. "Mom, is the AC on or something?"
Vivo let out a series of chirps which only meant complaints. They were angry and frustrated. She couldn't blame the animal, he'd probably been used to hot environments.
The coolness suddenly chilling sent a shiver up all their spines. Rosa heard something else, a grunt, a growl, a snarl?
Vivo sees Rosa's eyes cloud over, glazing as if she's somewhere else. He's seen that look in Andres a few time before his death.
She's seeing something.
His thoughts advised. Vivo grunted in acknowledgement, grabbing Gabi's arm and pulling her the room whilst she squeaked in confusion and surprise.
She didn't want to see what'd happen next.
Rosa's vision clouded over. For a moment, she swore the darkness overtook the light. Bulbs smashing and table flying as if in the way of an important entity.
"He is not yours."
This voice made Rosa physically sick. It sounded raspy, a little wheezy, deep and yet somehow commanding. It knew what it wanted and strived anyway in getting it.
"Vivo is mine. He's no longer yours." She quipped back weakly, coughing into her hand. "You need to move on. They are afraid to sleep because of you."
Rosa recalled those bags under Vivo's eyes. The little sleep he managed was haunted by the one he once thoughts a friend. Still thought a friend. Rosa thought otherwise.
This wasn't Andres anymore.
"One last song."
It repeated Vivo's wish. Back when he died, Vivo wished for one last song when stuck in grief and it seemed whoever manifested Andres' face intended fulfilling Vivo's desire.
It disappeared and Rosa's senses kicked back into existence. She looked around the kitchen then groaned softly. She pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed at the temples.
Table broken, chairs thrown everywhere.
Rosa had a big mess to clean.
The bed is comfortable for the moment. Vivo sighed into the covers, eyes threatening to trap him in sleep the moment his mind weakened.
His thoughts fought against falling asleep. His body on the other hand was purely exhausted, two-three hours every day didn't do well for a small animal such as himself.
Why? He died. I lived.
Andres promised Vivo he'd live in his heart and would be remembered by him. He wouldn't be forgotten in the land of the dead.
Vivo's heart squeezed the third time. He hated these thoughts. It'd been days. He delivered the letter as it was Andres' last request.
Why else was he here?
He hadn't hurt the family much. Rosa refuses a psychic or priest. Worried news crews would make the situation worse.
Whatever that means.
Apart of Vivo is actually glad Andres refused moving on. A selfish, childish side that longed died resurfacing the moment Andres first appeared in the nights.
He hasn't hurt me...yet.
Vivo wanted sleep.
It crooked quiet, hands smoothed through his fur and for a second he thinks it's Gabi. The comforting feeling when she does it here and he kept his eyes closed.
Vivo sighed in content. His head rested in his arms, nuzzling his fur as sleepiness settled in and sleep claimed his mind a while.
He didn't hear the sinister giggling.
"Good boy."
Vivo's one of a kind. His kind isn't extinct per say, but it's rare to spot an actual Kinkajou in the big city. One would think they lived in the jungle. And that one is right.
Vivo should be in his natural habitat.
He chooses his home with Gabriella. He's currently in the girl's arms as she sleep peacefully. Moment before Gabi awoke from a powerful nightmare.
Her words haunted his mind.
"Uncle Andres ripped me apart. Stole my soul and wanted vengeance for stealing you."
If it's foreshadowing, Vivo doesn't know if he should run or stay. Andres' demonic form hadn't hurt them physically.
Mentally is an entirely different case.
Vivo's lack of sleep. Rosa's constant cleaning. Gabi's nightmares. He cause them all.
What point did he have proving?
Vivo made sure he wasn't chirping. Gabi needed sleep more than him even if Vivo was tempted to close his eyes and drift into oblivion. He can't, he had to keep guard.
He owed Gabi that much.
"Hey, Noisy~"
Vivo's body was frozen as a force forced it turn around facing whatever awaited him. Then his breathed hitched in genuine fear.
The snake's shadowy figure was much smallet but his expression and ruthlessness remained and scared Vivo even now.
Prey Vs Predator.
Vivo mentally prepared for the inevitable attack that Lutador would pull, but to his astonishment, Lutador simply slithered into the shadows.
Something in Vivo compelled him to follow after the Lutador shadow. As if sensing Vivo's chasing method, Lutador looked back with a challenging smirk.
Vivo's wild took ahold and he accepted the unspoken challenge. The winner of this little race would get what they wanted.
Lutador slithered even further into the distance. Tail shaking and hissing as a rattle snake even though Vivo knew what they looks and he wasn't one of them.
His choice of what he acts.
And Lutador was getting away.
Vivo set his paws on the ground, feet settling against the floors as he speeded upto to where Lutador raced. His gained much faster speed thanks to the new technique.
He'd been walking on his two back paws around Gabi too much. She influenced him in how to behave as a human.
Vivo somehow forget he was born in the wild.
His tail swished and swished. Wagging wildly as the chase continued. Vivo hissed was Lutador stopped and whacked his tail about trying to hit Vivo anyway he could.
Let's dance.
Vivo jumped on the tail's edge. Then pounced on Lutador's neck. His scales were black as night, the darkness complimenting their features more than they should be doing.
Yeah, Vivo is jealous.
The snake demon was prettier than him.
His irises narrowed into slits. Instead of pupils, two straight lines standing showed. The shadow unconsciously convincing Vivo giving into his instincts was a good option.
And he loved it.
He shouldn't have had the advantage, but the shadow demon's eyes widened lightly. It transformed into another creature.
It became Gabi.
This Gabi held him in her hands. Vivo's hands and feet kicked as he gazed into the fake eyes the shadow dared copy. He hated it.
He hated himself.
"G-Gabi.." Vivo regained his senses, instincts shoved under somewhere deep. "Sorry. Gabi, I'm sorry. I lost control."
Vivo was too tired to see the fake Gabi's grin. She made the smart decision not responding. The real couldn't Vivo's speech.
It always came as a chirp.
Vivo's head whipped around, turning in slight irritation and confusion. Gabi stood there in the doorways ribbing her eyes tiredly. It is the middle of the night. Three in the morning.
The shadow cradled Vivo in its own arms, his silent screams muffled as it sent a little spell over the kinkajou's mind once more.
It'll help.
Vivo's mind immediately caved. To him, Andres held him like he used to before sleeping into the night. He was a deep sleeper and woke in the afternoon.
Five shows a day lasting until the night.
It makes one feel exhausted. Vivo strained himself to impress and support. Gabi once called him her emotional support animal.
Vivo chirped in his sleep as the thoughts slowed. His mind blanked and the spell to hold placing him into darkness and then nowhere.
Even as Gabi screamed and tried fighting the retreating spirit, Vivo remained dead to the world. Conscious floating in a dream.
Him and Andres performed as if he was still alive and never died. It felt good. He didn't want to ever leave.
Dreams were better than reality.
Vivo's eyes opened as the dream faded into obscurity. Already he couldn't remember the last phrase uttered by anyone.
"What happened?"
His hand rubbed over his face blearily. His sleep actually had been good. No nightmares, visions or a demon haunting his mind pretending to be Andres and others.
Vivo's tired state regressed his mind into the past state. His memories of Gabi were faded at most and recalled very little.
Had someone caused him amnesia?
"Finally, we're alone."
A high pitch voice giggled. It sounded like a little girl with a hint of masculinity. It whispered and had a normal tone.
Just what kidnapped him?
"Who are you?"
The voice giggled again. Echoing around the atmosphere, the shadows appeared in front of Vivo, hand grasping his chin. He knew these gesture by now that it wanted attention.
Why it wanted Vivo's was a mystery.
"Who are you?" Vivo hissed, smacking the hand off and rubbing the place it gasped. "Why are targeting us? We've done nothing."
The shadow's voice ceased into existence. Maybe it had limited speech, was mute in actuality. Vivo's theories speculated themselves.
"Gabi's father struck a deal." The shadow smirked playfully. "He wanted his dear daughter alive. Foolish man."
"He's dead. A shame, good playmate." It morphed into a little girl. Looking exactly like Gabi except the shadowed skin and red eyes. "Ruined my fun. Buzz kill."
Vivo's frustration boiled. Sitting on all fours, pacing about as she ranged on about whatever she felt like talking about in these moments.
That smile never left her face. She held out a hand and Vivo quickly stood in seriousness. He wanted his questions answers.
"Andres. I know a way. In heaven but hell likes him. Gabi is a replacement. I allow you to visit and you are mine. Deal?"
She stretched out a hand. Vivo glanced around the sudden gesture. His one hand placed itself on the other's. Andres anniversary is today.
He wants his owner.
"Take me to Andreas."
The shadow smirked knowingly. He didn't accept easily, guess it was a time to hit the grief. More vulnerable chasing after a little on man in service passed.
Easy peasy. Vivo accepted the deal.
At least he'd see Andres again.
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