[97] - Potions And Confessions
I got this whole idea because I was staring at the Logan poster (which my girlfriend sent me) and logan is pouring a weird pink potion or whatever into his coffee and I just started thinking about what if he made a love potion
Vague summary: logan makes potions and virgil helps him find out if they work
Warnings: mentions past vomiting, virgil is a bit anxious at one point, otherwise none
Logan interrupted Virgil while he was in the middle of writing in his diary. (Something he only did because Patton had told him that it made feelings easier to deal with if he wrote them down, and Virgil hated to admit it, but Patton was correct about that.)
Well, Logan actually didn't interrupt him, but Virgil felt observed and looked up to find Logan standing in the doorway to his room. He slammed his notebook shut, throwing it on the pillow behind him. He had stopped having his door constantly close, just to seem less intimidating and make the others feel less unwelcome to come to him. He liked their company, after all.
"Hey, Logan. What's up?" He asked, sounding as unbothered as he could. He did welcome the occasional visit from his fellow sides, but maybe he should keep his door closed when writing in his diary as he found it to be slightly embarrassing to own and use a diary, and didn't really want the others to know about it.
"Oh, I see you have taken Patton's advice on how to further understand and work with troubling feelings and situations." Logan said, and Virgil awkwardly looked back at his diary and then at Logan who had gestured towards it.
"Right, um, yeah." Virgil said, clearing his throat. Logan nodded thoughtfully.
"Does it work? Patton gave me a notebook too, said that if I am adamant on keeping my feelings to myself I should at least write them down... Is there any point to it?" He wondered
"I- yeah. It works okay, I think. It lets you ramble on about stuff even if it's not very important, because a book won't judge you for breaking down over things you should be able to handle. It's nice to get your thoughts out of your head..." Virgil said, voice trailing off at the end. He did think this might be helpful for Logan, but he didn't want that to be too obvious.
"Thank you for your input. I suppose I will have to give it a try and see the results for myself." Logan said, Virgil gave him a quick nod.
"I'm not bothering you, am I?" Logan then asked, but Virgil shook his head, he was more interested in finding out what Logan wanted than to only be accompanied by his thoughts and a notebook.
"No. I wasn't really doing anything." Virgil wanted to tell him that he was welcome at any time, that he really quite enjoyed Logan's company, it was easy to talk to him. But he didn't, because he was a bit too awkward to do so. At least for now.
"Well, I've created another potion and I wondered if you wanted to assist me in establishing if it was made correctly or not." He asked, as always with that tone of excitement in his voice. Virgil was not at all as excited and did not fully understand what was so interesting about mixing weird stuff together to make weird stuff happen to whoever drank it.
Though Virgil did like seeing Logan unable to contain a smile, and the fascination that shone in his eyes every time a potion did succeed.
"Sure, whatever, just don't tell me what it's made of because then I'll probably throw it up like that one time." Virgil said, grimacing at the memory. Logan looked apologetic and Virgil shrugged to show that it was not anything to feel bad about. He had willingly drank that potion, it was not fully Logan's fault.
"Right then, whenever you have the time." Logan said.
"Might as well do it now then, I don't really have anything to do." Virgil said. It was true, he was incredibly bored, which was another reason to assist Logan with his experiment.
"Excellent!" Logan pressed his hands together, then gesturing for Virgil to come with him. Virgil got out of his bed, feeling stiff after having sat there for several hours, doing practically nothing. He walked up to Logan who, grabbed his arm. Then the both of them sank out and into Logan's room.
Logan let go of Virgil and had sat down in his chair by his desk before Virgil had even became aware of his surroundings. One other chair stood by Logan's, the two chair facing each other. Logan nodded towards the chair and Virgil slowly made his way to it and sat down.
"Shall I tell you what it will do." Logan said, gesturing towards the potion. Virgil considered telling Logan yes, but he knew it'd be better if he didn't know what to expect.
"Nah, if I know what to expect I'll overthink everything I feel and I won't trust that what I feel is what I'm actually feeling, because I might just be overthinking it to the point of tricking myself into thinking I'm feeling it when I'm not." Virgil said. He was more anxious over giving Logan an incorrect answer than not knowing what the potion would cause. Logan had established before Virgil began helping him with tasting potions that all potions he made would be completely safe and he would not withhold any information that Virgil may want.
"As you wish." Logan said, handing him a sample glass half full with something bright pink. It was not the weirdest colored potion that Virgil had drank for Logan. There was one potion a few months back that Virgil wasn't even sure had an actual color, at least Virgil didn't know how to even describe it. (That was also the one that had made Virgil throw up as Logan had listed the ingredients for him as he drank it... They had not ended up discovering if that potion worked or not.)
Virgil took it, holding it up and studying its contents closely. Then he shrugged and brought it to his lips, taking a careful sip. The taste wasn't bad so he drank the rest too. Surely drinking all of it meant the results would be more accurate to what Logan hoped to achieve.
"Taste weird. Like, really sweet." Virgil said, frowning as he put the cup down. Logan took no notice on that, probably because the way the potion tasted made no difference to the results and were none of his concern.
"Right," Logan began, grabbing a pen and pulling his notepad closer, the tip of the pen hover right above the paper, "first things first, do you feel any different?"
"I don't feel different at all, I feel the same. Well, except for the sweet aftertaste in my mouth." Virgil said, leaning back in the chair. Logan hastily scribbled something on the paper. Virgil looked Logan up and down, then looking around in the room to see if anything was different in any way.
No, nothing seemed to be different about how he perceived things, apparently this potion did not chance his vision. The last time he tried a potion he had started to see everything as if he'd been watching a 3D movie without the glasses. It'd given him a headache.
"Do you have any odd feelings, something that is uncharacteristic of you to feel?" Logan asked, a question that made Virgil a bit nervous. He had certain feelings that wasn't something that anyone expected him to feel, but those feelings he had had long before tasting this potion. The question did make him wonder slightly what this potion was supposed to cause.
"No." Virgil said after a moment. He could not sense anything different or weird with what he felt, he felt completely normal.
"No unusual feelings towards me?" Right, that is a scary question. Unusual? No. Feelings? Yes, many different kinds.
"Nah." Was all Virgil said, it seemed to be the most relaxed response he could give.
"You don't feel like doing something you wouldn't normally think of doing?" Logan said hopefully. Virgil shook his head.
"Hey, one question. This isn't one of those potions that will somehow alter my body, right? I mean, based of the questions you've asked I don't think so, but I have to ask." Virgil said, remembering the time when he had ended up with cat ears on his head for a day. He still didn't know why he had agreed to drink that potion, but he had even after Logan told him what it did. Then he had hid in his room for the rest of the day until they disappeared.
"No, no body alterations." Logan confirmed. He looked down at the page of the notebook that he was scribbling in but Virgil could still see the faint smile on Logan's face. "Do you recall the time you got those cat ears?"
"Yes I do..." Virgil said, trying to figure out if Logan smiling at that memory was a good or bad thing. Honestly, he didn't mind the cat ears that much, but the thought of what Roman would have said, and Patton's reaction. Not that they would have been mean, but they would've been too excited about it, and Virgil hadn't liked the thought of that either.
"Hm, well, I suppose we will have to add this potion to the list of the ones that failed." Logan said, clearly disappointed to do so.
"And there won't be any side effects, or..?" Virgil asked, already knowing that Logan made sure there would be none but still having to make sure. Otherwise he might go around worrying about it.
"No, as always I especially made sure there would be no side effects of any kind." Logan said. Virgil nodded, biting his lip to not smile.
"Hey, if it had worked, the potion, I mean, what would it have done?" Virgil asked. He had no problem finding out now, especially as the potion had not changed anything. A potion that did not work was of no danger.
"Well, I suppose it could be described as a love potion. The effects should have involved a noticeable change in how one felt about the other, such as a desire to pursue a romantic relationship or do things that are normally regarded as of romantic gesture; for an example, a desire to kiss the person involved. That person would be me, not because I created the potion, but because I added a ground down strand of my hair to it to make sure that the effects would have been directed towards me and not anyone else." Logan said, far too calmly for Virgil's liking.
"Oh." Was all Virgil got out, too stunned to come up with anything else to say. What was he even expected to say when being told he just drank (what was supposed to be) a love potion. And even worse, a love potion the person he had feelings for gave him. Then again, Logan had offered to tell Virgil about the potions effect before he drank it, and he had declined.
If he had feelings for Logan already, would the potion even have any effect? Was he giving Logan incorrect information? What if the potion did work and Virgil just couldn't tell because of the feelings he already held for Logan. Virgil swallowed, wondering when his mouth had gone so very dry. He needed to say something more comprehensive soon.
"Ew, I drank something with your hair in it?" He said a second later, brain registering all Logan had said and he pulled a grossed out face. Logan sighed.
"It was either that or a piece of fingernail or toenail, it was necessary for it to work... even though it still did not." Logan said with a frown, pausing and writing down something else in his notebook, Virgil didn't bother to check what it was.
"I'm not sure which one is worse... I'm just glad you didn't tell me while I was drinking it." Virgil said with an exhale that was almost a laugh. There was a short silence.
"Uh, why... you know, even make a love potion in the first place?" Virgil dared ask. He was only a little scared of the response, because he really did not know what would prompt this experiment.
"Hm? Oh, I overheard Roman and Patton discussing the possibility of such a potion actually being created, so of course I had to test it." Logan explained. That made sense, he supposed. Virgil had noticed how Logan always had a need to find out all he could about everything.
"Too bad it did not work, I'd have liked to show it to them." Logan said. Virgil forced a small smile, trying not to look too guilty.
Virgil did not know what to do in a situation like this. He was not prepared. Why was there no instructions for 'what to do when the guy you have feelings for gives you a love potion and you can't help him figure out if it succeeded or not since your feelings remained the same, and now you're just confused?', because Virgil could use that at the moment.
"Virgil, are you feeling alright? I have noticed the slight tremor in your hands which usually means your anxiety has heightened." Logan said, reaching his hand out towards him as if he was going to put his hand over Virgil's. Virgil stared down at his hands, pressing them flat against his thighs, then pulling his sleeves down. Logan retracted his hand.
"Sorry, just thinking." Virgil said, fidgeting with his sleeves. He glanced up through his fringe at Logan who was observing him with a worried expression. Virgil wondered if this was a good opportunity or not to tell Logan of his feelings. He certainly didn't want to be the reason Logan's potion screwed up.
"Thinking of what?" Logan asked, because of course he wanted to know. Virgil sighed loudly and lett his head fall back. He closed his eyes, drumming his fingers against his legs while trying to figure out how to handle this situation that he found himself in. He opened one eye a smidge, looking at Logan who was calmly waiting for him to speak.
"Okay, so... What if, um, I- no, words are not working." Virgil mumbled, frustrated with how his words weren't working. Speaking while feeling pressured to do so were not working.
Virgil leaned in the slightest bit, eyes scanning Logan's face. Logan didn't move, he just seemed mildly interested in what Virgil was doing. His eyes trailed down to Logan's lips, only giving himself half a second to think before he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to Logans, only letting himself kiss him for a quick moment before pulling back.
Logan's eyes had shut, and Virgil wanted to pause this moment, if not because he needed time to process his own actions and Logan's expression of something Virgil could not read, but to not have to face the next one where Logan opened his eyes and reacted to what he had just done.
Logan opened his eyes and Virgil wondered if he could just play this off as nothing. He could definitely blame the potion. Though Logan was smart, he wouldn't fall for that, would he? Logan looked like he had forgotten how to use his voice, and if Virgil knew where his own was he might've laughed.
"I thought you said the potion did not work?" Logan said a moment later, confused and clearly not knowing what to think now.
"That wasn't- that wasn't because of the potion." Virgil said, pressing the flats of his hands to his face. He looked at Logan through his fingers, deciding that Logan was not looking at him in a bad way. He let his hands fall to his lap. "Sorry."
"I just wanted you to know that the results I gave you might not be correct because I've, um, I've wanted to kiss you for... long, and I don't know if the potion would work then. I'm sorry." Virgil mumbled, eyes on Logan to figure out what he was thinking about what Virgil was saying. Logan got that glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Oh. I had not accounted for the test subject-"
"I have a name." Virgil interrupted, rolling his eyes.
"-to already hold feelings of attraction towards me." Logan continued, taking no notice of Virgil and leaping up from his chair.
"Right, you nerd." Virgil said, watching as Logan looked through his notes and papers that had been lying in a neat pile a second ago. Virgil wondered briefly if he should leave and let Logan continue what he was doing. Virgil did have a lot of things to complain about in his diary.
"Oh... and, Virgil." Logan said, all his attention on Virgil suddenly, and he was now right in front of him. Logan put one hand on Virgil's shoulder, using the other to tilt his head up. He pressed his lips to Virgil's. It wasn't a very long kiss, but it was still all Virgil could want, a confirmation that maybe kissing Logan had not been one of his dumbest impulse actions. "You've got nothing to be sorry about."
Written: 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 20th February 2019
Published: 14th March 2019
Words: 2976
Literally wtf is he drinking and why tho. It's glowing pink. It can't be healthy??
Also my little brother is 9 today T-T what happened when did 9 years pass I swear he was like born last year and I'm still 8 years old wth
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