[93] - Shimmering Rocks And Rays Of Sunshine
You guys are awesome, never forget that
Like, I really love all of you
Warnings: such soft boys
Maybe Logan should find his feelings for Virgil inconvenient or illogical. There were certainly a lot of fans that thought that would be his reaction (which Logan had discovered when using tumblr) but he just couldn't think of it like that.
Maybe it was because of the fact that Virgil's presence, his smile, the rare times when he was close enough to touch Logan (their arms brushing, a hand on his shoulder, etc) always caused a strange feeling to spread through his gut and his chest. It was not a bad feeling.
When asking Patton about it the moral trait had referred to the phenomenon as 'butterflies'.
Or, more specifically, he had said, 'Oh, you get butterflies in your stomach because of Virgil? How cute!'
Then again who would really mind a rush of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which was what the brain sent out through ones body when in love.
Logan had no idea whether or not Virgil even felt remotely the same way. He was not the best when it came to judging the feelings others felt, his own were hard enough to pinpoint and understand at times.
He had asked Patton about that too, because Logan supposed that if anyone would be able to make an educated guess about Virgil's feelings towards him it would be Patton. Sadly all he had told Logan was 'Why don't you ask him yourself?' which Logan was not sure what to make of.
Either he did think that there was a chance Virgil felt the same and therefore he was telling Logan to take his chance while he could. Or he simply wanted Logan to deal with his feelings himself so that he only had himself to blame if things did not go well.
Since Logan had no better options than to do what Patton had said (at least he could not come up with any better solutions) Logan had finally told himself that he better just get this over with and make an attempt at a relationship of some sorts with Virgil.
Logan would rather do that than take his chances waiting to see if Virgil ever asked him out. He got the feeling that the embodiment of anxiety would be hesitant to come up to him and ask Logan how he felt for him. No, he did not want to wait for something that might never happen. Doing what Patton had said and taking matters into his own hands was certainly his best option.
Though it had only taken Logan a day or two to realize that he was still facing a very big problem.
This problem that he had not been prepared to face happened to be the whole 'tell Virgil about your feelings' since even if he had a fairly clear picture in his head about what he should say, the words just refused to leave him. He became tongue tied.
Now as someone who usually had it quite easy speaking this stumped him. Talking and making his point heard was what he was used to doing when having something to communicate. Things got a whole lot more difficult when he could not rely on his ability to speak.
He had tried to speak to Virgil a number of times. But every time the opportunity arose and he found himself alone in a room with Virgil the words caught in his throat and he ended up simply standing there awkwardly, Virgil giving him a weird look before leaving.
But today he was going to get over that and tell Virgil how he felt. Since planning out how he was going to tell him had not worked he was simply going to attempt this without any preparation. And after having decided on this tactic he just had to find a good opportunity to speak to Virgil.
Or possibly give him a paper on which he had written down how he felt if all tries of communicating via talking failed him.
And now that opportunity had presented itself to him, and he did not want to waste it.
"Virgil?" Logan said, alerting the other trait that he was there and that he wanted to speak to him. Mentioned side was currently lying flat on his back on the couch, taking up as much space as possible while scrolling on his phone.
Virgil looked up.
"Logan." He responded, attempting a serious tone that failed its purpose because of the smile on Virgil's face. A new burst of 'butterflies' spread through his chest and made it incredibly hard not to smile back. He tried to discreetly bite his lip to keep the smile away, but it failed and he felt the corners of his mouth curling upwards.
"I was on my way to the imagination for a walk. You seem to be unoccupied and I was wondering if it was possible that you would like to accompany me?" He said, only a little stiffly. Virgil looked at his phone and then back at Logan, pushing himself up in an almost sitting position.
"Sure, I haven't got anything better to do." Virgil said, fully sitting up and putting his feet on the floor. Virgil reached both his hands out at him, and Logan stared at him for a moment before Virgil spoke up again.
"Help me up, nerd." He demanded, making grabby hands at him. Logan rolled his eyes before taking Virgil's outstretched hands in his and pulling him up so that he was standing up.
This resulted in them standing closer than what they usually did when facing each other and Logan got a vivid image in his mind of him leaning in the small distance that was left between them. Logan let go of virgil's hands, taking a step back and clearing his throat.
"Right then, let's go." He said and made his way towards the hallway with the door to the imagination.
Originally the imagination was Roman's domain, it still was, but after they all started using it for walks, picnics, famILY getaways, etc, Roman had moved the door somewhere more open than inside his own room (maybe getting tired of people coming there to go to the imagination), and he had given them all a key to the door in case it was locked when they wanted to use it.
But now the door was open and led directly into a forest that Logan often took a walk in when needing a moment for himself. Logan loved the tranquility of the scenery. He was always in control of the weather and the surroundings, therefore the forest took different forms depending on his moods, at the same time as always being the same forest.
During the times when he was feeling hopeful, quite happy, and relatively calm, like he was today (today was a good day, nothing to be stressed about) the weather was sunny and warm and the breeze was cooling. The forest was colorful in all shades of green and whichever colors berries, bushes, and mushrooms might have.
Pine needles and thin sticks crunched beneath their feet as they aimlessly walked through the forest. There was no need for them to keep track of where they were going and where they came from. The door in and out of the imagination were not stuck to one place and appeared close when they needed it.
They walked in silence and Logan stole glanced of Virgil who looked relaxed and had the slightest of smiles playing on his lips as he looked around at the sunlit threes and the ground that was covered in moss with mushrooms and small bushes with berries that grew from it. It was beautiful, Virgil even more so.
Logan didn't feel the need to break the silence just yet, it was too peaceful around them, the only sound the occasional bird and gust of wind rustling in the bushes leaves. It was very relaxing, and Virgil's presence made the moment more pleasurable. His presence made Logan feel happy, happy that he was lucky enough to have Virgil in his life.
He wanted so much to put his arm around Virgil and kiss his cheek, but he supposed doing so would be seen as strange if Virgil was not first aware of his romantic feelings and had approved of such gestures. He settled for only walking beside Virgil, in the hopes of the figurative butterflies that happened the rare moments their arms or hands brushed.
Two small birds flew above their heads. Logan followed them with his eyes but soon established that he could not make out which kind of bird they were. Once a few years ago when having become interested in learning about birds he had brought a book full of facts about birds and with Roman's help they had made sure that every kind of bird that Logan read about existed in the forest. Much of the information about the birds had faded long ago, but it was always a cheerful memory.
After several almost silent minutes, in a somehow comfortable silence, Logan could hear the sound of the small stream he knew were close. They soon found themselves standing in front of it, and they could easily take a step over it and continue on their path, but instead they ended up walking alongside it, hearing the rippling water, Virgil occasionally crouching down to pick up small shiny rocks that he spotted in the stream.
"Why are you collecting rocks?" Logan questioned the sixth time Virgil had stopped, crouched down and pulled his sleeve up to avoid getting it wet. Virgil gave him a hasty glance before his hand went into the water again, gripping after another rock with a delighted sound when his fingers got ahold of it.
"You always need pretty rocks." He said a few seconds later, and that was apparently his only argument. Well, Logan would have to be satisfied with that answer then, even if it made no sense to him it clearly did to Virgil. A moment later Virgil stood up again and their continued their path. Virgil was closely observing all the small rocks he had in his hands and Logan hoped he would not stumble over a root or a rock while not looking where he was stepping.
It was probably a wonder that Logan himself had not stumbled yet and fallen, his eyes were on Virgil most of the time instead of where he was putting his feet.
Then Virgil seemed to make a decision, because he chose one of the rocks, holding it in his hand as he put the rest of the damp rocks in his pocket. Virgil turned his attention to Logan and he had to pretend he hadn't been observing Virgil through the corner of his eye this whole time.
"This one shimmers and almost looks blue when you hold it in the sunlight." He said, holding it out for Logan to take. He hesitantly allowed Virgil to place the stone on the palm of his hand, and when Virgil had done that he seemed satisfied and continued to look down at the stream, searching for more shiny things in the water.
Logan was slightly baffled by the short exchange and it took him several seconds to tear his eyes away from Virgil and instead look closer at the tiny rock he now had in his hand. He held it up in the sunlight that shone down at them through the branches of the pine trees. Virgil was correct, it shimmered of blue when the sun hit it in the right way.
He did not know why Virgil would give him one of the rocks that he had been so happy finding but Logan securely held it in his hand, adamant to not drop it. If Virgil wanted him to have it then he would treasure it simply because of how important the giver was to him. And it was indeed a pretty rock, that he had to admit.
Logan took a deep breath, he should not postpone this conversation any longer. He wanted to let Virgil know how important he was to him, to assure Virgil of his worth as a fellow side, friend, and possibly something more. If he could find the words, that is. He promised himself to at least finally inform Virgil of the feelings he held for him. It was a good start at least.
"Virgil, I have... something to tell you. Ask of you? Well-" Okay, he was off to a great, stuttering start. At least he was speaking, Logan supposed that was good. Though the quick glance that Virgil sent him looked worried, and Logan was quick to speak up again.
"It is nothing bad, do not worry. I just seem to be irrationally nervous to say what I have in mind." Virgil only seemed moderately calmed by that. Logan really did not want to cause him to worry, that was not the purpose of this conversation.
Maybe he could not actually promise that what he had to say was a good thing since Virgil might not feel the same and this might make him feel awkward. But Logan really couldn't see how loving Virgil could possibly be a bad thing.
"Alright, get it out with then." Virgil said, shyly looking down at the ground. Logan took a while to even open his mouth to speak again, the sunlight was making the purple in Virgil's hair almost glimmer and his eyes when looking up at Logan seemed to consist of golden rays.
After Logan had talked his soul out of abandoning his body he forced his gaze away from Virgil, instead looking at the ground to watch where he was stepping. He tightly held onto the small rock Virgil had given him.
"You make my heart have premature ventricular contractions, and my brain release doses of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine." Logan said only slightly shakily, hopefully it was not something that was noticeable to Virgil. He'd rather have Virgil thinking that he was not as nervous as he actually was.
"I... I don't know what that means, Lo." Virgil said with a hushed laugh. Logan close his eyes and took a deep breath, then opening his eyes again. He fidgeted with the rock, trying to find the words.
"Your presence... it makes my heart skip a beat. Your smile and laughter makes me, um, more flustered than it has the right to. It is wonderful how you make me feel, and not at all as frightening as it should be, I would not want it any other way. I would say loving you is the most pleasant feeling that has been presented to me so far." Logan hoped that that was enough to get his point across. He could probably not be more clear.
"...You love me?" Virgil said doubtfully, as if he had a hard time believing he actually heard Logan right.
"Yes, for a while now. I've just not been brave enough to tell you until now. Talking was... it was harder than anticipated." He said, seeing a bright blush spread over Virgil's face.
"Oh. Good. I happen to love you too." Virgil said, ducking his head to hide the bright smile that warmed Logan more effectively than the rays of sunlight that hit him. Virgil's fingers brushed against the back of Logan's hand, and maybe they were a bit awkward and uncertain of what they were doing, but Virgil's fingers entwined with his and as they kept walking it was hand in hand.
Now Logan definitely could not keep a smile from his face, it had never been more persistent to stay. He felt, for the lack if a better word, giddy from the whole exchange of words that they had just had.
"For how long have you... returned my feelings?" Logan asked slowly, quite curious but not sure if Virgil would want to discuss his feelings.
"I'm not sure I can really pinpoint it. It just happened, one day it hit me how much you make me smile, that I love to be around you, and that 'platonic' no longer could explain the extent of what I felt for you." Virgil said with a small shrug, then turning his head and looking at Logan. "How about you?"
"Things just sort of clicked into place after Patton informed me that what you made me feel was referred to as 'butterflies in my stomach', which is a fitting description. Though I cannot remember when it started. I feel as if my feelings for you developed too slow for me to realize at first." Logan said. That was how it had felt, as if his feelings had changed over such a long time that he had not actually noticed the change before his feelings were quite far from platonic.
Logan stumbled over a moss covered lump, almost losing his balance, and decided that maybe he actually needed to tear his eyes off of Virgil for a second just to check where he was walking. But his clumsiness made Virgil giggle and squeeze Logan's hand just a little bit tighter to help him keep his balance.
"Don't fall, you'll drag me down with you." Virgil warned, then a mere moment later proceeding to crouch down to the ground again, probably having spotted something else shiny. Logan patiently stood next to him, still holding his hand and listening to Virgil swear as his sleeve fell down over his hand and got all wet. Virgil stood up again, shaking his hand and making droplets of water fly through the air.
Virgil put his latest find in his pocket and Logan could hear all the the rocks clink. They followed the stream until the stream led them to an opening where sun shone on the moss and grass covered ground. There they stopped, simply taking a moment to admire the beauty of everything around them (Logan, as always, had a hard time looking away from Virgil).
He saw Virgil glancing at him, then quickly looking away as their eyes met. Virgil bit his lower lip and looked like he was very nervous about something, sadly Logan could not read anyone's mind and did not know what Virgil had on his mind, and therefore he could not really help Virgil with what he had on his mind. Though a moment later Virgil must've gathered the courage he had needed and made a decision, because he turned around towards Logan, and so did he, so that the two of them were standing face to face.
"I'd like to... Would it be all right if I kissed you?" Virgil asked nervously, eyes on Logan, probably to try and see in what way he reacted to that question. A small sound of surprise escaped Logan and he flustered, but nodded nonetheless. He'd been wanting to kiss Virgil for longer than he was aware of himself and he was not going to turn down the opportunity to finally do so.
Virgil almost seemed surprised by his answer, but a shy smile quickly erased the expression and he leaned in a little bit closer. Logan searched Virgil's face, eyes trailing down to his lips. He was surely not blushing any less as Virgil's hands softly cupped his face. Virgil leaned in closer and Logan closed his eyes, a second later feeling Virgil's lips pressed against his.
All thoughts seemed to abandon Logan and all he was really able to focus on was how well Virgil's lips git against his and the fact that he didn't really know what to do with his hands. He ended up placing them on Virgil's waist, which seemed a good idea and proved to be so since Logan could now easily pull Virgil even closer (which he did).
He had his arms looped around Virgil and he didn't let go even when they parted. They stayed close, noses brushing, and Logan already missed the feeling of Virgil's lips on his and he was so very tempted to kiss Virgil again.
He caved after only a moment and pressed a quick kiss to Virgil's lips, and then another, and another. Then Logan managed to tear himself away from Virgil, who didn't seem to have minded any of this at all, and he grasped Virgil's hand again.
They kept walking, stupid smiles on their faces and fingers entwined. Maybe he wasn't any good at speaking about his emotions, but he had achieved the wished outcome. With Virgil walking next to him, the feeling of his lips against Logan's still lingering, Logan could not wish to be anywhere else.
Written: 29th, 30th, 31st January & 1st, 3rd & 4th February 2019
Published: 23rd February 2019
Words: 3515
Okay I know it's been almost 5 months but wow I have a girlfriend
It still baffles me
She's so amazing and beautiful and adorable and funny, and woah she's mine!!
I'm so lucky
Anygay, how are you guys doing?
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