[91] - Countdown
Human au + countdown until you meet your soulmate au
Warnings: use of the word 'fuck' like twice, nervousness
Soulmate au's are fun
As long as Virgil could remember, and longer before that, he had had the numbers on his palm. The ones that everyone were born with, the numbers that counted down to when you met the person who was destined to be your soulmate.
That is what Virgil's numbers read. He had been keeping an eye on the numbers for weeks now, seen how the days counted down until only hours and minutes were left on his palm. In about five and a half hours only minutes would be remaining. And when those minutes reached zero and every number would have disappeared from his skin then he would be standing face to face with whoever was his soulmate.
Quite obviously Virgil was nervous. Very nervous. There were endless ways for him to fuck this up. He was certain that he would manage to make their meeting awkward somehow, and if he did then that would be the story he would have to repeat for the rest of his life as relatives, friends, coworkers and strangers on the bus asked how he had met his soulmate.
Virgil was a master at making things awkward.
His two best friends (he's still uncertain how the hell he managed to make two friends) he had both managed to make things awkward between pretty much as soon as he met them. Roman and he had collided on their way to the library, then both slipping on a patch of ice, him landing on top of Roman, and he and Patton- well, there were no point in reliving every awkward moment he had had with his friends, that would take too long and he would end up late to school. Again.
Virgil rolled over onto his back, then sitting up. He'd been lying in bed and staring as the seconds ticked away for about eleven minutes now, persistently ignoring the fact that he needed to get dressed and ready for school.
Virgil wasn't sure if he really wanted to meet his soulmate. Honestly, what kind of person would it be who was his soulmate? Hopefully someone who could stand him when his anxiety acted up and when he was being stupid. Virgil almost felt bad for him.
Well, them. He did not know if his soulmate was male, but Virgil would hope so as he was fairly sure he was gay.
It only took him a moment to get dressed and ready to leave his room. He grabbed his pair of fingerless gloves, putting them on. No one else needed to know that it was today he would meet his mystery soulmate. Anyone who had more than one brain cell, or had anxiety, would be hiding it.
Otherwise a horde of students, classmates and complete strangers, would gather around him and follow him around all day just for the chance of seeing when two soulmates would meet.
Virgil would rather not be today's gossip, neither would he want to be surrounded by a crowd or observed by several people. He had seen it, the poor students who had been talked about all day when people found out they would meet their soulmates.
Okay, it was mostly the students who wanted to have all the attention on themselves who showed others when they would meet 'the one', but Virgil is certainly not one of them.
His phone screen lit up, and he reached for the phone that was lying on the pillow next to where he was sitting on his bed. It was from the groupchat Roman had created for the three of them.
Golden Gays - Patton: hi virgil!!! Are you excited to meet your soulmate today???
Virgil groaned. Both his friends were surely much more excited than he was about this, and he knew Roman and Patton would be talking about this all day. The only reason why Roman was not already pestering- sorry, asking him about this was because he was most likely sleeping through his alarms at this very moment.
Virgil unlocked his phone and sent a quick reply to the chat, trying to make it sound more cheerful than dreadful. He wasn't sure he succeeded very well.
Virgil put his phone in his pocket, then getting out of his room. He had nearly twenty minutes until he needed to leave the house. In that time he needed to shower, either eat or prepare breakfast to eat later, and freak out over the fact that his soulmate was out there, and that their paths would cross. Today.
Well, the freaking out would probably take longer than twenty minutes, but he could always do that instead of working on his assignments in class. Great, that gave him at least ten or fifteen minutes to shower. Virgil hurried to the bathroom, banging on the door when he realized that is was occupied.
"Remy, hurry the fuck up!" He shouted, then half running into the kitchen, beginning to prepare a sandwich that he could bring to school and eat when (and if) he eventually got hungry which would only take him a minute or three.
"You know, if you wake up earlier you won't have to be this stressed in the morning." His mother said as he dropped the butter knife on the floor and swore loudly. He found it amusing that she had given up on scolding him for swearing. He rolled his eyes at her to emphasize that there was nothing she or anyone could say or do to make him leave bed earlier. It was a wonder that he got out of bed even at this time.
"I'm leaving for work now." His mother said, and the way she looked at him was so emotional that he stopped his frantic movements in the middle of chopping thin slices of a cucumber, she put his arms around him, closely hugging him in that comforting way that only parents can manage.
"Good luck today, I love you." She said, and a mere moment later she was on her way out of the room. Virgil had no doubt in his mind that his mother had also been counting down to this day and knew exactly why today was special.
Remy came waltzing into the room, staring at his phone. Virgil wished his brother would walk into something as he ran past him before the bathroom got occupied again. It was almost impressive how Remy seemed to always lock himself in the bathroom when Virgil needed it.
Virgil had ended up staring at the bathroom wall and daydreaming, resulting in him taking a thirty minute shower. He had almost slipped in the shower from the panic when he had realized. Almost. Luckily he would not be meeting his soulmate at the hospital while having a cracked skull or a concussion.
His first class now started in one mere minute, and he was only halfway there. At least Virgil could stop stressing since no matter what he did he would be late. He could not make the train move faster, and it would take another five minutes to walk to school from the station, but it wasn't like he minded winning back a few minutes of his life that would otherwise have been spent solving equations that made him feel as his brain tried to set itself on fire to escape.
Virgil looked down at his left hand, only seeing the fabric of his fingerless gloves but still knowing that he would be meeting his soulmate in about five and a half hours. Which was way too soon if you'd ask Virgil.
The train squeaked loudly as it slowed down outside of the train station and Virgil stood up, grabbing his backpack. He hurried out of the train, not being able to relax fully and wanting to get to school because at least Patton was there. The gray, cloudy skies above and the chilly wind that made him zip his hoodie up did not make it feel as if today was anything special. It felt like a normal, dull, school day.
But of course it wasn't, he was reminded as he saw he just got a message from Roman. He had written in all caps, asking for the exact time left until his countdown had reached zero. Virgil pulled his glove up a bit to see the time, then typing it down and sending the message. Virgil thought his friend would have other things to worry about at the moment as Virgil was pretty sure that Roman had just woken up.
Virgil stopped by the convenience store right next to the train station, buying a coffee, because he needed something to wake him up, and Patton had sadly made him promise to lay off the energy drinks that he usually bought on the nights when he'd slept less than four hours. Virgil had stayed up later last night than he was going to tell Patton when he inevitably asked.
It's not like he tried to stay up late, he had just accidentally spent a few hours staring at the countdown on the palm of his hand. Hours of imagining what would happen and how. Virgil had heard countless stories about how people met their soulmate, from his parents, his friends, teachers and relatives. It was the main theme in books and tv shows, fanfiction and movies.
Yes, Virgil knew that people met their soulmate while pretty much doing anything. His mom and dad had actually met in a grocery store. She had been stressfully shopping for her mom, who had had to go to the hospital. Virgil didn't remember many of the details, but he knew his dad had been working as a cashier and that their countdowns had reached zero while his dad had told his mom the total cost.
Virgil had never asked them much about the whole thing, and he kind of regretted it right now since it would be nice to be better prepared.
Virgil was quite unfocused during his classes. To be fair he always had a hard time concentrating on anything at all, but it was even worse today. Not that that was a surprise. He almost wished he had just stayed home and laid on the couch all day, but there was no way for him to actually avoid meeting whoever his soulmate is.
People have tried, but ended up meeting them anyway. His older brother Remy had tried his best to avoid his soulmate when they met two years ago, he had even gone as far as not going to school and instead sitting in the forest all day. His brother hated walking in forests, he claimed he should always be within three kilometers of a store selling coffee.
That still had not worked though, so all his energy spent at avoiding it had been for nothing. He'd met a nonbinary kid his age called Elliot. They were platonic soulmates and as far as Virgil could tell his brother was very happy about how things had turned out. They were even moving in together in a few weeks. (Something that Virgil was very happy about, then maybe the bathroom wouldn't always be occupied.)
They had a hour of break left and so far Virgil, Roman and Patton had just walked around aimlessly through the schools corridors, doing their best to find one that was not full of loud students waiting for their classes to start. It was impossible to find an empty space, as soon as they did a door opened and at least half a class came running through. Virgil was glancing on his palm every five seconds, he was nervous and constantly being around people wasn't helping.
"It's in less than half an hour." Virgil said without having to specify what it was that was going to happen in half an hour.
"I might throw up." He said. Virgil didn't actually think he was going to throw up. It was certainly a possibility, but hopefully his anxiety would have some mercy on him today.
"Well, if you're feeling anxious then why don't we go and find somewhere more private? Like a bathroom?" Patton asked, but Virgil shook his head almost immediately without even considering the option.
"I've thought about it, but I don't want to end up meeting my soulmate in the school's bathroom." Virgil said, making a disgusted face. Roman laughed and Patton nodded. The school's toilets were really gross, they could all agree on that.
"The library?" Patton suggested, but Roman shook his head. Virgil made an annoyed gesture with his hands. There weren't really anywhere else you could go if you wanted to be somewhere almost quiet.
"He'll only find nerds there." He said, and Virgil snorted.
"Dude, you do theatre and can sing along to every Disney song perfectly. You're the biggest nerd I know and no one will ever beat that." He said, and Roman gasped and looked like he did not know if he should be feeling offended or flattered. Virgil wasn't sure of that either.
"I am the coolest person you hang out with and you know that!" Roman said loudly with many hand gestures, having gone into his slightly annoying theater mode. Patton shook his head fondly at him. Virgil pulled his hood over his face and avoided the eyes from people who were also walking through the corridor and had heard him.
"Whatever, I'm going to the library. You can both come as long as you don't pester me too much about the whole soulmate thing." He said, and just as he knew they would Roman and Patton followed him. But they did try to talk about other things, even if the conversation topic somehow kept turning into discussions about soulmates.
Virgil found a table in the corner of the library where they could sit without being seen by others. They were hidden from view by bookshelves, it was perfect. Virgil sat down, letting his head rest in his hands. His two friends sat down on the other side of the table, facing him, still babbling about soulmates.
"Since you won't shut up about it can you guys tell me useful stuff?" Virgil asked. Roman grinned widely at Patton and Virgil then took a deep breath, preparing to have to listen to Roman's excited ramble.
"Okay! Sometimes the countdown reaches zero the second you meet your soulmate, it did for my sister and her girlfriend. Other times it takes longer. But you and your soulmates countdown always comes to a stop at the exact same time." Roman said. This was all information that Virgil already knew, but he was still glad that Roman was repeating it, because it calmed his nerves.
"My parents had been talking for almost ten minutes before their countdowns reached zero." Patton said, and Virgil was certain that it was a story that Patton had heard many times. People, especially parents and relatives, loved to talk about the moment they met their soulmate.
"As everyone keeps saying, even if it is useless advice, there is nothing you can do about when and how you meet your soulmate and who they are so there is no need to worry." Roman said, and Virgil scoffed loudly. No need to worry. Yeah, that was truly useless advice and would not keep Virgil from worrying for even a second.
"You'll do well. Seriously." Roman said, probably trying to be comforting. That was sweet of him, but if there was one thing Virgil knew it was that he was good at failing to meet people's expectations.
"Easy for you two to say, you found each other on the first day of school and you guys aren't as awkward as I am." Virgil said with a groan, leaning forward and letting his forehead hit the table. God, what if he made it awkward? He would hate it if their meeting would be an embarrassing memory that relatives would force him to relive.
Patton and Roman were quiet for a moment and Virgil stared down at the table's surface while waiting for anyone to say anything, but they did not seem to have anything to say.
"What does it feel like?" Virgil asked quietly. He rolled his head to the side, looking at the two of them. Patton's eyes immediately went to Roman and he smiled softly, reaching out and taking Roman's hand in his.
"It feels great." He said, which didn't actually tell Virgil much. Loads of things felt great, like passing a test you thought you were going to fail, or waking up and actually feeling rested.
"It's like a tingle runs through your whole arm as the countdown reaches zero, and the two of you will look at each other and you will just feel it." Roman said. Virgil blinked slowly.
"Feel it?" He questioned. Feel what? They weren't exactly being very precise in their explanations.
"It's hard to explain, Verge. You just kind of know ...know that this person is someone you can trust. Someone who you're just comfortable with." Roman said softly, eyes only for Patton. Virgil was pretty sure his two friends had momentarily forgotten that he was even there, and what they were really speaking about.
He rolled his eyes and watched them sit there with dopy, lovesick smiles. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to be turned into such a sap and he hoped his soulmate wouldn't be as cheesy as Roman. Roman and Patton had now both leaned in closer, and Roman had a hand on Patton's cheek. If they were going to start making out Virgil really did not want to be sitting at the same table as them.
"Right I'm going to go look for a book." He said and stood up. He turned away just as Roman softly kissed Patton. Virgil made a gagging sound at them but got no response which made it less amusing as it would've been if Roman had flipped him off. He walked away towards a random shelf, reading on the backs of the books. He didn't find find anything that sounded particularly interesting.
He wandered away a few shelves, now finally far away enough from his friends to ignore how boring they were being at the moment. Well, he supposed he was the only bored one, they seemed to be perfectly occupied doing something they deemed enjoyable.
He pulled out a book from the shelf, turning it around and reading the back of it. Then he put it back on the shelf. Too straight. He was tired of all the recycled heterosexual drama that every book for teens consisted of. It would be fun if he could find a book that wasn't too stereotypical. Or a book with a little more murder and mystery and a little less romance.
He kept reading the names of books, pulling out the ones that seemed like they could be interesting, but he didn't have much luck. He persistently did not look at the timer on his palm, he suspected there was about fifteen minutes left or less, but he didn't want to know. He would worry more if he was staring at the countdown as it reached zero.
He grabbed another book, a book he knew he'd seen in a bookstore but not been able to afford it at that time. Maybe he could borrow it from the library. He just hoped he would have the time and energy to read it before it had to be returned, additionally if he borrowed it he would have to remember to return it before a fee was sent to him.
"You know, that's a truly fascinating book." A voice said, and Virgil turned his head, spotting a guy his age. Though Virgil did not know anyone else his age who wore a tie, which this stranger did. He had glasses, and was wearing a black button up. He looked like the kind of guy that had read a thousand books and had good grades in everything. The opposite of Virgil, who, despite loving books rarely read them, and who was useless in school. (But don't let Patton hear him say that last part.)
Virgil couldn't deny that the glasses and tie wearing stranger was good looking. Though maybe he should focus on something else than checking the male out, like responding to what he had said.
"Well, I haven't read it yet, so I wouldn't know. But I'll take your word for it." Virgil said, trying to seem like a sociable person and not like the introverted, anxious guy he was.
"I have actually read it several times and I own all of her sixty-six detective novels. Sadly I have not gotten ahold of her fourteen short stories, but I would love to read them too." The stranger said and Virgil nodded. He wasn't sure what to say and he didn't want to say the wrong thing and make it awkward.
The male, who was now talking about his favorite of Agatha Christie's books, did not seem to care that Virgil's response wasn't verbal. Virgil has got to admit that whoever this was he looked cute when talking about something that interested him. He got this look in his eyes that made Virgil feel like he would like to get to know him better.
"If you do decide to read this book I hope that you will enjoy it, and I should probably stop bothering you as I'm sure you do not find my rambling particularly interesting." He said and Virgil gave him a glance because no, no he did not mind a pretty boy talking to him, even if Virgil wasn't very good at the whole ''socializing' thing.
"Would you mind, uh, telling me about the book? No spoilers though." Virgil said, pretty satisfied about the fact that he got the sentence out without choking on his words, he was not even blushing, this was going great.
He reached out to take the book from Virgil's hand, seemingly delighted at the opportunity to keep talking. "If I am not boring you then I wo-"
A tingle ran through Virgil's arm, making him flinch and take a step back. Virgil stared at him, and the male stared right back. Virgil opened his mouth to say something, but he, as always, didn't know what to say. But somehow he was not anxious about that, not at all, he didn't feel as he had a reason to be nervous. He got the feeling this was not someone who would do something to hurt him, that seemed to be one thing he just knew.
"Oh." He breathed out, beginning to understand what Roman and Patton had been going on about earlier.
"Oh, indeed." The guy said, giving him a very interested look before he caught himself and continued. "Apologies, I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Logan Crofters."
"Virgil. Um, Virgil Storm." He said, and Logan reached out a hand which Virgil took. Right, another thing to add to the short list of what Virgil knew of his soulmate. One, he loves books. Two, he likes Agatha Christie. Three, when meeting his soulmate he would shake his hand.
"Virgil." Logan said, testing the name out. Virgil supposed Logan found it a nice name, because he smiled before letting go of his hand. It was a bright and happy smile that Virgil didn't really want to take his eyes of because, oh.
Oh, his soulmate was beautiful. That's not fair. Even his name is pretty. Gosh was he lucky that the whole soulmate thing somehow kept him from being nervous, otherwise he would be dying from the anxiety of somehow screwing this up.
Virgil did still wonder what kind of nineteen year old wore a tie to school. Then again he couldn't judge, he was wearing eyeshadow beneath his eyes, which was most likely even more uncommon among teens their age.
"It is a pleasure meeting you, Virgil." Logan said and Virgil felt the corners of his mouth curl up into a smile without his consent. He was smiling more than he should, but what did that matter.
"I'm happy to meet you too." He said, because he really was. Now when his nerves had calmed this whole soulmate thing was a bit exhilarating.
"Hey, Virgil, you disappeared, were we too annoying again?" Roman said, coming around the corner of a bookshelf, Patton following close behind, his hand as always gripping to his boyfriend's. Roman stopped quite abruptly when he laid his eyes on Virgil (probably surprised he was socializing without being threatened to do so) and Patton almost walked into him.
"Oh, look at you, talking to other humans." Roman said tauntingly, standing right next to him, making Virgil give him a glare. He didn't need Logan to know how awkward he was just yet. Patton lit up in a grin, poking Roman in his back and standing on his tiptoes to whisper something into his ear.
"Oh!" Roman said again, eyes widening as he looked at Logan, then Virgil, then Logan again. His grin did not falter for even a second.
"I was right, you would find a nerd in the library!" Roman said excitedly, forgetting about using his indoors voice. Virgil hit his arm lightly. So far he had managed to not make things awkward, and he did not need Roman to make it more difficult.
"Well, that's pretty much why we're here, isn't it?" Patton said, not having to mention how nerdy the three of them were. Honestly, it could not be denied that all three of them were huge nerds about a number of different things.
"Guys, um, you can go wait for me outside of class." Virgil said, and his friends pouted and reluctantly left, luckily without making any inappropriate remarks.
"Right... So, those two are my best friends." Virgil said, hoping that Logan did not find them too weird or loud. If his soulmate didn't like Patton and Roman he might just have to live without a soulmate. Sure, they were annoying, but Virgil loved them anyway.
"They seem like interesting people." Logan said, and Virgil guessed that was one way to describe them.
"They take a while to get used to." Virgil said with a small laugh. It had indeed taken him a bit before he even liked the two that were now his closest friends. They were both quite extroverted, loud and overly excited over small things, and Virgil was very introverted and liked the quiet.
Logan shrugged lightly, still with a small smile and Virgil wondered if it was because of him. He'd say that was quite an accomplishment then because Logan's smile was pretty, he'd admit that.
Virgil pulled his glove off (mostly to avoid looking at Logan for too long), staring at his palm that for the first time in his life was without numbers slowly counting down, one second at a time. It looked strange, he knew he'd get used to it in a day or two, but it was still weird. Logan looked at his own hand, but Virgil couldn't read his expression.
"I had actually forgotten I was to meet you today." Logan said and Virgil furrowed his brows in amused confusion.
"How do you even forget that?" He asked.
"I have never really paid much attention to the countdown since I know there is not much I can do about how or when we meet, so I decided not to worry about it." Logan said with the smallest of shrugs as if just deciding not to worry was an easy thing.
"Right," Virgil said, wondering why his brain couldn't work like that, "I might have been kind of nervous."
"Oh, well I wouldn't say I'm someone to worry over." Logan said. Virgil had to agree, he wasn't as nervous anymore. Now he was mostly feeling excited to get to know this guy and spend more time with him, he wasn't sure if that was because they were soulmates or not.
"I don't really know much about this whole soulmate thing, can I suggest that we take this kind of slow to make sure we know where we stand on this? I know a lot of people who rushed into the dating and all that stuff, but that's not really my style." Virgil said, not too confidently as he was unsure of Logan's feelings on the matter, but it was something that had to be said. He could not yet be sure if Logan was his soulmate in a romantic or platonic way, despite how good looking Logan was, and he didn't want to make a mistake.
"I would say that is a wise suggestion. That way there is less of a chance that we will end up in the wrong kind of relationship." Logan said with a small, approving nod. Good. They were on the same page.
They were silent for a moment, Logan had turned to the bookshelf, making Virgil able to look at him without him noticing it. Then Logan turned his head towards him, probably catching him staring.
"Do you have a favorite book, Virgil?" He asked, actually sounding interested, something people rarely did when he spoke of things he liked.
"Well, it might be kind of mainstream, but I love Harry Potter. The third, fifth, and seventh one are my favorites, I can't really choose one. Maybe the fifth. Or the seventh." Virgil shrugged. He had long since given up on trying to decide which book was the best. It entirely depended on how you looked at it.
"Those are indeed excellent books. Though I am not a fan of The Cursed Child, it felt more like what someone who had not read the books in ten years would write if they were forced to write fanfiction against their will." Logan said, making Virgil laugh.
"I agree. Like, Albus and Scorpius friendship was great, but the story was weird. It felt very out of character." He said and the two of them accidentally started a long discussion about how Harry James Potter never would have told his child that he wished he wasn't his son. Then also how illogical it was that Voldemort would ever have a child with anyone.
Virgil got lost in their conversation and almost forgot where he was, but then he did the mistake of giving his wristwatch a glance. He sighed, frowning slightly. Why was time never on his side?
"No matter how much more tempting it is to stay here and talk to you I'm just going to mention that classes starts in five minutes..." Virgil said reluctantly. To be completely honest he would much rather stay in the library and talk to his soulmate (or to be fair, do pretty much anything else) than go to class. But Logan looked like the kind of student who had never been late to class once in his life, and Virgil didn't want to seem too irresponsible.
"Ah, yes, you are correct. Well, I would absolutely want to get to know you better, Virgil." Logan said, then digging in his pocket for his phone. "Can I have your number so that we can easily agree on a time and place to meet again?"
Virgil just nodded and wordlessly took Logan's phone and added his own number to Logan's contacts. He handed it back and Logan put his phone back into his pocket.
"Splendid!" Logan said, then taking Virgil's outstretched hand in both of his.
"I'll walk you to class?" He suggested and Virgil smiled shyly, nodding at first because for a moment he forgot how words worked. He was definitely not used to cute boys taking his hand.
"That'd be nice." He said after his brain had re-established its connection with his mouth, and he had to take a moment to remember which class it was he had now.
He started walking towards the library's exit, not walking nearly as quickly as he usually did, making a short stop to borrow the book before they left. Logan still held onto him and they walked hand in hand through the corridors, something that Virgil didn't mind in the slightest. Not even the glances they were sent as they walked past groups of other students bothered him, and normally the eyes of others on him made him quite uneasy. That doesn't mean he wasn't blushing though.
Sadly they found themselves standing outside of Virgil's classroom all too soon. At least it was empty outside of it since everyone was already sitting at their seats so Virgil didn't have the whole class staring and whispering as Logan told him goodbye and squeezed his hand.
Virgil stared after him as he left, then hurrying into the classroom and noticing that the teacher wasn't there yet. He came up to the table where Patton and Roman sat, sitting down with them.
Roman and Patton were both grinning when he turned his attention to them and it was clear that they could barely contain themselves from asking a thousand questions. Luckily for him their teacher came into the classroom at that moment and he wasn't immediately bombarded with their questions.
"Fuck, guys, my soulmate is cute." Virgil whispered, resting his head in his hands, staring at the classroom wall that was painted in a boring gray color. He had the feeling that despite the fact that the whole 'meeting your soulmate' moment had passed he would still be having trouble focusing in class.
"Dibs to be best man!" Roman said, slamming his fist against the table they were sat at. It earned him a stern glare from their teacher and Roman smiled apologetically.
"Calm down, all I know about him is his name and that he's handsome. Let's not be too hasty." Virgil said nervously. Roman and Patton had a habit of making loads of comments like such. They liked planning for the future, and they also liked saying things they knew would annoy or embarrass Virgil.
"Sure, sure." Roman said with a smirk on his face that told Virgil that he thought they would be boyfriends before the end of the week.
"I want to be maid of honour." Patton said dreamily. "I'll be wearing a light blue suit and-"
"Right, why don't you two plan your own wedding instead?" Virgil said with a small eyeroll.
"Oh, we've got most of that figured out already." Patton said with a shrug. Virgil was not surprised in the slightest to find that out.
"Of course you do. But we're not going to rush into this. We are going to meet sometimes soon though. Logan said he was going to text me sometime after class so that we can decide on a good time to meet up outside of school." Virgil said, smiling at the wall that he was still staring at.
"Ooh, like a daaate?" Roman said and wiggled his eyebrows. Virgil sighed and hid his face in his arms instead of answering the question. He honestly could not say that it wouldn't be a date. A date is a meeting between two people who are trying to decide if they should pursue a relationship. Which was, undeniably, exactly what he and Logan would have in mind as they got to know each other.
"What did you guys talk about when we left? Other than 'taking it slow' I mean." Patton asked quietly, trying to keep the attention from the teacher away from them.
"Well, he asked me about my favorite book and we spoke a bit about Harry Potter." Virgil admitted, not really paying attention to the teacher and instead drawing on the bench. It did not turn out well, but it looked better on the bench than it usually did on paper, which was rude because someone would surely smudge it before the day ended.
"Wow you guys really are soulmates." Roman said, then leaning his head on the table as if he was going to take a nap. That wouldn't surprise Virgil, Roman often took naps in class. Not that Virgil had any right to scold him for that, it wasn't like he was paying attention either.
Virgil stared at their teacher who was talking about how to write some sort of essay that Virgil really did not care about and that he knew would just bring a lot of stress into his life. Roman and Patton were now quietly whispering things to each other, Virgil didn't know about what but knowing them they were probably discussing their future wedding.
Virgil pulled the book he borrowed from his backpack, reading the summary on the back again then opening the book to its first page, beginning to read.
Written: 15th, 16th, 17th, 27th, 28th, 29th January 2019
Published: 11th February 2019
Words: 6194
Who wanna paypal me money for coffee?
Jk haha as if I'll let you waste money on me
I need to like, in general, write more human au's
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