[81] - The Stars Shine The Clearest At Two Am

So, me, wifey and our kiddos had a secret santa thing. This is my gift lol.

Merry christmas Peaches, kiddo! I got you for our secret santa thingy, so I wrote you this! Hopefully you will like it :)

Also, I will post this on Wattpad too, though after it has been sent to you ofc.

Warnings: uh nah, literally so much kissing tho lol

Human AU




"Logan..." The voice that mumbled out his name dragged out the 'n' and he felt himself being poked on the shoulder repeatedly, and he had no choice but to be pulled from unconsciousness.

Logan forced his eyes open, looking for the source of the voice whining out his name. He didn't need his glasses to recognize the person standing by his bed (then again who else would it be than the man he had shared home with for the last three years). Logan groaned, why in the world would Virgil wake him up? It was certainly a rare occurrence that Virgil left bed before Logan did, no matter what day it was. Virgil had slept until 11 yesterday. On Christmas day. Though Logan did not know if it actually was morning yet.

"Virgil?" Logan blinked up at the male, wondering if it would be rude to simply tell him to leave and then sleep for another while. Then again Virgil might be in need of assistance, and he of course would not deny him that. He reached a hand up to Virgil, which said male took, and Logan was helped into a sitting position.

"Are you in need of assistance, my love?" He said, ignoring how his voice was thick with sleep and how mumbled the sentence came out. Virgil had picked Logan's glasses up and were now carefully pushing them onto his face.

"Come with me." Was all Virgil said. Logan would've worried if he had not noticed the unmistakable tone of excitement in his voice that was present even if Virgil was trying to sound casual. Logan was pulled to his feet by Virgil, and he instantly shivered, grabbing a blanket which he wrapped around himself before following Virgil. Looking out the window he guessed it was probably the middle of the night still.

He wondered why Virgil was up. He could clearly recall his boyfriend saying that he was working on his sleeping schedule, and even though Logan did not know what time it was he was fairly certain that it was about two hours later than a decent time to go to bed. Logan decided to not point this all out to Virgil, instead he let himself be dragged through their house and quietly wondered what Virgil was up to as they got to the front door.

"Put your shoes on." Virgil commanded, and Logan huffed and did so, and Virgil only gave him a vague shrug and a smile as if to tell him that if he wanted to know what he was up to then Logan would have to just do as he said.

The air was chill, it couldn't be many degrees outside. Then again it was December, and late at night too. Logan pulled the blanket tighter around himself, thinking that taking a jacket might've been a wise choice. Virgil was still in his day clothes, aka, wearing his warm hoodie while Logan was wearing his pajamas, a pair of thin pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.

Virgil started walking along the wall of their house, disappearing around the corner. Logan followed him to their backyard. This was one of he plus sides of living fairly far away from the city in a minor town, they had been able to find a quite nice home, and it was actually nearly quiet at night. Not too much background noise from cars, planes and loud neighbors.

"I know it's late, or early, depending on how you see it. And I know you're probably tired from all the Christmas celebrations. Possibly, this is not the best moment for me to do this, but the sky has never been clearer." Virgil said, and Logan automatically looked up, and Virgil was absolutely right. The sky was beautiful, millions of stars shone up above them, and the longer Logan stared the more stars appeared and enriched the view.

Logan tore his eyes away from the sky, looking at his boyfriend and thinking that, even if the sky was pretty, he wouldn't trade his current view for anything. Virgil had also tilted his face up to look at the sky, and the tiniest of smiles showed on his face.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Vigil said, a question that clearly needed no answer. It was more of a fact than anything to wonder over.

"Yeah." Logan said, not averting his eyes from Virgil for a second. They might not be speaking of the exact same view, but Virgil did not need to know that.

"I always feel like the stars shine the clearest at two am." Virgil mumbled. Logan wasn't entirely sure he could agree with that. After all, how clear the stars were depended on the time of year and the weather conditions. Logan watched Virgil, before he was caught by him, and Virgil looked to be pretending not to be flustered when realizing Logan had been looking at him this whole time.

"So," Logan showed a small smile, "was this the whole reason why I was pulled out of bed at god knows what time it actually is?"

Just as Logan had known he would Virgil shook his head. His eyes met Logan's, and he was almost taken aback by the utter adoration that clearly showed in his gaze. "Nope. Also to be honest I haven't checked the clock, but I suppose it is somewhere between 12am and 3am."

"I wanted to tell you something." He added before Logan could ask why they were up at this time, taking both of Logan's hands in his. Now you'd think that after being in a relationship with him for four years such a small thing wouldn't affect him very much, but despite that Logan felt those figurative butterflies in his stomach and it was impossible for him not to smile when Virgil was looking at him with such admiration in his eyes.

"I've got a proposal for you." Virgil then said with a grin, and Logan caught himself wanting to ask what kind of suggestion Virgil had that could not wait until a more decent time of the day, but he decided against it simply because even if it was late, and a bit cold, he would rather be standing there with Virgil than being asleep.

"Oh, and what would that be?" He asked, the chill temperature making him shiver slightly (and maybe the way Virgil was looking at him had something to do with it too), but since his hands were busy grasping Virgil's he could not wrap the blanket around himself more tightly. He met Virgil's eyes and decided to stay quiet until Virgil had said what he wanted, because Logan had known Virgil for long enough to tell when he was slightly anxious, and he knew that the best way to encourage him to keep speaking was to let him take his time.

"We've known each other for seven years. When we met you were a stressed high school teacher, and I was an exhausted daycare teacher who worked at my friends bakery during the weekends. I am not sure I ever told you, but Roman was actually the one supposed to take your order, but you were cute so I insisted I would." Virgil smiled nervously and Logan could not do anything else than return it. He had actually known that, Roman had told him shortly after they had announced their relationship to their friends.

"It took us three years before we fell for the other and managed to confess what we felt, and we have been involved in a romantic relationship for four years, living together for the past three. It is the happiest I have ever been. You make me happy, and I would hope that I do the same to you." Logan squeezed Virgil's hand just a little bit tighter, not wanting to interrupt him, but needing to show him that yes, Virgil makes him so happy. More than he could express with words. More than he would have ever expected when Virgil had nervously served him a cup of coffee and the two of them accidentally started a conversation that lasted for an entire hour and ended with the exchange of their phone numbers that was the start of a close friendship (until it turned into something more).

"Our relationship has been an amazing experience, one I wish will never end, and I plan on doing my absolute best to make sure that this wish becomes truth." Virgil said, and Logan found himself holding his breath as if he was scared that his exhale would interrupt Virgil and this moment would be over.

"So, my proposal is ...that you would let me make you my husband." Virgil let go of Logan's hands, sinking down on one knee in a mere second, and Logan didn't know where he had gotten the small box from, but there it was in his hands, an open box with an engagement ring in it.

"Logan, would you do me the honour of marrying me?" He said, voice wavering slightly, but there was nothing else but determination and hope in the question.

Logan stared down at Virgil, brain not quite registering what his eyes were seeing. Then the reality of the whole situation hit him a tenth of a moment later and Logan found himself furiously nodding as he attempted to find his voice to properly answer the question. There really was just one thing he could say.

"Y- Yes! ...Yes, yes. Yes." He mumbled out the word repeatedly, not giving a damn that he was stuttering and that his voice was shaky. He saw Virgil's face break out in a huge grin before Logan threw himself at him, hugging him tightly and burrowing his face in the crook of Virgil's neck. He might be behaving slightly uncharacteristically, he had thought he would react to a proposal more calmly, but apparently that was not the case and Virgil's words had made him much more emotional than he had ever expected.

He pulled back slightly, just enough for him to press his lips to Virgil's, kissing him eagerly and Virgil returned it just as enthusiastically as they clung to each other in an attempt to be closer to the other, kissing until they were both breathless which did not stop Logan from still murmuring out 'yes' against Virgil's lips yet again.

"Yes." Logan whispered again, because it seemed to be the only word with important meaning now.

"You've already said yes, Lo, I hear you." Virgil said with a happy giggle, arms still around his middle and their noses brushing.


Logan realized the blanket was lying on the ground behind him instead of still hanging over his shoulders. It must have fallen off and now his arms were cold. It did not bother him, all his focus was on Virgil and his wonderfully bright smile that was directed at him.

"You've got tears in your eyes." Logan stated, then watching as Virgil laughed and a tear escaping and rolling down his cheek as he did so.

"So what? So do you." Virgil replied, not even attempting to wipe the tear away. Logan leaned in and captured Virgil's lips again, kissing him softly, so softly and pulling him in closer even though doing so would soon be impossible.

They parted, and Virgil seemed to remember the open ring box that he still held in his hand. Virgil's hand were noticeably shaking, and Logan could not blame him, for he found himself trembling slightly too, and he was not even the one to ask the question, he had only needed to answer. He fumbled with the ring, and Logan held his left hand out, fingers parted. Slowly Virgil thread the ring onto his ringfinger, then entwining their fingers and kissing the back of his hand.

Logan pulled him to his feet and they stumbled into each other in their eager to lock lips once again, Logan's hands securely placed on Virgil's waist. The chill breeze that rustled the grass and their clothes did not bother them, and neither did the sound of a car driving past on the street on the other side of the house. Virgil pulled back, leaving Logan to chase his lips for a second before he willed his eyes to open with the promise of seeing Virgil again.

"I know that we have both said we'd like a simple ring the time we discussed the possibility of marriage, but I went ring shopping with Roman, and he managed to find this one and I couldn't help myself." Virgil mumbled sheepishly. Logan cupped Virgil's face in his hands, brushing the softest of kisses to Virgil's lips.

"I love it," Logan held his hand up between them, glancing down at the ring that glimmered in the light from the windows (looking in through it Logan could see that the tv had been left on), "it is very ...us, despite how fancy it looks."

"Are you saying we aren't fancy?" Virgil said, mock offended tone in his voice and Logan could really hear how he tried not to laugh. He was sure the both of them thought back to two days ago when they had been too lazy to make dinner and had ended up eating leftover chicken nuggets from the day before in front of the tv, without even warming them up nor using any sort of cutlery.

He felt Virgil shiver against him and he was reminded that the two of them were in fact standing on their lawn at around two in the morning in december and they were bound to become cold no matter how close they were holding the other. But he did not want to step inside just yet, even if he was lightly dressed he did not want to admit how cold he was. It was sort of peaceful to simply stand there together.

Virgil tilted his head slightly to the side, leaning in and kissing Logan, a warm pair of lips against his. Logan sighed in content into the kiss, then kissing back, his focus being split between the soft pressure of Virgil's lips on his and the metal ring around his finger that was already warmed up from the heat his body generated.

Though a thought hit him and he gently pushed Virgil back, opening his eyes and then only slightly narrowing them at Virgil.

"Did you... start the proposal off with a pun?" Logan asked, and Virgil let out a short laugh.

"You can blame Patton for that, I went to him for advice. Though he was very helpful when it came to guiding me in how to do this without having an anxiety attack. Well, after the thirty minutes of squealing, of course." Virgil said. He took Logan's left hand in his right one, entwining their fingers.

"Oh, and by the way, I told Roman and Patton before they left that I was going to propose tonight, after you went to bed, because Patton pointed out that the stars were very clear, so, it wouldn't surprise me if they are watching this from somewhere." Virgil said, and Logan realized that that was exactly the kind of thing their two friends would do, and he would not be surprised at all if Virgil turned out to be ri-

"How dare you expose us!" Logan heard Roman shout from behind the fence, ten meters away or so. He sighed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Then the both of them turned to where they had heard the shout from, and they saw both Roman and Patton climb over the fence.

"We filmed the whole thing! We're going to show it to everyone on your wedding." Patton said excitedly. Their two friends grinned widely and high fived.

"Now, good night, we're going home." Patton continued, and the two of them walked right past them. Logan and Virgil stood and stared after them until they could no longer hear them before returning their attention to the other.

"I am not surprised." Logan said, turning back to Virgil and seeing his oh so familiar face of they're-annoying-but-they're-my-friends-so-I-have-to-stand-them. Logan leaned in, kissing Virgil on his nose before leaning his forehead to Virgil's. They stood there in silence, the reality of the whole situation hitting them full force and made Logan feel giddy with joy at the realization that he was now Virgil's fiance. They were engaged now, engaged to be married.

Logan sighed happily, and when he opened his eyes they were refilled with a new set of tears. He took a step back, turned his face slightly to the side, discreetly wiping the wet away from his eyes with his free hand. Maybe not so discreetly though because a chaste kiss was pressed to his cheek and Virgil had an understanding look in his eyes as Logan met his gaze.

"Let's step back inside, after all, it's cold, and I did pull you out of bed for this." Virgil began, and then slowly walked back around their house, not letting go of Logan's hand for even a moment.

"Strangely enough I cannot bring myself to mind." Logan stated entirely truthful. Any exhaust he had been feeling earlier when he'd been woken up had vanished long ago, and Logan felt as if he could stay awake for the rest of the entire night and he'd be completely fine in the morning. Now, logically that was incorrect, he knew that.

Virgil opened the door for him, not stepping in himself before Logan was inside and already taking his shoes off. The door was closed, and they both went into the living room a moment later. Virgil threw a blanket on the couch, the one Logan had brought with him when going outside. He had forgotten about it so it was for the best that Virgil had not because otherwise it would still be lying outside when they woke up in the morning.

Logan turned back to Virgil, finding him already looking at him, and Logan smiled, taking a step up to him. Virgil wrapped him up in his arms, holding him closely, and Logan let himself rest his head on Virgil's shoulder and close his eyes. It took a short moment, but then he suddenly felt himself grow very tired, as if all the energy he'd had just a few minutes ago had just evaporated off him and he felt as if he could fall asleep standing, right here in Virgil's warm embrace.

He leaned almost his entire weight on Virgil, feeling him have to take a tighter grip for them not to fall. Virgil let out a low chuckle.

"Let's go to bed, Lo." His lips softly brushed against Logan's temple. Logan let out a sort of grunt that meant something along the lines of 'do I really have to move, and do I need to let go of you?', because the most preferable would be to never have to leave from the comfort and safety of Virgil's arms.

"Come on now." Logan did not have to look at him to know he was smiling. He straightened himself up, standing on his own. He suffocated a yawn with his hand, then blinking tiredly. Virgil took the opportunity to lean in and kiss the tip of his nose and then, before Logan had the time to react to what he had done, dragged Logan with him to their bedroom.

Since Logan was already, conveniently enough, wearing his pajamas he simply sat on the bed, waiting for Virgil to get changed. It didn't take him long until he was wearing one of his XL t-shirts, only that and his underwear (which was a very cute sight if you asked Logan) and then he was stood in front of Logan again.

He smiled now too, that bright smile that seemed to not be able to fade away tonight. Virgil took Logan's hand in his, thumb softly running over his ring finger and the both of them looked down at the ring that Logan hoped he would never have to take off. Virgil leaned in until their lips were almost brushing.

"Logan Sanders, my fiance ...yeah, I like the sound of that."


Written: 23rd, 24th & 25th December 2018
Published: 26th December 2018
Words: 3513

I've written two proposal fics now, and in both of them I've made Virgil propose lol

Eh, I'll do what I want

Look this is just so analogical I had to-

And merry christmas to you all <3 (even tho it's 12:23am the 26th here)

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