[80] - Birthday

Birthday boye!!

Happy birthday Verge!!

Brought to you by me, who wants to go ice skating

Warnings: literally pure fluff so none


Logan put his glasses on approximately seven minutes after waking up, which meant he will not be falling back asleep. Though he suspected he won't be leaving bed soon either, because a certain someone was sleeping on his right arm, and this someone also hated waking up.

He let his eyes wander over the side next to him, observing how relaxed he looked when sleeping. He looked younger, as he always did when without his makeup. Logan loved to see him this calm, and he loved to be able to look at Virgil without said trait hiding his face or frowning at him. Virgil always got so flustered if he noticed Logan observing him, but quite honestly, Logan could not help himself, because Virgil was too handsome for him to take his eyes off of him.

Logan rolled over onto his side, coming face to face with Virgil. He caressed his cheek, but Virgil did not stir, he kept soundly sleeping. Logan would like to free his arm before it fell asleep and that annoying prickling feeling spread through his limb. Logan pressed the smallest of kisses to Virgil's nose, and as a result Virgil scrunched his nose in the most adorable way.

Logan pulled him closer and Virgil mumbled something unintelligible, letting Logan know that he was on his way to wake up. Clearly Virgil did not want to be pulled from unconsciousness just yet, because he burrowed his face into Logan's chest and threw an arm over his head to keep the light away. Logan chuckled quietly and kissed the top of his head.

"Good morning." He murmured softly, wondering if he would even get a reply to that. Virgil was the opposite of a morning person, and it was almost impossible to talk to him before he had drank a cup of coffee.

"No." The response was low, his voice was raspy with sleep and he lifted his arm and pouted at Logan.

"Happy birthday." Logan continued, and Virgil let out a small grunt. Then Virgil shifted, tilting his head up and opening his eyes a smidge to look at him. He blinked several times and then he peered up at him.

"What?" Virgil wondered, clearly not yet awake enough to comprehend what Logan was actually telling him. He grinned down at his sleepy boyfriend that was again blinking up at him, trying to focus his eyes most likely. Logan leaned closer and captured Virgil's lips in a slow kiss. He felt Virgil's hands grip to his shirt, and Virgil's lips were soft as they moved with his.

"Happy birthday." He told him again when they had separated, and this time Virgil seemed to be understanding him. Though he still did not really get much of a reaction, just another quiet mumble, too quiet for him to hear what he was actually saying. Logan wasn't actually entirely sure he had said a real word.

Virgil's eyes had shut again, and he looked like he was attempting to fall back asleep. It was most likely what he was doing too, Virgil almost always tried to roll over to sleep some more when Logan tried to wake him. Logan did not care much for that though, he was used to it and knew that he could just as well keep talking.

"What do you want to do today?" He wondered, asking because he needed to know if there was anything Virgil would prefer doing, because if not then Logan had a few suggestions for how they could spend the day, and a certain one in mind that he had wanted to make reality for quite some time.

"Sleep in." Virgil mumbled stubbornly, causing Logan to laugh. He wrapped his free arm around Virgil in a sort of hug, or whatever such a thing would be called while the two were lying down. He then relaxed down on his back, finally freeing his other arm from beneath Virgil.

"Well, I suppose I cannot deny the birthday boy what he wants." He said and Virgil actually momentarily opened his eyes to glare at him when he heard the nickname. Logan supposed he could go and prepare breakfast while Virgil slept some more.

"Exactly," Was his response, and his warm body pressed closer to Logan who quite quickly understood that he was not going anywhere, "and I want cuddles too."

Logan was certainly not going to deprive him of that, and he supposed staying a little longer in bed would not hurt. For once he'd stay with Virgil. Maybe not for as long as Virgil wanted, because then they would stay in bed almost all day, but he could stay a while. Or a little longer than a while because Virgil had already fallen back asleep, and he had a rather tight grip around Logan still.

After all, not even Logan wanted to leave bed when his boyfriend was clinging to him and being utterly adorable. Adorable even though he was lightly snoring right in Logan's ear.


At nine o'clock in the morning he finally managed to drag Virgil out of bed. He did so by telling him breakfast was ready, and that said breakfast included strawberries and nutella. Those words had quickly gotten him Virgil's attention, and Virgil had followed him to the kitchen. He hadn't changed out of his pajamas or anything, but to be fair, neither had Logan.

Patton and Roman had already been up for a while, and Patton bounded into the room to give Virgil a hug, even if Virgil was sitting down and just about to put a nutella covered strawberry in his mouth.

"Happy birthday, kiddo!" He exclaimed happily, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. Virgil mumbled out a thanks and bit into the strawberry. Patton rambled something about him and Roman planning to bake cookies later on, but then Virgil would have to tell him which cookies he wanted first.

"I found it!" Roman yelled, running into the kitchen with a thick book in his hands. It was clearly something directed towards Patton, but when he saw Virgil he went straight up to him to hug him and greet him with several happy birthday wishes. Then he opened the book and practically shoved it into Virgil's face, making him flinch slightly. Virgil blinked, then stared at the recipe book Roman was holding in front of him, then giving Roman an unsure glance, most likely not sure what it was they wanted from him.

"Uh... can we do this later? Breakfast first." He said, pointedly holding up the half of a strawberry that he still had in his hand. Apparently neither of the other two traits had eaten yet, because they both sat down to eat something them too, and luckily they acted a bit calmer, gave Virgil the time to down a cup of coffee (with five sugar cubes in it) and wake up.

When Virgil was no longer sitting there like a zombie he engaged in a conversation about cookies with Patton, while Roman asked Logan what the two of them were doing today. That Logan could not fully answer yet since there was nothing decided, but Roman did promise to lend them the imagination if they would need it. Logan was thankful for that, since he needed the imagination for what he had planned for today, all he needed was Virgil's approval.

Logan sent a glance towards Virgil and found that Virgil was sat looking at him, a small soft smile on his lips. Logan returned the smile and then returned his attention to his forgotten breakfast. Roman and Patton went to... do something. Logan did not know what they were up to, but the important thing was that he was now alone with Virgil again.

"What do you think of ice skating?" he asked, making Virgil stop in the middle of putting a spoonful of nutella in his mouth.

"Huh?" Virgil responded, lowering the spoon and making a confused face. Logan collected his thoughts, ready to explain more clearly what he was talking about.

"Ice skating. I thought it could be a fun activity, even though neither of us are very big on outdoor activities. I know you enjoy that program where they ice skate, and if I recall correctly you mentioned that you'd like to try ice skating some day. I have gotten permission from Roman to use the imagination, and it will only be the two of us, so neither of us will be too embarrassed if we slip a lot..." Logan rambled, really hoping that Virgil would not see this idea as silly. He met Virgil's gaze, and trailed off when seeing the way Virgil was staring at him.

"What is it?" Logan wondered, slightly uncertain if Virgil's staring was a good sign or not.

"You remember that? I said that... it must have been months ago." Virgil said quietly, and if Logan was not mistaken he could see the faintest of blush having spread over Virgil's cheeks

"I- yes. I had it added to my list of date ideas, and I thought today was suitable for something special." Logan admitted. He had a notebook in which he had several different lists, and that included a list of ideas for dates that he would like to take Virgil on. It was important to him that their outings were something Virgil would enjoy, and that the few times they went out together it was special.

Virgil shook his head at him. "You're adorable."

Logan did not bother to voice his disagreement, he knew there was no point to it since each time he attempted to incline that he was not in any way adorable Virgil always insisted that he was until Logan eventually gave up. Instead he avoided Virgil's gaze in a desperate attempt to not show how Virgil's words had such a big effect on him. He found it ridiculous that despite the two of them having engaged in a romantic relationship for many months he still felt the figurative butterflies in his stomach when Virgil uttered something sappy.

"So, what do you think? Would you enjoy to accompany me to ice skate?" Logan asked, since he had not actually gotten an actual answer to his suggestion yet.

"I'd love to. It's a wonderful idea." Virgil said silently, shooting Logan a smile before he bit into another strawberry. Logan was not going to point out that Virgil should not only eat nutella and strawberries for breakfast, after all it was his birthday and if Virgil wanted to only eat those two things, well, Logan wasn't going to stop him. Not today at least.

"Excellent, I suggest we leave at 4 pm. That leaves time during the day to engage in birthday celebrations with Patton and Roman. We all have gifts to give you, and Patton would be very upset if we all did not eat our own weight in cookies. Hopefully we won't get back too late, because I can assure you that Roman and Patton are planning for us all to have a movie marathon." Logan said, then swallowing the last bite of his sandwich and standing up.

"Now, if you excuse me, I am going to get dressed." He continued, but before leaving the room he stepped up to Virgil and kissed his forehead, having time to see Virgil hide his face in his hands before he turned around. He smirked to himself, happy to know that he was not the only one to get unnecessarily flustered by small gestures.


Logan observed Virgil who was gnawing on what must be his, at least, fifteenth chocolate chip cookie. He had to admit that it was impressive that Virgil could eat such an amount of cookies, Logan himself had grown tired of them after only five and had resorted to sipping on a cup of coffee. Personally Logan never put anything in his coffee, he liked it black, and he could not eat nor drink too much of something sweet.

Virgil was sat wrapped in a very soft, very big blanket, only his face and a hand (the one holding the cookie) was visible. The blanket had been a gift from Roman, and Logan knew that Virgil would treasure it until it fell apart. His boyfriend had a special love for blankets and was usually found napping under one or walking around with one tied around his shoulders like a cape. Logan was also aware of the fact that Virgil already had six blankets in his room.

Logan reached for his cup of coffee that he had put down on the table, he had managed to find a spot for it between a pile of books and a plate of cookies. Not much of the table could be seen under the plates with cookies, glasses, cups and gift wrap, and other things. He felt the couch dip next to him, and when he turned his head he found Virgil there, smiling shyly at him and leaning against him. Logan gave him a small smile, then he looked over to where Virgil had put the rest of the gifts he had received.

Other gifts included another six months of Spotify premium, a set of colored pencils that Virgil had been whining over being too expensive, a card from Patton plus several more hugs from the fatherly trait, and a book. He had looked at a few pages, reading what was written with a growing smile before closing it and refusing to show it to anyone else, even if Patton begged him to see. That was Logan's gift to him, and the affectionate smile he got told him more than any words could.

He had given Virgil a notebook full of poems and short reassuring messages that he had written. He knew Virgil had moments where he could not help but to doubt Logan's feelings for him, despite Logan's constant reassurances. Therefore he had, during the time they had been together, collected his thoughts about Virgil and their relationship, written down how it made him happier and how Virgil made him feel, and there were several poems and such things too, because sometimes that was the easiest way to express things. He hoped this would help Virgil during the times when he felt low, especially when Virgil did not come to Logan himself.

Something nudged his thigh, and he glanced down, seeing Virgil's hand which had escaped the blankets. Virgil did not have to ask, or make his intentions clear, Logan simply grabbed Virgil's hand and entwined their fingers without a word. Virgil turned his face towards him, showing Logan a small satisfied smile.

Virgil's other hand let go of the blanket that it had been gripping to as he had moved to sit next to Logan, and instead he grabbed Logan's tie and pulled him closer for a sweet kiss (extra sweet from the taste of cookies), and the kiss lasted a bit longer than their kisses usually did when they were in front of the others before they parted. The blanket fell down from Virgil's head, now only hanging over his shoulders.

"Get a room you two." Roman muttered with a smirk. Logan squinted at him.

"We have a room. In fact, the both of us have our own rooms. You know this, Roman." He said, because he knew that Roman was aware of the fact that each of the sides had their own room. Patton giggled at them, and Virgil leaned in to kiss Logan's cheek as if telling him to let it go for now. Based on the visible disbelief shown on Roman's face at his response he supposed this was yet another thing he needed to make a vocab card for.

"Whatever, not important," Roman said, dismissing the topic with a wave of his hand, "what is important though, is you guys date! Shouldn't you two get ready for that?"

How Roman could find their date so exciting Logan did not understand. He of course was always enthusiastic for his dates, but the outings that did not involve himself were not of his interest. Though maybe Roman's interest lied more in having an hour or two to hang out with Patton. To be fair neither of them ever really had much alone time with one of the others.

(And Virgil had told him that he was fairly sure Roman and Patton were both pining after each other. Logan had since then noticed small things that insinuated that Virgil's observation was correct, even if he had a hard time noticing such things.)

"You are right, we should be going soon." Logan said, and Virgil sat up a little bit straighter.

"Yeah!" He said excitedly, and Logan was delighted that Virgil was looking forward to their outing.

A few minutes later after they had helped to tidy up a bit on the coffee table the two of them excused themselves and Virgil slightly reluctantly left his new fluffy blanket behind on the couch before he followed Logan. Logan had packed a bag with all they needed earlier that day, including a thermos with hot chocolate that Patton had been kind enough to prepare for them.

Logan paused momentarily outside the portal to the imagination, focusing solely on what he wanted it to turn into. The portal took the form of a door, and Logan opened it, holding it up for Virgil to step out through.

The imagination had transformed into exactly what Logan had hoped for, from the snow covered landscape around them, the dark, clear sky full of stars and a bright moon, the flat ice that they could skate on, to all the candles stuck in the snow around the ice. He glanced at Virgil who was staring at the scene around them with a smile dancing on his lips. That was all he needed to see.

They walked the few meters up to the ice and unpacked the bag. Their shoes they left by the bag, and Logan also left his phone in the bag, not wanting to risk that he would fall on it and crack the screen. He tied his skates to his feet and took a step out on the ice, resulting in him gliding slightly. Well, he was still standing. This shouldn't be so hard, right?

He watched Virgil do the same, a slightly frightened look on his face as he stood and slowly, slowly made his way out onto the ice. He gave Logan an uncertain smile and straightened himself up completely from his previously weary, ready-to-fall-at-any-moment pose.

"Now, I guess all there is to do is to skate around without injuring ourse- woah!" Logan threw his arms out to grab anything, but there was nothing to grab, and he fell flat on his back.

Virgil doubled over with laughter, almost wheezing. Sadly his balance was not much better than Logan's and before he knew it his laughter was cut short and he was lying on his stomach, listened to Logan's quiet chuckling. He groaned and stood up on all fours. He rubbed his cheek, frowning. He looked at Logan again, who was now standing on his knees and attempting to stand up. After a few moments of trying he managed to stand up on wobbly legs, concluding that managing to get back up on his feet after having fallen was the most difficult part.

Virgil did the same, and Logan then even managed to move forward a bit, even if slowly. Virgil glided past him, still going slow, but he looked so proud over himself to be able to move forward, and Logan could not help but to smile at him.

It took a bit of figuring out, and at first the both of them fell constantly. Logan was certain that he would have many bruises on his knees and elbows the next morning, but it did not matter to him in the slightest as he saw Virgil happily gliding around on the ice. Logan was slightly slower at learning how to do this without falling and getting a concussion, but eventually he too could skate next to Virgil without fearing for his life.

It was slightly more difficult to skate while holding the others hand, but it was not stopping them. As long as Logan remained on his feet things went fairly well, but as soon as he fell he had to spend a minute struggling to get up again. Virgil was helpfully extending his hand to Logan the times he wasn't laughing at him.

They took a small break after they had both fallen enough to think a moment for a hot drink would be suitable. And of course it was nice to be able to catch his breath, Logan thought.

Virgil had after a while discarded his jacket since he got warm from actually moving for once, and it was now lying by their shoes in the snow. Virgil did still have his hoodie on, so Logan did not worry for him. Though he kept his own jacket on his body as he only had a black button-up on beneath it. (Virgil had insisted that he left the tie behind and unbuttoned the top button. For some reason he should 'look more casual', at least today, Virgil had said.)

Logan saw Virgil whooshing past him again, speeding up and he was fairly sure Virgil was half-yelling 'nyoom' as he glided past again. Logan chuckled at the the cuteness of his boyfriend and went after him, only having a little trouble with achieving the same speed to catch up with him.

Virgil did a sharp turn and came up to Logan, resulting in the two of them mildly crashing into each other in some sort of embrace. Logan supposed they were both very lucky that neither of them fell, and he allowed himself to loop his arms around Virgil's middle. Virgil himself had burrowed his face into the crook of Logan's neck.

Then Virgil took a step back and tilted his head up to look at the stars, with the fondest of smiles on his lips, with cheeks rosy from the cold, and Logan had to take a moment to simply admire him. Then, before Virgil would notice him staring, he too looked up at the sky, taking his time to admire that too. In the corner of his eye he saw how Virgil shifted his feet and almost slipped, making himself laugh.

He stood there there, staring up at the millions of brightly shining stars above them and listening to Virgil's muffled giggles. Then Virgil's hand grabbed his again and he was pulled with him. He gripped Virgil's hand tightly and tried to find his balance at the same time as he tried to skate himself so that Virgil would not be dragging him around.

Suddenly Logan slipped again, and since he was holding Virgil's hand Vigil got dragged down too, and the two of them ended up in a pile of limbs. Logan groaned while Virgil, who had landed on top of him, laughed loudly. Logan pushed him off of himself, trying to glare at Virgil for laughing at him, but Virgil's laughter made it near impossible to frown.

"That isn't working, Lo, you're still giving me a fond look despite the pouting." Vigil said with a wide grin, confirming what Logan already knew. Virgil crawled up on all fours, resting his hands on Logan's chest rather than the ice (he supposed that wasn't as cold) and looked down at him.

Logan saw Virgil's lips form into a small smirk and he forced his gaze away from Virgil's lips and instead looked into his eyes. Virgil blinked slowly at him, leaning down until their noses were almost brushing.

"Hi." He murmured, warm breath fanning against Logan's face. It smelled of the chocolate he had drank earlier.

"Hi," Logan responded quietly, feeling strangely comfortable despite the hard ice beneath him and the weight of Virgil on top of him, "please kiss me."

"Gladly." He said and their lips brushed together softly before Virgil properly kissed him, their mouths pressed together in a less gentle way. Logan trailed his fingers up Virgil's jaw, which made Virgil giggle into the kiss, ticklish as he was.

Then they separated and he rolled off of Logan, lying down on the ice next to him. Neither of them seemed to feel any hurry to stand up. The stars, the silence, and the others presence was creating a sort of calm that neither wanted to end.

"Thank you." Virgil murmured quietly to not disturb the peace around them, and Logan's gaze was pulled from the sky as he turned his head to look at his boyfriend.


"Thank you for today. It's been wonderful, even if I surely have some forming bruises and neither of us are very good at this I've had really fun." He continued, and smiled up at the infinity above them. Logan reached out and grabbed Virgil's hand in his, their cold fingers trying to find warmth from the other.

"You are most welcome, my dear." Logan said lowly and brought Virgil's hand up to his mouth, kissing the back of it. It was maybe not one of his most characteristic gestures as he saw it as something Roman would do, but the exhaust from their activity was getting to him and he did not have the energy to hoist himself up to kiss Virgil on the lips.

Virgil yawned and blinked, then slowly getting up into a sitting position. After a sigh he stood up too, having learnt to do that quicker than Logan. Virgil smiled down at him, holding his hand out to Logan who was still lying down and had not even attempted to get up. He took Virgil's hand and was helped to his feet, thankful for the support that kept him from falling once again.

They slowly made their way over the ice towards the portal back to the mindscape as big, fluffy snowflakes began to fall from the sky, landing in their hair and sticking to their clothes. They changed back to their shoes, Virgil put his jacket back on and Logan packed everything back into the bag. Logan was almost slightly reluctant to leave. It was beautiful here and Logan loved to have this kind of time alone with Virgil.

But then again the cold was starting to make it through their clothes from how little they had moved during the last ten minutes or so, and the thought of sitting close together under Virgil's new blanket while they watched movies with the other two sides was an appealing thought. So the two of them, hand in hand, returned to the mindscape to spend the last of the day with Roman and Patton.


Written: 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th December 2018
Published: 19th December 2018
Words: 4603

Hi wehat the fuck do you mean i have 100k reads what the cufk

Lemme just (as an insight of how many reads I expected)

And now-

I don't even know what to say skdfghlksjnsdfg just,,,,I love you guys a lot, okay? And I am so thankful for every single one of you.

I never thought any of my writing would ever reach 100k reads because...well because only good writing get that many reads lol

Guess I'll admit that my writing is good, you win

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