[76] - Coffee Shop
Warnings: homophobia, nothing explicit, just the way people stare and act
They're walking down the street together, passing by shops, coffeehouses, and restaurants. People walk by them, some not even giving them as much as a glance. Most people pay them no notice. The both of them prefer that, the people who does not even notice they are there. It's the ones that do look at them that always sends a spike of fear up Vigil's spine.
Virgil sees a stranger eyeing their entwined fingers, glaring at how close they're walking. He notices the mother with a small child who gives them a frightened look and walks onto another street. A man across the road is looking at them, his eyes burning at Virgil and the males facial expression makes his senses scream danger. Virgil can pretend that it doesn't bother him however much he wants, it's not going to change the fact that it does.
They glance at each other, Virgil's fright being mirrored in Logan's brown eyes that meet his without the calm that is usually present. Virgil lets go of his boyfriends hand, pulling his hood up and then allowing his hand to fall to his side. He doesn't grab Logan's hand again, and Logan doesn't try to take his. They don't say anything, they don't need to. They both know that the silent hatred from everyone around them won this time, they both know they're cowards.
In silence the two of them continued down the street, neither of them said a word. Neither of them had anything to say. Or they had too much to say, that could not be said safely now. Things that could only be said in the comfort of the others presence, the other alone.
Virgil hated how they never felt safe walking together, and how they felt even less safe when walking alone. He hated how these strangers had this power over them. It was not fair how they were able to show their hatred towards them like this. Virgil just wanted to be allowed to love Logan without anyone caring.
They falter their steps, stopping outside a small coffee shop that most people wouldn't notice as they hurried down the street on their way home, to work or to pick up their kids. Logan and Virgil had found it a long time ago, and if they wanted to get a hot drink they always knew where to go. There were rarely a lot of other people in there, and the shop was always warm and calm.
Logan opened the door, holding it open for Virgil, and he stepped inside, letting his hand brush Logan's arm in a small thankful gesture. A bell dinged as the door closed behind them. The small shop was, as usual, almost empty. There were a group of four teens sitting in the corner, an elderly couple sitting by a window, and then of course the barista standing behind the counter.
"The usual?" Logan wondered and Virgil nodded, watching as Logan walked up to the counter, holding up two fingers and saying something to the barista. Virgil turned away, his eyes searching for an empty booth, and he found one in the corner. He sat down, slid into the corner. A small candle was lit in the middle of the table and he watched the small flame burn until Logan came back, putting two cups down, then also placing a plate with two cinnamon buns on the table
"There were a discount on the cinnamon buns, and I thought 'why not'." He said, sitting down and inching closer to Virgil until they were sat so close their arms brushed. Hidden from view under the table Logan's hand found Virgil's again.
Virgil grabbed his cup with his free hand, simultaneously as Logan did, the cup was almost too hot to hold, but it warmed his hand. His hands were constantly cold, which Logan always scoffed at, but Virgil didn't mind, because Logan also always took Virgil's hands in his to warm them while muttering about his bad circulation.
Virgil watched Logan blow on the drink, then taking a small sip and scrunching his nose, he must've burned his tongue. Virgil giggled quietly at Logan's adorable expression, blowing on his own drink more carefully. Then he put it down on the table, deciding to wait until it had cooled a little, instead he grasped one of the cinnamon buns.
He used his teeth to pull back the wax paper since he only had one free hand. He took a small bite, savoring the taste and leaning back, listening to the low music that could be heard throughout the store. Other than that he could hear the other customers talk lowly, not even the teenagers were loud, once again disproving the well known stereotypes that the elderly spread around.
The bell on the door dinged again, and a woman came in, hand in hand with a young child who was proudly helping his mother with pushing a small stroller with a baby in it. The door closed once again, and the small flame that was still burning on the candle quivered momentarily as the draft hit it. Virgil turned his gaze away from his boyfriend who was attempting to drink without burning his mouth again, and instead he watched as the child let go of his mothers hand and the stroller to run up to the counter.
He excitedly looked at the pastries that were on display, calling for him mom while pointing at the ones he wanted, which seemed to be all of them. His mother was currently taking her jacket off and hanging it over the back of a chair. Then she made sure the baby in the stroller was still sound asleep before walking up to her son.
Virgil turned his attention back to Logan who was now taking a bigger sip of his drink, doing so without burning himself. Logan looked up, noticing Virgil's staring and he raised a brow. Virgil just shook his head. He put the cup down again, nudging Virgil slightly, making him grin.
Logan looked up, then squeezing Virgil's hand, making him look up too. The boy stood before them, he looks to be only seven years old, at most.
"Are you two boyfriends?" The little boy asked with big eyes. Virgil cannot see any ill intent in the way the child looks at them, the question is innocent and spanned only from the wonder of a young child. Virgil looks over at Logan, sees on him just how close he is to showing a smile. Maybe he was short enough to see them holding hands beneath the table, or children just noticed these things.
"My mom says that two boys can love each other, just like mom's and dad's do." The child continued, completely unbothered by his question remaining unanswered. Virgil kept his eyes on Logan, he can see the softness in his boyfriends eyes as he gazed down at the boy.
"Yes," Logan said, speaking loud enough so that only Virgil and the boy could hear, "yes, we're boyfriends."
The boy beamed at them, his smile the brightest that Virgil had seen in a while. He squeezed Logan's hand, watching as that hidden smile finally showed on Logan's face.
"I want a boyfriend too! There's a very nice boy in my school. His name is Roman, and his smile is really pretty. He always smiles when I call him 'Princey'. We play during break time, he's my best friend." The child babbled, still grinning at them and Virgil's heart warmed. He hoped with every fiber in his being that this child, and every other child, would grow up in a world where it didn't matter who they loved, or if they loved at all. A world where everyone were accepted no matter who they were.
"That's wonderful, maybe he likes you too." Logan answered. The young boy almost bounced in excitement.
"Mom says I can ask him when I'm older. She says I have to be ten years old, and that is an eteeeeernity away!" He pouted. Logan chuckled, taking a bite from his bun. Virgil remember when he was young, how impossibly far away the future seemed. Nowadays time passed much faster than he'd like. Sometimes he almost panicked when he realized just how quickly everything happened.
"When I grow up I wanna be a baker. I want to make cookies! I love baking, mom always lets me help when she is making cookies." The child continued, this time also unbothered by the fact that he hadn't gotten any reply to what he had previously said.
"That's nice. I'm sure you will become a wonderful pastry cook." Virgil responded, at last saying something. The boy drummed on the table with his hands, looking right at Virgil, still with that bright smile on his face. He hoped that the boys smile would never falter. Someone walked up to their table, stopping beside the boy.
"I'm sorry. I hope he didn't bother you." A woman, his mother, said, smiling apologetically at them.
"Oh, no, he wasn't any trouble at all. He is an incredibly sweet child." Logan responded, watching the smile turn genuine. She put a hand on her sons shoulder and led him away from the two of them, back to their own table where the boy sat down on a chair.
"Don't walk away like that, Patton, always tell me where you go." Virgil heard her tell the child, then giving him one of the two pastries that she had bought. His attention was then overtaken by the sweets he now had in his hand.
Logan turned his head towards Virgil, and the look in his eyes told Virgil exactly how Logan felt. Virgil gave him a small nod, showing that he understood and that he felt just as touched by their encounter with the boy, Patton. Virgil allowed himself to lean against Logan, resting his head against Logan's shoulder.
"That was adorable." He murmured and felt Logan nod.
"Indeed." Virgil reached for his cup, taking a small sip of the, still, hot contents. He loved children, they were always in such awe when seeing something they weren't used to seeing, like two males who were in love. In general children got excited when they realized how many options they had when it came to living their life.
Virgil knew from experience that they should always look at the children, at the hope and amazement that shone in their eyes as they saw them. Kids were always so much more understanding, so much kinder. They had yet to be taught to hate.
The looks from all the strangers on the street did not weigh so heavy on his shoulders anymore, Logan's thumb stroking the back of his hand as they sat there in silence, listening to the noise around them until they'd drank their drinks and swallowed the last bite of the cinnamon buns. They were content just having a moment of quiet together.
"We should be getting back soon." Logan murmured a minute or two later, breaking the silence. "Do you want to make pizza for dinner tonight?"
"That sounds lovely. Do we have everything though? Or will we have to stop by the store on our way home?" Virgil asked. He could recall that the last time he checked the fridge he hadn't seen any salami, and he knew there were a few other thing that they didn't have at home too.
"I think going to the store is in our interest, we are out of both chips and crofters." Logan said, making Virgil roll his eyes playfully. Virgil had bought more crofters the last time he went to the store, and that had only been a couple of days ago. Virgil didn't say anything else, he knew it was for the best to not question Logan about how much crofters he was eating.
He regretfully let go of Logan's hand, sliding out of the booth and standing up, taking both of their cups and the plate back up to the counter where the barista took them gratefully, probably glad to not have to go and clean up their table.
Logan waited for him when he turned back around, already standing by the door, holding it open for him yet again, only slightly ironically acting like a gentleman. Virgil turned back, seeing Patton wave them goodbye, and he raised his hand towards him as they exited the coffee shop together, the sounds from the wind and a couple of road workers nearby seeming loud after the calm inside the shop.
At least the future was bright, Virgil though, taking Logan's hand in his as they walked up the street. He had no plans on letting go of Logan.
Written: 26th September & 22nd November 2018
Published: 1st December 2018
Words: 2187
I finished this oneshot on the 26th September but over half got deleted so I had to rewrite it :))) f u n
I like this oneshot
Also how the hell is it december
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