[75] - Language Of Flowers

I cannot wait for christmas break

I wish I could just stop speaking to my family because there is no point in it. I can't say what I think anyways and if I do no one will listen/care

Warnings: none, fluff

This is the mindscape/imagination so lets ignore that these flowers most likely doesn't normally grow in the same place


Today was the Logical sides birthday. Logan always kept saying he didn't want to make a big deal out of his birthday, because 'there is no point in celebrating the fact that time passes' and 'there is no logic in celebrating the fact that I have lived another year'. Well, Patton and Roman were having none of that.

Roman was already making some decorations and Patton was baking his fourth batch of cookies, already having made three other kinds that he knew Logan liked. Their reasoning for this was that they could just as well throw a little party. After all they simply had to celebrate Logan's existence.

So they had the idea to throw a little surprise party. Just a decoration here and there, a few balloons, cookies and some gifts. Virgil had agreed to this. At least after they'd convinced him that this wouldn't upset Logan, and that they were sure that this would make Logan smile. Well, Virgil could not pass up on an opportunity to make Logan smile.

Somehow Virgil had gotten stuck with the task of distracting Logan from noticing when Patton and Roman hung up some balloons, decorations etc. They'd just told him to get Logan out of their way for two hours or so. Just as long as they were back by 12pm. He'd have appreciated if they'd told him how to do this, because he wasn't sure what could occupy them for so long. At least Roman had thrown the key to the imagination at him after he'd spent a moment panicking over how he was going to distract Logan.

So here they were, in the imagination. The door had opened up to a field that stretched out before them, and Virgil really didn't know how they were going to make two hours pass by quickly. But he did manage to get Logan with him. Logan seemed more enthusiastic to go for a walk with Virgil than Virgil had hoped for, luckily. Even though Virgil spent a while worrying that Logan might grow bored of spending time with him on a field he was pleasantly surprised to realize that they were both having a quite good time.

Logan did not seem to have any complaints, and seemed very relaxed as he calmly strode through the grass next to Virgil. They were slowly making their way up a hill, Virgil had had to take his hoodie off and tie it around his waist after realizing just how hot he was getting. The shining sun was making it too hot to wear more than one layer of clothes.

But Virgil could not complain about the weather, it was pretty much ideal. The sun was shining brightly, making their surrounding more bright and beautiful. There was a slight breeze that made the grass move like waves over the hills and fluffy white clouds were passing by above their heads, somehow never blocking the sun.

They made it to the top of the hill, and Virgil's breath hitched as he looked out over the view. Before them the field dove down in a valley, and there were thousands of flowers, in more colors than Virgil could name, growing everywhere, and at the bottom far below them the field came to a stop, leaving room for a lake that mirrored the blue sky and the clouds above.

Virgil just stood there for a moment, caught off guard by the beauty in the scene before them, before eventually moving his gaze to see in Logan's expression what he thought of this place. Logan's eyes practically shone with wonder (and Virgil was once more caught off guard by the beauty in the scene before his eyes). He watched as Logan bent down and picked a flower that was growing just by his feet.

"This flower is a Calla Lily, amongst other things it is used to symbolize magnificent and overwhelming beauty, and I find it is very appropriate to use in describing this place." Logan said, it was the first thing he'd said in a while, and Virgil ignored the butterflies in his stomach and the voice in his head that wanted him to respond that the flower would be appropriate to describe Logan himself. Instead he just raised a brow questioningly.

"You speak flower?" He asked, forcing himself to take his eyes off of Logan and looking where he put his feet as they began to walk again. In the corner of his eye Virgil saw the flower be dropped to the ground.

"I suppose you could put it that way." Logan began, and Virgil couldn't stop himself from quickly glancing at him, seeing the near invisible smile that almost showed on Logan's face. "I once found out that every flower has a meaning and that people has used flowers to send each other messages. I found it interesting so I decided to learn all I could about it."

"Fascinating." Virgil said once he was certain that he could use his voice properly. Somehow he kept momentarily forget how to form words when he saw Logan smile.

"It is, isn't it?" Logan said, a tone of amazement in his voice. He turned to Virgil, and the polite thing would be to meet his eyes, so Virgil did so. His eyes were bright and Virgil could tell that Logan would gladly tell him all about this subject. Virgil wouldn't mind that at all. He spotted a dandelion on the ground, picked it up and held it out to Logan.

"Does this flower mean anything?" He asked, and Logan took it from him, their fingers brushing. Virgil was glad Logan had already gotten a hold of the flower, otherwise he'd have dropped it.

"A Dandelion. Usually seen as a weed that most people make it their mission to get rid of. It has several meanings. It can be used to convey healing from an emotional pain, and physical injury too. Other might use it to show a message of long lasting happiness and youthful joy. Or maybe to show emotional and spiritual intelligence. It has several more meanings, but maybe I do not need to mention them all." Logan rambled.

"The dandelion is the only flower that represents the three celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars." He finished, and Virgil suspected he'd never be able to look at flowers in the same way after today.

They made their way down towards the lake, and if Virgil hadn't be walking with Logan he'd probably have been unable to take his eyes off of the view, but looking at Logan was far more distracting. It was incredible to see him look so excited and comfortable enough to talk about the things that fascinated him. Virgil kept pointing at flowers, sometimes plucking them and handing them to Logan for an explanation.

"The Red Tulip, used to symbolize perfect love, or a declaration of love." Logan said, his voice slightly lower than it'd previously been, as if he didn't want to disturb the silence in the world around them. Logan observed him, and Virgil tried to convince himself that the way Logan looked at him didn't mean anything. Virgil doesn't know if he's just imagining things, but didn't Logan's eyes linger on him before he turned away? Virgil shook his head, dismissing the thought. There was no use in reading into things.

Logan looked out over the valley with a barely audible sigh, letting the flower fall from his grip and it was left behind them as they continued on their way towards the body of water. They were now walking beside each other in silence, Logan still with his eyes fixed on the lake. Virgil much preferred it when he'd been talking, didn't want Logan to think that he preferred silence over listening to him talking about something that fascinated Logan.

"What about this one?" He said, holding up another flower he found, silently showing Logan that he enjoyed listening to him and that he wanted him to continue. Logan carefully took the flower from Virgil, and their fingers didn't brush this time. Virgil couldn't tell if it was intentional or not, and he wished his mind would stop noticing these small details.

"This flower is called Hortensia, the flower expresses heartlessness and you'd give it to someone who is emotionally cold, or a boaster." He said, looking closely at the flower, studying its color.

"Better save it until the next time I see Deceit." Virgil said, and watched Logan smile and shake his head to himself. Then Logan gestured towards some pretty blue flowers that grew nearby.

"Bluebells. They are symbolic for humility and gratitude. They are associated with constancy and everlasting love. A myth mentions Bluebells as closely linked to the realm of fairies. It was believed that to call fairies to a convention, the bluebells would be rung." Logan explained. and Virgil hummed. This was all making him realize how much he did not know about flowers, but it was fascinating to hear Logan speak about it (though Virgil could listen to Logan speak about anything).

They were close by the lake now, finally having reached the bottom of the valley. They settled on continuing to walk. now going around the lake, and Logan kept telling Virgil everything he knew about every flower that Virgil pointed to.

"Daisy's are yet another flower which symbolizes purity and innocence. In Norse mythology, the daisy is Freya's sacred flower. Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, and as such the daisy came by symbolize childbirth, motherhood, and new beginnings." Logan rambled, and Virgil listened closely, walking beside him with a smile playing at his lips. He'd come to not at all mind having to distract Logan until 12pm, he would gladly spend the rest of the day listening to Logan speaking of flowers, or anything else that interested him.

They eventually sat down in the grass, just a meter or two away from the lake, whose water glittered in the sun, almost blinding him if he looked directly at it. Virgil shifted slightly, maybe looking like he wanted to sit more comfortably but in reality just wanting a reason to inch a bit closer to Logan who was looking around at their surrounding with mild interest. Then he must've found something, because he reached out a hand, and Virgil watched as Logan plucked a rose and removed it's thorns with his nails, then observing it in silence for a few seconds after all the thorns were gone. Virgil wondered if Logan was going to speak up again any time soon, but as long as Virgil could keep admiring Logan without him catching Virgil doing so he was satisfied.

"A single red Rose." Logan said, pausing for a moment, looking out over the deep blue water.

"Its meaning is the most widespread one. Roses meanings vary from color and amount of flowers. As an example yellow roses have several meanings such as 'friendship', 'joy', and 'welcome back' while a white rose symbolizes 'purity', 'innocence', and 'I am worthy of you'. A black rose symbolizes a farewell, a last goodbye to someone who the person has lost. Two roses entwined together communicate 'marry me' and if you put together a bouquet of thirteen roses it means the receiver has a secret admirer." He'd explained all that with his eyes on Virgil, and he could really tell how excited Logan was about flower facts. But now he lowered his gaze, staring at the rose in his hand.

"But a single red rose has the simple meaning of love, as in 'I love you'." Logan fell silent after saying there, his eyes shifting as if he couldn't decide where to look. But eventually he, with a deep breath, turned to Virgil and looked right into his eyes, and there was the slightest tremble in his hand as he extended it towards Virgil, holding the rose just between them.

"Therefore I suppose this flower belongs to you, because so does my heart."

The words uttered by Logan left Virgil almost frozen as he comprehended the sentence and dared to believe its meaning. He willed himself to stop staring at the logical side in front of him, and instead he focused his attention to the red rose that was still extended to him. Virgil slowly reached for it, slightly scared that this was some sort of joke, but Logan kept his hand outstretched. Virgil took the flower in his hand, not having to be too careful with how he held it since Logan had removed all the thorns.

"Is there a flower which expresses the reciprocation of those feelings?" Virgil breathed, his eyes flicking up to meet Logan's again, and he watched as his almost hidden expression of nervousness transitioned into one of delight.

"I did read somewhere that someone handing the flower back with their right hand meant acceptance and that using their left hand indicated rejection." Logan said, but holding his hand up with a small shake of his head when Virgil tried to give the flower back.

"Keep it, your words are all the reassurance I need." He stated, smiling fondly at him. Logan's smile, as always, made him feel as if butterflies erupted in his stomach. He moved closer to Logan, leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Gestures such as that one works fine too." Logan said, voice slightly shaky, and Virgil grinned, kissing his cheek once more. Logan turned his head, now completely facing Virgil, and before he had the time to say anything Logan had leaned in, capturing Virgil's lips with his. He shut his eyes, melting into the kiss and relishing in Logan's soft touch as he cupped Virgil's face in his hands.

Virgil settled on just placing his free hand on Logan's waist, his other hand still holding the red rose in a tight grip. Then they parted for a moment, their eyes meeting and Virgil had the time to show a shy smile before they reconnected their lips, and they disregarded everything else than each other for a while, not caring to pay attention to anything else.

They ended up lying in the grass, closely together, Virgil had Logan's arms around himself, and they were talking lazily about whatever they had on their mind, now and then sharing slow kisses that made Virgil feel as if he somehow fell even more in love with Logan.

They might've spent the remaining hour doing just that, after all it made the time pass by nicely, and neither of them felt particularly drawn to doing anything else than lying surrounded by the flowers, kissing. But sadly Virgil knew that they were expected back at the mindscape in a little bit, so he regretfully untangled himself from Logan and stood up.

"We should be getting back." Virgil said, reaching his hand out to Logan. Logan's hand was soft, and Virgil helped him up on his feet, pleasantly surprised when Logan didn't let go even as they started to make their way back up from the valley. It took them about five minutes of walking to both agree on just sinking out of there instead of walking up the entire valley. Virgil suspected he wouldn't have made it halfway without getting a headache.

"They are throwing me a surprise party, aren't they?" Logan said, just before they stepped outside of Roman's room, and Virgil groaned and glared at him, playing fake offended that Logan had so easily found out what they had been trying to keep from him. Honestly, Virgil was surprised Logan had not revealed that he knew earlier.

"Damn it. Just act surprised, okay?" He said, and Logan responded simply by momentarily squeezing Virgil's hand tighter in an oddly affectionate way, and Virgil wondered how something as little as that could affect him so much.


"So, what do you think?" Patton asked, gesturing towards everything around them as they were all gathered on the couch, eating cookies for dinner.

"I must admit, this was nicer than I had previously thought it to be. And I greatly appreciate the gifts I have been given." Logan said, and Roman and Patton shared a look and grinned happily. After all they had been right, this surprise party of theirs had made Logan smile.

"I am glad you agree that a party is better than having no party." Roman said with a grin, handing Patton a cookie. "After all, what can beat a party and Patton's cookies?"

That last part wasn't a question, more like a statement. But Virgil could easily tell that Logan didn't have the same opinion, at least not on the party part. But Logan said nothing, instead he looked at Virgil and smiled, that smile easily telling Virgil what Logan's favorite part of the day had been.

"So what did you guys pass the time?" Patton asked gleefully, nibbling on the cookie. There was nothing but interest in the question, but it made the two of them think back to exactly how they'd spent a majority of the time, and it was nothing that Patton needed to hear. And neither did Roman.

"Uh, not much. Just walked around in the imagination. Listened to Logan speak about flowers." Virgil said, shrugging and doing his best to sound casual and not like they had anything to hide. Logan agreed with a small nod.

"The weather was optimal."


Written: 3rd November 2018
Published: 25th November 2018
Words: 3055

who says you don't learn anything while writing/reading fanfiction ;)

I have more ideas of using flowers to say things, need to write that

can you tell I am extremely fascinated by the language of flowers?

I got so into writing this that I postponed dinner for 7 hours oops it's 11:55pm

I hope this was cute

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