[74] - Mistletoe
(10th august 2018) Hey it's nowhere near christmas, but none of us have a concept of time anyway so christmas is pretty much tomorrow
Warnings: little bit of anxiety, they end up kissing more than I had planned (oops?), swearing as always
Just go with all this, ok? And yes let's pretend they don't have the christmas shirts
Christmas, a wonderful time, even Virgil thought so. There was loads of good food that Roman had cooked and delicious cookies that Patton had baked. They watched every disney movie that they could in any way relate to christmas. The gift exchanging always made him a bit anxious, but it was over all a nice experience that too. And after a long year it was finally christmas day again.
Virgil had woken up a bit earlier today, at nine in the morning, which was impressive for the anxious side. Virgil was rarely seen out of bed before 10:30am. Like every other year he had found his christmas stocking by the foot of his bed. Virgil actually wasn't sure if it was Patton who took care of fixing that for the others each year, but he was far too old to believe that it was Santa, so one of the others it had to be, and Patton was the most likely candidate.
Then the four sides had all eaten breakfast together, and after that Virgil had spent a while in his room, making sure that his gifts to the others were all done, wrapped up, and ready to be given to the others this evening. Virgil wanted everything to be done long before it was time to exchange the gifts, because then the only anxiety he would experience was him worrying if they liked the gifts.
After he was done with all of the preparation for the gifts he decided to join the others in the living room. He at least knew that Patton and Roman was there, they had said something about the tree not having enough decorations.
But something caught his eye when he stepped into the living room. A mistletoe was hung above him in the doorway, and he quickly stepped away from it, just in case. He looked around the room, spotting several other mistletoes, one above the couch, one in the doorway to the kitchen, over the table both in the kitchen and the living room.
Virgil chewed his bottom lip, sending murdering glances towards Patton who was grinning widely at him while helping Roman decorate the tree. Now he'd have to spend the evening avoiding the mistletoe Patton and Roman had hung all over the mindscape. He was sure of its purpose, because both Roman and Patton were well aware of his feelings for Logan, and sure, there was always mistletoe hung in the ceiling around Christmas, but never before had there been this much.
They had been telling him for months now to confess to Logan. Virgil thought that they were insane for even suggesting such a thing, there was no chance that he was doing so. He was not going to ruin christmas by bringing up his inconvenient feelings. And as if he wasn't already worried over spending a whole day with the others, where he had loads of time to feel anxious over the whole gift giving ordeal, now he also had to keep his guard up to not get caught beneath a mistletoe with Logan.
The logical trait himself was nowhere to be seen, so Virgil walked up to the two other sides, dodging every mistletoe on the way. He picked up two sparkly ornaments, one orange and one deep red, just to look like he was in fact helping with the decorating, though he just wanted to be able to talk to the other two.
"What is the point of all of that?" He asked, trying to sounds disgusted but he probably just sounded nervous, and Roman and Patton shared a knowing smile.
"If you're lucky you'll get Logan to stand beneath one! Then you can finally kiss him, like you've wanted to for ages." Patton said, hanging a purple ornament with storm clouds on it in the tree. Virgil hadn't got a clue where he got that from, maybe Patton had made it himself.
"Yeah, Virgil. You finally have the chance to do something about your enormous crush." Roman snickered. Virgil ignored an impulse to elbow him in his stomach.
"I will not. I'd rather keep suffering," Virgil said, opening his mouth to continue speaking when he saw that the others were ready to once again try to convince him otherwise, "just give up. There is not a chance that I will somehow lure Logan in under your stupid poisonous plant just to kiss him. Maybe that's something the two of you would do, but I will not."
Luckily the two other sides seemed to let it go for now, because they didn't try to persuade him in any way, and Virgil found it quite nice to decorate the tree with them, even if they were clearly having up to many decorations. Patton left halfway through because he remembered another kind of cookie that he wanted to bake, which left Virgil and Roman alone, and they discussed Disney films until Logan joined them and the topic switched over to poetry.
Virgil got bored, since he did not know much about poetry, and sat down on the couch with his phone instead. He made sure that he sat as far away from the mistletoe hung in the ceiling as possible. But when he realized that there was nothing fun to do on his phone he went into the kitchen, hoping that Patton might want some help with baking the cookies.
Which Patton did not, the tray with non finished cookies was already in the oven, but they did have a nice time talking, and Patton managed to come up with the idea to make eggnog (the kind without alcohol), so they occupied themselves with that for a while before rejoining the other two out in the living room.
"We made eggnog." Patton said, handing Roman and Logan a cup each, which they gratefully took. Virgil already had his cup, and he slipped away to a corner of the room to drink it in peace. However that didn't seem to be happening, because after only a moment Logan turned up next to him. Virgil tried to pretend that his heart didn't flutter just because Logan stood next to him, but it is not like it was a fact he could deny, it was the usual reaction to any sort of closeness to the logical side.
"Merry Christmas, Virgil." Logan said, and Virgil glanced at him, realizing that he was wearing a blue tie that had white and silver snowflakes on it. The corners of his mouth twitched as he tried to not grin at that. He lost that battle and held his cup in front of his mouth to at least try to hide his smile.
"Nice tie." He said, and Logan lit up slightly, almost looking a bit proud at his attempt to join in on the festivities.
"Thank you, it was the only christmas-y article of clothing I owned." He said sincerely, and Virgil would be lying if he said that this exchange of words wasn't making him see Logan as even cuter. It just warmed his heart to know that Logan had wanted to look festive.
"I don't think I even have anything christmas themed to wear." Virgil said, and Logan raised an eyebrow.
"Don't let Patton hear you say that, he will probably find you some dreadful santa hat to wear." Logan told him, and the both of them laughed silently at that. The chances of Virgil ever putting a santa hat on were slim to none. There wasn't a chance he'd let that ruin his hair, especially not on christmas. Especially not when there was a chance that Logan might see him looking more crap than usual.
"I'm just glad Patton hasn't dressed as Santa this year. Do you remember last year? He had bought this horrifying mask too." Virgil said, a fond smile on his face.
"Yes, after watching so many Doctor Who christmas specials that was simply terrifying." Logan stated and Virgil giggled at the memory.
Logan smiled faintly, then turned his gaze away from Virgil, glanced up, then visibly tensing for a few seconds, which made Virgil turn his face to see what Logan had found. He was fairly sure that his heart stopped beating for a short moment when seeing the little green plant above them. Oh no, oh no, oh no-
He had worked so hard on avoiding this, he thought he had found all of the places with mistletoe, but he must have missed the one by the corner of the room. Logan looked down again, and their eyes met. Neither of them moved, or said anything. At least Logan seemed just as uncertain of what to do.
Virgil considered just stepping away and pretending that nothing out of the ordinary had happened, and he had almost decided to do so when Patton's loud squeal alerted them that the two overly excited traits had spotted them and seen exactly which situation they were in.
"You're under the mistletoe, you know what that means!" Roman said with a huge grin,discreetly making thumbs up towards Virgil, and if Logan hadn't been looking at him Virgil would probably have raised his middle finger towards Roman and Patton for making this happen to him. He glanced back at Logan, who was still just standing there and looking at him, making no effort to do anything, and his thoughts immediately swarmed his head.
He couldn't make out what Logan thought of this situation, he looked expressionless. Virgil didn't know what to do, Logan wasn't showing in any way that he didn't want this, but neither did he look like this was bringing him any sort of joy.
He felt as if Roman and Patton's expecting gazes burned at him, they were practically bubbling from excitement where they stood two or three meters away.
Virgil swallowed, eyes darting between the others and towards the doorway out of this room He couldn't do this while he was being observed, and he feared that he might start to visibly shake if he stayed here much longer. If he had been someone else, someone who was not the embodiment of anxiety, fear, and worry, he might have decided to get out of this situation in another way.
But since he wasn't fortunate enough to be someone else he just gave Logan another look and turned away from him, trying to calmly walk through the room and towards the doorway. He could almost feel Roman and Patton's frustration, and he almost agreed with them. He left his mug with eggnog on the first flat surface he came across, not wanting to bring it with him.
Virgil glanced back at Logan before leaving the room. He looked... disappointed? No, Virgil must be imagining things. He shook his head at himself and shoved his hands in his pockets and hurrying to his room. First when he closed the door behind him he took a moment to actually breathe, trying to calm his mind which was running a mile per minute.
Did he just miss out on kissing Logan? Yes. Might this have been his only chance to kiss the guy he was hopelessly in love with? Yes. Was he going to hide in his room for a while, until everyone had hopefully forgotten about this? Definitely yes.
He knew he'd have to leave his room in not too long though, they were all going to eat dinner together and then later at the evening they'd exchange gifts and watch some movies. But at the moment Virgil pretended that that wasn't true. He needed a moment to completely ignore the recent events and to force away the disappointment he felt for himself.
Dinner was lovely, Roman had really outdone themselves this time, everything was delicious and Virgil didn't think he could get another bite down even if he tried. He leaned back in his chair, sighing out of comfort of being warm and having eaten a full meal, things he usually didn't appreciate as much as he should.
He glanced out over the table, happy to note that there were enough food left to eat this good for the next couple of days too. He looked up, letting his eyes roam over the other sides. Roman and Patton had shuffled their chairs closer to each other and were loudly discussing which was the right lyrics to Hallelujah. Virgil was certain that it'd end with them singing it, especially as they were now googling the lyrics to see who was right. Then Virgil's eyes wandered to the right, falling on Logan.
The first thing he noticed what that Logan was already looking right at him, head resting in his hands. The surprise made his breath hitch, unnoticeably he hoped. Logan looked concentrated and probably didn't notice Virgil looking at him until their eyes locked and he straightened his back and let his hands fall into his lap. He flashed Virgil a tiny smile, the one you wouldn't ever notice if you weren't paying close attention.
Based of how many times Virgil had been the only one to notice Logan's small smiles he clearly paid too close attention to Logan at all times.
Virgil quickly averted his eyes, looking back down at his empty plate, not wanting to meet Logan's eyes for too long because he was scared of the possibility of seeing judgement for how he handled the situation they got into earlier today.
He grabbed his plate on one hand, taking his glass in the other one, and stood up from his chair. He put his dirty cutlery in the sink, then turning back to the table, seeing that Patton and Roman had disappeared out of the room, he could hear faint singing which made him smile and shake his head at the other two traits. Though a second later, when Logan walked past him with his plate in his hands, he realized this left the two of them alone.
For a moment he was scared that Logan would take this opportunity to mention the moment where they were so close to kissing, but Logan only started talking about how he'd heard Roman talking about how he wanted to go ice skating and how that was a neat idea as he helped Virgil clear the table. They both knew that if they left this for later then Patton would end up taking care of it, and that wasn't fair since he had done so much else in the preparations for christmas.
Logan walked past him again, close enough for their arms to brush, while he rambled on about something interesting about ice particles he'd read somewhere. Virgil couldn't honestly say he was paying much attention to what Logan was speaking about, instead he was very focused on the fact that brush of their arms had been enough for Virgil to feel as if small tingles had been sent down his arm, out to his fingers. He couldn't help but to imagine what it'd feel like to have Logan actually touch him, what it'd be like to kiss him and have Logan's hand roam over his body...
"Are you alright? You seem troubled, Virgil." Logan asked, immediately causing Virgil to be pulled back into reality, his fantasies disappearing like the wishful thinking they were.
"I'm good." He muttered, washing off some dirty dishes that he'd picked up from the sink and trying not to think of Logan's fleeting touch.
At least Logan did not seem to plan on mentioning how close they had been to kissing. Virgil hated the disappointment that was mixed in with his relief.
The last thing they all did before the evening ended was exchange gifts and watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, as they always did. Virgil thought of the gifts he'd received as the end credits rolled after the movie. He'd already put them in his room just to make sure nothing happened to them.
Roman had given him more of the white thread he'd used for stitches when he made his hoodie, because Roman knew he'd run out of it and probably would need more soon, and he'd also gotten him an expensive eyeshadow that he would treasure greatly. Patton had given him a cute stuffed animal that he had made himself, it was a purple and black cat. Even if Virgil would never admit it to the others he knew that he'd keep it next to him in bed every night. From Logan he had been gifted the first book from a book series he'd wanted to read for quite some time. He wasn't sure how Logan had known to buy him that, because he hadn't remember to put it on his wish list. Logan must've heard him mention it and then not forgotten about it.
"I'm going to bed, good night kiddos." Patton said after the screen went black for a moment before going back to the 'play movie' screen. Roman mumbled something inaudible, making Patton giggle. Maybe he'd heard what he'd said, because he reached a hand up and helped the half asleep royal trait up from the couch. They walked away together, Patton with his hand lingering on Roman's shoulder and with a fond smile. For the first time Virgil realized how the two looked at each other, how had he missed it before?
He must've been too busy thinking of his own feelings towards Logan to consider much else. Virgil shook his head, even if he was curious whether they were together yet or not it wasn't his business. And he was also undeniably tired so the smartest thing to do was to get some sleep. He reached for the remote, turning the tv off since he was sure that no one would be using it until the next morning.
"Well, I should sleep too. Good night." He mumbled. Adding to the tiredness he was also slightly worried that if he'd spend too long alone with Logan he'd end up saying something dumb. Or maybe Logan would try to speak of what had happened earlier. Logan had been stealing glances at him many times this evening. He stood up and stretched, turning his face away to yawn. Then he shoved his hands in his pockets and fairly quickly made his way out of the living room.
"Virgil." Logan said behind him, making Virgil stop just before reaching the safety of his room. So close, if he reached his hand out he could open his door. But he turned back around, wondering what Logan wanted to speak to him about. His mind did of course immediately think of everything he did not want Logan to ask him, which was not doing much to keep him calm.
"Logan..." Virgil replied, slightly cautiously, trying to sound polite, and not like he was as terribly nervous as he was. Logan only smiled, then glancing down both ends of the hallway before turning back to Virgil and walking up to him so that they were once again face to face.
"I never got my kiss." Logan then said, quite confidently, and Virgil's eyes widened when he heard what Logan said, so bluntly too, Virgil had had no moment to prepare himself for this, despite fearing it for hours. He couldn't find it in himself to say anything, what Logan had said took him completely off guard, and he only stared at him while trying to remember how to function properly. They kept the eye contact for a moment, before Logan cleared his throat and looked down at the floor for a moment.
"I... thought that maybe it was because of the lack of privacy we had before, that you were unwilling to follow the customs of the mistletoe, but if you don't- I mean, I will not force you into anything." Logan stated, now seeming slightly nervous, like any sane person would be, and Virgil was quick to shake his head. He wasn't going to let Logan think that he didn't want to kiss him, because that'd be a complete lie, and lying was not his job.
"No, wait, I- ...screw it." Virgil mumbled, not seeing the point in him trying to explain himself, because he couldn't find the right words anyway, and instead placing both his hands on Logan's shoulders, leaning in and quickly pressing his lips to Logan's. He'd wanted it to be a quick peck, but Logan kissed back and it took him a few seconds to remember that he should back away. Then he took a step back and let his arms fall back against his sides, cheeks red, and Logan looked just as flustered, but with a small smile playing at his lips. Neither of them said anything for another while, Virgil was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had just done what he had done.
"Can we do that again?" Logan then said, an underlying, slightly hopeful and mischievous, tone in his voice. Virgil gave him a quick nod, and Logan leaned in this time, softly kissing him. This kiss lasted longer, and Virgil could feel Logan's arms wrap around him. This time he had the time to actually feel how soft Logan's lips were, how well they fit against his. Their lips moved slowly together and it made Virgil's head almost spin. Virgil didn't know how long the kiss lasted, but after a certain amount of time they separated and Virgil couldn't stop a stupid grin from appearing on his face when he saw the fond look Logan gave him.
Logan still had his arms around him and he didn't seem to have any intention of letting him go right now. Virgil had no objections, if he could he'd probably chose to spend the rest of his life in Logan's arms. He cupped Logan's face, both of them leaning in until their lips met in yet another gentle kiss. Virgil pulled back, knowing that they'd both have to leave for their own rooms soon, and he didn't like that thought one bit.
"Can you stay?" Virgil began, his blush deepening when Logan arched a brow and he ignored what it might've sounded like he asked, "It's just that if I wake up alone tomorrow I'll probably convince myself that this either didn't actually happen or that you'll have... changed your mind by then."
He turned his gaze away from Logan's face, not really wanting to have to look at him as he spoke of these silly things. He knew very well this was only because of his anxiety. But he was being honest. If he'd wake up alone tomorrow his brain would immediately think that this was too good to be true and convince him that he was mistaken of the events that had taken place.
"Of course I'll stay." Logan said softly, and Virgil would've shown his gratitude with another kiss if it wasn't for hearing a door further down the hall being opened. He turned for the door handle, opening the door to his room and pulled Logan with him. He then closed the door, leaning against it and listening for sounds until he was sure that no one was directly outside.
"I just don't see why they need to know just yet." He mumbled sheepishly, slightly worried that Logan might not see it like that, but to him relief Logan just gave Virgil a small nod.
"Agreed, they would see it as a big deal, wouldn't they?" Logan said matter-of-factly and then turned around towards Virgil's room with a curious expression. Virgil realized that this was only the second time Logan had ever been in this part of the mindscape. Logan waited for no response, he simply advanced on Virgil until they were standing close enough that Virgil only had to lean in a mere three centimeters to kiss Logan again. For a moment Virgil felt nervous, even though it was evident by now that he had nothing to worry about.
"You have no idea for how long I've wanted to kiss you." He murmured and Virgil's eyes slid shut as Logan's lips once again found his. Virgil could feel a hand on his waist, then Logan's other hand being placed on the nape of his neck.
"When I realized the both of us were standing beneath the mistletoe I had hoped to finally get the chance to kiss you. Sadly you did not seem very enthusiastic about the thought of following the rules," Logan continued once they parted, then pausing shortly to press another small kiss to Virgil's lips, "though I suppose that it was for the best, after all I do prefer the privacy we have now."
Virgil hummed, agreeing, taking a moment before he found his voice again, his brain apparently not finding the ability to speak terribly important in the moment and he had a hard time formulating a sentence out of what he wanted to say, he kept focusing on how good it felt to finally be able to have Logan's lips against his.
"Sorry about that, I couldn't manage them standing there and staring at me. Too many expectations, I kind of panicked." He eventually said, his voice was hushed, it seemed wrong to disturb the silence around them. He knew that they should probably go to bed, they needed sleep after all, but the thought of sleeping wasn't nearly as tempting as it had been while Virgil had left the living room.
Yet he took a step back from the other side and made his way over to his bed, sitting down on it and pulling his feet up from the floor. He made a gesture towards Logan, trying to convey 'come join me', because after all Logan was going to sleep in his bed this night. Logan did so, climbing into bed and sitting down so that they were both sitting in the middle of his bed, facing each other.
Logan glanced down at Virgil's lips, as if asking to kiss him again, and Virgil couldn't deny himself that, especially not when Logan seemed so eager to continuing kissing, he too. Virgil really had no complaints as Logan pulled him in closer and pressed their mouths together in a slow, deep kiss that almost caused Virgil to forget that breathing was a necessity. He wrapped his arms around Logan, enjoying the closeness. They parted and Virgil took a shuddering breath, then smirking at Logan who was flustered and breathing heavily.
"What are you grinning at?" He asked breathlessly, but Virgil only shook his head. He hadn't got the words to articulate how he was feeling.
"Nothing." He said, and luckily Logan seemed to accept that as an answer.
"Would it be wrong of me to assume we are boyfriends now?" Logan then said, and the word 'boyfriends' made Virgil feel a giddy happiness in his chest that seemed too big for him to express.
"No, I'd love that." Virgil grinned, looked down, hiding his face in his hands in an attempt to hide it. He felt Logan press a small kiss to the top of his head, which did not help in the slightest and only made him blush.
"If we were to make Patton and Roman aware of our newfound relationship, how would we go about doing that?" Logan wondered, thoughtfully staring at the wall. After all, the both of them knew they wouldn't be able to keep this a secret for very long, not around Patton and Roman who had realized Virgil's feelings for Logan before he himself had. Virgil only shrugged, then an idea hit him and he snorted.
"What about kissing under one of their dumb mistletoes, that'll surprise them." He suggested and watched as one of those tiny smiles once again appeared on Logan's face.
"That sounds fun. Then again I am up for anything as long as it means I'll get to kiss you." Logan said. Virgil shook his head with a giggle, playfully hitting Logan's arm. Logan grabbed Virgil's hand, entwining their fingers, and the small gesture made Virgil more flustered than it should've. He solved that by rolling over and hiding his face against Logan's chest.
"So, taking your hand will cause you to become flustered?" Logan said with a small hum.
"I wasn't prepared." Virgil said, voice a bit more high pitched than it usually were. Logan laughed quietly at that.
"Also, you're not one to talk," Virgil said, lifting his head up to meet his eyes, "I recall you being quite flustered as we were kissing."
"Fair enough." Logan muttered, a small roll of his eyes as Virgil smiled thriumphically. Then Logan yawned, causing Virgil to do so too. With a snap of his fingers Logan had changed out of his day clothes and into a pair of pajama bottoms and a oversized t-shirt. Virgil did the same, not bothering to stand up and actually changing his clothes himself, it seemed to take effort he didn't have.
He ignored how flustered he was, occupying himself by pulling the covers up over himself, holding them up so that Logan had the option to cuddle up to him. Logan seemed to like that option and soon they were both cuddled up under the duvet, fighting not to fall asleep too soon because they did not really want to surrender to unconsciousness while having such pleasant company. Though soon their quiet conversation silenced as they both drifted off to sleep.
Virgil saw Logan sitting on the couch in the living room. Hanging from the ceiling above were a mistletoe, which the both of them were fully aware of. Roman and Patton were sitting in the other end of the couch, both watching something on Patton's phone that had them both giggling.
He and logan had only been together for a few days, but they were sure that they'd be found out about soon, it was harder to keep a secret than they'd thought it'd be, especially as they lived in the same house as the two others. Also, they weren't sure when the christmas decorations would be taken down, and Virgil quite liked the idea he'd had of them finally kissing beneath one.
So here they were. Logan was sat on the couch, a book in his hand that he wasn't really reading, (Virgil could tell because ever so often he'd catch Logan glancing up at him). Virgil himself were now taking a step into the room, not wanting to stand in the doorway and stare into the room for too long.
Seven steps into the room and he reached Logan. His movements had caught the attention of Patton and Roman and they had lifted their gazes from the video on Patton's phone and Virgil could feel their eyes on him. It did not bother him this time, because of numerous reasons, one being that they didn't know what he was about to do. Though he could not deny that he felt a certain amount of butterflies in his stomach.
He turned his head towards the two right brain traits, flashing them a grin before he turned back to Logan, cupping his face in his hands and pressing his lips to Logan's. He concentrated on how soft Logan's lips were and what it felt like when Logan responded to the kiss, ignoring Roman's loud gasp and Patton's squealing. Then they separated and Virgil sat down next to logan as if nothing happened.
"You two-" Patton started, voice excited and high pitched. Roman was still gaping. Virgil forced away a smirk that wanted to show as he saw their surprised expressions. Logan was the one to speak up first.
Written: 10th, 11th, 12th August & 15th, 16th September & 14th, 15th, 16th, 23rd October & 3rd November 2018
Published: 20th November 2018
Words: 5435
why'd this take so long to write smh
I've got more words that means something completely different to what the word means in english!
Fan means Satan
Barn means Children
Gift means both Married and Poison
Bra means Good
Sex means Six (and also Sex)
Suck means Sigh
Spring means Run
Semester means Vacation
Hen means they/them (the pronouns)
Uh yeah hope u enjoyed this oneshot
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