[69] - Blush
Well, y'all kept asking for smut so here you go. (bet y'all are regretting that after reading this)
...I am so so so asexual, I realize every time I write smut... I don't even want to proofread this
Summary: Logan tells the others that he's never blushed even once, and that he probably never will, Virgil of course wants to prove him wrong. It doesn't quite work out as planned, but he's got no complaints
Wow it sounds so cringey :)
Warnings: smut, grinding, hickeys, fingering, anal sex, all that stuff (ew), major cringe that i can't even survive, honestly don't even read this it isn't worth it
So guys, this is literally just smut, if it makes you uncomfortable, then please do skip this chapter. I wouldn't want you to read this if it is out of your comfort zone, I care more for your comfort than for reads
Also Logan is a bottom, you can't change my mind
I really dislike this fic ewww, y'all better appreciate my ace ass trying to do this for you guys i gave up proofreading this halfway through because I hate it
"I do not blush."
Virgil turned his face towards Logan as he heard him speak, so did the other two traits. Virgil blinked as he realized what Logan had said.
"That's impossible. Not even if someone does something really embarrassing? What if you do something embarrassing?" Virgil said. He could remember countless times he'd blushed. He felt as if he was flustered more often than not. Virgil has been blushing just a few minutes ago when they started discussing this topic, which lead to them speaking of embarrassing events.
"You guys, I've actually never seen Logan blush." Patton exclaimed, looking slightly bewildered at this realization.
"I told you so. I don't blush." Logan stated.
"But never?" Roman asked, clearly thinking that Logan must just be forgetting about the times he'd blushed, or just that he simply were lying. "You must've. Maybe you just haven't noticed when your face has gone red."
"I just rarely feel embarrassed, if ever, and I do not become flustered. Haven't happened yet, maybe it never will." Logan said with a small shrug.
"Is that a challenge?" Virgil asks, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. Virgil can tell Logan hesitates for a moment, but then...
"Go ahead. Do your worst." He said, as if he thought that this would have no consequences. Virgil grinned, a grin promising Logan that he should've thought about it for a bit longer before agreeing.
"You'll regret this as I prove you wrong." He said, taunting tone, Logan just rolled his eyes.
"As you wish, Virgil. Now if you'd all excuse me I am going to resume my reading. I have purchased a fascinating book about the human brain." Logan said, and with that he had left the three of them. He did not seem to worry at all over Virgil's promise to make him blush.
"If this is an excuse for you to kiss him, then good luck." Roman said, shaking his head and looking amused at the exchange of words he had just witnessed. What Roman had said had definitely given Virgil something to think about.
"I hadn't actually thought of that, thanks for the idea, Princey." Virgil said, winking at both Patton and Roman before he too left the kitchen. He could practically hear Patton and Roman give each other questioning glances.
He actually hadn't thought of kissing Logan to make him blush, not up until Roman had accused him for that being his plan. Well, now it was.
Okay, he had actually not planned on using this as an excuse to kiss him, not even after Roman had mentioned it. Of course he had toyed around with the idea, allowed himself to imagine how that'd go, for once letting himself think of kissing the logical trait, something he tried to keep himself from doing, but now with the idea stuck in his head, and the opportunity, he couldn't help but to think about it.
But he still hadn't thought of actually going through with it, even though after a while he agreed to use it as a last resort if nothing else was going to work. Just letting him tell himself that as he was certain that it'd never be needed.
Though so far nothing else he'd tried had even gotten close to leaving Logan flustered. No matter what he did, talking about embarrassing moments, telling bad jokes, pulling awful pickup lines, sexual jokes that he could only say when Patton were out of earshot, gross facts, showing him awkward and embarrassing youtube videos, awful typos, cringey fandom posts, even going so far as to mentioning the few times Logan had been incorrect about something, none of these things made Logan show any sign of embarrassment.
Virgil couldn't understand why, most of these things made him uncomfortable and flustered, especially all the weird pickup lines that Roman had helped him find (the royal trait seemed to find this bet between the two of them very entertaining and was happy to help) made Virgil himself blush. Logan had started to annoy him by pointing it out each time it happened, as if to rub it in that Virgil was losing this challenge and only making himself blush.
Virgil wasn't going to accept that. If it so was the last thing he did he would make Logan blush. He wasn't good at many things, but as anxiety one of the few things he could do was cause embarrassment (at least for himself). So here he found himself, walking towards the kitchen to find Logan, he knew he was there, he'd seen him go there. This was the last thing he could think of. What else than an intimate response to feelings would cause Logan to blush? After all, feelings seemed to be the thing that threw Logan off the most, made him the most uncomfortable.
And just as he had known he would, he found Logan in the kitchen. Despite it being late Logan was still wearing his day clothes, as were Virgil, but he was never asleep at this time. Maybe Logan had forgotten about the time as he was reading, or maybe he'd been working and refused to rest before being done, both were equally likely.
Logan was drinking a glass of water, then as he was done, placing it on the counter, then turning around. Logan froze when seeing Virgil, but he didn't seem very surprised to see him there. He advanced on Logan, slowly, and Logan had brains enough to actually look slightly nervous. He took a step backwards, him being stopped by the counter behind him. He leaned against it, steadying himself by placing his hands on the surface.
"Virgil, if this is another one of your attempts of embarrassing me, then-" Virgil interrupted him by cupping his face and pressing his lips to Logan's. Only for a few seconds Virgil allowed himself to kiss him, then he took a step back. To his disappointment Logan wasn't blushing in the least, so this attempt had surely failed, and he wondered for a moment if Logan was right, he just did not seem to blush.
But, he noticed a second later, Logan's pupils were blown wide and he stared at Virgil in surprise. Virgil didn't really know what to say, especially not when Logan was staring at him like that. And Logan wasn't uttering a word either, so, because he couldn't stand the silence, and because he really wanted to, he grabbed Logan's tie and yanked him closer and kissed him for a second time.
This time Logan kissed back, and for a moment Virgil almost felt dizzy as he tried to comprehend that this was really happening. He'd kissed Logan, and Logan didn't seem to mind it one bit. This was far more than he'd ever hoped for. He let go of Logan's tie, instead placing his hands on his shoulders, kissing Logan until he wasn't really aware of anything else than Logan.
They separated for a short moment, they both had the time to take a breath, look into each others eyes. Virgil saw no sort of regret nor hesitation in Logan's expression, only mild surprise, and Virgil couldn't blame him for that. Even he was surprised at the events that had just taken place. Not that Virgil was complaining, not at all.
He closed the distance between them once again, kissing the corner of his mouth, his cheek, his jaw, Virgil let his lips trace down to Logan's throat, pressing kisses to the sensitive skin. One of Virgil's hands slid down his side, finding that Logan's shirt had ridden up and he touched the exposed skin curiously, marvelling over how soft it was. He was careful to not leave any marks as he was sure Logan wouldn't appreciate visible hickeys.
He returned his attention to Logan's pretty lips, kissing him, licking into his mouth, and Logan responded just as eagerly. Virgil felt Logan's hands on his chest, then his arms, and he leaned into the touch as much as he could. Virgil hadn't dared even imagining something like this happening, and now he was right in the middle of it. Logan pulled at his hoodie, Virgil wasn't sure if it was to achieve anything, didn't know if Logan was trying to pull him closer or if he was trying to get it off of him. Logan yanked at his hoodie again, making the two of them standing pressed against each other.
He rolled his hips, grinding against Logan who squeezed his eyes shut with a gasp, his head tilting back. There still wasn't even a trace of a blush on Logan's face, but to be perfectly honest Virgil had stopped caring about making Logan blush as soon as Logan had reciprocated the kissing. Logan bucked his hips, grinding his hardening cock against Virgil's thigh.
Virgil could easily feel his erection despite the layers of clothing between them. He let his other hand drop too, one hand still pushed up under Logan's shirt, the other one cupping Logan's hard on, palming him through his jeans. Logan pushed himself against the friction, and a low moan escaped from between his parted lips.
"S- stop, Virgil-" Logan then gasped out, and Virgil immediately retracted his hand, taking a step back from Logan, he almost stumbled. Had he gone too far? The thought that he might've crossed over a line, that he might have caused Logan discomfort, hit him forcefully. He had not at all had any intention of things going this far in the first place. Maybe Logan could tell, because he seemed to be slightly taken aback by Virgil's sudden retreat, maybe his worry showed on his face.
"No, it's not that, I just- we shouldn't do this here, um, anyone could walk in on us. Your room?" He said breathlessly, and Virgil slowly exhaled the breath that had gotten stuck in his throat.
"Oh." He let out, relieved because that meant he hadn't caused Logan any discomfort. Relieved because Logan didn't want him to stop what he was doing. Virgil would have an incredibly hard time if he was forced to go back to acting normal around Logan after this.
"Although," he continued, trying not to laugh as he spoke, "would it make you blush if they walked in on us fucking?"
He grinned as Logan gave him an unimpressed glare. Then he grabbed Logan's hand and pulled him along, away from the kitchen, towards his own room since that was the room that was the most secluded. Despite it being further away it did not take them long to get there, and Virgil opened the door and pushed Logan inside. Virgil made sure that the door to his room was both closed and locked to ensure their privacy.
Then he turned back around, seeing Logan unbutton his jeans. Virgil pulled the zipper of his hoodie down, shrugging it off of his shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. He started to pull his shirt off too, knowing that Logan was observing him and not minding it one bit. The purple shirt joined his hoodie on the floor and Virgil took a few steps closer to Logan, let his eyes wander over him.
He was only wearing his black t-shirt, blue tie and a pair of black boxers that did nothing to hide how hard he was. He took another few steps up to Logan, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him slightly to wordlessly tell him to lie down, which Logan did without any objections. Virgil wasted no time staring at Logan, instead he climbed into the bed too, straddling Logan.
Virgil's hands sneaked up in under his shirt, then pushing it up to reveal smooth skin. Logan's hands started to fumble with his tie, quickly untying it without Virgil even having to tell him to do so. Logan then threw his tie to the floor, not even bothering to check where it ended up. Virgil helped him get his shirt off, then running his hands down his chest, feeling Logan shiver beneath him at the touch.
"You're almost as pale as I am." Virgil said with a eyebrow wiggle, thinking of how easy it'd be to mark his skin. He bent down, kissing Logan on the mouth, then leaving a trail of small kisses down his jaw.
"No marks that my shirt won't cover." Was all that Logan said, and Virgil was glad he hadn't left any on his throat earlier. Virgil let his thumb run over his collarbone before pressing his lips to it, knowing that no one else would see those marks unless Logan took his shirt of around others, and if he did that then it'd be Logan's own fault.
Virgil kissed the soft skin, letting his teeth scrape lightly over the mark that had formed as Logan's fingers traced swirling figures on his back. The soft touches made a shiver run down Virgil's spine, and Virgil could tell Logan was smiling at that without even looking up. He pressed chaste kisses up Logan's throat, over his jaw, until he was kissing that pretty smile.
Virgil pushed himself up a bit, just eight inches or so, and he gazed down on Logan, eyes lingering on the few red marks that contrasted against Logan's pale chest. He rolled his hips and earned another small gasp from Logan
"What do you want me to do with you?" He murmured quietly, and the question made Logan let out a choked sound before he found it in himself to speak.
"I- I can think of a few things. Though at the moment I don't really care what you do with me." Logan said, making Virgil let out a huffed laugh and roll his hips again. He leaned down and captured Logan's lips with his, wondering how it seemed to be impossible to get enough of Logan, kissing him didn't soothe his hunger for him, somehow with each kiss it made him realize how deep his need for Logan ran.
Logan's hands wandered over his shoulders, touching every bit of skin he could reach as if Logan was trying to map out every centimeter of his body. Then he felt Logan's fingers comb through his messy hair, tugging slightly at the purple strands, somehow it felt more intimate than the kisses they'd shared.
Virgil resisted the urge to lean his head into the softness of the touch, instead he straightened himself up and positioned himself between Logan's legs. Logan's hand left his hair and fell down on the mattress where it grasped at the sheets, he didn't really seem to know what to do to occupy his hands. Logan squirmed slightly beneath Virgil's eyes and he brushed away the hair in his eyes and then focusing his attention to the last piece of clothing that Logan had on.
He tugged slightly at the hem of Logan's boxers, willing him to lift his hips up so that he could take them off. Logan did, and Virgil pulled the boxers down, considering to do it teasingly slow but pretty quickly deciding that neither Logan not himself had the patience for that. Virgil slid the boxers down his legs, then discarding them to the floor.
Then his eyes returned to Logan, though Virgil usually had only eyes for Logan, and now Logan was finally out of all of his clothes, lying in front of Virgil. He seemed to be slightly self conscious and wouldn't look at Virgil, so he leant down and pressed light kisses to Logan's stomach, feeling each shaky breath he took.
Virgil's fingers curled around Logan's cock, his thumb running over his slit. Logan gasped and bucked his hips up, yearning for more of Virgil's touch, doing what he could to cause the friction he so desperately wanted. But Virgil loosened his grip instead, causing Logan's attempts of getting Virgil to jerk him off to fail.
Logan lifted his head up to send a glare at him, and Virgil just grinned in response, drawing back his hand and instead let his fingers run over the inside of Logan's thigh. Logan let his head fall back down on the mattress, breath hitching ever so slightly at Virgil's light touches.
Virgil leaned over Logan, holding himself up with a hand and capturing Logan's lips with his as he felt one of Logan's hands on his waist, then how it was moved, slightly hesitantly pressing against the bulge in Virgil's sweatpants, and Virgil couldn't help but to moan into the kiss. He pulled back, slightly embarrassed over the sound.
"Do you have any-" Logan began, but Virgil silenced him by leaning back down and pressing another small kiss to Logan's lips.
"Way ahead of you." He mumbled, then slipped off of Logan and then the bed too, walking across the room and opening the lowest desk drawer, pulling out a small bottle. He stood up, holding the bottle up wish a small smirk towards Logan as he pushed the drawer closed with his foot.
"You are wearing far too much clothes, I think this is unfair." Logan huffed as he watched Virgil walk back up to the bed, the small bottle in his hand. Virgil shrugged and threw the bottle of lube to Logan, who almost caught it, but it slipped from his fingers and fell down on his chest. Logan just grunted as Virgil let out a quiet giggle, then he began to undress himself while Logan watched.
It was a wonderful feeling to finally get out of his sweatpants and boxer shorts, and Logan did seem to appreciate the view, which made things better. Then, when he was finally free from all if the clothing he'd insisted on wearing today, he joined Logan on the bed again. Logan had pulled his knees up, and Virgil gently pushed his legs apart, leaving Logan fully exposed in front of him. He paused for a moment, stopping to take everything in, to look Logan up and down and truly appreciate the sight of Logan, fully nude, in front of him.
"You're beautiful." Virgil breathed, because quite honestly,he needed Logan to know that. He let his fingers trace over Logan's thighs. Logan wouldn't meet his eyes, his gaze fixed on the ceiling above them, but Virgil noticed how he tried to stop a smile from showing. It wasn't going well.
Virgil took the bottle, which was still lying on Logan's bare chest after he'd failed to catch it, and uncapped the bottle. The liquid he covered two of his fingers with was cold, and he hoped it would heat up slightly, or Logan might have complaints. Nonetheless, after a moment he let the tip of his index finger teasingly brush against Logan's hole.
"Get on with it." Logan said impatiently, and Virgil just chuckled, pressing a kiss to the inside of Logan's thigh as he simultaneously pushed his finger inside of him.
"Relax." He mumbled against his skin, because Logan was far more tense than he needed to be, "How are you feeling?"
"Good, though this feels fairly strange. This isn't anything I'm used to, to put it simply." Logan mumbled, grunting as Virgil began to slowly move his finger. But Logan did listen to his advice, Virgil could feel him relax as he twisted his finger, feeling quite proud when Logan failed to keep another moan silent. He kept his gaze on Virgil, a smile pulling at his lips each time their eyes met. For some reason Virgil could feel himself fluster each time their eyes locked so after a moment he kept his eyes downcast to stop himself from blushing, and instead he focused on prepping Logan.
He added a second finger, pushing it into Logan, who let out another shaky, low moan. The sounds Logan were making beautiful, especially as Virgil was the one to cause them. Logan's head was flung back against the pillow and he's panting as Virgil's fingers pumped into him, and he curled them to try to make Logan let out some more of the wonderful sounds that kept escaping him.
"Fuck, Virgil- ah, Verge-" Logan stammered, not seeming to have anything else to say, let alone being able to think clearly enough to have anything else to say, and Virgil supposed that that was enough of that, he didn't want to make him come just yet. He pulled his fingers out, earning a displeased sound from Logan, something that sounded as if it was somewhere in between a moan and a grunt.
"I'm not done with you yet." Virgil reassured with a small laugh, it took him a moment to find the bottle of lube since he couldn't remember what he'd done with it after holding it the last time. But then he found it on the mattress next to them, squirting out some more of the, still just as cold, liquid into his palm. He coated his cock with it, jerking himself off for a moment, feeling Logan's expecting eyes on him and reopening his previously closed eyes to meet Logan's gaze.
Virgil smirked down at him, giving himself a little bit of time to let his eyes roam over Logan's body, noting his heavy breathing and the droplets of precum that had rolled down the tip of Logan's cock and gathered on his stomach. He pressed the head of his lubed up cock against Logan's ass, watching as Logan relaxed down against the mattress.
"What are you waiting for?" Logan asked, voice hushed and a smile playing on his lips, raising a brow at him. Virgil gripped at Logan's waist with his free hand and smiled sweetly down at him, then watching as Logan's mouth opened in a sharp gasp, his fingers digging into the mattress as he pushed into him.
"You good?" Virgil asked, simply needing to make sure Logan is alright before he does anything else. Logan nods, eyes still closed and breathes out something that sounds like the whisper of a 'yes'. Virgil still hesitated for a moment though, his grip on Logan's waist softening slightly.
"Virgil, ah, p- please move." Logan whined, and Virgil obliged, almost pulling out before pushing back into him, after a bit getting into a slightly unsteady pace.
He bit his lower lip to stop a moan from escaping him as he thrust into Logan, slower than what Logan probably wanted, he could tell from the way Logan tried to push himself back against Virgil's cock, wrapping his legs around him.
"God, Logan." Virgil groaned and Logan grinned up at Virgil, who simply had to bend down to kiss that beautiful smile, those pretty lips.
Logan's back arching as Virgil brushed against just the right spot. Logan didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, they kept clutching the sheets only to let go of them again and smooth down the wrinkles, and Virgil raised a brow, knowing exactly how much Logan must want to touch himself at the moment.
"You can touch yourself, you know." Virgil said, not sure if Logan was hesitating because of uncertainty or something else. Logan glanced at him through half lidded eyes, looking like he was internally debating what had been said, his hand still hesitating. Ultimately he must've pushed away any remaining resistance because he reached his hand out, taking his cock in his hand and slowly began jerking himself off as Virgil fucked into him.
"Fuck- please..." Logan managed, and Virgil wasn't sure Logan could be more articulate at the moment, then again Virgil wasn't sure if he himself could manage to get out a whole sentence either.
Moans spilled over Logan's lips, muffling when he flung his arm across his face, pressing it over his mouth. Virgil didn't bother trying to urge Logan to let his moans out. Even if Virgil adored the sounds that escaped from between the logical sides lips he'd respect if Logan wasn't as fond of them.
After all, Virgil did his best to not make any sounds himself, he disliked his own moans, he found them embarrassing.
Logan mumbled out something that Virgil couldn't hear, his voice was muffled because of the wrist pressed over his mouth, and Logan's hand over his cock sped up. Logan let his other hand drop to his side, grabbing at the sheets, anything he could grasp.
"Virgil," Logan began, squeezing his eyes shut, pausing for a moment to let out an unintelligible sound that might've been a swear word, "Virgil, I'm close to-"
That's as far as he got before letting out a loud moan of Virgil's name, an utterly arousing sound if you asked Virgil, and came over his hand and stomach. That was quite enough to push Virgil over the edge too and he did his best to not make a sound as he came, only a quiet whine escaping him.
Logan's right hand slowly let go of the sheets that he'd been clutching, and he relaxed down against the bed, his breathing heavy. He brushed the hair away from his forehead, letting out a low groan as Virgil pulled out of him. Virgil let his eyes run over every inch of Logan, trying not to let his eyes linger for too long, so I.stead he kissed Logan, and Logan had barely caught his breath but reciprocated still, and Virgil felt fingertips ghosting over his cheek, a surprisingly soft touch.
Virgil then got out of bed, disappearing for a minute and then returning, a washcloth in his hand, and he wiped Logan clean. Shower they could do tomorrow, Virgil was sure neither of them had the energy at the moment. He threw the dirty washcloth to the trash can, then let himself collapse onto the bed, rolling onto his back.
"You still haven't managed to make me blush." Logan stated, and Virgil realized that he was right. Virgil huffed, not bothering to look at him as it's only encourage Logan to smirk over the fact that it was literally impossible to make him blush. Instead he just pulled the duvet up to his stomach, not to hide, there was nothing that Logan hadn't seen already, just because he was starting to get a bit chilly now when his heart rate had slowed down. He held it up as an invite and Logan inched closer to him so that they could share the covers.
"You also said that I was going to regret you taking this as a challenge, which I do not in the slightest since this is how things turned out." Logan then mumbled, Virgil looked at him and bit his lip to try to stop a grin from showing. 'Try' being the key word there. Eventually Virgil just gave in, rolling over onto his side to fully face Logan, reaching out and letting his fingers trail over Logan's stomach, Logan's stupidly soft skin. Logan swatted his hand away tiredly, mumbling that it tickled.
"To be fair, I'd hoped kissing you would make you blush and we'd be done. I never planned on this going further than that." Virgil confessed. After all, this most likely wouldn't have ever happened if the kiss had just made Logan blush.
"So, did this only happen because I didn't blush when you kissed me?" Logan asked, and there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice that hurt Virgil to hear. He didn't want Logan to think that this didn't mean anything to him, because it did. And so did Logan, he meant a lot to Virgil.
"Well, this happened because you didn't seem to mind what I was doing. If you hadn't kissed back and hadn't been as eager as I was to go further then I'd have stepped back, and probably also apologized for crossing a line." He began, then making a decision, because what was the point of all this if he didn't let Logan know of his actual feelings for him? Not that it shouldn't already be obvious, but he had the suspicion that Logan, just like himself, needed to be actually told before as much as hinting about it.
"I kind of have a lot of... why is this harder to do than what we just did?" Virgil groaned, he wasn't able to find the right words to express himself. He had always thought that if he was to tell Logan about his feelings he'd have planned what he was going to say. This was an unforeseen situation.
"You're blushing, again." Logan said and Virgil huffed out a laugh.
"Yeah, well, I'm nervous to tell you that... I actually do really like you a whole lot. It's why I kissed you in the first place, trying to make you blush mostly seemed like a good excuse to kiss you, even if I didn't admit it to myself. I've wanted to show you how I feel for you for a while now." He said, ignoring as his voice trembled slightly at the last sentence, and hoping that Logan wouldn't pay any attention to it either.
He was met with silence, not even hearing a breath as he couldn't seem to draw air into his lungs before he'd gotten an answer. He dared a glance at Logan, his eyes immediately finding Logan's, and he was surprised at the softness expressed in them.
"You... you really have romantic feelings for me?" Logan asked quietly, and Virgil nodded nervously. Logan smiled, a beautiful, honest to god, genuine smile. Virgil wondered how that smile could possibly make him more attracted to Logan, but apparently it could, at least the fluttering feeling in his chest told him that.
"Good, because I have- I have feelings of such sort for you too." Logan said, and Virgil could barely believe what he was seeing as a faint blush were spreading across Logan's cheeks and chest. Out of everything, /this/ was what made Logan flustered? It was really not fair how it made Logan look even cuter. Virgil cuddled closer to Logan, who turned his head towards him so that Virgil easily could kiss Logan, a kiss that was far softer and intimate than any of the others they had shared so far.
Then, before Logan really had the time to react to what Virgil was doing, he once again sat up and straddled him, reaching for his phone on the nightstand, unlocking it and taking a picture of Logan, all that only taking him a few seconds.
"What was that for?" He asked, voice laced with confusion. Virgil smirked and bent down to kiss him again.
"You're blushing." Virgil simply said as they pulled apart, then turning the phone to show Logan the picture of his own slightly flustered face. Logan tried to fight a smile, shaking his head at Virgil.
"Damn it."
Written: 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 25th October 2018
Published: 26th October 2018
Words: 5426
All of this is literally things I've learned from reading other smut fics during the past two years....
I'm sorry if this was bad and if it wasn't then that's a surprise
Yikes ewwww lmao I will not be writing anything like this again I hate it
Anyway hope y'all don't hate this as much as I do
now lets not ever mention this and I am definitely gonna be terrified to check the comments this oneshot gets
Eh fuck it y'all have read worse things
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