[64] - Thinking Clearly
I've had this idea in my ideas chapter for many, many months, like, this is.....an old idea
Warnings: alcohol, drunk, drunk kissing, slight awkwardness
Summary: Logan becomes very affected and influenced when Thomas drinks alcohol
This is pretty rused tbh, sorry
Important stuff at the bottom :D
When thomas get drunk all logic gets thrown out the window.
Logan knows that very well, he had first hand knowledge of that fact, and he had done his best to make Thomas stay home instead of going to a party with his friends. Thomas could have finally cleaned his home or filmed a video, but no, Roman and Patton had convinced him that the right thing to do was to go out and drink with his friends.
All this had annoyed Logan a while ago. It didn't matter any more. Or, more accurately, he no longer cared that it mattered. It just didn't seem important anymore. He knew why, of course he did. He was the first one to be affected when Thomas drank alcohol. Things he normally cared about stoped being that important.
He wasn't thinking logically at the moment. He definitely wasn't thinking logically while moving towards Virgil's room.
He knows that's bad, and that he will definitely not agree to this tomorrow. He might even regret it tomorrow, but at the moment he thinks that going to Virgil's room is a great idea. And there is also a part of him that thinks that this is a good opportunity, because if he doesn't do it now, when will he ever have the courage to show Virgil how he feels?
It's late, and Virgil knows he should go to bed, after all Roman and Patton promised to take care of Thomas tonight, they said they wouldn't let him do anything stupid, and Virgil has chosen to trust them. Mostly because he needs a day off where he doesn't have anything to worry about, so his plan is to stay up half the night, laughing at memes that he comes across on his tumblr feed.
But then there is a knock on his door, and during the time it takes him to get off his bed and to the door he imagines every single thing that could have gone wrong. Oh god, Thomas is probably dying. Or maybe they let him call his ex, or a stranger bought him a drink! Who knows what could be in a drink from a stranger?
Thankfully it is only Logan, he sees when he opens the door. And he is smiling, so Virgil doesn't think that anyone is dying. He disregarded a stubborn voice in the back of his head that whispered about how wonderful it was to see Logan actually, genuinely, smile. He steps aside, allowing Logan inside, and closes the door behind him.
Then Virgil turns towards Logan, about to ask him if there is anything he want, but as soon as he does so Logan leans really close to him. Logan's lips are pressed against his before he has the time to react, and he lets his eyes flutter shut instinctively.
Virgil can't help but to kiss back. He had imagined how it would feel to kiss Logan for ages, and now he could truthfully say that it's better than anything his mind has been able to come up with. Virgil let his hands rest against Logan's chest, allowing Logan to deepen the kiss and run a hand through his hair, tugging lightly at the purple strands.
They separate for a moment, staring at each other, and Virgil takes a slightly shaky breath. His brain is still trying to catch up with what just happened, but he decides to leave rational thought behind and closes the gap between them. Logan enthusiastically kisses him, his hands wandering down his back and then resting on his waist. But sadly Virgil's common sense is catching up with him, and he pushes Logan back, realizing that he should not do anything while not thinking clearly, and he was definitely not thinking clearly with Logan's tongue licking into his mouth.
"Hold on." He said, because something is not right. Logan isn't the kind of person to just walk up to someone and kiss them. And then he remembers that Thomas is out drinking with his friends, which he knows affects Logan, since he is logic, and no one is logical when they're drunk. Logan kept his arms around his waist, tilting his head in a really cute way, and smiling fondly at him.
"Okay, this is not you ...it's just because Thomas is drunk. You shouldn't be here." Virgil says, a pain in his chest making itself known, because of course Logan would never have kissed him if he was in his right mind, this only happened since Logan becomes just as drunk as Thomas. He pushes away the part of him that wants to screw that, that would be taking advantage of Logan, and he can't do that.
"I am not going to take advantage of you while you're affected by alcohol. That's not right." Virgil said, voicing his thoughts and concerns, hoping that Logan had some sense left and would agree.
"But I want you to, it is why I came here." Logan said, confirming that he really was not in his right mind, and Virgil lost his voice for a moment, he just stood there trying to comprehend what Logan just said.
"Y- you should go to bed." Was the only thing that Virgil managed to get out, cursing his mind and his heart. Logan groaned and slumped against Virgil, mumbling that he 'didn't want to'.
After a while of convincing Logan that he needs to sleep, he tucks him into bed, or more specifically, Virgil's bed, not really waning to leave Logan alone in case he would think it was a good idea to do something stupid or potentially dangerous. He suppose he could stay up all night and write a whole essay to Thomas telling him that he is never leaving the house again, and everything bad that could happen to him when he is drunk, it was tempting. But Logan grabbed his arm when he tried to leave his side.
"Stay, you need sleep too," Logan said, seeing Virgil hesitate, because he couldn't shake the thought that he shouldn't let himself get too close to Logan, he'd planned to either just not sleep at all tonight or sleep on the floor, "I won't kiss you again, if you don't want me to."
Virgil swallowed down a reply about having no problem with Logan kissing him when he was sober, and made a quick decision that he should indeed get some sleep too, and that he wouldn't be able to sleep very well on the floor, so he got into bed and ignored Logan's pleased smile. Virgil really can't bring himself to mind when Logan cuddles up to his side.
Waking up in the morning the first thing that Logan was aware of was that his head was hurting, a lot. Wonderful. He opens his eyes, finding that he definitely isn't in his own room, and that he has been sleeping with his glasses on. Then he realizes who's room, who's bed, he is in, and abruptly sits up while a chorus of voices screams 'oh no' in the back of his head.
The quick movement was a mistake, because it felt like his head was hit by a sledgehammer, and he groaned in pain, pressing his hands to his forehead as if that would stop the pain inside his skull. He lowered his hands in time to see Virgil walk up to the bed, already fully dressed and holding a glass of water in one of his hands, and something else in his other hand.
"God fucking damn it, Thomas, I hope your headache is even worse." He mumbled quietly, which apparently wasn't quiet enough, because Virgil chuckled.
"Here, drink this and take these." He said, handing Logan the glass of cold water and what Logan supposed was painkillers. At least he hoped that was what it was. Virgil patted his shoulder, his hand lingering for a moment. He accepts it gratefully, quickly swallowing the pills and drinking the water, then leaning his hurting head in his hand for a moment, before looking up again.
"Why am I in your bed" Logan then asks, a thought popping into his mind, and he blushes slightly as he lift the covers up to confirm that he is wearing clothes, which he thankfully is.
"Do you even remember last night?" Virgil asks, and nervousness twists in Logan's stomach at those words. He thinks back, and he can feel his face turn red. He definitely remembers kissing Virgil, and just the memory makes him crave Virgil's lips on his again. He pushes that thought away quickly. He also remembers saying some pretty inappropriate things that he wished he had forgotten about.
"Oh dear, I am so sorry. I seem to have, uh, lost control over my actions last night." Logan stutters and hides his face in his hands to avoid having to look at Virgil for the moment. He would gladly lie back down and pull the covers over his head, and if he was in his own room he might have. Then he looks up again, a thought popping into his mind.
"Though if my memory serves me right, you did kiss me back." He said, looking right at Virgil. He wanted an answer. Logan clearly remembers that Virgil was just as eager to make out as he was, at least until he had realized that Logan hadn't been sober. Virgil cleared his throat and sat down on his bed.
"Why were you kissing me in the first place, is what I would like to know. We should probably talk about that." Virgil mumbled defensively, his eyes fixed on a poster on his wall. Logan slowly pushed the grey covers off of himself, realizing that he was going to have to tell Virgil how he felt for him. He could lie, of course, tell Virgil it was only because he wasn't in his right mind. But since Virgil's only problem had been that Logan was affected by Thomas being drunk, and not the fact that they kissed, he was beginning to have hope.
"I kissed you because the part of me that usually tells me that's a bad idea was too affected by whatever it was that Thomas was drinking to convince me that I shouldn't do it." He said truthfully, because if it wasn't for that internal voice, or thought, stopping him he would have kissed Virgil long ago. He sighed, looking right at Virgil who had turned his head towards him when Logan began to speak, and now looked utterly surprised.
"Honestly, I have wanted to kiss you for quite some time, I've just always been too scared to. I really like you, Virgil." Logan continued. If he was telling Virgil how he felt then he might as well say it all.
"So ...you really like me?" Virgil asked, sounding like he almost didn't believe him.
"Of course I do, far too much, for far too long." Logan blushed, then he exhaled, letting their eyes meet, and there was something in the way that Virgil was looking at him that made him dare to do what he did next.
He crossed his legs so that he sat in a more comfortable position, ignoring his headache that was finally beginning to fade, and leaned closer to Virgil. He gently placed a hand on Virgil's cheek and brought his lips to Virgil's, just briefly brushing their lips together, which was well enough to make warmth spread through him.
Virgil didn't seem to have any objections to what he was doing, so Logan kissed him. He felt Virgil's arms around his waist and pulled him closer, and it was all just enough to make his head spin.
He pulled away, letting his hand fall from Virgil's jaw and instead take Virgil's hand in his, the both of them with prominent blushes by now. Then Virgil smiled, and he tried to hide it by looking away, which didn't work. The smile was so genuine that Logan felt that he might just melt then and there, no matter if it was impossible or not.
Virgil turned his head and faced Logan again, and said, "I like you too, if you hadn't figured."
Logan lowered his head for a moment, grinning brightly. Virgil then leaned in and kissed Logan, letting their lips slowly move together, and Logan decided that this moment, the both of them with their arms around each other and their lips pressed together, was definitely the most amazing he had ever felt. Despite his headache and the embarrassment.
"Today I'm quite tempted to lecture Thomas until he agrees to not drink alcohol ever again." He mumbled when they parted, and Virgil giggled and pulled him close to kiss him yet again, and lecturing Thomas sure could wait until later.
Written: 27th, 28th, 29th July & 31st August & 2nd September 2018
Published: 28th September 2018
Words: 2263
That's fucking insane
59.1K reads??????
W h A T
This is literally something that I never thought would happen. Tho lets be real, this oneshot is gonna have more reads after two days than I thought this whole book would have after a year
the impossible has happened, 20gayteen is real, I have a girlfriend???? My god
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailoveyouuu Pengi11
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