[60] - Stargazing

Can't believe I haven't used stargazing as a prompt before, it's been in my ideas chapter since like the beginning

Lets just pretend there is a world outside of the mindscape

Pure fluff as always


There was a short knock on Virgil's door, alerting Virgil exactly who was outside. Being his lazy self, and also very comfortable lying on the couch in the corner of his room, he only snapped the fingers to open the door. His lips formed into a small smile the second he saw his boyfriend standing in the doorway, and his smile only widened when Logan walked up to him.

"Hey." He said, reaching his hand out and taking Logan's. His hand was cold, so Virgil helf it between the both of his, attempting to warm it up.

"Salutations." Logan kneeled on the floor next to the couch, leaning down and kissing Virgil on his cheek.

"Do you want to cuddle with me?" Virgil asked. They hadn't cuddled in a few days, because they had both been busy helping Thomas with everything for the new videos he was filming, there wasn't a lot of time to just lie around doing nothing, no matter who's cuddling sessions were cut short.

"I would love to, but actually, I was wondering if you could come with me? I was just outside, and there is something I'd like to show you." Logan said with a small, excited smile.

"Oh, so that's why your hands are so horribly cold. I will come if you help me up from the couch." Virgil said, giggling as Logan stood again, took both his hands and pulled him up into a standing position. He wrapped his blanket around his shoulders and followed Logan out of his room, still tightly holding onto one of his hands. Logan dragged him along, and they silently made their way towards the front door. It was fairly late, and they didn't want any of the other traits asking why they were going outside. Especially since Virgil didn't know why they were leaning the warmth of inside. He was glad he brought his blanket.

Virgil let Logan lead him over the lawn, then further away over a hill. He kept his eyes on the ground, making sure to not stumble on any potential plants, rocks, or uneven parts of the lawn. He didn't ask where they were going, Logan must be certain where he was taking him, and to be honest it didn't really matter as long as Virgil had Logan with him. Eventually Logan stopped, they were standing on top of a grassy hill, and Virgil wasn't sure why.

"Why are we stopping?" He asked, and Logan sat down on the grass, dragging Virgil down with him.

"Look up," he said, pointing to the sky, and Virgil did so, then marvelling at the sight in front of him, "isn't it amazing?"

"Oh, that's beautiful." Virgil whispered, not really wanting to disrupt the peace around them by speaking. He had never before seen so many stars. He could for once really imagine that the sky stretched out into eternity before him, and strangely enough that did not make him feel small, just insanely lucky that he, out of all people, was sat there in the middle of the night with his boyfriend.

"Yes, I have been waiting for a night when we could see the stars clearly. It has been very cloudy lately, but finally..." Logan's voice died down, and instead he just wrapped an arm around Virgil so that he was leaning against his shoulder.

"This is a bit of a risk, because I know some people may feel insignificant, or anxious, when viewing the stars, but I just wanted you to see this. If you feel bad in any way we'll go back inside." Logan rambled, and Virgil just turned his head, silencing him with a kiss.

"This makes me feel really happy, happy that I'm here with the one person who can always make me feel better. Happy that you'd think of me when you saw something this beautiful, and take your time to show it to me."

"I always think of you when I see beautiful things." Logan said, hugging him tighter and kissing his temple.

"You're such a sap." Virgil said, pretending that his voice didn't crack when he spoke. He pressed his face against Logan's chest, throwing both of his arms around him. He didn't know what else to say, it always took him on the spot when Logan said things like that, and he was always at a loss how to respond. Logan just chuckled quietly and ran a hand through his hair.

"I love you. You know that, right?" He then mumbled, with a more serious tone, lifting his head up to look at Logan.

"I do, and I love you too." He said, tilting Virgil's head up and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, that turned into several more kisses before they fell backwards onto the grass and Virgil rolled over onto his back with a laugh. Then they caught eye of the sky again, and the both of them were once again awestruck by how many stars were visible, and that they were shining so bright.

"See that? That's actually a whole other galaxy." Logan said, pointing towards the sky and helping Virgil to find what he was trying to show him. Logan continued to point towards stars, telling him how far away they were and what they were called and which galaxies they were part of, and Virgil could truthfully say that he would gladly stay here, listening to Logan, until time stopped existing.

He loved how Logan spoke about space, he could really hear how much it fascinated him, and it was wonderful to hear his speak with such astonishment in his voice. It made him fall in love with him all over again, and wonder how someone so amazing could possibly spend so much time with him.

"Can we stay here forever?" He whispered when Logan fell silent after telling him everything he knew about the Andromeda galaxy.

"I wish." Logan sighed.

"We'll have to bring your telescope the next time. So we can look closer, and you can tell me more facts about all the galaxies and the stars." He murmured, fumbling for Logan's hand and lifting it to his lips, pressing a small kiss to the back of it. He felt awfully content when seeing how it made Logan smile.

"Logan, you're shivering, share my blanket with me." Virgil then said, beginning to wrap the blanket around Logan too and not accepting a no for an answer. He cuddled as close as he could to Logan, kissing his jaw before turning his face back towards the infinity above them, scanning the sky with his eyes, and enjoying how their shared body heat was warming them up.

They laid there, just silently appreciating the others presence and stealing kisses now and then. Virgil had given up looking at the sky, because he was too sleepy to turn his head that way all the time, and despite, there was something much prettier to look at right in front of him.

"We might need to go back inside soon, get some sleep..." Logan mumbled, breaking the silence and tracing Virgil's jaw with his fingertips.

"Mh, let's just pretend we don't." Virgil whined, hiding his face against Logan's shirt again, feeling Logan's chest vibrating from laughing quietly.

"Come on now, Virgil. My bed is much more comfortable than this hill, we will be able to cuddle there too." He said, and Virgil rolled off of Logan with a small groan.

"Fine. Ugh, why must we have responsibilities to wake up to. I wish we could just stay here all night, and then sleep all day." He said with a yawn, blinking sleepily at Logan who just shook his head fondly.

"You're half asleep already. Let's get back to my room." Logan said, pushing himself up into a sitting position and escaping the blanket before standing. Virgil sighed and stood too, again taking Logan's hand in his and following him back over the hills, towards the mindscape. It was first now that Virgil realized that it was actually very chilly outside, and the idea to continue to cuddle in Logan's bed suddenly seemed much better than it had a few minutes ago.

"Thanks for taking me to stargaze with you. My evening could not have been better." Virgil said, glancing at Logan who was still walking beside him. They stopped outside of the front door, and Logan turned to Virgil.

"We will do it again, as soon as possible." He said, letting his arms sneak around his waist and pressing his lips softly against Virgil's. He kissed back, smiling into the kiss before they had to separate.

Then they silently made their way back into the house, changing into their pajamas when they got to Logan's room. They cuddled close beneath covers and blankets in Logan's bed, and Virgil rested his head on his chest, feeling Logan press a small kiss to the top of his head, and he knew that he couldn't possibly be happier than he was with Logan.


Written: 7th & 8th August 2018
Published: 5th September 2018
Words: 1568

Anyone got cavities from the fluff yet? At least I smiled while writing this lol

Hope u enjoyed :D

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