[57] - Sudden Insight
The most common ways I misspell Virgil's name:
If u don't believe Logan would absolutely freak out when he realized he likes Virgil then we disagree
Virgil pressed play on the video, scooting closer to Logan and holding the phone between the two of them so that Logan can see the screen too. This was a very usual thing to happen, Virgil often showed Logan videos that he found and thought Logan might like.
Logan liked that Virgil would show him videos that he found funny, not that he understood why Virgil would choose him, he wasn't someone who always understood the jokes that were told in the videos, but he appreciated that he would show Logan things Virgil enjoyed. And he liked the way Virgil's eyes would shine when he laughed at the videos, and that small smile that would appear every time he managed to get Logan to laugh.
He liked that Virgil always showed that he cared, something that he himself felt like he should work on, because sometimes he worried that he was not very good at showing Virgil how much he appreciated his company and his friendship. Virgil was always very kind and Logan found himself looking at Virgil instead of the screen that Virgil was holding between the two of them.
Virgil's eyes were stuck on the screen, and the corners of his eyes crinkled when he giggled because of whatever it was that happened in the video. It was undeniable, Virgil, in his own way, was simply beautiful, and Logan wasn't sure why that thought came as such a big surprise to him.
And then, as Virgil threw his head back and laughed and Logan began to understand what people meant when they said they couldn't take their eyes off of someone, realization hit Logan as forcefully as if someone had written it down on a brick and then thrown it at his face.
He was in love with Virgil.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no-
Logan sat frozen, staring at Virgil without being able to tear his gaze away. Virgil was hiding his face in his hand (the one not holding his phone) and was attempting to stifle his giggles, which was not going very successfully. Logan just sat there in shock, while trying to understand why he realized this just now, and trying to come up with something that he could base his denial off of.
Virgil was beginning to calm down and his previously squeezed shut eyes reopened. He looked at Logan, as to see if he had understood the funny thing that had happened in the video, and the bright smile on his face fell slightly.
"Logan? Are you alright?" He asked, the weak smile being replaced by a small, concerned frown. Logan must look as distressed as he felt, because Virgil's brows furrowed in confusion. Logan had no idea what to answer on Virgil's question, because he was fairly sure that Virgil could easily see if he lied or not, and right now he wasn't sure if he was 'alright'.
"I have to go." He exclaimed, standing up. His thoughts were like a swarm of bees and he couldn't make sense of much except for what he had just realized, and he knew he would never be able to deny what he was now painfully aware of.
Now Virgil stood up too, and he looked worried. Logan couldn't blame him, this was unlike him, everything in this moment was unlike him. This was nothing he had ever had to experience before, and it terrified him. He wanted to say something, anything, to calm Virgil and ease the worry that he so clearly displaying, but the words died on his tongue.
Instead he only shook his head, as if that explained anything, and turned around. He hurried away, deciding in the last moment that his room was the best place to escape to. He could hear Virgil call his name and he was sure he was following him. He forcefully opened the door and slammed it shut behind him, locking it.
He could hear Virgil walking up to his door and stopping outside of it. Logan turned around so that he was facing the door, so that he could almost pretend they were face to face. There was a small knock on the door, Virgil didn't seem to want to force entry.
"Logan, please open." Virgil said, and Logan shook his head, before he realized that Virgil couldn't see him. Then he called out a short 'no', which did not seem to satisfy Virgil in the least.
"Talk to me." He begged, but Logan could not do that, not until he had calmed down and knew what to do.
"I can't, I need... I need to think." Logan exclaimed, pressing the flats of his hands against his eyes as if that would calm him mind down. It did not, his thoughts were as chaotic and hectic as before.
"Logan, you're really worrying me." Virgil said, and there was something pained in his voice that made Logan's heart ache. It felt like he had to physically restrain himself from opening the door and let Virgil inside, but he didn't trust himself to behave like himself around Virgil. Not until he had figured out what to do about these feelings.
"I'm sorry, Virgil. I just need some time to think, that's all. I sincerely apologize if I have caused you any distress." Logan said calmly through the door, hoping that this would calm Virgil and make him leave. Logan simply could not think clearly while being aware of the fact that Virgil stood on the other side of the door, waiting to be let into the room.
"I..." There was a silence, Logan could hear Virgil let out a deep sigh, and then, "fine."
He could hear Virgil walk away until his steps began to disappear and he then found himself alone with the silence. With a sigh he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against the door for a moment before sinking down to the floor. He stared at the door for a few moments, before shuffling to the side and leaning his back against the wall. He pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them and stared out at his room.
Why in the worlds name had he fallen in love with Virgil? And how had he not realized it sooner? Now that he was aware of it he was stunned by the fact that he hadn't known it already, there were so many signs that he now realized pointed towards that these feelings were the ones he held for Virgil. He let out a small whimper, burying his face in his hands again.
Luckily Virgil did not come back for maybe a whole hour, which gave Logan plenty of time to calm down a bit and think in a more rational way. Having these feelings for Virgil would not be the end of the world, he'd be alright. Though they might be difficult, he was still struggling with the fact that he had had these feelings for at least a few weeks before even realizing them.
Was he really so clueless when it came to love that it took him so long to find out when he himself was feeling that way about someone? Apparently. Well, at least he wasn't as freaked out anymore, he had quickly established that feeling shocked over this was not helping at all. Logan had accepted it quicker than he would have thought he would, which was a good thing. But he quickly understood that he would simply have to find a way to deal with his feelings, and hopefully not acting too weird around Virgil, although that might be a little too late since he had ran right out of the room when he realized what his feelings for Virgil meant.
When Virgil did come back, he did not come alone. He could easily hear that two people were walking towards his door, and he did not think they were just on their way past it. He sighed when the steps stopped right outside of the door to his room, he'd have preferred being wrong. He'd preferred to have some more time to think. There was a knock on the door, one which Logan ignored.
"Logan?" Great, Virgil had brought Patton. He would surely turn into dad-mode if he thought there was anything wrong with him, and no one with their sanity intact would fight Patton when he was in dad-mode.
"Logan, kiddo, can you open the door for us?" Patton asked softly. Logan groaned, knowing very well that they would not leave until Logan had opened the door for them. So he stood up and unlocked the door, opening it only a few centimeters, which was enough for him to peek out and glare at them.
"You guys really don't need to worry about me, I was just in the need for some peace and quiet to sort out my thoughts, and- Virgil are you alright?" Logan interrupted himself when seeing Virgil's uncertain and drawn back movements. He was standing partially behind Patton, not looking at Logan. His hood was up, which was one indication that he was anxious, another one was that he was standing with hunched shoulders which made him appear smaller.
"You ran away and wouldn't talk to me... did I do something wrong?" He asked quietly, still refusing to look at him and instead staring down at the floor. That surprised Logan so much that he opened the door completely to step out in front of them in the hallway, forgetting that he wanted to be alone to think.
"No. No, you haven't done anything. I deeply apologize if I have made you think that you were in the wrong. I will make sure to not have such a sudden outburst again, I simply got overwhelmed and needed a moment alone to calm myself. Forgive me." Logan stepped past Patton and took Virgil's hands in his, ignoring as his fingers tingled at the touch.
"Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry that I overreacted, I just got worried when you hurried away so abruptly without even explaining why. It's not how you usually act." Virgil mumbled, cheeks red and eyes fixed on Logan's hands that squeezed his.
"Oh my god." Patton whispered to himself, and Logan glared at him, feeling his own face begin to heat up when seeing how Patton were looking at the two of them. He had a slight suspicion that Patton had figured out exactly how Logan felt for Virgil. He chuckled nervously when seeing Logan glare at him.
"Well, kiddos, I'll be going. Call if you need me, dinner is done in 30 minutes." He said, and Virgil and Logan watched as he hurried away. Logan found himself having unexpectedly much trouble with letting go of Virgil's hands. Then Virgil turned his head towards Logan again and Logan was faced with a much bigger challenge, he was actually fairly sure that he would never be able to look away from Virgil's eyes.
Virgil seemed to have similar struggles, because neither of them looked away, at least not until Logan forced himself to let go of Virgil's hands. He cleared his throat and took a step back, looking at the floor.
"Well, if everything is alright..." Virgil said, and Logan glanced at him with a small, reassuring smile. Virgil sent him a tiny smile and walked away, hands pushed deep into his pockets. Logan watched him walk away, his heart racing as if he had ran through the whole mindscape. When Virgil was out of sight Logan turned around and went after Patton. He was found in the kitchen, stirring in a big pot. The second Logan came inside the room he turned around with a big smile.
"You're in love with Virgil?!" He said excitedly, and Logan hushed him hurriedly, looking back at the doorway he had walked through with a worried expression. Patton smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry, I'm just excited! This is amazing, you guys are perfect together!" He whispered loudly, as if that would stop anyone from being able to hear him. Logan hesitated, not really sharing Patton's enthusiastic outlook on this situation.
"Virgil is my best friend... I don't want to ruin out friendship. Despite, I only realized the true nature of my feelings for him an hour or so ago. Before that I was not even aware that my feelings for him had exceeded platonic ones. I am hopeless when it comes to these kinds of things, I don't even understand my own feelings most times." Logan said and leaned against the fridge with a small sigh.
"Honestly, I've been suspecting it for a long time. You guys do spend a lot of time together, and you have a special bond. It's like fate." He said with shining eyes and hands clasped together.
"I don't believe in fate, Patton. I'm logic."
"Well, maybe you should- here taste this," Patton handed him a spoon with whatever it was he was cooking, "maybe you should start to believe in things such as fate. There sure isn't much logic in these kinds of feelings anyway."
"That is true, which ..I'll be honest, it scares me. I am good with numbers, astronomy, and science. Not feelings, and especially not love. You should be the one to fall in love with Virgil. It tastes great, by the way." He said, swallowing a spoonful of what he supposed to be soup. But Patton only laughed and shook his head.
"Nah, I am heads over heels for Roman. And I think that if you just talked about this with Virgil then you'd see that you guys would do alright even if you think you don't know much about feelings. As long as you communicate with each other." Patton said with a small shrug.
"Are you and Roman together?" Logan asked, he had no memory of ever seeing Patton and Roman acting in such a way, but then again that could have easily escaped him considering how bad he was at recognizing anything to do with romance.
"Ah, no. I said I am hopelessly in love with him, not that I have gathered up the courage to tell him how I feel. Anything you think I should add to the soup?" Patton said with a small laugh, then gesturing towards the shelf with all the spices.
"Patton, if you have not told Roman how you feel, how do you expect me to tell Virgil how I feel? Also, maybe add some rosemary."
"What if we make a deal, if I tell Roman, you tell Virgil." Patton said, having turned back towards the pot and was now adding rosemary to their dinner.
"Why would I agree to that?" Logan asked, not at all understanding why this would motivate him, or how it was supposed to make him braver.
"I don't know, but it'd make it easier for me to tell Roman." He said with a grin.
"Tell me what?" A voice behind them said. Logan turned around and saw Roman walking into the kitchen. Today he was wearing a crown on his head, and a red cape. Why he felt the need to look so dramatic Logan could not understand. Though he admitted that even if capes were impractical they were cool.
"Roman, I didn't know you had a crown and a cape. You look awesome!" Patton exclaimed, clearly enjoying seeing his crush in such an attire, based of the way he seemed to be unable to look away from him.
"Thank you! By the way, what you're cooking smells amazing." Roman said with a grin, and Patton beamed, then he was reminded of the fact that he was cooking, and he turned back towards the stove again, beginning to stir the contents of the pot.
"Dinner is ready in five, Roman could you set the table? Logan, go get Virgil." Patton said, and Logan had the feeling that Patton would make sure that he and Virgil spent as much time alone as possible now, and that theory was further supported by the way that Patton smirked at him as he turned around and left the room.
He knocked on Virgil's door, letting himself in and finding Virgil sitting on his bed and swearing at his tv. He was playing a game of Mario Kart, supposedly online, and he was using extremely foul language towards the other players. Logan just laughed to himself and shook his head, then walking up to Virgil to gain his attention.
"Hey, Logan. What's up? FUCK OFF WITH YOUR BLUESHELLS!" He turned back towards the screen to yell that last part, and Logan saw how his player got blown up on the screen even if he had been in 2nd place, and not 1st.
"Dinner is pretty much done by now." Logan said calmly, watching as Virgil finished the race in 4th place. He threw the controller behind him on the bed, throwing a murdering look at the screen before turning his head and smiling sweetly at Logan, something that made a fluttering feeling make itself known in Logan's chest. A feeling that he tried to desperately ignore as it was making him feel very nervous.
"Okay." Virgil said, stretching his arms above his head with a sigh. Then he held his hands out to Logan, he took them and helped Virgil up from his bed. Logan was quick to let Virgil go and take a step back so that they didn't stand too close.
They walked to the kitchen in silence, where they found Roman hugging Patton so tightly that he was lifted up from the ground and then spun around in a circle. Then Patton was gently placed onto the floor and they shared a dopey grin before Roman leaned in and kissed Patton. Logan glanced at Virgil, who looked at the two other traits with his mouth half open in surprise. Logan himself wasn't that taken aback by what had just transpired in front of them.
Then a timer went off, supposedly to tell that the dinner was ready, and the two right side brain traits parted, turning quite flustered when spotting Virgil and Logan in the doorway to the kitchen. They took a step back from each other and Roman cleared his throat while Patton turned to the food and carried it to the table. Patton caught Logan's gaze and mouthed 'your move' to which Logan only rolled his eyes. Logan and Virgil ate in silence, glancing at Patton and Roman who were holding hands and continuously giggling where they sat on the other side of the table.
"Should we... go and eat in another room? Give them some time alone? I really don't want to see them make out, and based of the way that they are looking at each other that might happen at any moment." Virgil whispered, leaning a bit closer to Logan. He nodded, and they grabbed their bowls and spoons, leaving the room. Logan didn't even think they were aware of the fact that they were now alone.
They ended up going to Virgil's room where they sat on the floor while finishing eating, discussing many things, but mainly the new kind of relationship that Patton and Roman were now indulging in. They played Mario Kart afterwards, and they had a really great time, which made Logan hopeful that maybe he would be able to just be friends with Virgil without letting his feelings ruin anything.
Though a moment later Virgil leaned onto Logan, pretty much resting his head against his shoulder, and Logan's breath actually hitched. At least Virgil didn't seem to have noticed it. Logan lost that match miserably, which Virgil taunted him for even though he didn't know the actual reason for why Logan suddenly became so awful at the game. Logan just told him he'd win the next match, to which Virgil just scoffed at before starting up the new race, deliberately choosing a track he knew Logan was not very good at.
"Hey, do you feel ready to tell me what it was that freaked you out so much earlier? Because I'd like to know if there's something I could do to not make you uncomfortable." Virgil said, in the middle of the race, a hint of insecurity in his voice. Logan's eyes left the screen and instead he fixed his gaze on Virgil.
"Virgil, I told you, you didn't make me uncomfortable." He let his hand rest on Virgil's shoulder, for just a moment, in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture. Then he let his hand fall to his side, wondering why he thought it necessary to touch Virgil all the time. Especially since he was now at 10th place.
"I was just hit with an insight that I wasn't prepared for at that moment." He then said, focusing on hitting Princess Peach with a green shell. He missed, but did hit the player in front of her (Mario), so it wasn't completely wasted.
"Oh really, what insight could be enough to bring you into such inner turmoil?" Virgil said, copying Logan's voice in a way that was only slightly mockingly. Logan just shrugged weakly, not feeling like giving a proper answer to that question for numerous reasons, the biggest one of course being because telling Virgil would make him aware of how Logan felt for him.
"Awe, is it a seeeecret?" Virgil said, obviously trying to annoy Logan into telling him what it was he was keeping quiet about. Logan just huffed, that was not going to work on him. The only reason why he was considering telling Virgil how he felt was because he felt a strong need to know if the feelings were reciprocated, and he didn't want Patton to continue pressuring him to telling Virgil.
"If I tell you, do you promise not to get mad?" Logan asked, which didn't seem to be the best idea, because Virgil immediately looked a bit scared and instinctively pulled his hood up over his head as if that could protect him if Logan told him something bad.
"Oh, do not worry. It's nothing bad... I hope. At least it's nothing bad for you, but it might be for me." Logan rambled, wondering how he would feel if he told Virgil he loved him and Virgil said he did not feel the same way. It was said to be painful, but Logan had never experienced it, so he didn't know, and he would rather not find out.
"Buddy, that's not calming me down." Virgil said with a small nervous chuckle, biting his thumbnail and glancing at Logan with fear in his eyes. Logan thought it was slightly ironic that Virgil was worried in this moment, he wasn't the one a second away from confessing his love to someone who he didn't know felt for him.
"Apologies." Logan said, clearing his throat and persistently staring down at the purple controller in his hands, his brain forcing itself to think of what to say next.
"Well, I suppose using your tactic of just saying it before I have the time to regret it is the most beneficial." Logan said to Virgil, swallowing nervously and suspecting that this was how people felt just before they passed out. He forced the fear away and took a shaky breath.
"I am in love with you."
"...Oh," Virgil breathed, and Logan's racing mind could at least determine that Virgil looked neither angry nor sad, not even uncomfortable, and Logan decided to take that as a good sign, "I- I'm..."
"I love you too." Virgil said after a moment of struggling to speak, staring right into Logan's eyes with a small smile. Logan couldn't help but to grin widely, he could not remember a time when he had felt more relieved.
"Good." Logan said, it was all that he could think of saying, and Virgil shook his head with a small giggle. Then he took Logan's hand, entwining their fingers with a small smile. Logan could feel his face heat up, which he ignored. Instead he shuffled closer to Virgil, then leaning in and kissing his cheek, which left Virgil blushing too.
"Another race?" Logan then asked holding up his controller and willing his blush to go away (which did not work as well as he had hoped).
"Sure, at least now I know some ways to easily distract you so I can win." Virgil said with a smirk. Logan raised his eyebrows, a tiny smile playing on his lips.
"You wouldn't dare." Logan said, but Virgil just grinned and let go of his hand, grabbing his controller with both hands and choosing a level. Let's just say they both ended up losing, because Virgil tries to distract Logan, but it ended up distracting them both.
Written: 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th July 2018
Published: 22nd August 2018
Words: 4302
I walked past a cute girl today and she looked at me and smiled and skdjsjdj I swear my heart almost skipped a beat and I couldn't stop smiling for like 2 minutes shdkdjsjdj I am a disaster gay
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