[55] - Secret

Don't mind me, just writing more about Logan and Virgil being cute and cuddly because my whole being craves a really tight hug that lasts for about 2 hours, but I can't get that, so here I am

This got deleted and I almost cried but then I managed to get it back.

The wattpad app is so shitty, and yet I love it so much.

And rn wattpad doesn't want me to publish this urgh


Logan sighed fondly and smiled happily as he observed Virgil from across the room. He was laughing at something that Patton had said, and was being so incredibly adorable that Logan's heart ached when looking at him.

Then, while Patton had turned his attention towards the oven where he had his cookies, Virgil looked over towards where Logan was sitting, smiling brightly at him when he saw him. If Patton hadn't been there Logan would probably not have been able to stop himself from marching up to him and hugging him. But since he and Virgil were not alone at the moment he had to settle with only smiling back.

Then, when Patton turned back to Virgil and continued their conversation Logan turned his attention back to the tv which was what he had been watching before his mind had drifted off to Virgil. After a few minutes, when he could not contain himself anymore, picked up his phone, sending a quick message to Virgil.

'I'll see you tonight?'

It was not much and did not at all convey what he wanted to tell Virgil, but in case Patton would see the message when Virgil checked it he wanted it to be something that would not provoke any sort of suspicion. This could just be seen as a reminder from a friend to another friend that they were going to spend time together.

The other sides had not got a clue about Virgil and Logan's relationship, and they would prefer to keep it that way. But Logan had to admit that the idea of being able to show Virgil affection at any time of the day was extremely appealing. Instead he had to wait until the evening, when they knew they would not be disturbed by anyone, to show his love for the anxious side.

All their problems could be solved, quite quickly too, if they just told the other traits of their relationship. But neither Virgil nor Logan were ready to do so, it was easier to just keep it a secret so that they did not have to find out what others might think of their relationship.

They did not fear the other sides reactions terribly much (even though the fear was still there), the thing that scared them the most was the fans finding out about their relationship. They had always voiced strong opinions about who belonged with who, and many did not think of Virgil and Logan's relation to be anything other than platonic. And what would Thomas think?

No, they found it easier to keep it a secret.

He watched in the corner of his eye how Virgil picked his phone up and began to type something on it. He continued his conversation with Patton while typing, so the moral side did not find Virgil's phone interesting in any way, he would rather hear what he had to say.

'Of course, can't wait' Was the reply that Logan got a few seconds later. He smiled again, then turning the screen off and putting his phone back in his pocket.


At 11 o'clock in the evening when Patton and Roman had long since gone to bed Virgil and Logan, who were watching a show on the tv, finally found themselves alone. The two of them went to Virgil's room when the episode had ended. They kind of took turns, sometimes sleeping in Logan's room and sometimes in Virgil's, tonight it was Virgil's room.

Usually they slept in Virgil's room though, it was located a little bit further away from the other traits rooms and that was good because then they could have conversations late into the night without risking that anyone would be able to hear them. Virgil closed the door behind them and Logan turned to Virgil.

"I fear I might go insane if I have to wait any longer to hug you." Logan complained, making Virgil chuckle and pull Logan into an embrace. Logan pressed his face against Virgil's shoulder, almost clinging to him.

"I missed you." He mumbled, because he had, even if they had spent the whole evening together.

"We live in the same house." Virgil said with a grin. Logan lifted his head up to look at him.

"You know what I mean." Logan said, rolling his eyes. Virgil just kissed his cheek with an adorable giggle.

"I know. I missed you too. I missed being able to touch you, I missed being able to kiss you, I missed being able to tell you I love you." He said with a small sigh. Logan hummed in agreement and pressed his lips softly to Virgil's.

"Because I do, I love you so much." Virgil continued when they parted. He was cupping Logan's face in his hands and he was looking at Logan in a way that made him weak in his knees.

"I know, I love you too. More than you will ever know." Logan said, kissing him again. He did not think Virgil could ever understand how dear he was to him. Logan himself could barely fathom how strong his love was for Virgil sometimes.

Virgil then stepped out of the embrace, pulling the zipper on his hoodie down and disregarding it onto the floor. He pulled a drawer out, tiredly searching for his pyjamas before Logan pointed to a pile on the floor which was what he was looking for. It seemed to be where Virgil had left his pyjamas this morning.

Logan had long ago made sure to have an extra set of pyjamas in Virgil's room as he seemed to be sleeping in there so often, and he found it folded by the foot of Virgil’s bed.


Early in the morning he woke up, he had to get back to his own room to avoid suspicion. Virgil was spooning him, and he really did not want to leave, not at all. But he always did. Ignoring the part of him that begged him to stay there with Virgil he sat up. But when he tried to leave the bed he realized he could not, because Virgil was clinging to him. He looked down at his boyfriend.

"Virgil..." Logan whispered, knowing that he was awake too. Virgil's arms around him tightened slightly and he burrowed his face into his side.

"Don't go." He whined half heartedly, like he always did, and Logan could feel him pout.

"You know I have to." Logan said regretfully. There was nothing he wanted more than to lie back down next to Virgil and lace their fingers together, but he couldn't. Patton woke them all up at 8 o'clock, and they did not want him to find them in the same bed when he did.

"I know." Virgil said with a sigh and stopped clinging to him, allowing him to untangle himself from Virgil and stand up. Then he bent back down to kiss Virgil and mumble a quiet 'I love you' against his lips. Virgil returned the phrase without hesitation and then he let Logan leave.

As always the hallway outside of Virgil's room was empty, and Logan walked across it towards his own room, that was located closer to the other sides rooms, with ease. No one else was awake at 6 am. Patton woke up at 7, at 8 he woke the others up. He claimed it was his responsibility as a ‘dad’ to make sure that they did not sleep the whole day away.

Back in his own bed he, as always, noted how much more lonely he felt sleeping alone. He already missed Virgil profoundly, and he knew that hiding their relationship in this way was not going to work for them much longer.


Later that day they took the first chance they got to speak to each other. It happened to be just before lunch, because Patton was busy cooking said lunch, and Roman was in the imagination, most certainly once again attempting to slay the dragon witch. Happy to finally have the time to speak to each other without the risk of anyone hearing them they went to Logan's room, locking the door just in case.

They sat down on the bed, and Logan attempted to collect his thoughts to be able to say what he wanted to have said. And it turned out they had the same thing on their minds.

"Okay, so. I've been thinking. What if we only told Patton and Roman about our relationship? Then we would be able to be affectionate at least in the mind scape, whenever we would want. No one else need to know, not Thomas, not the fans." Virgil suggested, and Logan nodded slowly, thinking over the idea.

"Because Roman and Patton will be fine with it, right?" Virgil said, seeming to be saying it to calm himself more than to calm Logan.

"That could work, I have thought of it myself. And I do not think that the other two will have a problem with our relationship." Virgil glanced at him worriedly and Logan suspected that he had been waiting for a more reassuring answer.

"Even if they do not like it, that won't stop us from being together, alright? Nothing can keep me from loving you. We will be fine no matter what." He said, reaching out a hand and brushing away the hair that covers Virgil's eyes, even daring to kiss him on his forehead since the door was locked. Virgil smiled faintly, looking at him warmly.

"Yeah, we will be alright."


They waited until the evening to tell them, mostly because they continuously said 'we'll do it later' because of their nervousness. But they wanted to have it done today, postponing it further would not benefit them in any way and only allow them to worry for a longer period of time.

So around 9pm they summoned Roman and Patton into the living room. Virgil stood next to Logan, partly behind him, as if it was safer to hide behind him. Logan stood with his hands behind his back, so that Virgil could hold his hand without it being noticed. He squeezed Virgil's hand discreetly and reassuringly.

"We have something to tell the two of you." Logan said. He could sense Virgil nodding behind him.

"Well, I do not know if this will come as a surprise to you or not, I would hope it will since we have tried to keep it a secret. We want you to... you still alright Virgil?" He glanced at Virgil, to one last time make sure he was alright with this before there was no turning back.

"Yep." Virgil said silently, looking a little pale, but determined.

"Good," He said, then turning back towards Patton and Roman, "as I started to say, we want you to know that we, Virgil and I, are together, in a romantic sense."

There was a silence, while the sentence sunk in, and then the two seemed to realize what Logan had revealed.

"What?" Patton exclaimed with a huge smile, as if this was the best news he'd heard all week. Roman looked surprised, but did not show any kind of dislike towards it. The both of them let out a breath of relief at their reaction.

"How long have you been together?" Patton asked, curious to find out more about the two traits relationship.

"Almost six months." Logan said, squeezing Virgil's hand again and smiling fondly at him. Patton awed at them.

"Why didn't you tell us," Roman asked, sounding bewildered, "six months. That's a long time to keep something a secret."

"We, uh, we were scared of your reaction." Virgil admitted sheepishly, he looked nervous, but he wasn't partly hiding behind Logan. Now he was standing next to him, proudly holding his hand fully visibly for the other two, like he had not been able to do before.

"Well, I have to admit it comes as a total surprise to me, but you do not have to fear, I would never shun love." Roman said, and seemed excited as he looked at the two of them.

"What made you choose to tell us now?"

"We got too tired of having to hide it." Virgil simply said, it was true after all.

"We appreciate that you trust us with this information." Roman said truthfully, because even if he joked around a lot he did know how to act in a more serious situation. The jokes and taunting was going to come later, they were sure of it. But it was of course not something that would hurt them, not when they knew he supported their relationship fully.

“We must also ask you to keep this between the four of us, Thomas and the fans do not need to know." Logan clarified, and thankfully they accepted that demand without question.

When Roman and Patton went back to doing whatever they had been doing before Virgil and Logan had brought them there (videogames in Patton's room) Virgil turned to Logan with an excited smile, holding both of Logan's hands in his.

"We can do whatever we want," Virgil exclaimed excitedly, grinning happily at him, "we can cuddle on the couch in the living room."

"We can kiss whenever we want, even in the kitchen." Logan said, smiling at Virgil with an amused glint in his eyes.

"I can hug you when I feel like it." Virgil continued gleefully, wrapping his arms around Logan's waist.

"We won't have to leave each other early in the morning to avoid being caught together." Logan sighed happily, not being able to hinder his lips to form into a smile.

"Oh, fuck yeah! We're gonna sleep in. And we are going to wake up together, at a reasonable time in the morning, and then we can cuddle instead of one of us going to our own room alone." Virgil said with a delighted grin. Logan didn't bother scolding him for the swear word for once, he was far too busy enjoying the thought of he or Virgil not having to leave each other early in the morning.


Waking up and realizing that Virgil did not have to leave him to go to his own room, that was an amazing feeling. After a second of sleepy confusion Virgil allowed Logan to pull him in closer and he pressed a light kiss to Virgil’s lips.

"Good morning, love." He said tiredly, kissing him again.

"What time is it?" Virgil mumbled, his voice was thick with sleep and he yawned, then blinking to get his eyes to focus. Logan could not do that, his vision would remain blurry until he put his glasses on.

"6:15 am."

"And I do not have to go to my own bed?" Virgil asked, as if he was scared that it had all been a dream and he still could not stay with Logan. He shook his head with a small smile.

"No, you can stay here for as long as you want." He said to Virgil, who sighed with delight and pressed his face against Logan’s chest.

"I am never leaving, then." Virgil declared, making Logan snort. He seriously doubted that they would be allowed to stay in bed forever, but he had no objections to the proposal of staying in bed for a longer while than they usually did. He grabbed Virgil’s hand in his, entwining their fingers and kissing the back of his hand.

"We should have done this ages ago." Virgil then said, referring to them letting the others know of their relationship. Logan hummed, closing his eyes again. Virgil rolled over, so that he had his back to Logan who just inched closer and threw and arm around him. He knew Virgil loved to be the little spoon, and who was he to disappoint?

He pulled up the covers over the two of them, engulfing them in warmth, and pressed a small kiss to Virgil’s neck. Then he let out a delighted exhale and fell back asleep.

And that is exactly how Patton found them when he came to wake them up at 8 am. Logan and Virgil were closely cuddled together and holding hands. They looked so very peaceful and Patton couldn’t bring himself to wake them up. He only smiled and closed the door to Logan’s room, letting them sleep in.


Written: 24th, 25th, 26th & 27th June 2018
Published: 14th August 2018
Words: 2860

School starts in 6 days and I feel alright about it because at home me and my brother needs to build a brick wall from 7am to 5 or 6pm or dad will take pur phones and everything else we care about

Uhh this was cute I hope

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