[54] - Worries

Hey! My friend and I were talking about analogical and they sent me a prompt and I'm sorry I had to lol

sherwhoatlantisian hey I'm finally publishing this lol, even tho we had the conversation about this AGES ago and you probably don't even remember it now lol

I finished this at exactly 3 am, hah. (Sleep? I don't know her)

Warnings: some crying, a bit of anxiety, fluff as always tho


Logan walked towards his room, he had only gone to the kitchen to get a glass of water, since it is important to stay hydrated. But walking past the bathroom he stopped. He stood still, listening. He then heard a sound, the one that had made him stop, for a second time, and he furrowed his brows.

He stayed still and silent for another minute to assure himself he had heard what he had thought he did. And surely, he had heard right, someone was crying.

He turned to the door to the bathroom, it was slightly ajar. For a moment he hesitated, wondering if the person on the other side of the door would be better of without his inept attempts of making whoever was upset feel better. But then he decided that the best thing to do was to see if they did want consolation, if not he would leave them alone.

So with that thought in mind he lightly pushed the door open and stepped inside, letting the door almost shut behind him. The lights were off and there was no windows in the bathroom, so it was quite dark, but some light made its way inside since the door was still not properly shut. It only took him a second to spot Virgil. The anxious side was curled up in a corner and was staring at Logan, cautiously, through tears that were still falling from his eyes. The sight made his heart twinge.

"Virgil," Logan said softly, watching as said side pulled his hood down further, to cover up his face, "are you alright?"

Now, Logan fairly quickly realized that that might not have been the smartest question to ask. Someone who was alright would probably not be sitting in the dark on the bathroom floor, crying. Virgil just shrugged weakly, not bothering to give a verbal reply, and Logan, who still didn't really know what he was doing, made a quick decision.

He was not going to leave Virgil before he had done what he could to make him feel better. He clearly needed comfort, and even if Logan was not the most fitted to provide just that he was still going to do his best. So he took two steps closer, leaned against the wall, and sank down onto the floor, so that he was sitting next to Virgil.

"Would a hug be adequate?" He asked silently, and Virgil lifted his head up enough so that Logan could get a glimpse of a tear filled eye, before Virgil pressed his face against Logan's shoulder. He froze for a second, not having been prepared for the sudden contact, but then he put his arms around Virgil. He made a mental note, that 'if Virgil is sad, hugs are appreciated' and shifted a bit so that Virgil was in his lap, making it easier for him to embrace him.

"Is there anything in particular that is upsetting you?" Logan wondered, rubbing slow circles on Virgil's back that he hoped were comforting. He was silent for a while and Logan didn't want to pressure him, if Virgil did not want to speak then that was fine by him, as long as he was able to help in any way he was satisfied. Then Virgil leaned back a bit, sniffled, turned his head away and coughed over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He blinked, trying to clear his vision, looking down at his hands that were balled into fists and clutching the material of Logan's shirt.

"It- it was just all too much." Virgil mumbled shakily, rubbing at his eyes to try to dry the tears rolling down his cheeks. Logan didn't have to ask what it was that was 'too much', because Virgil soon continued to speak.

"It's just that- that... Thomas is going to that party this weekend, and there is so many things that could happen. What if he gets hurt in any way? Or really drunk? And the day after the party we are going to hang out with Joan and Talyn, and what if he is too tired for it? Or if he sleeps in and they become angry at him for being late?" Here Virgil paused, only because a sudden sob cut him off, and Logan though it best if he interrupted, because he was fairly sure that Virgil was on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Do not worry, the party will be alright. He is going with friends, they will look after him. And do you think Patton would let Thomas get hurt?" Logan begins, smiling a small, reassuring smile.

"Well, no, ...but accidents happen!" Virgil exclaims, his lower lip beginning to tremble and his hands grip at Logan's shirt more tightly, a few more tears escaping his eyes.

"We won't let that happen. And we will not allow him to drink too much either, not when he has plans the next day. And you are well aware of the fact that his friends won't hate him, they are all really understanding, and their friendship is strong. If Thomas would manage to do something dumb we are all here to fix that, and so are his friends, and emergency services. Not that that will be needed, because Thomas is an adult who can take care of himself." Logan reassured, but it did not really make Virgil look any calmer.

"I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't worry so much, there is just so much that is stressing me right now, not only the things I mentioned, I can't help it. I don't want to be a- a bother to you guys, I'm sorry." He buried his face in his hands, muffling his sobbing.

"It's quite alright, Virgil." Logan murmured, once again wrapping his arms around Virgil. It was the only thing that felt right to do in this situation, and he hoped that another hug would help to bring him to a more calm state of mind. Virgil once again leaned against Logan crying against his chest.

"I can't seem to- to stop crying." He muttered, a shudder running through him and Logan hugged him just a little bit tighter, hoping that it was giving Virgil a slightly grounding sensation.

"Crying is actually quite good for you, it is a healthy response to emotions when they get too overwhelming. Sadness, frustration, happiness, fear, anger, etcetera. Crying allows you to deal with what you are feeling, while repressing it will cause you more stress and even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Crying reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, it removes toxins from the body that build up during emotional distress. The toxins are let out with your tears."

"It is actually quite interesting, I once read an article about a study that had been done of tears, and it found that the structure of the tears were different if they weren't caused by the same emotion. So with that information you could find out what someone was feeling when they were crying, just by examining the way the tear is built up." He continued, Virgil seemed to actually be listening to him, and distractions always helped to calm Virgil when he was feeling anxious.

His way of providing comfort seemed to work, Virgil was no longer trembling and it was only now and then that he could hear a muffled sob or sniffle. It was a few minutes later when Virgil's breathing had became completely calm and his tight grip on Logan's shirt had loosened that he realized Virgil had fallen asleep.

You'd think it would inconvenience Logan to have Virgil, leaning against his chest, asleep. But to be quite honest, he just felt slightly honored that Virgil trusted him enough to allow himself to fall asleep anywhere close to him. It had never happened before, Virgil had not allowed himself to fall asleep near them even that one time when he was severely sleep deprived. He was glad to be able to note that Virgil was feeling more secure around them, around him.

It was not very comfortable to sit on the tile floor, it was cold and hard and Logan was being weighed down by Virgil. Also, it was not good for Virgil to sleep in such a position, his neck would surely hurt when he woke up and Logan did not want that for Virgil. Logan couldn't just leave him here on the floor either, that was not an option.

He didn't want to go to Virgil's room, that corner of Thomas' mind did not affect Logan in a good way, and maybe it was not the most ideal place for Virgil when he was already anxious and worried, so he decided the best thing to do was to just carry Virgil to his own room. There he would be able to rest without fearing that anyone would bother him. He moved Virgil a bit, so that he was not leaning against Logan anymore, and changed from a sitting position into crouching.

Logan carefully moved his arms so that one was around Virgil's back and one underneath his legs so that he'd be able to lift Virgil without dropping him. Lifting him up Virgil just mumbled something inaudible and gripped at Logan's shirt, but did not wake up. Logan breathed out a sigh of relief, he had feared that he would disturb Virgil's peace and awaken him when lifting him, but he had remained asleep.

Carrying him bridal style he made his way from the bathroom to his room, glad he had left the door to his room opened, he would have had trouble opening it while his hands were busy. Logan pushed the door open with his shoulder, not bothering to close it, and walked over to his bed, carefully laying Virgil down on it.

He took Virgil's hands in his, willing Virgil to let go of his shirt, and then pulled up the covers (that had been kicked down to the foot of the bed, contrary to popular belief Logan rarely made his bed) over Virgil, tucking him in so that he looked to be lying comfortably. Logan then looked down at the sleeping side, trying to remember a time when he had seen Virgil look this relaxed before.

He didn't think he had, and it warmed his heart to see him like this, guard down, not glaring suspiciously at anyone. Just sleeping peacefully, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. (Though Logan knew very well that Virgil had far too many cares in the world, and the smudged eyeshadow beneath his eyes, that were now ruined by the tears that had run through it, also told him that.)

He observed Virgil for a moment longer, then, surprising even himself, he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Virgil's cheek. He flustered, his cheeks being tainted pink, when he realized what he had done, still not really understanding why he had done it. Then he just shook his head dismissively at himself, backing away from the bed and turning around to now close the door to his room to not cause any confusion if anyone where to walk past his room and happen to look inside.

He then sat down at his desk, opening up a book he had been reading since a few days back, and began to silently read in the wait of Virgil's awakening, that would inevitably happen. The thought of his lips brushing against Virgil's cheek never really leaving his mind, for some peculiar reason.


Written: 4th & 5th July 2018
Published: 9th August 2018
Words: 2086

The tear structure thingy was something I read ages ago on like tumblr, I have not fact checked it, do not trust my knowledge at all lol

Oh and also hi I'm in a desperate need for a hug, does anyone here live even remotely close to sweden?

Please don't make me go back to school, I am so tired, I'm exhausted, please I can't

My feelings switch between absolute panic and not feeling anything at all, huh, wild

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