[52] - No Sleep - (Part Two)
IN CASE NO ONE TOLD YOU TODAY, you are enough, I am proud over you, you look stunning today, and you are valid, important and always accepted here. I love you guys💗
When I write a scene using the word yawn and play the scene in my head it makes me yawn
I love my wife and my five adopted children
Warnings: none, probably a bit of swearing
Virgil woke up, in a room that was not his own. He laid there and stared at the wall he was facing and after a few seconds of confusion he remembered what had happened last night. He rolled over, finding Logan a few feet away, still fast asleep and with his back towards Virgil. He was relieved to see that his movements were not restricted anymore.
Slowly sitting up he looked at the room he was in. He had not been in Logan's room many times, maybe only once before, and had never really had time to really look around. There were several bookshelves that covered a whole wall, all so full of books that some were stacked on top of the ones neatly standing in the shelf.
One shelf was full of boxes that looked to be containing puzzles. The walls were light grey and here and there there were posters hung up, some from Doctor Who, some from Sherlock, a couple with constellations of stars, and a few other posters which Virgil guessed had something to do with scientists.
Beside the bed there was a dresser, the one Virgil had found Logan's pajamas in. In front of the wall opposite of the bed Logan's desk were stood. On it Logan had several stacks of papers and some more books, pencils, pens, notebooks, and other items. The room was clean, no clothes, papers or items were scattered on the floor, like they were in Virgil's room.
He suffocated a yawn, looking over at Logan again and then carefully slipping out from beneath the covers, leaving Logan alone in his bed. He had slept in his clothes, which did not bother him, it just meant he didn't have to change. He glanced at the clock above the door and was surprised to see that it was half past one, they had really slept for a long time.
He tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind him and making his way to the kitchen. It was empty and he started to make some coffee, eating some candies from a bowl on the kitchen table as he waited for the coffee to be finished. He then heard steps coming towards the kitchen and saw Patton appear in the doorway.
"Good morning, Virgil!" Patton chirped with a big smile when seeing him. "I was just on my way to wake you up! Both you and Logan slept in really late today."
"Oh, really?" Virgil said, trying to sound as if that was news to him, because he was not supposed to know if Logan was awake yet or not. It was not unusual that he slept for most of the day though, he usually didn't wake up before 11am-12pm no matter when he had gone to bed. The longest he had slept was until 3 pm. He would have slept longer, but he'd been woken up by the other sides, because they had started to worry about him.
"Yeah, I'm going to go and wake him up right now." He said, cheerfully as ever, but Virgil made a quick decision and interrupted him.
"You know, Patton, I'll wake him up, I was on my way to speak to him anyway." Virgil said, which was not a complete lie, he was going back to Logan's room.
"Alright." Patton smiled again and patted Virgil's shoulder. He poured up coffee in two cups, taking them in his hands and leaving Patton and the kitchen.
"If you need me I will be in the imagination with Roman!" Patton called after him, and Virgil shouted back a reply so that Patton knew he had heard him, before continuing on his way back to Logan's room.
It proved difficult to open the door to Logan's room when both of his hands were occupied, but after some fumbling he succeeded. He walked right into the room, carefully placing one of the cups on the nightstand next to the side of the bed where Logan were lying, then he went back to close the door again. Turning back towards Logan he could see him shift and roll over with a soft groan.
"Virgil?" Logan asked, his voice thick with sleep. He blinked several times, trying to clear his vision. Virgil handed him his glasses that had been lying on the nightstand, which he seemed to not have realized that he was without. He looked at Virgil with a expression of mild confusion.
"Good morning, feeling well rested?" Virgil asked, a small smile on his face as he took a sip from his cup of coffee. Logan hummed with a smile.
"I forgot sleeping felt so wonderful." He mumbled quietly and closed his eyes again. He burrowed his face into the pillow with a happy sigh (which maybe was not very comfortable since he was wearing his glasses now) and the both of them were silent for several minutes, Virgil sipped his coffee, almost wondering if Logan had fallen back asleep.
"Did you stay here all night?" He then asked, turning his head towards him and peaking out at Virgil through his eyelashes. Virgil blushed slightly, even if he had no reason to do so, it's not like it was his fault that he spent the night (or maybe 'half the day' was a better description) in Logan's room.
"Yeah, you had your arm around my waist, I couldn't leave without risking that I woke you up again, and you really needed all the sleep you could get." He explained, feeling ridiculously awkward.
"Apologies for that." Logan said, and if Virgil was not mistaken Logan's cheeks were tainted lightly pink. Virgil shrugged, taking another sip of the hot liquid.
"Is that coffee?" Logan said, opening his eyes completely. He looked at Virgil who pointed at the cup that stood on Logan's nightstand. Logan smiled brightly, sat up and grabbed the cup. He yawned and looked out over his room.
"Sorry that my room is such a mess." Logan said, and Virgil narrowed his eyes at him. Mess? Where? The clothes he had taken off last night were still lying on the floor, is that what he called a mess?
"If you think your room is messy I do not think that you should step inside my room." He mumbled, making a mental note to clean up before Logan spent time in his room again. Logan let out a small laugh.
"Thank you, Virgil. For making me sleep. This is the first full night of sleep I have gotten for at least a week. For some reason I just cannot seem to fall asleep lately. I just lie and stare at the ceiling while waiting for sleep that never comes." He sighed, finishing his coffee. Virgil was impressed that Logan could drink a cup with hot coffee so quick.
"You know, if you have trouble sleeping then you can always come to me and I'll either try to help you or at least keep you company." Virgil said, hoping that Logan would let him help when he had a hard time sleeping.
"Again, thank you, Virgil, I appreciate it." He said and smiled, genuinely, at him. Virgil pretended he didn't feel that weird fluttering feeling in his chest that he had noticed the night before.
"It's nothing. I am just happy to help. Seriously, come to me if you need anything, you are not bothering me." Virgil added that last part because if he was Logan he would have been very worried that he might just be a bother, and he wanted Logan to know that he was always welcome.
"You are very kind, Virgil."
"You said that earlier this morning." He said with a laugh, shaking his head a little.
"I did, didn't I." Logan murmured, staring at Virgil for a few seconds (Virgil caught his heart skipping a beat at the way Logan looked at him and he internally scoffed at himself) before putting the cup of coffee back down on the night stand and getting out of bed.
"Dear lord, it's almost 2 pm," Logan exclaimed, looking up at the clock on the wall, "I have never slept this late before."
"I should really get to-"
"If the next word out of your mouth is 'work' I will literally tie you to the couch. You are not working today, you are overworked and today you will relax." Virgil said, sounding as threatening as he could.
"But Virgil," Logan protested, "I have work that has to be done."
"There is nothing that could be more important than you taking care of yourself. Today is your day off and there will be no arguing about it. And you should really start asking us to help you, we do not mind making up the schedules or keeping track of things, but we do mind you being overworked and tired. We care for you, Logan. Please let us show it." Virgil begged, and Logan stood there looking slightly stunned and didn't seem to have anything to say.
"A- alright, Virgil. I am sorry for causing you any worries. I usually do take good care of myself, and you are right. I need to take the day off. To be honest I should probably take more than one day to rest." Logan said sheepishly, and it was clear to see that he was feeling guilty.
"Thank goodness, there is some sense left in you." Virgil said, so relieved that he couldn't help but to hug him. Logan was less awkward than Virgil had been the last time they hugged. While Virgil had stood frozen in place Logan actually hugged him back. Then he stepped back from Logan to give him some space.
"So what do you plan on doing all day?"
"I have a puzzle I haven't had time to piece together yet." Logan said with delight, actually seeming to like the idea of a day spent doing things he enjoy.
"Do you want to join me?" Logan asked him shyly, surprising Virgil, who had thought that Logan was glad to finally get some time alone without someone annoying that kept him from working.
"Yeah... yeah, that sounds lovely." Virgil said, gladly accepting the offer to spend some more time with Logan. He had just planned on watching youtube and eating a bag of chips today, and he was glad that he could switch those plans to something that actually involved socializing. Virgil spent far too much time alone in his room.
"Fantastic." Logan said, grinning happily at him.
They spent most of the day in Logan's room, only leaving to find something to eat, which they brought back to Logan's room to eat there. They pieced together that puzzle that Logan had spoken about, it was a 1500 piece puzzle that was of a river that ran through a forest. While piecing it together they listened to music, Logan finally got to hear the new p!atd album, he especially liked the song Old Fashioned.
Virgil also found out that Logan is a talented artist, he made a sketch of Virgil when he had been occupied reading an article out loud for Logan, later he had shown Virgil the sketch. Virgil would not admit it, but he was jealous, he had always wished he would be able to draw well, but he could not even draw a stick figure that looked okay.
Patton and Roman came back around dinner time and the two of them found Virgil and Logan attempting to make pancakes. Or, well, they found Logan trying to flip a pancake and failing miserably while Virgil was sitting on the floor and laughing hysterically at him.
Roman had just snorted and taken the pan from Logan with the words 'this is how you do it'. Patton was the only one who actually succeeded on the first try.
After eating Virgil helped Patton with the laundry, there was a lot of clothes to fold since they had not taken care of the clean laundry in over two weeks. They sat on the living room floor with the giant pile of laundry in front of them, watching tv at the same time. Roman and Logan were discussing something, they were sat on the couch and Virgil couldn't really hear what it was they were talking about.
They pretty much spent the rest of the evening watching tv. At 9 pm both Patton and Logan said they were going to bed, which made Virgil very happy, Logan really needed all the sleep he could get. Roman didn't go to bed before 10, he sat and wrote poems in a notebook, occasionally asking Virgil's opinion on what he had written. Virgil himself didn't go to bed before half past 11 since he had found an old horror movie playing on a channel on the tv, he found the movie hilarious because of the bad costumes and horrible special effects.
Then when the movie had ended he turned the tv off, throwing the remote onto the couch and stood up. The remote bounced off of the couch and landed on the floor, beneath the coffee table, and Virgil wished good luck to whoever was the first one to use the tv the next morning, because he certainly didn't feel like crawling on the floor to pick the remote up tonight.
He got to his room, closing the door, plugging his charger into the outlet next to his bed and connecting it to his phone before beginning to change into his pajamas. He then threw himself onto his bed (quite literally, he enjoyed diving into the mattress). Virgil then picked up his phone, connecting it to his bluetooth speaker, making sure it was on a low volume so that his music didn't bother anyone else.
He enjoyed listening to music while he slept, it was calming and made him fall asleep easier. Virgil pressed play on his mixed playlist with all his favorite songs. A song by Jaymes Young started to play, he wasn't sure of the name of it because he had not heard it many times before, maybe it was called Don't You Know.
He then spent the rest of the night on his phone scrolling through Instagram, then Tumblr, and then when he got bored of that he played some brainless games that he had downloaded on his phone, until he was interrupted by someone knocking on the door to his room.
Virgil only got a mini heart attack at the unexpected knock on his door. Repeatedly telling himself that a murderer wouldn't knock before entering his room he told whoever it was outside of his door that they could come in. The door opened and Virgil saw Logan, in his pajamas and looking a bit awkward.
"Salutations Virgil." Logan greeted, stopping in the doorway to Virgil's room and standing silently for a moment before continuing to speak.
"I am having trouble sleeping again and you said I could come to you." Logan said, looking tired, which was not strange considering that it was 1 am and he had not slept well very often recently. He was holding the book Virgil had read for him, so Virgil easily understood what he wanted.
"You want me to read for you again?" Virgil wondered, raising an eyebrow. He was careful to not smile, scared that Logan might take it the wrong way if he did. Logan did seem to be embarrassed over asking Virgil for help, which made Virgil a little sad, he would gladly help Logan in any way he could.
"If it is not any trouble... your reading really helped me yesterday." Logan said hesitantly, his voice trailing off.
"Of course it's not," Virgil said hurriedly, because it really wasn't any trouble, he enjoys reading out loud, "so, do you want to stay in here or do you want me to read for you in your room?"
"Oh, here is fine. Thank you so much." Logan said gratefully and Virgil was happy to see him visibly relax.
"Don't mention it," Virgil said, giving Logan a tiny smile and patting the empty space beside him on the right side of the bed, "I'm just happy if I can be of any help."
Without another word Logan quietly walked up to Virgil's bed, sitting down on it and pulling his feet up from the floor. He then turned his face towards Virgil, looking like he was having an internal argument with himself. "So it wouldn't bother you if I sleep in here tonight?"
"No, you're one of the few people I don't mind sharing my bed with," he began, then he blushed, "I mean that in a platonic way, of course."
"If you say so." Logan said and laughed, immediately looking much more at ease. Virgil was at least glad that he had managed to cheer Logan up and made him feel less awkward, even if it was on the expense of his own embarrassment.
Virgil opened the book up to where he thought he had been when Logan had fallen asleep, finding a good place to begin to read again, not caring that he was rereading a few pages that he had already read last night. Logan sat down next to him on the bed, pulling the duvet over him.
"What are you listening to?" Logan asked, and it took Virgil a few seconds to understand that Logan was asking about the music softly playing in the background.
"Oh, this song? It's called Saturn by Sleeping At Last. It's really good, and very calm, I enjoy calm and slow music, it helps me when I am anxious."
"I'm not anxious at the moment," he hurried to say, when seeing Logan's worried expression and deducing that Logan must've assumed, "I just listen to music while sleeping and, as I said, this is a playlist with many calm songs."
And with that their little conversation came to an end, and while Logan laid down comfortably Virgil began to read. He was happy to see that Logan was beginning to look relaxed and sleepy fairly quickly. Two more chapters and Virgil was sure that Logan was almost asleep, and his voice was quite tired from all the reading it had been doing for the past two days, so he put the book down, also lying down and pulling the covers up over his chest.
With a tiny sigh he glanced at Logan, who was once again smiling that little smile that made him doubt his own sanity. He really could not be in his right mind if as much as a smile from the logical side overwhelmed Virgil with the desire to kiss him. He rolled over so that they were face to face, watching Logan calmly exhale.
Then, before he knew it, Logan had opened his eyes and Virgil was caught staring at him. His lips curled into a more visible smile when he saw Virgil, and Virgil decided in that moment that, insane or not, maybe he should give in and do what he wanted. So in a moment without thinking he closed the already very small distance between them and kissed Logan. Then, after only a second and before Logan even had the time to react, he jerked back.
"I'm sorry- I- I shouldn't have done that-" He rambled, feeling a mix of surprise and horror over what he had done. Logan was barely even awake, and he couldn't just kiss someone because he felt like it!
Logan softly pressed his lips to Virgil's, cutting his rambling off and sleepily kissing him, causing him to feel a tingling feeling in his gut, that started to spread throughout his whole body. His eyes fluttered shut. As Virgil had began to kiss back he could feel Logan wrap an arm around him, holding him as close as he could.
Then the kiss ended, Virgil opened his eyes again to see Logan looking both surprised and happy over what had just happened, and Virgil had to admit that he was feeling the same feelings at the moment. Neither of them seemed to know what to say, or even have anything to say, because they just laid there in silence and looked at each other, slightly dopey smiles on their faces.
"Should we, uh, talk about what just happened?" Virgil asked, finally speaking up, but not really knowing what to do next. Logan shook his head at him with a small smile.
"When we wake up." He said with a content sigh, still smiling, and still with an arm around him. Virgil nodded mumbling out an agreement, the both of them were too sleepy to really be able to think, and it was quite a serious thing to talk about. It was a better idea to leave that conversation to the morning.
It was not something that Virgil had expected to (ever) happen, but he could finally admit that it was something he had hoped for for a while now. Logan cuddled a bit closer to Virgil, his arms around the anxious side and the two of them drifted off to sleep to the quiet music that was still playing.
Written: 29th, 30th June 2018
Published: 3rd August 2018
Words: 3685
*finishes the oneshot in less than 15 minutes because I have 20 minutes until the clock strikes 12 and I have to add another day to the written thingy*
I've been reading Harry Potter for my little brother (8 year old) for over a year (he was seven when I began) and we're on book 7 now
Reading out loud is so straining for ur voice tho
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