[50] - A Surprising Turn Of Events
Yikes, don't judge me
(don't think I have not seen that the oneshots close to smut are the ones with many reads lmfao)
When I say this escalated I mean it
Warnings: implied dirty dream, implied smut, implied/mentioned hard on (more than once), a huge amount of blushing, probably swearing somewhere in this & some making out + also like wearing no clothes
almost actual smut at the end, I was too lazy to write some lol otherwise y'all would've gotten ur beloved smut. Guess you'll have to wait some more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If u don't like things such as smut you should probably not read this tbh
Virgil's eyes opened, staring out into the darkness, but still seeing very vivid scenes from his dream play out before him. He blinked, regaining focus to his eyes and staring at the ceiling above him. His heart was drumming in his chest and his breathing was erratic.
The dream was fresh in his memories and just thinking about it made his face feel even more heated up. That dream had certainly not been anything that he would ever speak of out loud.
Trying to push away the images of Logan doing things to him that he could (literally) only dream of, he shifted slightly, groaning when he realized he had a rather awkward problem to solve. He glared out at the dark, cursing his brain and natural urges, or whatever, for doing this to him.
He was not going to get himself off, not with the memories of Logan so fresh in his mind. He would have a hard enough time to look Logan in the eye tomorrow anyway, while only hiding his feelings for him. So he dragged himself out of bed, immediately missing the warmth from the covers as he made his way to the bathroom for the dreaded cold shower. The lights in the hallway were turned on, and Virgil looked at his watch. Apparently it was 6am.
Based of the darkness in his room he had assumed it was the middle of the night, but of course his room was always quite dark no matter what time of the day it was. The lights in the hallway being on was telling that someone else was already up, but luckily he did not meet anyone on his way to take a shower. He thanked every god he knew of, a hard on was hard to hide while wearing pyjamas, then again it was hard to hide while wearing any kind of clothing. It was just simply hard to hide a hard on.
Of course his luck could not last forever, and he ran into Logan (of course it had to be Logan) when he was walking back to his room. As soon as Logan spotted him he smiled, and Virgil remembered some very intimate moments from the dream, and he blushed madly, ducking his head and staring down at the floor.
He hurried past him and he could feel Logan stare after him until he shut his door behind him, and he was back to the safety of his room. He leaned against the shut door, banging the back of his head against it. Dear god, he was even more awkward around Logan than he had anticipated to be.
How was he supposed to not die of embarrassment when Logan looked at him? He had had a hard time acting normal around Logan when just hiding his feelings. And now he had to look at Logan and pretend his mind was not immediately imagining Logan fucking him. Virgil banged his head against the door again, contemplating if hiding in his room until he no longer felt this way about Logan was an option.
Deciding to instead avoid his problems he just went back to bed to sleep for a few hours. There was not a chance that he would actually start his day at 6am. And sadly there was also not a chance that the other sides would allow him to hide in his room for weeks.
At 11 am Virgil trudged into the kitchen, yawning. Logan was sat in there reading, he had originally been sat in the living room, but Roman and Patton had been singing disney songs together, and he had had a hard time concentration on what he was reading. He looked up when he heard someone come into the room, when seeing Virgil the first thing he noted was that Virgil's hair was even more messy than it had been when he saw him this morning.
He was still a little confused about how Virgil had acted this morning, he was always a bit nervous around Logan, but Virgil had never before blushed so much when looking at him. It made him feel strange. Virgil still looked like he was half asleep, something that happened if you slept for too long. He rummaged through the fridge, Logan hoped he was looking for something to eat.
When he closed the fridge he was holding two cookies. Looking up from his phone he stopped right in his tracks when he saw Logan. He opened his mouth and stuttered out something inaudible.
"Hello." Logan said, smiling at him. It made Virgil blush and he averted his eyes. It confused Logan, was he making him uncomfortable by simply greeting him?
"He- hey." He mumbled, sitting down on the chair opposite of Logan. He stared down at the table, nibbling on one of the cookies he had taken from the fridge. Logan did his best to try to keep a conversation going, but Virgil only stuttered and gave short nervous replies. He dashed out of the room the first chance he got, leaving Logan even more at a loss with what was going on.
This continued on for a whole week, every time Logan would be in the same room as Virgil then that would cause him to blush and stutter and just over all act like Logan's presence was enough to make him nervous. One other thing that Virgil did was to leave the room as soon as he could, every time, without fail, when they ended up anywhere close to each other.
Then he decided he had had enough, and that he was going to confront Virgil. He wanted to know what was going on. Was Virgil avoiding him for a reason? Had Logan somehow hurt his feelings or made him uncomfortable? He hated not knowing, and had to find out, or he might just go insane.
There was a knock on Virgil's door, causing him to drop his phone in surprise. He had not expected anyone to need him today. Roman and Patton were off helping Thomas,and Logan was most likely working on something. Groaning he slid down from his bed and went to open the door.
He doesn't know why he was so surprised to see Logan when he yanked the door open. Maybe Virgil had just never expected him to ever come looking for him. Before he had time to as much as open his mouth to greet him Logan pushed past Virgil, walking into his room without asking if he was allowed inside. Virgil rolled his eyes and walked back towards his bed.
"Hello. Please come in." He said with a tone of annoyance, standing with his back towards his bed and looking right at Logan who was looking at a poster on his wall with mild interest. He disliked it when people came into his room without being invited in. It made him anxious, and the fact that it was Logan who was currently standing there did not make things easier. At least he wasn't blushing yet.
"I need to speak to you. I have noticed that you have been avoiding me for the past week, and every time we are in the same room you refuse to look at me." Logan said, turning his gaze from the poster to Virgil while speaking. Virgil did not answer that, he just felt that damn blush creep back to his face. He looked down at his feet to not have to look at Logan.
"See, you are refusing to meet my eyes even now. Virgil please, tell me what I have done wrong." Logan said with a sigh.
"Nothing, you have not done anything." Virgil said, feeling surprised that Logan would have thought that this was all his fault. Logan had not done anything wrong, Virgil was just stupid enough to let himself fall in love with him. Logan just seemed confused by his answer.
"I must have, you seem nervous, embarrassed and uncomfortable when you are around me, and not while you are around the others, so I must've done something wrong." Logan said, tilting his head in puzzlement, clearly not understanding Virgil at all.
"I do not comprehend. If I have done nothing wrong, then why are you avoiding me? Do you find me annoying? Or stupid?" Virgil shook his head once again and it was obvious that it took everything in Logan not to groan loudly in frustration.
"Virgil, please just talk to me. I will eventually find out what this is all about, but I would rather not have to go to Patton and ask for advice." He begged, and Virgil felt himself grow increasingly annoyed. It would be so much easier for him to keep hiding his feelings for Logan if Logan himself wasn't insisting on knowing about it all.
"I hate you." Virgil huffed, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice, but he mostly sounded frustrated, with a slight hint of fear. It was quite obviously a lie, and even Logan could tell that, Virgil was sure of it.
Normally Logan would not debate such a thing though, but since it was Virgil who said it he knew that that statement was, in fact, incorrect.
"No you don't, I have data that suggests otherwise." Logan said, making Virgil scoff and roll his eyes for a second time since Logan entered his room. What possible 'data' could Logan have? Logan seemed to take Virgil's scoff as a challenge though, because he began listing all the 'evidence' he had.
"You don't believe me? Well... you often listen to what I have to say and you usually smile at me when you walk past me. You always check up on me when I'm stressed, I'm still not sure how you always seem to know that I am in a bad mood. When I have been working almost all night you make me coffee when I wake up. You allow me, and trust me enough to let me help you when you are feeling anxious. You have not once called me emotionless since you found out I disliked it. You are often nervous around me, but never as intensely as you have been for the past week. "
"It does not seem likely that you hate me, and I do not understand why you blush so much and refuse to look at me..." He trails off, falling silent before he looks right at Virgil (who by now feels like passing out, he had never realized Logan noticed, and appreciated, all these things) and then Logan smirks at him.
"You know what, I think I've realized exactly how you feel about me." He said, making Virgil feel like his heart stopped beating. He didn't say anything, he just looked at Logan and tried to remember how to breathe.
"Are these ...feelings the reason why you have avoided me?" Logan said, his eyes shining and he let out a small laugh.
"Y- yeah, kind off, I guess. But it's- it's dumb." Virgil said, his heart now hammering against his ribcage. It was not the full reason for his awkwardness, but it was all he was prepared to say. He tried turning away, thinking that he might feel less embarrassed if they weren't facing each other. But Logan stopped him, grabbing his arm and holding him in place.
"You think so? I don't, I think this is an excellent turn of events." He said, inching closer to Virgil who was trying his hardest to stay calm. It was really hard to do when Logan was standing so damn close to him. They stared at each other, Virgil feeling as if it was impossible for him to look away.
Then Logan leaned in and kissed him and Virgil's eyes fluttered close. At first he was unsure what to do, he'd never been kissed before, but then he kissed back. Disregarding all sense and anxiety he placed his hands on Logan's hips, pulling him closer.
They kissed until they stumbled and fell backwards, Virgil immediately being grateful for having stood with his back towards his bed. If they had landed on the floor that would've surely hurt. Instead Virgil was now lying on his back on his bed, with Logan on top of him.
They both looked surprised and gazed into each others eyes with amused grins, they both being taken aback from the new position they found themselves in. Virgil felt extremely nervous at the moment, this made memories of his dream resurface.
Logan let out a giggle (which Virgil found adorable) and rolled off of Virgil. He laid on his side, watching Virgil with a fond, and slightly mischievous, smile. Logan placed his hand on Virgil's cheek, tilting his head so that he could kiss him once again. Virgil really had nothing at all against the eagerness in the kisses, he had wanted this for several weeks, or even longer. Kissing Logan was simply intoxicating and he would not get satisfied any time soon. He pulled Virgil closer, looping his arms around his waist.
"I should, uh, I should close the door." Virgil said, feeing rather dazed while gesturing at the door to his room that was still stood open since Virgil had let Logan in. Logan nodded, neither of them wanted Patton or Roman to walk by and be able to see them kissing.
He ran and closed the door (and locked it, jut in case), a bit too hurriedly, but he didn't care and Logan did not seem to have any sort of complaints. He yanked Virgil back onto the bed when Virgil was close enough for him to reach. With a short laugh of surprise he was pulled on top of Logan who held his hands securely on Virgil's hips. He looked down on the logical trait with a unusual feeling of happiness in his chest.
Virgil had never seen Logan like this before, he was flustered, his pupils were blown wide, his hair was tousled and his shirt was wrinkled. His eyes were practically shining and his lips were red from all the kissing. Virgil loved that he seemed so disheveled and It was a far more arousing sight than he'd like to admit.
He leaned down and pressed his lips to Logan's, simply enjoying the fact that he was not as awkward as before. He was still quite bewildered over the fact that Logan wanted him just like Virgil wanted Logan. Virgil broke the kiss, gazing down at Logan.
"I love you." He said, because he though it was the appropriate thing to mention. Or maybe because he just had to have that said, since it was the truth.
"I love you too, Virgil." Logan smiled, reaching up and brushing away the hair that fell down over Virgil's eyes. He propped himself up into a sitting position, so that Virgil was now sitting in his lap with his legs wrapped around his waist. Logan had his arms around him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, then his jaw.
Virgil's breath hitched when feeling Logan's lips move from his jaw down to the more sensitive skin on his neck. His arms tightened slightly around his neck and leaned his head to the side so that Logan got better access. Logan alternated between barely brushing his lips against his skin which made him shiver, and sucking on sensitive spots which most likely ended up marking him. Whatever it was he was doing, it made him feel like Logan was trying to drive him insane.
"Shit, Lo." Virgil gasped. He was having an unusually hard time thinking at the moment, what Logan was doing to his throat was far too distracting. Logan's lips then left his skin, and he looked up at Virgil to make sure he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.
"I wouldn't, umm, I wouldn't mind if you kept doing that." Virgil said, his blush becoming more prominent than it had been before. Logan just chuckled silently.
"You sure you're comfortable with this?" Logan asked, gazing into Virgil's eyes. Logan's eyes showed far more emotion than they usually did. Virgil just smiled sweetly, cupping Logan's face in his hands and tenderly kissing him.
"I want you." Virgil then whispered against Logan's lips, shivering when Logan pulled him closer and kissed him like Virgil was the air he needed to breathe. If Logan kept this up he was seriously going to lose all sense. Logan's hands tugged at Virgil's hoodie, indicating that he wanted Virgil to take it off. It soon landed on the floor, where it was joined by his shirt a small amount of time later.
Virgil fumbled with Logan's tie, attempting to untie it without breaking the kiss. It took a moment, but soon he succeeded and began unbuttoning Logan's button-up shirt. That was also a challenge, and after a while of struggling Logan broke the kiss with a small laugh and began to do it himself.
Virgil slid off of Logan's lap, lying down on his back on his bed. Just the way Logan was looking at him when glancing down at Virgil was enough to make a warm feeling of excitement and anticipation spread from his gut. He gazed up at Logan, silently admiring him and watching as he let his button up join the other pieces of clothings on the floor.
Finally shirtless Logan pushed him into the mattress, kissing down his throat, and Virgil had to say that this brought up memories of that dream he had a while ago. The last thing he had expected back then was for his dream to become truth.
He didn't mind the change of events one bit and he was surprised, and grateful, that he wasn't anxious at all. He had expected to be more awkward in such a situation, but he just felt happy and relaxed. And the feeling of Logan's lips pressed against his skin was definitely something he was going to savour.
Virgil let out a shuddering breath, feeling Logan's knee press against his crotch. He let his hands wander down Logan's back, to his waist, pulling slightly at his pants. Of course Logan wore jeans, and Virgil groaned over the fact that it was so hard to get Logan's clothes off of him. He pulled them down a bit, then Logan had to take over since otherwise the jeans would stay above his knees (he was kneeling at the moment) and that he did not so graciously.
Virgil just giggled lightly at that, then he looked Logan up and down, enjoying seeing Logan so undressed. His eyes lingered at the still covered up area, delighted to see that Logan was already pretty hard in his boxers. He definitely wanted to help him take care of that.
Virgil himself was wearing sweatpants, so it was not like he could really hide anything. It was easy to see that he too was quite aroused. He felt a shiver go down his spine when Logan let his fingers run down his chest, his stomach, letting his thumbs slid beneath the waistband of his pants. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Virgil's stomach, even such simple things as that made him feel as if small sparks of electricity spread through him.
Logan kissed Virgil on his lips again, softly, surprising Virgil with how much emotion could be shown in a kiss. With fond smiles they pressed their foreheads together for a moment, simply just enjoying the skin on skin contact and how close they were.
Virgil cupped Logan's face, bringing his lips down for another kiss. Logan's lips parted, allowing Virgil to lick into his mouth. Logan's hands wandered back down to his hips, tugging at his sweatpants, alerting Virgil to lift his waist up so that Logan could pull them down, his lips not leaving Virgil's for a second.
Not until Virgil breathlessly pushed him back a few inches, smirking and letting his hands slide down his chest with the intentions of getting Logan out of the little clothing he was still wearing.
This was going to be much better, and far more satisfying, than every dream he had ever had involving Logan combined.
Written: 13th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 22nd June 2018
Published: 26th July 2018
Words: 3622
Don't judge me, I know for sure y'all have read way worse things
I don't know how to end this lol I'm sorry also I'm tired
My eyes are burning from the tired
Writing the last part was so hard because like idk nothing about these things except from what I've read in fanfics and I'm scared I'll get it wrong
As an asexual I do not understand the appeal of sex though. I just find it kind of gross? But I haven't really got a problem with writing/reading it as long as it is not kinky at all
Kinks creep me out. Like...all of them. Not judging tho
Do you allosexuals (non asexuals) really want to have sex?? Like... really?? And why? (Genuinely wondering)
This was bad
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