[45] - The Physical Contact Arrangement
Reminder that pointing out spelling mistakes is allowed, and appreciated, because sometimes I miss them while editing
This is literally just cuddles????
Could be better, but it's 3:00 am, wattpad deleted my proofread version and I am tired and sad now so screw editing it, I didn't edit much anyway cuz I was already tired at 1 am when I started this
Warnings: uh, swearing?
Neither Virgil nor Logan was very good at asking for affection, or showing affection either for that matter. It just wasn't something that they were equipped to do. But when Logan for some reason fell asleep next to Virgil on the couch he didn't move away from him. Even despite knowing that there was a possibility that Logan might end up leaning against him.
Or maybe that was the reason why he didn't move. Who can say. Whatever the reason was doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that Virgil is having a hard time concentrating on his sudoku because he is nervous about how close to him Logan appeared to be. If it was Logan who had shifted in his sleep or Virgil who had unintentionally moved closer he did not know.
The reason to why this distracted his bored mind so much was not because Virgil did not want any physical contact, more of the other way around. Virgil, being the embodiment of anxiety, didn't really get enough physical contact. And of course the chance of him going up to one of the other sides and asking for a hug or to cuddle was less than zero percent. It would be far too embarrassing.
Patton certainly had noting against showing affection, but he had started to be more calm about it towards Virgil and Logan since he started dating Roman, now they spent loads of time doing romantic and affectionate crap. At first he had been relieved when he noticed he wasn't bombarded by a Patton who was in need of hugs every ten minutes, but now he kind off missed it.
Of course he had never minded hugging Patton, but he was so unused to that kind of affection that it always made him nervous. But now he missed it despite the nervousness. He craved physical contact with someone, his weighted blanket wasn't doing much.
He had come to terms with the fact that he was feeling touch starved. That was a concept he had stumbled upon while reading wikipedia articles at 5 am. Virgil did admit that he always felt an almost itching need for something, he just hadn't realized that the thing he needed was some affection, platonic or romantic would do. But, as previously stated by him, there was no chance he would ask anyone for a hug.
But since Logan had fallen asleep he got more at ease, enough to sit in a more relaxed way. And by that he meant that he was brave enough to stay where he was. Even when Logan, as he had predicted from the way he was sitting slightly leaning towards him, shifted in his sleep and his head ended up falling against his shoulder.
Logan did not wake up and Virgil did not move. Especially since Logan had looked so tired today, he suspected that he had been up working all night. The others did their best to keep him from overworking himself, but it was hard since Logan does not see the problem with working all night.
You'd think someone as clever as Logan would understand the consequences to overworking, but clearly he did not. At least Patton had started checking in on him when he went to bed to make sure that Logan at least got told to go to bed. Not that it was often that he cared what they told him, but it was worth a try.
Admittedly, Virgil himself did not have the best sleeping schedule either. He just could not help staying up late on youtube or tumblr or lying awake and thinking about the things that made him anxious. So maybe it was not very surprising that Virgil too drifted off into a peaceful sleep a short while after. It was not what he had planned, but his body clearly did not care, it wanted to rest.
Being awoken from his nap was not pleasant. He was very comfortable and did not at all have to open his eyes. But then he felt someone move beside him and his brain quickly reminded him that Logan was sleeping next to him and that apparently he had fallen asleep too. Virgil's head shot up and he practically jumped away from Logan when seeing that he was awake already.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Logan said quietly. Why was he sorry? Virgil was the one that had fallen asleep, inconveniencing him. Well, Logan had fallen asleep first, but it was Virgil's fault. He should have just moved away when he noticed that Logan had fallen asleep. He should've left him alone or gotten him into bed.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, uh, fa- fall asleep." He stuttered, feeling his face heat up.
"It is not in any way only your fault." Logan said calmly, but Virgil could see that he looked embarrassed and flustered too, even if he tried to hide it from him. Great, he had made Logan uncomfortable. He looked down, seeing the blanket that was still partly covering them. It had slid off of them as Virgil had jumped away.
"Who put that blanket on us?" Virgil said, glancing worriedly at it as it laid on the couch. He had not placed a blanket over them before falling asleep, he'd remember doing such a thing.
"You mean the light blue one with a motive of dogs and cats?" Logan said, clearly not very impressed by Virgil's skills of deduction.
"Fair point." Virgil fell silent after that, not having a clue what he was supposed to say. He was useless in awkward situations. Apparently Logan had no idea what to say either because he said nothing. Wonderful, this was just how to make the situation even more uncomfortable. Luckily Logan broke the silence after an awkward minute of trying not to look each other in the eyes.
"It was nice, though." He said, and Virgil looked up, feeling quite confused.
"The nap. It was admittedly very refreshing, more so than naps usually are." Logan said, looking like this was actually something very interesting that he had to research and test. At least he did not look embarrassed anymore.
"I am going to attempt to find out why." He then continued and marched away, leaving Virgil to stare at him as he left. At least his blush was going down now that Logan was not near.
It puzzled Logan as to why yesterdays nap had been so much more fulfilling than naps usually were. The only thing different were that he had been cuddling with Virgil, but that should not have a significant affect on his sleep as far as he knew.
That was the reason to why Logan currently had 14 tabs open on his laptop that all had a different article regarding sleeping and in which situations a short nap was optimal. Surprisingly enough it turned out that physical contact was indeed a big factor into how well you slept.
That only made Logan feel annoyance. He never got any physical contact, but he did want to be able to sleep during short periods of time and actually feel well rested afterwards, short naps during the day were beneficial to him, especially as he worked so late into the night. And maybe there was a part of him that wanted to get more physical contact from Virgil because of other reasons. He preferred to not think too much about that.
It was pathetic, his need for affection. Why it was necessary for him to crave such primitive things escaped his understanding. Well, whether he understood it or not Logan knew what he had to do if he wanted to find out if it was indeed Virgil who was the leading factor in making his sleep so enjoyable.
"It has come to my awareness that I am lacking physical contact and to my knowledge you are too. Will you be able to assist me with that?"
"I ...What?" Virgil said and watched at Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times while trying to find the right way to explain what he had just said. He sighed and, to Virgil's complete surprise, started to look quite flustered.
"I don't get enough physical contact and after the other day when we napped together I realized how beneficial that was for the both of us, can we attempt it again?" Logan asked, speaking incredibly fast as if he found it awfully embarrassing to ask. Virgil just stared at him for half a minute but snapped out of it when realizing it was probably making Logan more uncomfortable.
"So ...you want to cuddle because we're both lonely and don't get any affection?" He asked, just to clarify. He still wasn't completely sure that he had actually heard Logan ask that, it felt a bit surreal.
"I guess you could put it that way." Logan admitted, clenching his jaw at the way Virgil had chose to phrase it. Virgil assumed that 'cuddle' was not a word Logan had ever used. "So what is your answer?"
"Uh, sure I guess." He mumbled, not certain what it really was he agreed to, but it did not seem to be a bad thing.
"Satisfactory. Shall we make an arrangement?"
"O- okay."
"So, I was thinking that we could come to each other when we feel like we are in need of, what was it you called it, cuddles? Whatever the term is, I have found that physical contact is important. A simple hug can cause the release hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. It also helps strengthen your immune system and ward off illnesses." Logan began, rambling on about stuff Virgil didn't know anything about.
"According to studies it takes thirty seconds of physical contact before the brain starts to release things such as oxytocin." Logan continued, pushing up his glasses which Virgil knew was something he did when he was nervous. Good to know that the subject of affection made them both as awkward and uncertain.
"Okay." He said again, not sure what else he should say.
"Does it seem like an okay arrangement? We rely on each other for comfort and touch when we need it. Of course you shall tell me no if you do not want to or if it is not a good time for you when I come to you." Logan finished, and honestly, was there any chance that Virgil would say no? Of course not, he was pretty desperate for someone, anyone, to show him affection.
"Alright, I'm in," He said, doing his best to make it sound casual, "so when does this start?" Logan suddenly looked more nervous than he had before and he straightened his tie despite it being straight already. Virgil recognized that as another one of his nervous habits.
"I'm thinking now? I am feeling stressed at the moment and thought it might help." Logan clarified and Virgil shrugged. Fine by him, it is not like he had anything better to do.
"Okay." He said, trying to look the least anxious he could, because it was obvious that Logan felt nervous about this and he did not want to add to his unease. They decided on just simply cuddling together and try to sleep a bit, it seemed the easiest and had been a nice experience the last time it had happened.
So they laid down on the couch, which was more comfortable than to sleep in a sitting position as they had the last time. He really hoped Logan couldn't hear, or feel, his heartbeat. It was possible that he could, since his head was resting on his chest. That would be embarrassing though, he did not need Logan knowing just how nervous he made him. Especially since he couldn't really explain why.
"Your heart is beating alarmingly fast." Logan said, confirming that he was indeed able to feel how hard Virgil's heart was beating.
"Oh, shut up and go to sleep or something." Virgil replied grumpily. He did not need Logan pointing out that Virgil was nervous, he was very well aware of the fact already. He lowered his gaze and looked down at Logan instead of staring up into the ceiling. He found him already staring at Virgil and they shared eye contact for a few seconds before both of them erupted in giggles.
This situation was quite surreal, wasn't it? The anxious and the logical side banding together to make sure they both got enough physical contact? That was nothing anyone would expect them to do. He threw a hand over his mouth, trying to calm down.
"I'm sorry. This whole situation is just so weird."
"I agree." Logan answered, trying his best to look calm and serious. It wasn't going very well, he kept having to force a smile away. He had to admit that it was pretty adorable.
Wait, no. Adorable? No.
He pulled his hood over his head, it was big enough to fall down over his eyes. He closed them, only seeing darkness and he once again felt his tiredness overtake him, he had not slept well last night. The last thing he was aware of before falling asleep was Logan putting his arm protectively around him.
And, honestly, it was a really nice feeling.
This was a stupid idea. What if he was just joking? What if he had changed his mind? What if he was just bothering Logan?
Thoughts along those lines were the only ones Virgil could think while waiting for Logan to open the door. A few times they had cuddled after their arrangement was started, but this was the first time Virgil actually came to Logan because he needed affection.
After a few agonizing seconds, that felt like an eternity, Virgil could hear footsteps behind the door and soon saw the door handle move. Then the door was opened, revealing Logan. His expression of mild annoyance (probably from being interrupted while working, Virgil could see that his computer was on) disappeared when he saw that it was Virgil.
Virgil just kind of looked at Logan for a while. Whatever he had wanted to ask for did not matter, the words were stuck in his throat and he was seriously considering just turning around and walking away.
He is busy working. You shouldn't have come. You are just annoying him.
"Do you need anything?" He asked softly, probably noticing Virgil's hesitation. The tone of his voice did make Virgil relax, but not by much.
"Heightened anxiety?" Logan guessed, apparently not needing Virgil to speak to understand what his problem was. Virgil, instead of speaking, just nodded and Logan gestured for him to come in. He realized that he had never been in Logan's room before, he had never had a reason to. Stepping into the room he immediately felt his mind start to think a bit more rationally, which was a nice change.
"The logical aura of my room should be calming, I will also be happy to provide comfort if that would be beneficial to you." Well that explained why simply being in Logan's room made him feel better. And yes, he would like some comfort, he just did not know how to ask for it.
When he had agreed to this arrangement he had not really considered the fact that he was too anxious to ever really ask for such things as affection. Virgil shifted awkwardly, looking around in he room just to avoid looking at Logan. He had a lot of books in his room, maybe he should ask him if he could borrow one. Another time though.
"I'm- I'm not bothering you, am I? Because in that case I'll leave." He spoke silently, burying his hands in the pockets in his hoodie and slouched, trying to appear smaller.
"Of course not, you are very welcome here. I should take a break from working anyways," Logan said, sounding very honest, so Virgil felt a bit calmer, "now I believe you came here for a reason?"
Virgil nodded. He had came because... Well, Logan was good at rationalizing and bringing down Virgil's fears. And he just did not want to be alone right now, Patton was out, Roman was with Thomas. Logan had said that they could come to each other when they wanted physical contact and, well, Virgil wanted something along those lines. He just wasn't entirely sure what something was.
"Can I just... like, sit next to you?" Virgil asked Logan, who was already sitting on the couch in his room. The logical side nodded so Virgil, albeit slightly reluctantly, sat down next to him. They were sitting close enough for their arms to touch, but he wasn't resting his head on his shoulder, he isn't that brave yet. Logan picked up the book that was lying next to him, it was the third Harry Potter book.
"That's my favorite." He mumbled while pulling his hood up.
"I can read out loud if you want to?" Logan offered.
"That'd be nice." Virgil said with a small smile that refused to disappear.
"Chapter One, Owl Post," Logan began, "Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways. For one thing, he hated the summer holidays more than any other time of the year."
Logan had a really good reading voice, Virgil quickly got engulfed into the story and forgot about the things that had been making him anxious. That was rare and he was eternally grateful.
So from then on when Virgil's anxiety was high Logan would read for him until he calmed down, and if Virgil was comfortable enough for it then they would even hold hands or Virgil might lean his head against his shoulder as he was being read to. It was the most physical contact he could stand without feeling worse while he was close to an attack or recently calmed down from one. As long as it was not too much it really helped.
Logan really helped.
He had only come into Logan's room to give Logan back a book he had borrowed. But when seeing Logan sit in a slumped position in front of his computer, leaning his head in his hand, he decided that maybe he should interfere. Logan was known for overworking and Virgil would keep him from doing that if he was able to.
"Hi." He said silently and Logan's head whipped up. He then grunted in pain, grimacing as he leaned back his head.
"My neck hurts." He complained, then rambled on about what he was working on. From what Virgil gathered Logan was currently researching healthy studying habits, which was ironic since he was not following any of the tips that he read about.
"Your neck hurts because you sit in a bad angle. You should lean back into your chair instead of sitting bent forward." Virgil grumbled, upset about how bad Logan was at taking care of himself despite always urging the others to watch out for their health.
He places his hands on his neck and Logan tensed beneath his touch. At least until he lightly dug his fingertips into his skin.
"Logan, you know better than to sit in a bad posture for several hours!" Virgil scolded, his fingers kneading the tense muscles. Logan just mumbled something incoherent and leaned into the touch. He groaned in pleasure, allowing Virgil to continuing to massage the pains away.
He leaned forward and buried his face in his arms, giving Virgil easier access to massage him, causing his glasses slipping down a bit on his nose. He let Virgil continue until he felt that he had taken enough benefit of Virgil's kindness and that he had no right to take more of his time. He straightened his back, turning around in his chair to actually face Virgil.
"Now, you need to take a break from working, what do you say about a movie? I'll make us both a cup of tea each." Virgil said, hoping that Logan would not insist on continuing working. But to Virgil's delight Logan just sighed and nodded, pushing his glasses back up on his nose.
Virgil's hand dropped to the sides of his body and Logan stood up, slowly stretching his back before following Virgil through the room. He sat down on his bed, reaching for the remote to the tv on the opposite wall.
"You find something to watch. Anything is fine, even one of your nerd documentaries. I'll go make tea." Virgil mumbled, vaguely gesturing towards the general direction of the kitchen before leaving Logan's room to do just that.
It did not take very long, and he was soon back in Logan's room, balancing two cups in his hands. He did his best to not spill any tea, which was difficult when the hot cups burned his hands. Logan had already found something to watch, a show called One Day At A Time. Virgil had heard of it, and he thought it seemed good.
"You mentioned once that you wanted to watch this show." Logan said and Virgil felt that it was very sweet that Logan would remember something he had said, probably, weeks ago. He hadn't thought that Logan was actually listening to him while he was rambling on about pointless things.
He smiled faintly and handed Logan his cup of tea, which he accepted gratefully. Virgil sat down on the bed, scooting up closer to Logan who had started the show. Soon they were huddled together under Logan's softest blanket, legs tangled together and Logan leaning his head against Virgil's while they were sipping their hot drinks.
He awoke, seemingly in the middle of the night, and at first he wasn't sure what had made him wake up. But then he heard Virgil's voice whisper his name. He stood by the foot of the bed and when Logan's eyes got used to the half dark in the room (he had forgotten to turn his desk light off, so there was a little source of light) he could see that Virgil had tears streaming down his face.
Logan didn't ask what was wrong, he was sure that Virgil did not want to speak about it. He usually didn't, but maybe he could tell Logan about it tomorrow, he'd be happy to try to help. Instead he sat up and motioned for Virgil to come closer. He slowly shuffled up to Logan, leaving the spot by the foot of the bed. He sniffled, still with tears falling from his eyes and Logan scooted over, patting the mattress beside him.
Hesitantly Virgil sat down. Logan was tired and wanted to go back to sleep, so he just wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist and pulled him closer, making him lie down next to him. Virgil then rolled over, pressing his face against Logan's shoulder and hugging him tightly.
"I'm sorry for waking you up, and for bothering you." He mumbled tiredly, blinking away the tears that he still had in his eyes.
"It's alright," Logan murmured, "I'm here for you. Try to get some sleep."
It didn't take long for Virgil to fall back asleep after that, still cuddled up closely to Logan. He, on the other hand, stayed awake for a while despite being so tired, it was strange to have another person next to him in bed, he was very used to sleeping alone. But he couldn't help to think that he really didn't mind.
Usually Virgil would go to Patton when he was upset, Logan was very glad that Virgil apparently trusted him enough to come to him for comfort. It made him feel all warm inside.
They kept going with their physical contact arrangement, it made them more comfortable around each other and they developed a better understanding of the need for touch. At least Logan did, since he had not understood it before. It also made them better friends, being vulnerable around each other made them develop a deeper trust in each other.
Even Patton and Roman had gotten used to finding them cuddled up, solving crosswords and sudokus together, or watching youtube videos about conspiracies or Logan's favorite documentaries about space. And of course they watched Sherlock and Doctor Who.
Patton had known from the start since he had put his blanket over them while they were sleeping, and he had never said a word about it. But he did smile at them every time he found them together so they knew he did not find it weird (which calmed Virgil down immensely).
Roman on the other hand had stopped abruptly right in the doorway to the living room when seeing them so close together. He hadn't even tried to hide that he was staring. Yes, maybe it was unusual to find Logan reading a book with Virgil's head in his lap. Virgil had been napping, listening to music with a pair of in-ears while Logan absentmindedly ran his fingers through his hair.
Logan had only given Roman a disapproving glare when the royal side had taken up his phone and snapped a picture, well aware of the fact that Logan could do nothing to stop him since he could not move without waking Virgil up.
Logan had hear Roman quietly ask Patton if Logan and Virgil were together. Patton had just said that he didn't know. Logan had known exactly what he meant by 'together' but had said nothing. He did not have the energy to tell them that he and Virgil were not boyfriends, they could think whatever they wanted.
But after weeks of seeing Logan and Virgil close together they did not even bat an eye anymore when they saw them napping together. It was a normal thing to see. Both Logan and Virgil were glad, it made them more comfortable with keeping up their arrangement.
By now it was just a habit for Virgil to always plop down next to Logan on the couch, lean onto him and ask if he wants any help with the crossword. Or for Logan to let Virgil drag him away from his computer to avoid overworking.
They were surprisingly comforted by the others presence, somehow they kind of canceled each others worst out and were quite skilled at talking some sense into the other.
Patton and Roman were however surprised when they one day found the two traits lying on the floor in the hallway. That was not a usual thing to see in the mind scape.
Roman was carrying Patton around in his arms, bridal style (something they seemed to do often), and he had almost stepped on Logan. To be honest, if it hadn't been for Logan's warningly 'don't' he probably would've stepped on him.
"What the heckity heck are you both doing lying on the floor!?" Roman exclaimed. Patton looked down at the two other traits. Logan was lying on his back and held a book above his head. Virgil was lying on his stomach, hood up to cover his face as much as possible and he had an arm thrown over Logan's abdomen.
"Virgil was having one of his existential crises and lying face down on the floor. I laid down next to him in case he wanted the company, and he did not seem to mind." Logan calmly explained.
"Do you mind me asking kiddo, are you two ...together?" Patton asked carefully, not wanting to make Logan uncomfortable. But the two of them really wanted to know, they had been trying to figure it out for a while now.
"We are not. We simply have an arrangement."
"An arrangement?" Roman asked, clearly wanting Logan to elaborate on that. He did not, he just kept reading his book. However, Virgil did start to mumble.
"We're both awkward and touch starved, leave us alone." He sounded half asleep and Patton was sure that Virgil would never say such a thing if he was fully awake.
"I suppose that is one way to explain it." Logan said with a sigh, still not looking away from the book he was holding up in front of his face. Patton and Roman decided to leave them alone, continuing down the hallway (Roman was careful to walk around them and not to step on Virgil's other hand that was reached out on the floor) before they said anything else.
"I think this arrangement they have is more than they think it is." Patton mumbled quietly, so that only Roman would hear him. He nodded with a little giggle.
"Definitely, Have you seen how they look at each other? Lets see how long it takes before they realize it."
He sat down next to Virgil on the couch, letting a sigh escape his lips. Leaning his head against Virgil's shoulder he peered at Virgil's phone that the other trait had in his hands. It was really not an uncommon occurrence to find Virgil watching youtube, it happened a lot.
Right now he seemed to be watching the two youtubers Dan Howell and Phil Lester play Sims 4. He did not know much about the two of them, except that Virgil enjoyed watching them.
"Hey Logan. What's up?" Virgil said, leaning his head on Logan's for a second, as a sort of greeting. He then paused the video that was playing, just as the guy, who Logan presumed was Dan, yelled loudly.
"I assume that you are asking if it is well with me, and it is. I am feeling good, if a little frustrated, so I decided that the best thing to do would be to just sit with you." He said, ending his sentence with a small shrug. He did not have to look at Virgil to know that he was smiling.
He pressed play on the video and the scream continued, the other one, Phil, Logan supposed it was, was laughing at Dan's behaviour. Logan summoned his sudoku that he had begun solving earlier this day and a pencil. He finally had time to continue what he had started this morning.
Logan was always surprised how nice it was to just spend time with someone in silence. Roman and Patton always felt the need to do something, or talk, or something else exhausting. With Virgil the two of them could just do something different and have a good time together without uttering a word.
He really liked that. Of course it was nice to spend time with the others too, it just required a lot more energy. Energy that Logan seemed to rarely possess if he was being honest. No, he much preferred just doing something simple with Virgil, as they were at the moment.
"Have you come to tell us that you've fallen in love with Logan?" Roman asked hopefully, grinning at Virgil. Though Virgil did not want to be ambushed by such questions the first thing that happened when he stepped into a room.
"What? No, I just wanted to ask if I'm allowed to use the tv." He pointed towards the flat screen tv which had stood unused for the past hour, but someone had been watching Voltron: Legendary Defender on it, because it was paused in the middle of an episode. If the person watching it was going to resume that episode soon he did not want to take the tv from them.
"Oh, sure, go ahead." Roman said, sounding bored and going back to scrolling on his phone. Virgil huffed, by now quite annoyed. This was not the first time, not even the second time, that they had wondered if the two left side brain traits were dating.
"So, are you sure there is nothing else going on between the two of you?" Patton asked, making Virgil groan. Not Patton too! Why was it so hard for them to understand that they were just friends?
"Guys, when are you gonna get it? Logan and I are only good friends." He muttered. He had come out here to watch Netflix, not to be bothered with questions regarding his and Logan's friendship.
"Sorry Virgil, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Patton said, legit looking like he regretted it. He hugged Virgil tightly, which made him smile and he hugged back with one arm.
"It's alright, it just makes me uneasy when people try to decide for me what what I do means. So please let mine and Logan's friendship be a undiscussed topic? Thanks." He said, making the other two mumble out apologies again.
The thoughts of what Roman and Patton kept saying would not leave Virgil's head as he used cromecast to watch youtube on the tv screen. They seemed to be certain that there was something more between he and Logan. But there wasn't. Right?
His feelings for Logan was not different to the feelings he had for Roman and Patton, as far as he knew. He loved them all, as friends. Okay, nowadays he was spending more time with Logan than the others, but Patton and Roman were busy being all lovey-dovey and gross. If he walked in on them making out again then he might puke.
Virgil would rather sit next to Logan and try to help him with his crossword than to sit next to Roman calling Patton weird, cute, nicknames. And yes, maybe Logan's hugs were a bit different to Patton's and Roman's, but that had nothing to do with him feeling differently about the two of them.
At least he doesn't think it does, but honestly, he was growing increasingly confused about it, and now it was bothering him, so he was just going to ignore it. Virgil disliked having the others try to figure out the nature of his relationships. He did not care, so why did they?
"Hello dear host, do you know what we should be thinking about now?" Virgil said, to the annoyance of Thomas who had just almost fallen asleep.
"Virgil please, I'm trying to sleep." He mumbled, much more awake now when his anxiety was there.
"I'm just doing my job." Virgil defended, shrugging with an apologetic smile. Thomas knew that, and he also knew that he needed to sleep so that he would not be too tired to hang out with his friends the next day. They had made plans quite early in the morning.
Then suddenly Logan was there too, and Thomas wondered for a second if he too had something to say. Hopefully he hadn't come here to lecture him about anything, he already knew very well he shouldn't have spent five hours watching Steven Universe today instead of cleaning his house.
"No." Was the only thing that Logan said. Virgil looked at him with a confused head tilt, and Thomas was just over all confused at the moment. He could've sworn that Logan almost pouted. He then shuffled up to Virgil, leaning in and mumbled something in his ear. He spoke too low for Thomas to make out what they were saying.
Their voices were a soft murmur and the only thing he could make out Logan saying was the word 'sleep'. Hopefully he was telling Virgil that Thomas needed sleep. Or possibly he was saying that Virgil needed sleep. Whatever it was they discussed it for a while, in a very soft way that was unlike the two of them.
"You don't have to, but I'm feeling low and can't sleep." Logan then said, or at least Thomas thinks that's what he had said. They were still not speaking loud enough for him to be certain that he heard them right. Virgil just glanced back at Thomas for a second, looking like he had already made up his mind.
"You know what, I'm busy and I'll come back later." Virgil then said and the logical and anxious side sunk down together. He didn't really know what they had been talking about, or why the both of them had left. All Thomas knew fore sure what that he was very confused at the moment.
His sides were behaving weirdly. More weird than usual that is. Well, whatever, he was going to take this opportunity and fall asleep before Virgil changed his mind.
Virgil was lying on his back, headphones on and playing low music. Usually he'd have a much higher volume, but Logan was practically lying on top of him at the moment and he did not want to bother him with his music. He always worried that people could hear his music despite his headphones, and that they were annoyed by it.
The warmth and heaviness from Logan's body on his was surprisingly comforting. You'd think that it would be uncomfortable to have someone lie on top of you, but Logan was very careful. He was probably scared of accidentally hurting Virgil. Every time Logan moved Virgil was prepared to be elbowed somewhere, but luckily that did not happen.
Logan raised his head up and Virgil held his breath when he realized how close their faces were. They stared at each other for a moment, Virgil thinking that Logan's eyes were much more interesting than he had ever realized before.
Then Logan leaned in closer and pecked Virgil's lips softly before pressing his blushing face against Virgil's chest again. Virgil smiled, the butterflies in his stomach not calming down by much.
And with such a small gesture their whole relationship had changed into one of another kind. They did not even really talk about it, they just continued lying there in the half dark and the quiet. They were comfortable enough just being close and they did not need any words to know that their platonic relationship had evolved into a romantic one.
Roman and Patton did not even look surprised when they, a few days later, saw Virgil kiss Logan. But Roman did groan and give Patton a dollar, presumably the same one that had been shown in Losing My Motivation.
"You were betting on us!?" Virgil exclaimed, seeing when Roman had handed Patton the money.
"Yes, Roman thought it would be another week before you two realized your feelings for each other." Patton said with a shrug. Virgil looked back at Logan and the both of them just rolled their eyes at the other two sides.
At least now Patton and Roman would not keep asking if they were together, because they finally knew the answer to that question. To be honest, Virgil still wondered how Roman and Patton had figured out that they held romantic feelings for each other before he and Logan had.
Written: 21st, 22nd, 24th April & 31st May & 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th June 2018
Published: 6th July 2018
Words: 6587
Oof I crave physical contact
I have over 45 mosquito bites, I am itchy
I crave the sweet release of death, wattpad I am tired just let me publish, I am going to cry more
Face reveal :)
So that's my face :) and idk if I'll ever take off my Interactive Introverts hoodie lol
Hope this oneshot was not below expectations
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