[44] - Math Is Difficult - (Part Two)

What the fuck??? Like half of 2018 has passed????? What the fuck????

Warnings: none I think

I just went through 700+ notifications and I am so happy because you are all so kind and I don't care that it took me 2 hours


(This is, like, 4 months later)

They were sitting in math class, now Logan had moved so that they sat next to each other. Currently Logan was explaining the same thing that their teacher was explaining on the board, but they didn't even seem to mind that Logan was speaking whilst they were teaching. To be honest they were just happy that Virgil was doing better in their class and had given Logan their permission to help Virgil even while they were teaching.

Being tutored by Logan was working out perfectly. It was extremely helpful since Logan actually had the time to explain a problem until Virgil understood how to solve it. His teacher never did since they had a class of 40 students which all needed help.

Except for Logan. Virgil had never seen him raise his hand because he needed help. He was a natural at math. Virgil was very jealous of that, but then again, if he wasn't so lousy at math he wouldn't have met Logan. And that certainly would suck. He, Roman, Logan and Patton were friends now, they hung out all the time. Well, Roman and Patton were a bit more than friends.

They had mostly spent the tutoring flirting with each other (which had been annoying to have to watch), and they had now been dating for a few weeks. Virgil was brought back to reality when Logan poked his cheek. His face instantly heated up and he returned his focus to what Logan was explaining.

"You know, it will be easier to understand this if you actually listen to me when I explain it to you." Logan said with a small smile.

"Sorry." Virgil immediately apologized. He really wished he was better at focusing. As soon as he thought of something else his mind just drifted away. It was completely lousy. And the fact that Logan was so distracting himself was not helping at all. How was he supposed to solve math when Logan was sitting really close, or leaning over his shoulder?

Yes, Virgil had gone and developed feelings for his friend. It was dumb, one of the dumbest things he had done actually. But what could he do? It's not like he could control the feelings he felt for Logan. He wished he could, he really did. They had became great friends during the time they had known each other, and Virgil did not want to be the one to ruin it.

But there was always a little voice in the back of his mind that said that Roman and Patton had not ruined their friendship when they started dating. It was dumb, but it kept the hope alive in Virgil that, maybe, Logan could like him too. But he doubted it and he wouldn't dare to ask Logan how he really felt.

So for now he had to be content with Logan being his tutor and best friend. Which was perfect too, but he always wished he and Logan could be something more.


"So, we'll drag Patton and Roman with us and study some? I am only three pages after the rest of the rest of the class right now, so it'd be good if we could study this evening. As long as you don't have anything else to do today." Virgil said. He'd managed to start taking like a normal human being, but of course it soon turned into awkward rambling. Sometimes speaking was just difficult?

"Sounds great, and you know that I have no other plans. You three are my only friends." Logan responded, grinning at him while they walked towards the door to Patton's dorm. They knew Patton and Roman were there, their school day had ended earlier and they'd informed them that they were there if they wanted to hang out.

But when they opened the door to Patton and Logan's dorm room they froze in the doorway. They had both been well aware that Patton and Roman had started dating, but they had not expected to walk in on them both shirtless.

Roman were straddling Patton who was lying on his back on his bed and they didn't look like they wanted to be interrupted since they were busy sucking each others faces off. Roman and Patton both looked up, right at them, when they heard the door being opened.

"Yeah, you guys better leave, we need some alone time. Except if you want to watch some real life porn." Roman joked with an eyebrow wiggle and Patton punched his arm playfully.

"NO THANKS." Virgil and Logan yelled in unison and stepped back out, closing the door. They could hear the faint sound of them laughing hysterically on the other side of the door. They glanced at each other for a second, not saying a thing, before starting to walk away.

They weren't sure where they were going, they just knew they were going to stay away from Logan's dorm for a while.

"The library?" Logan asked, suggesting that they would go there for a while. Virgil nodded, it was kind of cold outside and he would definitely rather be studying in the warmth than out in the cold on some park bench.


"This is dumb." Virgil hissed, throwing his maths textbook to the floor, and buried his face in his arms. Logan, who by now was very used to Virgil's tantrums and mood swings when it came to math, just patted him on his back in a comforting way.

"There, there. We'll try again, do it step by step." Logan said, picking the textbook back up again and putting it back down on the table in front of them.

"It's impossible, not even you can teach me this, and that means I'll never learn it, and I'll fail the class. I should just give up." He mumbled, lifting his head up and looking at Logan with teary eyes. He pouted, as if that would make Logan let him give up. He wouldn't, and Virgil knew that.

"You can do this, and I will keep helping you until you get it." He said softly, letting his hand linger on Virgil's shoulder.

"How can you even stand tutoring me? I'm so annoying, and I give up too fast." Virgil wondered, already knowing fully well what Logan was going to say, because Virgil asked him this constantly.

"I don't find you annoying, and I like helping you with your math. And despite what you may think, you are very smart. You just need some guidance when it comes to math." Logan said, looking right into Virgil's eyes, definitely keeping the eye contact for too long.

"Despite," Logan cleared his throat, looked down at the table and let his hand drop from Virgil's shoulder, giving him a moment to collect himself, "you know I am studying to become a teacher, this is great practice."

It was something about Virgil that just intrigued him. Maybe it was his way to look at the world. Or how he simply just understood Logan without even trying. Or just because Virgil was Virgil.

He could not pinpoint what it was that had made him fall for Virgil, but what did that matter? All he needed to know was that he did have these feelings for him. And he also needed to know exactly how Virgil felt for him, but he did not know how to find that out without outright asking Virgil, and he did not dare to do that.

A few times he had been close, too close, to giving in to his feelings and kissing Virgil. Luckily he had avoided it, but damn, was it hard sometimes. Hopefully he was hiding his pining well. He supposed he was, otherwise Virgil would've probably asked him about it or at least have mentioned it.

"Logan, I'm ready to try again." Virgil mumbled, nudging him slightly and pulling him out of his thoughts. Logan smiled encouragingly at him. Slowly they worked forward, letting Virgil take his time to fully understand what he was doing and how it worked. Triumphantly Virgil turned the page, before his smile faded.

"How am I possibly supposed to stay motivated enough for this?" Virgil groaned, looking at the next page full of problem solving that he had ahead of him, letting out a heavy sigh.

"If you finish this page today I'll kiss you." Logan joked, smiling at Virgil and expecting him to laugh too. Instead he was met with a flustered Virgil staring at him.

"Is that a promise?" Virgil asked, not a trace of mischief in his voice, only sincere wonder, which made Logan's heart skip a beat in surprise and a mix of other feelings that he could not name.

"If you want it to be." Logan said, blushing equally much by now. Was he hallucinating? Did Virgil really want Logan to kiss him? As an answer to that question Virgil simply turned his attention back towards the problems in need of solving and started to scribble down possible solutions in his notebook.

Logan sat and watched him work, slowly comprehending that Virgil did in fact want to kiss him. He was now incredibly nervous, never having kissed anyone before, but equally as happy. It took about twenty minutes before Virgil lightly banged his head against the table.

"Am I allowed to ask you for help?" He questioned, to what Logan nodded quickly to. If he was the one deciding the rules then he would definitely make sure he did get his kiss with Virgil. He leaned closer to him, looking down at what Virgil had written to try to see where he had gotten stuck.

When silently working together, Logan quietly correcting him when he did something wrong, it did not take them awfully long to finish that one page. Virgil finished the last problem on that page, carefully collecting all of his papers and books, putting them into a pile, before turning towards Logan.

"I believe there's something you owe me?" He said, trying to bite back a smile.

"Well, you are certainly right."

He leaned in, they both giggled when their noses bumped at first, mostly because of sheer nervousness. But then he tilted his head and his lips found Virgil's. At first it was scary, what if he did it wrong? Where was he supposed to put his hands? But when Virgil kissed back he just stopped thinking completely.

He grabbed onto Virgil's hoodie, just to have something to hold onto, and he could feel Virgil's hands on his waist, squeezing lightly. They kissed until they got out of breath and were forced back into reality by the need to breathe. Then they just kind of looked at each other, wide-eyed and with soft smiles that refused to disappear.

"I'm hoping that there will be more of that." Virgil said breathlessly, not removing his hands from Logan's waist.

"Me too. And not because of math, I want to kiss you because I really like you." Logan said, causing Virgil to laugh.

"I really like you too." He said, attempting to kiss him again which didn't work very well since they were both smiling so widely. Needless to say they did not study anymore that evening.


Written: 27th, 28th April & 5th May & 6th June 2018
Published: 1 July 2018
Words: 1977

As you can see I have avoided using any kind of math in these oneshots about math, simply because I cannot do math

Not sure this was so good but whatever, I have better oneshots to come

Should I do a face reveal?

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