[42] - Fears
(I edited it again)
I will literally tear up if something is scary
Warnings: Logan is scared if a horror movie, they talk about fears. Some swearing ofc
I cried while editing this for a third time
Virgil had looked so happy proposing that they would watch a movie together that saying no was never an option. So now Logan found himself sitting next to Virgil on the couch, a blanket tightly wrapped around him, and he was fucking terrified.
He doesn't remember agreeing to watching a horror movie but that was what was playing on the screen. He hated horror movies. It was quite pathetic, but they frightened him more than he would ever admit. Murderers, psychopaths, supernatural beings such as demons, vampires, ghosts and zombies. They terrified him.
And he didn't want Virgil to know that, so he did his best to hide it, Logan did not want Virgil to think that he was a coward.
He thanked himself for bringing his blanket, it was easy to pull up over his eyes so that he could not see the screen. (Not seeing what was going on on the screen helped slightly). But at the moment he just wished that he was not watching this movie. Yes, he wanted to spend time with Virgil, but maybe doing something that did not make him look completely pathetic would be a better idea.
However the blanket could not protect him from much, that he knew. And the sounds from the tv was not making him feel any calmer. The mix of a soundtrack purposefully made to make people uneasy, and sudden screams when the characters found one of their friends murdered were making him tear up. Being in a dark, never ending forest and being separated from his friends while a psychopath murderer was trying to kill them was probably one of his worst nightmares.
It was complete irrational to cry out of fear, and yet Logan did. If it was anything he learned from watching scary movies or reading scary books it was that he would be completely useless in scary situations. When frightened he just couldn't think, if he ever got into a situation like the characters in this movie had gotten into he would probably just be crying somewhere and not even attempting to run away.
Sadly he did not think he was doing a terribly good job at hiding how terrified he was, because every time there was a jumpscare he flinched and squeezed his eyes shut, he couldn't help it. He hated jumpscares, who even enjoys being scared? He could've swore that Virgil glanced at him every time he jumped, but, to Logan's relief, he did not mention it.
At least not until there was a completely unexpected jumpscare and Logan actually couldn't stop tears from escaping his eyes. Thankfully most jumpscares could be predicted from the change in music or the camera angles, but that one had caught him completely off guard, despite having done his best to not be affected by the horror.
He did not want Virgil to know how much of a coward he was, so he pulled the blanket over his face to not have to look at the screen, which wasn't the wisest move because it alerted Virgil that something was wrong.
"Hey, Logan, are you alright?" He said, worry clear in his voice. Fuck.
"Yes, I am good." Logan said loudly, making sure Virgil could hear him clearly, but speaking a little too quick for it to seem true. He could hear Virgil move, the movie soon coming to a stop. Virgil must've paused it.
"You don't like horror movies, do you?" Logan did not even reply, he just sat silently with the blanket still over his head. Then Virgil pulled it away, presumably he wanted to see so Logan was okay. When he saw the tears in his eyes and the wetness on his cheeks from the already fallen tears he let out a small noise of concern.
"Logan..." He said softly, in a way that made Logan turn his head away, unable to look at him. Virgil just pulled his sleeve down over his hand and proceeded to wipe the tears away from Logan's face.
"I'm sorry, you should've told me you don't like horror and we would've watched something else. Why did you not tell me?" Virgil said, scolding him, Logan hoped Virgil did not think he didn't trust him, because he did.
"I don't know, your presence makes me do things I don't understand. Like watching a horror movie despite being a fucking coward." Logan said, wondering if that had been the best choice of words when he saw a blush spread over Virgil's face. But he honestly did not know what it was about Virgil that made him be so impulsive and dumb.
"Let's go to sleep, I'll finish this movie some other time, alone." Virgil said, clearly believing that Logan would actually get some sleep tonight. He just scoffed, it was unlikely.
"I am not sleeping tonight." He complained, pouting slightly and trying to glare at the dark hallway that stood between him and his room. He didn't look very threatening, just like he was scared. Virgil stood up with a small sigh and reached his hand out towards Logan who just squinted at him in confusion.
"Come, I'll sleep in your room tonight." Virgil then said, and Logan only stared at him. Why in the world would Virgil suggest such a thing? And why did the thought of saying yes make him so nervous?
"What? No, I'll be perfectly fine on my own." Logan said, knowing that he would not be completely fine on his own and that he would definitely just be staring out into the dark while imagining what could be hiding there until he inevitably cried or gave up on sleeping. He did not look forward to it, but it was not Virgil's job to make sure he wasn't being a baby.
"It's my fault that you will have trouble sleeping, the least I can do is make sure you're alright." Virgil was quick to say, not lowering his outreached hand even a millimeter.
"It's not your fault, I could've told you I do not like horror, but I didn't and now I'll have to suffer the consequences." Logan rambled, not at all wanting Virgil to go through any trouble because of his ill advised decisions.
"Just let me care for you, nerd." He said with a sightly pleading voice, trying to make it sound more jokingly as if to not really reveal that he actually cared for him, and Logan, slightly reluctantly, took his hand and allowed Virgil to help him up from the couch. At least it made Virgil smile, so maybe it was worth it.
Virgil turned the tv off and clicked with his fingers, turning off the lights in the room. Logan's grip around Virgil's hand immediately tightened as the dark made it impossible to see for a few seconds. Then his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, but he did not let go of Virgil's hand for that. And he was immensely grateful that Virgil only squeezed back, not attempting to make Logan let go.
"So, you're scared of horror and the dark?" Virgil asked as he saw Logan worriedly squint at the dark while almost standing frozen beside him.
"I'm scared of what could be hiding in the dark. It's stupid, and it's irrational, I know." Logan mumbled, knowing fully well how dumb his fears were. And as the embodiment of logic he should be able to actually use logic to rationalize for why these things should not scare him, but facts just did not help.
"It's not. Everyone is scared of something." Virgil reassured.
"Really? Then what are you scared of?" Logan said, walking very fast, almost dragging Virgil with him. The small distance between the living room and Logan's bedroom had never seemed longer.
"I am literally anxiety, the list of things that scares me is endless. But, uh, thunderstorms. I don't like thunder." Virgil admitted, probably just telling Logan this to make him feel better about his own fears. Whatever his reason to tell Logan this, he was grateful. The conversation were actually calming him a little.
"And I'm scared of Thomas' friends leaving him. Snakes terrify me, what happens if one bites you? What if it is poisonous? If Thomas' gets bitten by a snake I will pass out. And remember how scared I was to tell you guys my name? I'm scared of not being loved. I'm scared of telling people personal things, so count yourself special since I'm telling you some of my fears." Virgil muttered, trying to joke, presumably as to not let the conversation get too serious and honest. Though it was quite obvious that what Virgil was telling him was the truth.
They hurried through the hallway, finally reaching the door to Logan's room. He was quick to open it and pull Virgil through with him before closing it carefully behind him. He was glad that he had left the light on in his room. He made sure to turn on both the light on his desk and the light on his nightstand before turning the lamp on the ceiling off, so that the room was still well lit up.
He crawled into bed, shifting for a moment until he was lying in a comfortable position and he watched as Virgil threw his hoodie on the floor before joining him. Suddenly he was very glad that he wasn't alone tonight. If there was anyone who would not judge him because of his fears, irrational or not, it was Virgil.
Logan found it hard to believe that one of Virgil's fears was that he wasn't loved. Of course he was. Virgil was quite wonderful and he knew for sure that the three sides loved Virgil and saw him as one of them. No one in their right mind could dislike Virgil.
But thinking of that made a realization dawn on him and he just stared at Virgil (who had his eyes closed and looked like he was ready to let sleep overtake him) for several seconds. He did love Virgil, of course he did, but maybe just not in the way he had originally thought. Well, that was... unforeseen and not very convenient, wasn't it?
"Logan, why are you looking at me like that?" Virgil mumbled sleepily, having observed Logan through one, now slightly opened, eye.
"I just understood something that has been escaping my understanding for a while, it's nothing." Logan mumbled, rolling over onto his back so that he was staring up into the ceiling instead. It was definitely not nothing. It was something. Something big and frightening, in a very different way than a horror movie. And maybe Virgil understood that too because he reached his arms out towards Logan and pulled him closer so that they were practically cuddling.
This... he had definitely not expected this to be the outcome to agreeing to watch a movie with Virgil. Though, at the moment Logan didn't even mind how terrified he was, because it was quite nice to have Virgil so close. It felt safer for some dumb reason.
Fuck, why could he not have realized this at a better time? Though he was not sure there even was a time that was good for realizing his feelings for the other trait.
"Okay then. What is the nothing you're speaking about?" Virgil said with a teasing smile, clearly wanting Logan to elaborate on what he had said. And he didn't think that he was in his right mind at the moment because for a second he was actually about to answer that question truthfully.
"Let us not talk about that." He instead said, forcing away the other words that threatened to escape. He glanced at Virgil who was still looking right at him. He looked like he was trying to read what he was thinking off his facial expression and Logan did his best to look as neutral as he could.
"That's alright, you don't need to tell me." Virgil mumbled, still smiling faintly and looking at Logan with a fond expression that this time made Logan unable to look away.
"Why did you invite me to watch a movie with you?" He asked, genuinely wondering why Virgil wanted to spend time with him, and Virgil shrugged (however well you can shrug while lying down).
"I just like hanging out with you." He said, finally looking away from Logan. It looked like something he was nervous to admit, which was not terribly surprising since he is anxiety.
"I enjoy spending time with you too. You have a fascinating outlook on the world and come with interesting points to the problems we are faced with. And I think we work well together. You are more brilliant than you think, that is obvious." Logan said, then falling silent because if he continued then he might blush and he doesn't want that.
"How sleep deprived are you?" Virgil asked, small giggles interrupting the sentence, which Logan found incredibly distracting. At least he now knew why he found it distracting.
"That's beside the point," Logan said, not really wanting to admit that he didn't actually sleep for very long last night (he had wanted to finish what he was working on before going to bed, and somehow it had suddenly been 6 am so he only slept for an hour), that caused Virgil to laugh again, "tired or not, what I said is still true."
"Well, agree to disagree." Virgil countered, but before he had the chance to say something self-depreciating about himself Logan put his hand over his mouth to silence him.
"Hush, you are great." He mumbled, and Virgil only gave him an unimpressed look and rolled his eyes. Feeling a blush creep up on his cheeks when he realized that he was still pressing his fingers against Virgil's lips, he removed his hand, very quickly, and went back to staring up into the ceiling.
"You're blushing." Virgil then pointed out, only making him blush more prominently. He didn't reply anything to that, because he simply did not have anything to say. But he did turn towards him again, the two of them lying dangerously close together.
"Speaking of fears..." he began, letting his eyes glance down at Virgil's lips just for a second, and feeling a wave of nervousness run through him. This might actually be more terrifying than the horror movie.
"I will surely regret it if I do not take this opportunity to tell you something, that I might have only just realized a few minutes ago, but it is just as important to have said anyway. But I am absolutely terrified of telling you this, and I'm sure you will understand why." He said, realizing there was no turning back now. He would have to tell him, and it was better to just tell him now and have it done. Logan knew that it would be just as terrifying to voice his feelings later.
Having it done was the better alternative, because as clueless as he was about these kinds of emotions, he knew he would not be able to keep it a secret for very long, even if talking about it was terrifying.
"Yeah?" Virgil said again, his voice was barely a whisper and Logan was sure Virgil had seen when he had glanced at his lips. He hadn't been very discreet, had he. But if Virgil really did know where he was going with this he wasn't objecting or making any move to stop him. Logan hoped that that was a good sign.
"Virgil, I really enjoy your company. You are kind and understanding. You listen to what I have to say, you debate with me. You just seem like you care about me. And I care about you, so much. I guess you could be called my best friend, but... I realized my feelings for you run deeper than that. I am not sure what made me fall for you, or even when it happened. I just know I fell for you." He mumbled quietly, part of him wishing that he would not be heard, but he knew very well that it would be impossible for Virgil not to hear him since they were lying so close together.
"May I kiss you?" He then asked, being encouraged from the way Virgil was smiling at him, yet with nervousness twisting in his stomach. Virgil did not even answer him, he just proceeded to close the already small distance between them. It only takes Logan's brain a millisecond to register what is happening, and then he is kissing back, feeling how Virgil ran a hand through his hair and how well their lips fit together.
And then they parted, Logan carefully opened his eyes again and tried to remember how it was you took a breath, because breathing was becoming necessary at this point. Virgil carefully untangled his hand, letting it cup the side of Logan's face.
"Hell, if I'd have known this was going to happen when we watched a horror movie together I would have asked you to join me ages ago." Virgil said with a small breathless laugh that was so beautiful that Logan had to kiss him again.
Then they just laid there, kissing and hugging each other closely for a while (and Logan was continuously reminded that he really should take his glasses off). Then when they became tired, because it was quite late after all, they just laid closely together, with entwined fingers.
"Good night, Virgil." He said, suffocating a yawn. With a huff, realizing they were most likely going to fall asleep soon, he used his free hand to take his glasses of, and place them on his nightstand.
"Are you going to sleep with the lights on?" Virgil questioned and Logan opened one eye to pretend to glare at him.
"Well, you have terrified me with your horror movie, so, I am certainly not going to turn the lights off, there could be serial killers and supernatural monsters hiding in the dark!" Logan exclaimed, once again, causing Virgil to giggle and momentarily hug him tighter.
"That's illogical." Virgil said, trying to sound taunting, yet could not help but to smile at Logan so it did not have the wished effect.
"I don't care," Logan said, smiling softly he too, "it makes no difference for my fear of the dark."
"I'll just have to protect you from all the scary stuff then. I'm flight or fight, remember?" He said, winking suggestively and making them both giggle.
"Good night." He then said, kissing Logan's cheek and shifting so that he laid in a comfortable position next to him, one hand still holding onto Logan's right hand. And honestly, even if Logan wouldn't dare to go to the bathroom or go and get a glass of water during the dark for the next week or two, seeing the horror movie was definitely worth it because of the outcome.
Written: 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th June 2018
Published: 22nd June 2018
Words: 3364
I also tear up from nice comments on my fanfictions tbh
k I just tear up a lot
Ok since I don't know how much mobile data I have left I can't go through my notifications in case I'd run out halfway through, but I know I have over 300, jesus christ!
It's the most notifications I've ever had haha
DAYS?!?!? 139 COMMENTS?!? 36 VOTES??
I'm excited to go through all my notifications when I get home!
This is poorly edited, but I edited it twice and it was deleted, so I am crying, I am tired and I give up
Love you guys
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