[4] - Words With Thorns

Soooooo this is a bit angsty maybe? It's hurt/comfort anywyas


"You can't just use your logic for everything in Thomas life, right now he needs to be cautious!" Virgil muttered, shooting an angry glance at Logan who pushed his glasses up while looking annoyed.

"Well you are being too cautious." He shot back. "You're going to blow this for Thomas."

The other Sides and Thomas were watching Virgil and Logan. They never actually fought. They had disagreements and they debated things and they are usually annoyed because of the other one. But now they both seems to be angry.

"Uh maybe we could debate instead of fight?" Thomas asked cautiously. Neither Logan nor Virgil initiated that they had heard him and they heard Virgil loudly tell Logan about all the times his logic had caused a problem instead of solving one. Logan surprised everyone by yelling his comeback to Virgil instead of remaining his normal calm self.

"You are just holding Thomas back in life, I can't even see why you are needed." Logan cried, gesturing violently. Roman raised his eyebrows and looked at Patton and Thomas. They both looked back and shrugged. This was a new situation, they had never had to break up a fight between Logan and Virgil before and they weren't sure how to handle this.

"Uh, Logan. Virgil?" Patton tried, but to no avail. They kept yelling things at each other. Thomas heard Virgil say something mean about Logan's tie and Logan replied back with an insult about Virgil's hoodie, and sighed. This was getting out of hand, they didn't even come up with good insults anymore. They just said whatever came first to their mind.

"You're a waste of space. Without anxiety we might actually get somewhere in our discussions. You are always just arguing against us and ruining things. Everyone hates you." Logan says, so angry that his face is red. Virgil blinked.

"Don't you think I already know that? Come on, come up with something new." Virgil sneered, trying to hide his hurt, this comment really got to him, that they all could see. Patton gasped. Virgil seemed to realise what he said and looked up at the others in the room, as if he suddenly remembered they where here too. Logan did the same. Virgil threw a last angry glance at Logan and teleported away.


Virgil was very angry at Logan. Could he not just leave him alone? He always stood there with his facts and his logic, trying to be smart. Which he is of course, but Virgil doesn't like that he is always reminded of it. He turned on his computer, put on some angry sounding music and crawled under the covers in his bed. It seemed tempting to just stay under there forever.

The anger Virgil felt towards everything faded away fairly quick though, and left him just feeling unhappy and pathetic. Even Logan had to point out that no one likes him. No one would choose to spend time with him and no one would ever wish to have him around.

It's one thing knowing it yourself but having it pointed out by someone else is just pathetic. And that is what Virgil is. Sad and pathetic.


The others looked at Logan who was now stood in the silence after the fight. He felt very judged by the others stares and it was probably the truth too. He judged himself. He hadn't meant to hurt Virgil but he had a hard time not thinking about the look that Virgil had given him. He had looked angry, but he had also looked sad. Logan had seen the hurt in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that." He mumbled at Roman, Patton and Thomas with his arms crossed and looking down at his shoes.

"I think you really hurt him." Roman clarified and Logan groaned.

"Yeah we could all see that." He said and looked up. Patton looked like he just had seen someone die right in front of him.

"What did he mean with 'I know'? We all like him very much. Why would he think that we didn't." He said.

"And you are in big trouble! Nobody hurts my son. You go apologize this instant!" Patton said as he turned to Logan.

"I know. I didn't mean to hurt him, I was just angry and annoyed." He sighed and teleported away.

He could hear loud music come from Virgil's room, he stayed right outside for a while, debating what he would say. What he had said to Virgil was completely inaccurate. Logan liked Virgil very much, he had just never told him that but he guessed now was about time to do so.

He entered Virgil's room, looking around and spotting a big lump under Virgil's covers. That must be him. He walked over to the computer and turned his music down a bit before saying anything. When Virgil noticed that the volume of his music was lowered he looked up from underneath his blankets.

When he saw Logan he immediately dived back under them. Logan did see that Virgil's eyes was a bit red, like he had been crying. Logan curses himself. Why must he be so... bad at confrontations.

"Hey... I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it. You know that, right?" Logan said, blushing faintly. He had never fought like this with anyone before and this was the first time he had to say sorry to someone that was sad because of something he had done. It was quiet for a bit.

"Patton told you to say sorry, didn't he?" Virgil sniffed without answering the question and Logan bit his lip. He didn't want to hurt anyone but somehow he had succeeded in hurting the one person he wanted to hurt the least. He'd much rather be the reason why Virgil smiled.

"Well, he did indeed. But that's not why I'm here. I never intended to say something that would actually harm your feelings. I got mad and... nothing of what I said is the truth." He took a deep breath. He didn't feel like this excuse was going very well but at least Virgil hadn't thrown him out of his room yet.

"Your hoodie looks great on you. You are a good friend and-" he hesitated for a second. Maybe he'd just make it worse?

"And there is no one that hates you here. We all like you very much. ...Especially me. I- I like you very much actually, and I shouldn't have let my anger take over me." He finished, his heart beating rapidly. He felt very exposed. Did everyone feel like this when they spoke about their feelings? Emotions where truly annoying.

"I hope you can forgive me." Logan said quietly, waiting for a response from the silent Vigil who was still hiding under his covers and blankets.

"I'm sorry too, you weren't the only one who said mean things." Virgil said, his voice a bit subdued from the thick blankets. Logan stood next to the bundle of blankets on the bed and Virgil crawled out from them and sat down. He dried his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"I'm sorry, I'm being silly." He said with a chuckle.

"No you're not, I said something that hurt your feelings. You have the right to be hurt." Logan said, and hesitated for a second before hugging Virgil tightly.

"Don't ever think that we don't like you. If I could take back what I said I would. You are definitely not a waste of space, we all need you." He mumbled, wondering if Virgil could feel his heart beating. Logan felt as if he could hear his own heartbeat. Virgil hugged him back and Logan smiled faintly.

"Okay." Virgil whispered, neither of them letting go of the other. After a minute Logan carefully unwrapped his arms from around the other side. Virgil's eyes were still rimmed red and Logan leaned in and kissed his cheek. That action made Virgil blush furiously so Logan kissed his other cheek too because Virgil looked very cute while blushing and Logan just couldn't help himself.

Virgil hid his face behind his hands so Logan just hugged him again. Being this touchy-feely was very unusual for him, but he'd do anything to make up for being so horrible towards Virgil earlier. And besides, this hugging thing is actually very nice. They stayed like that for a while before Logan apologised for being such a jerk again and left. Virgil did feel much better than before and he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Logan had kissed his cheek. Twice. He felt strangely warm inside while thinking about the logical side now. He promised himself to explore more about this fluttering feeling in his chest. Virgil guessed that his relationship with Logan would change from friends to something more pretty soon, and that thought didn't scare him at all.


Written: 1st January 2018
Published: 8th January 2018
Words: 1527

I really thought this would be short, like, 300-400 words tops but whoopsie look at this

(Edit 23rd April 2018: I kinda wanna rewrite this, not really change anything, just write it a bit better)

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