[36] - Blue Words - (Part One)
Human AU
Summary: soulmate AU where you have the first words your soulmate will say to you tattooed on your wrist in black ink and when they say the words the ink color changes to blue
Warning: just some swearing
Logan hurried through the library, carrying several textbooks and notebooks under his arm, if he didn't get from the library to his lecture hall in seven minutes he'd be late. Logan had never been late to a class in his whole life so far, and he wasn't going to start now. He glanced down at his clock on his wrist again, not paying any attention to the familiar words tattooed beneath it, and cursed at himself for getting into this situation.
He had been busy studying for the maths test he was going to have later this week and had forgotten that this was the class that started at 11:20, not 11:40 like it said on the schedule. He really should print out the new schedule that had the correct time but he was always busy studying. And as a result he now had six minutes to get to class. But just as he turned around a bookshelf he ran right into someone which resulted in him falling backwards and dropping everything he had been holding. Great.
"Oh, holy fucking shit, are you okay?!" A voice exclaimed and his eyes fell on a boy with purple hair who stood in front of him, looking down at him with a concerned expression on his face. Logan stared for a second, surprised, the boy was handsome and his words had startled him, he wasn't sure why but then he remembered that he had to run to class and started to pile up his books so that he could easily pick them back up. He didn't have time to look at pretty guys now, he needed to get to class.
"I'm fine, sorry, I'm in a rush." Logan said before grabbing his stuff and continuing to rush through the big library. Logan heard the boy call after him, but couldn't hear what he had said.
He hoped that the purple haired boy hadn't thought he was rude, if he had time he would've stayed and apologized for running right into him but right now he thought it more important to get to class before the professor locked the door, than to stay and chat with a stranger. Even though it had been a very cute stranger and he looked to be the same age as Logan. He ran as fast as he could, determined to make it to class in four minutes.
He did manage to get there in time, he slowed down outside the classroom, trying to catch his breath, entering the classroom just as his professor locked the door behind him. He held his side, trying to will away the stabbing pain he felt while he wished that he would never have to run again. He really wasn't someone who moved a lot, Logan spent most of his time reading or studying. There wasn't much time for other things when trying to graduate college with good grades.
Logan sat down in the back of the lecture hall next to his friend, Roman, who had already opened his books and poured out all of his highlighters over the table. He greeted Logan who just brushed away a blue highlighter that had rolled over to his part of the table before putting down all of his books.
He listened as Roman started gushing about that guy he had a crush on, Patton he thought his name was. Roman had admired him from afar for months but never had the courage to actually ask him out. Logan had told him that it was stupid and that he should but he could also understand his fear.
He supposed it was neat that everyone was born with the first words their soulmate would say to them tattooed on their wrist, then you would know when someone was the right one, but it was of course hard when you started liking someone and it turned out you weren't soulmates. He found it quite funny though, that Roman easily flirted with anyone and was overly confident around most people, except for when he got a crush.
Then he became all tongue tied and stuttered and blushed. Logan himself didn't really spend a lot of time thinking about the whole soulmate thing, he never really had the time to be concerned over it. But he had to admit that the thought of finding his soulmate was intriguing and enticing.
Logan looked through his pile of books, he needed his blue notebook, it was that one he took notes down in, in geography class. He groaned as he saw that his geography textbook wasn't there and understood that he must have dropped it with the other books in the library, except that this book he hadn't managed to get with him. Hopefully the library would put it in the lost and found box, Logan did not want to have to buy a new book, that textbook had been expensive.
"-and of course he smiles right at me when I dare to glance at him. You should've seen it Logan, his smile is so beautiful. I hope he didn't see me blush. And then-" Roman stopped in the middle of the sentence, and Logan turned his head to him to ask why he had suddenly fallen quiet.
"Shit, Logan." He said quietly and Logan noticed that Roman was staring at his wrist. Logan followed his eyes, wondering if he had maybe gotten a bruise when he fell or something. But when he realized what Roman was looking at he gasped and stared too.
The familiar words that had been on his pale wrist since he was born weren't inked in black anymore. The words Oh, Holy Fucking Shit, Are You Okay were dark blue, showing that he and his soulmate had met and that he had spoken to Logan. (It had been fun for his parents to explain the meaning of the words to him when he was old enough to start asking questions about them)
He thought back to the boy at the library. Now that he had time to think he remembered that the purple haired boy had spoken these exact words to him at the library. He had been too stressed to realize. "Oh my gosh." He breathed.
"Roman, there was a boy in the library that I ran into. Like literally, I didn't see that he was standing there and walked right into him. It must be him, he said the words. And I didn't realize! I was running late and didn't really have time to stay and chat. Oh my god, Roman, what if I never see him again." Logan exclaimed, suddenly freaking out a bit. Roman put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him.
"Of course you'll see him again. You saw him in the library so he must go to this school! Not tell me everything, every detail. What does he look like? Is he cute? How did you manage to run right into him? And why don't you have your geography textbook, you always bring your books to class?"
"I didn't really spend much time looking at him, I was in a rush to get to class in time." He sighed, regretting that he hadn't even asked the males name. "But yes he was pretty, and his hair was dyed purple. He had really cool makeup." Logan smiled and Roman awed.
"How cute, you're already falling for him." Roman taunted and Logan elbowed him, making his friend cough.
"Is there something you two want to share with the rest of the class?" The professor asked with a stern look at Logan and Roman, obviously annoyed at them for not paying attention to what he was teaching. Logan shook his head, not wanting to make a big deal out of this but Roman had other plans.
"HE MET HIS SOULMATE!" He screeched, so loud that everyone in the classroom turned around to stare. Logan just face-palmed and sighed deeply. He pushed Roman away with his other hand, giving him an angry look. He didn't like all the attention his classmates paid him right now. He preferred it when no one except Roman talked to him but now numerous people were asking him questions. Roman gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I got excited." He mumbled.
"Alright, quiet!" Their professor yelled. "It's nice that you met your soulmate Logan, but lets not forget how much you all payed to be able to take these classes. Pay attention in class so it wasn't all a waste." He said and looked out over the whole class.
Everyone was silent now and the lecture continued. Logan made a mental note to thank his teacher later and to hit Roman with whichever textbook of his that was the heaviest. But needless to say he had a lot of trouble staying focused for the rest of the class and it was a relief when the teacher turned the smartboard off and told them to close their books.
Since it was both Logan and Roman's last class for the day they went back to their dorm. Logan was glad that he was sharing the dorm with Roman and not someone else. Usually they would have a two hour class after this lecture but their professor in that subject was sick today and had canceled it. Logan was glad, he really needed to study for the maths test and he should ask to copy Roman's note from their geography class since he hadn't been able to concentrate enough to write much down.
Roman laughed at Logan when the first thing he did when they got back were to open his math textbook and start working. He ignored his friend, if he didn't get an A on this test it could negatively affect his grade. Roman just flopped down on his own bed and started watching youtube on his phone.
He would've appreciated it if Roman would use headphones but he chose not to mention it. After only 20 minutes there was a knock on the door. Logan just gave Roman a look, he had to open the door, Logan was busy. Roman groaned and rolled off his bed and walked up to the door and opened it.
"Oh, um, hi, I'm looking for Logan. Is this his dorm?" A voice asked. A voice Logan recognized. He froze right in the middle of turning the page in his maths textbook, staring at Roman. He couldn't see the person that the voice belonged to, because he was hidden behind the door that Roman was holding up, but he still knew who it was.
"Hey, Logan, the purple haired boy is here." Roman called without turning around and Logan could practically hear him smirking. Logan swallowed down a panicked groan and closed the book he was holding. He was not ready for this. He stood up and went up to the door, fixing his tie out of a nervous habit. He instantly recognized him, it was the boy he had run into at the library. He is pretty sure his heart skipped a beat. He realized he and the visitor had been staring at each other for several seconds in silence so he cleared his throat.
"Hi, I'm Logan." He said, hoping that he wasn't as flustered as he felt. Roman giggled so he probably was. The purple haired boy, that he didn't know the name of, was clutching a book to his chest and now he gave it to Logan.
"I believe that this is yours." He said with a nervous smile and Logan teared his eyes away from the other males face to look at it. It was his geography textbook.
"Thank you," Logan said, that was a big relief, he wouldn't have to buy a new textbook. "How did you know?" Logan then asked, and the boy shrugged.
"You had written your name, phone number, and dorm address in it." He simply said and Logan thanked his past self for doing so.
"Don't you two have something else to discuss?" Roman said and Logan glared at his still smirking friend.
"Shut up right now or I'm telling Patton that you have a crush on him." Logan threatened and Roman paled. He held his hands up in a surrendering pose.
"You know what, I just remembered that I have to leave for ten minutes." Roman said, grabbing his jacket and walking past the purple haired boy in the doorway. This made the stranger holding his geography book chuckle. Logan took the book from him and gestured for him to come inside so that they wouldn't be interrupted by other students who also had their dorm in this corridor. As he closed the door he tried to not freak out over the fact that he was currently alone with the stranger who was probably his soulmate.
"What's your name?" Logan asks as he turns towards him again.
"Oh, yeah I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Virgil." The boy, Virgil, said and smiled. Logan nervously glanced down at his wrist, seeing the dark blue words and deciding that the best thing to do is to just ask.
"Am I- are you... uh." He stuttered, apparently it was a hard question to formulate. Instead he took a few steps closer to Virgil and showed him his wrist, holding it up so that Virgil could easily read the words. The effect was immediate, a blush spread over Virgil's face, and Logan had to say that it looked good on him.
Virgil fiddled with the sleeve of his hoodie for a second before pulling it up and holding up his wrist next to Logan's, revealing a string of blue words to him. He could read the words I'm Fine, Sorry, I'm In A Rush that were tattooed on his skin. When he looked back up at Virgil's face he was smiling brightly towards Logan. He only smiled back at Virgil, not really knowing what to say.
"So, soulmate," Virgil said, only sounding a little bit nervous. "Want to go out with me on a date someday?"
"That ...would be really nice." Logan said, immediately trying to remember a day when he would have time for that. He could probably clear an afternoon and go on a date instead of studying.
"Good. Well I have to go." He then said, looking sorry. "I already have your number, I got it from your geography book, so I'll text you."
"Yeah, do that." Logan answered opening the door for Virgil. Before he left he leaned in and pecked Logan on the cheek, leaving him blushing. Logan looked after him as he walked away through the corridor. He hoped that he texted soon, Logan definitely wanted to go on a date with Virgil and get to know him better. Hopefully Logan would be less awkward the next time the two of them met.
Written: 17th & 18th February 2018
Published: 1st June 2018
Words: 2570
If y'all wanna I could make a part two? (Who am I kidding, I'll probably write a part two anyways)
Boi part two is long (5900 words) and it took me AGES to write
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