[34] - No Lies
Summary: Deceit is a little bitch and Logan cannot lie
Look at me not pretending deceit doesn't exist for once! Not that I'm portraying him as a nice character.
As far as any of them could tell, this morning was like all other mornings. Patton was frying some eggs in a pan while telling egg puns. Roman was singing along to the music playing on the radio. Logan was pouring steaming hot coffee into his cup and Virgil wished that he was still asleep in his warm and comfortable bed.
None of them had expected Deceit to saunter into the kitchen, looking as mean and calculating as always. Most of the time he kept away from them, where he usually were they did not know, probably wherever the other 'dark sides' hung out.
Deceit looked at them all, his eyes glinting with mischief. Whatever it was that he was planning on doing, Virgil did not want to know, and he contemplated leaving the room to not risk falling victim to Deceit. The deceitful trait then walked right up to Logan, who was observing Deceit with a quite bored expression while holding his cup of coffee in front of himself.
He then smirked, which Virgil took as a bad sign, and touched Logan's forehead with his hand. Logan just gave him a look of utter confusion, but he did not attempt to move. Then Deceit backed away several feet and looked at each and every one of them again.
"Don't have fun." He said, laughing. His words did lose most of it's effect since he spoke in lies. Virgil assumed that he meant the opposite of what he had said.
"Oh, and Logan..." Deceit practically purred, looking like he had to make an effort to not laugh. "What do you really think of Patton's puns?"
"They are creative and many times actually funny." Logan said, his eyes widened and his hand froze in the middle of bringing his cup up to his lips. That was for sure something that Logan would normally never admit, even if everyone knew it already. Did Deceit... do something to him? Patton just stared at Logan, surprised but with a happy smile on his face.
"I knew it! This is such eggcellent information!" He said and bounced over to Logan (who looked like he wanted to sink through the floor) to hug him. Deceit laughed evilly and Virgil turned to him.
"What did you do to Logan?" He asked, not even trying to hide his contempt for him.
"Logan can totally lie, he is not only able to speak the truth." He grinned, sinking out of the room before Virgil even had time to register what he had said. He started at the spot where Deceit had stood a few seconds ago. Logan could not lie to them? It confused Virgil as to why Deceit would do this. Then again, he always did try to mess with people for fun, Deceit was like that for some reason.
"Does he mean that I cannot lie?" Logan said exasperated. He mostly looked annoyed at the circumstances. If Virgil was him he would be terrified. Not being able to lie would be horrible. Not that he lied a lot, but how annoying it would be to not be able to tell small lies. Imagine not being able to tell Roman that his hair looked stupid? Or have to admit when he was feeling anxious.
"I think so? We can test it, answer my next question untruthfully." Roman said, "What is your favorite brand of jelly?"
"Crofters." Logan answered without hesitation. Then he sighed. "I promise that I tried to lie."
"Oh no, Logan now you cannot hide anything from us. Guys, try not to ask him any personal questions." Patton said, giving Roman a warning glance.
"Fine, I will not ask you anything. Though I can not for the life of me think of anything that Calculator Specs over here would feel the need to hide from us." At that statement Logan apparently did remember something that he did not what the others to know because his eyes widened in horror.
"Do not talk to me," He exclaimed, then spinning around on the spot so that he was turned towards the doorway. Virgil was standing in his way and he looked at him with an expression that Virgil could've sworn was fear. "At least not until whatever Deceit did to me goes away."
"Especially not you, I might tell you that I-" he clasped a hand over his mouth and ran past Virgil and out of the room, his hand muffling the rest of the words that he was now forced to say. Virgil could not hear what it was that Logan did not want to tell him, but his mind of course made an attempt at filling in the gap.
'I might tell you that I...' That he what? What was it that Logan felt he couldn't tell him? It hurt, he admitted, that Logan did not trust him and felt the need to keep something a secret. Virgil considered Logan the one he was the closest to of the other sides so it bothered him that Logan apparently did not trust him fully.
"We should probably leave him alone for a little while." Patton said with a concerned glance towards where Logan had ran through the doorway a moment ago. Then he pulled a big cookbook down from a shelf and quickly found a receipt for cookies. Presumably he was going to make a batch for Logan. Patton always made them cookies when he thought they might be feeling sad, stressed or angry.
Patton put the fried eggs on three plates and put one down in front of each of their seats. Then Virgil's mind came up with a horrible though that made Virgil's anxiety crash over him like a fifteen foot wave. What if Logan actually hated him? That might be something that Logan would not want to tell him. Oh god, Logan hated him, didn't he? No, pull yourself together damn it.
"Virgil, you okay there? Do you want some cookies when I'm done with these?" Patton asked, already pouring ingredients into a big yellow bowl. Virgil shook his head with a small smile.
"I'm good, thanks." He said, eternally grateful that he was not the one forced to tell the truth every time he opened his mouth. He knew it was illogical to think that Logan would dislike him, not that it calmed him very much since he is the embodiment of anxiety. But he did not want to think that Logan might not like him, because he was awfully fond of the logical trait, more than he wanted to admit.
Virgil had not seen Logan since the morning, he supposed he was hiding in his room. Which is understandable, Virgil would also hide in his room if he couldn't lie. They had all done their best to not talk to Logan at all, Virgil and Roman had stayed away from him.
The only one who had talked to him was Patton when he went to his room to give him the cookies he had made. Virgil was quite bored, he'd gotten used to Logan being around him all the time. He added the realization that this was the longest he had gone without seeing Logan in ages to the list of things that spoke against Logan hating him. If Logan disliked him he wouldn't spend so much time with him, right?
But he didn't expect to see any of the other sides at the moment, Patton was helping Thomas with something, Logan was hiding, and Roman had gone after Deceit to make him undo whatever it was that he did.
Therefore it surprised Virgil that Logan came into the living room around noon, and it surprised him even more that he sat down next to him on the couch. He was holding a plate full of cookies in one hand and his phone in the other. The screen was just a big block of text, perhaps Logan was researching something again.
"How are you?" Virgil asked as soon as Logan had sat down comfortably. Too late he realized that Logan had asked them all, especially him, not to talk to him at all until Deceit had undone whatever it was he had done to Logan. It was a harmless question, but who knows.
"I am so hopelessly in love with you that my heart aches when I look at you." Logan declared and then he slowly turned his head and stared at Virgil for a moment, realizing what he had just confessed. Fear flashes in his eyes for a mere second and then he just closed his eyes and buried his head in his hands with a dejected sigh.
"Fuck. This- this is why I didn't want you to talk to me, I can't control what I say." If he hadn't been so surprised by what Logan had just said he might have reacted to the fact that Logan just swore, since it was unusual, but he had more important things to focus on right now. Suddenly he felt stupid for ever believing Logan might hate him.
"You ...love me?" Virgil asked dumbly. The surprise was clear in his voice.
"Yes. I do not speak in falsehoods, even less so today than any other day." He said pointedly, still hiding his face in his hands. His ears were a bit red so he was probably trying to hide that he was flustered. "I want nothing else than to be able to call you my boyfriend."
"I find it incredibly unfair that I am unable to hide what I'm feeling." He then mumbled, the words muffled from being spoken behind his hands. He sounded frustrated, most likely from yet again sharing more than he meant to. Virgil can understand his irritation. He would find it terrifying to be asked about his feelings when he could do nothing but tell the truth.
"I'm sorry you found out this way, this was not how I wanted to tell you." Virgil just reached a hand out, placing it on Logan's arm. This caused the blushing logical trait to finally reveal his face and look at him.
"I'm not. I- I feel the same way about you, actually. Have for a while now." Virgil confessed and moved his hand from Logan's arm to his neck, glancing down at his lips. They were sitting closer than he had previously realized, perhaps they had moved without noticing it.
"May I kiss you?"
"Please." Logan breathed out, which was all Virgil needed to be told. He leaned in, closing the small distance that was left between them. At first Logan didn't really seem to know what to do, then he kissed back and Virgil could feel Logan's hands trying to pull him closer.
His mind pretty much shut off, the only thing he could think about was how well their lips fit together and how Logan's hands were tugging him closer. Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan's neck. He's pretty sure his heart skips a beat when Logan's hands sneak in under his shirt, touching his bare skin. The kiss might not have been meant to develop into a fully blown make out session, but they both seemed to have forgotten where they were.
"Hmm, maybe this was not the best of times." They heard Roman's voice say and they practically flew apart, both of them blushing furiously. Turning around they saw Roman in the doorway, smirking at them and holding a squirming Deceit, trying to escape from Roman's grip on his arm.
"I found the slippery snake." He said, shaking him slightly. Deceit's hat fell to the floor and he gave Roman an affronted look. Roman just glared at him. Virgil marched up to Deceit who attempted to back away but was stopped by Roman.
"Fix Logan, undo what you did to him." Virgil said.
Deceit mumbled something angrily and motioned for Logan to walk up to him. For the second time that day Deceit touched Logan's forehead.
"There, he's not fixed." Deceit said and Roman finally released his tight grip around Deceit's arm. He ran out of the room as soon as Roman let go of him, hissing at them. Roman mumbled something about 'how dare he hiss at me', sounding incredibly offended.
"Alright, now I'll leave you two to... continue what you were doing." Roman said with a teasing eyebrow wiggle which earned him a glare from Virgil and a sigh from Logan.
Written: 30th April & 3rd & 4th May 2018
Published: 22nd May 2018
Words: 2138
Whoops how did that happen
Meant to publish this yesterday but forgot lol so I'm publishing while in class
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