[31] - What Is So Special About Hand Holding

I just wanna write something short lol

Summary: Logan just wants to do an experiment (I've had this idea for months lmao)


"Virgil, can you assist me with an experiment? Only if you're okay with it, of course." Virgil looks up from his phone, pausing the youtube video he was watching so that he could focus on what Logan wanted to say. Virgil had helped Logan with many experiments by now and they were actually quite fun, so Virgil was quick to agree.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked. Virgil could see that Logan hesitated for a moment before continuing. He almost looked nervous.

"Well I was hoping to learn more about affection. Specifically hand holding. I heard Roman talk about it and he made it seem like it was something special. I fail to understand why it would be so significant." He said, sounding completely serious and Virgil had to take a few seconds to process what he had said and to make sure that he wasn't joking.

"So you want to... hold hands? Is that what you're saying?" He wasn't sure if he had heard him right. This wasn't usually what his experiments were about.

"Yes, do you want to participate? You don't have to, I can ask Patton or Roman."

"No, I'll- I'll help. Why not." Virgil replied, maybe a little too fast. Hopefully he doesn't sound too eager. He would certainly not mind holding hands with Logan, that he can reluctantly admit to himself. And he didn't like the thought of Logan holding hands with one of the other sides.

Stupidly enough Virgil had gone and gotten a crush on the logical trait, a really dumb decision from his side. One of the dumbest things he's ever done. It doesn't matter that it wasn't supposed to happen, it still happened. He doesn't necessarily mind it though, especially not at moments like these, Logan had smiled at him when he had agreed to do this silly experiment with him. Honestly, just that made it all worth it.

"Splendid!" Logan immediately sat down on the couch, close to Virgil, and held his hand out towards him.

"Oh, you mean we should start now?" Virgil said, suddenly nervous. What if his hand was sweaty? What if he managed to hold his hand in the wrong way?

"If that would not be any trouble, then yes. You can just keep watching whatever you've got on your phone. Don't mind me." He took Virgil's hand an Virgil internally laughed at that. How was he supposed to ignore that the person he had developed feelings for was holding his hand? If he was lucky then he wouldn't start to blush. He pressed play on his youtube video again and kept watching, trying to not be so terribly aware of how close they were sitting. And he was definitely not extremely focused on the fact that they were holding hands.

Maybe this had been a bad idea. He certainly hadn't thought about it before agreeing, he just agreed. Maybe he should start to think things through. Like he usually did. This is what he hated. Either he didn't think things through or he thought too much about it and made himself (or Thomas) anxious.

Next to him Logan was reading one of his books. Now and then he picked his pencil up and scribbled something down in his notebook that was lying on the couch next to him. Virgil couldn't see what it was he wrote from where he was sitting. Virgil wondered for a second what it was that he wanted to find out from this, was it how it felt? Because he was fairly sure that the two of them did not experience this in the same way.

For Logan it was probably just like holding anyones hand. A friends hand. Virgil was a bit more stressed over it. Was his grip too tight? Too loose? Was he blushing? What if Logan could feel his pulse somehow and asked him why his heart was beating so fast? If Virgil wasn't blushing yet he was most likely going to do so soon.

"Hey Logan, for how long is this experiment going to continue?" Virgil pretends to look at his phone so that he doesn't have to look at Logan. It could only have been ten minutes, tops, but Virgil doesn't know if he could take this for much longer without accidentally doing something weird.

"Only a few more minutes. I have almost gathered all of the data that I need." Logan said and put his book down to write something else on the page of his notebook. That answer both relieved and disappointed him. Despite this whole thing making him very nervous it was really nice. He wished he had reason to hold Logan's hand whenever he wanted. But as long as Logan was unaware of how Virgil felt for him that was never going to happen. Sadly there was no chance that Virgil would actually talk to him and confess his feelings.

"But I think I will need another test subject to complete my data. I have gotten some results that did not align with my hypothesis." He shifted slightly on the couch, sitting up in a better position, without letting go of his hand. Virgil wished this whole situation didn't make him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach. But the thought of Logan still needing to hold hands with one of the other sides still made him stupidly jealous. Even if it just was for an experiment.

"Thank you for your participation." Logan said as he let go of Virgil's hand.

"Sure, any time." Virgil mumbled and glanced up at Logan for a second, flashing him a smile. Logan grabbed his notes and sank out of the room, probably to ask Roman or Patton for help. Virgil just kept watching his youtube video, he didn't really have anything else to do. He wasn't even feeling very anxious today so he couldn't go and bother Thomas. So youtube it was. At least until he got hungry, then he paused the video about pregnancy questions (he doesn't know how he ended up watching that, he had gone onto youtube with the intention of watching Buzzfeed Unsolved) and went to the kitchen.

Logan was sitting by the table in the kitchen, he was staring at his notes and muttering to himself while Virgil put two slices of bread in the toaster.

"Is that your breakfast?" Logan asked and Virgil nodded as he took a bite.

"It's 10:34, we're going to make lunch in about an hour, you should eat earlier." Virgil just shook is head made a disgusted face. Logan ate when he woke up, which Virgil guessed was pretty early. He had never been awake when Logan woke up so he didn't know at what time he woke up. But it was probably early. Once when he pulled an all-nighter he did find Logan awake at 6:30. On a Saturday.

"How's the experiment going? You seem to be distressed over the results." Virgil said and gestured towards the papers that Logan had been muttering about.

"I'm just confused over the collected data."


"Well, the results I got were very different." He stood up and moved around the table to sit down on the empty chair next to Virgil. He showed him his notes. "See. You're test subject one, Patton is two, and Roman is three. The results between test subject two and three were extremely similar. But with test subject number one, you, the results came out completely different. And I do not understand why."

Virgil swallowed down the last of his sandwich and tried not to look nervous as he reached for the paper, silently asking to see what Logan had written about the experiment. Logan handed Virgil the paper with no hesitation and Virgil took it, glancing over the page.

"I suppose you might be able to give me clarity. You are after all the anomaly." Virgil sighed at that, he was always the anomaly. Though if it was good or bad in this case he did not know.

Test subject one: Virgil
The experiment caused nervousness, disturbance in normally good concentration & something that I assume is usually referred to as 'butterflies in stomach'. Reason for these symptoms remains unknown. I will be making more attempts to see if this is the normal response to hand holding.

Test subject two: Patton
The experiment caused no nervousness and no unexplainable tingling feelings. The emotional response was very different from the one I got with Virgil.

Test subject three: Roman
The experiment went the same way as with Patton, no further emotional response. Maybe annoyance, because he dragged me around half the mind scape trying to locate his sword.

Although I do not understand why holding hands with Virgil is any different from the others, it clearly is. Further experiments might have to be done to figure out why.

Virgil pretended to be reading through it carefully. He was actually trying not to scream or fall off his chair. This sure sounded a lot like Logan might like him too. But Virgil didn't dare to believe that. He didn't want to have hope since it'd probably just end up with him disappointed. But then again this described exactly how Virgil felt about the hand holding. And he surely liked Logan in a not so platonic way.

"Do you- do you really have no idea why the results might be different?"

"No. Why, do you think you know the reason?" He leans in slightly, his eyes fixed on Virgil intensely as he waits for a reply or an explanation. Virgil swallows, Logan getting this close to him is making him very nervous.

"Uh..." He glances down at Logan's lips for a micro second. Virgil doesn't know what to say, he doesn't want to jump to any conclusions. And he don't want to say something that might be wrong.

"Hey guys!" Roman barged into the room, sword drawn and with a proud smile on his lips.

"Ah, you found your sword I see." Logan said as he turned around, sounding slightly annoyed. Virgil didn't know if it was because of having been dragged around by Roman earlier today while he tried to find said sword or if it was because he had been aware of how close Virgil had been to kissing him. He hoped it was the last one although he doubted it, Logan did not seem very aware of anything that had to do with romantic feelings.

"Yep!" He exclaimed happily and stabbed through the roll of paper towels that stood on the table.

"Roman! You know Patton hates it when you do that." Logan scolded.

"Well how will he know it was me?" Roman defended himself and Logan gave him a look of utter annoyance while Virgil had to cover his mouth not to laugh. He knew laughing would only encourage Roman to do more stupid things.

"Do you suppose he'd believe it was Virgil with his butterknife?" He pointed at Virgil, who was currently occupied with spreading a thin layer of butter on his second toast with a dull knife. It wouldn't even be able to cut through bread. Virgil could barely contain his laughter. His shoulders shook as he put the butter back in the fridge and grabbed his sandwich before returning to his room, leaving Roman and Logan to bicker about how Roman uses his sword.

His heart was beating fairly quickly. He had been way too close to kissing Logan. He shouldn't be allowed too close to him, he might do something stupid. Like he almost just did. But then again maybe it would be a good thing, if Logan actually did feel for Virgil in a similar way as Virgil felt for him. But he was not going to make the first move, he was far to anxious to have the courage to do that.

Sadly he didn't think that Logan knew enough about romantic feelings to even realize that he liked Virgil in that way, if that was how he felt about him. Virgil wished that he had any idea how the logical trait felt for him.

"God Logan, why are you so difficult to understand?" He mumbled to the air, or whoever was listening. However, he hadn't expected Logan himself to hear it.

"Am I? Well if you ask me then I will explain myself to you."

"Wait- I- Why are you here?" Virgil stuttered out. If he had expected Logan to follow him to his room he certainly would not have spoken aloud. Speaking to himself was something he did a lot, but only when he was sure that he was alone. And until now no one had ever walked in on him doing that.

"We never finished our conversation about the experiment."

"Ah, right."

"You thought you knew the answer to why the results were so different."

"Well, could it possibly be that you- you like me?" He forces out, immediately regretting it. Why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut.

"Of course I like you, we are friends." Logan replies, obviously not getting what Virgil is asking. Virgil has to stop himself from groaning loudly. Why must he be so clueless? But there was no going back now.

"You know what I mean. The other like." Virgil buries his head in his hands, glancing through his fingers at Logan who is staring out into the thin air and thinking over what he said.

"That ...actually makes sense. Excellent observation."

"What do I do about it? I have never had these feelings before." Logan continued and stepped closer to Virgil who was getting increasingly more nervous. He couldn't really comprehend that Logan just admitted that he had feelings for him. And he had done it completely casually.

"How do I make them go away?" He then asked. Oh. Virgil immediately feels dumb. Of course Logan doesn't want to have these kinds of feelings. He is logic.

"Why do you want the feelings to go away?" He says, trying to sound casual.

"Well, you don't feel the same, do you? So they're quite unnecessary." He explains and Virgil panics slightly. He most definitely do feel the same, and he does not want to miss this opportunity.

"Wait, no, I-" Now Virgil is definitely blushing. "I like you too. A lot." He feels like hiding somewhere. Virgil has always been bad at talking about feelings, he hates it. It always gives him the feeling of saying the wrong thing. Logan just kind off stares at him, looking extremely surprised. Neither of them seems to know what to say. At least Virgil isn't alone in being unprepared for a situation like this.

But then Logan smiles at him, a smile that seems a lot more genuine than they usually are. And Virgil feels much calmer. Logan actually has feelings for him, and he doesn't seem to mind that Virgil also has feelings for him.

"I might not be very good at expressing emotions or showing affection, but I would be happy to learn from you." Logan says and Virgil feels as if his heart just skipped a beat.

"Smooth." Virgil grins. It's wonderful how Logan probably isn't even aware of that what he just said would be qualified as a cheesy pickup line.

"What is smooth?" Logan questions and his expression goes from nervous to confused.

Virgil shook his head with a smile. "I'd love to help you. Though I'm not the best at that either, so we will have to learn from each other." The smile turned into a smirk.

He reaches out his hand shyly and takes Logan's in his and leans in close enough to press a quick kiss to his lips. It was short, but enough to make it feel like sparks flew. Logan seemed to like it too because he eagerly leaned in to kiss him again. He was surprisingly a really good kisser, Virgil discovered.


Written: 8th, 9th & 10th March 2018
Published: 10th May 2018
Words: 2738

I didn't know how to end this lol. But I do like my otp's kissing (which you have all probably noticed by now)

10/5-18: wtf I thought I wrote this like only a few weeks ago, not two months ago.

Hope this was adequate and not below expectations.

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