[20] - Complicated - (Part Three)
Do anyone even read my a/n in the beginning and end of these?😂
I'M SORRY IT'S LATE, I was gonna upload but I have been sick since sunday (been throwing up and been dehydrated) and I haven't even had the energy to watch tv, so I decided to not post this until I was feeling better because, ya know, health is important too. Hope you understand!
Bruh, I currently have 206 fic ideas in my oneshot ideas chapter (I mean, I probably won't write all of them but then again I keep adding new ones all the time, when writing that sentence it was 162 but I added some more)
I promise there is no smut in this even tho it looks like theres gonna be at one point😂
Virgil forced his eyes open and stared out at his room. Sunlight from the pretend world outside streamed in from the windows and down on the floor. It must be pretty early though and when Virgil glanced at the clock on the wall he saw that it said 5:58am. He wondered why he had woken up so early, there's no way that he'd actually leave his bed at this tim ein the morning.
No, he was going to fall back asleep. He rolled over to find a more comfortable position and found himself face to face with a sleeping Logan. He wasn't usually the first one to wake up, Logan woke up around 6-7am every day while he woke up as earliest at 9, so Virgil never really saw him asleep. Logan had almost always left when he woke up.
Okay, Virgil could admit that maybe it was a bit creepy to stare at someone while they slept, he had never understood the people who did that in books and movies before. But Logan and his small eccentricities were painfully beautiful and Virgil found himself unable to look away. He looked peaceful and vulnerable, his breaths were even and calm. It made him feel the usual warmth in his chest and butterflies in his stomach and maybe waking up wasn't so horrible if it was next to Logan.
And on the subject of Logan, he was Virgil's... something. His friend. His friend plus something more? His friend who was in love with him and he was (scared) confused. His friend that he enjoyed kissing, who he kissed when it was only the two of them awake. His friend that made him feel protected and light inside. Yeah, that was one way to explain it. They had spent most nights together since their first kiss. Reading, kissing, talking, kissing, sleeping. It didn't really matter what they were doing when they were together, just having Logan with him was nice. Virgil liked the company.
Their friendship that was a bit more than a friendship wasn't necessarily a secret. Though neither Roman nor Patton knew of the new kind of closeness between them. And they never shared a kiss if there was a chance that someone would see. So maybe it was a bit of a secret. Okay, to be completely honest it was a pretty big thing to keep secret so Virgil had to admit that it was more than a little secret.
Virgil yawned and stretched his whole body, resulting in him hitting his hand against the nightstand next to the bed. He swore loudly before remembering that Logan was sleeping next to him. He massaged his hurting hand in silence. He glanced over at Logan to make sure he hadn't woken him up. He was met with a Logan that was very much awake.
A lovely smile which always seems to be directed at Virgil appears on Logan's face when he squints at him. Logan wasn't wearing his glasses so Virgil suspected that Logan saw him as a blurry mess of colors. A mix of paleness, black, and purple. Virgil was quite pale from always just sitting in his room, and his PJ's are purple while his duvet are black. Logan simply slept in a pair of blue pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt he has borrowed from Virgil. (Logan had usually slept in only his pajama pants but when Logan and Virgil had started sleeping in the same bed Virgil had made him wear a shirt, because he had felt nervous about it.)
"Good morning," Logan said, his voice still raspy from sleep.
"Morning." Virgil mumbles. Logan saw that Virgil was holding his fingers in a tight grip and reaches for it, asking if he had hurt it. Virgil hums quietly in response, he feels a bit silly when he tells Logan that he hurt it by banging it into the nightstand. However, Logan doesn't laugh at all, he just kisses Virgil's hand. It's clearly his brain tricking him, but Virgil feels like his hand barely hurts after that.
His (more than) friend yawns and reaches towards his glasses. He apparently doesn't find them because he the asks Virgil to check what time it is, to which Virgil responds with 6:11 am. He knows that Logan will probably want to go and make some breakfast at this time so as soon as Logan sits up and swing his legs over the edge of the bed Virgil sneaks his arms around Logan's waist.
"Don't leave, sleep in with meee." Virgil begs, dragging out on the E and clinging to Logan. He just groans and flops back on the bed, Virgil thinks that by now he's probably used to this and knows that there is no point in bickering. It's not the first time he tries to make him stay in bed with him. Virgil also hopes that he stays because he wants to, and not because he feels forced to. But then Logan turns over towards Virgil and wraps his arms around him and buries his face in Virgil's shirt with a contented sigh.
He mumbles that he will stay in bed until 8, and Virgil smirks. He'd never admit it, but cuddling with Logan is definitely the best part of the day. He had always hated mornings before, waking up meant having to leave the warmth of his bed and getting ready to do things. Now he could snuggle up to Logan and if he wakes up early with Logan he'd make Virgil breakfast. Yeah, mornings aren't that bad anymore.
At precisely 8 am Logan managed to get a sleepy Virgil out of bed with him. He doesn't have to wake up with Logan, he could roll over and fall back asleep, but he always claimed that he wanted to come with him so they could eat breakfast together. Even if he was really tired in the morning and barely looked awake. That Logan though was cute.
Virgil was currently walking drowsily beside him, his purple fuzzy blanket tied around his throat so it hung like a cape from his shoulders. His hair was messy and he hadn't yet put his makeup on. That Logan thought was cute too, his heart did a weird fluttering thing when looking at him, as always. He wanted to tell Virgil exactly how attractive he found him, but he knew that compliments and praise were things that Virgil wasn't very good at responding to, so he decided that if he was going to tell him that, it needed to be said during a better moment. About a week ago he had called Virgil beautiful when he wasn't prepared for it, and that had made Virgil blush, hide his face behind a pillow for three minutes, and stutter out a quiet 'no'.
The kitchen is empty, Logan didn't expect anyone else to be awake. Roman sometimes slept in longer than Virgil did, he claimed that he needed his beauty sleep. Patton on the other hand didn't really have a consistent sleeping schedule, he woke up whenever he did and now and then he was even up earlier than Logan was. But the night before they had watched a two hour movie so this morning they had the kitchen for themselves.
Virgil seated himself by the table, immediately resting his head against the wooden surface while Logan opened a cabinet and grabbed two plates and two glasses (a pink and a yellow, Patton had made sure that every glass they owned was in an unique color.) He placed one plate and the pink glass carefully in front of Virgil and the other plate and glass on the opposite side of the table.
"You want an omelet?" Logan asked his sleepy ...friend? (No, not really.) Virgil lifted his head up and stifled a yawn before answering.
"If I help, can we make pancakes?" He suggested hopefully and his face lit up when Logan said that that sounded really nice. Virgil googled a recipe while Logan located all of the utensils that one might need and putting them on the table. A bowl, a whisk, measuring cups and a pan.
"Okay, we're going to need flour, milk, eggs-" Virgil read out and Logan opened the fridge and grabbed the egg carton, balancing it in his hands with the milk. "-butter, sugar, baking powder and salt." He finishes and starts rummaging through a cabinet looking for flour and baking powder. They place everything on the table and Virgil started with adding flour, baking powder, sugar and an egg into the bowl. He instructed Logan to pour in the right amount of salt and milk while he whisks it all together.
It didn't take them very long to get all of the pancakes done. It turned out to be more than they'd thought there would be though, so they saved some for Roman and Patton for when they eventually woke up.
He had just picked the bag of flour up to put it back on it's spot in the cabinet when he felt Virgil embrace him from behind and place a kiss on his neck. This caused Logan to drop what he was holding and a small cloud of flour to appear in the air. Virgil giggled at him while he tried, and failed, to give him a disapproving look. He seemed to malfunction quite a lot when Virgil showed him affection. And Virgil always found it funny. He bent down to pick the bag of flour up.
Okay, the exact words Virgil had used might have been 'adorable' and 'precious' but Logan strongly disagreed with those word choices. Whatever Virgil tried to convince him, he was definitely not adorable. If anything was adorable it was Virgil when he was half asleep. Logan actually had several photos of Virgil while he was sleeping. The anxious side wouldn't let him take any pictures if he was awake, then he'd just hide his face, so he had to take the opportunity to do so when he was busy reading or while he was sleeping.
One of his favorite photos where from only a few days ago, when he had managed to grab his phone and take a photo after Virgil had fallen asleep on top of him while they were lying on the couch. It had been difficult to do without waking Virgil up. Logan would put it as his home screen on his phone if it wasn't for Patton's habit of using Logan's phone when he couldn't find his own.
Logan and Virgil's newfound closeness wasn't really something the other two sides knew about. Even though they didn't really try to keep it a secret (as an example, Logan and Virgil many times fell asleep together on the couch, but that was okay since Logan woke up before anyone else and could leave before they were found) they neither did any attempts of telling them about it.
That didn't bother Logan in the slightest though, it was actually quite nice to have this with Virgil without the questions and taunting that he knew Roman and Patton knowing about them would bring. He shivered in horror at the thought of all the new kinds of dad jokes Patton would tell.
Logan immediately let go of Virgil's hand as Patton happily bounced into the room with a puppy in his arms. Logan reminded himself to tell Roman that he shouldn't conjure puppies to Patton all the time. Once the dad trait had fallen asleep and Rainbow, the puppy he had been playing with at the time, had found its way into Logan's room and had chewed on several of his most important documents. It was an event that he wouldn't forget any time soon and since then his door was always closed.
Patton threw a calculating look at them as he sat down on the floor to play with the puppy and Logan hoped that they didn't somehow look suspicious as they were sitting. Both he and Virgil were reading on the couch. They were sitting close enough so that Logan had been able to hold the other sides hand, but they weren't sitting too close. Not close enough to raise any questions at least.
"I'm glad you two are friends again." He said, sounding as cheerful as always and smiling brightly towards the two of them while giving the seemingly sleepy puppy a belly rub.
"Me too." Logan said. Glancing at Virgil he could see that the other trait was currently doing his best not to smile or laugh at what Patton had said. Logan agreed that it was slightly humorous since they were a bit more than friends now. But he was really glad that they weren't actively avoiding each other or sulking over their confusing feelings anymore. It was much more pleasant to spend their time cuddling, talking or just in each others presence.
And he was glad that the others hadn't found them out yet. Virgil didn't seem to know what he wanted, so it was for the best that their complicated relationship stayed between them. So far that had gone well.
Virgil really liked what Logan and he had, it was one of the few things that made him feel better about everything. But at the same time he felt like they should put a name to what it was they had together. They didn't really need to and Logan hadn't asked about it yet but Virgil still felt like they should.
He knew it was probably his decision. He knew that Logan was ready to tell the others about them and what their thing was, but for some reason Virgil didn't know if he was. He should be, he knew that he wouldn't mind calling Logan his boyfriend, it was just that ...he did mind a little? It was complicated, he didn't want Patton or Roman to find out about him and Logan since they would ask questions about what it really was that was going on between them and that they would have opinions about it (and he didn't know if those opinions would be good or bad) which would make him feel pressured to put a label on this.
But at the same time, if they didn't label it, would that make it feel less real and serious? And would that be good or bad? And what would happen if this didn't work out? Would it be easier to let go of if it had never really been official? Probably not, but Virgil wasn't sure what to think. This was the first time he felt these kinds of feelings for anyone and he was a bit terrified that it would lead to him getting hurt.
Though if he managed to explain his worries to Logan then maybe he could bring some logic into the discussion so that Virgil's thoughts would not only be ruled by anxiety. Yes, that seemed like a good idea. Communication between them, especially when it came to this specific topic, was important. He'd just have to wait until they were alone so that they could talk undisturbed.
"I wan't to talk about this, us." Virgil said as they were sitting on the couch.
"Okay." He entwined his fingers with Virgil's. He had read somewhere that holding hands were calming and Virgil seemed to be nervous right now. And so was he. He remembered how Virgil had laughed and called him cute when he had seen Logan google 'ways to show affection' a few weeks ago. But how else was he supposed to know how to display his affection towards Virgil? He also remembered how the word had made him blush.
"I do like you a lot, that's pretty clear by now. I mean, kissing you is addictive and everything about you make me feel very gay, in both senses of the word." Virgil pauses to laugh at his own joke and Logan can't help but to smile, both at the wordplay and Virgil's habit of making himself laugh with bad jokes. "And I want to put a word on this, even though I have been hesitant to do so."
Virgil gestured between the two of them. Logan admitted that he would find it pleasant to have a word to describe them and their thing better than just saying that they had something. Because it felt like it was so much more than just something. But it was more important that Virgil was comfortable, and that seemed to be what he wanted to discuss with Logan now and Logan was glad.
"Okay, why are you hesitant on labeling this if you are certain how you feel?" Logan asked carefully, not wanting to pressure him but also wanting to understand.
"Honestly?" Virgil took a deep breath. "I don't know if any of this will make any sense, but..." He looked uncertain and Logan squeezed his hand reassuringly to urge him to continue. If Virgil told him what was worrying him then maybe Logan could help him solve the problem, or just be there for Virgil when he solved it himself, so Logan really wanted Virgil to talk about it.
"There is kind of a safety in not specifying it as anything. Because what if- you see, as you are aware of I'm easily anxious, and I worry about what our actions will lead to. What if this doesn't work out? Will we still be friends? Would it be easier to go back to normal if whatever we are doing doesn't have a name? And what if we do decide that we are together for real and it affects Thomas in some way? What if Roman and Patton think we're weird? Or hates us?! Or what if-" Logan knows that Virgil is losing control over the worry he feels so he quickly goes through his internal list with things that works to calm him. He reaches out and cups Virgil's face in his hands, hoping that it is enough to bring him out of his state of slight panic. Virgil goes quiet when he feels the gentle touch and Logan could see that he was bracing himself for Logan's reply so he took time to choose his words carefully.
"Of course it doesn't necessarily need to have a word. It can just be whatever this is, there's no actual need to define it. And I don't think you need to worry about Roman and Patton, I'm sure they would support us. And about things changing... change doesn't necessarily have to be bad, things could change for the better." Logan says.
It wasn't extremely important for him to put a word on their relationship. Though he has to admit that he found pleasure in the thought of calling Virgil his boyfriend but, as he said, there was no actual need for it. All he wanted was for them to keep doing what they were doing now. Logan thinks that he would have a really had time going back to being just friends now when he knew how it felt to be held in Virgil's arm and be kissed by him. Yeah, that'd be far too painful.
"So we can wait with labeling this until you are more sure of what you want. I am perfectly content as long as I am with you." He continues, smiling slightly at the anxious side in front of him who gave him a loving look. Virgil visibly relaxes at his words.
"I do- I do want to put a word on this. Us. I'm just a scared coward, I'm sorry, I know I make everything a lot harder than it needs to be." Virgil breathed out with a sad sigh. Logan reached his right hand up to Virgil's forehead and brushed away his bangs that were hanging down over his eyes. Virgil's response to the gesture was to lean his head into Logan's left hand which was still cupping his cheek.
"Well there is no need to apologize and I will not allow you to feel bad over this. And as for a word for this, which term do you feel the most comfortable with? Boyfriends? Date-mates? Friends? Friends with benefits?" Logan says and Virgil's face goes slightly pink at the last one but Logan can see that Virgil is thinking over what he just said.
"Boyfriend..." Virgil whispers, like he was just trying the word out, with a small smile playing on his lips and a deeper blush creeping over his cheeks. Hearing Virgil say that while looking right at Logan made him feel strange, a good kind of strange though.
"Yeah, I do like the sound of that." He says with a smirk and takes both of Logan's hands in his. "So, Logan, wanna be my boyfriend?" Virgil asks and Logan smiles when telling him yes. Virgil kisses him softly on his lips and Logan feels the usual rush of oxytocin surge through him. It was quite wonderful how he never got tired of feeling Virgil's lips on his.
"Can we wait before we tell the others though? I don't think I'm ready for that." Virgil says when they broke apart. He looked nervous, Logan didn't want him to be anxious because of him.
"Of course."
"I'm sorry it took us so long to get to this point. And that I'm not ready for us to tell the others yet." Virgil murmurs and Logan guessed that Virgil was blaming himself for it. Even if it was because of Virgil that it took them this long to figure everything out it was not something that he should criticize himself nor apologize for.
"Don't be. It's important that we both feel comfortable with being together in this way. It's the whole point of our relationship, we're together because we feel more comfortable and secure with each other, not less." Logan pressed a kiss to the corner of Virgil's mouth. It's funny, before he had always thought that he would be awkward and uncomprehending when it came to acts of romance or care, but with Virgil it was strangely easy for him to ease up and forget about his awkwardness. Being close to him just felt appropriate and right. Even though he was still a clueless moron sometimes and had to google certain things.
Virgil smiled and remained flustered for a good while after that, especially after they got back to Virgil's room and Virgil ended up pressed between a wall and Logan. (Not that he seemed to be complaining. And Virgil might have been the one that started it.)
Virgil stares at Logan from across the room. Logan was boring, he wanted to finish filling out paperwork but Virgil wanted to go to sleep. He had already climbed into Logan's bed and gotten cozy beneath his covers and blankets. And yes, he could just go to sleep now, but what was the fun in going to sleep alone? No, he wanted cuddles. And Logan was actually great at cuddling, that Virgil had discovered as they had started sharing beds. At first they had both been a bit hesitant and awkward but when they got over their awkwardness they had realized exactly why the act of cuddling was so well liked.
"Lo, come to bed." Virgil called, trying his best to get some attention. Logan only grunted and mumbled that he'd come soon. That was the same response he had gotten ten minutes ago. Virgil pouted at him, not that Logan could see it as he sat with his back turned to him.
Virgil sighed. The audacity of his boyfriend making him actually have to leave the bed to get him to bed. Virgil had always thought he was the only one with a bad sleeping schedule, especially since Logan always told them it was important to get 8 hours of sleep every night, but he was almost as bad as Virgil. There was always something that he needed to finish and he always had to complete the task before going to bed. And when Virgil was up late he at least slept in in the morning, Logan always woke up at 6 or 7 am.
He stepped out of the bed, shivering as his feet touched the slightly colder floor. He walked up to Logan who sat in front of his desk, hunched over a piece of paper and scribbling furiously, and bent over slightly and wrapped his arms around him, leaning his head on Logan's shoulder.
"Why don't you take your own advice and get a full 8 hours of sleep tonight?"
"But this-" Logan started but Virgil cut him off.
"Is not as important as you getting enough rest. Come on, you know you want to go to bed." He finished and Logan threw an uncertain but longing look at his bed.
"Alright then." He finally said and Virgil smiled in triumph while dragging Logan with him back to bed. He pushed Logan who yelped and fell backwards onto the bed while he laid down in a comfortable position next to him. Logan snapped his fingers so that he too was wearing pajamas.
"Now cuddle me." Virgil ordered and reached his arms out to pull Logan closer to himself. With an eye roll and a small smile he shifted so that they were facing each other.
"You're so demanding in bed." Logan huffed and looked at him with a confused head tilt when Virgil threw his head back and started laughing loudly. He didn't seem to realize what the actual meaning of those words were.
"What did I say?" He asked as Virgil did his best to stifle his giggles.
He just shook his head and looked at his boyfriend. "You're so cute." He said, ignoring all the protests that followed that statement and cutting him off by capturing his lips in a kiss.
"Don't worry, you can be both cute and professional. People won't give you less respect for being adorable." Virgil continued. He knew that Logan always wanted to look and act professional so that people would listen to him and take him seriously. Logan stared for a second before smiling the softest little smile Virgil had seen.
"I love you." He murmured and Virgil's heart did a weird skip in his chest, but he didn't even hesitate for a second to respond.
"I love you too."
Once again Logan and Virgil were up at 2 am. That was something that seemed to happen quite a lot, before Logan had only stayed up late when working or thinking about Virgil, now the two of them stayed awake together. At night they could both spend time doing whatever they wanted together and the chance of someone walking in on them was much lower. Just this night they had lost track of time, at first they had been distracted by their conversation about space. It was something that fascinated them both so it was usual that the two of them would engage in conversations revolving around that topic.
But while discussing the 53 known moons of Jupiter they had been more distracted by each other so the conversation had had an abrupt stop. Logan had found that it was quite hard to talk while Virgil had his tongue in his mouth and that he had lost interest in their discussion, especially compared to what they were doing. Logan is well aware of the fact that making out can lead to more intimate things, but at this moment he really doesn't care. He likes the way Virgil's lips fit against his and despite knowing exactly how much bacteria are passed between people when they kiss he has no intention of stopping.
He pressed himself closer to Virgil, liking the small sound of surprise that escaped him when the kiss deepened. Kissing was definitely a good way of communicating, one of his favorites actually. Virgil wrapped his arms tighter around him but just a second after that he froze and pushed Logan away from him.
"So what is your opinion on Stephen Hawking's theory on black holes?" He said in a casual tone and Logan was confused for a second before hearing footsteps stopping and seeing Roman blinking tiredly at them where they sat. He quickly found himself in the new situation.
"I found it tremendously interesting and I'm glad that you suggested I'd read it. I do not know what to think of the plausibility of black holes letting us travel to alternative universes, but it is something that has been suggested before. Though it is most likely nothing that we will find out the truth of in our lifetime."
Logan hoped that in Roman's half asleep state he wouldn't notice anything unusual about how close they sat or wonder why they were panting. Maybe they had to be a little more careful when it came to showing affection in public, no matter if it was 2pm or 2am. But luckily Roman just gave them a look and walked away without even asking why the both of them were awake at this time of the day.
Logan looked away from the doorway in which Roman had stood and looked back at Virgil. He was looking relieved and trying to hide a small smile but that was no use, Logan always knew when he was smiling. "You know what, maybe it's time to go to bed. That was, as you'd say, a close one."
"Ah shit, didn't Thomas have to wake up early for the filming of the new video? Because that means we're all going to have to work overtime." Virgil looked at his wristwatch and groaned. "How is it already 2:30 am?"
Virgil stood up and helped Logan of the couch. "Let's go to bed."
Logan was on his way to the kitchen, he had been asked to make popcorn so that they could start the movie night. And he was the one on what they called 'snack duty' this time. He was glad though, because both Roman and Patton had a habit of getting distracted by something and forgetting what they were doing. Instead the other sides were going to try to find the movie that they were going to watch. (They only knew that it was somewhere in Roman's room). Then he could hear Virgil run up to him and he stopped in his tracks, allowing the other side to catch up.
"Patton told me that we should bring a bag of chips out too." He said as he got up to him. "He didn't say what kind of chips but knowing Patton we should probably take the one that is Sour Cream & Onion." Logan nodded, that was Patton's favorite kind of chips so he would probably be grateful if they chose that one.
Virgil leaned in and pecked Logan's lips softly, sending a jolt of happiness through his body as always and he brought his lips back on Virgil's for another, longer kiss. He had completely forgotten that they weren't somewhere private. Though after just a second they were interrupted and were both painfully reminded where they were.
"WHAT!" Someone, most likely Roman, yelled. The scream made them instantly push themselves away from each other even though it was clear that the person had seen enough to understand what was going on. They turned towards where they yelling had come from and found both Roman and Patton standing in the doorway and looking like something had just exploded in front of them rather than them walking in on their two friends kissing.
"Hello." Logan said after a moment of mutual starring while Virgil made an anxious sound. It was probably not the best reply but he didn't know what else to say. It was at least better than silence.
"Hi." Patton squealed happily while Roman just gaped at them.
"How long has this been going on?" Roman asked, gesturing at them and Virgil and Logan looked at each other before talking, neither of them sure what to answer. They had only been officially together for two weeks and two days, so much Logan knew. But this had, as Roman had phrased it, been 'going on' for about one month, and three days. Logan also wanted to make sure that he didn't reveal more things than Virgil was comfortable with, so he decided that this was a question that his boyfriend had to answer.
"Uh, about a month and three days." Virgil said, noticeably nervous and Roman gasped.
"How did I not know about this?" He exclaimed, still looking like someone had just blown off a firework without giving a warning first.
"I guessed something was going on between you two, but that you managed to keep this a secret for so long? I'm impressed!" Patton said cheerfully and softly elbowed Roman so that he would stop looking so shocked.
"And you guys don't... you're okay with this?" Virgil asks hesitantly and Logan really hope they are because he knows how anxious Virgil is over them not accepting their relationship.
"Of course, I'm so happy for you both!" Patton says and bounces up to them to hug them both.
"Well, why wouldn't we be? Love is a beautiful thing!" Roman says, finally smiling at them and Logan realizes that he too was slightly worried over how they would react. He could feel Virgil's grip on his hand relax and when he looked at him Logan could see that he was unable to hide a smile.
"By the way, I wanted to tell you to make dip to the chips."
When the other two sides left them alone again to finally find the DVD they had been looking for Virgil turned towards Logan with a relieved sigh and a short laugh. "Well I think that went pretty well, I didn't die!"
"Of course you didn't die." Logan says, arching an eyebrow questioningly. Why would he have died? Virgil just shrugs, still with a lovely smile, and they continued on their way towards the kitchen.
"I'm anxiety, any situation makes me feel like I might die."
Logan can't help but to feel like that is slightly alarming but a lot of things that Virgil say are slightly alarming so by now he tried to be of help to Virgil instead of worrying over the things he says.
"Is that why you reacted the way you did when I told you how I felt for you?" He said with a grin and Virgil chuckled nervously.
"Again, sorry about that. I really panicked."
"Well, you've made up for it since then." He said, glancing down on their entwined fingers and thinking off all the times Virgil had told him that he loves Logan.
"And I will continue to do so." Virgil said with a smile and pressed a quick kiss to the corner of Logan's mouth.
"Okay guys, could you make the popcorn now." Roman interrupted them again, grinning at them and holding up the DVD to show that he and Patton had found it. Just to make a point Virgil kissed him again, right in front of the other two before rummaging through a cabinet for the microwave popcorn while Logan tried to not look too dazed. Instead he found two bowls, one in which he poured up a bag of chips inside and the other one he left for Virgil to fill up with popcorn.
When they had finished preparing all the snacks and Roman and Patton had managed to turn the movie on they all seated themselves on the couch. For once he and Virgil didn't have to hide the fact that their fingers were entwined when they sat next to each other. And Virgil even leaned against Logan, with his head resting against his shoulder and a hint of a smile on his lips.
Written: 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th January, 27th, 28th February, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 16th & 19th March 2018
Published: 24th March 2018
Words: 6166
Whoops I didn't know how to end this
In case someone doesn't know: the word gay means both happy and homosexual
(I'm very gay right now but also stressed)
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