[196] - Building A Life, Filmed By Roman

Warnings: no, this is sappy as hell lol

Me: what a stupid idea i cant write videos lol
My brain: lol


"Alright, so why are we here? Because I know when you're up to something." Logan said, seating himself on Roman and Patton's grey couch after having been immediately ushered towards the living room when they had greeted their friends and taken their shoes off. Virgil sat down next to him and Patton practically dragged his husband with him to sit too.

"We have something for you. It's, well you could call it a wedding gift, sort of." Roman said, reaching for the remote and turning the tv on, taking a moment to start whatever he was attempting to do, but soon the tv screen showed a paused low quality video.

Both of them looked over at Patton and Roman who were both smiling.

"Roman did all the filming and I helped a little with some editing. I think you'll like it." Patton said and Roman pressed play before they had the chance to ask what it even was they were looking at.

"-it, wait, say that again?" Roman's voice said and the video, obviously shot on Roman's phone, shifted to show Logan instead of under a bar table they were apparently sitting at. Logan, who seemed oblivious to the fact that he was being recorded, stared into a glass of something that was for sure alcohol and sighed deeply.

"Roman, come on."

"No, no, this is important, did you, Logan feelings-are-stupid Sanders, just tell me you think you have feelings for Virgil?" Roman said, sounding a whole lot more excited than Logan looked as he glared at Roman as if he was worried about the other people at the bar overhearing their conversation.

"That is not my middle name and I already regret telling you this, Roman. Let's not make a big deal out of this." Logan said quietly, glancing to the side.

"It is a big deal! Now, tell me everything, what made you realize you like him?" Roman sounded incredibly excited, meanwhile Logan had the look of someone who wanted to take his words back.

"Why does this feel like an interrogation? This is why I don't talk about feelings, you are far too excited about it." Logan accused, emptying his glass and moving it to the side next to a bunch of other empty glasses that Roman and Logan were already done with. After a few moments of silence Logan ran a hand through his hair and sighed, again.

"He just... makes me feel happy, and listened to, and gay. Very gay. Have you seen him?" Logan questioned, seeming to wait for an actual response.

"Yeah, Lo, I've seen him."

"He is so pretty. I like his make up and his hoodie he always wears, and his smile makes me smile, and stupid butterflies in my stomach and everything. And I don't think I'm even mad about it because spending time with him makes me so happy. I just want to be with him, Roman." Past Logan rambled and present Virgil felt as if (happily) crying a little wouldn't be a strange reaction. All he did was to reach out and grasp Logan's hand.

"This is so precious. If sober you could hear this conversation..." Roman said with a laugh and Logan reached for Roman's drink.

"Sober me hasn't fully realized or accepted these feelings yet, why do you think we're drinking?" He said, taking a sip from his friend's glass, without Roman even protesting.

"So, are you going to ask him on a date or do I have to get Patton to help me set you two up on a blind date?" He said and Logan pulled a face.

"It wouldn't be a blind date, we know each other, we're already friends."

"I'm texting Patton to make it happen right now." Roman said, the video turning slightly shaky as Logan's eyes widened and he reached across the table to stop him.

"Roman!" Then the video cut off and the screen went black.

Virgil looked up at Logan, feeling all sorts of so very in love. Logan looked slightly flustered, looking over at Roman who was grinning.

"I don't know whether to feel happy about this or not. I am, however, feeling kind of embarrassed." He mumbled, never happy about himself displaying too much emotion. Virgil had to admit that he would probably have been feeling pretty flustered too if that had been him in the video. But seeing Logan talk about him? He would pay Roman to own this video if he had to.

"It's not over yet!" Roman said, seeming incredibly happy with himself, as another shaky, low quality video began. It was Roman and Logan in the same bar, clearly weeks later, which Virgil could tell as he knew, from seeing Logan wearing a tie that he had given him, that it was a few weeks after they had started going out.

Roman was still out of shot as he was the one secretly recording, and Logan was sipping on a very pink looking drink (Virgil knew Logan wouldn't admit it, but he prefered those fruity drinks over a beer any day).

"Alright, enough complaining about work. Tell me what having a boyfriend is like!" Roman asked from behind the camera and Logan rolled his eyes.

"You have a boyfriend, have had a boyfriend for months longer than I have, remember?" He stated.

"Just... just, come on, Logan. Don't be boring." Roman whined.

"Fine, I'll humour you. But, obviously, it's great." Logan said, and he smiled slightly, ducking his head down and taking another sip of his drink. Virgil squeezed Logan's hand, unable to properly communicate in any way how cute it was to see these old videos.

Logan in the video continued, leaning his head in his hand and stirring his drink with the complimentary straw.

"It's... it's just great. Scary, I never thought I'd get this far, but..." He smiled, widely this time. Even after all this time together Virgil could barely believe how fond Logan looked back then when talking about him.

"I love him." Logan said and Roman gasped loudly from behind the camera.

"You love him!" He exclaimed, seeming to forget that he was filming as it showed more of the table than of Logan for a while, but Virgil found their voices a lot more important than the video itself.

"I love him." Logan repeated again.

"I think I have to tell him." He then said.

"Oh, not right now. Do it when you're not a bit drunk. And then text me all about it immediately, of course." Roman advised and Logan scoffed.

"I know, I'm not stupid. And we'll see."

"So, how is it, being in love I mean." Roman wondered and Logan sighed, still sitting with his head in his hand.

"It's frightening, but also really not, if that makes sense. Like... I haven't really felt like this about someone before and I don't know if I know how to be a good boyfriend. It's sort of all new." He frowned and Virgil smiled fondly, remembering himself how nervous he had been back then, too.

"You're doing good, Lo. I know he texts Patton all the time about how cute you are." Roman reassured and Logan looked as if he had just been told that NASA had been able to bring Opportunity home from Mars.

"He does?" Logan said, with something very vulnerable in his voice.

"Yeah, don't worry, Virgil is totally smitten with you." Roman said and despite the camera not showing him Virgil knew he was almost laughing, and maybe Virgil would have found this funny if he wasn't feeling so incredibly gay.

"Even now I resent your choice of words but, yeah, you were right about that." Virgil admitted, looking over at Roman who grinned at him. If he or Patton scrolled back a long bit in their messages there would surely be a lot of proof.

Virgil lowered his voice, leaning onto Logan's shoulder.

"How could I not have been? Look at you, L. You're so fucking precious." He said to Logan who looked away from the screen and his past self, wearing that same adoring smile as he kissed Virgil's forehead and, as Virgil tilted his head up, his lips.

"You two are adorable and all, but the video isn't over." Roman called to interrupt them.

"Ro, you can't show them this and expect them not to take pauses to kiss. Remember when we watched videos from our wedding?" Patton protested and Virgil was not sure he wanted his friends to elaborate more on that.

Virgil ignored them in favour of kissing Logan again before pulling back and letting Roman unpause the video (when he had paused it Virgil didn't know). For a few moments there was only the background noise of past conversations and a bit of music and glasses clinking as Logan was just absentmindedly stirring his drink with a permanent little smile.

"He stayed over just a few days ago and, never tell him I told you this, but he is so... cuddly, when he is sleepy, and it is so adorable. When I woke up in the morning he wouldn't let me get out of bed and then he fell back asleep and I was just lying there holding him and I realized that if I got to wake up like this every day then that would be pretty amazing, and that also made me realize that I'm in love with him." Logan had a permanent smile through the whole ramble, and Virgil couldn't even fake annoyance that Logan had been telling Roman that he was cuddly.

"I can't believe I just heard you use the words cuddly, sleepy, and adorable." Roman said and looked absolutely delighted and Logan's smile dropped.

"Why do I talk to you?" Logan wondered with a sigh.

"Because you looooove me." Roman sang tauntingly and Logan gave him a very unamused look.

"Debatable." He stated.

"I know you love me."

"Good for you." Then they both broke out in giggles which, if anything, was an obvious sign that at least Logan had had a few drinks.

"No, but, I'm so happy for you Logan. You both seem so happy together, I'm really glad you two got your shit together and started dating."

"Me too." Logan mumbled, quieting for just a second.

"Oh, on the subject of getting your shit together, how's your plan to propose to Patton going?" He asked.

"How did you know-" And then the video cut off and Roman turned towards Logan.

"Yeah, how did you know? You still haven't told me that despite promising to once we got married!"

"It's simple. You handed me your phone to hold once, while you were literally looking for places that sold custom engagement rings." Logan said and Virgil snorted into Logan's shirt.

"Oh." Roman said, pouting a little and they saw Patton pat his husband's shoulder, smiling at the sparkly engagement and wedding rings on his left ring finger.

"Anyway, shut up and keep watching." Roman said, making Logan huff in faked annoyance. They all turned their attention back to the screen that was black for a few seconds before starting again, once again showing the background of the same bar, Logan in focus.

It wasn't strange as Roman and Logan had met up to hang out and have a drink together for much longer than Virgil had known them, what with Roman and Logan being friends ever since they were forced to share a dorm in college. It was a tradition they had.

"I still can't quite grasp that we have moved in together. It's been almost two weeks and I'm still just as delightedly surprised that I get to wake up and fall asleep and make dinner with Virgil with me, every day." Logan said, munching on a few fries from a huge plate of them that was standing in the middle of the table.

"Domestic bliss, huh?" Roman said, a grin audible in his voice, and Logan looked like his cheeks had just gone a little bit pink.

"I suppose you could call it that." He said, if anything, looking delighted about the word choice.

"It's weird, everyday happenings are so much more interesting now. Folding laundry? Virgil will help and sit there and tell me stupid puns Patton has taught him. Cooking? Virgil's there, helping out and making suggestions. Sitting and reading on the couch? Virgil will join me, sitting next to me or lying down with his head in my lap, and I will find myself playing with his hair while I'm reading, and sometimes he asks me to read out loud, and he keeps making me feel a lot of things I never expected myself to."

"If this is what domestic life is like then I don't know what I was so nervous about." Logan then said and Roman laughed a little.

"You sound like an old married couple." He told him and Logan most definitely blushed at that remark.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He said, stubbornly staring into a glass of whatever drink he had chosen instead of looking up at his friend.

"Could you imagine it, though, getting married to Virgil? Me and Patton could be both yours and Virgil's best man. You'd be husbands. Believe me, I've already been practicing in the mirror calling Patton my husband, and I don't think there is a lovelier word that has ever been used in a more amazing context." Roman said with a dreamy sigh and reaching for a handful of fries that they could then hear him munch on as Logan struggled to respond.

"Well, um, I guess... ah, it's a bit too soon to, um-" Logan said, a blush covering his entire face and he looked away and then the screen went black again. Virgil turned his head slightly to grin at Logan as a sort of 'heh, look at you now'.

"There was more but the next ten minutes was just Roman rambling about how excited he was to marry me as Logan distracted him with that conversation topic super easily to get out of answering his question." Patton pointed out with a soft little sigh that told Virgil that their friend had definitely saved that part of the video for himself.

"I did what I had to, Roman had a tendency to be a little hasty and I was not ready to think about that yet." Logan defended himself. Virgil lifted their clasped together hands to his mouth and kissed the back of Logan's.

"You have no idea how fun it is to watch these." Virgil said quietly, grinning at Logan who rolled his eyes at his teasing before focusing back on the screen.

"Of course I don't regret living with Virgil." Logan said, sounding somewhat offended by whatever it was that Roman had insinuated before he had begun filming him. "You know I don't. It's been almost six months now and, sure, I wish he wouldn't leave his clothes on the bedroom floor, and it's mildly annoying that he cannot read my mind to know exactly where I want my things to be, but..."

"I want to be with him forever." Logan said quietly and oh so softly, and despite the fact that the two of them were definitely planning on being together forever the words still made Virgil's heart skip a beat.

"I think... Roman, I think I want to ask him to marry me." Logan uttered carefully and they could all hear Roman loudly gasp behind the phone.

"Yes, oh my god!" Roman yelled, loud enough for past Logan to be looking around to see how many people were now staring at them.

"Roman please, you're sounding more excited than Virgil will." Logan said with an amused scoff, though Roman seemed to pay him no mind.

"Have you been looking at rings? I know the most amazing place for engagement rings and, oh, how will you be proposing? I have several ideas you can use. Oh my god, I'm so excited for you both. I can't wait to go to your wedding." Roman rambled and Logan rolled his eyes but smiled.

"You need to calm down, I haven't even asked him yet, likely won't for at least a few weeks. He might not even be feeling ready to get married." Logan said.

"Though, when I do propose and if he does say yes, would you like to be my best man? Because that spot I can already promise you." Logan said, although that last part was barely heard over Roman's excited and very enthusiastic ramble about how he would be honored to be Logan's best man. Logan didn't wait for Roman to calm down before continuing.

"The thought of marrying Virgil makes me quite excited and does not scare me half as much as it should. I would have never as much as jokingly considered marriage in any of the previous relationships I've been in. Virgil makes me happier than anyone else ever has, and the idea of us spending our entire lives together is both exhilarating and comforting." Logan said.

"Wow, you're so in love with him, neither of us would have believed it if we got told we would have this conversation two years ago before you even began dating... When do you think you will ask him? And how? Do you think he will say yes? Oh, of course he will! You need to tell me everything right now, or I will just die." Roman exclaimed.

"I really have not decided yet. It seems like quite a daunting task. But I have been thinking about it a lot since you asked me how I felt about marrying Virgil, and I cannot deny that the thought is definitely sounding less and less frightening and more and more appealing. All I know is that it is unlikely that I will be using any of your proposal ideas, because neither of us are anywhere near as extravagant as you are." Logan said, maybe imagining what kind of over the top ideas Roman had in mind, because he scrunched his nose in distaste.

"I think you mean that the two of you are boring, but, fine, alright, you're right that you should do a proposal that fits you two best, I suppose." Roman sighed, as if it was a real shame that Logan wouldn't want to sink down on one knee in front of a crowd at disney world, or something insane and public like that.

"Mhm." Logan said, sounding somewhat distracted and as if he wasn't entirely listening (which Virgil was very familiar with by now, with how captivated Logan could be when he was reading books or researching something, sometimes it was near impossible to get his attention). "Maybe I could make a nice dinner, something Virgil really likes, and some dessert, and propose afterwards? Hm..."

Logan leaned his head in his hands.

"This is difficult, I'm no good at things like these." Logan said, which present Virgil did not agree at all to. Logan was a much better partner than he would ever believe and the night he proposed would be a treasured memory until the day he died.

"You're a lot better than you think. I know because Virgil still tells Patton all about you and how sweet you are. And, you know, it's really obvious that he's happy about your relationship. I've never seen him happier than when he's together with you. No matter how you propose he has to end up saying yes." Roman explained, gesturing with his hands as he spoke which made the video show the rest of the bar, blurry and at weird angles.

"I hope so." Logan said, just sitting there and smiling and then the screen went black again.

The next video showed Logan, sitting in the same booth as before, but for the first time Virgil was there too, sitting in Logan's lap with an arm wrapped around his shoulders, his back to the rest of the bar. Logan had a hand securely around Virgil's back, holding him tightly and giving Virgil a look of pure adoration while they mumbled quietly between them.

Virgil remembered that evening well, despite the fact that they had been pretty drunk at the point where this was filmed. The video zoomed in on their hands, engagement rings glinting in the light, one on Virgil's hand and one on his fiancé's.

It had been Logan who proposed, but as soon as Virgil had gotten over the surprise at seeing his boyfriend kneeling on their picnic blanket and holding an engagement ring (Virgil had just been turned away, looking up at all the stars for a second-) he had grabbed the backpack he had been in charge of packing (hot chocolate, their favorite snacks, the picnic blanket, everything they had come up with while planning the date together) and pulled out the ring box that he had been planning to use to propose to Logan.

"Still can't believe you guys actually both planned to propose the same evening." Roman said and Logan and Virgil both smiled brightly, looking over at Roman who was not trying to hide that he was filming them in the least, for once, leaning over the table to get a close up on their engagement rings, only moving back when Patton joined them, carrying a tray with more drinks.

"How are you love-birds doing?" He wondered, setting the tray down and sitting next to Roman before reaching for one of the drinks, not even getting a response as Virgil was busy pressing kisses to the side of Logan's face, and Logan was still sitting there looking like he was experiencing the best day of his life.

"They look like they're doing good." Roman said with a snort, zooming in on their faces for a moment before flipping the camera, recording as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek, and Patton smiled brightly at the camera.

"So, you guys have any idea what you're going to do now?" Patton asked and Roman switched it back to be filming Virgil and his fiancé again, and Virgil looked up from where he had been pressing his face into the crook of Logan's neck, laughing somewhat nervously.

"Um, somehow plan a wedding, I guess?" He said, though as soon as he looked back at Logan any worry seemed to melt right off of him and he brought Logan's hand up to his mouth to kiss the engagement ring on his finger.

Damn it, Virgil was beginning to understand what Patton and Roman meant when they said that seeing him with Logan made him seem about ninety percent less intimidating.

"Any wedding planning stress is completely worth it, believe me. And remember that you can have any kind of wedding you want, so you can make it pretty stress free." Patton said.

"Well, planning stuff is for later." Virgil said, kissing his fiancé before climbing off of his lap.

"Someone come with me to order hot wings, please." Virgil said, holding onto the table as he stood up.

"Oh, I'll come." Patton said, getting up from his seat and then the two of them disappeared across the bar and Roman turned the focus of the camera back on Logan who seemed lost in thought.

"Earth to Logan?" Roman said and Logan looked up from where he had been absentmindedly staring after Virgil and he smiled widely as his eyes fell on Roman.

"I'm marrying him. Roman, he's going to be my husband." He said with what sounded like both disbelief and utter joy, reaching out to grasp a drink, sighing in content.

"He's going to be my husband." Logan repeated again with that same tone of delight

That video might have been recorded months ago, but it still made Virgil feel so incredibly happy to know that Logan had been so excited and adorable and obviously heads over heels for him. They had both come so far.

Before Logan nervously confessed his crush on him, on a kind of date that they had been tricked into going on together, Virgil would have never thought he would get anywhere close to the kind of relationship he and Logan now had.

He counted himself very, very lucky.

"I can still barely believe he said yes. When I asked him to marry me, at first he got this expression, as if he was offended, and he told me to hold on and I got so scared until he pulled out an engagement ring too and told me that I should marry him." Logan stared at the engagement ring on his finger.

"Yeah, I would have paid to see that happen." Roman said with a laugh. Then the screen went black again.

Music was playing, a song that Virgil recognized very well, and the screen showed the two of them, dressed in their fancy tuxedos, arms tightly around each other as they slowly danced along to the song.

It was their first dance at their wedding, their first dance together as husbands, a tradition they had decided to keep despite the fact that dancing in front of people made Virgil feel nervous and awkward. But he hadn't been nervous once it was time, and it hadn't felt awkward, comfortable with the few people they had invited to their small wedding and far too focused on the fact that the man he was holding in his arms was his husband.

They had only been married a week and a half and every time Virgil remembered that Logan really was his husband he felt a little jolt of happiness. Calling Logan his husband was one of the few things that would never get old.

Virgil tore his eyes from the video that was taken just ten-ish days ago, instead meeting his husband's eyes and squeezing his hand again, not trusting that his voice would be steady enough to use, because this entire video that Roman and Patton had put together just made him so emotional.

Logan kissed the top of his head and they sat there holding on to each other's hands as they watched their first dance. Then the screen went black and the play button appeared again and for a long moment neither of them said anything. Roman went and retrieved the USB that held the video as they all stood up, Virgil doing his best to collect himself meanwhile.

"We should probably get going soon, by the way." Logan said, reminding them all that they had just stopped by for what was supposed to be a short visit as soon as they got off work.

"No problem." Roman said, showing them to the hallway.

"So, what do you think?" He held the USB up as if to clarify what he meant.

"Actually, I love it." Virgil admitted.

"It's a little bit creepy that you've been filming Logan for years, but thank you." Virgil said as he accepted the USB. This was probably the most unexpected and best wedding gift Roman and Patton could have ever gotten them.

At least to Virgil it was the most precious and important video(s) he had ever seen and he could not describe with words or actions how relieving it was to see that Logan had been just as in love with him as Virgil had been with Logan this entire time. And it was so adorable to see him so happy about their relationship. And it felt pretty amazing that he was the reason Logan had been so happy.

"You're welcome!" Roman said, probably knowing very well that, especially Virgil, would be treasuring these videos for the rest of his life. "It started as a joke, thought I could embarrass Logan a little next time he tried to claim he didn't have feelings or wouldn't share his crofters and whatnot, but then the second time I realized that if I kept documenting as the two of you fell in love and created a life together, it might be something you'd cherish later. Something nice to look back at and reminisce about."

"Yeah. Yeah, this is a really good gift." Virgil said, pulling Roman in for a hug.

"Might need that back in five or ten or twenty years or so, depending on if you guys ever adopt kids or anything like that." Roman said when they took a step back, which Virgil absolutely did not know how to respond to, somehow being caught off guard despite how usual it was for Roman to mention stuff they had barely begun considering.

"You're being a bit hasty again." Logan said, but he was smiling as he hugged Roman. Virgil hugged Patton too, pressing a kiss to his friend's cheek.

"Really hope we'll be able to properly hang out soon." He said and Patton nodded enthusiastically.

"It was great to see you today, even if just for a little bit, but maybe this weekend we can make dinner and watch a movie together or something?" Patton suggested, then making a dismissal wave with his hand.

"I'll text you guys about it later, just get home and relax." Patton said, grinning as Logan embraced him.

"We will. Have a lovely evening. And thank you for the gift. It was surprisingly nice to look back at our relationship, see how far we have come." They put their shoes on, accidentally staying and talking for fifteen minutes in the doorway before finally tearing themselves away from their friends and beginning the walk home.

Virgil was holding on to his husband's hand, smiling the entire time, unable to think of anything else than their relationship and their future, that he was so, so excited for. He turned his head to the side, grinning at Logan.

"I love you." He said, squeezing his hand lightly and enjoying seeing how soft and smitten Logan was looking when meeting his eyes.

"I love you too." He said.

"I hope you know I'm, like, never letting go of you again after seeing this." He said, holding up the USB before putting it in his pocket and giving Logan's hand another squeeze.

"Oh no, infinite affection from my husband, whatever will I do?" Logan said monotonically, then immediately having to look away not to laugh.

Virgil really couldn't wait to see what else Roman might add to their little falling-in-love-movie in another few years.


Written: 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th November 2021
Published: 27th November 2021
Words: 5078

Im at work and its not actually as terrifying as i had thought yet. Might get worse next week tho lmao

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