[194] - Purple

Warnings: mentions logan previously overworking himself ofc, logan be like that, mentions anxiety i guess, this is just cute boys as always, happy verge <3<3<3

Was falling asleep but this idea popped into my head so here we are

Purple eyeshadow moments, thats it


Logan sank up into the kitchen to refill his coffee cup, decidedly ignoring his inner voice mentioning how unhealthy it was to consume as much coffee as he was, and he was met with a... rather unusual sight.

Virgil was grinning, sitting on the counter with his own cup of coffee. He looked up at Logan, grin not faltering at the sight of him, if anything growing wider. And his eyeshadow, it was... purple?

Now that was new, Logan noted as he set his phone down by the coffee machine that, thankfully, contained newly brewed coffee, likely courtesy of Virgil. He had never seen Virgil with any other makeup than black eyeshadow smudged under his eyes, but of course it didn't seem that unlikely that Virgil would try other kinds of makeup looks too. 

Logan had just falsely assumed that Virgil wouldn't be too keen on showing the other sides, based off of his hesitancy to reveal his name and share that he liked purple in the first place.

"Did you hear? Thomas got the role! We did it! He got the lead role, we really did it!" Virgil rambled while Logan reached for the coffee pot and filled his cup.

"Yes, I heard, Roman burst into my room and yelled excitedly about it for seven seconds before continuing to Patton's room. Thomas' performance seems to have been very satisfactory." Logan said, setting the coffee pot down again and trying not to be distracted by the way Virgil's eyeshadow sparkled in the light from the lamps in the kitchen.

"Yeah," Virgil slid down from the counter, landing softly on his feet, looking up and actually meeting Logan's eyes, "they said so many nice things about his acting!"

One of Virgil's hands tugged excitedly at the string to his hood and he almost bounced a little where he stood. Logan did not think he had ever seen the anxious side this energized, not in a good way, at least. He sent him a small smile, glad to see the other feeling well for once. If the sides were happy, so were Thomas.

"Well done, to the both of you." He said and Logan didn't know if it was a trick of the light, but the glitter in Virgil's purple eyeshadow seemed to glimmer more brightly for just a second.

"I-" Logan blinked, focusing his eyes elsewhere.

"I need to continue my work. See you at dinner, Verge." He said, deciding not to ask about the makeup despite the curiosity that was tugging at him. If he asked about the change in his look then perhaps Virgil would feel self conscious, Logan really did not want to dampen the mood.

This general happiness and confidence that seemed to currently flow through the mindscape was good for productivity. Logan did not mention the eyeshadow, he only raised his cup as a goodbye and then sank back into his room.


Logan had assumed the glittery, purple eyeshadow had been Virgil's own work, but now he wasn't as sure. Up until now he had mostly put it out of his mind, since after the day of Thomas satisfying callback Virgil's eyeshadow had remained his normal black.

And a moment ago while Logan had been discussing a book the other side had borrowed from him and read, Virgil's eyeshadow had been black. But then as Thomas had gotten a phone call from a friend he had not seen in a long time and missed immensely, saying that they were in town and was up for a sleepover and a Disney marathon and suddenly Virgil's eyeshadow was bright and shimmery.

There was no way Virgil would have had the time to apply it himself or snap it into existence while Logan blinked. Logan was not even sure he had blinked.

"This will greatly improve Thomas' state of mind." Logan commented, knowing it would affect Virgil positively too. As the source of Thomas' anxiety he had been very worried and stressed about the possibility of their friendship ending from lack of contact.

Their conversation carried on, Virgil with a new enthusiasm and Logan with a new distraction, ever so often finding himself just nodding along while really focusing on the way his eyeshadow would gleam in the light from the ceiling lamp and trying to notice if it would change color again.

And Logan couldn't help but wonder, what was the reason for Virgil's change in eyeshadow? Was there a reason? Logan would very much want to know, he was logic, he wanted to know the reason for everything, especially things that regarded the other sides and Thomas and their combined mental health. The eyeshadow did not seem to be the result of anything bad though, like how his usual eyeshadow would darken the more anxious he became.

Later when Logan was back in his room, failing to concentrate on his work, he pulled a notebook out finding a blank page and summoning a pen instead of bothering to search through his messy drawers for one.

Reason for Virgil's purple eyeshadow?

He stared for a few seconds at the top of the page, thinking over the little evidence he had.

Information available: Virgil is the side personifying Thomas' anxiety. Virgil's eyeshadow becomes darker when he is experiencing heightened anxiety. Sparkly eyeshadow when Thomas got the lead role in the play Virgil and Roman had been excited/worried about participating in. Sparkly eyeshadow when Thomas' friend called with good news.

Hypothesis: Both events were times where Virgil felt happy. Sparkly eyeshadow appears when Virgil feels elevated dopamine levels? Virgil's eyeshadow might change depending on current adrenaline levels?

Sparkly purple eyeshadow = ?

Logan paused and looked down at the paper, deciding it was enough, for now at least.

He doesn't quite yet understand, but he is confident that he will, even if it means upright asking Virgil about it. It's simply too fascinating to ignore.

Now for some actual work, Logan then thought and spent the next few hours trying to help Thomas with his financials instead of wondering too much about Virgil.


Virgil's eyeshadow change did not happen often, but now and then there would be a situation where it would suddenly be purple and Logan was not the only one to notice. Roman and Patton were thrilled to notice the change but they too had decided to admire it from afar instead of upright asking Virgil about it.

A wise move since, if Logan understood Virgil even remotely, being ambushed by Roman's and Patton's excitement would overwhelm and embarrass him, most likely.

So far Logan had gathered that the eyeshadow switch was, as he had first thought, occurring because of a change in moods. And Roman and Patton seemed to have drawn the same conclusion.

The other two seemed to have begun some contest to try and make the change happen, always trying to be the one to share good news with him or making him laugh with jokes and funny tv shows and tiktoks. It rarely, if ever, worked, evidently not triggered by simply being in a good mood or having a good day.

Once, so far, Logan had been the one to make Virgil's eyeshadow change, and he didn't even know what it was he had done to make it happen. Roman and Patton both refused to help him figure that one out, even if Logan was pretty sure they thought they knew something he didn't.

(Which was a rare and very uncomfortable feeling.)

All he had done was to accidentally fall asleep against Virgil during their family movie night, having been working and forgetting to sleep the previous night. So, he had been sleep deprived and the movie they had been watching hadn't been interesting enough to keep him up. Virgil was sitting next to him and apparently Logan had leaned onto him.

Logan probably wouldn't have ever found out that Virgil's eyeshadow had gone all purple if it wasn't for the fact that Roman, for whatever purpose, had taken about one hundred pictures of them when Virgil hadn't been looking. Roman had then showed Logan some of the pictures the next day, seeming very smug.

He had then shown those to Logan the next day, both he and Patton looking at Logan in a way that he definitely did not understand. Given the other two sides' general silliness he wasn't sure he wanted to know their thoughts anyway.

Another time Virgil had just shown up during breakfast (a meal the other side always slept through unless he had gone the entire night without sleep), he'd been babbling quickly while looking like he was experiencing the best moment of his life, and after a while the others could gather that the, quoting Roman, 'emo band My Chemical Romance' was back and after a bit of research Logan could understand the other sides excitement.

Other than these times it was hard to get a reaction out of Virgil, except for when they would accidentally say something that made Virgil more anxious, which was not the intended outcome but still happened sometimes.


Logan had known he was falling for Virgil for a while now. He did not know how it had happened, had at first denied it because he was logic and he was not supposed to fall in love with any of his fellow sides, because how did that make sense, should it be possible for a side to fall for another?

But Virgil, with his oversized hoodie, snarky and sarcastic remarks, impressive knowledge of memes and internet slang, eyeshadow that changed with his moods, coffee addiction, and smug small smile that he always tried to cover up, well, somehow he had wormed his way past Logan's walls and into his heart and now Logan was constantly at a loss for what to do when he and Virgil spent time together because his presence would make Logan's thoughts all 'mushy'.

Which was a nuisance as they had spent a lot of time together over the past months, recommending each other books, playing video and board games, hanging out when they had trouble sleeping, taking a break together from the two other sides when they were too much daydreams and sappy-ness and glitter for his and Virgil's liking.

"Hey, L." Virgil said, touching his shoulder briefly, enough to make Logan jump as he had been lost in thought thinking about Virgil's pretty smile and not noticed anyone entering his room.

"Oh, ahem, greetings Virgil." Logan said, hand immediately moving to fix his already straight tie.

"You good? You're looking kinda ...weird." Virgil said, narrowing his eyes slightly as he observed him. Virgil turned his back to him and walked up to Logan's bookshelves, putting two books back in their spots. That must be why Virgil was in his room, Logan realized, he was returning the books he had borrowed.

"I'm doing fine. Could we talk, though?" Logan said, gesturing at his bed for Virgil to sit. The other side remained standing, but paled slightly at his words and Logan quickly realized the issue with his phrasing, at least when the person (side) he was talking to was Virgil.

"No, no, nothing bad has happened, I'm just... feeling, uh, feelings." Logan grimaced in embarrassment at admitting such a thing but maybe it was worth it, seeing as Virgil stopped looking so tense.

"Oh. Feelings, huh?" Virgil made himself comfortable on Logan's bed. Logan remained standing, clasping his hands together and trying to get the conversation over with before he thought too much about it and found a reason not to.

"...Yes. I cannot believe I'm considering this, much less going through with it, but it is the logical thing to do, as far as I have gathered." Logan said, mostly as a reminder to himself of what he had decided and that this was no time to change his plans.

"What is?" Virgil said, biting his fingernails absentmindedly. Instead of reprimanding him for the habit Logan, as always, conjured up a fidget cube and handed it to Virgil. The other side immediately began to rapidly click on some buttons, showing that he was still quite nervous about this conversation.

"Telling you I've got feelings for you." Logan said, pushing his glasses up slightly and ignoring how hard his heart was beating. He was logic and he should not be so nervous over something like this, it was embarrassing.

Virgil stopped clicking.

"I've been told that this is what I am supposed to do, at least. Either you feel the same way and we will, uh, go forward from there, or I will be rejected and then get over you, according to my sources." Logan continued, slightly unnerved by how Virgil was just staring at him. His sources, being Roman and Patton, were maybe not the most trustworthy, but since they had considerably more experience with these kinds of feelings than he had, he had decided to trust them.

"What?" Virgil finally said after a silence that had been too long for Logan's liking.

"What do you mean? Was I not clear?" Logan wondered, dreaded having to be even clearer with his feelings. If it wasn't for his own sanity's sake he would be avoiding this conversation at all costs, but he had to stop feeling so flustered and distracted by Virgil sometime, sooner rather than later.

"Like... like, feelings-feelings?" Virgil said, using a phrasing Logan did not understand. He squinted slightly at the side in front of him.

"If by feelings-feelings you mean the romantic kind, then yes." He settled on, watching Virgil closely for a reaction to try and tell where this dreadful conversation would be going. He didn't like how prominent the feeling of his own heartbeat was.

"Are you sure?" Virgil asked; a question that, given Logan's lacking expertise in the area of emotion, was understandable, but Logan was slightly affronted that Virgil would think Logan would ever admit to these kinds of feelings unless he was very sure he understood them correctly.

"Yes, I am sure. It has been a, well, while since I realized I had started to feel this way for you and, believe me, I have done my research to make sure my conclusion is correct." He clarified.

"Oh. Shit, L, I like you too." Virgil blurted after a second of staring at Logan as if to make sure the other was not going to yell April fools despite it being well into november. In an instant his eyeshadow had switched, now brightly purple, breathtakingly so. (Though, possibly, the words he had just uttered had something to do with that too.)

"Oh, I'm ...not actually sure what to do now, I didn't think I would get this far." Logan said. He had been so focused on figuring out how to tell Virgil about his feelings that he had forgotten about what to do if the response was positive. Virgil snorted at his words.

"I guess, if you'd want to, we become, like, boyfriends." He said, avoiding looking straight at Logan, who felt himself dare a little smile.

"I would love that."


Getting work done with Virgil around was definitely a lot more difficult, but also much more enjoyable than sitting alone and not noticing the hours go by until it was far too late at night and his back ached and his head felt fuzzy.

Now, instead, he had Virgil taking a nap with his head in Logan's lap, or sitting in the background on his phone, or pulling him away from work for a break, a constant reminder that working and being ahead of schedule was not all there was.

Virgil was very good at that, always entering Logan's room whenever it was about time he took a break. Somehow he always knew. And today was just like all other days.

"Hey, L?" Came Virgil's voice, snapping Logan out of thinking through everything Thomas currently had at home and what should be put on the grocery list.

"Yes?" He said as he typed down the ingredients for a new kind of cookies that he knew Patton had wanted to make but had been unable to since Thomas had not owned everything needed.

"Time for a break, yeah?" Virgil came up next to where Logan was sitting, a hand soon resting on Logan's shoulder. It made him realize his body was aching slightly from sitting by his desk for so long. He took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders.

"You're right." He said and then Virgil's fingers were entwining with Logan's, pulling him up from the desk chair. He put his free arm around Virgil, giving him a careful hug.

"What have you been doing today?" He asked, not having seen his boyfriend much since breakfast.

"Oh, err... not much. Played some Minecraft. Made Thomas too anxious to go outside to get his mail." Virgil said, making a point of not meeting Logan's eyes as he pulled him along towards the bed.

"Verge, the possibility of something happening to Thomas during the entire sixty seconds it takes him to get his mail is practically infinitesimal." Logan reminded him, letting himself be pulled along.

"I know, I swear. But, have you considered this: there are so, so many things that could go wrong. If you give me ten minutes I can give you a list with twenty possible disasters leading to pain, injury, or death." Virgil sat down and scooted back to the middle of the bed, Logan moving to it next to him.

"I get the feeling that that might not be beneficial to your current anxiety." Logan said, at this point rather good at reading Virgil's mood from the state of his eyeshadow.

"Then maybe we can watch Doctor Who instead. That's distracting." Virgil suggested. They both knew Logan couldn't resist that, no matter how interesting or important his work might be. Before Logan knew it they had watched three episodes of a classic who adventure, having thoroughly enjoyed the shitty alien costumes. Logan was incredibly pleased over the fact that his boyfriend enjoyed Doctor Who just as much as he did himself.

Virgil pressed play on another episode, clearly not intending on letting Logan get back to his work soon. He leaned his head on Logan's shoulder and they sat there together until the credits rolled once more and Virgil seemed to decide he was bored.

Logan soon found himself with an armful of Virgil in his lap, and after that they had both been rather distracted by each other's lips. And, as every time, Logan felt a rush of feelings that he couldn't quite explain. Exhilaration was one though, the soft pressure of Virgil's lips on his never failing to make his heartbeat pick up speed.

Virgil's hands slid down from his hair to cup Logan's face and he sighed, leaning into the touch. Logan's fingers dug into Virgil's hoodie, pulling him in closer and wrapping his arms tightly around him.

Eventually they did part, Logan realizing that he had been forgetting to breathe during the last few moments. Virgil was smiling his little half smile, flustered and eyeshadow brightly purple.

Logan sighed softly, just feeling so full of adoration for the side he had in his arms. He pressed a chaste kiss to Virgil's jaw, hoping that gestures such as these could somehow accurately show the extent of his feelings.

"I very much enjoy seeing your eyeshadow turn purple." Logan said, cupping Virgil's face in his hands, admiring him.

"It's purple?" Virgil said, the eyeshadow turning to a much darker shade of purple and his face going slightly pink. Logan blinked.

"Oh. You did not know?" Logan asked, worried that he had now made Virgil aware of it and that he was going to feel insecure about it.

"Well, of course I know it turns purple sometimes, but it's not like I can see when it happens." Virgil huffed, rubbing under his eyes with his fingers and showing that nothing had smudged onto his fingertips.

"Does it... happen a lot?" Virgil asked, grimacing at the thought.

"Not as often as I'd like it to. It makes me glad to see you happy and excited." Logan said, pressing a kiss to Virgil's cheek as the other spluttered slightly, seeming unable to respond properly.

"Ugh, that's sappy, go take a nap." Virgil then muttered, blushing even more and pushing Logan down into the mattress before burying his face in his shirt. He did not seem to be upset though, judging by the fact that he happily fell asleep on top of Logan within minutes.


Written: 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th & 27th April & 5th, 7th, 9th, 15th & 17th May 2021
Published: 15th September 2021
Words: 3482

yeah just Purple Eyeshadow moments <3

Also wow writers block is kicking ass-

Seriously tho, classic who alien costumes- I adore

Anyway im posting some of my stuff on ao3 now too!!

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