[19] - Complicated - (Part Two)

So part one was only from Logan's perspective but this will alternate between both Logan and Virgil.

I was gonna publish this on Friday but I wasn't able to until now (Sunday) because I was away during the weekend, sorry!


Logan felt quite awful for the next few days, he was uncharacteristically awkward around the others. Especially when he was in the same room as Virgil. He of course had to spend time with them. Even if he might want to he couldn't just hide in his room, then the others would worry about him and he really didn't want them to do that. Okay, if he was being honest then he did spend more time in his room now than before, but not enough to worry anyone.

Even though Patton gave him weird looks sometimes, Logan knew that Patton believed that something was up. It wouldn't surprise him if Patton had noticed that he and Virgil had abruptly stopped socializing, he had discovered that Patton was extremely talented when it came to knowing how others felt. Even when it came to someone as complicated as Logan. And Logan desperately wished that he had that ability.

Having to spend time with Virgil was a bit hard, he didn't know how to act around him at all. It is strange how everything got so much more complicated since he had acknowledged his feelings. Before he had had no trouble being himself around Virgil. But now he threaded much more carefully. He didn't want to make it worse by saying something unwise, Logan knew he had been more silent than usually lately.

He did not think that Virgil would ever return his feelings but if they would both become comfortable around each other again then maybe they could go back to being close friends. It had only been a couple of days and Logan already missed the times when they would silently read books in each others company, sometimes reading something particularly interesting out loud for the other side. Or when they would discuss topics that they felt strongly about, sometimes it turned into full on debates and once Patton had walked in on them at 3 am debating in the living room over whether or not aliens would invade the earth during this century or not.

The beauty of the debates where that they both knew that they could express their own opinion without being ridiculed for what they chose to believe in. And Logan missed when they would watch their favorite movies together. They did that with the other sides too but when they were watching it just the two of them Virgil spoke lines from the movies at the same time as the character did and he pointed out his favorite scenes and told Logan why he liked them. It had been really nice.

And Logan could still pinpoint the exact moment that he started to feel this way about Virgil, even if he at the time hadn't known what it was. They had been watching a Disney movie, Logan couldn't recall which movie it was that was on, but he could remember that Virgil was sleepily humming along with a song in the movie and when Virgil had sensed that Logan was watching him he had looked up, right at him and smiled. Logan now knew that what he had felt then was usually referred to as 'butterflies in his stomach' but at the time he had had no idea what that was and he had dismissed the new feeling in his gut. It wasn't until he had stumbled upon the phrase a few times while he was researching his feelings that he had remembered that moment. Now it was harder not to remember. And just the memory of the way Virgil had looked at him made those same feelings come back in full force. Logan just sighed disappointedly, he would appreciate it if these feelings would go away. They were of no use to him.

It was foolish, but he had many times thought back and wished he could change how it had gone or what he had said. But dreaming about alternative endings to choices they'd made is pointless. No, the past won't change just because you close your eyes and make a wish.

Though that did not stop Logan from internally cursing at the heavens when his mind refused to concentrate on anything else than Virgil. Not that it helped, it just made him more frustrated when it didn't make any difference in how he felt about him. He tried pretending that he didn't feel that way about him but every time he thought it was getting somewhere he accidentally thought of Virgil or saw Virgil do something and it was like someone pouring gasoline on a fire. And when he tried to bury his feelings deep inside himself they fought back by making Virgil appear even in his dreams. Logan usually never remembered his normal Virgil-free dreams but these ones seemed to be engraved into his memory.

Logan guessed that they were both avoiding each other, every time Logan would come into a room where only Virgil was, leaving the two of them alone, Virgil would leave within the next minute. Or Logan would. Once Virgil didn't notice him in the doorway to the kitchen so Logan had taken the opportunity to just look at him. He was wearing more make up than usual and he was putting all of his focus on the book in his hands. Then he had of course looked up and noticed him so Logan had immediately left. He cursed internally every time Virgil did something that made his heart speed up, which happened a lot. Logan had never swore so much before.


"So I've brought you all here because I have a question." Thomas says and looking at each of the sides, his gaze lingers a bit extra on Virgil and he wonders what he will be accused of this time. Like he didn't have enough on his mind already. He was quite tired actually. The whole situation with Logan was ...confusing, to say the least. Virgil wasn't used to anything like this and he had trouble understanding himself. He glances at Logan who surprisingly looks nervous. He can't imagine why. It was unlikely that Thomas was going to blame Logan for anything. Though, Virgil realized, maybe Logan was nervous because of him. Virgil didn't know how he felt about that. This was the first time they spent longer than a few seconds in the same room since Logan came to talk to him about his feelings for him.

"Lately I have had trouble concentrating on things, and I've been extra aware of my anxiety. I can't understand why." Thomas continues and Virgil's heart sinks, they all probably think it's his fault. But for once Virgil is certain that he doesn't have much to do with it. He isn't feeling too anxious, only when he's with Logan or alone with his thoughts. But he still doesn't feel much more anxious than usually. So he doesn't think it'd affect Thomas. And he did say that he'd been aware of his anxiety, not that he was feeling anxious. But if it wasn't his fault, who... Virgil glances at Logan again. Now he looks even more nervous, and he has a slight blush on his face.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault." Logan's voice fills the silence that was there a second ago and everyone turns to look at him. Except for Virgil who already had his eyes fixed at him. Thomas is the one that seems the most surprised by Logan's words. Of course Patton must've figured out what was going on with Logan ages ago, he's very good at reading people. Roman looks a bit surprised though but Virgil is sure he has been discussing this particular thing with Patton. Roman is probably mostly surprised over the blush on Logan's face. They've never seen him blush before. Well, Virgil has. Many times actually since they used to spend so much time together. But the other three haven't.

"Sorry. I'm going to go." Logan mutters and then looks at Virgil just as he glances yet again on Logan. Virgil has noticed that the logical trait has started to apologize a lot more lately and sometimes Virgil feels like the sorry's are directed towards him. Logan sinks out of the room.

Virgil feels watched and manages to look away from the spot where Logan just stood and sees Patton watching him. Virgil is pretty sure that Patton is judging him, and he should. Lately Virgil has been very bad at handling certain things. And with certain things he meant Logan. He didn't know how to act around him.

He just couldn't figure out what to do. He couldn't figure out what he, himself, wanted to do. It bothered Virgil a lot. Before Logan had told him about his feelings for him things had been much more simple. Virgil enjoyed simple things. It had been easy to be around him. They had gotten very close. Virgil had gotten comfortable around him. Spending time with Logan never exhausted him which social interactions usually did. And before Logan had told him about his feelings for him Virgil had never really thought about the possibility of having those feelings towards on of the other sides.

But now that he had started to think about it he seemed to be unable to stop thinking about it. And honestly it scared him, because when he thought about it he realized that he didn't know how he even felt about Logan. His feelings were very mixed and all over the place.

If Virgil thought back at the moment that Logan had told him about his feelings he of course realized everything he had done wrong in the situation. He hadn't meant to hurt Logan, not at all, that's the last thing Virgil wanted to do. But he hadn't known what to do, and that had been the problem. It had been a complete surprise to him that Logan could even develop those feelings, especially for him of all people. Virgil wasn't very lovable.

And Virgil knew exactly how awfully he had handled it, pressure wasn't something he was good at acting under. But to tell the truth he still wouldn't know what to say if Logan would confront him again, and now he had had days to think about it. Virgil just couldn't quite pinpoint exactly how he felt about the other side.

He suspected that any sane person would tell him to talk to someone about how he felt, just to make sense of it all, but talking to someone about your feelings was not something Virgil was even remotely good at. The closest he ever got to doing that was when he informed Logan about his anxiety attacks and let Logan help him calm down from them. He had stopped doing that now though. They had been easier to deal with with Logan, but Logan probably didn't want anything to do with him. He definitely didn't think Logan would want Virgil to bother him with his anxiety.

Virgil sighed at the anxious feelings that began to creep up on him when thinking about the logical side. Maybe he could talk to Patton? He should know everything about there kinds of feelings and what to do about them since he's basically Thomas' heart. Then again he might not have to because based of the looks Patton was giving him he had something to say to Virgil.

"What just happened?" Thomas asked and Virgil crossed his arms and looked away as Patton said that it was nothing to worry about. Thomas did not look very convinced but he refrained to asking more questions. Patton gave Virgil a look that could only mean one thing, he wanted Virgil to come with him. Virgil did not want to do that at all, but he did anyways. Didn't want to upset more people, he'd done enough damage. Patton grabbed his arm and dragged Virgil with him to his room, only letting go as Virgil had gotten inside.

"Okay, what is going on between you two? And don't just say nothing because it clearly isn't nothing, I'm not a fool." He gave Virgil a stern glance and Virgil crossed his arms tightly over his chest once again. He didn't want to talk about it, even if it might be good for him, it was way too personal. "Virgil, talk to me. I know you don't want to, but whatever is going on is affecting Thomas so it's time to do something about it. If not I'll ask Logan instead, I'll surely get him to talk."

Virgil didn't know what to say. He knew that Patton would not leave him alone before he got an answer but even if Virgil had wanted to talk about it he wasn't sure if he was allowed to. It'd have been one thing if it was only his feelings it was about but this was Logan's feelings too and those weren't something he could just talk to people about. He settled for a middle ground and decided to only be vague in his description of what was going on.

"I hurt Logan's feelings." He started and Patton immediately looked at him angrily, like Virgil was a little child who had drawn with a permanent marker on the kitchen cabinets.

"I didn't mean to," Virgil defended himself. "I just... I screwed up and- and I don't know how to fix it. Logan most likely doesn't want anything to do with me and I don't want to hurt him more. And I fear that that is what will happen if I try to make it better. I really don't know how to handle a situation like this and-" He fell quiet as he realized he'd started rambling, something he didn't want to do when he had to be careful with what he said or he'd probably say too much.

Virgil's eyes burned slightly, he hadn't expected to get this emotional. Instead of looking at Patton he hid his face in his hands (or more like in his sleeves as they were hanging down over his hands), trying to calm down a bit before having to say something more. He had to stay calm. The darkness behind his hands made it a bit easier for him to calm his breathing and assure himself that the tears he had just had in his eyes weren't going to fall. He felt a hand on his shoulder and lowered his hands, finally meeting Patton's eyes.

"Hey, it's okay kiddo. Sometimes we do things we regret, we just need to be brave enough to admit to ourselves and to the others involved that what we did was wrong, and then have the courage to do something about it. And even if they don't forgive you, you have to forgive yourself. And I know how hard that is, believe me, but are you really sure that Logan wants nothing to do with you?" Patton says, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.

"Why would he want to even come close to me? He told me something very personal that he clearly hasn't told anyone else and I... He had tears in his eyes, Patton, tears. I have never seen anything affect Logan like that before and it was my fault. And I don't even know how to feel about hi- I'm a horrible person and he shouldn't forgive me!" Virgil couldn't stop himself from saying that last part and he looked away to not have to see Patton's disappointment.

Virgil realized that this whole thing had distressed him much more than he had initially thought. He tensed as he felt Patton's arms around himself but relaxed soon and leaned into the embrace. They stood like that for a few seconds and Virgil sighed heavily. Then Patton broke the hug and placed his hands on each of Virgil's shoulders, looking him right in the eyes.

"Don't ever say that, okay? You need to give yourself a break. And you know Logan very well, do you think he could ever hate you? I don't, I know that for a fact. And I definitely think that he would forgive you for whatever it was you did. The way he looks at you... he doesn't look angry, he looks sad. I think he just wishes that things would have happened differently. And I know neither of you have said anything about this, but I am pretty sure that I know what this whole thing is about. Honestly Logan isn't very good at hiding his emotions, I could tell what he was feeling before he knew what it was. You know, he even came and asked me questions about how to understand his emotions." Patton chuckled.

"He did?" Virgil can't help but smile at the thought of that. Patton just looks at him and sighs.

"You really should talk to him, you know. I think you both are making this more complicated than it needs to be. Trust me." Now if Virgil knew what to say to Logan he would have no problem talking to him. And even if he did know what to say he didn't have the confidence to talk to him.


The living room was dark. No lights were turned on and the sun had gone down hours ago, leaving Logan in darkness. He could see the contours of the room and the furniture which was made out of darker or lighter gray. The moon cast some light in through the windows, lighting up spots on the walls. Logan didn't know why Roman had felt the need to make a pretend world that even had a moon outside their windows, but he guessed it did make things a little cozier.

It was completely silent, Logan could only hear the sound of his own breaths. The other sides had gone to bed long ago, he didn't know how long ago because he hadn't looked at his watch in what felt like at least three hours. It had been about 10 pm when the others had went to their rooms to sleep so it was probably around midnight.

Logan had intended to do the same but when he was going to leave he realized he wasn't tired at all so he decided to just stay awake. It was actually harder to fall asleep in a bed when you're not tired. He had wrapped a dark blue blanket around himself to stay warm, you get cold quick if you just sit down and that's what Logan had been doing for a while. He had learned that during the night it was even harder to control ones emotions and thoughts. At night his mind always wandered and started thinking about everything he didn't want to focus on.

Like Virgil.

His mind always ended up thinking about Virgil sooner or later, it was unavoidable. He could spend a whole day pretending he didn't have strong romantic feelings towards Virgil only for all of his walls to crumble at night. It was hard to distract himself from thinking when he was trying to get some sleep. So tonight he wasn't even going to try. He was going to allow himself to think about the things he kept trying to pretend weren't issues.

Denying and trying to force his feelings to go away probably wasn't the healthiest of things to do. He had to get back to the point where he'd accepted the feelings he felt. It wasn't even those feelings that he hated, it was the feeling of rejection he wished would go away. Logan stopped his train of thoughts as he heard soft steps on the floor and another shadow appeared in the room. The person stood in the darkest part of the room but by the way the dark shape was slouching he understood that it was Virgil. Roman and Patton always looked more confident whereas Virgil tried to make himself look smaller so no one would pay attention to him.

"Hello Virgil." Logan said and saw Virgil stumble backwards in shock, he'd probably have fallen over if there wasn't a wall behind him. He looked up and spotted Logan, sitting under a blanket.

"Jesus fucking Christ Logan, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Virgil stood with a hand pressed over his chest, as if it would calm his heartbeats down and Logan felt a twinge of nervousness, he hadn't meant to scare him. But then Virgil stepped out of the shadows and his lips curled into a small smile and Logan swallowed down the apologies that threatened to spill out.

Virgil looked like there was something more he wanted to say so Logan stayed silent. But instead of saying something Vigil looked down at the floor, keeping his mouth shut. They stayed like that for a while, Virgil staring persistently at the floorboards and Logan looking at him, while Logan tried to figure out what to say. He could sense that Virgil was feeling uneasy.

"You can sit down if you want to, you know." He said, there wasn't anything else he really had to say. Or maybe that was a lie, maybe he had too much to say, but that was the only thing that seemed right to say. Virgil looked up again when Logan spoke, he had an uncertain look in his eyes. He looked like he was hesitant and a bit... nervous. Well then at least Logan wasn't alone in his nervousness. Virgil apparently decided that sitting down seemed like a nice idea because he plopped down on the couch, a few feet away from Logan, and leaned back into the soft cushions with a sigh.

"I'm sorry for ...I'm sorry." Virgil said after another moment of silence, turning his head and looking directly at Logan, something that he had avoided doing for weeks.

"It's not your fault. I can't expect you to return my feelings. Even if that hurts, I just have to 'suck it up'." Logan said, making air quotes. Virgil hadn't been very specific but he knew what he had apologized for.

"Well I don't know... uh-" He stared at his hands before glancing back up at Logan and continuing. Logan isn't sure what he meant by that.

"I still handled it in an awful way, you can't deny that. I didn't intend to hurt you." Virgil continued and Logan pulled the blanket closer around his body. He didn't really know how to feel. At least Virgil hadn't wanted to hurt him. Suddenly he realized that this had had a negative impact on them both and he groaned internally. This is far from what he wanted to cause by speaking up about how he felt.

"I didn't intend to make you anxious." Logan replied.

"I'm ...not." He said and it was obvious that it was a lie, even to Logan. Logan just scoffed.

"Yes you are. You keep looking at everything else than me, only meeting my eyes for milliseconds. You are fiddling with the sleeves of your shirt again, which you do a lot when distressed. And also you are trembling slightly which I assume is because you're stressed and because it's a bit cold in here. I'd be happy to share my blanket with you but I fear I would just make your anxiety worse." Logan said and Virgil immediately stopped fidgeting with the loose ends of thread that stuck out from the sleeves of his hoodie and looked up at Logan, his mouth slightly open in surprise. It made Logan feel a bit flustered to have Virgil look right at him after barely having a conversation with him for weeks. He couldn't help but to shiver and this time he was the one to look away. 

"By the way, didn't you go to bed hours ago? Why are you still up?" Logan asked, with his eyes fixed on the blanket, and Virgil shrugged and said something vague about anxiety before asking Logan the same. Now Logan was glad that it was dark because he could feel his face heat up. He wasn't sure if he should admit to Virgil that he couldn't sleep because his mind was busy thinking of Virgil.  

"I just couldn't sleep, I was thinking too much ...about-" He had looked back up at Virgil in the middle of the sentence and now they had once again locked eyes. Logan took a shaky breath, instantly forgetting what it was that he was saying. He just couldn't stop his eyes from glancing down and focusing on Virgil's lips. God, he was pathetic. Logan closed his eyes with a dejected sigh and let his head fall back onto the wall above the sofa with a small thud.


"Hey, are you okay? With everything?" Virgil asked. Logan looked very tired and Virgil just noticed the bags under his eyes. Logan did say he had trouble sleeping, maybe that had been a recurring problem for him lately. Virgil would hate himself if Logan couldn't sleep because of him. And the way he had looked at Virgil while saying that he couldn't sleep because he was 'thinking too much about' something made Virgil feel like he was the thing that kept Logan awake.

He didn't know if Logan wanted to answer the question, but he still felt the need to ask it. He hoped that Logan understood that with 'everything'  he meant everything that was going on between the two of them. But of course Logan did, after all he was the smart one. And he did answer Virgil's question, eyes still closed and not moving at all.

"For a while I hated it, my feelings that is. But then I realized that logic and emotions kind of go hand in hand. You can't have one without another, because you can't see the whole picture of the issue if you choose to look at the problem from only the logical or emotional side. That's something that I had to understand after trying to make my feelings go away, which did not work by the way, it only made them more persistent." Logan said that last part both gently and like it was nothing to take notice of and Virgil felt that weird nervousness that seemed to attack him from nowhere when he spoke to Logan. It was always followed by another, stronger, feeling of confusion.

"Well aren't feelings unnecessarily complicated?" Virgil chuckles, his lips forming into a small smile but he doubted that he actually looked like he found it particularly funny. The sentence is a question, but it was delivered more like a statement. Logan only nods and makes a sound of agreement. Virgil shivered just as Logan turned his head towards him, obviously seeing it.

"You know, my offer still stands." Logan said, lifting his blanket up as an invitation. Virgil admitted that he was indeed a bit cold, but that wasn't the only reason for his shiver and he knew it, even if he pretended that it was a normal tremble from being cold. He hesitated, parts of him really wanted to cuddle close to Logan under the blanket. He realized he'd been holding his breath and let it out slowly. He might regret this later but what the hell, talking to Logan was going well and sitting closer to him shouldn't change that, right?

They had had no problem sharing a blanket before, it shouldn't be a problem now. He scooted closer to him and Logan wrapped the blanket around them both. He tried to relax into the warmth but his body had immediately reacted to how close they were sitting and he wasn't sure what to make out of that. His hands became colder at the same time as he started sweating. Right now Virgil would really appreciate it if his anxiety could leave him alone. But that was impossible since he was anxiety.

"I'm sorry, I can sense that I'm making you anxious. Would it be better if I left?" Logan suddenly says, preparing to stand up and leave Virgil alone under the blanket. While it is true that this made him anxious Virgil also had the feeling that it'd feel worse if Logan left. Somehow he made it easier to deal with. So, before he even realized he had done it, he reached out and grabbed Logan's arm, stopping him when he stood half up. He'd rather sit here with Logan than be left alone because he was certain that he'd just start to overanalyze everything that had happened since Virgil had come inside the room if he was left alone with just his thoughts to occupy him.

"Please stay." He said and as Logan's eyes widened a bit in surprise he realized that that was the opposite of the response he had given Logan when he told Virgil he had romantic feelings for him. He wondered if Logan had realized it too. It worked though, Logan sat back down again. Virgil realized he was still holding onto Logan's arm and he let go as if he had burned himself on Logan's skin. This time he did not avert his eyes when he found Logan staring right at him. Virgil suddenly became extremely aware of exactly how close they were. And yes, it is hard to not be very close to someone you are sharing a blanket with but they were very close. It made Virgil feel very nervous.

Virgil had never really noticed how Logan would reach up and fix his tie or glasses every time he got nervous. It was strangely adorable. He wanted to say something, just to break the silence. Or maybe to explain himself. But he found himself unable to do so. Instead he did something he never would have expected himself to do, he leaned even closer to Logan and closed the little distance between the two of them.

The kiss was short, it only lasted a second or two before Virgil realized what he had just done and jerked away from him so that they weren't so terribly close. But during that infinitesimal amount of time that their lips had connected heat had spread through his whole body and his heart rate had sped up noticeably. Logan's pupils were blown wide, and he looked at him with an expression of surprise, disbelief and a bit of something else that Virgil couldn't name. Or maybe he was scared to. He was pretty sure he was showing the same range of emotions. Suddenly the fear that hadn't been there a few seconds ago came rushing over him.

Why had he done that? Okay, he knew why, but why did he decide that it was a good idea? What if he would just hurt Logan more? What if Logan did hate him and now he'd made everything even worse? What if Logan thought that Virgil had done that just to mess with him? He stood up, the dark blue blanket falling down from him. Why did he always act without thinking when he was around Logan? He hated it.

"I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know why- I don't even know how- how I feel and that wasn't fair to you." Virgil knew that he was rambling and stuttering, he did that when he didn't know what to say or when he tried to say a lot at the same time. Either he was completely quiet or words tumbled out of his mouth with no stopping them.

"Calm down Virgil. It's okay not to know how you feel." Logan says reassuringly and grabs Virgil's hand and placed it on his chest, also making Virgil sit down again. Logan always did that when Virgil had an anxiety attack because feeling someone else's heartbeats was soothing and Virgil realized that he was almost hyperventilating. He could feel Logan's heartbeat against the palm of his hand, they were a bit quicker than usual and he wondered for a second if that was the result of the short kiss they had shared.

"Yeah but-" Virgil argued but Logan cut him off before he had the chance to say anything else.

"No, listen to me, it took me several weeks to actually understand what my feelings were. Don't focus too much on understanding them because it will drive you insane, I would know. Instead, do what feels right."Logan said slowly, making sure that Virgil heard what he was saying. Logan knew that Virgil sometimes had a hard time listening when he was feeling very anxious, and that it was harder to focus on what people was saying then.

"So if kissing you feels right?" Virgil mumbled and he can feel Logan's heartbeats speed up again under his fingers as he speaks. Virgil suspects that his does too. It was not a lie, kissing Logan had felt really right. He actually really wanted to kiss Logan again, the thought of doing so made him feel ecstatic. And maybe his feelings were confusing but Logan was right. Thinking too much about them did just make everything more confusing. Maybe he should leave the thinking to Logan.

"If kissing me feels right then I am completely okay with you doing that." He said, a slight blush visible on his face despite the darkness in the room. Virgil glanced as Logan's lips, knowing that Logan wants him to kiss him again. Logan is turned towards Virgil and his lips are slightly parted, he has inched his head up a bit so that it's easier for Virgil to close the gap between them. Before leaning in again he couldn't help but to smile at the man in front of him.

Logan gasped softly as Virgil pressed his lips to his for a second time during that night. He placed his other hand on Logan's waist while Logan's hands wandered slowly over his back, giving Virgil goosebumps. The sensation of lips against lips was weird if you thought about it but strangely precious in a way. It felt like pure heat was running through his veins, and Logan gently pressed Virgil closer to himself. This kiss was nothing like the first one. That one was quick and nervous, a ghost of a kiss.

This one was slow and passionate and full of gentle touches and them trying to get closer to each other even though they were already pressed impossibly close underneath the blanket. This kiss was tender and made him understand what people meant with the phrase 'having butterflies in their stomach'. Virgil had to use all of his willpower to be able to make himself pull away from him and Logan laid his head down against Virgil's shoulder. He could see that he was smiling. Logan's smile was captivating.

Virgil took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm his nerves down. Logan's arms were still wrapped around him tightly and his warm breaths against Virgil's neck sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to say something that would explain exactly how he felt right now but his mind was so dazed that his only thoughts were along the lines of 'wow' or 'damn'. Apparently Logan felt the same because he mumbled something, that Virgil couldn't quite make out, but it sounded like it was something along the lines of "oh my". He let go of the fabric that was clutched in his right hand. During the kiss his hand which had been lightly placed on Logan's chest before had gripped onto his shirt.

"That was- that felt right." Was all that Virgil eventually managed to say. For a second he worried that he had expressed himself poorly but then Logan looked up, still with that smile on his face, and Virgil felt like his heart melted a bit when looking at him. The smile was so ...genuine.

"Yes it most certainly did." Logan affirmed, his voice slightly unsteady. He wiped the back of his hand over his lips where Virgil assumed Logan had some of his saliva. Virgil wasn't really sure what to do after that so he untangled himself from Logan and sat back. When leaving his room this night (or maybe morning, Virgil didn't know what time it was) he had not expected any of this to happen. He hadn't expected to even run into Logan.

He had just left his room because wandering around at night was something he always did when he couldn't sleep, so he had hoped to become tired enough to get some rest. Virgil was not tired right now, he was more awake than he had been for days. Kissing Logan had caused him to have adrenaline rushing through his body. Kissing Logan. He had really kissed Logan. They had kissed each other. Just thinking about the kiss made that same heat spread all the way out to Virgil's fingertips. His fingertips were always freezing. Not right now.

Neither of them said a word, they just sat there in silence. Logan looked out the window at the moon. Virgil took that opportunity to study Logan's face. All the sides might have the same face and body as Thomas, but they all had their own body language and other differences. Small things that you wouldn't notice unless you look closely. Like how Logan always tried to remain neutral but couldn't help but to smile when he was rapping or reading a good book. Or how sometimes when he laid down a fact that would prove his point and couldn't stop his lips from curling into a proud grin. His smile was much different from Roman's or Patton's. So was the way they looked and observed things.

Patton always had this childlike wonder radiating from his eyes, Roman had a proud and confident look in his eyes, and Logan either looked at things with a calculating look like he was trying to figure them out or he looked a bit cocky because he understood it and he knew no one else did. The way he mumbled words that he read out loud when he was tired but refused to put the book down. How Logan always found new things so fascinating to learn. Virgil had never really realized that he'd noticed all these small things about him, but apparently he had.

"You're staring at me." Logan mumbles, his head still turned towards the window, looking out on Roman's pretend world. Virgil's doesn't ask how Logan knows, maybe he can see Virgil's reflection in the glass. Maybe he can feel it. He hums quietly in affirmation, he doesn't look away though. He is trying to understand himself and the thing that confuses him the most right now is the man in front of him and how he makes him feel. Logan had all of his feelings figured out already, Virgil was new to all of this. It felt strange. In a good way? He thinks so. Logan made him feel like nothing made sense at the same time as things made the most sense. It was a bit ironic that the logical trait made him feel like all logic had flew out the window.


"You confuse me. You make me feel, um, scared. But at the same time not? Nothing makes sense but I can't bring myself to really care about it. Even though uncertainty makes me feel anxious." Virgil inched a bit closer to Logan and pulled the blanket back up to his shoulders. He made a mental note to tell Patton to turn up the heat at night too. Every time Virgil would leave from his room to wander around at night it was always so cold, they should fix that. There, cuddled up close to Logan and feeling the heat radiate out from his body, he finally feels tired for the first time during this night.

Sleep could not be avoided for much longer and he should probably get back to his room soon. Virgil is certain that it must be maybe 3 or 4 am in the morning. It was slightly brighter outside now than when he had left his own room, at least the moon had moved. Logan reached an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer so that Virgil was almost leaning towards Logan's chest and with his head on his shoulder. That made him feel safer, and he didn't feel embarrassed over seeking comfort in Logan. He closed his eyes, maybe he should stay here and rest for a few minutes before going to his room.


Written: 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th January 2018
Published: 11th March 2018
Words: 6836

I'm literally so cold while writing this.

(11/3-18) I'm kinda proud over this part tho lol. I hope you liked it!

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