[184] - Friend-Date

Warnings: idk but virgil gets stood up on a date, briefly mentions cheating that might have happened, swears like once

Summary: virgil gets stood up on a date and to cheer him up logan takes him out because why not, what could go wrong


Already when Logan heard the door to his and his friend's apartment open and close he knew that was a bad sign. He was not supposed to be home yet.

The book he had previously been reading was placed on the coffee table and he sat up straight, waiting for his friend to come into the room. As soon as Virgil came into the room his suspicions were confirmed. Virgil stared right at Logan and-

"I hate dating." He exclaimed, sitting down heavily on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. Most would assume Virgil was annoyed or angry, which he was, but Logan could sense the slight hurt in his voice.

"What happened?" He asked and Virgil sighed and leaned back, grumpily staring at the wall.

"My date apparently gets off on standing people up." He muttered.

"I mean, is it too much to ask to get a 'I can't come, sorry, I don't think we will work out' text a few hours before the date starts instead of twenty minutes after he's supposed to be there?"

"Oh." Logan said, feeling unreasonably disappointed in a person he had never met. Did he know what he was missing? Virgil deserved so much better.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, men are terrible." Logan said, satisfied to see Virgil's lips twitch into an almost smile.

"Yeah, men are terrible." He agreed, then frowning again.

"I hate that I'm the one feeling awkward and embarrassed about this, it should be him feeling these things, I've not done anything wrong. Except for believing anyone would ever actually want to date me." The last part was said ironically but Logan wasn't stupid enough to believe Virgil didn't base his self deprecating comments on things he actually thought about himself. Logan couldn't have that.

"I'll take you out." Logan said before really thinking, almost surprising himself with his words.

"Are you serious?" Virgil said, staring at him, looking very unsure if Logan was joking or not.

"Yes. It will be like a friend-date. A platonic date. You're already dressed up to go out, so why not?" He said, a jittery feeling in his gut as Virgil still just stared at him. Then he slowly grinned.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." He said with a quiet chuckle, shaking his head.

"Is that a yes?" Logan asked, knowing Virgil well enough to know what the response would be.

"Yeah. Sure, let's do a friend-date." He snorted, then trying to look serious as he spoke again. "Like, right now, or?"

"We might as well, we can get something to eat." He said knowing that they were both likely hungry as it was dinnertime.

"Okay." Virgil agreed and Logan excused himself for a moment to change his sweatpants and t-shirt into a pair of black jeans and a short sleeved blue button-up, plus his favorite space themed tie (Virgil wouldn't judge him).

Virgil was already waiting in the hallway when Logan was done changing, Logan's space-themed umbrella already in his hand, reminding Logan of the fact that it had been raining for almost two days. It was easy to forget when it was weekend and he didn't have to leave the apartment.

He put his shoes on and Virgil opened the door, closing and locking it behind then both before they made their way down the stairs and to the entrance of their apartment building.

"Where are we going then, for our date?" Virgil asked as they had opened up the umbrella and stood under it together outside, listening to the familiar noise of rain pitter-patting and cars and people moving about. Logan hadn't thought that far, but as soon as Virgil asked he thought of the answer.

"Roman told me about this diner, he claims they have the best fries and that their milkshakes are to die for." Logan said, starting to walk slowly in the direction of the street Roman had told it was on, slowly at first to make sure Virgil held the same pace as him and wasn't left in the rain.

"Alright then, we will have to test that. Is it far?" He asked and Logan shook his head.

"It will only be a ten minute walk." He said, going quiet for a moment before speaking again.

"If you feel the need to vent more about being stood up then that's fine." But Virgil grimaced and shook his head.

"No, I just kind if want to forget it happened, then I can stop feeling stupid for waiting outside that restaurant until he texted me he wouldn't come." Virgil fiddled with the zipper of his hoodie, looking down at the pavement.

"You're not stupid. He's just a fool and he does not know what he's missing." Logan said, voicing his earlier thoughts. Virgil shrugged and they kept walking in silence, Logan seeing how Virgil aimed to step on leaves only, despite it being too rainy and wet outside for anything to possibly be crunchy. Logan smiled.

All the other people outside looked annoyed and miserable with the weather, but Logan couldn't help feeling that walks in the rain were his favorite, especially in autumn. Rainy days meant he could sit inside and read, or go outside and not be met by hordes of other people in his favorite spots. The sound of rain was always oddly calming.

Logan nudged Virgil at the sight of the diner, relieved he'd remembered correctly, and he held the door open for Virgil. A bell dinged as the door shut behind them. Logan immediately decided that the diner seemed, well, cozy. There was quiet, calm music playing, it was warm, and there was only one booth occupied, by a mother and two children.

"Right, where do you want to sit?" Logan asked, closing the umbrella and feeling slightly bad about the water they were dripping on the floor. He saw two other umbrellas left by the door and he leaned his next to the others before following Virgil who was already walking towards a booth in the corner.

They sat down together, each side of the table, and Logan pushed one of the two menus towards Virgil before opening his one up to see the food they could choose from. He quickly decided to go for Today's Special, a hamburger with extra cheese and extra fries on the side. Then he looked at the desserts, remembering what Roman had said about the milkshakes.

"Do you want to share a milkshake?" Logan asked and Virgil raised a brow.

"Why?" He said and looked up from the menu.

"I don't know, I'm just trying to think of things people do on dates." Logan admitted, which for some reason made Virgil crack up, stifling his laughter by pressing his hand to his mouth.

"Sure," he then said, "I'd love to share a milkshake with you."

A moment later a waiter came up to their table and took their order, the both of them ordering a hamburger and fries, and one vanilla-chocolate milkshake to share. While they waited Virgil asked Logan to tell him about the book he was reading and Logan excitedly gave a detailed description of what was currently going down, Virgil listening attentively, chin resting in his hand and eyes on Logan, a small smile gracing his lips.

Logan was interrupted a while later by the same waiter coming back, carrying a tray with their food. That was probably good, or Logan feared he might have bored Virgil by never shutting up.

"Here you go." She said with a smile and set their stuff down.

"Thank you." Logan said and she nodded and then left hurriedly as new customers just came in.

"Awesome, I'm starving." Virgil said and grabbed a bottle of ketchup from the different condiments which were stood at every table, pouring out some on his plate and immediately dipping a fry almost entirely in it before eating it. Logan took two fries and ate them as they were.

"You know what, Roman might have actually been right, for the first time in his life, these fries are amazing." Virgil said, grabbing a few more and dipping them too in more ketchup than Logan thought any sane person would.

He gave Virgil a look of faked disgust and Virgil stuck his tongue out and threw a ketchup covered fry onto Logan's plate. Logan retaliated by simply eating the fry, of course resulting in Virgil then stealing a fry from his plate to make up for it. Then Virgil dug in on his hamburger, humming appreciatively.

"I love food so much. Fuck dating douchebags, I'm going to marry food. Food will never stand me up or cheat on me or not return my feelings." He said jokingly.

"Will possibly give you food poisoning though." Logan pointed out, making Virgil snort.

"Let's hope not." He said and then they ate in silence for a few minutes, too focused on their food to hold a conversation.

Logan took two straws from a little box full of them on the table, peeling the paper off and giving one to Virgil, sticking his own into the milkshake that was stood in the middle of the table. Virgil stuck his straw in it to and took a sip, then nudging the drink towards Logan.

"It's definitely good, try it." He said, and Logan did, agreeing with Virgil. He wouldn't go as far as saying it was to die for, but he would be more than willing to come here and order it again.

Virgil thoughtfully chewed on some fries as he stared out the window at the rain, tapping a finger on the table along the beat of the music. He reached for another fry, glancing at Logan and flashing him a small, pretty and carefree smile as he saw him already looking at him, and in that moment Logan felt a jolt of emotion that suddenly cleared a lot of things up for him.

And oh no.

Logan may have just realized he was a little in love with Virgil.

He sat there frozen for a few moments while trying to comprehend that new information that he had just been forced to face. He willed himself to stop staring at Virgil, instead reaching for the milkshake and taking a few sips.

He was not good with emotion, and this was the ultimate proof. And suddenly it made sense why he always felt that faint feeling of dislike whenever Virgil announced he had a date, it had been jealousy. The times he'd had an offhand thought about finding Virgil aesthetically pleasing, that was just him being gay. And many, many more things. All which were obvious now in hindsight.

He may be intelligent but that certainly did not stop him from being a fool.

"What are you thinking about?" Virgil asked, giving him an amused look as Logan remembered about the real world.

"Oh, nothing."

"You better not be thinking about work, I think you're supposed to concentrate on your date, no matter platonic or romantic." Virgil said jokingly, having no idea how much of Logan's focus was actually on Virgil at the moment.

"Don't you worry, you can have all the attention you'd like." He said.

"Have I mentioned you are looking very handsome this evening." Logan added, to his own amusement noticing how his words made Virgil blush slightly.

Virgil was wearing his favorite hoodie which he'd made himself, a nice purple button-up beneath, black ripped jeans, and he had his normal smudged makeup beneath his eyes, plus a little glitter that Logan could only see when the light hit just right. Oh no, why did Logan have to find him so pretty?

At least now he recognized what the adoring feeling Virgil made him experience really was.

"That's gay." Virgil said, likely in an attempt at ignoring his blush. Logan wondered then, for a brief moment before chasing the thought away, what the possibility was that Virgil would like him back. Likely low, seeing as Virgil had been supposed to go on a date with another man today.

"We are indeed both gay." Logan stated, trying not to focus on feelings or thoughts concerning Virgil, which proved difficult. How long had he had these feelings for Virgil without being aware of it? He didn't know, but now that he knew how to recognize the feeling he knew it was something he'd felt a while.

They finished their meal, Virgil seeming content and unbothered, very much different to how he had seemed before when he'd just gotten home. They got a bag for their leftover fries (Logan went and asked, Virgil said he would have rather died) and then they sat together and finished the milkshake, Logan now next to Virgil instead so they didn't have to keep reaching across the table for their milkshake.

He listened to Virgil talking about some computer game Logan hadn't heard of until now, both praising and complaining about it. Then once they were ready to leave they stood up together.

"I'll pay, don't worry about it." He said, already reaching for his wallet.

"No, it's fine, I-" Virgil immediately began but Logan shut him up with a look.

"Virgil, I'm trying to show you how you deserve to be treated on a date."

"What century do you think we're in? We can split the bill." Virgil said with a scoff and barely succeeding in containing a grin, looking at him in that way that Logan had long since come to understand meant something along the lines of 'it's embarrassing that I care about you and that feel cared for so I'm pretending I think you're stupid'.

"I am indeed aware that it is not as common for one person to pay the entire bill nowadays, but please just let me be nice."

"Fine then, you nerd, but if we do this again it's my turn to pay." Virgil said and Logan smiled.

"Deal." He went over to the counter to pay for their meal, thinking so much about the possibility of doing this again that he was barely aware of what he was doing. It made him feel both excited at the possibility and slightly sad because of the fact that that might not be exactly what Logan would want. But any time spent with Virgil was well spent.

Virgil was waiting for him by the door, holding the umbrella and they stepped outside together, Virgil holding the umbrella above them.

It was still raining, perhaps even worse now than it had before they had eaten.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the rain or go home and watch a movie?" He asked and saw Virgil's face light up with a quick smile.

"A walk sounds nice. And then maybe when we get back home we can watch a movie too." He asked carefully, as if he was worried Logan would find that a bad idea.

"Sounds perfect." They walked together through the streets, into a nearby park they both liked. As it was late autumn it was already beginning to get dark and they were almost alone, a few miserable-looking dog owners out in the rain and the darkness.

The streetlights lit up the path they were following, showing off big puddles and the many many raindrops that splashed to the ground. Logan was fairly sure that despite their attempts to share an umbrella they would not be as dry as one could hope for when eventually getting home.

After a good ten minutes of them talking about small things and strolling around aimlessly together along the side of a lake Logan realized that the rain had died down and they paused so he could close the umbrella, move it to his other hand.

Their hands bumped together, fingers brushing as they continued on their way, Virgil in the middle of telling him about their friend Roman's plan to celebrate his and Patton's anniversary, and while Logan's mind was very much telling him that he was behaving recklessly and foolishly Logan still reached to take Virgil's hand in his.

Virgil stuttered on his words as their fingers entwined and Logan dared glancing at him just to make sure he hadn't overstepped a boundary, but Virgil did not pull his hand away and when their eyes met he smiled, adorably flustered, before quickly looking away and doing his best to find what he was talking about.

Virgil's hands were cold and Logan felt slightly chilly himself and maybe they should be on their way back to the warmth of their apartment but before Logan had the time to suggest they did just that Virgil stopped, effectively halting Logan too.

Logan gave him a confused look that possibly turned worried once he saw Virgil's very nervous expression. (He looked similar to when he had once had to give an oral presentation in college last year.)

"Okay, shut up and listen, like I'm really sorry if I've understood this all completely wrong, but like, do you have feelings for me?" He asked, which was much more forward than anything Logan had expected of Virgil, especially given his anxiety (but perhaps that was why he had to ask). Logan felt his face heat up considerably and he was likely just as flustered as Virgil himself was.

"I-" Logan started, for a moment panicking slightly and trying to think of a way out of this, but there was none and even if it had been it was merely temporary. He sighed quietly, knowing that there was no use in telling him anything but the truth.

"I may have realized earlier this evening that I have had feelings for you for quite a while, I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable, that is the last thing I wish for." Logan's heart was beating uncomfortably hard, he hadn't thought this would make him that nervous. But, to be fair, Logan had barely had time enough to understand the extent of his feelings yet, and this had caught him off guard.

Virgil let a shaky breath slip before a small but relieved and soft smile appeared on his face. He was so pretty, as always, and how hadn't Logan realized he felt this way earlier?

"I like you too, you idiot." He said, and Logan felt relieved and happy and also slightly scared because oh god they both liked each other, what were they going to do now? Logan was hardly experienced with romantic relationships, he didn't often catch feelings like that.

They stood there all flustered and smiling as the rain picked back up from what had apparently only been a brief pause, and they began to walk home together, still hand in hand and with the umbrella still closed, not caring terribly much about the rain.

Once they got home they changed out of their clothes and into pajamas, sitting close together, near cuddling, on the couch while a movie played, but they didn't pay it much attention, too busy carefully and with soft voices talking about what their relationship was now, maybe even deciding when they would have their next date.


Written: 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th November 2020
Published: 14th December 2020
Words: 3288

Ketchup on fries is the best

Ok so 👀 I'm writing a LAMP soulmate au and it's 8 chapters (15000 words) so far👀👀👀

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