[177] - Stars And Deep Sea Creatures

Warnings: swearing ofc, mentions gross deep sea creatures??, but like these are some soft bois yall

Not dating but like really obviously in love


Virgil was lying sprawled out on Logan's bed, looking at said side and listening to him ranting about deep sea life. He'd been invited to Logan's room for a movie, which they'd watched, both dressed in their onesies and sitting together on Logan's bed, sharing Virgil's purple blanket and a bowl of sour candies.

And now it was past two in the morning and Virgil was still here despite the movie having ended hours ago, Logan clearly not wanting him to leave and Virgil couldn't say he wanted to either. Listening to Logan rambling on about things, low music playing in the background (one of Logan's playlists), he definitely preferred this to sleeping alone in his own room.

"Eighty percent, Virgil," Logan said, almost whining, "more than eighty percent of the world's seas are unexplored! Anything could be down there…"

Logan got a rather wistful expression, as if he was considering buying a divers kit and going out to explore the oceans himself right this second.

"There is so much to discover. Humankind has absolutely no clue of what actually lives in the oceans. The seas makes up seventy one percent of our entire planet, and to think that so much of that is yet to be mapped and explored! So many species of sea life that shares this earth with us and we aren't even aware of their existence yet." Logan's eyes practically glittered with fascination and Virgil didn't try to hide his smile as he listened to him, just for now he'd let himself lower his guard. Around Logan he'd let himself lower his guard.

"Imagine what we will learn once we have the equipment to travel to the bottom of the seas. It pains me so that I won't be seeing it. I have to know, Virgil." He said with a deep sigh, looking down at Virgil almost accusingly, as if he was the one stopping him from walking straight towards the nearest sea in this very moment. (To be fair, Virgil would definitely stop him if he'd try something like that.)

"Don't you think it's fascinating?" He asked, a wondrous tone in his voice which seemed to be a constant this evening.

"Of course. But also kind of terrifying. I've seen a video of weird deep sea creatures people have gotten on camera, and let me tell you, I absolutely do not want to swim in the same seas as they do. Nightmare material." Virgil said, giving Logan an amused look. Logan didn't seem to be scared off in the least and Virgil doubted he would be even if he showed him that video.

"So, what's more interesting, space or sea?" Virgil asked and he could see the question nearly driving Logan insane.

"It is beyond comparison! Space is incredible and we will never understand it, and the oceans are part our own planet and yet we barely know them. I need all the information that is still eluding us, I want to learn. There is so much to learn and I don't have the time." Logan gave Virgil a near heartbroken look, lying down and rolling over to his back to lie right next to Virgil, with a swipe of his hand turning his ceiling into a sky full of stars.

"I want to know everything." He said, and Virgil thought he looked so beautiful all worked up like this. Of course, Virgil always thought he looked beautiful.

"Well... enough ranting. Is there anything particular you'd like to ramble about?" Logan asked, which was nice of him but Virgil shook his head.

"Not really. But can you tell me more about deep sea creatures?" He asked and Logan looked like his wildest dreams had just come true. Virgil enjoyed evenings like this so much, seeing Logan allow himself to talk and talk and talk about things he found interesting, no holding back.

"Of course." He said and Virgil could picture how Logan's brain opened up hundreds of google tabs with information. Virgil could probably lie there and listen to him all night, if Logan wouldn't make sure they got some sleep before it got too late.

"There is a fish called 'the Sarcastic Fringehead'," Logan said, no doubt giving Virgil an amused look, "and it's about a foot long and doesn't look that intimidating, but when threatened it can open up its mouth a lot more than it looks like it should be able to, it's to scare away predators."

"Did you know that when the female Anglerfish mates with a male the male fuses to the female and dissolves until the only thing left is extra gonads for the female to impregnate itself with?" Logan wondered, as if that was information any normal person possessed.

"Ew. Glad I'm not an Anglerfish, and if I were, I'd definitely still be gay." He said.

"Oh, sea spiders! Pycnogonida is their scientific name and they live anywhere between shallow waters to seven thousand meters deep, there are more than one thousand and three hundred species of them and their leg span is between one millimetre to seventy centimetres." Virgil wondered for a second, before ignoring the thought, how an adult person (side) dressed in a unicorn onesie and talking about sea creatures could be so adorable.

"That is pretty cool actually, but don't tell Patton or he'll probably stop drinking water." Virgil remembered once when Patton had seen a spider in the kitchen and then refused to go in there for over a week.

"Look, aren't they fantastic?" Logan moved closer to Virgil and held his phone up in front of them both, showing pictures of sea spiders. He didn't wait for Virgil to answer before continuing.

"And look at these photos a pair of divers got of a huge twenty five foot worm-like creature." Logan said enthusiastically, showing a new set of pictures. 

Virgil decided that he drew the line between cool and creepy at twenty five feet long worm-like creatures.

"Uh, absolutely horrifying. I'm not letting Thomas swim in the ocean again, that thing could swallow him." He said, not entirely joking, because that was one of the most disgusting creatures he'd ever seen (its place on the list right below Remus and Janus).

"I'll have you know that it is incredibly unlikely that Thomas will ever come close to one of these. Also, they are not actually giant worms. They are Pyrosomes, free floating tunicates found in tropical waters. Each Pyrosome is, not one giant creature but, a colony of thousands of individual zooids, which are only a few millimeters in size!" Logan said with delight.

"Alright then, cool I guess, but it still looks gross as fuck." Virgil said and Logan let out a quiet laugh. 

Logan turned his focus back to his ceiling that was still displaying a night sky, and with another swipe of his hand he made it zoom out until it was showing the whole galaxy instead. 

"Isn't the universe beautiful? Isn't it absolutely incredible?" Logan said and Virgil could agree for once. Ignoring all the bad things going on on their own tiny, insignificant planet, yes, the universe in its entirety was pretty incredible.

Virgil guessed that the clock neared at the very least three in the morning and he knew they needed to rest, that they'd be tired in the morning, but lying there with Logan, looking at his universe-ceiling and listening to music, it didn't bother him.

He felt all light and untroubled and happy, as if nothing could go wrong (which of course it could but for once he couldn't bring himself to worry about that), he didn't know if it was the logical 'aura' of Logan's room helping or if it was just Logan's presence but he felt… calm, in the best possible way. 

Calm, sleepy, and happy, a good combination.

Virgil closed his eyes, feeling how easy it'd be to fall asleep right then and there if he'd let himself, but he should return to his own room before doing so. But he'd stay here with Logan until he was told to leave. Opening his eyes again he glanced over at Logan and saw that he was already looking at him, and Virgil raised his brows.

"What is it? You have this expression as if you're learning something new and fascinating." Virgil said, half ironic just to tease Logan, seeing if he could make him flustered.

"I think I might be." Logan said, looking at Virgil the same way he'd look at the stars and Virgil was the one to feel a blush creep up on him. He blamed this whole conversation on them being sleep deprived.

"That sounds so gay." He said to play off how gay he felt for Logan in that moment, rolling his eyes and trying not to smile like some fool.

"Well… perhaps that is because I am gay?" He said, completely serious and Virgil sighed. That sounded more like the normal Logan. Then Logan rolled over to his side, still with a serious look on his face as he cupped Virgil's cheek with his hand.

"I appreciate you. I hope you are aware of that." He said and Virgil didn't know how to have a natural reaction to that so instead he gave Logan a blank stare before nodding.

"I appreciate you too, Lo. So much." Virgil assured and Logan seemed happy with that, removing his hand (though Virgil couldn't say he'd minded the touch). 

Logan yawned, looking at his phone, no doubt to tell the time, and Virgil felt a twinge of disappointment, he didn't want this night to end. He never wanted their movie nights to end.

"We should sleep, it's past three thirty." Logan said, just as Virgil had thought he would. Virgil sat up, slowly, realizing how much less welcoming his own room seemed compared to Logan's tonight.

"Already that late? Guess we should, then." He said, but Logan reached out a hand, pulling slightly at the sleeve of his onesie.

"I didn't mean… You don't have to leave. Unless you'd rather sleep in your own room." He said and Virgil immediately flopped back down against one of Logan's pillows.

"I'm fine with staying." He said, remembering that he should perhaps play it a little cool. A glance at Logan informed him that he was smiling again. It was precious, Virgil thought, how much Logan would allow himself to smile when it was only the two of them.

Logan dimmed the lights until the room was nearly dark with a flick of his wrist. As far as Virgil was aware he was the only one of the other sides to have actually been in Logan's room, and he was sure the others would be quite surprised if they knew how cozy it could be. Cozy was not how Virgil had thought he would end up describing the room belonging to the embodiment of logic.

Logan held the covers up for Virgil to join him and they ended up really close together again, but neither of them made any attempt to move despite there certainly being room to do so.

"Good night." Logan's hand brushed against Virgil's and, though not sure which one of them had moved, they ended up with their fingers entwined. Virgil was surprised at how he was not panicked at such a thing happening, not even a little bit nervous.

"Night, L." He said, closing his eyes and hoping that Logan had done the same so he could smile in peace without him knowing. For once, falling asleep happened within a few minutes.


Written: 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th May 2020
Published: 16th August 2020
Words: 1995

ok im proud of this one, its v soft

also school starts on the 24th for me fuckfkucuckfuckfuckfucifucuc i cant do it

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