[175] - Alright (Part Two)

And as a follow up, here's a fic with the very original idea of logan being stressed and overworked

Warnings: mentions anxiety, overworking, slight dehydration, probably swearing somewhere in this


A knock on Logan's door pulled him from his faltering focus on work. Even though he did not tell the person outside to come inside, in fact he didn't say a thing, his door was pushed open.


It was Virgil, which did not surprise Logan in the least. He was the side that most frequently visited Logan's room, either because he needed Logan's help stifling his anxiety or he was checking in on Logan and making sure he was okay. 

That last one had become an almost frequent thing during the past three weeks since he'd found Virgil anxious at one in the morning. The fact that they spent more time together had made them understand the other better, they'd definitely become closer.

Logan could with ease guess which the reason for Virgil's visit was this time, but he asked anyway. "Hello Virgil, do you need anything?" 

"Haven't seen you all day. Just want to know how you're doing." Virgil closed the door behind himself, coming up next to him. Logan opened up a new empty tab on his computer.

"I'm doing alright, have gotten a lot of work done." He was exhausted but proud of how much he had gotten done. Being productive felt good.

"...You look like shit." Virgil said, looking him up and down. The comment didn't bother Logan, and it was likely true anyway. He hadn't bothered with looking in the mirror today.

"Why, thank you, how kind." Logan said which made the other side roll his eyes.

"Have you been drinking anything today?" He asked, he definitely knew Logan too well.

"I'm perfectly hydrated." He said.

"Have you drank water?"

"I've had six cups." Logan said, which avoided the real question but was still not a lie. It might have been six cups of coffee, but the details weren't that important, Logan thought.

"Of water?" He asked sternly and Logan decided he was better off not even answering that. Virgil seemed unsurprised at his silence.

"That's what I thought."

"I'm fine, Virgil. You don't need to take care of me." He was fine. Ignoring his pulsating headache, of course. And how dry his mouth was despite all the coffee he'd had. Okay. Perhaps Virgil had reason to distrust in his self care.

"You sure? You look like you haven't gotten those eight hours of sleep you keep recommending me." Virgil said.

Logan had gotten a good hour and fifty minutes of sleep before his alarm had rang in the morning, but he didn't need to tell Virgil that.

"Perhaps I stayed up a bit too late, and maybe I have a headache, but that has never killed anyone." Logan said (even though, during all these years humanity had existed, it had probably happened), which maybe was the wrong words to choose because Virgil gave him a long look before turning around and leaving the room.

Virgil hadn't looked angry or disappointed with him, yet Logan felt a feeling of guilt becoming prominent, which somehow made his head hurt worse and he closed his eyes, pushed his glasses up and leaned his forehead in his hand, trying to ignore the pain and the feeling.

Once, after he and Virgil had talked through something that he'd been worried over, Virgil had pulled him in for a quick hug, as a thank you Logan guessed, but the short contact had left him with a racing heart and no clear reason as to why. 

It was the first time he and Virgil had hugged, and he remembered thinking that maybe that was just what hugging Virgil felt like. 

Logan had no idea why that memory was resurfacing now of all times, or why at all. He sighed, thinking that maybe he really did need more rest than he'd gotten. The memory almost made him smile at least.

Virgil coming more often to him for help when he got anxious made Logan glad. It meant Virgil trusted him, and it also made him learn what made Virgil feel anxious and how to prevent it, which was vital information. 

Certain things were unavoidable, like Thomas meeting new people, leaving his house, Thomas doing something awkward, but many other things such as raised voices and arguments, those could be worked on with the others to make things easier for them all.

His door was opened again and Virgil came into the room with a glass of what looked to be orange juice in one hand and a box of ibuprofen in the other. Wordlessly he put them down on Logan's desk, right in front of him.

"Thank you." Logan said, not entirely sure himself if he was thanking him for the things or for coming back. Both, he supposed, and maybe the second reason more than the first. He found himself realizing that Virgil's presence was comforting. They were friends, weren't they?

Logan trusted Virgil, and he knew he wouldn't be judged by him, not more than he deserved to be at least.

Virgil dragged a chair up next to Logan's, one that had previously been standing by his wall. He sat down, put his feet up on Logan's desk. He had purple socks with spiderwebs on them and Logan wondered briefly if Virgil had taken the time to conjure up those himself.

He grabbed the ibuprofen package and got a pill out, placing it on his tongue and then quickly swallowing it with the help of the juice. He was oddly touched that Virgil hadn't brought him water, he must have remembered when he'd mentioned to him how much more difficult it was for him to swallow pills with water rather than something with an actual taste.

"You're a dumbass." Virgil said after another while of silence, a tone of voice as if the decision had just been made.

"I'm sure you are right." Logan responded. He leaned back in the chair, holding the still cold glass against his forehead, which felt great.

"You missed lunch, you know?" Virgil said, poking his arm. Logan vaguely remembered someone coming and telling him it was time to eat. That must have been at least two hours ago, and that must also be why he was so hungry.

"Oh. I forgot." He said. He put the glass down on his desk. Virgil shook his head, looking slightly exasperated, which he perhaps had the right to.

"I apologize." Logan added, which didn't seem to be exactly what Virgil wanted to hear.

"I just want you to be alright." Virgil said, not looking away even when Logan met his eyes. Logan remembered saying the exact same thing to Virgil, and it was clear Virgil too had that memory in mind. What the purpose was of repeating that he didn't know. Logan was the first one to look away, because he began feeling... that feeling he had no frame of reference for and couldn't really place.

Virgil made him feel that way, sometimes his presence, or the thought of him, other times his touch. Increasingly often too. Well, whatever it was it was the least of his concerns right now.

"I'll make more of an effort to practice self care, then." Logan said finally and Virgil looked somewhat happy with that answer.

"You better. Now, let's get you something to eat, I promised the others I would." Virgil said.

A few minutes later Logan found himself by the kitchen table, drinking water from a big glass that Virgil forced him to accept with the promise that he would get himself one too (Logan didn't for one moment think Virgil kept his own well being at the same standard as he tried Logan's).

Virgil placed a plate of reheated leftovers in front of Logan, handed him some cutlery too and then getting himself a glass of water like he had promised to. Logan's mouth watered at the sight of food and he wondered how he could have made it this long without realizing he was starving, the only thing he had had today was coffee and that glass of juice.

Virgil sat with his glass in his hands, looking tired and Logan wondered how dark the bags under his eyes were, now hidden with makeup.

"How much sleep did you get?" Logan asked.

"Not sure, like seven or eight hours. But I slept until eleven so it's not like I went to be early." He said, sipping his water. 

"You?" He then asked and Logan took his time chewing his food before answering. He knew Virgil wouldn't like the answer and he knew he'd know if Logan lied. Then again Virgil wouldn't be disappointed in him, with his usual sleeping schedule he couldn't judge anyone.

"Almost two hours." He said and Virgil made a 'hm' noise to affirm he'd heard him but didn't like hearing it. The rest of the meal he ate in silence, and Virgil didn't speak until Logan had drank all his water too. Eating and drinking made him feel so much more alive than he had before, he even went and got another glass of water.

"You're not usually up that late though. Is anything especially stressful, or what?" He asked. 

"A little bit I suppose, there are a lot of things to do right now, and I like getting things done. Being productive feels good, makes me feel useful, even if it sometimes makes me forget basic needs such as sleeping and eating." Logan said with a shrug and Virgil gave him a look as if that wasn't something he was supposed to shrug away.

"You can be useful without working day and night." Virgil pointed out, reaching a hand out, placing it on Logan's shoulder. Virgil's hand was warm and Logan had to look away from him before being able to think clearly enough to nod.

And just to make Virgil happy he went to bed after the meal, planning on getting up again after a little while if he couldn't sleep, but he fell asleep within two minutes of laying his head on the pillow.

When slowly waking up Logan felt more rested than he had in days, and the dream he'd had must've been good to leave him in a near euphoric state while his brain returned to consciousness. Then Logan frowned and sat up once his mind realized what was reality and what had been a dream. He looked around the room, remembering the dream and felt awfully confused.

What the fuck?

That was all he could really articulate at this moment, and he sat there and tried to sort through his feelings until a few minutes later there was a quick knock on his door and it was then opened enough for Virgil to stick his head in.

"Hey, you're up, good." Virgil pushed the door up more. 

"Just woke up." Logan said, thoughts elsewhere, trying not to outright stare at Virgil.

"Well, it's time for dinner. Just so you know." Virgil gave him a look Logan couldn't read.

"What do you look so weird for?" He then asked and Logan shook his head, reaching for his glasses. His headache was gone and he didn't want to bring it back by straining his eyes.

"I just had a strange dream, it's nothing." Logan said, pushing his covers off.

Strange was definitely the right word for it. The memory of the dream was weirdly vivid, how Virgil's hands gently placed on his waist had felt, and how soft his lips had been when they had brushed against Logan's. Most confusing of all had been how absolutely happy his dream self had been about that happening.

"Alright then. Don't be late this time or Patton might begin to think you dislike his food." Virgil joked, closing the door to his room again. Logan remained sitting in bed for a few more minutes, trying to figure out what he was really feeling about the dream and if it had… meant something. 

That still brought him nowhere, he was more confused than ever and decided to give up, leave these thoughts for later when he had the time and capability to understand them.

Which was easier said than done, it turned out, his brain seemed to be unable to let the questions go and fixated on it all throughout dinner, he barely knew what he was eating.

Would he like kissing Virgil? In his dream he'd clearly done, judging by how happy he'd been and how good it had felt, but in real life? He didn't know the answer to that question either. He'd have to kiss Virgil to find out, but he couldn't do that!

He shook his head at the thought, getting weird looks from the others at the table. After that he finished his meal quickly and went back to his room, wanting to work because work was easier than the questions going around his head now, but he knew Virgil would be disagreeing of his choice of distraction so he grabbed his laptop and sat in the living room instead, playing minecraft and listening to a playlist on spotify that Virgil had shared with him. 

Finally getting the opportunity to sit down and work on his buildings in his creative world was a good distraction, he loved the creative possibilities. Minecraft was a wonderful game.

After finishing eating Virgil joined him on the couch, draping Logan's blanket over himself and curling up so only his head could be seen. Logan didn't mind Virgil stealing his blanket, in fact he'd assured him it was alright that he borrowed it whenever, and despite Virgil himself owning several blankets Logan kept finding him wrapped in dark blue.

"How's the head?" Virgil asked, reaching an arm out from his blanket cocoon and gently tapping Logan's temple as he spoke.

"It's alright. Ibuprofen, water, food and sleep really helped. I feel perfectly fine now." He said, which was true because he felt more rested now than he had the past week.

"Dude, you're so bad at self care." Virgil scoffed, his fingertips brushing along Logan's arm in a way that he couldn't help feel was affectionate rather than accidental. 

"You can't claim to be much better yourself." Logan pointed out, Virgil only shrugging at that accusation, he couldn't exactly try and tell him it wasn't true. Virgil leaned closer to look at what Logan was building and Logan pretended not to be distracted.

"We do kind of balance each other out, though. I keep you from working until you pass out, you keep me from being an anxious wreck. It's perfect." He said a moment later, Logan hearing rather much irony in Virgil's voice at the last part.

"Yes, where would we be without each other?" He asked, trying to match Virgil's sarcasm. The sincere answer to that question was that the both of them and Thomas would be in worse shape than they were now.

Virgil quietly watched Logan build on his latest minecraft project, a castle where he was currently focusing on the gates and secret doors which functioned with the help of redstone. Virgil leaned his head on Logan's shoulder and Logan had to take a moment to remember what he was doing. Why did Virgil keep making him feel so unusual?

"Do you want to watch a movie or something tonight?" Virgil asked.

"I'd love to. Are Patton and Roman joining us too?" Logan gave up on a gate that wouldn't work as he wanted it to, leaving it for later and instead moving on to an idea he had for a TNT cannon.

"No, I think they're having a date in the imagination tonight." Virgil said and Logan paused what he was doing. Patton and Roman were ...dating?

"They are what?" Had Logan heard him wrong?

"They're going on a date. You know, like two people who have romantic feelings for each other do." Virgil explained and Logan near rolled his eyes, Virgil knew that Logan knew what a date was.

"I was unaware they felt that way about each other." Logan said and Virgil lifted his head up to stare at him and then laugh.

"You are… so blind, Lo." He said, looking very amused. Logan ignored him.

"So, it is entirely possible then for us sides to have romantic feelings for each other?" He wondered, already knowing the answer but getting it confirmed was always helpful.

"Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure. Patton and Roman sure seems to be." Virgil in fact sounded very sure of himself. This certainly made Logan's strange feelings for Virgil all the more troubling, especially as Logan was unsure how to even recognize such feelings.

"See, now you're looking that confused again. What's going on in your head today?" Virgil poked his cheek with a smile and Logan tried to duck his head to avoid the touch and also to avoid how infectious Virgil's smile was. There was something with Virgil's smile that was so distracting, and since they're friends now he smiled a lot more often at him.

"Oh, it's nothing," Logan sighed, "Just a lot of new things to consider."

"Like what?" Virgil wondered and Logan turned his head towards Virgil to ask him why he was so curious to know, but he hadn't counted on how close Virgil was really sitting now, they faces were a mere inch apart.

Logan closed his laptop and stood up from the couch a little too fast to seem casual and Virgil was the one to look confused now. Logan tried to still his heart which was beating far faster than it should be.

"You choose a movie, I'm just going to go, uh…" Logan couldn't come up with an excuse as to why he would leave, and Virgil looked at him weird before shrugging.

"Alright, be back in half an hour or I'll start the movie without you. Also you better have changed into something comfortable, you can't watch a movie in jeans." Virgil said, sounding jokingly judging.

"Be careful, or I'll show up in my onesie." Logan said, being ironic and trying to make up for how awkward he'd just been.

"Good, I'm counting on it." Virgil said. Logan didn't know what to say to that and simply left, in his room setting his laptop down on his desk.

He'd now of course gotten an idea of what it was Virgil made him feel, which was a little bit terrifying but also fairly interesting. Before today he'd never considered that they, as sides of one personality, could develop romantic feelings for one another. But Logan supposed that actually it was about as strange as their ability to feel dislike for each other or become friends.

Logan sat down on the chair by his desk, thinking back to moments where Virgil had made him unsure of what he was feeling, and the moments were many. Virgil smiling and laughing, the time Virgil had leaned his head on his shoulder weeks ago, small touches, accidental or not, several moments today such as when Virgil had told him he wanted him to be alright. Too many moments for him to possibly remember.

He wouldn't dislike being in a romantic relationship with Virgil, would he? No, he realized. No, he would not, he rather enjoyed the idea, and he spent so long thinking about his feelings for Virgil that he almost lost track of time, nearly forgot that half an hour soon would have passed.

He was wondering if Virgil really wanted him to wear his onesie for their movie night, Logan had never really worn it in front of anyone, except for that time Thomas had summoned him while he was wearing it (he didn't want that happening again). 

But despite the doubts he might have he changed into his onesie, immediately feeling the comfort that it brought it. The unicorn onesie was a sort of comfort object and with the recent realization of the nature of his own feelings he might need it for this evening.

So, half an hour since they'd last spoke Logan was back in the living room, dressed in his unicorn onesie, still with his tie loosely around his neck. He was far more nervous than he should be, and not because they were watching a movie together, that was a common occurrence (even if it was usually not only the two of them), but he never did wear his onesie in front of the others.

He was a bit, or a lot, self conscious, he supposed.

But sitting on the couch was Virgil in his own onesie that he'd worn in a recent video, and his smile when spotting Logan was genuine. Despite how he could not be looking less professional he smoothed his tie against his chest before joining Virgil on the couch.

"What are we watching?" He asked even if he did not really care what the answer was, pulling Virgil's purple blanket from the pile next to him since Virgil was still wrapped in his own blue one. He didn't think any of the others would really mind him borrowing their blanket, but Virgil was the one who actually could not protest.

"Black cauldron. If that's alright?" Virgil reached for the remote, looking a little nervous and Logan sent him a small and reassuring smile that he hoped would calm his nerves.

"Of course." Logan turned his eyes towards the screen as Virgil started the movie. He wondered what Virgil would say if he confessed that he was here not for the movie but for Virgil's company. Logan draped Virgil's blanket over his legs.

Then Patton and Roman appeared in the doorway and he tensed, waiting for the moment where they noticed what he was wearing and commented on it.

"Hi kiddos, we're heading out now." Patton said with a grin, Logan noted how they were holding hands and the look of adoration Roman gave Patton when he wasn't looking.

"Okay, have fun." Virgil said and waved them off. Roman and Patton wasted no time getting out of there, looking all giddy and happy. Logan was half relieved that none of them had cared about his onesie, half wondering what it'd feel like if he was on a date with Virgil.

He didn't mind the thought, almost wanting to ask Virgil on one immediately, but he wasn't entirely sure what one would do on a date. Thomas had gone on many dates and was Logan's only source of knowledge on the subject. He remembered that Thomas had had many movie dates, which likened his and Virgil's current evening (just with less physical affection, the two of them weren't exactly known for cuddling or hugging much).

Although, they were sitting very close together, It'd be so easy for either of them to lean their head on the others shoulder. Or kiss the others cheek, if he turned his head he could press his lips to Virgil's jaw. (Not now, gay thoughts.)

Almost as if Virgil could read Logan's mind or somehow know what he wanted he placed his hand on Logan's, intertwining their fingers. Logan wondered how it was logical that such a small thing made him so flustered. Should Virgil's touch be this exhilarating?

Suddenly he had to know, had to ask, did Virgil return these feelings he had? He spoke before even figuring out how to ask such a question, which might have been stupid of him.

"Do you like me?" Logan asked, a quick look at Virgil before staring at the screen again. This was definitely easier if he wasn't looking at him.

"Huh?" Logan dared another glance and Virgil looked about as flustered as Logan felt. He ignored Virgil's confusion and his blush and continued.

"Because I think I like you. I have a lot of feelings regarding you that would suggest that I do, I simply haven't been able to place them until today." Logan looked down at their hands, them both still holding onto each other. 

As soon as he'd had the answer it hadn't been very hard to accept that he liked Virgil in a romantic sense. Virgil had already called bullshit on his claim not to have feelings weeks ago, so this confession couldn't be too much of a surprise, could it? 

"Like how?" Virgil asked, still as flustered and Logan didn't believe for a second that Virgil didn't already know what kind of like he was talking about, but he also knew how uncertain Virgil's anxiety could make him.

"I like you in the sense of that I would want to attempt a romantic relationship with you. As you said earlier, we make each other better, and as we've previously stated and many times shown, we care about each other. I can't claim I know much about romance or what a relationship as such entails, but with you… I'd like to find out. If that is alright with you?" Logan quieted, waiting for an answer while feeling much more nervous than he had while starting this conversation.

"Alright. Yeah, yeah, I'd be okay with that." Virgil said, Logan's blanket pulled up to hide half his blushing face and Logan now understood the expression of one's heart skipping a beat.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to agree to anything you're not comfortable with." He added and Virgil dropped the blanket, scoffing.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Nerd. Why do you think I'm sitting here and holding your hand?" He smiled, ducking his head. It was impossible not to smile back, Logan understood why Roman and Patton always looked so happy in each others company. (Yes, he had been blind, even he realized that now.) 

"So, boyfriends then?" He asked, just to establish what they were to each other now.

"Yeah, boyfriends." Virgil said. 

"Perfect." They resumed to watch the movie in silence, not letting go of each other and falling asleep together on the couch for the others to find them in the morning. 


Written: 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th May 2020
Published: 18th July 2020
Words: 4414

Sorry this took so long to publish, I'm lazy, but hope u enjoyed <3

I'm at grandpas vacation house now :D it's lovely as always

Also what a high it is to read my own work and not dislike it👀

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