[164] - Pretend
Warnings: mild homophobia (those looks people give, y know), mentions dying like twice because Virgil is dramatic gay
This was hella fun to write, i love the prompt ‘be my fake boyfriend for this evening while we pretend we arent actually in love’
When Logan had came to him and asked him to come with him to his father's dull, fancy new years party for other successful and (most likely) rich businessmen, dancing and socializing included, Virgil had not been eager to agree.
First of all, he was nervous about meeting Logan's parents. Second of all, Logan asked him to come to pretend to be his boyfriend. In reality they were both very single.
He knew Logan's parents thought he had a boyfriend, because Logan had told him months ago that he had lied to his parents about it to avoid any more uncomfortable moments where his parents wondered when he would finally find someone. Virgil could definitely understand why Logan had lied about it, he was tempted to do the same every time any one of his own relatives asked similar questions.
So, yeah, Virgil had been reluctant to agree. But Logan had practically begged him, promised him that he would fix everything needed to be fixed before going, that he would not be forced to hold long conversations with the other guests, and that they could leave if he felt anxious, and how could Virgil refuse to help his friend?
He was of course terribly nervous about this whole thing, the fact that he had the biggest crush on Logan would surely not be benefitting him. If he was lucky it would make it easier to pretend they were in love since he actually was in love with Logan, but on the other hand he feared how he would be feeling after their evening of pretend ended.
But nevertheless Virgil had agreed, because sadly he was a good friend.
What Virgil had somehow not counted on was how god damned attractive Logan was looking in a pair of black slacks, a dark blue dress vest over a black button up, a dark blue tie too. It was as if the universe was laughing at him, or giving him a glance at the life he wished he had with Logan (him being his boyfriend, not the fancy party part).
Virgil was dressed the same way, except his tie and dress vest were purple, Logan having paid for their clothes for this as part of the bribery to get Virgil to agree to come.
And here they were, in some huge house, a mansion probably, with a huge garden outside, loads of guests dressed in clothes that seemed to cost a fortune. They had already been here for past an hour and Virgil felt as if the evening would never end, especially as that hour had consisted of extremely dull conversations about economics, politics, and other subjects that Virgil would rather not discuss with these people. Thankfully Logan was good at keeping the conversation civil.
They had met Logan’s father for a short while too, both Logan and him shaking his hand and Logan introducing Virgil as his boyfriend as Virgil knew he would but hearing him say it still made him feel far too good for a second before he reminded himself that it was all pretend. Then there had been a quite tense few minutes where Logan and him had discussed something that Virgil hadn’t quite understood while he stood by Logan and tried to not look like he had no idea what they were speaking about.
Luckily Logan's father seemed to have many guests to greet and converse with and soon left them to mingle with the other guests. Virgil and Logan had ended up standing by themselves near a wall, talking quietly while drinking champagne that tasted expensive. Virgil missed his favorite hoodie that he had had to leave back home, he would love to hide away in it right now, hood up and sleeves pulled down over his hands.
Virgil honestly felt intimidated by all the rich older men and women also attending this party. He could only imagine how they would scoff if they found out he was an author that worked part time at a library, and he wasn't sure all these old people around them all were overjoyed to be around a gay couple based off of some of the glances they got.
Not that they were a real couple, which the others of course did not know, but they for sure were both gay.
Virgil saw another old man give them that look where he was obviously trying to figure out if he was looking at something to be offended about or if he could continue enjoying the party while talking to other rich businessmen. Virgil sighed a little, considering asking Logan for how long they would have to stay, because he wasn't sure how he was going to make it through several hours of this.
He was so hopelessly bored. The most interesting thing to do here was stare at Logan (because, wow, he really is looking beautiful tonight), but he worried that even Logan would notice how he couldn't keep his eyes off of him.
Virgil felt Logan's hand on his lower back and when he turned his head to look at him Logan smiled softly, gesturing towards the other guests who were dancing. Oh crap.
"Dance with me?" He asked and Virgil nodded dumbly, allowing Logan to take his hand and lead him out on the dance floor. Virgil wondered if this was how he was going to die, by an overload of feelings that he didn't know what to do with.
Perhaps Logan had figured out that he was in love with him and this was his way of torturing him.
This was a good way to go, Virgil decided.
Logan put his other hand on Virgil's back, pulling him closer. Virgil's heart was beating so hard that he had trouble concentrating on the music, but after a moment's hesitation he placed his free hand on Logan's shoulder. He never really danced. Or went to parties. He was not entirely sure how to do this.
Thankfully Logan took the lead and it wasn't terribly hard to figure out how to move along to the music correctly enough so that no one was paying them any attention or shaking their head at Virgil's lacking dancing skills. Logan seemed to dance with ease, a comforting grip to Virgil and he didn't seem troubled by anything in the least. Virgil himself was just trying to enjoy the evening without letting Logan drive him mildly insane.
Really, how was it possible to want to kiss someone this much?
"You seem rather distracted, Virgil." Logan pointed out in a low voice, so that Virgil was the only one who could hear. It was an invitation to tell him what was on his mind, Virgil knew that, but perhaps he wasn't all too excited to tell Logan how he was the distraction, how having him hold him while they were dancing together and pretending to be boyfriends weren't exactly a situation which in Virgil could be anything else than distracted by how he was really feeling.
"It's nothing, L."
The music faded away, the only thing to be heard being the murmur of voices around them and, regretfully, Logan let go of him and took a step back. Virgil would perhaps not have minded to do that dancing thing for a bit longer. If Logan was going to act as if he were his boyfriend for this evening, then Virgil might as well enjoy it. Plus, while they were dancing no one would attempt to strike up a conversation.
"Would you like to step outside into the garden," Logan said, "you look quite flustered and the cool air might help. I'll admit it is quite warm in here even with the doors to the garden wide open."
Virgil flustered even more at that of course, but he nodded regardless, because cooling down seemed to be a good idea, plus, it was dark outside so his blushing wouldn't be noticeable. Not to mention that there were almost no other guests in the garden yet. It was a welcome time out from this glamorous world where Virgil really didn't belong.
Logan took his hand in his and steered him across the room towards the double doors leading out to the garden. The cool air outside was welcome after the heat inside and Virgil took a deep breath, feeling his shoulders relaxing. He was much more comfortable out here where it was only him and Logan.
Logan let out a relieved sigh, looking up at the sky briefly before they both continued down a garden path made out of white gravel that crunched under their shoes, with beds of white roses growing on both sides on it.
The path led to a pond further down in the garden, with dark still water that reflected the moon as perfectly as any mirror would. There were hedges strung with small lights stretching alongside other paths leading away from the pond, and Virgil could admit that this place was very beautiful, especially with the clear sky full of stars and the moonlight that shone on everything.
There was a bench by a tall hedge and Logan let go of Virgil's hand to sit down on it, leaning back against the backrest with another sigh, tiredly rubbing at his forehead and loosening his tie a little bit.
"I never liked going to these. Everyone is too dressed up and the only thing they talk about are things that will show the others listening how successful they are. I am always thankful that I did not do as my father had wished and followed in his footsteps." Logan said, and Virgil sat down with him.
"Yeah, I get the feeling we don't quite fit in here. Me even less than you." Virgil said. Logan hummed, looking out over the pond and at the garden and the forest beyond it. Virgil observed him out of the corner of his eye, focus lingering on the soft smile on Logan's lips.
"It's only for tonight though, then in a few hours we can go back home and hopefully not have to endure anything like this for many years. Well, you likely won't have to, but I am less lucky." Logan said, and Virgil wondered if that was true since Logan's parents now thought he was Logan's boyfriend and might invite him to the next fancy party too (Virgil hoped not).
"Yeah, only for tonight." Virgil repeated, not being able to tear his eyes from Logan. Really, if he wasn't so handsome then maybe Virgil could make it through this, but it seemed he was out of luck.
Virgil let his eyes close, turning his face up towards the moon. Crickets could be heard from the grass. This was actually pretty relaxing, which Virgil definitely needed.
"You look beautiful in the moonlight." Logan commented, and Virgil felt himself blush fiercely, and what was Logan trying to achieve by saying such a thing? No one saw them out here, he didn't need to pretend that Virgil really was his boyfriend.
"You look beautiful in any light." Virgil responded, which wasn't maybe the wisest thing to say, but he panicked, and at the very least it was the truth. Logan raised an eyebrow, then letting a small chuckle slip from his lips. The faint noise of music and people talking and laughing could be heard from the festivities in the mansion, but it seemed far away as if Logan and him were in their own little world out here, no one to disturb or give them strange looks.
Virgil even found himself almost relaxing where he was sitting, even though he had just confessed that he always found Logan handsome, and even if he was far away from home and without his hoodie and not wearing his makeup. Logan's presence was always a comfort, luckily.
For a few minutes they sat there, breathing in the fresh evening air that held a scent of roses and cut grass. The faint sound of music and voices were calming from afar and further enforced the feeling of this being another world than the one inside the mansion. Sadly all good things had to come to an end.
"Shall we make it back inside before my mother thinks we are actively avoiding her?" Logan said, using a regretful tone of voice as if he would much rather sit out here with Virgil instead than to go back inside. Virgil wished that he could tell Logan how, no, he would preferably sit here with him and let himself be in love without anyone observing.
"Sure thing." Virgil said instead, leaving everything that he actually needed to say unsaid. Logan stood up, offering Virgil a hand that Virgil could not refuse. He allowed Logan to take his hand and help him up, feeling one of Logan's arms around his waist.
At this moment they were standing closer together than they had while dancing, and if Virgil had thought that had been distracting it was nothing compared to now where there were no disturbances anywhere close, not one person observing them and Logan's breath smelled of that champagne they had drank earlier, he tasted a bit like it too Virgil found out as Logan's mouth was pressed to his, and he wrapped his arms around Logan, returning the kiss.
Logan placed a hand on Virgil's chest, he wondered if Logan could feel his heartbeats, and gently pushed him back, enough so that they could look at each other and both realize the other really had no objection to this.
Logan's lips found his again and Virgil pulled Logan closer, not able to really get enough of having him close and tasting him on his tongue. One of Logan's hands travelled up his back, cradling the back of Virgil's head, but they had to part soon again to breathe, something that Virgil had entirely forgotten about until Logan's lips left his.
A breeze ruffled Logan's hair and reminded Virgil of how hot his face was. Logan was smiling, looking calm even though Virgil would bet Logan's heart was beating just as hard as his own were.
"I have wanted to do that for so long." Logan admitted and Virgil couldn't just not smile at that.
"Me too." He said, allowing Logan to cup his face with his free hand and kiss him again, a slow, gentle kiss, and Virgil wondered if it was too dramatic if he would simply drop dead from being kissed three times by Logan. He didn't though, he remained standing even when Logan ended the kiss and took a step back.
"Now, let's go back inside." He said, sounding the slightest bit breathless. Virgil nodded and followed him back towards the mansion, even if he would much rather stay out in the garden and kiss Logan. But he supposed that they would have more time for such things once they got back home.
"I can try and excuse us, so we can leave early." Logan said, as if he had read Virgil's mind and agreed to what he had thought.
"That'd be great." Virgil looked down at their hands, fingers still entwined, and he smiled. Perhaps this party was not the absolute worst, now that he thought about it.
Written: 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th January 2020
Published: 29th February 2020
Words: 2644
I've watched all of The Dragon Prince and I love it and I ship Amaya and Janai
Also writers block is coming for me pls send help
Practice work is ending soon, I'm gonna miss it, I don't wanna go back to school :/
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