[163] - Fights

Warnings: parents who fight, virgil be gay panic at all times, swearing as always

Human au

Finally finished proofreading this


Virgil heard his phone buzz and when it didn't stop within a few seconds he, without tearing his eyes from his laptop screen, reached an arm behind him and patted on the bed until his fingers found his phone.

Getting a grip on it and holding it up in front of his face he could see the source of the disturbance, his friend was calling him. Normally Virgil would have been unaware of such an occurrence since he never had any of the sound or vibration settings turned on on his phone, but he must've accidentally enabled them.

"Hey, Logan, what's up?" Virgil said as he answered the phone, rolling over from his position on his side onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Greetings, um, would it be alright if I came over?" Logan said, and before Virgil even had the time to say 'yes, of course' he could hear loud shouting from Logan's surroundings. He pretended he hadn't heard it.

"Yeah, sure, I'm not doing anything anyway." Virgil said, making a mental note to tell his parents that he likely couldn't come with them as they visited their friend later today because he would rather stay at home and hang with Logan.

"Alright, I will be over in approximately ten minutes." Logan said with noticeable relief in his voice. Virgil could hear what likely was a front door being shut.

"Okay, see you soon." Virgil said and Logan hung up. Virgil rolled out of bed, almost not landing on his feet on the floor and having to grab onto the mattress not to fall over. He pocketed his phone and walked downstairs, peeking into the kitchen as he passed it but finding it empty.

"Mom?" He called and two voices immediately answered from the living room. He stopped in the doorway, watching as one of his moms reached for the remote and lowered the sound on the tv.

"Logan is coming over, just so you know, and also I might skip coming with you later today if Logan wants to stay over." He said, knowing that his mothers would not mind leaving him alone at home, especially if he had a friend over, they knew he wouldn't be doing anything irresponsible.

"That's alright, we're mostly going to be discussing adoption since Anne and her partner is considering it, that won't be terribly interesting for you anyway." Virgil nodded, lingering in the doorway for a moment, not sure why. He didn't really have anything else to say, and yet he wanted to say something.

"You look concerned, sweetie, is everything alright?" His other mom said, and Virgil shrugged, feeling a bit uneasy, not at the question but for Logan's sake, he hoped his friend was alright. Virgil himself had never had to endure parents fighting, but raised voices made him anxious. Luckily for him his mothers never felt the need to yell at him.

"It's fine, I just worry a bit about Logan. He seems uneasy to be at home." Virgil said, knowing that his friend hadn't been eager to spend time at his own home for the past few weeks, even though Logan had avoided talking about it.

"Oh, okay. Don't forget that you can always talk to us about anything and everything." One of his moms said with a warm and comforting smile.

"I won't." Virgil smiled back. He knew his moms were always there if he needed them.

"Oh, I made cookies yesterday, they're in a jar on the kitchen table. They're perfect for someone who's having a bad day, you two eat as many as you want." His mom quickly added, pointing towards the kitchen. Virgil nodded.

"Thank you." 

He brought the cookies and a jar of crofters that he found in the fridge up to his room, putting them on his nightstand for now before he went back downstairs to get two glasses of water.

Back in his room again Virgil found a good movie on Netflix. He already had five pillows and about four blankets on his bed, they would both be comfortable. Virgil wondered if he was the only one who had had the fortune to see Logan sit so wrapped up in blankets that the only thing visible was his head. He looked quite cute all curled up and comfortable.

The doorbell rang, cutting off Virgil's thoughts, and he hurried back downstairs, opening the door to let Logan inside. He gave him a quick smile and gestured for him to come in. Virgil closed the door behind him as soon as he was inside.

"You know you don't have to ring the doorbell, the door is open." Virgil said for what might be the sixtieth time, knowing that Logan wasn't going to listen to that this time either.

"That would be impolite." Logan only said.

"You know, L, you're like a vampire. Only enters if welcomed inside." Virgil said and Logan shook his head wish a scoff.

"You're ridiculous." He said, stepping past him, taking his shoes off and placing them neatly by the other shoes.

"Now that I think about it..." Virgil said, narrowing his eyes at Logan suspiciously, "You rarely go outside, you're pale as hell, and you like books that were probably written in the classic vampire era... Oh my god, my best friend is a vampire!"

Logan let a small chuckle escape him, shaking his head at him yet again. Virgil hid a smile, pleased to have made Logan laugh.

He brought Logan with him up to his room, asking if he'd like to watch Lord Of The Rings, which he of course said yes to, and soon they were both sat on his bed with the first movie playing on Virgil's laptop that were placed half in Virgil's lap and half in Logan's, pushed down a bit so that the jar of cookies were stood in front of it.

Logan had the crofters jar in his hand, dipping cookies into the jelly, as always ignoring Virgil every time he scoffed about it. They made it about halfway through the movie before Virgil noticed Logan was staring off into space, and he decided this was as good as any time to talk. He paused the movie.

"Hey," Virgil said, looking over at Logan who was chewing on a cookie and looked at him with mild confusion when hearing his voice, "um... do you want to talk about it?"

Logan looked away, shrugged. Virgil wondered if Logan would respond at all, and if not he wouldn't pressure him. Neither he nor Logan were people who talked a lot about their feelings and struggles, but if they did it was to each other.

"I don't know. There isn't much to say about my parents. They fight all the time and I would rather not be around them at those times. It is quite exhausting to have to listen to them." Logan reached for another cookie, breaking it in half.

"I just don't understand why they fight all the time. If they have issues they should work on solving them, not spend hours shouting at each other about how everything is the others fault. That won't get them anywhere. I wish that they would just get divorced if they can't stand being around each other that much. I am not taking either of theirs sides in this because neither of them is in the right." Logan quieted and put a piece of the cookie in his mouth, chewing slowly and looking both tired and sad.

"Whatever, let's not dwell too much on their stupidity. You can turn the movie back on Virgil." He then said, and Virgil did as he was told, wishing there was something he could do to actually make Logan feel better, but he was quite powerless in this situation. All he really could do was to distract him and provide him an escape from his own home, which was something at least.

"Thank you for being a good friend, Virgil." Logan said, not smiling but there was a softness in his tone of voice and his expression as he looked at Virgil, and he felt as if his heart had skipped a beat, or whatever else cliché expression suited the sensation.

"It's nothing to thank me for." Virgil mumbled, eyes fixed on the screen as he chased away the wistful mental image of him leaning in to kiss Logan on the cheek, which was not appropriate in this situation.

They both stayed quiet, not having anything else to say, resuming to watch the movie. Logan ended up with his head on Virgil's shoulder after a few minutes and Virgil sat as still as he could in fear that if he moved too much Logan wouldn't want to lean on him anymore. After a while, partly to make himself more comfortable but mainly because of how gay he was for his friend, he put his arm around Logan who thankfully seemed to think nothing of the gesture.

Even when the movie finished neither of them moved from each other, instead they watched the credits while Virgil sought comfort from Logan's presence and hoped that Logan was able to do the same since he was likely the one of them who actually needed comfort at this time.

There was a knock on the door to his room and Virgil shouted to the person to come inside. His mom poked her head into his room. She didn't seem to notice (or more likely, pretended not to notice) how cuddled up they were sitting, Virgil with his arm around Logan and Logan's head on his shoulder.

"Me and Macy are leaving now, we will be back sometime tomorrow since Anne and Jamie insisted that staying over was no issue. I trust that you two will be capable of making dinner soon." She pushed the door fully open, coming inside the room, she was already wearing her jacket and her shoes.

"Yeah, we'll be fine." Virgil said. They'd surely make dinner, but perhaps not a healthy one. Virgil was thinking pancakes, or pizza, or maybe they could just eat chips. Okay... they would maybe eat dinner.

"Don't you worry about us." Logan reassured, glancing at Virgil as if he knew exactly what he was thinking and as if he was already planning how to sneak some vegetables into their food.

"We won't, we know you are responsible." His mother said, very obviously speaking to Logan and not to Virgil.

"Hey!" He said, crossing his arms over his chest, playing offended. His mother laughed, then pulling him into a hug and kissing his forehead.

"Goodbye, don't burn down the house while we're away." She said affectionately, then hugging Logan and kissing his forehead too. She sometimes joked that Logan was their son too since he spent so much time at their place.

Once when Virgil had objected to it, saying he didn't want Logan to be his brother, his other mom had knowingly said 'perhaps our son in law, then'. Virgil hadn't stopped blushing for an hour, he definitely hadn't counted on his mothers having figured out he had a teeny-tiny crush on Logan. Terribly embarrassing, Virgil didn't want anyone to think he had such feelings.

His mom left the room and they could hear Virgil's other mom shout goodbye from downstairs before the front door shut and they were alone. Logan was quietly thinking of something, staring out Virgil's window, and he didn't want to intervene and instead googled a recipe for pancakes on his phone, taking a screenshot of the ingredients and instructions. 

"I wish..." Logan said, sighing deeply, "I wish my parents were more like yours."

Virgil was not sure what to say, he had never been the best at finding comforting words and in this situation he wasn't even sure if there were any to be found. He couldn't offer a solution to Logan's problems like how Logan usually talked him out of anxiety attacks, and he didn't want to say anything pitying either. Instead he shuffled closer to Logan, putting his arms around him in a tight embrace that Logan accepted without complaints.

He leaned his head on Virgil's shoulder again, wrapping his arms around him too, though not as tightly. Virgil felt slightly bad about his feelings for Logan at the moment, because he shouldn't be enjoying having Logan in his arms this much when it was for his comfort.

Virgil did not let go until Logan did, and then he a bit awkwardly moved away, getting down from his bed. Glancing at Logan he got a small genuine smile from him, but he still looked sad and Virgil didn't know what to do. If three hours of Lord Of The Rings, crofters, cookies, and even a hug hadn't helped, then Virgil was at a loss. It pained him, to see his friend looking so down when he could not cheer him up.

"Should we make dinner?" Logan asked and Virgil glanced at the time that his phone displayed.

"Yeah, I guess." He said, even though he wasn't hungry because of all the cookies he had had. But he supposed actually doing something might be fun. Plus, it might take Logan's mind off thing.

"You decide the music." Virgil said holding his phone out for Logan to take. He'd already connected his phone to his little portable bluetooth speaker that stood on his desk. Logan put one of Virgil's playlists on, even if Virgil had several of Logan's own downloaded on his spotify. When Virgil gave him a look Logan just shrugged.

"I have spent too much time with you, your taste in music is rubbing off on me." He said and Virgil grinned widely.

"You don't need to look so pleased." Logan said.

"Yes I do." Virgil assured, because it was a big accomplishment to him. Logan handed him his phone back, ignoring his smile.

"Well, what are we making?" Logan asked as they made their way downstairs, Virgil holding the small bluetooth speaker in his hands and feeling the vibrations from the music playing from it.

"Pancakes? Depends what you feel like." Virgil said, Logan shaking his head.

"Pancakes sounds great." He said and they walked downstairs together. Virgil put his phone on the table with the recipe up and they both spent a moment locating all the ingredients and a bowl, and whatever else they might need.

Logan began cracking eggs into the bowl as Virgil measured up the right amount of milk before pouring it into the bowl too. He stood by the kitchen table and looked out of the window at the world outside, a world that felt oddly far away when he and Logan spent time alone together like this. Right now all that mattered were the two of them.

The sun was setting outside, shining in through the kitchen windows and giving everything a golden tint. And Virgil found himself staring at Logan, silently observing him as he spent far too long measuring up the exact amount of flour needed, quietly, very quietly singing along to the song that was playing from Virgil's speaker with the sun shining right at him.

He looked ethereal.

Virgil's feelings for Logan never really got in the way much, but he actually had to take a step back and bury his face in his hands, thankfully did not notice Virgil's inability to coherently think in this moment.

"Virgil, can you get the whisk?" Logan asked as he poured the flour into the bowl. 

"Yeah, yes, sure. I can." Virgil said, cursing himself for not having formed a better sentence than that, but Logan didn't seem to find anything strange. Perhaps Virgil just always sounded like a mess.

He handed the whisk to Logan and he whisked all the ingredients together while Virgil sat uselessly on a chair by the table and tried not to stare too much at Logan while he did all the cooking. He should probably help him out instead of only sitting nearby while trying to get over how pretty his friend really was, but here he was.

Luckily for him Logan didn't seem to need any help and he happily did the cooking himself, claiming that he was perfectly fine every time Virgil asked if there was anything he could help with.

Virgil busied himself by setting the table, then going back up to his room to get the jar of crofters, because if he knew his friend right then he would gladly put crofters on his pancakes. 

Coming back downstairs again he found Logan once again singing along to the music and Virgil hesitated in the doorway to the kitchen because it was rare to hear Logan really sing. Sometimes he mumbled along to the words, but his true singing voice was beautiful, enough so that their mutual friend Roman, who was also a great singer, kept nagging Logan to sing more often.

Logan refused to and Virgil thought that the three of them, him, Roman, and Patton, were the few very fortunate who had ever heard Logan sing properly. 

Logan looked up from the pan where he had just flipped a pancake, seeing Virgil there in the doorway. He quieted, smiling a bit sheepishly before turning his attention back to the pancakes. 

Fuck, he was pretty. 

Which, yes, Virgil was already well aware of, but the realization often surprised him more than it should, and then Virgil would be staring at Logan like a fool in love while he made his homework or argued with Roman about something or tied his tie or did anything else mundane that shouldn't have Virgil reacting in such a way as it did.

Virgil stared at the set table, trying to see if there was anything he had forgotten, but there wasn't anything else to do so he simply sat down by the table and waited a few minutes until Logan set a plate of finished pancakes on the table and sat down too.

He let Logan begin, then putting a few pancakes on his own plate and pouring a bit of sugar over them. He grabbed his phone from where it was still lying on the table, using his fingerprint to unlock it, finding himself on tumblr in no time. They ate in silence, except for the music that was still playing. 

Logan seemed to be reading an article or something along those lines on his phone, and Virgil had found a tumblr blog that posted funny text posts about his favorite tv show. Though after a while of that he looked over at Logan.

"Hey, I'm just like... assuming that you're staying the night?" Virgil said, which was his way of asking if he needed to find a duvet for Logan or not. 

They'd tried sharing covers before, and they'd learned their lesson. They were both blanket hoggers which did not work out great. Except for the time they'd ended up cuddled really close together instead of repeatedly waking up and finding that the other had stolen the covers, but they'd been really flustered when waking up in the morning. Virgil wasn't sure he could survive that once more now that he even had feelings for Logan too.

"Yes, I'd hope so. I haven't told my parents that I'm here but there is a big chance they still haven't noticed I am not home. Either way I am sure I can stay." Logan said, putting a sickening amount of crofters on his pancakes. Virgil didn't know how to answer that.

"You should probably, like, text them though." Virgil said, not really being able to imagine parents who would not be terribly worried if their child just disappeared. His own moms were fine with him going anywhere, as long as they knew where he was and that he was safe.

"If it is fine by you I would gladly stay over. If my parents bother to ask where I am I will tell them." Logan continued and Virgil felt a strong need to pull Logan into a tight hug and tell him how cared for he really was by so many people, how much he cared about him.

"Of course you can stay, I'd die of boredom without you." He said instead, pushing his empty plate away and waiting until Logan was finished eating too.

Cleaning up after dinner went quick, especially when Logan had finished eating and began helping him. Virgil paused the music that was playing, pocketing the speaker and his phone, turning to Logan. 

"What do you want to do now?" He asked, obviously having a few ideas in mind already but wanting to hear Logan's opinion first.

"Well, we've got the time to watch the next movie, don't we?" Logan said, confirming to Virgil that he had indeed had the luck to find the perfect friend. Sure, Patton and Roman were both great friends of his, but they were a bit too social. Virgil thoroughly enjoyed having at least one friend who did not at all mind spending time by sitting in the same room and barely talking.

"Yeah, perfect plan, dude." Virgil said, perfectly content in knowing that they were going to be doing barely nothing for another three hours, with potentially some near-cuddling too. That thought, well, he certainly didn't dislike it. Not at all. 

After quickly checking that the kitchen was indeed spotless he went back upstairs with Logan. They had considered watching the second movie downstairs where they could watch it on the tv, but they had ultimately decided that Virgil's bed was more comfortable, especially if they were going to, perhaps, watch the third one right after. Then they were probably going to go right to bed afterwards anyway.

Virgil sat down on his bed, leaning against the wall, laptop pulled up into his lap as he found the next movie, very adamant to not look at Logan for even a second while he was changing into sleeping clothes that he got to borrow from Virgil. Once he'd found the movie and Logan had sat down on the bed with him he dared look over but seeing Logan only in underwear and one of Virgil's own loose fitting t-shirts made him avert his eyes again rather quickly.

"Did the, um, pajama pants not ...were they no good?" He asked while trying to not look like he was weirdly flustered. They'd been friends forever and definitely seen each other change or not wearing much clothes before, but Virgil was on full time gay panic mode these days.

"It's always so warm here, I don't really need pajamas at all." He only said. Well, that was definitely true, Virgil would admit he didn't often wear pajamas to bed. Logan looked over at Virgil.

"I will never understand how you can always wear that hoodie." Logan said and Virgil only shrugged, biting on his thumbnail and wondering if he could put his arm around Logan again or not. Logan moved closer to him, close enough so his thigh was pressed to Virgil's and Logan reached a hand out to press play on the movie, the laptop still on Virgil's lap. Virgil pushed it a little to the side until it was more in the middle between them.

About half an hour into the movie he became awfully aware of how Logan's hand was resting on his thigh, and he wondered how he hadn't noticed it until now, His own hand was a mere inch away and Virgil was immediately hit with the realization of how he barely needed to move to hold Logan's hand, and he didn't really think before acting.

With his heart beating a mile a minute he placed his hand on top of Logan's, feeling him tensing, and Virgil looked away as his fingers entwined with Logan's. 

Logan didn't move and Virgil's thoughts began reeling, because now he must've fucked up. Logan was going to think he was weird and creepy and overstepping boundaries and-

Then Logan squeezed his hand, not pulling away from his touch but holding onto him. Virgil felt his face burn and did not dare look at Logan still. It took a good five minutes before Virgil even looked back at the movie playing on the screen, still adamant not to even glance at Logan, and still flustered.

He still wasn't very sure how he had decided to reach out and take Logan's hand. He was too awkward and panicky to do things like these without properly thinking first. Virgil was so deep in thought that he nearly jumped when Logan spoke to him, not having been prepared in the least.

"What?" He said, finally looking at Logan, trying to not look like he had been completely out of it. Logan pushed his glasses up, something Virgil had long ago recognized as one of Logan's nervous habits. 

"Oh, nevermind." Logan said, making Virgil feel a bit bad for not having paid attention.

"No, sorry, what did you say, I'll listen this time." Virgil assured.

"Fine, well, I just wanted to assure that if I ever do something to upset you, you will tell me, right?" He said, sounding hesitant to have even asked. Virgil wondered if this was prompted by his behaviour, had he somehow made Logan think he was upset with him?

Though... they were indeed currently sitting on his bed and holding hands so, no, perhaps that was not the case.

"Yeah, I will. Over text most likely since I'd probably be too anxious otherwise. Why? Do I seem upset?" He asked, just to make sure.

"No, quite the opposite," Logan said and Virgil felt that weird, stupid, fluttery feeling in his chest when Logan looked down at their intertwined fingers, "I just want to assure that if we would end up in disagreement we will resolve it, and not, you know..."

Virgil understood precisely what Logan meant, and he nodded, even managing a small smile (not that it was too difficult to smile when looking at Logan). Virgil did not want them to go around being upset and not talking about it, if they would ever get in a fight or anything, and he understood why Logan would be worried about it, what with his parents who seemed to never properly deal with disagreements.

"Good." Logan only said, focusing on the movie again and not paying Virgil any attention when he kept stealing glances at him. For some very stupid reason he, in this moment, wanted to tell Logan that he loved him and that nothing could upset him enough to stop loving him. Even if he felt like this might not be the best time to do such a thing. Though was there ever a good timing in which he could simply say such a thing? 

No, probably not.

He pushed all those dumb loving thoughts about his friend out of his head and focused on the movie, making it through the rest of the movie and then the next one and after that even a while of talking without getting too close to saying anything that could jeopardize their friendship.

Then Logan had yawned, hiding it behind his hand (which was cute, why the hell was everything Logan did cute? Fuck.) After that he had pulled Virgil down so that they were both lying down together (which had Virgil have an internal gay crisis, yet again), mumbling that it was late and that they should sleep. Virgil was surprisingly tired, even though he stayed up late quite often, and therefore agreed, carefully taking Logan's glasses from his face so he wouldn't fall asleep with them still on.

He had planned on making it so they had their own blankets to sleep with, but he had forgotten about it and was way too tired to deal with that now, plus, Logan had his arm around Virgil's waist and he was cuddled up to Virgil's chest, and he was busy resisting the temptation to run his hand through Logan's hair and kiss the top of his head.

Sadly he was too awkward and nervous to do anything like that. But he did wrap an arm around Logan, hearing him let out a small content sigh. Logan and him had never cuddled like this before, but Virgil of course didn't mind it one bit, even if his heart was beating unusually hard.

"This is much more pleasant than sleeping alone." Logan mumbled, voice low and laced with sleep and he opened his eyes to sleepily look at Virgil while Virgil pretended that he wasn't aware of how easy it would be to inch closer and kiss him. Stupid, useless gay brain.

"Yeah, agree." Virgil said, hoping that Logan couldn't see how very flustered he was. He likely could, based on the small smile on his face. The smile faded slowly until he looked more serious, and Virgil found himself feeling rather nervous about how Logan was looking at him now.

"Virgil, I apologize if this is weird of me to ask you at a time like this, but based off of the fact that we have today held hands for several hours while watching movies, and how flustered you can get when I am close like this, or how hard your heart  is beating..." Logan placed his hand on Virgil's chest as if to check to prove his point, and Virgil wondered if it was possible or not for his face to set on fire from blushing too much, because right now it didn't feel like a too out of line possibility.

"Is it possible that you would like to accompany me on an outing, a date to be more precise? Because, I will admit, I would like that very much and I have been meaning to ask you for a while." Logan finished.

Holy shit. Virgil was very much too gay to make it if Logan was going to say things like that out of nowhere, and he was extremely embarrassed over the fact that even Logan had noticed his feelings for him. How bad was he at hiding it? Much worse than he had thought, apparently.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Virgil said after managing to find his voice again as it had tried to leave him on his own, it protested by making his response come out rather quietly, but at least he didn't stutter or stumble over his words or anything else.

"Perfect, we will discuss it more in the morning." Logan smiled, pulling the covers up a bit and cuddling closer.

"I would like to thank you for cheering me up today, by the way, ...I needed it." Logan said, then telling him good night and falling asleep within a few minutes like he always did, while Virgil stayed awake for much longer than that and wondering if he would have stopped blushing until the morning or if this was his permanent state of being now.

He had a date with Logan, just like that. No, Virgil would probably never stop blushing after this.


Written: 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th December 2019 & 1st January 2020
Published: 18th February 2020
Words: 5275

I don't care how long I've known you, I will not enter the house before someone opens the door for me

and uh yeah have this whatever this is haha my confidence in my writing suckssss lately rip me lol

I hate that I'm not following my publishing schedule ugh

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