[157] - Meeting Parents

Warnings: slight mention of a homofobic mother and the tiniest hint of a father thats out of the picture (aka, his existence isn't mentioned) but otherwise no


"Dad, father," Logan said, looking at his parents who were sat in their living room and intently watching the tv, "I've got something I'd like to say."

"What is it, darling?" His father, who was lying over almost the entire couch and with his head in his husband's lap, said. Both of them had abandoned whatever show was playing on the tv and were now looking at him with interest, both calm which they would likely stop being once Logan had said what he'd come to tell them.

"Don't tell me you're straight." Logan rolled his eyes and his dad looked down at his husband with a scoff, flicking a finger against his cheek in what was supposed to be a scolding manner.

"Roman, my love, be quiet. Logan, what were you going to say?" Logan sat down on the little bit of couch that was left for him. His dads knew very well he liked boys (and Logan knew that even if he was straight that wouldn't be a problem, that'd be absurd, his father just thinks he is funny).

"Right, well, I have figured that it is time that I tell you that I've got a boyfriend." Logan said and his father immediately sat up with a gasp, almost knocking his head into his husbands and Logan resisted the urge to once again roll his eyes at his fathers.

"What! Patton did you ear that? Logan tell us everything! Where did you meet, when did you get together, what's his name, when will we meet hi-" He started, just as Logan knew he would. He had expected an abundance of questions but thankfully his father was silenced by his dad putting his hand over his mouth to stop him from continuing on with his ramble.

Undoubtedly they were both just as excited and eager for him to tell them every detail, which Logan was not terribly keen on but he had been planning on telling them about this for weeks now and supposed a few questions could be answered.

"His name is Virgil, we met through school since we share two classes but we only really started talking since we're both part of the debate club and the school's gsa. I enjoyed his company and he seemed to return the sentiment which led to us  spending time together. We have been boyfriends for two months and a few days." He said. Just the reminder of that almost made Logan smile.

"Will we get to meet him?" His dad asked carefully, clearly hoping it would be soon, which it would since the only reason Logan was really telling them all this was because he wanted to bring Virgil over. They did not really have anywhere better to spend time after school.

"Perhaps I will bring him over today after school. It depends." Logan said, having already discussed this with Virgil many times but he knew that Virgil might decide whenever that today wasn't a good day, and Logan respected that. If Virgil felt too anxious then this could wait.

"What food does he like? I'll cook something special!" His dad pushed up his glasses and grinned excitedly, always excited to cook.

"I'm not quite sure, but whatever you cook is probably fine. He has no allergies." Logan said, not adding anything else since he'd said everything he'd needed to now.

"Okay. I'm really happy that you told us this." His dad said, smiling proudly as he'd always been prone to do whenever Logan shared anything with them, something Logan supposed had stayed with his dad ever since they'd first adopted Logan eleven years ago and been faced with a child that barely talked and despised feelings.

They'd somehow made him open up soon enough and both his dads loved to tell him about how they could never get him to be quiet and stop asking questions about everything after that. Logan couldn't say he despised feelings any longer either but they were sure inconvenient and hard to understand, that notion he stood by.

His dad held his arms opened wide, hands motioning for him to come closer. Logan gave him a sceptical look.

"Dad, I'm almost an adult." He said but still stood up and sat down in his dad's lap so he could be pulled into a bone-crushing hug.

"You'll always be our little boy and you'll never be too old for me to hold you."

"Right." Logan never did know what to say when faced with such statements.

"Don't leave me out..." His left out father said, throwing his arms around them both and Logan was now trapped in between the both of them, wondering if he could escape it by wiggling out of the embrace and down on the floor. 

"I have to go to school." Logan tried, but to no avail, for now he was stuck in his fathers arms.

"Have you even had breakfast? You're not going to school without breakfast." His dad said and Logan momentarily hesitated before shaking his head. He knew they wouldn't believe him if he said yes anyway so he might as well be honest.

"I thought so. I made you a sandwich, it's on the kitchen table and you can bring it to school to eat later if you don't want it now." Reluctantly he was let go to go and get his breakfast. 


"You're sure you are alright with this?" Logan asked for what perhaps was the third time in the last twenty minutes, and his boyfriend gave him a look that he wasn't entirely sure how to read. Logan wanted to be sure though, they were stood right by his front door and it was the last chance to back out if Virgil would want to.

"I'm nervous, but it's fine, I can handle it." Virgil said, tugging a bit on Logan's hand which he was holding onto and Logan leaned in, standing on his tiptoes, and quickly pecked him on the lips.

They had after all wanted to do this for weeks, but before bringing Virgil home he had had to let his dads know they were dating since Logan was well aware of the fact that his dad's could read him like a book and that they'd know of their relationship the second they saw them anyway.

"Remember to just tap my hand if either of my dads get too… annoying at any point during the evening and I'll make an excuse for us to leave." Logan said, having already planned precautions in case Virgil would become overwhelmed or anxious which he was well aware that Virgil could become during social events, and his dads could be a lot to handle sometimes.

"Yeah, I remember, stop worrying." Virgil said and smiled a little and Logan had to ignore the impulse to kiss him again.

"We should probably go inside now because I can see my father spying on us from behind the kitchen curtain." Logan said, glad that no one had been watching a minute ago. Virgil made a nervous noise but nodded, taking a tighter grip to Logan's hand.

Logan looked his father right in the eyes and his face immediately disappeared from the window. Logan sighed softly, reaching for the door handle and opening the door. As he had suspected his dad's were already waiting in the hallway, smiles on their faces and barely contained excitement.

"Hello, I'm home." He said as he stepped inside, Virgil following and closing the door behind them. He took his shoes off and was vaguely aware of Virgil doing the same behind him. 

"Hey." Virgil said and Logan could practically hear his nervousness in his voice. Logan squeezed his hand reassuringly, not having let go of him yet.

"Hi, Virgil, right?" His dad held his hand out for Virgil to take and Logan was thankful that he wasn't going in for a hug immediately.

"Yeah, that's me." Virgil said and he smiled that shy, small smile that were one of the things that had had Logan falling for him a few months ago. His smile was one of the most beautiful things that Logan had had the fortune to see. Virgil took his dad's hand with his free one and shook it.

"We're very happy to meet you, you're welcome here at any time." His dad said and was then shooed off to the side while his father shook Virgil's hand too.

"Thank you." Virgil said, still clearly shy but with a more honest smile that Logan was happy to see. He knew Virgil was worried that his dads wouldn't like him or something along those lines but Logan knew that that was nothing to worry about.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour or so, but you don't need to keep track of the time or anything, I'll just shout." His dad said, likely well aware of the fact that Logan and Virgil wanted to leave for his room as soon as possible.

"Yes, thank you. We'll be in my room." Logan said, his dads nodding and disappearing out into the kitchen where they were surely either going to begin or continue making dinner. Logan looked back at Virgil and then showed him up the stairs and into his room.

"Your dads seem really nice." Virgil said as he stepped into the room. It was the first time he'd been there although Logan knew Virgil had already seen most of it during the times they had skyped (and they had skyped a lot ever since they became friends, even though a lot of skype calls had just been them silently studying together).

"Yes, they are. Though I'm sorry in advance for how embarrassing they will surely be at some point this evening. I pray they will not bring out the pictures from my childhood." Logan said and remembered the time a few years ago when his father had assured him that he and his dad would have a lovely time sharing stories from when he was little with whoever he eventually dated.

"That's alright. A much preferable reaction compared to how my mom would react if I would tell her you're my boyfriend." Virgil said and made a face that was a sort of grimace with a smile. Logan gave him a look and held his arms open, inviting Virgil for a hug that he hoped would cheer him up enough not to think about his mother for now. Virgil gladly stepped into the embrace.

"You're sure your dads won't barge into your room?" Virgil asked, arms thrown over Logan's shoulders as Logan momentarily tightly held onto him before loosening his grip. He felt Virgil's hand at the nape of his neck, his other hand resting on his shoulder now as they closely stood face to face since Virgil hadn't taken a step back.

"Yes, they always knock and does not enter before I tell them to because they respect my privacy." Logan said, looking away from his boyfriend's lips and meeting his eyes instead. 

"Okay, good." Virgil said and pulled Logan in that little bit closer and kissed him, careful and gentle and Logan thought that he would be quite fine if they stayed like this for the whole evening. Though of course they parted a moment later, Virgil smiling softly at him.

"You're short." Was all he said, with a loving tone of voice, and Logan grunted a little tiredly (he was well aware of the fact, even more so lately since Virgil kept reminding him). Virgil pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Short and cute."

"Oh, be quiet." Logan said, no real force in it but it inconvenienced him that Virgil saying such things made him feel flustered while it made Virgil feel very amused.

"Anyway, did you want to watch Netflix or should we do something else?" Logan said, feeling that it was for the best that he changed the subject before Virgil said something that would have him blushing (which wasn't hard to do to be honest, anything affectionate and sweet would do the job).

"Oh, yeah, we need to watch this one show on Netflix, it's gay and I need you to get into it too so we can talk about it." Virgil said with a grin and Logan smiled, making a gesture towards his bed which was the most comfortable place in his room if they were going to be sitting down together.

"I'll get my laptop."


Written: 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th November 2019
Published: 1st January 2020
Words: 2140

Heyyyy happy new years guys!! I hope you'll all have a good year <3

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