[151] - Anniversary

Human au

Warnings: says fuck once, hint at smut at end I guess because I do what I want

Summary: 7 year anniversary celebrated with take out and a calm night in

D o m e s t i c b o y s


As Virgil got home, having taken his jacket and shoes off and put his bag down by the door, he found his husband in the living room. He was asleep on the couch, their pet cat curled up into a small and fluffy ball on his chest.

Virgil smiled to himself at the sight, lingering for a bit before going into the kitchen, searching through the cupboards for a vase. He'd bought flowers on his way home, thinking that today was the perfect day to do such a thing. Plus, he knew Logan appreciated flowers, and he loved surprising his husband.

He found a decent vase (they only had, like, two to choose between), filled it with water and put it on the table, flowers in it. It looked fine, and Logan could not miss seeing it if he was anywhere close to the table.

He observed the flowers for a moment, enjoying the thought of how Logan would smile when he saw them. He loved doing these small things that he knew would have him smiling, it was one of his biggest joys, even after all these years of knowing Logan.

Virgil turned around, going back out into the small hall and grabbing his backpack, back in the kitchen he unpacked the few groceries that he'd bought as he stopped by the store on the way home. A bag of marshmallows, cocoa powder, crofters jam, a few apples, and a clove of garlic. Those were all the things that Virgil had been able to remember they had on their shopping list.

He put the groceries in the right places, except for the marshmallows and the cocoa powder which he left on the kitchen table. Then he opened the cupboard to the pots and pans, looking for a pot in a reasonable size for making hot chocolate. Which was something he'd craved all day.

He grabbed one, turning towards the stove, but the pot slipped from his hands, landing on the floor with a bang that was much louder than Virgil had wished for it to be.

"Fuck!" Virgil swore loudly, then remembering his sleeping husband in the other room, and the fact that he was supposed to try to swear less.

"I mean, 'oops'." He whispered to himself, bending down and picking it back up, setting it down carefully on the stove. Then he tiptoed to the fridge, almost stumbling on their cat who were now stroking himself against Virgil's ankles, opening the fridge slowly and taking the opened carton of milk, almost as if him being extra quiet now would weigh up for the noise he'd just caused.

When closing the fridge again he saw a sleepy Logan leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest and lips pulled into the softest of smiles. Virgil moved and put the milk carton next to the stove, gesturing for Logan to come closer.

"I thought I heard your voice." Logan said, still with that smile, leaving his spot in the doorway and walking up to Virgil.

"Hey, sorry for waking you." Virgil said, Logan only shrugging. Virgil put an arm around Logan's waist, pulling him in a little closer, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"How was work?" Logan asked, watching Virgil's movements as he poured up milk in the pot and turned the stove on.

"Boring, today felt like several weeks. I just wanted to come home to you. I wish I had been allowed to take today off too, you bastard." Virgil said, definitely jealous of Logan, who had not been to work today. If Virgil knew him right, and he should by now, he'd spent the day watching Sherlock for possibly the twentieth time.

"Well, you are home with me now." Logan pointed out as Virgil rummaged through a kitchen drawer for a whisk.

"Yeah, finally." Virgil said, definitely relieved that work was over for today (he didn't want to think about tomorrow). He closed the drawer after finding what he was looking for.

"What are you making?" Logan asked as Virgil began to stir the milk, afraid that it'd burn in the bottom as it'd ruin everything.

"Oh, just some hot chocolate. Have been craving it for hours. Plus, I bought those small marshmallows that you like, we can put them in it." Virgil said, pointing towards the kitchen table where he'd thrown the bag without turning from the pot. Logan immediately left his side to retrieve it, and Virgil avoided looking after him as he knew Logan had just seen the flowers he'd bought.

Virgil busied himself with measuring up cocoa powder and sugar, then dumping it into the milk.

As expected there was a short pause in Logan's steps before he heard the rustling of the marshmallow bag that Logan grabbed, Logan soon returning to his side. An arm found its way around Virgil's middle and Logan's head leaned on his shoulder.

"Did you buy me flowers?" Virgil didn't have to even look at him to know he was smiling, it was evident in the tone of his voice, but he glanced at him anyway, having to see that pretty smile of his now that he had the chance again.

"Yeah, I did... And check this out, the woman in the shop said each flower has a meaning, which I found really cool. Red roses to symbolize romantic love, of course, purple alstroemeria for devotion. Freesia's because it is the flower of the seventh anniversaries and it's supposed to symbolize how much I love and appreciate all your unique characteristics." Virgil said, slightly proud of himself to have remembered all that.

"Also carnations for pride and beauty, because we have pride, and you sure have beauty." Virgil said, feeling as if he might be starting to sound like their mutual friend Roman, but he disregarded that with the thought that this day, if any, he was allowed to sound like Roman.

"How very thoughtful." Logan pressed a small kiss to Virgil's cheek, the arm around him tightening for a moment. Virgil was probably the only one who could tell how Logan shone with subtle joy. Virgil leaned against Logan, stealing his stability and his warmth for just a moment while Logan attempted to open the marshmallow bag, failing.

Virgil continued to stir the hot chocolate, which would be done at any moment, as Logan continuously failed to rip the bag open. Virgil reached for the scissors.

"Is the bag defeating you?" He said, holding out a pair of scissors for Logan to take and use, Logan only muttering something and pretending not to see the scissors and instead used his teeth to open it. It ripped open a bit too much and at least five mini marshmallows fell to the floor.

"Shame on you, letting the caveman instinct win." Virgil said, tutting at him as he lifted the pot off the stove and turned it off.

"Shush, it's quicker." Logan opened the cupboard with his free hand, bringing out their favorite cups and putting them on the counter before kneeling and gathering up the dropped marshmallows. Virgil watched out of the corner of his eye as Logan blew on the marshmallows in an attempt to remove any dust on them before putting them all in his mouth.

Virgil poured the drink into their cups, putting the empty pot in the sink to be washed later. He carried the cups over to their kitchen table, Logan following while eating more of the marshmallows.

"Do you want some in yours?" Logan said as he sat down, making a gesture with the bag of marshmallows. Virgil nodded, sitting down he too and watching with slight amusement as Logan pulled the cups close and then spent at least a whole minute or two sorting the marshmallows into their cups, making sure they both got the same amount of all the same colors.

Virgil rested his chin in his hand, sighing softly as he gazed at Logan who finally seemed to deem the amount of marshmallows enough, leaving the rest in the bag and slowly pushing Virgil's cup towards him.

"There." He said, looking up and meeting Virgil's eyes, raising his own cup and taking a small sip from it, being careful to not tilt it too much as there were many mini marshmallows that threatened to fall from his cup. Logan was such a sweet tooth, Virgil remembered that it had surprised him as they started dating all those years ago, Logan just didn't seem like one, as serious as he always acted.

"Thank you, my starlight." Virgil said, hands wrapping around the warm cup, restraining himself from tasting it just yet as it was scalding hot and he always managed to burn his tongue, no matter how careful he was as he drank. Instead he gave Logan a stare of should-you-really-be-doing-that as he kept eating of the marshmallows left in the bag.

"You're spoiling your appetite." Virgil joked, Logan then of course having to stuff a fistful of marshmallows into his mouth just to spite him. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"By the way. What are we going to eat? I still fully agree on your plan to order some take out on this special day." Virgil said, feeling far too lazy to cook and also liking the idea of some fast food as they rarely ate something that was not home cooked.

"Yes, I was thinking perhaps spring rolls is a good idea." Logan suggested, and Virgil almost gasped.

"Hell yes, I'd actually kill for spring rolls." He said as he took a sip of the hot chocolate, trying to hide from Logan that he, of course, managed to burn his tongue.

"Thankfully we don't have to do that, we only have to pay for them." Logan said and gave him a look that very obviously told him that neither of them would be committing any felonies on their anniversary.

"As long as you're the one ordering." Virgil said, not wanting to be the one to deal with that, also knowing that Logan didn't mind doing it.

"Give me a few minutes." He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Virgil went and got two teaspoons from one of the kitchen drawers while Logan looked up takeout places that had spring rolls. He sat down again, using one of the spoons to stir the melting marshmallows into his drink, the other one he left for Logan to grab if he wanted to use it.

Perhaps the normal for couples were to celebrate an anniversary with a fancy date or maybe even a small trip away, but neither of those ideas appealed too much to either Virgil nor Logan. They were both very happy to simply stay in and appreciate one another's company without having to put so much effort into it. Fancy dates never really had been their thing.

Stargazing was, but it was very cloudy out so their next stargazing date would have to wait.

No, Virgil and Logan had talked a bit about the possibility of doing something special on their anniversary but both had agreed that what they most of all wanted was a lazy evening just the two of them. Neither of them fully understood why an anniversary should be such a special and loving day when they could be spending every day together showing each other how much they loved and valued the other.

"Done, the app says our food will be here in half an hour." Logan said, Virgil happily smiling at that statement.

"You're amazing, Lo." He said, Logan scoffing at that but not arguing against it. Their drinks had cooled slightly, at least enough for Virgil not to burn his mouth, and therefore it only took another minute until their cups were empty. Virgil stretched his arms over his head, then letting them fall into his lap and he sighed contently.

"Couch?" Virgil asked and Logan nodded, them leaving their empty cups on the table as they moved to the living room, Virgil sitting down and leaning back against the couch cushions, even putting his feet up on the table and ignoring how Logan cleared his throat pointedly. Virgil only smiled sweetly and Logan let it go, leaning back into the couch cushions.

"Put some music on, please." He said and tilted his head to look at Virgil, not looking like he was going to move any time soon. Virgil got his phone out of his jeans pocket with much difficulty, connecting it to the tv, which was connected to their speakers, pressing shuffle on one of Logan's playlists (that Virgil had saved on his spotify too just in case of situations like these).

Virgil put his phone down next to him on the couch, moving closer to Logan, letting his hand cup Logan's cheek and for a moment he sat there simply admiring his husband.

"Hello there." Logan said and pulled Virgil in for a quick kiss. Virgil refrained from pouting, a short kiss was better than no kiss.

"Entertain me until the food is here." Virgil said, using his free hand to poke Logan's cheek repeatedly until Logan swatted his hand away.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" He asked. Virgil let go of him, lying down so he had his head on Logan's thighs, taking unnecessarily long to get comfortable.

"I don't know. Tell me about your day?" Virgil looked up at Logan expectedly, not thinking Logan would be telling him something very interesting, but what did that matter.

"Oh, I haven't done much. After you left for work, I went back to bed and slept for two more hours. Then I woke up and had breakfast while watching Sherlock, which was all I did half the day. Had leftovers from yesterday for lunch. Did some laundry so your favorite t-shirt is clean now. Then I took a nap until you got home." Logan said resting one of his hands on Virgil's stomach, the touch making him jump a little.

"That sounds nice. Wish I'd been home all day too." Virgil sighed, staring up at Logan's face, imagining just how lazy he would have been all day if he had indeed spent it at home with his husband.

"I would likely not have gotten around to doing the laundry then since I know from experience that you would've kept me on the couch for cuddles the whole day." Logan said, poking his stomach and making Virgil flinch again. He gave Logan a sour pout.

"That's what you signed up for when you married me." He then said, making Logan's lips twitch into a smile.

"And I have never regretted that decision." He said softly, Virgil snorting immediately and rolling his eyes.

"Sap." He reached one of his own hands out, placing it on top of Logan's and lacing their fingers together, their clasped hands resting on his stomach. Virgil had never regretted marrying Logan either. It was probably the one decision he'd made that had been only good.

"What did you do at work that was so terribly boring then?" Logan asked and Virgil grimaced at being reminded of work. He really needed to get a new job, too bad it was so terribly difficult.

"Nothing interesting, my boss yelled at two of my coworkers before noon. Then he yelled at me. Sometimes I'm almost tempted to go back to school just to get a better job. Too bad school sucks and I'd rather die." Virgil said with an exaggeratedly sad sigh. Logan hummed and patted Virgil on the head with his free hand. Virgil let his eyes slip shut, letting the music and the warmth from Logan distract him from the fact that he was hungry and his boss was crap.

They were practically left doing nothing, only waiting for their food to arrive, Virgil slightly convinced he'd starve to death if the delivery guy didn't come with their food within the next ten minutes. Logan was quietly singing along to the song that was playing through the speakers, fingers tapping along to the beat against Virgil's stomach.

It almost tickled at first but Virgil ignored that and let Logan continue on, mostly because he knew that any interfering would make Logan stop singing and Virgil definitely did not want that. Despite having an amazing voice Logan rarely sang and therefore Virgil treasured every moment he did. (His singing was very special to Virgil, Logan always cave in and sing for Virgil when he couldn't sleep or if he was having an especially exhausting day. It always made Virgil feel better.)

The doorbell rang, Virgil's eyes snapping open and he sat up. Logan quieted immediately, likely a bit startled from Virgil's sudden movements.

"Food?" He said excitedly, seeing how Logan almost smiled.

"I'll go get it." He offered, getting up from the couch and disappearing out of the room, soon returning with what was definitely their food, Virgil swearing in delight and earning a look from Logan. Right, he wasn't supposed to swear.

Virgil got a pitcher of water, two glasses, and two plates from the kitchen which he somehow managed to carry out to the living room in one go without dropping anything. Last time he'd made them both tea he'd managed to drop one of the cups (thankfully his own) and had had to spend a while sweeping porcelain and wiping tea from the floor.

"I've never been this excited for food before." Virgil said, setting everything down on the coffee table and watching as Logan opened up their boxes with food and sat down.

"That's a lie, remember last weekend when I had made lunch and you ran to the kitchen so fast that you tripped and fell?" Logan poked Virgil's thigh where they both knew he still had a bruise.

"Shush, no time for talking, only eating." Virgil said, putting the palm of his hand on Logan's face to push Logan away a bit.

Virgil had planned on them watching an episode of some show while eating, but that was completely forgotten about as soon as they had food on their plates, Virgil only realizing when they'd both finished eating and leaned back against the soft couch cushions with content sighs.

"We should order takeout more often." Virgil said a moment later.

"Yes, but it's healthier with home cooked meals." Logan rolled his head to the side to look at Virgil.

"That's true, and your cooking is amazing so I guess it's fine if we don't order take out that often..." Virgil mumbled.

"You literally work in a kitchen Virgil, stop trying to convince me that my cooking is better than yours." Logan gave him a look that was slightly amused, as always, and Virgil sent him the sweetest smile he could manage (which wasn't difficult since the sight of Logan always made it so easy to smile).

"I will not." He said, nudging Logan's shoulder with his head. Logan refrained from saying anything else but he reached a hand out and let his fingers trail down Virgil's arms, fingertips brushing the back of his hand until Virgil turned it so they could lace their fingers together.

He squeezed Virgil's hand tightly and then pulled it into his lap where he held it between both of his hands. Virgil nuzzled his head against Logan's shoulder and closed his eyes, feeling how Logan was playing with his fingers and touching his wedding band.

Virgil peeked through one eye down at his wrist watch, then straightening himself up again excitedly, pulling his hand free from Logan's grasp and he climbed into Logan's lap, cupping Logan's face in his hands as he grinned.

"It's just after six, you know what that means," Virgil began and watched as Logan's smile grew, "It has officially been almost exactly seven years since we got married. Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary to you too, Virgil." Logan said, his lips brushing against Virgil's for a moment before Virgil properly pressed his lips to Logan's in a slow, soft kiss that was slightly disrupted by their smiles. Then Virgil pulled back and they both gazed into each others eyes just as fools in love would.

"Seven good years of marriage, if I am allowed to say so myself." Logan said.

"Definitely. There's no one else I could stand for that long." Virgil said, laughing a little when Logan gave him a look of mixed amusement and fondness.

"Don't forget the four years we were dating before we got married, I'd say those were quite significant too." Logan remarked.

"Yes, they were." Virgil said and leaned his forehead against Logan's, closing his eyes for a moment and really feeling the weight of the day settle in. Though no matter the day he'd had Logan always made everything better. He'd sleep well tonight, for several reasons.

"Am I allowed to be a bit sappy?" Virgil then asked. Logan raised his brows.

"After seven years of marriage, I'd think so, yes." He said. Virgil ignored his tone of voice and instead focused on wording the sentence he wanted to say.

"Every day you continue to be the most amazing part of my life, and you make me so, so happy, I really should tell you more often." Virgil murmured, watching how Logan's eyes softened, a quiet sigh escaping him. He held his arms around Virgil as he leaned in and kissed Logan again, a kiss that lasted longer than the last one had but sadly had to end eventually too.

"I almost can't believe we've been together for almost eleven years and that I haven't grown tired of kissing you, it's quite impressive if you really think about it." Logan said, getting that look in his eyes as he always did when he was thinking too much about something that really didn't need much thinking about.

"That's good, I hope you never get tired of it." Vigil said, then kissing Logan again before he had the time to say anything. Then they parted and Logan rested his head on Virgil's shoulder, them sitting wrapped up in each others arms for a moment, neither wanting to move or really having anything they desired to say.

Virgil would have gladly stayed like that for the rest of the evening

"I'm really thirsty." Logan said, making no attempt to reach for his glass. Virgil glanced towards the table, seeing that it was empty anyway, and so was their pitcher with water.

"I'll just go get a glass of water." Logan said, gesturing disappointedly at the empty pitcher.

"You do that." Virgil said, then reluctantly letting go of Logan as he realized he couldn't leave if Virgil was holding onto him. He let go of Logan, slipping down from his lap, allowing him to stand.

"Oh, and take mine too." Virgil reached for his glass, holding it out to Logan who took it with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. Virgil watched Logan as he left, keeping his eyes on the doorway to the kitchen even when he couldn't see Logan anymore.

Virgil pouted at nothing when Logan hadn't returned a whole minute later. How dare he be this slow when Virgil wanted him near? He'd been longing for his husbands attention all day, ever since having to leave for work early this morning, only having had twenty minutes of time together in the morning, twenty minutes of Logan being dead tired because of how late he'd gotten home from work last night, but adamantly waiting for Virgil to leave before going back to bed just to be able to kiss him goodbye.

He glanced at the empty pitcher. It did need refilling, otherwise they might have to go all the way out into the kitchen again. Plus any excuse to follow Logan around was a good excuse. He dragged his lazy ass up from the couch, joining logan in the kitchen where he found him over by the table, smelling the flowers in the vase.

Virgil observed him with a smile (Logan ignored him, but his smile told Virgil he was well aware that Virgil was there) as he filled the pitcher with water, half a minute later feeling the water overflowing and he turned the tap off.

"Are you done smelling the flowers and coming back to the couch soon?" He asked and Logan hastily looked up. He scrunched his nose and frowned at Virgil who only pouted at him. Logan was the first one to duck his head to hide a grin.

"They're pretty, I'd like to appreciate them... But I'll be back in a moment." He said, carefully touching the delicate flowers. Virgil nodded, standing frozen in the kitchen and just looking at Logan for a moment.

Of course, he'd spent many years looking at Logan, there was nothing new to be found, but Virgil just really enjoyed looking at him, it reminded him how handsome his husband really was.

Damn, Virgil really had won the lottery over and over again when meeting, getting together with, and marrying Logan.

"Alright then." He finally said, eyes lingering on Logan for another while before he finally tore himself from the kitchen and walked back out to their living room with the pitcher. He set it down on the table, then allowing himself to drop back down onto the couch.

Virgil stretched himself out over the couch, knowing very well that he wasn't leaving any space for Logan. He heard the sound of the fridge opening and closing, then how Logan grabbed some sort of cutlery from a drawer. He scoffed at the sound of a jar being opened. He knew very well what Logan was up to.

"Logan, my dearest, are you really eating crofters straight from the jar again?" He called, immediately hearing how the lid was screwed back to the jar and it was put back in the fridge.

"No." Came Logan's reply a moment later and Virgil made some sort of noise in between a snort and a laugh.

"How can you even eat? I ate so much I never want food again." Virgil said, wiggling a bit and groaning just for emphasis.

"It's my anniversary, I deserve dessert." Logan defended himself with. Virgil cast what most likely was a very affectionate glance in the general direction of where Logan was.

"Come back to the couch and appreciate your husband. He's starting to think you're going to divorce him for a jar of crofters." Virgil half-shouted back.

"Oh no! How did my husband find out about the plan that I have been scheming for so long?" Logan exclaimed, irony heavily lacing his voice and Virgil laughed. Logan reappeared in the doorway to the living room, their glasses of water in his hands which he set down on the coffee table once he reached it, but he did not join Virgil on the couch again.

Instead he reached his hands out for Virgil, him giving Logan a doubting look. Did he really expect Virgil to stand up when he was this comfortable lying down?

"Get up." Logan said, hands waving him in. Virgil groaned loudly in dismay but got up to his feet anyway, allowing Logan to grab him and pull him close. His pout quickly vanished from his face as Logan's arms looped around him and he was spun around in a circle with Logan.

"What are you doing, Logan?" He asked, all smile-y and trying to sound a bit scolding but failing miserably.

"Nothing." He said innocently, making Virgil snort. He tilted his head and gave Logan a look laced with disbelief.

"Oh, yeah. Nothing. Sure." Virgil snuck his arms around Logan's neck, their noses brushing as they swayed together, slowly spinning around the room to the music.

"What, I can't simply want my husband in my arms?" He pressed an almost kiss to Virgil's lips, then kissing his cheek and his jaw and Virgil decided his answer was good enough. Logan leaned his head on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil softly sang along to the song that was playing, letting one of his hands slowly run through his husbands hair, getting tangled in the strands, his hands then dropping down to his shoulders.

Their friends wouldn't believe their eyes if they saw them now (or any time they were in private), most likely. They weren't as affectionate around others, at least not often. Their affection was reserved for the time they spent together away from other people, and especially reserved for special days like this one.

Logan lifted his head up again, eyes slowly trailing down Virgil's face, pausing by his smiling mouth before flicking back up to Virgil's eyes and asking for silent permission which Virgil granted with a small nod. Logan really did not have to ask or even hesitate.

Logan's lips were instantly on Virgil's, Logan kissing him slowly and gently and Virgil melted into it, again having one hand tangled in Logan's hair and the other now on the nape of his neck. Logan's own hands were definitely wandering lower down his back, not that Virgil could say he minded, or that he was planning on keeping his hands this high up for much longer when there were so many more fun places to put them.

"Let's find somewhere more comfortable." Logan said, not being very subtle at all about his intentions and Virgil nodded, lips finding Logan's again and they became mildly distracted for a moment.

"This was your plan all along when you pulled me up from the couch, wasn't it?" Virgil said, shaking his head at Logan and trying to sound jokingly disappointed. He definitely was not. Logan's hands grabbed his, beginning to urge Virgil with him.

"Oh, as if we both didn't know we'd end up like this sometime during the evening." Logan said, stealing quick kisses and pulling Virgil with him into their bedroom, Virgil gladly letting Logan do so.


Written: 21th, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th & 27th September & 8th, 10th & 11th October 2019
Published: 28th November 2019
Words: 5102

I love writing married analogical so much its so good for the soul, It's just nice to imagine what their day would be like

Also damn, 700 people follow me!! :D

I love u <3

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