[149] - A Somewhat Accidental Confession
I accidentally deleted this in my notes after having written half and cried like an actual baby
Warnings: none that I'm aware of
It's a day late cuz I had to study and then I was forced to go to bed before I finished proofreading ):
It was almost three in the morning, that much Virgil could make out as he squinted at Logan's wrist watch. That meant he'd slept for about twenty minutes, which had been quite unintentional. And so was the fact that he was sitting with his head leaning on Logan's shoulder.
Though he had Logan's arm around his shoulders, so the unplanned cuddling couldn't have been entirely unwanted. At least Logan didn't seem to mind and Virgil was thankful for that.
Virgil was very reluctant to move, after all he was still practically half asleep and Logan was warm and leaning against him was more comfortable than Virgil could've guessed. So he didn't move. He still had full view of the tv, and Logan couldn't see if his eyes were open from this angle. Virgil stayed in place, getting good use of his ability to fake being asleep. He really only had to keep his breathing slow and steady and Logan wouldn't realize.
This was pleasant, sitting like this, their shared blanket lying over their legs, and no one else being around to disturb this moment. Virgil wished they'd have more time like this, just the two of them. It always had him feeling so at peace, being around Logan made him feel calmer in general. Perhaps it was the fact that he was the literal embodiment of logic since logic was what made Virgil's anxiety calm a lot of the time.
Virgil wondered if the movie would end soon and what would happen then. Would Logan wake him up so they could both go to their respective rooms and get some sleep? Or would he perhaps not want to move and instead end up falling asleep on the couch he too? The first option was the most likeable mostly because that one wouldn't mean there was a chance any of the others would stumble upon them sleeping on the couch together.
Logan reached for the remote next to him on the couch, then lowering the already low sound of the movie. Maybe he was scared of waking Virgil, which really wasn't something he should fear as Virgil was already awake (not that Logan knew that). But then, to Virgil's surprise, he spoke. Virgil would rather not admit how close he'd been to moving simply because of how startled he'd been.
"I am aware that you are asleep, Virgil, and I realize that this is very cowardly of me, but I have to have this said and I honestly could not think of any better moment to do this." Logan said or, more accurately, mumbled. Virgil was very unsure where this was going, he resisted the urge to hold his breath in fear. Maybe it was because of the late hour and his inability to form decisions but Virgil still not make Logan aware of him actually being awake.
Admittedly, he was curious to find out what Logan didn't dare to tell him when he didn't think Virgil was sleeping. He was indeed scared that he had somehow done something to upset Logan and that this was Logan's way of getting it off his chest, or perhaps he was going to tell Virgil how annoying he really were, but despite Virgil's ability to overthink there was something that told him that this was not the case this time. But he couldn't put his finger on what it was.
"I understand that it might be considered strange, or at the very least unexpected, as I have always claimed to be emotionless, but that has proven far too many times to be a false claim. You being the ultimate proof I suppose." Logan's fingers brushed along Virgil's arm in a gesture that had Virgil's heartbeat quickening up considerably (though the words helped too) and he felt as goosebumps spread over his whole arm.
He thanked the fact that he was still wearing his long sleeved purple shirt instead of his pajama shirt which was a t-shirt, that meant that that reaction was not noticeable.
"I suppose in saying this now I hope that the words will stop trying to leave my mouth in the most inconvenient of moments so, here goes." Logan said and Virgil felt how he leaned his head back, most likely staring up at the ceiling now.
Logan was silent, the only sounds to be heard were both of their breathing and the voices and music from the movie that was still playing on the tv. Virgil had lost all concept of what was going on in the movie when he'd fallen asleep and he was honestly not interested in it anymore.
Virgil was unaware of how much time passed, but he'd dare say there was at least a minute of silence. Virgil found himself wondering if Logan was going to speak again at all. Perhaps he'd fallen asleep, that was not unlikely at three in the morning, or perhaps he'd decided that whatever he was going to say was better left unsaid.
Then he heard Logan let out a long sigh and before he knew it he was speaking again.
"Virgil, I love you." The words were barely a whisper but they would not have been more direct or clear, and Virgil had to use all his self control not to audibly gasp, but somehow he managed to keep his breathing slow and calm, much unlike his heart which was beating with a much quicker rhythm than earlier.
Logan loved him?
Virgil being Virgil he was very unsure of how to handle this situation. Of course he could pretend to still be asleep until Logan fell asleep too, avoiding what was happening completely. Or he could pretend to wake up in a few minutes and then suggest they went to bed and finished the movie some other day, also avoiding the situation completely.
But there was this small problem with either of those plans; they meant Virgil's feelings would still go unsaid while Logan's were (unbeknownst to Logan himself) out in the open. The thought of that still being unsaid was about as torturous to Virgil as it had apparently been to Logan.
Therefore he did what seemed to be the most rational action, even though it was three in the morning and Virgil maybe shouldn't be trusting what he found rational. But fuck it.
"...I love you too, Logan." The sentence was murmured about as quietly as Logan's had, but the effect the words had on Logan were much different. As Virgil had done everything he could not to show any signs of comprehension Logan was quite the opposite. Virgil felt how he stiffened all over, he thought he might have actually stopped breathing too. Virgil pushed himself away from Logan a bit, just to be able to look at him.
"I- I- Virgil, you, um, I-" He stuttered, moving back a bit, his arm disappearing from around Virgil and his face quickly going bright pink, even more so than the time Patton had filmed him eating Crofters straight out of the jar at 1am and then shown all the others during breakfast.
"How long have you been awake?" He asked, looking about as mortified as Virgil thought one could, and he felt slightly sorry to have overheard something that he was so obviously not supposed to hear.
"Like, um, like ten minutes? Less?" He said, Logan then pressing his hands over his face, maybe to hide his blush or maybe because of something else.
"Why didn't you tell me? You could have- you shouldn't have-" Logan didn't seem to know what he was supposed to say or do, and Virgil felt that he too was just as unprepared for this situation. Just yesterday he'd told himself that never would another living soul know of his feelings for Logan, and now they had both just confessed to each other. Though, at least Virgil had done so intentionally.
"Not important, can we backtrack a little bit to the part where we both said... that thing we said?" Virgil said, apparently not able to say those words for a second time. He'd run out of bravery (or perhaps idiocy, only time would tell) and he was suspecting that he might be just as flustered as Logan by now.
Logan seemed to now realize exactly what phrases had been exchanged, perhaps having been too mortified to hear that Virgil was awake to really comprehend what Virgil had said. Whatever his thoughts were at least Logan lowered his hands from his face, meeting Virgil's eyes.
"Oh," He breathed, and Virgil couldn't make out if it was a sigh of relief or surprise, but nevertheless they might be getting somewhere soon, "yes, right."
"Yeah." He said, apparently neither of them being the best at forming real sentences at this moment, them both staring at each other and not saying anything for a moment.
"I had not planned on you... hearing me. I was not ready to actually tell you." Logan said, ducking his head a little bit, hands wringing together tightly in his lap. Virgil reached a hand out and placed it on top of Logan's.
"Um. If it is to any consolation I had not planned to let you know any time soon either." He said, not sure how that would help since it only meant they were both awkward and confused as to what to do in a situation like this, bust at least Logan looked up at Virgil again.
"What do we- what do we do now? I am not quite clear on the step after confessing, I never thought I would be getting this far." Logan admitted, Virgil adamant not to smile just in case Logan would take it the wrong way.
"I suppose one way to go is to ask you if you'd maybe like to... be my boyfriend? And if that's too quick then maybe a, uh, a date?" Virgil asked, wondering why he had to be the person to ask these questions when he for sure was the most awkward side to ever exist.
Logan smiled a little bit, a smile that really had no right to have Virgil's chest swarming with what felt like butterflies.
"I think I'd enjoy that. Boyfriend. I want to give that a try." Logan said and Virgil couldn't do anything else than agree. He really did like the thought of Logan being his boyfriend, he had known that for quite some time now, and he was incredibly surprised that this was a conversation that was actually happening. Surprised but glad though.
Logan yawned, turning his head away, lifting a hand up to rub his eyes. Virgil couldn't help but to yawn too, the hour of the night reminding itself and Virgil found that he didn't mind the thought of his bed right now. He was honestly quite tired.
"Perhaps it is time for us to go to bed. There is plenty of time for us to talk more about this new part to our relationship when we are a bit more rested." Logan said, smiling reassuringly and Virgil found himself nodding.
"Yeah. Just remind me tomorrow that this was not a dream." He said. It took them a little bit to get up from the couch, Logan turning the movie and the tv off before they tiredly but happily made their way back to their rooms, Logan pressing a quick kiss to Virgil's cheek after they'd both exchanged goodnights.
Normally Virgil would've taken a long while in bed to overthink everything that had just happened between him and Logan, but luckily he fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow.
Written: 29th September 2019
Published: 19th November
Words: 2047
This whole oneshot was written in 63 minutes and I'm impressed with myself pfft
(less impressed at the fact that I cried when accidentally deleting it tho)
Honestly should learn not to write in my notes app tho, this is not the first time this has happened
I hope you liked this, I love you guys❤❤
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