[139] - Change Of Plans
Human au
Warning: fever, sore throat, coughing, logan is sick, says fuck once, virgil internally calls his bladder a whiny bitch at one point
When Virgil rang the doorbell to his boyfriends apartment he'd expected him to open the door looking slightly dressed up, because after all they were supposed to have a date today. But when the door swung open Virgil was met with a slightly disheveled Logan with very messy hair, wearing his pajamas and standing there wrapped in a warm blanket. His eyes widened when seeing Virgil, and he almost dropped the blanket.
"Oh, Virgil. I'm so sorry," Logan said with, voice hoarse, and he sighed and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, "I forgot to text you. I can't go out tonight, I've got a fever and a horrid sore throat."
"Oh. How come? You usually text me before if you have to cancel." Virgil said. It wasn't like Logan to forget things. Then again Logan did look like a mess, an exhausted mess.
"I got this really high fever yesterday and when I got home from work I fell into bed and went right to sleep. I think I slept maybe thirteen hours." Logan blinked tiredly at him, really not looking like he'd gotten enough sleep at all.
"It didn't make me feel any better. After that I've practically been slipping in and out of consciousness while watching Friends. It completely slipped my mind that we were supposed to have our date tonight. Forgive me." He said, looking a bit flustered, but that might as well be the fever.
"Logan, it's alright." Virgil said with a small, reassuring smile. "I'm not going to blame you, you had other things on your mind."
"Thank you, but still, I had looked forward to seeing you, and I'm disappointed that our date will have to wait. Plus I can't believe I forgot..." Logan said, a hand emerging from under the blanket and he tiredly rubbed his eyes.
"Well, I don't have to leave. Unless you don't want to deal with human company while sick, which is totally understandable." Virgil said, not really wanting to abandon him when he was sick.
"You may come inside if you'd like, but I doubt I'd be very good company." Logan said, almost smiling. Virgil certainly had nothing better to do, and if he could make Logan feel any better then it was definitely worth staying.
"Don't be silly, Lo, I don't want to leave you all alone when you're sick." He said, stepping inside, closing the door behind them.
"You're very sweet." Logan mumbled, watching as Virgil took his shoes off. "But don't get too close, I don't want to make you sick, too."
"Sure thing." Virgil said, pulling a slightly reluctant Logan in for a warm, tight hug. Logan mumbled something, probably scolding him, and Virgil grinned when he felt Logan burrow his face into the crook of his neck. He dreaded disentangling himself from Logan, but they couldn't be standing in the hallway for ages. Eventually he took a step back, maybe because he was a bit worried Logan would fall asleep standing.
"How are you feeling right now?" Virgil asked, resting his hand on Logan's forehead, feeling how warm he really was.
"At least the ibuprofen I took two hours ago is keeping my headache at bay, for now. But, I suppose things could be worse." Logan said.
"You're burning up, love." He said with a small sigh and they made it into the living room where logan hurried over to collect a few crumpled up tissues from the coffee table and threw them in the trash can he'd got standing beneath it.
"It's- it's kind of a mess in here. Sorry." He said, sitting down on the couch. Virgil looked around the room. One of Logan's pillows was on the couch, a bunch of unused paper towels, an open book, two empty glasses, and a bowl was on the table. Was this what Logan called a mess? If they moved in together there would definitely be differences in what they saw as clean and not.
He sat down next to Logan, as close as he could. He could definitely agree on that perhaps they shouldn't be kissing while Logan was sick, but he was not going to keep a distance. The chance of attracting a virus wouldn't keep him from his boyfriend.
Logan reached for the remote, unpausing the episode of Friends he was on, and the two of them settled down in silence for a while, maybe Virgil being the one to pay most attention to the episode, Logan seeming too exhausted to really laugh at what was happening.
"I'm just going to get a glass of water." He said after half an episode, about to get up. Virgil placed his hand on Logan's knee, stopping him.
"Don't get up, I'll do it." He said, standing up, taking one of the glasses standing on the coffee table (the one Logan pointed at for him to take), and going to the kitchen. He opened a cabinet and took a glass for himself too. Virgil had spent enough time in Logan's apartment to know where to find such things as a glass.
After all they'd been boyfriends for seven months, Virgil had spent a lot of time at Logan's apartment and Logan had spent a lot of time at Virgil's apartment.
"Have you been eating and drinking enough, love?" Virgil called from the kitchen, filling the glass with water, then rejoining Logan in the living room.
"I've drank two glasses of orange juice and maybe half a glass of normal water." He said, accepting the glass with a grateful smile. Virgil sat down next to him again, taking his free hand as Logan drank.
"And how about food?" Virgil asked, having noted how Logan hadn't said anything about that.
"Um, well, you see I haven't felt very hungry today, and I've mostly been sleeping." Logan said, setting the glass down on the coffee table and leaning against Virgil, him putting his arm around Logan almost automatically.
"Logan." He mumbled warningly. Logan himself always insisted on Virgil never skipping a meal, and when sick it was very important to give the body the energy it needed to fight the virus.
"Virgil, sweetie, it's alright. I've had half a piece of toast around noon, and some heated up soup too. I'm really not hungry, and swallowing hurts my throat." Logan said. Virgil frowned. He wanted his boyfriend to eat, but on the other hand he knew how unwilling he himself was to eat when sick.
It wasn't going to stop him from making his boyfriend eat though, but he was going to leave it for this moment. Instead he pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek, making him whine.
"Verge, you might get sick." He said, trying to push him away a little bit.
"I'll be just fine." Virgil reassured. He rarely got sick, and if he would get sick from this, well then he'd just have to suit himself. Logan brushed the back of his hand against Virgil's cheek, letting out a small sigh. Virgil leaned into the soft touch, almost a bit flustered to meet Logan's eyes, because even if he was fevery and sick and exhausted there was still so much love and fondness for Virgil showing.
Virgil was still amazed at the fact that this man that he loved openly loved him back just as much.
"I'm sorry I'm such boring company, and I must look like a gross mess right now." Logan apologized, pulling the blanket tighter around himself and curling up into a small, shivering ball next to Virgil.
Virgil moved a bit away to be able to properly look at him, then meeting his eyes and smiling.
"Yeah, you do look like a mess. But I still find you adorable, despite how exhausted and fevery you are." He said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Logan's temple. Logan huffed and pulled the blanket up over his face, but didn't say anything. Perhaps too tired to disagree.
"I'm going to go get your duvet, because despite that warm blanket you're still shivering." Virgil said. He wasn't going to just sit there while his boyfriend was cold.
"Thank you." Came a tired response from under the blanket. Virgil smiled to himself, getting up from the couch and quickly getting the covers from Logan's bed, then returning to Logan, who now thankfully had emerged from under the blanket. He tucked Logan in, then sat down next to him, under the duvet he too.
They might as well share their warmth, he thought, and Logan didn't seem to mind as he curled up as close to Virgil as possible.
"You're really cuddly when you're sick, aren't you?" Virgil said softly, an arm reassuringly placed around Logan's shoulders, keeping him close. Virgil absolutely did not mind the abundance of physical contact, and he hoped he hadn't made it sound like he did.
"No energy left for feeling shame." Logan mumbled, and Virgil was relieved to note that Logan was shivering at east a little less.
"Okay, I feel the same awkwardness when I'm being cuddly, but please just know that I'm always just happy that you want to be close to me. Makes me feel special." Virgil mumbled, slightly embarrassed over his sincere and sappy words. The most important thing for him was to make sure Logan knew that any cuddles for him was very, very welcome.
But now Logan was looking at him in that soft way again and Virgil needed to change the subject before he got too emotional.
"Is there anything you think you can eat? Maybe we can order some takeout and we can keep watching this season of Friends that you've got on?" Virgil asked. He severely doubted Logan wanted to cook something, and he didn't know if he'd want Virgil to go around rummaging through his fridge. Plus, Virgil was really not a great cook.
"That's a nice idea, order pizza or something. It seems like something easy to eat." Logan said, and Virgil thanked the heavens that he could order the pizza online without having to call anyone. It only took him a few minutes and then the order was placed.
Virgil kissed Logan's temple, and Logan smiled, but then grimacing and turning away from Virgil, holding an arm up over his mouth and coughing, and just by the sound of it Virgil knew it was the kind of cough that made you feel as if your throat was being shredded. Virgil winced, hand squeezing Logan's shoulder as if that would make the pain subside.
"Fuck, I hate coughing." Logan whispered, using the blanket to wipe the corners of his eyes.
"I could hear that that hurt." Virgil said, definitely pitying Logan. Having a sore throat sucked, but coughing like that on top of it all, that was just cruel.
"I'll go make you something warm to drink. Anything special you'd like?" He asked, Logan shaking his head.
"Just normal warm water with an ungodly amount of honey in it." Logan said, leaning back and closing his eyes. "Thank you."
"A sore throat is the worst thing in existence." He heard Logan complain hoarsely. Virgil might not agree entirely, but it was definitely up there. He made Logan's drink as quickly as he could, having to rummage through two cabinets before finding the honey, and when he got back into the living room he found Logan fast asleep.
Virgil chuckled to himself, setting the cup down on a coaster and carefully rejoining Logan on the couch. He brushed away some hair from Logan's forehead, leaning in and kissing Logan's temple, and perhaps he should stop kissing his sick boyfriends face, but he couldn't help it.
He pulled the blanket and the duvet up, kind of tucking Logan in. The fact that he was still shivering wasn't a very good sign, it meant his fever was getting worse, and that was the last thing Virgil wanted. He would much rather have Logan sweating a lot and throwing the covers off of himself, because at least that would mean he was getting better and his fever was going away. All Virgil really wanted was for Logan to feel better.
He carefully pulled Logan a little closer, wanting to help keep him warm, and Logan immediately nuzzles into Virgil. Logan mumbled something unintelligible in his sleep, maybe having one of those unsettling fever dreams, but he didn't wake up, thankfully. Logan probably really needed all the rest he could get right now.
Virgil stayed close, not daring to get up even when realizing he would need to visit the bathroom soon, because if he moved Logan would surely wake since he was leaning on him, and Virgil settled for not leaving Logan's side until he had to, watching perhaps one or two episodes before the doorbell rang, effectively waking Logan up.
He pushed himself up a bit from Virgil, looking around almost in confusion. Virgil guessed he hadn't planned on falling asleep. He sent Logan a smile, then getting up and hurrying to the door to retrieve the pizza. At least Virgil really hoped it was their pizza that had been delivered, because he was definitely hungry.
Virgil opened the door, being met with the lovely sight of some bored-looking guy standing there with a box that smelled of pizza. Virgil happily tipped the delivery guy, who even cracked a smile at the sight of the money, and then closed the door while balancing the pizza box in his hand, he could feel the heat from it, so it had definitely not gone cold yet.
Logan was definitely looking more awake once he was back in the living room, and he gave the pizza a not so uninterested glance once Virgil set it down on the coffee table and opened the box.
"Can we eat straight out of the box or should I go get plates?" Virgil wondered, still standing up.
"No, we don't need plates." Logan said, and Virgil nodded, going out to the kitchen anyway to get a pitcher of water. It's pizza, they're bound to get thirsty. Then after placing the pitcher on the table too he hurriedly goes to the bathroom just to have that done, plus his bladder was being a whiny bitch.
But soon enough he was sat next to Logan again, part of his attention on the tv where Ross was yelling about him and Rachel being on a break, and the rest he had fixed on the slice of pizza he could finally eat. Logan was taking very small bites of his own slice, visibly wincing or closing his eyes every time he swallowed. Virgil was incredibly glad his own throat was currently having no.problems at all, because he really wanted to devour his food.
"Too bad my hunger and the deliciousness of this pizza won over my sore throat, because eating really hurts." Logan complained quietly, then taking another bite of the pizza slice. Virgil hummed, then laughing a little at the screen, glancing at Logan and seeing how he smiled tiredly.
Virgil was very happy to note that Logan did finish that slice of pizza, then ate half of another one, but after that he didn't want anything more and instead went to microwave the drink that Virgil had made him earlier, it of course having gone cold while he'd been sleeping. It only took a moment and then he was back with Virgil again.
Virgil wasn't going to argue with Logan about not eating more, he was just happy that Logan had eaten anything. Plus he was happy that Logan had already finished half of the drink, saying that it did make his throat feel better, at least while drinking it. It was good that Logan was drinking and eating, he really needed all the energy he could get to fight the cold and get better as soon as possible.
And Virgil really was enjoying their time together right now, maybe even more than he would have on some restaurant, because he was always more comfortable and himself when it was just the two of them.
"You know, despite how much I love our dates I have to say I absolutely love just hanging out with you like this. Of course preferably neither of us is sick." Virgil said.
"Oh, yes. I do love just spending some casual, quality time with you. Feels a bit..." Logan trailed off, apparently unsure what word was fitting.
"Domestic?" Virgil suggested, because that was how it made him feel. And he liked it, he liked the thought of them being domestic together.
"Exactly." Logan said, smiling softly at him. It made Virgil feel a flutter in his chest, because Logan's smile seemed to always do that to him, despite them having dated for over half a year.
Logan yawned, groaning in pain and then curling into a small ball next to Virgil again. He put his arms around Logan again.
"I love you." Virgil said, feeling the nervousness in his gut at the words despite this being nowhere near the first time he's said them to Logan.
"I love you too, Virgil." Logan said gently, and then they resumed watching the show, Virgil noticing how Logan almost nodded off now and then, clearly fighting to stay awake.
"It's fine if you fall asleep, Lo. I'm sure you need it." He murmured, and Logan grunted, but still let his head rest against Virgil's shoulder. Within a minute he was asleep again, and Virgil carefully reached for the remote, lowering the sound on the tv.
He spent another hour and a half like that, until the season of Friends ended. Virgil was far too lazy to get up and change the dvd, and he was quite tired himself now. It ended with him having to wake Logan up (even though he didn't want to, but he didn't have a choice since he was too weak to carry Logan) and the two of them went to bed, Virgil carrying Logan's duvet, blanket, and pillow with them.
They curled up together in bed, Logan drifting off in mere seconds again. (Virgil wasn't actually sure he'd completely woken up while walking from the couch to his bedroom).
Virgil fell asleep soon after, with his arm around Logan and their hands loosely clasped together, wishing Logan would be feeling better in the morning.
Written: 2nd & 3rd August 2019
Published: 27th September 2019
Words: 3127
Today I'm gonna fail a test for the second time because I forgot to study again.
Anyway, how are all you lovely people doing today?
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