[137] - Banished To The Couch
Human au
Yeah ik it's late oops
Summary: they had a fight and logan sleeps on the couch
Warnings: mentions of fight, some not so bad insults (like jerkface?), hurt feelings, regret, feeling unwanted, like one tear, mentioned sleeping problems
Logan turned where he was lying on the couch, attempting to find a comfortable way to lie. It was slightly difficult to find a comfortable position that stayed comfortable for a longer time. He'd been lying on his side for half an hour and his shoulder was beginning to ache.
Was this what happened when someone grew up? When he was younger Logan never had any trouble sleeping on the couch. Couch naps used to be treasured. Nowadays it only made him awaken with stiff limbs and an aching neck.
Right now Logan would be much happier in bed with his husband. Or just if his husband actually talked to him. They'd had a fight earlier, so tonight Logan was banished to spend the night on the couch.
Which, to be fair, he kind of deserved it.
He had worked late every evening for an entire week. Not because he had to, but simply because his work had been really interesting, and even though Virgil usually supported him in his work he had been a bit upset over barely seeing him, something that had became clear to Logan once he got home today.
Virgil had already been sat by the table with their dinner finished once Logan got home. Arms crossed over his chest and staring straight forward as Logan had sat down opposite to him.
He'd tried apologizing for being home later than he'd said he would and somehow they'd ended up in an angry... discussion about Logan's priorities. It hadn't ended very well.
Logan didn't want to upset Virgil further, and he wanted to let Virgil have some time alone if he needed it. Those were the two reasons why Logan hadn't told Virgil to grow up and then slept in their bed anyway when Virgil had hissed at him to sleep on the couch as Logan had tried to defend his absence from their home this past week.
He'd told Logan, 'if staying away from me is so much more fun then spend the night on the couch' and then he'd stormed off in the middle of dinner and slammed the door to their bedroom. And then the door had opened and he'd thrown out Logan's covers and his pillows, then slammed the door a second time.
And, well, Logan had calmed down and had had to face the fact that he'd been a jerk. He'd been cleaning up after their dinner, saving the leftovers (which was quite a lot since Virgil hadn't finished his plate, and Logan hadn't been very hungry any more), and doing the dishes, only really being accompanied by the very persistent realization that making it seem like he enjoyed being away from Virgil more than he liked being around him wasn't a very good way to go.
The tricky things about fights were to try and figure out at what time to try and apologize. If he would do so too soon then Virgil wouldn't be ready to forgive yet (and Logan would be called such horrifying insults such as 'clueless moron' and 'jerkface') and if he waited too long then Virgil would go past the forgiving phase and get angry again because it would seem as Logan didn't care enough to apologize. And Virgil wouldn't be telling him once he was ready for them to make up.
Yes, tricky indeed. Not to mention unsettling as they close to never had fights and Logan was far too unprepared on how to deal with these things.
And now Logan had been tossing and turning for hours, not only the couch being uncomfortable, but his conscience too. Logan didn't want Virgil to be upset. Or hurt. Or feel unwanted.
He groaned and shifted again, trying out for how long he could stay comfortable when lying on his back. Logan just wished he'd fall asleep soon and then when he woke up tomorrow Virgil would let him apologize and tell him that of course his work was not more important than Virgil.
Then he heard shuffling in the doorway, turning his head that way and seeing Virgil standing there wrapped in one of his favorite blankets. At first they started at each other, and then he stomped into the room, towards Logan without looking at him. Not until he was standing right by the couch. Logan raised his brows as Virgil glared at him angry as he climbed on top of him, clumsily lying down.
"Shut up, jerkface." Virgil muttered and Logan coughed a bit, just have got an elbow into his ribcage as Virgil wasn't being too careful as he was trying to find a comfortable way to lie.
"Sorry." He said, voice very low and he was actually here with Logan, and he hadn't elbowed him on purpose. There was hope.
"What brings you to the land of the banished?" Logan asked carefully and ignored that Virgil told him to be quiet, allowing one of his hands to slowly run through Virgil's hair.
"I don't want to talk to you. That is not why I came here." Virgil said, practically killing his hopes, but not fully. He kept his fingers tangled in Virgil's hair, hoping that maybe Virgil would allow him to speak his mind.
"Verge, I'm so sorry. Love, please let me explain myself." He began, but not getting much further before Virgil interrupted him.
"I just... I'm upset with you, stop trying to make up, stop speaking so softly to me, and let me be pissed!" He said and Logan almost rolled his eyes. Almost. Instead he momentarily squeezed his eyes shut and he bit his lip to keep a sigh away.
"Virgil, sweetie, you are the one that came here for cuddles." Logan said, and Virgil pushed himself up a bit to stare at him.
"It's not my fault I can't fucking sleep without you." Virgil gave Logan a murdering glance, as if it was all his fault. Logan thought that even if he was to blame for this whole fight, the sleeping thing was actually not caused my him.
He was definitely aware Virgil sucked at falling asleep, he usually lay there restless for a while just like Logan was tonight, though he hadn't realized that Virgil needed him to sleep properly. Virgil always was too proud to say such things. To be fair, Logan was too.
Logan made a mental note to make sure to give his boss a good enough reason to skip out on that week long work trip next month.
Logan didn't think Virgil would allow him to actually kiss him, so instead he brushed his lips against his cheek. Virgil's murderous glare did not fade and he pressed his face back into the crook of Logan's neck, but he didn't say anything.
Logan pressed another small kiss to Virgil's shoulder, which was what was the easiest place to kiss him right now as he was hiding his whole face. "I love you."
"I love you too, you insufferable asshole." Virgil grumbled, emphasizing the insult surely to assure Logan he wasn't forgiven yet. But if Virgil still admitted that he loved Logan then this fight wasn't unsolvable.
He wrapped his arms around Virgil and they lay there in silence for maybe a minute as Logan tried to find something to say that would actually convince Virgil that he wanted to genuinely apologize.
He removed his arms from around Virgil, hands grasping his shoulders and urging him up into a sitting position so they could speak face to face. He supposed he was lucky that Virgil waited for him to speak, even if his glares were cold as ice.
"Virgil, I'm really sorry. I never intended to make you feel that I did not want to spend time with you. Or make you feel unwanted." Logan said softly, hands trailing from his shoulders down his arms. Virgil pulled away from his touch.
"How the hell do you think I should feel, then? When my husband practically says his work is more interesting than I am? And I've had a really shitty past few days, work has been awful, and I barely have time to talk to you or even see you." He rambled, voice wavering and he crossed his arms tightly over his chest, staring up at the ceiling.
Logan tried swallowing down a painful lump in his throat. He'd really been a, to quote Virgil, 'clueless moron' lately.
"I... I'm sorry. Virgil, I never wanted this to happen." He began, a bit unsure how he was supposed to apologize and have Virgil really understand that he was sincere and that Virgil meant the world to him.
"Tough shit." He said with a thick voice, breathing through his mouth and Logan was not blind to the tears almost overflowing in his eyes. Logan hated the thought of being the cause of his husbands tears.
"You are the most important to me. Much more important than my work or anything else. I am really sorry that I've acted like that isn't the truth lately. I wasn't thinking. This might make me sound stupid, but I did not actually... well, I had no idea I was hurting you. It didn't hit me that my fixation to my work this past week was causing you to feel this way." Logan said, cursing himself for being so emotionally blind.
Of course his husband, who had always been anxious about Logan leaving him or not loving him anymore, would react this way if Logan acted like this. Nicely done worsening your husbands anxiety, Logan.
"Idiot." Virgil said, blinking away a tear and Logan watched it roll down his cheek. Logan sat up too, one hand coming to cup Virgil's cheek, his thumb brushing the tear away. Virgil, pressing his lips into a thin line and sniffling, refused to look at him.
"I love you so much, and I'm sorry for being such a dumbass." Logan said and Virgil glared at him again.
"Don't call my husband a dumbass, only I am allowed to do that. Dumbass." Virgil muttered, but he didn't sound as upset anymore, which Logan hoped was a good sign. He'd do anything to make up for the hurt he had caused.
"Love, I'll do anything to make this up to you." Logan murmured, watching Virgil closely as he sat there almost a bit helplessly, looking at Logan.
"Let's just... sleep? And then we can talk more tomorrow. Okay? The fight made me really anxious and now it died down and I'm exhausted." He said, yawning into his hand. After years of being together Logan did know how exhausting Virgil's anxiety were to him, and he hated to be the cause of it.
Logan pressed a kiss to Virgil's jaw, lying back down and pulling Virgil with him. "Okay. We'll sleep now. I promise to be home early on Monday, and this whole weekend I'll spend with you without as much as turning my work laptop on. And please, if this ever happens again, tell me before anything like ...this happens."
"Good. That's good. And I will try and talk about it next time. Thank you." Virgil mumbled.
"Anything for you, Virgil." Logan said, hoping Virgil knew that he really would do anything for him. He wished there was something he could do to assure Virgil of how much he loved him, but he supposed he had the weekend to prove that for him.
"My neck is going to hurt tomorrow." Logan complained and Virgil scoffed.
"If your neck is hurting it's from sitting hunched over your computer at work for a week. Don't try scoring any pity points from me." He said, poking Logan's cheek.
"Not even a few?" Logan asked and Virgil rolled his eyes.
"Good night, Logan." He said, pulling the blanket tighter around himself.
"Night, Virgil. Sleep well." Logan responded, not really being able to move much since Virgil was using him as a mattress, pretty much. Not that he had a choice, there wasn't much room sleeping on the couch.
He wrapped his arms around Virgil again, kissing his cheek. His husband seemed to already be drifting off to sleep (telltale sign that he really was exhausted, when he fell asleep so quick) and Logan realized he was quite tired too, almost fighting to keep his eyes open.
The couch wasn't as uncomfortable anymore.
Written: 29th & 30th July 2019
Published: 17th September 2019
Words: 2166
I got a haircut (like one-two weeks ago) and I've dyed it dark pink!! Though in pictures it looks red/purple, idk what's up with phone cameras
Anyway I tried taking a pic
Yeah the color isn't really shown well but whatever and yeah that is the best picture I managed to take :/
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